Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Feb 1897, p. 6

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s' r - . . -, WEDNESD1ý, FEBRUTARY 3, 189)7. on. J. C. EITCRELI.. MHEW FR0F COLLEQE 0F PRYSTOXAN anid Sur,4oans, Outario, Caroner, etc. office sud teisdeucaEuniskillen. '74. A. MeLAREN DENTISI 243 Yonga St, TORONTO. $ie-cua10 Set of Teeolfor$4U ib BiIKE SIMIPSON, B oRi~TIRSOLICITOR, 5n. MOPRIS 131 OC'K, ujutars, King Si£reet,.Uow'an- vdei. Solicitor for the Otari Bankt * iIate nmpuv'u Insoel ati x'0iweîat ri MOBT. TOIIIG, V. 9, O 'FFICE IN THE WEST DURHAM "News Block. wbere hinsoîf or assistant Will be feund from 8a.m. ta 9 p.m. Night colis8 at residoeoedii 'ci ly acacCite [Irili Sherd. Cllis l'y legraph or teepbane wii receiveocrculitL Asepito ation î -yr R. PATETailor Gentlemen's Clothes Made to Onder. J -M. B.1111MACOu'MB E DENTISTi. OFFICE :-Rear Of Messrs. Higg inbotham &. Soa's Drug Store, (down stairs), BOWMVANVILLE Dj>E NTJISTlmRY".i C~. JARNDEN, L. D. S eraduo the Rayai Calloge DeaUrli ,Surgeons. Oitiario. iOFFICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS QFFICF VITA-ýLIZED AIR. Ne-w Tailor Shi-op The urdersi#7aod svbo bas been carryirig on the tailoring busiaess in canu"ctiîccwutir Masau's Dry Good s Store for a n u inber of yaeîs ba commîanced basýiues for hinîsoîf ai, is residanca. King -f. ,weat, where ha la praeiared to malle geais'alud boy e* cuits in ail to lattai styles, and ai iawesi prices, 'es thioewltc wieh ta arder sais, lie wîll carry a fuli lino oi ampleainal the neivesipaioeru. <ive lin T. T. -ALL, EN1, Feshionabie Taion MONEY TO LOAN. $100,000O. A l rgo suntOfai moia y las beau pl aced in ni hndAs by a prîvoa persan fcr mx usment,, ci approveli bans uîî tarot sacuriiy for a teri 0o VuIVEx anTEX years, rIVE AND ONE Isaur r'E Ci EST iutereSt Wili 0e ask"d payabIle Ytai ]Y satîi4ae&ury condtions fuor repý.yment will hi arranged. Dated Oct. isi, 18917- lohiii.Bauriie F OR SALE OR. RENT.-Flonse anc JU l acres fur sale or tu rem,. sîtuateoio Scugog stroe nortb. The promises consist o a good house wiiii every convenience, driviin> obed, stable, ec. Tle garden contains alot o ho choicest fruit oe al variet,-s. Imînediat, posseesionca ea ogivon. For pt6rticulars appli W . FISHEIEIH l3OWianVille Out 49v THE GANADIANSTATESMAN ESTABL1ISIED 885t1 31 per annum iln adrance. otherwise $1-.51, Subscriptions always payslo at the ottlg Ai publication. AdvertisinZ rateis nnissis by cai> moti, 10 cents par line, noapirieo rsti insrb au, And à cents par lineot achsbaequantinl- srtion. Locale, 10 cents par line, M. A. JAMES, Publishaar WTANTED-SEVERAI, FAITHPIUI VVmen or women to travel for respotisible eetab)IL-hedlbouse, in Ontario. Salary $750, pay- able $15 weekly and expeuses. Position per. manent, Referenca. Enclose self-addressed iamp~ed envelope. TRE NAT'IONAL, Star Bulid Ing, Chicago, Ili., UT. S. A GNTS WANTING PROFIT- have newest Russian varleties of Nursery stock. and new seed potatoes. Salary or commissiîon Write ai once for territory. PELmAm NruisÉRv Co., Toronto, Ont. 40-13 MiEN WANTED--To engage with aYLs as Saiesmnan. New season just orieing, new style of 1laie book, more attractive and yet Ilihier ban ever. Al samples furnisbed free. We are the only anadianNursery paying sal- Ary aidtepeuses from the start. Liberal comn- missio o ari tinte mciiLarge lEst of Special. tles, ail aving been testtai our trial orchard Over 10 acres under cultïvation If you want a sure thing lori-ýiiter, iwrite us. SrONF. & WEL- IINTON,Nrserymeti and Fruit growers,Toroutu Canada. ?IRACTICAL FARMING. FALL AND WINTER PLOWING. The straugnast argument againsi il' above praciice is tînt tIcnaled saihasei nitrates fret ieachiug and evaporutiùit yet much ofthlabnd tIt could lh ala and wnuer plowed iLalubos dc voud 0a vegetation. And againsit tis cin that nitrates are losi conetaîe very tmmci bl£aitIen uften (seasens ai exirent' drouil, folaowed IF a favorable oe barge crapa are expected and harvesied The ballai is that île dmauib las tauci ta do witLi disiniegratîng île soiid par- ticies ai île soil and putting the plant foad Lu a solule condition. If this h mrue, mncl ai the fonce ai île ergument engainai f ail and winten phaxving La bosi. The pienotenal yieuds of spning-pbaui- ed cropa this year are stronýg suppoter, af île dry ewentier tîeony. Lest year, liefore tle coiendar merked tic Open- ing ai apring, tva lad oua-heuai ofthe land inteuded ion cern plon'ed. We lied once inied plowîug deaper ihan nan- ti in île spring, much tu the deinimeni oi île sueauding drop. Lest fali wbi'r we stantad the pion' n'a$et h tet rut an inch or mÎore deeper ilan the land lad ever beau platved befone, feeling thai île xiuter and spring freezing n'ould dostroy ils argenie nature and monder Lt in proper condition ta feed the succeeding drapa. This deepeuing af île sain'a did nai dure undertale n'iti île spring plewn'Lg. Oua reesan tva svere auxiaus ta try fal and wnuen plawing n'as tInt n'hon net doua till aprniLt aiten bacante a very lalious job befoma haing cempietcd. MucI cf aur soil isa esîiff day, and ai ten in the spring n'a ttad Lt Lu a test undesirable condition ta pion', and on ihis account the plon'iug sontimas extended xvelh lie t-lte planting scasan, esuitiugc in tle waming eut af teants. Duning tae wintan thc icats are net regnleniy et- ployed, and cuit beitar lhe leptinLu nifi by the exorcise et tic plon' an favorable days, the plowsing in full and w inter beiug doue n'itlout a bruise or a airain. We have ou tic fart a ewn spots ai red, stiff day ihai crin seidont lie spring plotved sutisiectanily. Tlese wn'ant- ed ta give île action ai fr-ast ata plewng. Whiie plotving lest fubi and winten ve n'ere as carelul ta have îhe sai in proper condition as wn'la e dîd tle ploxving ini île sprng. Sontatimas fermera n'lo practica f ail and wLuter piowLnig are nai cameful as ta île con- dition ai île soit, but piow it very n'ai, île n'ater ofian aettling in tic fumman' beforeîle nax f ilîs it. 'fChey arigue tit île fmeezing weailen n'iib ovencantel injumy done. Wc caunot brng aur- salves ta île point ai unnecesanily ah- uaing île soit, lui eut. alweys ta pion' wleu îhe seil xvilb cmumble as ii louves île moîdliand ai the plan'. Excepiing five rounds piayed lasi n'intar, tvlen tle soit n'as iao n'ai, the renteinder n'as pben'ed lu propar anr, lu In'waiing acroas the field any tima liefora the baud n'as n'orled tan spring planting, we coud easily note île sinip tiai xvas plowed tea n'ai. Tais rentainad liard and compact as contpered n'ith the fr i- able condition ai île remeinder cf tbe field, The bleck sailki the field lie- rame very loose and mellon', and aiso the red cleF points. These latter Marc in tle hast condiion n'a evanIna-w et piantîng tinta. The greaier prtioaithe fields is stif cbey cf a ligîter colar. Tisa setied very cotpactly, excaptiug stnLps four or five feet n'îde directly over îleile drains. Tiese stnipa were as miellon us île bledk soul. l'ront a previons experience lad year ago, tva feared that n'a nould bava trouble lu gotting tais compact claF saiit ond- an. We knew tInt a dise lareow xiii sufficieui larsafloal n'ould do île n'onl, but aitInht tinta n' diii net have tuis riecessany tool. lunis staad n'a used au Acmn e hran', wbicl did gaad surface womk, but not as deep as n'a ihaught masi deairabie. Underneaili tus sur- face sead-bed île sai seamed almosi as saiid as iii liad nai leen plan'ed, and wîe n'ore very daubuful af securng the lesined yield ai corn. In cultivating the corn, île sain'as not siirad any uecp- em thon thc larron' laft Lt. During tic whale serison île soul undemneeti t us surface n'arî remaiuad comtpact and iolid. Front the lek sai tiat Nuas oase and maibon' as deep as ploe'd we expected île langeai yiohd ai cern. But n ibis for once n'a n'ee diaappaiuied, as île cday baud diii besi. Non' n' do îoi knon' nhetien ta, atinilinia tus ta the season entirehy, or ta the condition oi île soil; non do n'a Inon' n'etIen lhe solid condiioan aithec day soilxvas for on aigainsi île lange yFlo btained. Had n'e uat feu eand n'intar pion'ed, n'a would have lad a very lard tinte gai- tiug île plown'Lg dona Lu tin nia uthe pring, liy mli a.ndwnuen platving île trse suppiy cen lie mateilly reduced, as île apning n'on n'ill ha tùcl ne- bnced iu volume, mnd, besides, h au- abiles île farter ta Ieep is crop vOrî ahead, and ta get tIent pla.tdL os un.1 liuded picture aifn'iat h1n'onbd prefen ta sea in île dainy svorld. Thai ihere las beein a grs'at change ton île boiter aliong praductag hines witin u îe -pasi tan Feans, goas n'iil- out saying, but it is icoîihlta sînt oue's CW'iIdren iCrv for eyes to, the Jacok of imprcsvement that 1 stili exists. To get at facts, go anc study the cows of your neighbarbood, and theit- unviroments. ln my business as a dairy maniufac- turer 1 have found t of tan expedient Cto do this, xvith the abject in view of ýs mudify ing bad milk quality. Thus,1 ;haie repeatadly notioed under what ad- vi erse conditions scores of faymers were vainly attempting ta, make dairying )fpay. bt In noarly every instance they cauld nhave made it pay under their local market quotations, by simply chaîiging 1 heir stable meihods. That ihey îdd n -A ,do so wxas their own choice, :nutil u)h jsimple because tfley feit tifar -h. cil-' h ay of mîlking cows, cleaning stables, a nd turning the churn crank xvasth 7- best way, Dairy methads, I might say ýt are almostu înherited, and t will soeie Ltintas take ten ycars to make a dairy- man create impravements that lie might 1accomplish in one. b. But there La one thing ta ba thank- fui for, and that is, what little there is gained La not lost. Thora is no retro- grade movement along dairy lines. If a butter-maker once learns that it is -j Ltter ta, stop thet ahurn wbeni the gran- Sulation point is reached, lie w ili naver go bac'k ta the aid ide% af letting it e 'gathier." If a dairyman once realizes ,- thiat cut cornfodder will go front a tquarter ta a third farther than if the whale stalks are poked under the cat- tle's fuses, his fodder cutter will nover become a roosi for the foivls in soet neglected cerner of tahearn. It 15 a saurcpo f great encouragement ta dairy soldiers ta know thls, and ta feel that eventuaily bad dairy ntethods xiii have 1 ta Permanently sapitulate beo re their efforts. I have heard many dairymen elaim * hat in reading dairy articles, or list- ening ta dairy lecturers, t was ofien difficuit ta separate the thearetical front the practical. Now this ought 110Lteta e the case, for there shoiild lie s0 little that is theoreticai, and that s s cieariy defined, that it can lie easiiy eliminited front the practica], The trouble La, howvever, that many dairy- men xvho are in the "aid rut," consider tle reaily practical assertions of their mare successful and enterprising dairy brethren as theoratioaL. In other words they consider the possible as impossible, and so go on making one ntilk pail hold the yieid of three cows at a single sit- ting, whiie their theoreticai neiglibors are trebling that resuit. Mark you that a theory that can lie practi.cally deonastrated pays in dairy matters a? well as in otiiers. ONE 0P TUE BEST W'AYS. Oaa of tle best ways ta lie loved in a cOmmunity is ta, seek its welfara by refusing ta hear and retail gossip, by fair, kiad, generaus and hoipful action, by showîng respect for others' opin- ions, by expressing ane's own in a po- lite but firnt wvay, and by discbarging duty with courtesy, consideratenesa and f idality. Mare than anyone elsa the wife sheuid have the grace of silence- the crawning hausehoid biessing. Sha sbould knaw bow ta hald her peace. Shae should know when ta refrain from speaking, aven though ber wards lie these of affection and endearment. H-EART RELIEF. Eght Years Hanging l3etween Lif eand Deail i Wtb Acute Heart Disese- And in 30) Minutes Af ter Taking Firsi Dose af Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Hleurt Relief Coms-What t Did foi Alfred Couldry, We-st Shiefford, Que.. t Cun do for Any Sufferer Front the Same Cause. "I l1ehd beau suffering front acute - Part trouble for over four years. When doctors bnd tried and faiied ta give me relief, I procured Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart. Ini thirty minutes after tlbe first dosa I bad relief. and ai- thou.gh mine ,vas a case of long stand- ing, aiglit botties effected a permanent cur-', and I firmiy believe, aftor know- ing hat t bas donc for me, thatithere Îs no hopaless case, wbule ibis groat cure is ta ha led. I cbeerfuliy sanc- tion the u'se of rny testimany in wbat- evar xvay t may do the mosi good." For sale by Stett & Jury. A FINANCIAL SUCCESS. Wore your theatricai entartainmntns for charity a successe asked ane girl. Yes indeedl We gai $107.2S. Indeedl Yeu must have had a largo audience. Na; we toak in $7.25 at the ticket office and father gave us $100 neyer ta do t ogain. SOLD AT A LOSS. 11n order ta convince ibhe publie that Dr. Agnew's Livar Pis are far superior ta any liver 1ill ever placed on tis marIai, îthe manufacturer bas for thé, pasi six months soid tbem ai 10 cents for a vial of 40 doses, or ai a cleair s of 50 per cent.'of iheir cosi price. The truly wonderful menit of Dr. Agnew's Pilla is n9w racognized in three-fourtbs of Can)adian homes, and front this tinte on! the retail price for a viai of 40 doses wiii lie 20 cents, or f ive cents a viai iers than is chargad for othar hrands of liver pilla. Threy ara theaaiei dEIEArT FAILURE, -Great Danger Involved in Weak t Hleart Action, Tha Trouble Cou bê Cured, andi lii.,b. A. Buliock, or Georgeville, Points Out tha ]ioad ta Itenewed iIealth. Fron the Magog, Que., News. d Mr. D. A. B3ullock, boaibuilder, of ýl Geargeville, La well and favorably 9 known to ail tha nesidents of that vil- log9e. Hale s passed tbrough a verur tryîng illness from whicb bis frienda feared le could not recover, but ha, La once more happily enjaying good laautb. To a correspondent of tle Magog News yMr. Bullock nocetiy gava the particul- ors cf hbis iliess and cure, saying thet tho would ho very gilad if bis experi- o.nce waulird prove helpful in enabing someeOe lse eo re'gain heall. Ile s aýy5 :-"Thera is neo IonEt Lun my mmnd that Dr. William's PinI Pills f brouight me fruit the borrors of death to the glad chearful xvorld. Same years ugo, owing ta overwork and trouble I was roduced ta a weiak stue af health, twherein île beari failed ta do is vork propenly, and not unnatunally tle stont- adi bacante inactive. I had visita front three dnctors, but withoui baneficial re- aus. The medicine givan by ana of Cheam cau.sed a nenvous elrick tbat pnostrated ma for sevaral weeks.' The ai aone who treated me gava me a preparauian of strychnine whicl upset mykiudneys te sueli an axieni Chat I was coufined ta the bouse and daiiy growLug weaker. I hud ta Ieap stimul- ants consiontly ai my sido ta kaep the heari ai work, and even with this utiý- ficial aid ias action was veny faînt. Thon I begain te try advertised med- icinos, but stili without any good re- sults. 1IGhst strengil, flalh ond hope. I wos advised ta try Dir. W\illiains' Pink Pilîs and that rentinded me that I had a box of Ctaent a my place of business, whicl bad heen lying there for more ihan a 3,ear. Wiltloui very much Confidence in thent I decuded ta giva, the puis a triae. The reslt 1 mu-st confess seentod te lie aimo-Ài mu- gical. I had net talon the PinI Pis long wlen I wus tabia to a rstin my chair and take good rafrashing sbeep, somethinig that lad nat teken place for mentIs lief re. Front that day iaith the use cf 'the Pink Pilla I continued ta gain in i trew"th, and ont ta-day at straug and bhaaltUy mmn. l telievo That even Pink Pills slinuud bhaussisted Lu thair good work on île systent and Chat assistance la oxarcise, and ibis ex- orcise .1 tool fron thîe tinte I bagaix ta regaiin rigv strengili. 1 lave no-w e- dry feitl in a iis medicine uand believe if these ivba are sick wili use t, lealili will lethe raward. Dr. Williamns' Pink Pilla strile ut île noot of île disease, driving t front the systent and rastening the patient ta heulil ain strengtb. In cases of puruýlysis, spinal troubles, locontotor etaxia, sciaticu, nhrunatism, erysipelas, screfulous troubles, etc.. those pls are supanlor toa nu ather treauimant. They are aisa a apecfie for île troubles wýhich make the lives of so nt.ny wo- mren a burden, and speedily restoe the ridi glow of beauuiltaepple and sallow cheaks. Men brokan down by aven- wonk, worry or excessas, wi]l find in Pri Pilîs a certain cura. Sold by al dealers, or sent by mail postpaid, ait 50c, a box, or six boxes for $2.50 .by addresaing île Dr. Williamns' Medicine Ce., Brockvilie, Ont., or Schenectady, N.Y. Bewure of imitations and suit- stiiutes uileged to ho "'just as geod." BE COIJLD TELL. See that ycung couple, sa.d the doorklaper at the thoatre.É Tbey'va bean mrriad a uitile ovar a1 montb. I dan'i înew their names, nor where they liva, but 1 can tell that mach about 'am? How I They used ta conte every waak and sit in thea orchestra chairs. Now tlîev coma avary ether week and sut intrie baicony. INSOMNIA. Tînce Months Withont S'aep-Wasted Ln FItish and Given Up ta Die,. Buti The Great South American Nervine Soothas ta Rest Witb One Dose and Effectsa e apid and Permanent Cure.j Mrs. White, of Mono Township, l3eav-E erton P. O., was daugerously ii front1 nerveus trouble. SIe was s0 nenvoust Chat eha lhad ýnot 9iopi a nigit for threa monthb. She wa se low that ber friande despairad cf ber recavery, in faci, led given ber up ta dia, Sha waa persuaded te iry SonutAntericun 'Naervine. Han rel-ief was se Lstantan- eýous that sitar taking ana dosa 'shec siept seu.ndly ahl night, She pensistadc iu île use of ibis great cure and gain-1 ad Lu leaith rapidly, se thati nw there0 la not a aigu of the nonvouanoas, and silo faais ahe is -entiroly curad. If yen doultit t, write and ask 1er. c F'er sale by Stoit & Jury, EARTH'S UNKNOWN REGIONS. Thore are stili 20,000,000 square miles cf thet eartb's surface that hava nats been expiered. MUET BE DISSOLVED. Kidney Diseuse Cen Only Be Cured by TENDER HEARTED. Landlady-You look at that coffea as if you'd lIke ta ibrow t -oui cf the window. Boardr-O,n. I neyer abuse the woak. Pitcher's Castoriao t ereaxae but twa pansons and ana chair left, and île oua sacuring île clair 'ýgais ta Jerusaýlent." The umpira has powver ta dacude all questions us ta <via bas sacurod clairs. Stage-Coud .-Wa nover gai tired af îlayàing île ganta cailed "Stage-Caacl." In this gaine ail tic playera ait. in a circie anound tic raout, wiil île ex- ception oi one persan wha stands Lu LIe, conter ai île cLxcia. Eech pensait sititing tales as lia fiante sama part] of île stage-coudh on hli: tile dag orj YOUNG FOLKS, C l~NED'S CAPERS.' Penlapa îhe chtidren who read ibis papen xviii ha interesiad Lu île funn3 ways of aur fonn-foated friand, which I iih descnibe below. Afier ha lad gnown te ha a large dog lie was vers fond of ridLug Lu a, wagon, or anything iu tact that le conlýd ride in, or on, no matter what Lt waa, se Lt was a way ta rida and ha wiil the mon. If Lt was île big wagon, lie would spring up on the seat and wagi lis tai] and grn-yes, gnin-just as muci as anyone ever did aven île picasure le expecied ta bava. One day the boys nana hauling bey, witl île bayracî an the wagon, und thora was na gaod place for limtct ait, but le w-us determined ta ride any- ipYw and ponched hintif an ,ba vany bacî aoîltheak on a namrow board, and iooked bacI ai île luuse witl île test self-complacentbl oen ILa big face as tiey drove away. But aies, thai blo diii flt lest long, for as they st.nted ltichansoes itta a trot hafore lie bad tinte ta mm e ronnd, lie tumned a haI sanerseuir and landed aquaneiy on tIa back of bis neck, whicl gava hLim sncb a shock ilai le cama lied ta île bouse, lookiLg as if lie lad lest aveny friand on eaxth. Anothar tinte, Ilooked out of tle wiadow and sew anaesof the boys driv- igdowu ibrough the field witl a land- rou1er, and on île narraw board seat, whicl was naua toa lange for ane, sat Frank and tt monsîraus dag. Frank led ta put fris armsarmond Neb ta drive, whicl made him se affection- ately dlaposad tItha would tmm lis bad and bdc Frank Lu the monil un- leas le was canstautly on île watch. He loved te go atter île cows of ovanings, wbiihah wouid do wlen Frank gave a paculier wbistl3aond poinied ta île pasture. Ha would give a yelp and ataritfon tIent, no maiter wlethen lie could sec îlot. or net, and uhxvays lirorught anly tle cnes wa milk- ed. Sometintes lie would miss ana, and hae nover seemad ta notice it until la woubd g et tientm iatite lot, tl"u le svoîld look ai île cows, thon whine and lo toward the, pasture, and thon start lu a run and ivould nover fail ta brng up the missing ca-t. It was funny ta watcl île bning uip île hanses, saven or cight in nunt- ber. Hoeivould walk araund thi'n slonly and atari ibem lame; tien lie wauld nuit anaund and go in front ef 'lient, waviag lis tali bile a victoriens banner, iooîing bacl naw and ilion, to see if tliey wene ail fobiowing. If tley were, nat, ie would rnitbacî and saet île stnaggler up egein, thon once more tale lia place iu front and tardh alang witl ail tic airs of a genomal. The dinner bail was un instrument of tortura ta bin, and la wouhd liowl pitifuily 'as long as amy ana would ring ii. Ho baved music if any ana woubd play a tune, but a discard wauld set hLm wîhd. The clildren would teasa inn witl a lump, but la wouLd howl until the- people n'l ived across île river tîreazaned ta shoot hint, and lie wauld laok ai the cidren in îl mosi sýrwful nepreachful munnar, eongi ta break a heurt of sione. Ha grew te lie a very large dag indeed, and nothing pleased île se muci as ta gai juta île bouse eand putting lis four feat on tle marbie top ai île bureau, lolk ai bintself ini the ýglass, and turning lis lead first on ane, aide and tien on rie atier, seemiug as mirci pased as a yaung girl tnying on a ueiv ici, wag- gîng lis tai!, and sntiling ai lis own image in tic test ludicrous tanner. RUNNT-NG lIN TO DANGER. Jack was a ventunesanta ttle chap. One day lie lourd ai salol iat Tom Wabb's boiat iad struel île rocks un- don the bridge and nus breaîtag ta piecea. Jack wauted ta sec Lt. sa on bis way lome la turned off te tle ratiway bridge which cnassed the !ittI1e bridge jusi wvia'e Lt was fuli ai rocks. itwas a raugl and dangeraus place. Creep- îng alangthîl ttle boy lient ovor un- i lia.iad grew dizzy, and if le badn't juntped n p qnicîby la w onulave fabli- au. And someathing aise might lave ieppono-d to, if le lad stayed tIare twa minutes longer; for bie lad no suonen got off tle bridge tlan a rail- way train came rusling along that wouid, lave crushad hbuatetadeail in a toment. But Jack tlonght le had doue a very sart thing. Ha rau honte, and uttle imiter table bastepd that lie lad boan rlawn ou the railway bridge and seau Tant Webli's boat amnta- the racla, a.nd lad jusi tinte tagai off ivben tle express ceame alang. Fatier and mtier loed ai oach other, but flot a word was saîd. Jack thanght tley xvould praise hlm, but 'cbey diii not, Aiter dinnon f ailar took îhle tile boy ia l ia study. Ho loolod se very soben Jazk hagan ta feai thai santo- thing dreadful was comlag. Faimr sat dawu lu lis clair, draxv thc boy up ta lis aide, and put lis art around lit. "Jack," said lie, "yau thaughi you DELAY M1EANS DEATH. Oua Dose Relievs-A Fan'v Bou'les AI- ways Cure. "For tan Farn I lave suffared great- IFy front berri diseýase. Flutiening ai the heurt palpitations and snsotlaning spolia have made nty ife mîsereble. WXhen dropay set Lu my oaid physicien souiý I muai prepure my futilby for the wcrst. Al ibhis tinte 1hlad seau Dr. Agnaw's He1ami Cure advertised. As a lest resont h inied it, and think aifuuy jay n'hen I received grant relief front oua dose. Oua boutle enncd nty dnapsy, and brangît te cnt aiflied,, ad five bottles have contpleteiy cured my henni. I1f youi are tnrulld n'ih any bean a-f- fection, and are Lu despein, as I1n'as, use this remady, ion I lnow t wiIlcr yon." iVîs. Jaets Adams, Syracuse, N 'For sale'bySot & Jury' ENGLISH BREAKFAST COCQA Pasoosses the fallowing Distinctive Merits: DELICACy 0F FLAVOR,'e SUPERIoRITY IN Oe' JALITY. Gratefîîl and Comforîing to the Nervous or Dyspeptic. NUTRITIVE QUALITIES UNRIVALED In Quarter-Pound Tins and Packets, PfguJ~iw byjm[s Epps & Go., Ln,, A UFYCU TASTED CýEYLON TEA. It is the Most Deliciaus of ail Teus SOLD ONLY IN LEAD PACKETS BY SoId by CAWKER & TAIT. 4l-ly. suine article oi dress wamn by tns ridiug inaude, Thon île ana standing Ln île center talla a story about aÎ certain journey ai tle stage coachl tram anc city ta anoiler. Wlen île nameC ai auy playen La mantianad tIti per- son muai risc, and tut round an puy forfait. When île word >'tage-coach- La ntentioned tii ise and turn, and when île stomy la tinisbed île speaker crias "and île atage-coach tu.rned aven!" ai whicl al tust change scats, and in île confusion île speaker tries ta secure a seat, and îhe ane lelltoui tols a stamy. Itic speaker failsl'to get * seat le tolls a second stary. Jolin-"Is yeur wifa cieverV" Jack- "Claver enaugl ta mule me ibink tt aie knotvs iass ien I lnowý" Cetamnh oftLong Standing f1lieved Lu a Few Banna. hLis nfot ulana île people ai aur awn Coauntry, and prarninant citizaus hike hlrbun Lippe, M.F., ai Joliette, Que., and otlen tombera ai Ferliamntniwlo, lavîng used Dr. Aguaws'a Ctarrhal Fon,ýder, pranaunce t île test effec- tive nentedy they have aven lnowu, 'but peaple evarywlene ane expnasaing tIroir gratification ai île affectivens ai t is nedicîue. C. G. Ancien ai Brewer, Maine, says :-" I bave lad cet- emnh ton sevoral yeans. Water wauidl mun front my eyesaend nose days ai tinte, About faur moutîs ugo I was iuduced ta tny Dr. Agnew'a Ctarrlai Pawder, and smnce using île svanderful. emedy I have nat lad an attack. 1 would nat lia witlout ii." I nelieves iLu tan minutas. Mýaud-" What mules you tiLulMaj, Dulwit La inthte signai service?" May, -"Becuse wlenever le appeens îleýc conversatioit flags." FILES CIJTIED IN 3 TO;'~ NIGITS Dr. Agnew's Oiment -wildcura ',, ca sas et Iiching Files lu fron t tie a six nigîts. One application linns cmontet. For blind and bieeding pilesý ILt is peeriasa, Also cures Touter, Sit Rleunt, Eczema, Barber's fIcI and aiJ emupions ofthîe sîLu, 35 cents, Sold by S. Freieigb. For sale liy Sioti & Jury. A DEFECT. My dean, Mrs. Clýati's lusbend ne- marled, tIare soonsta ta e but one end ia your conversation, and ilat L ise4 beginning. "F"or Over Fifty Years."' For over ifty years MRa. WNSsLOW'S SaOmrnINc SyRur las been used by il. ions ai motbers for thibmchiîdron wh1ile tuethiug. 1f disturbed ai night aud broken af youn rosi by a sick child ouf - fericg aud crying wîth pain ai Cuitiisg Teoth oend at once sud get a botla o "Mro. Wiusbow's Saothing Syrup" for Chidron',Toething. hi wîll reliovo the paon utile sufferer immnediately. Depena uponlit,mothors,thera is neontîstake about iu. itcures Dianrhoea,regulat 2 île Stoa-e soi aud Bowelo, cures Wînd C(olle,, saitous tle Gu-ms, roduces Inflammiation, wud gives toue snd euorgy ta ithe 'bole oysat,i "Mrs. Winslaw's Soothing Syrnp" for ehildren ieething is pleasant totahîe ia"i aud is the prescription of ane af île oldoi snd hest femnale physiicians and nurse s lu île United States. Fnice twenîy- five cenits o bottle. SoId by ail druggiets throueW wut the world. Be seure and ask for - Mas. WiNSLOW' S Somrsuîso Svaup."

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