Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Feb 1897, p. 6

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Ifc T edae nrleealthtrbesl. ' eCtTE KablS aeo h ytm uha leins, aS. DosnsDers f gear -e andvaluale ll ontptonulngl te a lo orret a diordtesyo!temsoch a cumuli. th lîvrain essulatess e bw Kbaea eentsey onlu cured wbo suier fre n l sting c mplatnth but fortune tely thIrgodea dien.oaen er,, latdthoe who ncegutry the w fn XhesIf tiley ple vauabei omn aeta thywllfo ol l wto thoe blutfirual sic he dn deoed <Geba, n f hse m yh e hthe wl wer these ire plo ur aboeia a O pil cureil iie ote o ntudihoften ]Bu .t.11 a'ascklie"aLxs rLSaevrysnl fa doe. baez) y e r t vt egeleIno r wet ipe or ur get bysthOur peileacrein eauail whe, use them. In vialseat25 cents; liefor $1. Sold everywhere, or sent by nau" CÂZTU M~fItfICGO9., Zew TeI. ONTARIO BANK 0Otinues tu do a General Banking Business Bowmanville Agency. IJEPOSITS UeeeleI Savingti Bank Dopartinent and on Ilan dinterest allowed atourrent rates. No noticeof mhdrawal necessary. Ail deposits payable on deniand 1 1 EXCH NGE Bloughtand èold and Draftasseued upon Europe United States and Canada, also Gchi, Slverand VintedSta.es Green backsbougzht and sold, COLLECTIONS Primptiy u de ai current rates upon all pat of Great Brittain. the United States and the Domiolon ooflanada. Telegraph Transt'ers Made for largo or smali sums on ail part oÊ Canada. This la especially advantageous tu =esnliving in Maniloba or the Necthwest, itaes the funds available ati onceab the place of payment. Other particulars eall at the bank. K.L. FORTT, GEO. 1tIcGILL, Accountant. Manager, ORTWýENTY-&EVEN YIARS. THCOK5%BSTFiE'ND LAGE MTEAE IN CANADA. ... E ONLY SCII±NTiII ,'TISEPTIC PRLPAR TIRN TjjU 111,11R. ITALLAYS TfI NT NSE 1lic NG Or, T1W SC-ALPCURE±S DAN DËFFYI1 PRLVE:NTS [ LLING OUT or~ THEMMlAR, RtSTOP[ES CRAY OR PADEO'IiAtR AM~D PLIOMOTES 4NEW GROIÇTIIO01-fAl R ON BAL D I-IrADS fD1 1l$, PIIJRIVINT AND STIM- ýh~ fAIRrFOLI .CLE5. I ITCIIELL'S ORIOVNAL 1 Il RUMATIC PLASTERS lior the (cure cf Ile n iism and Gent. M'111u vou have a bad speli c (Sýent or liheuteafti se, Juett aCHieI a Mjjtcchei's ~}g the poeý fFa Rhcufiat~ [as trfr fae, ngrc il ente of whiel are eompesede aemediinal gos8-,011ly founa lu~ ~~ Mi cicetht ur Rethe toehoetfie magie vvand. -Other miak6rs copy Miteheli's se siza and shape, but !u the t1lere çf c iehal's eeîeponndl,wii"'i iee to tisait, vyen ight as weli use eoa~i tiîcky Cy papýer cid expert ifte -Ic- uel 5t factured hyfth- NOVELr uTre ci mc, Lowel Ifs~ç7. E. Mitoisell, Feuinder end Pieneer etfiPasiterne Pe. od lr lail > ers in medieilues, or naaied troustcsok on rece1pf ef 25 cents.. .. .. .. .. . The Canadîan Statesman ViE DNES»YArXFER.10. 1897. NOT'ES AND COM3IENTS. From wu--atvcr s-lacspoint i is re- gardeti thc nageciation o! a geucrai treaty o! arbitracion befwaan tic Uni- ted States 'anti Great Brifain is thc most important incident c! ibis ganara- tion, il nef o!ofie century.ý Simply as an illustration ofetti igcnuiiy o! dip- lornatic rasource, if is of the profoun- deet interest.i Objectionsvrus-hdiecem- cd insuperaile, advaun'ed by men e! the hgiesi learing, axpenhence anti pa- triotism, ware oyarcoeaoua hy eue, anti a scieme perleceati iilgives promhse o! succaseful opration. As mcrking a narus- railu fiarelations oet uuso great kindreti peepies, an ara of paace antians- irry, anti in ita affect upon thihr dccti ies, ift lu impossible te magui!y ifs impent- anceý Tic mare deferminaion o! tic fwo peopies te maintain peaca, by put- îiug ihe'ir internaihonal relations ou a hasis oftcommcu ceuse, reason anti jus- tice,,is ot incalculable value, nef alona te finir materhal iniaresta, but f0 bu- maucfy, cis-lizathon anti Cinistianicy. ILt will reicase te fia arts o! peace vast fonces xx iicli otlirwise must ha belt inl raserva by tic posibilif las o! war, anti relias-c fie mincis of tic nations of tic suspicion, jealeusy anti dreat ihl are almosf as liarmful cesxxaritisai!. Tic treact y ha e hast fixe yeaars, ai ibis expiration o!fsyici perioti if may hae tarminateti by a txvlvemonihs' no- tice by itiar pariy, lu fia impro- bability cf any dispute arising ru--iait cannof bc saffleti by fiaenmachincmy if pros-ides, tic treaiy stands as a seliti guarantea of tic azuicahie relations of the irwe nations for tic, naxi six years, Tint wit hef bf b gs,liric minti adjustedti t arbitrafien, tia-re xviii ha any f hougif o! tenminatiug if, xve do nef blihe, Tic appreval e!fie-principal, andthfi protounti satisfactien exprasseti ou bof i sidesataitfe nagefiafion o!fiahetreaty, indicafa, ratier, a disposition te re- gard i as permanent international ha, andto te sek enly to avoiti occasion for appeal to if. Tint defects may bie founti in the practical oeaafion of tic scitesl probiable, To insiet upon making a miscarniage o! justice imipos- sible ruxoulti lia t insist upon divine wis- dom. Juif nexv t ha enly necesaary f0 ask wictlien snden tic macliinery hre- videti, ifiar nation conîti suffen any ti- jury f0 itonor or matenial inceresi at ail comparabl'e ti at xvhr5i w oulti bc infhicteti by xsar. Iinprfectiens in tic aciama, discloieti by expenienca, eau lie remedis'd by icrfiar agreement. Viii tae pnîncîple et arhîtrafien recognîzeti, andtheb authority cf tic tribunal estali- lizitot, an immense stap fexxard mini- mizing the pesaiblities eofixan, ant inl allaying suspicion sud liafreti, iii bave beau takan.r If le fia chia! valuae! ofcie freafyr chat ifs sery existec-e tante te Cc- cuscoinsthc pabtli iic ndto te Ilicts o! peaoe. Witi rasent te a tribunal miatie r cblgatony before wr seccars ha enteran Iupen, flanc xxiii e gis-an fo-r that solier second fiongit xx hidi se -:argaeiy ta- tucaflic chances o!fisar. Moia tien xxiii take fie place of angry im- puise, anti cein discussioýn tiat cf 'bit- fer invective. Tic ,nations stlhi ha conlineti in tic habit of pcace, antio£, pestpouing raent te ferce unti1 ail pac, if ic emedirs haîebeau axiauicd F£Ù rnthficpositofs leix, flic couse- Iquences of 1the faiture o! tic negotia- tien w ouid, bave beau iighly injurions te tic general interesis of peace. Tiat fhlee intereEf s xi li e enormousiy ad, vancati ly ticestawmpie of tîvo ntenscly practial anti sehf-xiled nations soemn- RF dccreeing tiaf, haîneen thernacivas the sxs-end a-il ha- beatan imcc a pru- ing ieek, tiare tsecvcny reason te boe. If txovc ncbnations eau dciiberatclyi agrea te- abandon fthe oit savage xays of adjnsfing questions of conilicting' inlerest, an am.iitioît, ticew ssdem anti sanity ! tof ,-qîn ntiair estampieeaou itardly fait te ispt limss-evs lpon oflier Ppeeias. il'oàe lafrats, che am- bichon of dynuases, and tfi e scifisincs ant prejudices of etatesnwin antipd i ftcias, nMay PcstPone fha applicationuoo! any gaminai ;sciae-for yaare ýBut wiith fe pregicîs alreaty sisade, tic cime ue x uuatl uin ian-1- flic G* 'V Tie ouiy feod* Tie Englisi neixipapere buse o! laie 01 the that v ili bniid beaun giviug a geoti tial cf spaca te a 0> a y~ s-a discussion ofet f cent te whihpe a fiiaton , rdn- mature hurils possibly may occur, anti ti-uton ga b cf the mtictis of avariing them. Ai- a' but stîrcly is 4' faction lias Lican direcleti ta tice uh- chance - -iclauor !lxeliiasiusri e*Ojeot by fie publication cf a bock. oe * 55i ed alîive, xx ile flue tea id a 7n e-hgasË:.y experiance o! tic kinti in liii * r QO f fanily. Tice examples of premafore ý> infercnenf collecteti y hytc rillera bave <> a simple,, scientif'c and hi'gîix ,, producedtheli deeper impressicn, liecause nutritive preparalion for iauls, e particuJIar pales biava, beau fakan te *delicate childrcu and jus aiids. e1' ut bantlcaintueurs, anti liccause they 4P KEfîRY 5WATSON & CO,5,'e,îs 5ara distinguisieti carefully Irons fie ~~ pienesna et distunhance, semeftimes ________________________ bserveti on epeuing a ce!!fin, xx ,hidi înapx ANýOTHER TROUBLE. bave hbeen duetate agenarafion ef Rea rus-a syra marricti yen useti togaies, r brmng me candy avary eveing; non' yen neyer do. 0f course, noue ofe! icnany sansileh useti ta disida your caudy xiii me; i pensonsnilasads'usthayup U0o, yen gis-e ifte fite chlutren. ou tie matt f a asumas fiat pramafure errteci.f adminisIr aveu justice, but pen-erful among fbem liable te flic bribery ha s in blushiug as aven, anti syritieute. Tic syfuniti bas greatly im- fia man wiýo pays tic mosi money wl155 preveti turinig tic century. Tiare bas bis caca. T>-e ortian te promulgatati beau a manketi improvemant lu morale, Irons tic capital fiat fie casas o! ail espaciaily in fie morale of thtieawbo pnisonans are teo receiva immetihafe ai- exercice power oe-r flicnaît. Tic feutton, Èfi at all wio are in prison xxonîti grcwsu baffer in avery way as -witbont juif, cause ana to e haraicasedth-fi people in if grew mere tiecent. Anti aiý once; anti ail ursflliu5ijittgai are nn macer ix lie wanf a if tu top xviere tireataeid iti, punisimant wio aI- if is now, improvemauf xiii stili go on. buria1 is a fraquent occurrence; on tlie loxv an innocent man te remain lu pri- contrary, it is admitte.d smiversally t<q son more f han fruve yeks, anti yet tic lie rare, Yet aven if tiare werc (itly' the prisons are f ull of men rusho have! ona case in tan thousanti internents, neyer lacd a liearing, andti tire are ticeue case svph6ud 'lie attfcdad xxiii multitudes cf innocent Armenians un- circuanutances of îorrcr, tic, mare dan sentence upon tic ridiculous charge tieugt <of whicli appaUis the imagina- of bur-ning their onu bouses, anti incit- tIen, anti suggests the misgiving titat ing the Turks anti Keords to parpetrafe eur saml-civilized foeattlars may bave tic massacre of uficir exxi-n people lasi' beau xiser titan we, iu reepect of theirf, yaar. No pressura is to ba useti in tic preirongeti anti assituous xatcbing cf tic collections of taxes; but tic violence, deati, To titis day the Parsees, as xxe axtorfion anti brutaîiîy practi.sed dur-: kuoxx, exposa the corpae ef thair friande tic past mentir hy the fax gatharers o'n tha so-aiadTowanrs of Silence, bava beau scarcely lascavera f han riera tieflash hb pickau from. tic boues tie pillage of lait 3'ear. In multitudes' by vultures; andi istances bave beau of cases tic, ccantty preparafion -,xbich' varifiati of bodiies thus exposati hein,& tie poor hati matie fer tic wiuter lias r*stoeet t animation by the onsIatuglif beau cwallowc u by tic freasury. cf tie birds. One, o! tic objecte of the siluii mode o! cremiatien practiseti by Oua, cfitic chie! articles cf raform is Romans cf tic certain rank lu pre- tice appintmcnf o! enly goeti men for Christian f imlas %vas te afforti a chance office. A really upigit manl stýan,.ds oi rescup lu the (,vcnt of ,uspended ani- litte chance for an officiai poitio. mnation ; a cacexhicb xveultihava -hile flie wcrst menare promatedthte beau destroyetiby preinatura lufarment, men whe xiii crusi the Armenians flic most successfully. Thse colonel wie su- A&t tic, preecut day lu civilizeti ceun- perintenetiaheli pillage anti massacre ai trias, if is, or shoulti ha, customa rarptot lasJÉ year n-as ceeu madeaa to wait caverai tinys a! ter tic fact cf brigadier; andtihte acting governer of dea h lias beau certîfieti by the mcdiisal Egin anti lis district, who iith; ireea aitendant hera the body le commit- cibar officiais pianneti anti cuperintenti- ted to fie grave, anti aven hefOe rr- cd thc massacre ai that place in .Sep- course je matie toe icfneazing anti ar- temiser le,lias hecome a reni gov-- balmcing precess. eut eau tic certifi- aerici an adjeining district, andtisi cate o! a syl-qualifiati physician, as te i, a promotion,The Egin people are fie f aci e! death always lha accepteil among flic aliteetfilicir nation, anti as a1solutely frustwontby? That is ena flic pages e! bis tory caunuefshowv a o! tlic points upon syhicli the discussion more unpreroketi anti fieudisb massacre in tic London joumnais lias turnet pnin- than this, anti yet lu tic midtiof ali cipaily. Tiare seena to ha grava doubt ibis lmiter about relorm the chia! wietier any of fia usual tacts conu ha irtigator oeLif is promotati tea aven leeketi upon as antirciy unarring. For more rasponisibie position. instance, eau a pereon hac proneunceti deati because lie lias ceascat to breatie? I sntncsay omlil x On tiecocntrary tiare are hundreds o!f ti e eesry emiii xM- necordeti casai wiarc ne cigu o! breati pies. No greater farce wxas aven enaci- couiti ha dafectati, yet tic patienta have cd than fiat w bici is nis- 'bfeing play- lix'ed. la flic complote stoppage cf tic cd in tic presance cf, Europe Itemthe ieart's action a dacisive critanion? purpose cf sti.ving off intervention. Tic Tiare are casas wharc flic liarte eof simple truf b is tic Turks do net xxisi men suppoceti to ha deati bava given ne reforra, anti they ara utteriy nnaiuîete indication of mox amant to tic traineti carry out any isnîable measures lok- car or touci or esen to tic- stetiocpe, îng iu fiai direction shbouldti fii desire anti yat it bas beau proeati ventually snddanly seize tbem. iMeanbila, the fi'at lufe waî net axtinci. le tic stata poer Armanians ara snfcring from fear,, o! tic blod a faultieis index? Net so. frem poverty anti bunger, anti oppres- Yen May open a vain, anti findthefi sica, -isýitiont a single tangible sign ibai bloti engalei, ntiyeiyoumaydi- tiare istatole any incproveni. The blon cogeald, nd et yu my di wolepopulatib o l i la oei covar by anti by fiai you hava beau xvaebutlc xx oitinh at ew m- operafing upon a living subjecet. Neiti- grate, but uige hisichi ni fsv secks an raduction ofthtic body's tacnperafura nvlge non licatifanng c ti frme auEvan noix', passp cris'are ebtaincdti vi infallible verific.stion. Gairanisi may dficuliy, anti jusi nov f bey are de- fail te produce a muscular reactien, anti clincti alfoga tien again. The conditions a brigit steel hiade, pungedti mi e c erauow arc infelerabla te Armenians tissue , iwicn xitbdrawn, shoxx ne nie base any soif-respect,' anti it is aigus cf oxidafion. anti yet de.ati mn net snrprisang fiaitiey are w-cling te nefhav beu pesasiNec fi ay sscrifice propeniy, andti teincur thse puirafactipa anti decomposifion an ah- hartisip o! erigration ant ifehinlua solutely unemistakable prcef f thal, ness country su ürer t o escape fromn fer if iiveli known iliat portions coflice clutches oettti. Turkesalie are dar- the buman framea may mertify l inte mind te reduce thinm te iiein; former living. Whbat, tien is flic scieutifio dc- condition cf 'arfdom. 'Tha depentation finition o! deat b?If ha fia destrun- let a svicie rae is imrpossible, anti fie tion of tic, hcdy.int is te say, deaili bope is nef ahasidonedti faitich Eur- le a condition in wlici animation iepean pon crs may yet suterpese in sncb nef pratn; ivilci dcci nof admit Of a wsva as te e'cure genuine oreferm unti- ceanimai ion; syhici is feiiess d lv fie er their oxn supervision, te suci a tic- dissolution oiflice tissues. grec, af least, ai shahl make lite lu Ibis t country tolerable. The aufliors cf fie book svhici sta- cd tic discussion centendti fai, infra' quent as are tic, caser- cf pramatura sn- -Meausabila,, tic Chri-lIan %voriti fermient, fiesearancenougli cf the- te sienîtiunderstaintithat 'fia present ccali for terne kiascgea in tfi a mxv e-ineetis et fieArmen'ans are desperate. gadiug dent h cerftification andtihtic r Mnltituie et thcm arc alitolnteiy de- treaiment o!fhbodies before burial. Ticy pendent opeon charitv, andti tey will ativocie fie cstablishment cf lpublic lnef survive tue xx inter unuies fthey aea mentuarica, whcrc bodies coulti ha kepit ed and ti iatetily ciside bleexlence. wifiout inconvcuience er injus'y te Lai us kecp thema ise stili anti sec icaif i tihi flic proofs et tiatis iceonse n baller natîrigliter future may net indispufable. Vie balieve tiat au ex-;, dan n upea tiae sean. Tliy are a peý-rimen-t o! ticihe, ti lias bhea ried in 'n,-ortiy people.t Europe, but that, out f onami bn dards cf bodies cemmititid, ce iomr- tuary hall, netoea came to life, ThcelDissatisfactien -xiii lucempletaes ativocafas etfflic institution noulti ne- is ai once a uaecessity anti a mode o! ç.iy fiat fie proportion et praminr progressi Those xx ho do net consider f infarments je nef eue lu hundredsbut tuis are accustomtidte ausvendemande eue~~~~~~ lum' inats utcahb- for' impres-emeuf xiii sncb strikîng caf- sauce o! sncb precautionary establisi- alognes e!oxx bat lias beau alneatiy donc mana shici onii oiy iecontnut-as Mn. John E. McMasiers makas lu cd anti maintaincd ti iconidarabie ceci, fthe curreuf number et eue e! fie mag-C if m-igit lic expedicnt te revive fie azines. Mr. MeMasiers dees nef scemC elti custome!ofxatcling flic deai in- to ;bave any sucli purpose las viexv, but cessantly bera buriai, anti c! nef bury- ail hisatys imigit hlie iliD.gl3ý ceneti- r iug uni il signa o!fdecomposition hlie d, nitb fict ssetio faiflic cen- appearatilnef speradhcally, but oser a f ury bas doua moe r iohfia improe- large pant o!fiahesurface cf flicbody. ment of flic isrîdtihan ilu ha possible telfal lu auy magazine cri any nana- toaper. Mr. Samuel Smilcs lias matie A 'Tieacaoluy 'tcie sultan cf the istriking, axhibif et sema creceni lhabits eclierna o! reforme xxhidi was preeseti 1 cf cra atu ntuCn mt.ecc 1 yiti upon hlm boy loepean powers becamne rr erves as a haikgrouid te brnig ie flic signai for 'tie series of massacras i atili srne'relieýf il fiat so snt "lYes, and yen xvill think se, teo, 1 met Mr. Pearson on the streat, andtie týcid me lie iad beau appeintedti t lead tue Christian Endeaver meeting this eveniug, but conîti net because cf liav- ing beau calledti oef teivn. Ha asked me te see Alice Bprtram and ask lier to take bis place. Anti I thonglit cia ouglit te bave a littla notice, yen ],;ew-,, -Certainly, your excuse is ample." "1 thougit it wonid simply ha tteall bier andi burry on, but I tontiber net at aIl wel], se we spent a fesv moments trying te decide wbom next te call n. But 1 am afraiti xv are geiug te bave te faîl back on Mr. Mcmrii." -I L-new lha doasn't ]!Le tbat, îvben ha lias othar services thus weak." "Yes, anti 1 am sorry, but 1 fear tbat our faw raliabîns are fer varions rea- sens net te be bati."ý "Wby don't yon de it yonrseif, Hel- "If O-xvty, I couldu't, M-àiss Page." -Wby notR" "Becanse 1 bave neyer dona it." "But thara bas to bce a beginning te everytlîing. You eîn't begin aarlier." "Bat, yen sc, I am net that sort." "W bat 'sort' de yen meaul" "Wby, the sort ef girl that doesthat sort o! thing," xvent ou H-elen, with a baif-laugli. -Alice is. She leads En- deaver meetings anti neyer neglects prayer meetings, anti shanavar thare la any tbing raally gedti teliedue she is aiways thaeuoe te de t." j"But, my dear chulti," saiti Miss Page as sho preeseti an armi teuderly nrnnnd the yeung girl, "svby sheuldu t yen do these things as xvell as Alice?" "Wby, I'm tryiug to expilain te you Miss Page. I tien't do tbemn anti Ali2e. dees. Tliey are expeccet cf lber." "Stil1, dear, T canuot sac xvby tbey shenîti ha expecteti more cf bar than cf you."1 "Sha is so-weli, 5 ensecratei. Jnst s0 witb Mr. Pearson. People look te hîl in just flie saine way. No oee sveuld tbink of expecting cf Neti Hastings, fer' instance, wbhat tbay do ef hlm. Ibere's just flic samne differeuce betx eu Aic e anti me.", "Vieil, I must keep on svlth my qtcos- tiouing. Nesv, Helen, w hy shoulti Alice Bertram anti Mr. Pearson ha more ucon- se"crateti than are yen or Not IHastirgs, or a score of others cf w hem 'ýsncb things' are net, as yen trnthfnlly say, axpecteti. WVi there any more, oblig- ation upon tliem. te ha earuest in the Master's werk than ethers?" Helen seherly mat lber teaclier's cyts "Miss Page, 1 deu't kno-%." "fi thara any reasoýn?" . "1I ouiy knew that people look te thora, becanse tbay are raady te do thiniga, anti seemn to think its more their xx'rk than that cf ethers. "Yes, anti forIgat te qnestion wby the Lord sbould raquire se mach more f roma these ceusecratati cnes than freim others; anti forget-ab, suy dear, tlie ricli re-%var.i xxhieRs balcuga xx-tlithe full consecratien. Wb1 do yen place sncb limitations on yonrseif? Why reob i'eurself o!flice ricli hlessing which folîews perfect service?" Witb a soer face Helen arose te leave ber toacber. "Miss Page, yen bave asketi me more questions than I coulti ansuter lu a day, or a monthl, or a ye-ar." Anti as 'she walkad alenie, the-, stili presseti en lier. Vibvi Vhy? Why? Can _semae thers anasver? ON-E KIND OF GIRL. Tfhera are girls anti girls, but to my zuiinti the "beome girl" is far the hast- the pîeasant, smiling, elti-fashioneti girl. O1f course, by oid-fashioneti 1 de net mean in dress, for a girl can ha neat and sty lish, aven if sha dcci net de- vote ber whvleamind anti sonl te faîli- ion. Sho is the girl of wbom, the ire- thers anti sisters are pronti. She is just as sîveat anti lovabla inluier cxxn soe as ini the bernes of baer friands Sbe isftha girl who h ni ashameti to lielp lier meilier lu the Jdztalien, evan if the parlnr is pleasanter anti playiug the piano far msue enjeyable. 1Her cheerfuR, belpf ni w ys may ha lier eue talent. She dccc net iinry if, but small anti insignifiostut as if may sarni cemparedtie10brilliaut accempliti- mnts, ifte luintruti such talents xxhicli maie lite for others worth living. It may take longer for outsiders to dis- sover this quiet 'talent, but the girl ,vie pessesses il kuon s thatflber met b- asy to Tako 'asy to Operate Are features peculiar te H00d's Pille. SmaRl ta sica, tasteiess, efficient, thorougb A-is oeemaD sait: "Yuncvrkoov ye Scott's Emulsion of Cod- liver Oil with Hypophos- phites brings back the ruddy glow of life to pale cheeks, the lips become red, the ears lose their transparency, the step is quick and elastic, wo is no longer a burden, l.(ï cise is flot followed by ex- haustion; and kt does this be- c ause it furnishes the body YOUNG FOLKS. POLLY'SNE, W DýRESS. Dollys la going te bave a new tiras; Tan yards o! siik i will faite-more or tees. Cnt eut ticpfhre bn ecie anti thrc.a r, rn ne AUl mus et icdoue ara ticy put us te bcd. Naîlthfli Industrieus cuis up fie stuf!, Findiug ais! sic lias liardly enougb; Nally ilecannesi ai xvork and ti tPlay, Noîv for flic dress, "ccxv anti ccxv" s flie 1vay.ý Sf itelifollos sstif c ifulicthelahor le donc, Riblions anti buttons are ou-avery one, Vias aven a dolly more sxvaafly arrayeti Thauti inlutic ncw drese fiat Neliy ici matie? WHY ? "Please excuse my tardineas tfis attemneon," saiti Helen Vielle, approaci- log ber feaier aft ancbol. "I1 suppose yen have a gooti excusa," saiti Miss I ager, smiling et tice onng girl. needed food and diseased action to With a better cir- culation and iînproved nua- trition, the rest follow. ,For sale at 5o cents and $i.oe by all druggisti. SCOTT & BOWiNL, Belleville, Ont L 'lUtIn ail Cîseasesof tIc i3loed ---Umm with a changes healthy. ýýl kJ atism and ali Pain. J.einale Itegulafor, jàned Altter. tîiboxcc, esc.; nulI sanîple box, icý I'o8tpaid. i.lcîe diieCe.1îkvl nt ne y n n Kindcf e id ill- ar ati athr apreiat it au au rt ber~ ~ ~ ~~ of ne i1y hirunpfihle e Evarywhere about her home . evi- br3ligbtaningt ) ., ha ir $1,a851as rx-'ofe ar adfte prcaei, abotrasfrergntlremenr thatforhe bny tconvesefintlvent v erfher; southereehome s e dntreffortwhat er bther Ishesd tihtelie wul it har remuallnat home eran brohr s fnrsheretlemei nt trens usinhe laes fwith iu ier o ltat ters a nersceme tellie su wtouber buthat she bs t ma ee mtersdins a tera. ruc enolie weaý mute w llwaes for atbirne la r te iis eand lie hery , butt gix' qestntirelyplace te onlin ierc antl ugysistr eecom again. i smoot ssee tha ift forseadt e gitrls iatis avteagene reut 0ffasb ion bust ma te talson cemeor vn Tiesa aeearhome irls enytheis hreels tbeand es, heryut1an tbir emhy nroiery as tmucli anitenac but aseee th reaietsotlicf tgirseuie tiae n wiut cercanl mnbtythe reward cf tbe gotisu fthfu wllsern t nvralfvr Thsirnpiy apphome girlsna's Cuti-, ees iteranicierteqiredusicIrens tter, ema itch, ail euptielas acii the btc bauds, othe e.lieavioth ùsik clerit ead hoaltheIl sgrat' heulisgTaudcuti epewers are pesssese- Sipstpl fe wves Ocntnest, Lrn," Soien antineie oesai etsCures teae, eba itcra gortio îap? he ae- bnodnkie; x tc, la illy the si clel, ywhsit icedeam w a Is gatx hn, and uen tivehear ras arepshes- eb nupltb' lape' luxkur ai ise orSwstenAersOýtisen t Ln ten JandarCols, h198. CAents, s'Mot- Pba s ecr eam wîtalaspe se Excellent readice-r eaemembeta lcf The Wemst e Atergti oin :,e-,,eîit te agents.mreters, et.rais'ecs ADxEvT1SER PRINrîINcCo., LondounOont,

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