Own IS NC)T, as most soaps, ma-de from " soap fat," thc r efuse of the kitcl-- en or the abattoir. VE&ETABLE OILS- Supply the necessaryin- gredients - one of the reasons why it should be used in nurseries andi for delicate skinis. The Albert Toilet Soap Co., MfIrs. Montreai. il I THOIAMAS PEATE, Dyer and Clothescleaner liaýs remo-ved lis works to the welI known Eastern leuse. PRErS --or cleaning, dying and b earrtifully pressing an Overecoat 75 cents; Complete Suit $1.50. These prices are net more than one haif what you would have to pay any other Dye *Works, and the work will be as geed as can be done any- where. 36-4mn. iloyal Maîtaithp.LiverpoI, Cai- Ine at lWOVIlle. Portland. Halifax. Nuceidian ..... De. 17.. .......... De. 19 Latnrentlan.........l31 ............_Jan. 2 Ilonglian....Jan. 14........J. 16 Nu iian ....Jan.28........... Jan.30 r.ATEi ý PASSAGE. s~xrt cabin Derry and Liverpool, e,52.50 and W;reture $100 and $10. Second ,'abin t'vepool, Ilerry, and London, $84 and e36,25. Steeraige Liverpool, Derry,Belfast,Glasgow and London, $24.50, ever9 thing found. M. A. JAMES, Alian Line Agent. Bowmanvllle Cheapestand Best Reading, -~inCanada lTE SUN i-- the Canada Farfinete Sýun re.-oruanized. it iii, srrîCtly depeiýdef{. en heyIsander" is na regular contributor t, ts colunn t s mnarket reports are aclçnou'llcdd, ed to be the f uliest and Most acculrabt pu' Eshýed in Canada. It gires the 'best fariner.,' Page -theDrni.ol It containos o- short story freni Lon don Truth., weeCly. It gîves an- aver'age of 40 c&lnns 0 lbrigint reading in, each issuXe TIli pzkpIes ýiIl ho .sentt to nt, 'lrît)to te, el-d of' 'Di Inn 7Ocelits. 'hree cpies win le ho ent te ai ý thce addressanS (outside this cty), foi the samie per1icd for a dollar. 111i ho un and Geki o(10 eoînbned vili ho senit totlie en of1897 for Ono DoILLr Address aLI ýrd.ers te mESUN PlîlÎINÜU COI4PANY', LUI. AgnsWanted. Write for ternis. alik herhow te secure a golS xvateli o! pa lo ock. -ithout the cost of do Ir. E) St ýýcîmcn cop'nes free on applicattorl THE CZA-IVS GOLID PLATE. IFor the banquet that took place in- muedsatel1y after the corouation of the Czar nu Iess than 320,000 pouandis weight 'fi rkne, ï£iell 2rsSjgaTce ann ver putte was used M0,000 pounds of t.hîs beng comxposed of the prerious metals. lin'B moit falnous serVices Of plate are Unh Orloff a1nd tJne London service, the la't includig, amtong othexr t'hings, ,,i.e fI our equestrian statues o>n the, Aniff Bridge in St. Petersburg, four eppreseltimg hîantinýg scene:s, and onL. Gearge, and, the dragon. A ,r i , Lor0a ocitY aysthat ghe tCs rYstals there are sorne wncflvases, wcth bunches ef g-rapes ino t relief. The Orlof f service cou- ,3its of sixteen vases, ricbjly decorat-ed, -,I ninety-six large silver,,centreýpieces fthetable, of exquisite workrnian- sh.A third :service, known as the, pisia.u goljden service, bought ln 1867, cetLsts 0f tureeris, disahes and centre- piles !iPiles 1Itchiiîîg Piles. llî'ros{s-MoiSture intense c:n ail îging,; mnost atuniqht; werse by seachig. If allen ed' to continue t7moprS feî'm, -whlich of tel bieed and qlý_rate,beelinfg very sere. SViiAYNu,'S OITE4 ton- thic itching and bleed- I, heaIs ulceration, andi in mosti es remnoves the tumers. At drug-- _yt, obv mail, fer 50 cents Dr. ~a ne & Sou. Philadeiphia. Lyman,1 Sciey, Wholesale -Agehiý,, Montre'l t le a golden brown, thien aSd a quart TIH E H M E of stock or water thickened wxvth two ____________________ ~ tablespoonfuls cf fleur. Let it sim- mier gently, stirring constantly. Add THUE SUMMER SEWING. twe carrots, a turnip and an enion eut Te somte Lt may seem almost toc early 11P 8sItitti. 1$mmer for an hour. Just te mention the suînmer sewing, but for before serving seascn nith pepper, saIt and a teaspoonful'cf vinegar. Boit ei tha wuciafn th much cf it te Se, ncw 15 haricot benne, place them round thedinh th8 tinte to commence. There are eev- pour the eteiv into the. centre and ere leral good reasons for begining thuIs A Macaroni Soup-This is an ex early tnd procineat amcng theca 1.s pensive and nourLbhitg coup andonu tin1e. There is elways se mu.oh other be preparedat short notice. Bell xvrk en the farci inter lu the seasc so7ute macaroni for twenty minutes la] that the eening mnay have telbe neglect- slightly salted -water, then strain it and ed. Thon t1wre ta usually a sale during add it -te tbree pinte of stock nicely flav- this meýnth cf linens and mnuelins, anS oreS with vegetabis. Season xith anATnnv ,A - ý mi,. eodse- pepper and: saIt and serve. HanS a çmwlren Gry for SEA TE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE * ~-~ 0et.05 L~~ ~ "~"' '~I itIe grateti Parnuessan oheese with thi, sections and aise strike snne hergains. op The x eatbar, too, being cold, roakes it' pienslant for wrt. 0f course there are Pitelets-Wa.rm a quart et relIt and net as yet any cf the new andi preîîy Gdissolvealu il eue cunc an Sabl t d drese patterne lu for next cummer, but a nnyat 'tt apui tsi n euch sewn g xuy elf tili lter It a sufficieut quantity ef fleur te mate lepicial msin ftewar. t e light batter, So-ýt this to rise lu a prncnpllycit onusln uderent. arre place foi, a quarter ot an heur, kitoen desss, He fanne ani caiceandti ten ndd-at eicuplui-af meiteti but- shirts for hie boys' everyday ireer, anS ter. Place soine, iron rings on a hot lite garnents n-hlch May be matie o.pinte, -peur the mixture mbt thent anS bate lightly on bth sides. Wben re- It ta necessary before oee Ses any quired toast on 'both sites, butter and buylug te tak anu inventory. se te serve very hot. apeat. cf whet one bas lu the way of Ban'burTy ,Categ-Stone andi chop a su.cmer ecthing, andt ten make a list largocuptul, cf flue raisins; chop aise cf wbat ancereeds. Il le thea very easy eneugh cf equal parts et lemon, ctron te find eut ho'w meocf everytbing andi canitieS, orange peel to make hait oe must have. If Une family le a big a emall tencupf ni. ASdt te juice and qnue it le by fer the oheapeet to buy grate.S peel cf a large lemon, one egg ia beit cf m.nlin. If a gooti quality le beaten very ltigîLt, anti a sun-nil cupfui et procured ti t ay Se for beth under- granulated sugar. Mlix these ingredi- irear anS bedding. Ail the lace. eci- ente togýether verytboroughly; make a Ibroidery, thread, nceetles, buttons, etc., f n-O'i Lhla ight and tlaky omest anS rol whi may be neeted shouddt be hought it out as thmn as possibie on a iighlty- fleure S board,. ant score in diamende et te sainie time, anti witi geod pat-t fleureS boarS, anS score lu iemenS terns ot ail gainants te be made ene chape or squàres; spreadti hes scith wili net be unnecessarily interruptet id iSc ith"he mneanS cover wltb an-, aflr oce omertiugopeatens ifa ther square in the manner cf a sand- aftýronc cnnincng peatins Ifa wich, Make thue ve. ant haire a scanstrees is iired te o e c ort bave ligig-brown, powde7rÏug nitlitsugar be- evrythfing ready and cerfortable for fore serving. If desireti the cruet nay bar, se tihat she wviiinet have texaste bc eut into n-ua shape cf a circle, a spoo- fui of the mixture placeS lu the renter, lier tinte ln Sing such things irbichi anti then toiSeS eiver, cretuilly pincbing coulti have been doue for ber. thn, edges together. Betore comminucimg te sew eit ail it ie the very bet plan te out eut al the germaents tiret, pinniag thse pieces FOR AND ABOUT -WOMVIEN. whL-ch belong together luto little hua- The neir Bisbep 'of Lendo's wiîe le dies. By Sing tie one unay sit Sown lu many1 respects a more famous per- te the rmacthine anti run up seem atter sonage lu' Engl isit lilcrary upper cir- sean ivtheut interruption. Atter al aies than bier istinzuisheti husband. thie germante arc cnt anti toiSeS one lierhistories cf France artS England rtay clema ay ail pieces anS sit la a 'have giren ber higb standing as an nent, clean rouai. One may cave lime author.1 by sewing al Vhe seanms whitch cen be The Senate cf Alabama bas passeS a rua upon the meachine tiret, anS then bill, allewing wemen, cingle or marrieS, baste, hem or shixrr eterwarti, leaving te preolice le-tv mitn preperiy quali- fieS, lu every court of the State. Tbis ail the baud norktlii lest. Then a ns the first Sent herm State te recognize germent may Le picteti up et an otiS memen lamyerc as regular members et moment andthîe tinihing touches put the Profession. on. It may sceca nnnecessary te Men- A representative of the Alabama tien that e good iiglin- iren îvorting State Legiclature net leng ago trameti tsaebsoliulely eseential. The machine a bill te mate il uniairful for Alabama sbouid he moveti ucar an intiow fer the, momen te -car ivideti ckirts. shirt- meists. bloomer bicycle cuits, or eny liane being, et leat. other germent resembling men'c at- The veman mite bas ai ot ber ewn tire. The billlias been Sefeateti. mort te do anS a nuncber cf citLiren Wben Princese Mary wenl on a pil- le sev fer cannet bc expeeteti te mate grimage te Canterbury, lu 1317, she tancy garments fer there, trimmed e- borately witli lace anS embroidery. The consoleS barseltfer any triais cie may fussertliey are the more irri i is have endureS on the road mitb several te n adi and tion. Ne one onres te maire punude cf cugar tablets anS rose sugar xrr, yet a niarroir edging et iace. pt foney. Other anient sw~eelmeats on smoothly, cannot mate suchi a -if- vere preserveti ginger anti citron ference lu the ironing, but it Soes in the ceudy. appearance. If untlencted utusilu le The British Metilcal Journal is ln- useS for everytiay mear sereethlug nicer veigbing againet the use et so-calieS sieulti he matie up for hest. If al the rcpwe o h ae ntegon garmente canuot be trimmed bave onemcf ilsier for he faece, ou the ground or tira pretty sets. Strîong lace and On,- S of n-be ica petvders are aileged broLdpry le very chuap, anS very cf ten toe b olne opsdo ie u the gcrls enjoy croohieling their o, te o e nlonghier compeset icend but lac, hich le exceptionally Surahle itatn ayngpootos maSe cf crochet cotteni. lh-c nermexv te nvryn rpotos nevelity braids mate suci a neat finish The tiret medding annivercery is the for seacis, vhen stillseti on smoothly cotten eue; the second is paper; thirS. For men'c anti beys' nightsbirts it le leather; feurth, boo-, f ith wootien; very pretly. Mlien uîeti for these lh i xli garnet; ninlb, topeaz; tentb, tin; breiti hec blur, or reti featfiertitcbing Imeitt, it. diaeuSfine ineni; tifteenlh, or figures in it, but fer wivomen's elon-- rystai; tweutieth, china; lwenty-tif lb, mng nething but the pure nwite shouit lIedtl'r -1, pn hit-ifb 15ehre -iriehruy;seti.h gld Thne nieet ay ef mnirinng petticoats en;appdire ertieby rbfif lnetb. gelS-. for wcomen is tegere there sherpily andie;at eetytf1,SeeS mxew inde ruffle aroundth-ie bottr. Il is bard te mate ever the careles There iii then be ne bulding tulluese vvemeu-om the cerelese man ciLler. about lte iLps. This ruffle sheuiti reach fer that matter. A St. Aibau'e girl te the mec. If Une lrinuuing le put ont lest ýhem potetheet: anS edverticed a lte ruffleil le net soe pI le catch ce the renverd for i. The pockttoot xves re- beels or onthie shoe buttons anS be torn. turneS lethiceoffice et the St. Alban's Thbe stirt for litlUe tots are simply- Messenger. The yonng moman cilleS straight %iitthi becimned at tino holttom paiS for the adverlicement. anti rewarti, anti gathereti inco a banS et the top- anti xalteti calimly onit-leeving lte They are se short tint utties.are net poctbeet anti ber mutt, -npessary -te -pret-o-- île-triiure-ng- The,-- underwenste for littie foîtks cost from 25 Miss Wiiter, --the-Englnsbgov-e r ne se. ne 50 cents epiece, anti nay be mande for wheb as heen for many years la charge rnch less. Thiere le a very ieavy whbite cf Wilhebmna, the young Qucen ot rilllug, mhiclh le splendid for that pur- HiolauS, bas nom returnedt e ber home pose anS coste but 20 or 25 cents a yard. in England, pencioneti for lifete bthe One yard xviiimate tire or more maiets. lune ef *2,500 per nnautu.hem salary They are out xithont leeves anS very haviug been $4,000 a yeam.' Moreover loinn te neot, buttoning la the beet. she bas heen loaSeS with presents by A twe-incit banS efthlie materil sheuid helh Queens, irbo raliy have much be tiýtoheti arouind Vie masttiloe se ns fer xrlicb te be gratetul le bier, the te mare Lt double there. Tben itire education et a youthtul covereigot bc- rowe et tint boue buttons are saeet on iug et ahi times a most itticuit anti re- thba elothesnay bu huttaneti on wvnth sponsible piece cf wxrm. ne f car et there being tee munI strect TeSase h teîeblaea or weight as tiere vould be mith but Th asotetetrhtresa en-e button. tale that le told, ant inl its place are The dresses worn about the titchen bits of lace anS hon-c ef rihboa anti anS vhi e t nortbmuet be plinluandt tiuy flutte et feethers lIaI are celleS, yet neat, Tic olS "Mther HiubbarSd- ypre ores,"pr ont. styl-, le abominable for many reasons. bThue. moaurbo m "oetrahebngepic- Oneleib tat ne iomnnlotks melluit, Thre wmnwow stebgpc anS another le thal it le niest uniandy buc at, sti11 dear te ber heart, re- te ment lu, hing tee Lufh. A close fit- Pnoves il as ceeu as she tates ber seat ling xvnisn- buttoumag la front, milli a !11the Iheatre-,. anti thereby nstenlly stirl net toc long, gethereti te il, is inducos au unmontcti feeling et greti- best. If te s1eeve.s are short se muni In tde anti piety lin lie breast ofthîe tbahe etter. Tbere may be a fri11 et man or meman île May chaîce, te sit whrite around thea ucet,xvih limak Ijust beet 'f etbr. the gowu quite pretry. Clcepcal An Engiiel journal telle an nmusing the bIne anS ihiLte, euS the, olt-tashien- anecdote eonoerniung ae main-hy Irisa cd seersucter. are the lest materinis lady mitose summen bouse is situateti for sucireer titoben dresses. The near a garrisen tlewn lu Irelanit. A stîrte cf od cotton dresses et uhicrh teir tiys ago slie sent an invitation te tIe miels are moru eut mate von-y good 1 Captein A- n-e late tee mt ber. sny- titchen aprens, anti are econemicai.' tee. iug tîntl the pleasume et Captait A-'s Il tates but e short lime te run up tihoc empeny le respecttuiiy requested." heems anti se-tv them tb bauds, irben le 1 etc. Te ber astouisbment, sic recenv- there are aprous wbich pey weil for the I cd by au erderiy the foiloxin,( note:- trouble. IEnlisteti men John anti Smith have- bi nStal te dei guarci Sun-, butf. ic MIND AND BODY. In enany forme cf ilinescf lasting, -but net neoessarlly severe charaoter, the cont inueS lonv condition of tnie sys- teca tends to bring on an uneasy, watch- fui, "nervous" state ef reinS. This mental condition often outiasts the physical weakness, artS is hiable te become chrertic. The sufferer's facily, anS even the physician, are sometimes at theix wits' enu te effeot a cure; for until the patient le rousedte theUi ne- cessity cf forcintg bis body into activ- ity, anS of forgetting himeelf, the task is almost bopelese. Hei m uet be urgeS to give up keep- ing a xvatch' of hie heart-beats anS a tally cf bis pains. Ile must be shown, gently but firmly, that bis recovery le dependent upon the exercise cf bis oivn Strength6fcharacter anti power cf xiii, which muet direct bis thougbts nway f rombis physical condition. Frjghit, aloe may go fer te retard or prevent reccvery. The terrer occci- sioneti by the bite cf a serpent or ef a dog is semetimnes se marked as greet- ]y te incrense the vital depression caus- eS by the absorption cf the poisonou.s contents cf the ivounti. On the othem band, caimnees anS bopefuinees reuder one les hable te suffer lu the face ef serions conditions. A philegmatlc patient was recently treateti for an tallinluwhieh both legs baS been broken ut the thighis. The paitenc urne caire, Seing wbe.t lhe iva telS, but ne more. lie regardeS hie accident pbilosophically. Contrai y tu thes rule in such serious injuries, ne "Vintore e shock were present, ne risc Y.1o îemmperature tock place et eny time, anti the reoovery iras rapid and unevettul. Even lu acuite ilinese net especially invelving the nerveus systent, a quiet mnd. deterreined te get well if pos- sible, anS Sing everything to attein that end, s one cf the attending phy- siian's beet allies, While well a man should rare for bas henltb ne't uervously and hurried- ly, but wvith the caireses with xxhicb he proseoutes bis daily business, observ- iug the laws ot bealth as hie knows theru, avoidiug excesses, anS taking- the precautions vhich experience and exarne W bve shown hlm to be neces- sary. Ilere erte's thonght cf self should stop. Minute exareinations cf one's physical etate should be conscientiously avoided. VISITS TO lTE SICK. If you arNe to seeslbe invaliS, some one wili open the door, wbeu you sbculd ,,vlk in quietly anS in a gentl e tone ex- changethe complimente et the day, anti express a hope that your visit will not be irearieeme anS that ail le gcing ireil. Hlaving done se, if there is any natter of cnutual luterest, it le net amies to speait cf it. If you bctb belong te soein Society and there hec been euy special action or marked succese inu ny brancb ot ite work, it reny f urnisb malterial for pleasaut tboughts alter yeur deperture. Do net reunt over ten minutes unles epeollly nekedt t do seo, andS even thet urne le tee long if there are any symp- tomns cf nerveunees or weariness. Above al. do net talk et dieagreeeble tbings or relate aoy of the mistortunes or mnshape that bave bellen ny mepm- ber of the cemreunity. A siot-reeca is cloudy etciough witheut hriuginlg in sbadews frein the outside. Studiously avoid reoommending mnedicines, unlese there je a most excellent reason for doiuig se. If a physician le employed, it te a disconrtesy te hlm 'te urge ether rereedies upon the patient. ,Tlese are a f ew cf the rules te be ob- serveS lun viiting the siot. Il aiglit be saiS, in the words cf an ereinent pby- solan orh6e lat generation; '-AmenS- these by stayingaivay altogether," for, as a rule. vsiting lu the sick-roore le productive only cf evil. By ail meane mate celle et inquiry but never thint il incumbent upoa yen t e cutertain Sick people urtiese tbey are ,well advanced lu convalescence and your presence is earnestly desired. UAKING COLD. Any oee wbo is net in rebust heaith casily fails a prey te ilînees, Says r. Phieltehue. 0f ail causes et "colS,'" pro- bahly'fatigue is orte cf the moet cein- mon. A jadeS rean ooming home et night If rom a long day's work, a grow- Énng youlh lcing lire heure sleep over evening parties tire or tbree limes a veek, a yeung lady heavily '"doing the ceaonr," or young children overfed and'witb short allexvauces of eleep, are cereron instances cf the viotim etf colS. Luxnýtry ih faverable te chîll-teking.1 Very bot roems, feaiber- beds, anS softt chairs create e sensitivenees that leads te, catarrh. Probably inauy chilis are contracteS 4 ight or at the tag end et the day. irbe-n tireS people get the equilibrieu cf their circulation dis- curbed by cither overheated Sitting- Meoins, or underhieated bedroom anuS Furrier. What are you weaî "n-kng On yoir feet svv ' -ter? e There in style in foot-wear as there 1 is i ls. Fa' vear tii e Crauby 'Rubbers and Overshoos are nud.ilcd to 'fit al thciio li able slhapes of boots, They are thin se as to prcvc'nî CIiusy appear~ac..and Sfl ng ad to imake therri so flccssitateýý the use oc f ie oct quality of~ <'rubber. While Granby Rubbcrs and Ovcrtshocs arc up tcp date in SStyle, Fit and Finish, they retain their old enduring q:îality. MU SIC FOR 11HE BLIND. NOT IN Il. AUSTR ALIA Il 45 MOST CIIURCRIES. Dr. Campblli, n-ho is at the hbocf Tht Naugbty Bey. Say, Boys, lel's go Asmhabsmr lcse osi lhe NenmooS Normal College for île six immtn. nnprnerîn 10moeplatiso trhian Blid i Engand sas tat muic ,!Tht Gooti Boys. Our reetinrprvp'tiont oiiainta n Bilfar la Enlandimeyetant reuie o l,-us. n other country, byLo ta dnd e etiotan tb ing ate île Naughty Boy. Oh, bang i1h Why ota teution. As an evidence cf' tu, cf tle a]nt ycr onpbans lite I amI olaililu orhui $115,.000 earned hy hie graduate puiPli5Petiestnianu(calmünl)-I bave heent hast year $110,000 iras earned hy teaeb- The A Xn-cîîshop et Ontario bas salleS cut shopping ail day irît my mitel nng music. for Egypt via Naples. Dy Jinks 1 Home, tatke tuis quarter. Pftcherls Castora. HEALTH. _________ ___ 2 1 1illir ýý l NI , . !'1111,1j", lil, ll lll l' " I' 'I' cl Ecý----3 Proiotes Digestio,Chelerful- OpiuriLMorphinie nor Mleral. 8O H NOTN.xUCOTIC.i j o OdWRAPPR RarLlWk-OF EVERY Tasic j , V Sinenatur o id Iimtat CenvulIlsnd ons ,Feverish-rypur Tnc SimBoe Signayur Sot FXAO>T C0PYOV WRAPPER. 5' g.4 la on ce, - /4> c - wsper. New-Store and New êGoods, aa Everything suitable for Eall rand Winter wear. The largest and best assorted stock of geeods ever shown inilampton. Good all wool Tweed and Serge Suits te order for $8.00 and upwards. Beautiful Ulster Overcoat for $5.00 and upwards. Ail bought for cash and will ble sold. at close prices. Our Grocery Department is'jwell assorted with ehoice new goods which wiIl be seld at bottom prices. Farn preduce taken in exehange for geeds and highest price paid., asoin ofA, 6=97. My stock of PURS includes thle latest styles of Coats, Capes, Collars, Ruifs, Muifs, Mitts,,Tam O'Shanters, &c., made up in Fine and Medium grades of S. S. Seal, Persian and Grey Lamb,_ Sable, MUnký,- A.strachan.,- a nd- Opossum. You wiIl find a more complete assortmenl here, than in any other store in the County.' Nearly 40 years experience enables me to select with certainty the best values in ail uine's of furs. You can rely on having any style of Fur Garment remodelled to, suit you. I arn paying special attention to the making up of, Ruifs,' Gauntiets and Tam O'Shanters, on short notice,- Don* t delay too long, but bring in -your repairing 110w and be prepared for cold weathe-.' For men and youths, I have'a complete and well selected liue of Furnishing Goods, Hats, Etc. BO0WMAY VILLE.