Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Feb 1897, p. 7

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TH1E fff1Tflf li irim fLas im n lu is banda? O, ne ýT'hisc CUfLlLifIB OF~ JEJG jf lord of the corncrib is seate 'à t Lis Il ~WW~T W&own 'table, and lie looks over to the t] R ELIANCENO ADDMITTANCE TO GOD'S BOUNTY table of bis guests, and he sonds a s, portion to ecd of them, but souds a M' rAUNLESS CHRIST GO WITH YOU. larger portion to Benjamin, or, as the Ji -.ndSayiqs ompny Bible quaiintly pets it. "Benjamin'sIl Tie F'amne Thilt 1!as Sore i Ait the mess was ieLmss muhaan Of Omtarlo. Ltiands-Tlie Condiion lipo',id Tia of tieiS." Be quicle and send word n back With the swittest camel te il N1COOPOP-QATE0 U14'ffl 01-1gAPTER 1 e, R. S. ., 1887 lcenj.arndi Shioulil Go lato Ie"YPt Witb Canag~n to old Jacobi that "Benjamin m Ibis îîrettiren. is vieil, aIl ls Wel; lie is faring ffurnp-- BOWMANY)'LLF- LOCAL BOARD. Washington, Jan. 24-The cabicd re. tueuIsly; the Eg'yptian lord and net ports of famine in India antd the mcm-ý mean murder sind dotb; but he meaut t deliveranco and lsfe Whlio Le announe-t DIRC'~IO~*ory of the vast crops of riPening cd te us on that day, "Ye shall not M. . JXM~.T.ul..........RI.TDETgrain, w hicli Dr. Talmage saw during! sec my face unleSs Your bhrother bo a (Etitor and 1rpiee hAAI' SAIS is tour lat fal, have çmrbinç4 tu 1witb you."y . .H. JUIiY n1.y CE} ~ f ~ eW~ frienda, thlis world is fam.. r (Lrog gist.j Laîrl lu hùgf ac oe struck of lu.ý JIt doos net yield ay H.PDAVIDSON R ..........'LETAEX archal timo li alte orld sent single crop of solid satisfaction. It iS p { (Prllipal Pszt:blbc Sehool.) to Egypt to buy corn and to 'suggest dyiug. It Ls hunger hiton. The fact wj.MclÔ"\ANEeq~ .OCA AoNT&TRAS Gopelbacn. is extis eneisthat ilt dees not, can net feed a man's il MESsMc0GL~& JONES. SOLicirORsaGopljso.H txi elss he-art was woll illustratedl in the life t, (Eqaty ChamLaers, Toronto.) xliii, 3, " Ye shhall net see MY face, ex- of the Etighli cemedian. Ail the world GI JOH!N GAuD, Esq......... ........ VASL--"olt, Cept your brother he with 3 ou.' honored Ltm-did overything for him t, (Builder and Couitraetor.) Lai hivng d that the wenld couid do., Hie was ap- ti Beanmet f t icez'usdeatin Leu summor, haigcrossed 1tg plaudod in England and applaudoti in y a, e 4 ,Il of the Secre -tary, R. 1).Dtvc., teen ef the United State-orh the United Statos. He reusod up pta- I Esq , fronl whomn ali tfrezrimticie May Ibc ot tei soutil, east anti wst-I have te report tiens inte laughton. Ho has ne equal h cdone ofte the mightiest harvests, that .su ye, ltogh many peeple sup- tý -- --- hiscounry r ay oher ounry verposed hlm entirely happy, and thet p thiscoutryor ay ohercounry verthis -% erld was cernpletely satiating bisc ,- , reijp<l R~ut while this is se in ourselhoisdenad ne."Iev own country, on tie other side of the or ini my life put on a new bat tint Altetictier ar naionsfamne-it titi net raie anti ron lit. I nover Altatiether ar naionsfamne ent eut in a shehby coat beceuse il H ~ 'I stricken anti tlie mot dismal cry that was raining, andt thought ail whe bad ta oven heard wii, 1 four, he uttered- the choice would keop indoors that the h thecry or bead.sun did net horst fort tinl ils strength sý j . , - ticcryforbred.and hrinlg ont with it ail the butte- r 1. r pray Goti that tic contrast hetween fli, of fashieui whem I knew anti whe, Our presperity and their want may net know me. 1 nev or cou'entet te ac- he aa sharp as in the hlauts referred te cept a part 1 batet, eut et kiutiness r --- _ ---leytxt hrws ohn at anothor. that I ilt net get, hlssed s, ___ y ry txt. her wa noriugtO y the public andi cut by tee writer. n eat. plenty of cern lu Egypiz, but, 1 coulti nei. t.tk' a drive for a few moin-y giastly famine in Canaan. The cattie uets with 'ferry without Ling ever- ~1 L~)moauing i the stail, Meu, Ivoiren turned and having nmy elbew bene1 wlb um rekenr, though MY trient get off un- nd cbldren awfully whîte wihh -harmed. 1 cotilt not mae a cevenutù gcr. Net the failing cf one crepi for with Arneld, wbich 1 theught wes toe one sommner, but the, falinig et ail ma yit3 fortunîe witbeut making his MT M I',F- th, crps fr seen yars.A naioniusead, thatin au n incretiblo space cf I WE M K ~ ~ ~ Ibocrop fe savn yars.A n tie ime-I lbînk thirteen mentis Il earn- t Se e a îddyiiag for'lack' of thiit -whiclz te so ed forbhim ùwen thou',ant peunds t ppreciatod; the product ef harveat tbsi if 1 were te set up as beggar, C P ipe fied an grst Mll ad oen; he piceevery ene lu rny neigbhe-)rhnet weultif Cuiv rt ~ SIbi an grat iiiendove; te ptreleave off eajing breati." That wastho I Ahi Szes flrebin 4 P-11. te 24 la. Al»~ cf sweat and anxiety andi truggle- lament cf tic world's conetiien and 1 Coue'tees.bread l Jacob the father bas the lest joere. Ail unbappy. Thie worlti did f. VWRITE Àr-O; FRiOES. rprfrrtifluhmaihofdceveryting fer Lord Byron, tiat it t reprt romth flur inan li fidsceulti de, and y,t su bis la§t moment a TH fNTBU ~ IE PPE~3 that everything la out, and ho seys te lho askaa frienit te cornte and sLt down ý7'f-NTA1G 3 WER IF (P 1hs sns, "By okup the wagons by hîi andread, as meet apprepriato 60.1 ýIELAX DEr n . d starI for Egypt and got us cerne- eiaccteseye ieLlei PAOOR ATMr GO 'YROTQ lbtï teea."g Heait.' lerrigiano. the sculpter, t, thin te at."executed, aftrr mont is et care and Tie, fact was tiere wes a great cern- car',ing. "Madonna and the Ciid,"I thi crib lu Egypt. Thie pepee gpt royal Iarnlly carnL, in andi admrod it, ; <Unocks ~~ bave beeu largely taxcd lu ail liges, at Evorybody Ibt loethti wat aIl thCIc Jge tic, presenit time paying hetween 70 cectaay. But eone cly, aller ail tiat f ecnues f the owelsted aud ail thal admiration, bocause1 Kiics niLie, andi 80 lier cent. of thleir producîs 10 ha- did mot get as minci cempensation t V K:x.ys n d off grad, the Governiment. Neo wonder lu thet for, bis work as hoe bcd expectoti, Liel offetwa.ern h im hyle largelly cei'b anti it toek a niellet anti das[leet tic exquiite1 %vilho, waktim, tey ad lagecorer ctÂptre ie atorna. Th-c worî is la ytmal the inipuri. wvas full. Te that crib they came J'rouapo opnain po aifcin ies and foui whhmera of the rogions round about-thos-wh poor solý taie. F amine, famine lu ah fihe s - atthe wone famisheti-somo payiug for cern 1 eteli, nat for sovon yoars, but fer six lae tirne Correct- tiens md. But, hlilsset hoe Ged, tiere ing Aidily of the lu meuey; w heu tic money w as cx- is a greet corncrib. Tic Lerd but S Ioac, euring Biàî hausted, pay ing for tic coru in sheep t!ËI is lu aneLlier ainti. It la a large1 oudu5ýess,, Dyspepsia, anti cattle anti horses anti cameis, pur.A ne nemaoeii.at Headaohes,Dizziness, anti w heu tley wore exiaustetie as fer as 1 cen calculale il lu or dte.nphrase fiat cornacrit la fifteen bhundreti -artburu, Constipa-. selliig their ewn bodiles anti thour miles long anti tiften hundreti breati 5km,, Dropesy of th familles into slavcry. anti fit teu hundreti higi, anti it is uesczVso, an Thc moruiug for sîarting eut on tic full- Feoti for ail nations. "0,h," says,t ~,, dic, SIt Rheum, crusado for breati has arriveti. Jacobtipcie"w whlsatrgtay ice, ea 1anti gAf tbis supply fcr or sctul." But ýpErysipelas, Serof'ula, gets ils f emily o~ aî.Btstop a mome"nt, fer frece tic keeper cf Flttrigof the betere lie eider sons stat treymsyl ha corncntib therc cornes this word, c -a, ,Nerv.ousness smligta ae n rml witb emotien frem icati te foot antixcpý a yî.u 'Ycothsiab net sa y face, and General Debiity; hurat into tears. 'Tic tact was fiat xcer or bther hs o within as,"l aIlthseani ray tht- these eider sous hati once hefore be ohrwrseneoi esohiiga sînilsand niayot getting fient hoavon pardon anti comn- srilrcomplainte yield uEytt e en nitc a. font anti olernal lite ules w e hriug tec haPPY influence been treateti somewhaf roughiy. rie witi us Or D)ivine Brother, tihe Lordi cfBURDOCK BLOOD lord et tic, corncrib supplytng them Jesus Christ. Coming witiicut Him we BiTTERS. w ith cern, but saying at tic close otf alfh eee ec h en no,- u u Ingzu. tic interview, "New, Yeu neeti net crib, anti our beties siail ho a per- Ti4î~u N~ cerne baci haeetoaymrecnfl tien for the jackl ftcwletes :XOnîoaera. loss you bing somefhing btter than but eoanlng witir rie Divine Jesus, ailÈ mnoy-even yeur younger brother tie l'ranaries et heaven w 111 swing Benjamin." open betore our seul eut abondance An!I Benjamin-fiat very marne was &hiall ho giron us. Wc shal lie lu- suggestive Ct ail tendernosa. Tic vitet te ait lu tbý pllace of tic king 1 R-1-P 'AN'S uotOn lied dicti et lte birti et that anti ai the table; anti wiile the Lerd I -son-a spirit ccrning eut another spirit o e iuven la appetionîng frcm Hilsp [tii goiug-eud the very thoogit et parttng ewn tabla t ether tables, Ho will net t - The modern stand_ wilh Benjamin rnds have beau a heant- torgeit Us anti tien anti thene it xili break. The keeper eftlits ccrntb, ho, founti thai. onr Benjamins mess isU tii rd Fmily Medi stvertheless, says te these eider sens, are than al the others, for ce it j ui rd amiy M di- " There is ne neati et your cormîug bere =uh' te bo. "'Wortiy is tic Lamiba eny more for corr ulnless you brsug that was shain te recoivo lessing andil cîne : Cures the Benjamin, 3ycur tathers terljLng." NewV, riches anti houer anti ghory anti powe or"1 r'J ac'c, andibi famîly veny mucb neeti- 1 Wansi te make tires points. Everyd common every-day eti breadi, but. tbat a struggle it wolti trauk anti comanen scuce man wi.lJ > ho te givo up thii son., lie orientais ack-now"iotige îimseif te ho a, aluner.f - usofhmait.are very domoustrative in thiri griot, What are y'o goiug le do wtth yoor L ill ant f lîcar il oulwailiug of the father insi Have thIem pendeneti, yen sayL as tiese eier sans k-ep reiteaig" Hw? Througi fie moncy ot Goti. Wiatt ils ears teý auneuncbemeut efthle doyou menu by fie Mercy et Get?q z ~Egyptian lord. " -Y e chahl not cee MY iy if fiai tting dein et a han for fied face unicas ycur brether bo wti Yeu," admission et cil, wltieut respect tec MAUKbrother t" sait tic oit mati corpain- seul ceming up te tic gare et morcy- .. ing anti ciidiug thern. ' Why, ftîbr, anti k-uockiug- et tii corncrih ot hea- - hey sait, "lie askcti os ai about or reniy supply, enta roice fromîl wlvthiu family, anti we hati ne idea lie wold says, "Are yoo alone?" Thc stnnor mnake, any such demauti opon us as ho replies, '"All clone." Tbic roico f rout WALL PAPER. bas matie," ' N\o use of asking mie.' withiu saya, -You. ehali udt sec MY sait the, tatier, - 1 cannot. 1 xiii nct. pantioning face unlesse your Divine Wrh Ltet ieres f F',iln egidnsgiro, up Benjamin." Brother, the, Lord J0 beh witb yen"I T-kt LaestDeceesof Fshtn Rgaring Thc tact was thal theo cît mcm hat Oh, fiat is tic pint aI uhci se many MUurai Dezoratt on., lest cildren ; anti w'hen there lias been are, discomforted. Tiare is ne mercy Tich spring desaigns in Wall paper are b)ereaveMn n l a household. anti a front Got excepl, throufgh Jesus Christ. o-u1t, andi very prelly tiey are. Por- chutd taken il makes rie otier chul- Cemi.mg witli Hlm Wei are accepteti treu ithle houseicit more procleus. Cernin.g wtioof Hlm weare rojocteti. i s a grounut cler la repeatet inl Se lie day for topartuno was adjourn- Peler puft it rigit la bis great cor- ixanTy shadas, frorn heliotrope le royal ed anti atjournti -anti adjournet. Stil mon hafone the igi priesta when hoe th'up e i seroil work in gohd, Tic tho horrors et the famine incroasoti, tiuntered forth: "Nither is tucre gmrîo paprsar ne atipîesig.anti luter raeaitedtIhe cattle anit sairation in auy otierT. There is ne 'VIe apes t uiksitioig I scrilwider open crackedthfe earti aud othor namo gîrcu untior hoaren among '.Ce ppes o Trkih dsin i sarltMore pallit hecente the cheaks. util men wbaereby wo, may ho caret." 0 xvýiii paprs ucet, preceti.ng tiose ot two or uzree aI a fable, the foot on voen wilf h belt anti >~rred against M, Iiiam andi Mary, Nvere niaps et tic a tray; ail fhe luxunies froni impeial your g3ti, witt- tic 'announcemeul, i 'oorhd. They worcm icortiereti hy piLc- gardons anti orchartis tint aquariumsý 'Yen shahl net cjee my face o xr'ept ourcset i abitants andthfi ani- anti avienies are brotigbt lihere. anti yor. brother, ho with ye." ouil ethfe ceunr tes oîtlineti. upon are fillitg cihalice anti pletter, Now te My texI aise suggesls tbe roason '.nggeaes fer me d.eru nursery anti ho hec a crutige against Benjamin le neal corfont. Y.ou mccl feu people; 'nerhio-roorn pnpers- show IL , Wiih ho kili hlm, nowtfiathbe nine eft fhcr anc lu, neeti et somo kint Childre-n Cry fot of rendoience. Tiere is scmetbing in their heaqti, or iu tieir siate, or lu thein tomestic condition Ébat demanda sy.mpathJy. tAnt yct fie meat oethre woerit's sy>npatiy amoeuits te abseole- ly netig. People go te ticexvnong crib or tha.y go iu tic xxroag xay. Vieu fihe plagne iras la Rente a groar uany years cge, thero ivere eigity men whe ciautedt tionseirea teto ati witi tic litanies et Gregory lie Great -lilerally chantet themscîves te dcclih, ;mt yet il dit net stop the plague MAud 1i themusic ef thie worlti cannet liait hli lâtugueof the lieman icant. 1- roe trorm ne ew bese ailiments ire chirenie, anti 1 say, "In bea'.on you wll nover be cick." That tocs îot gire yen ranci comforz,' IX lat 'ou Nwant is a sootbing poer feryhou r prosent tiistress. Lest chiltirea, hure you? I corne te yen ard teil yoo that in to;n yeans peniaps yeu -cdli mtrio these lovet eues betoro the thne cf rot. But tiero la but 'utIle condoenco lu bhat. One day is a year witbout shem, oen years is a srnall oternity. W bat you uvant is syuupatiy uexv-presenl îoip. 1 conte te thlose et yenu we have losttitan frieuds, anti say: "lny to forgertitent. De net keep the do- artet a1wa3 s lu your mint," Heur can ycit forget then wlieu erery pic- turc antioveny roont relia out ticir taàne ?" Suppose I conte 'te 3ou anti aay i y vay ef rentolonce, "Cet la wlae." Oh"you say, "Ibat giros me ne te1p." Suppose 1 conete seou anti Say, "Got. froînt ait eternity, bas ,i- eangodthIis trouble," "Ah!1" yen aay thet toes nme ne goot." Tien 1i a, 'Witi tic swft tedet of raYer go di- rect le the oorncrib, for a lieavenly suppi3 ," Ycu go. Yousay, '"Lort, ieip re, Lord, roniferl me." Bot ne beip yet. No comfort yet. b. la aIl tank. Wier le the malter I f have fou-nti YoU ougnA te ogo le Get anti ce): ' Haero, OLord, are the axounhs oet ity soul, aui I briîig wîth rue tic wo-n- td Accus. Lot IBis wountic pay for rny wountis, Hic oeanrnaHiclune- lnees for my beartibreak. O0Lied, for tho cake cf fie Lord Jeans Christ- tho Got, the aman, the Benjamin,îthe irothen teliver uay agonîzot seul, 0 Jeasscf tic, wcary foot, oce niy faligna. 0 Josus ot the acbing heati, hca, my aching heet. O Accus ofthe Batiany aisters, relu auvay mie clone 'rom tic toor cfor grave." That us the kint et prayen tial brings hepj;' tntd 0t.houv many et you are gottingi ne ielp ar all fer fie reasen tbatt ticre la in yauncoul perliapa a secret troubie. -Yen may nover hneenc- tiouct ifte oa. single hmmcr, o r fou naay have meutieneti it te soe onc wbe is neow gene away, andti t gieat sorrow is stili lu yeur coul. Af- ter Washington Irv ing -w s docdth ley fout a !utIle box rthaL contioîetiai bnait cf icir ant a miniature anti tie naine et Mailita Hoffmnancutia intonrantom et ber deati anti e re- miark scmctbing lîke fia: "Tic w cid af ter fiat 'Nras a belnk l e Li. i went ins eiecountry, but fount ne, peacein lusolitude. I tric"i tolego lute Society, but I fonnd neop eace lu so- cicty. There bas hecu e horron bang-I ing ever me by nighýt, anti by das, mutan I amn atrait toe oalcue." ,How mauy motteret trouhis buntan cen bas crer heardthetic or- rew. Oh, freobletiseul, I wac.te) Lcl you liaItitere is truc taive tîiat can cure the wouts ot the heart, andi i tiat le tic salve matie oul cf tue' izears of a cyuptperetic Jesuis. Anti yot staueetofyen mli net take this ce- lare, eut yeu try chiorael, aut yen f ny moerpinue, anti yen fry atrng drink, anti you try change et acene, anti yen try nets busintess associations, anti anything anti cverytig rether than teke fie Divine rontpanionsip anti sytu.patiy soggosfed by tic wrds et my texI wieu il says, "Yen shah nef sc my face again unesa ycur i ,re- lier ho wiri yen." lii lina yocr migif unterataut somneting cf taie heigil antid opîlianti leugl cuit breadtt ant i imeusity anti infinlity of Goti's clerual consolations. 1 go fonthler ant inin uMY subject i bint as te the way heaeeu opens te tho toparting spirit. WNe are toidthat haven bas fuvelve, gales antice people inter from fietftact thet cli the people xviii go in uithot roter- eure te thoir paaf life; bot what, le fie use ot baring a gale, fiat ic net' sore- timea le o chut? The swingiug et a gale implie-s fiat our outrance miet teaven is reutîtional. Ilb a net e me- ncabeary condition. If we cerne te tic doer et an exquicile concert, re are icI surpriset fihat unemust pay a tee zen we .know f hat flue eantly music is expousiro, but all the oratorioc ot aeareu roct uething. -Heaven pays ne- ;hiug fer ifs music, Il la ahi frecu Tuene is nothing bu ho paît aI that donr ton catrance; but the contion ot gettilng imb hearea la our bringing oui divine Benjamin aloug witi us. Do yeunoteice how offeu tying peo- pic caîl upon Jeans? Il le lhe osual prayer effere-t-he, prayer efferet more than allie other prayers put legetien-' Lent Jesns receire mY spirit." One et ourroietîgregation, miet a.sk- et ini the closing momensilofethic itv: --Do you -knfw us?'" said. "Oh, yes, I k-nom you. Got blocs yen. Goet-bye. Lord Jesus receive my spirit;" and lhe was gene. Oh, yes, lu fhe clesing moments et oui lite wc must have a Christ te caîl upen. If- Jareb's sens bat gene f owart Egypt, anti hat gene w-ibh fie very f inest equipage, eut bat nettfalken Benjamin aiong with f iem, andti t the question tiey miýjtin, weuld iavhe ait "Go amay oui reroplion, eudthfe Lent cf that place ceatet aI bis table, anti ahi uthe augele of Lied ceate t et f eir ftale, andtie omartyrs scate t arr iu fa; ie, anti ahi eur gleritietikintroti ceatet aU our fable, the king chah pase e por- tion fro i is table le ours, andti lin, whiie w-e tfiuliof tic tact fiel il wees Jesils mbe cartet us on lie neet, anti Jesue w ho lanleti us on tic mey, anti Jes une oat hast gain- Pitcher's Castofiats iOLD GOLDI IlV S. IBL&Co ~ 17 FIRST PRIZE IMD.LS. Tie tindersigEned desire1tlitank the farmers of West Durham for the ]iberai patronaze extended to us during the past season, also to remind themn that we are still in the market and prýepared to pay the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE ALKINESUGe- 7SEE ýdeIivered at our storehouse cor. King and George streetss., or at Port Darlington. We have also on hand a large stock, NEW AND FRESH, of Canadian and Liverpool Coarse Sait in Bau. Rock Salt foc cattie and horses, and Freshi Ground Grey Plaster ïn Barrels which we are prepared to seli a ii~~é~ OASII~ Ail kinds of Lumber, Wood and DRY CLEAN SCREENED COL a, ways in stock. %Te invite inspection and guarantee satisfaction. Wý i be pîeased onice initnQanity, twice ina quaiity aand thrc tinikes in Price who inïspect the uneqtaailed assortynent ol ootsand NieoeCs, Sti*ppers, Rubbers, Trunks, Valises, &o., At Our e'ore, sWBEAVER flL6CK,rimBowalkaaviIIe, BIGG-EST STORE, BIG&EST VARIETY, BIGGEST VALUE. Everybody invited to calE aad sec our new Iootvrea ID. nJDASTIS:=;Y TE 3 10E MA-N ý- No. Man Knows,, a for ceaI or Wood, fultils every require-: ment. The design and ornamentation el of this range are n adance of anything1 previously attempted. The ov ens are *C lre and provided with draw-out rack,* '?j oven doors lined with tin, tire box pro-e vided with genuine duplex grate and it.. lais a perfect and sure baker. Fully, * -~ equipped with oven sheif, tea pot shelf, o foot oven door trip, door hearth and extra * large broiling or toasting door wîth mica* frame, made with four or six cooking e boles. Send for descriptive catalogue. 01 (o THE JAMES SMART MFG. CO., L'rD.. - BROCiIVILLE, ON.0 b, or @aie y It. Worth. Bowma.nvjIle. et atirnittance for our cool, me shall hoý glati if ho has ceeaeot (the travail of Bis cool anti heen catistiet, anti nef ho et alh jealeus if if luefoundt ual car divine Bonjamin's mess is tire limas langer tben ail tic refit. HailI anintet cffflie Lord, lieu art werthy. My filouta you sec if is cither Chiist or famine. (It there mene two banquets apreat, anti te one et them enly yen mighl go, yen mgit stand anut f inik fer a goot while as b wiich invitation yen liati etten accept; bol boere it is teasting or starralion. If ir were a choice betw.acn aatantes, yen mugit say, "I proton fie 'Cîca- tien ,"'"on "I proton thc ']esia.'" But hene if le a olicoletween han- rnony anti ernastiug dtuern. Oh, za F OR CHILDItEN, absolutely no. drug t"se t'Harmiess. An effectuai Purgative, replaci with great aàvarsta9 e, castor cil, senua and ailne seous drugs. Cure VOrnas, Fever, Fits, Coite. Coli. éreotoi!g, etc. FRtEE S'AMPLE to an~adru Prc.a.Dr. Htoward Medicine Co.. Brockv11e.Ort. will you live or die? ;Vill you start for the egyptian eornerih, or wiil yen periah amid the empty barns of thi- Canaanitish famineI "Ye shall not see my face cxcept your' brother bo witli you.Y Imm,

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