WEDNE$fAIY, FB.124, m7 Dit. J. <C. ITCIIEL. àf EV,13XIR 0F COLLEGN OF' PIIYSCIÂN 6VI.ardi Surgeons, Ontario, coroner, GtC. Omfie and fesiden.3e, Enniakillon. 74. &RHISTE11, SOLICITOR ,&o. iMOrR~IS 1>l'OCK, upetairs, King '3îrcet. BvW'Iifn- el. soliciter for thse Ontari Bank l'ovate' menevm 1oane3d at thle ioýwVýitS IlOIT. YOUNG. V. S. (FFICE IN< THE WEST DURHAMV N<J ~e Biock. wbere huneelf or assîisant wîlI be found from 8a.m. tui)9p.rn. Niürht calls at rea8ldence.dlrEeily opposite Drlli Shed. Call by telegrapli or teleplionO avili receiYe prompt atention 17i'yr IR. PEÂTIE, Tailor Gentlemen's Clothes Made to Orderi 331 .M, MACOMI B DENTISTe OFFICE :-Rear of Messrsi Hiîgginbotham & Son's Drug, Store, (down stairs), BOWMANVILL!E THE HOME. ODDS AND ENI)S. Save pieces of old Led spreads far wash clef bs and ieweis. The Lest parts of nid fable clotbs vhen neuf ly liemmed muke irice common nupkins. Wheu cutting up worn-out garnients save ftle buttonihoies in ene long strip; then in making underwear, in Place nf spending bal an heur makiung new but- tenheles, just sew the strip nf nidonues on, and preste; they are doue. The ribbed part of wrsted secks makes excellent puise w armets. Yeu May crochet an edging around them if yen like. Use the legs nf nid cotten sfockings fer the sleeves nf chldren's shirts and petticeuts. If suves Luyîng new mater- il, heside the xxrk ef making steeves. Stocking legs are nice te slip ever your dresas seeves, while deing any dit- fy work. Wlieu naking freusers for litile beys te wear under kilts, use nid punis 1lth for legs and seat; f len'make flie top part nf driliing. Tbey are-net se Lun- glesome as when ah iade of punts clotli. If yeur underwear is iu two pieces and yen ike combinatien suit s lutter, cnt the vesis nff ai the wiaist line,pui a baud arond, and buifon the drawers to if. Use the inwer part nf vesis te make iitfie s-hirts for Luby, or the legs of littie drawers. When the legs ef fiaunel drawers and sîeves nI fianaud shirts slirink, take nid worsfed sncks or steckiugs, cnt off the leet, turn tbe legs upsîde dewn, and sew ou the flannel suits; the nib- bed part of seeka f it snugly around the of mach of the indiige-stion and boy el trouble which is seofoten fatal. Af ter the f irst year h iîs saf e to enlarge bis diet gradually, giving the cbild an oc- casiouai solt-botled egg, meut broth. the juice of rtewed, fruit or finely masbed potalto. Do not burden th li tile one with more elothing than ta necessary for comfort. 'eave hum to amuse himsel the greater part of the time that lie is awake. He will eujoy iying in his crib and playing wiih bis toes mach better than te be Jheld on your lap ail tbe time, and you wifl have an opporiunity to rest. SUGGESTIONS TO HOUSEKEEPERS. A mirror should neyer stand or be hung wben the sun's rays fail on if, The ligbt and lieat produce a chemical disint egratien noflihe quicksilver attfle back, wliicb injures the reflective pow- er, and makes the glass seema dim and dul Many cooks believe flicwhbite meut, madle, rom southern corn, la superior to the yellow, made lromn that grown ai flie nortb. Neveriheless a johnny cake doesn't seem te advertise itseif as sucli unless it is a golden yellow. The yellnw meut is very sweet and nice. Ileans soaked fwenty-four bours in tepid water, and iben cooked a shiort time only, merely long enougli to make them tender and welt done; and Leans, put on te cook with littie or no soaking and boiled a long unme, are quite two separate and distinct dishes. And il you don't elieve if you may diemon- strate it by experîment. Tbose souk- ed flie tongesi will Le by far the most appetizing. In cookinig the breakfast table ce- rals, ftle object is te give theina 1~AP 1the known present conditions in a lim- TU 1)(1 ited area with wbat they wouild Le  FAIESEXPERtIEINGEit y.,ere these enricbing metbods applied te that area with sirnilar success. M1R. KePlIERSO)N PROVES THATi The ('nunty of Halton is one whose FARMINtx WILL PAY. land is of average fertility, and one which i.s a good den1 below the average - of size. Its principal crops in 1895 were Average ltestalfsQnluh~ Y ~ E fall wheat, oats, hay, peas, corn, pota- forts figetÎ oir co - opeî'stlVe tees and barley. The total area of ass- Effort-îâtpw it" Womild AI tailite essed land is 224,833 acres, of whicb 4ouny-5tr~clo., estut JIndeatrd. 168,432. are cleared. How eai he rdinry frm ie mde Of these 111,392 were under crops of Howcantheordnar fain e mdevarions kinds and produced in that to ray ? This is« the pertinent question year an aggregate yield worth at mar- to which Mr. ID. M. McPherson, im. ket prices $1,250,298, or an average of P.P. for Gylengarry, essays a reply in $11 .22 an acre. 0f the dairying in- a leterpubishd intheFarier' A dustry in the county there are no ade- a ltte putised n te Frmes' d-quate resuits attainable, but the fact vocate, 1 that or'yIly $3000 orth of cheese was -I shahl strive," says Mr. -MýcPber- repor1tedashvn been made there, son -o iv yo afe dtais f heand as n etrswere made by the son t gie ou few etîlsofMefour creumerjes that were in the resuits of work done on my furm 5t'v- county, the probability is that the re- en y ears ago, and iast year, and how venue from the 33,921 acres of pasture it is done. The nature and kind of soit lands dîd flot exceed on tbe average the returns from the area under crop. As is, liglir and sandy on the south end 1 the cost of seediu g, working, barvest- tending to loam, sand and dlay towards iiug, feeding unproýductive stock, and the north; had been cropped witb grain, transportation of product would Le hay and pasture from 50 ito 60 y ears2' It mc rae rprilaeyta woud, eve yearsago patur t-ent where the average yield was $40 an woud, eve yers gopasuretvetyace, the net return for a farm 'of 125 head of milk cows, grow 800 to 1,000 acres iu this county was more pro- bushels of grain and about 4P tii 50 î4ubly below than above the $6010 mark. The total assessrnents of the townships tons of hay; the crop value produced forrel andprea rpryi 74 w euld bu about 81,000, and the Cash 0050, say, $50 an acre of land uiow under eaies anuually .vould Le about $50W to crop or pusture. It would, therefore, ý600. This w.ould Le froca 125 acres of mean semetbing to the 13,000 inhabit- i ants of these townsbips, and probably cleared arable land. Tihe crop producta 1 to thb' 7,000 in the towns, if tbe an- and value in 1896 were as follow s:- nuat net cash return could Le brought Milk cows pastured; 75; milk produced. "P to $30 an acre, or 60 per cent.' per froca May lst to October 3lst, 236,9921 annum on the present lai values. pouna; erkprouced(20pi U e Assuminig, then, that eitber by tbe ,jýund; prkprouce (00 igsle intervention of Governmentorb vol- and ated o sx are> 4,0 untary co-operation in carrying out pounds; veal calves sold 60; cured hay the, suggested plan nof scientific super- gard totehîe naion's -wellare. -If sucb il (or.1 eel wn t.Uogl te would prove satisfactory in a small sec- formality of asktng yeu in order te, tien, and sufficient te warrant its ex- avoid flie possibility of a suit for Lreacbi tension, then a new and larger scbeme of promise. couid lie devised, more perfect in ev- ery way, as exp erience w ould cause the- correct ing of errer and the upbuilding NOTIIING FILSE TO DO. of sound priacipies of finance and bus- inmess execution. Tbe experiment the How did they happen te acquit the Canadian larmer ivants to-day te Le president and cenvict the janifor iu ibat solved is hew can be Le put in a posi- Lank rebbery case? tien te make his latin puy, and increase Simple enougb. The presideni's a in value frem year te year." klepiomaniac. Tbe janifer's a thief. APPLIFU TO A COUNTY. ____ Loeked upon oniy as an illustration of tbe possibility of individual sue- cess in farmiïng Mr. McPberson's let- ter would possess elements of interest te nrany wbose struggies have been unrîTmuneraftve, Lut -huente this is added the suggestion tbaftbe aggre- gaie weaith of the Provincemiglit Le developed and ircreased by similaur Purest and Best for Table ani Dairy mjan one, m T'is 1romrpeil tu comîpare No adultet'atioii. Never cakes. ENCLISH BREAKFAST COCQA Possesses the following Distinctive Merits DELICACY 0F FLAVOR. SUPERIORITV IN QUALITY. Gratelul and Comýforting- to the Nervous or Dyspeptic. N UTRITIVEQUALITI ES UN RIVA, LED In Quarter-Pound Tins Only, Pfte11f&1 DY JAMES IPP8 & Co., tlà, FqAVE YOU TASTîED It is the Most Delicious of aI! Teas SOLD ONLY IN LEAD PAGKETS BY Sold by CAWKER & TAIT. 41-1y. A LARGE LIST 0F VALUIABLI. PRIZES OFFERED FOR CORRECT"