Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Feb 1897, p. 2

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Ulck Hea.dache and roileealtet roubles Imcf- Setot a bilious state of the syste-n, uch as Ilzinces, Nausea. t5rowine itesatr oating. Pain l the Side, e. While tlseirinost g.makaiesuco.. s hieen hown in ouret Readache, yt CsaRTzi's Lrrrost LivEritPILa are equally valuabl jeinContipation, crin .nd preveetfi. ti^ anne icoplint, while tbey aise c',rrect ail disorders of tme stomach, etimulate the liver and regulate the bOwmla Even if they only cured "ce"hY wIud be alist pricelesa to thoe wcheo sufer frei this distressing cemplaInt. but fortunately titeir goodnesz dreis net .ed lhere, and those who once O-y them sail ind these littie pills vatuable In se many ways that theyjwiil nt be willing te do witbiout thei. Is ieral iclr bead la the bane eofsen meny lies tuat lhere lu wheré we mire 0cr great beast. Our pis cure il while Othetrs do net» Crats Lrrnut LrvKa Pxi.as are výry setal .nd eryeasy te taire. eortoiIsnas adoe They are strictly vegetale and do mot gipe or purge, but by their gentie action hlaeal b s thein. Ie vialis et 25 centg; evo forM1. Sold everytahere, or sent by mail, CÂT2 XEDIIlECO., Ilew Yok. ONTARIO ]BANK continues tedle a Generat Bankîng Business Bowsnanv-ile Ageney. DE POSISS jeeaelved ln Savin", Bankr Deparbinent and en Ilan dinterestaltowed atourrent ratas. No notieet witisdraw>il neeessary. Ail deposits Vayable on dcnî and EXCIIANGE M segit tan d sold sud i >afts i seued cGnEuroet United Statles anmd Canada,also Gold,Silveraud UnîedSa.es Green baeksbeuzht aud sold, COLLECTIO~NS Framptily Matde at ourrei. at sivcoc atiit0 of Grea t riîtir, thocUiitbed lStatesandtintte Dominion ci Canada. Telegrapli Transrers Made for large or smisa-ins on ail part et Canada. This is especially advantigeou-ute parsona ivinig i li ailoba or the Nothwe, itinakeaSte fundsaa-clable as once ai te place of paynet. thrpartis'uîars cali aIlte banfa. E.L. liOIST, (SE. itteilOL, Accountaut, tManager. FOR TWENTY-S£4VEN YEARS. [lie Canadian Statesman WEDNESDAY, FEBRIJARY 3, 189T. NO0TES AND COMMilENVTS. It had beeu assumied that n ith the practical shelviug of the home rule ques- tion, the, Britishi Parliament wouid be relieved from undue attention to Ir- ish affairs for some years to corne. In- dications are, however, that it willJ be met wth ademandthat aitother busi- ment of the new Ibish uetion, that of iower taxation between Great Bni- tain and Ireiand. The demand la based nipon the report during the parliamei-' tary recasa of the Royal Commission ou the relative taxation of the two cours- tries granted in 1890, whlch shows that since the time of Union Ireland bas paid into the imnperial excheqaer ln taxes many millions of pounds in ex- ceas of hier rightful share. Al parties in the isiand, home ratera and Union- ists alike, are united. in resistance to this injustice, and lu demanding that taxation iu Ireland shall be placed at a rate as mnuch-iower than the rate ini Great Britain, as the former la poorer than the latter. Failing this, tbey lu- sist that the sain by which the island la overtaxed, amountiug to about £2,- 750,000 aunually, shall be returned, to be uaed lu the developmcflt of Ireland, the construction of public works, div- ersification of industries, etc. Tbey urge that wben the Union policy was adopted not oniy wus the equality of the fiscal as well as polititai rigbts of Irelaud w ith those of Great Britain ad- mitted, but also the principle of treat- iag Ireland. as a unit and reckoning ber contribution to tbe imperial treasury lu relation to that of Great Britain lu proportion te0lber capacity t0 bear taxa- tion.,'The extension of this principle wýould, it. la clainied, require a mnuch lower tax rate for lreland tban for Great Britain, because tbe former ta poorer as a unit or wbole than the lat- ter, the theory beiug that taxation must bc levieit on the basis of comparative w ealth. The taxation lu lreland is now about e7.20 per bead of population as against ell.20 lu Great Britain, but aven that difference is, it la urged, lu view of tbe far greater wealtb of the latter, stili unjust to Ireland. Beides, it la dlaim- ed, that a bigber tax of one kind la levied upon lreland than upon Great Rr t .;4 ,-thi exise, for altbeugb the taiing iony tons, wPaighlt have heen Tlltere la surely a valuable psyelsological tried upon them and found very sat- aiguificance lu suchi adaptability, accom- isfartory ,aed it la possible te seýcure panied ns il bas been by a cheerful tb~u ag4stpuciture. This lu itselt 11,a1gor7ou promise lu tise da,s of cohble and Belgium block paving. [S will not be long before al smoking, express deliveries, thse milkmcus, the butc.ber, 'the baker aud the caudlestick suaker, 50 te speak, sil have their pneusuatic-tired horseless vehicles per- asahuintý' at early morning Lheurs -%vth noiseles s arcis that wili net , recouciliation witih envaroumeul. WiSh every opportunlsty and even every lu- dIaement te isecome ljaaxleas, they have leamrned ln thse mnju Lhgoad. citi- eus. They are aulmoat never mentie- ants or paupars. More remarisabte stili as au indica- tiou of tiseir capacity for acquisition ,and improvement la tise fact tisat tisey awakein thea whele clty several heurs have alimoat eutirely shed their dia- bef ore it la tiae for lUte stir into lect lu a single generation. \Ve kno% its daily life and hostie. of no otiser case of se grenU aud so speedy a change, in a matter se tif- The affect of tb.ia las not 10 ha axper- f icait. It bas faisan the New Eniglant iencet oniy in thea elties, isowever. It scbools much longer te nid lisat regi- wlh prmate te lte agniculttnial dis- on of ita erors of speeh, and aven triita. lise plowin.g of thse soil bas ai- Mr. Beecisar te tise day of bis deatis ready been accomplshet by aleotnicity. avas never able te quit saying "nooze- Il taises uo grant stratcb 9qf tise imagin- paper." WbuVht proýgress tise negro race Iallen te concaiva of n syndicale tisaI shah hlocate anl elacînlo Plans and cou- necl ail tisa fana witi a radius of many mliles isy trolley -wire and supply electnle power te ttha farmen at se much pan herse powar teo plow, te sow, lu isarrow aaud te reap. Nonrl is gntsn.g tee far Io aay sIsal tise cildren of tbis age will sec, Ibis endi a grecs deal more bafona tise close of a nasural 1f e. Tise hersea tish as senvet ma se failisfully la tes tinet soon se be atising of thse past, asi; leasl se fan as laber la concerned. It ixil ben perbapa ltas- sutne ils rigisi position lu Ibis soonît. lIs muny noble tra-its have andeared it te man cnd suade su almesbmn .Nany goot aus ucnisies bave said tis, a herse enusgnleve tl sears flow fnotn ils eyca. t ill hbhabredtotedevelop- ils baller qualities andtotebing eut Ils speat fer raesug purposes. Ls bicycle craza may continua, tise anse- mobile vabicle may aven hac accep'-let by mrauy as a coanvayane for plaua but it la safe le say tisaS chenu 55411 alavays ho mcna ntdvomeu, tee, fof tisat matter, svhao xiii bave their fa- vor.Ite equiue pels. Tlitee lane otItes animal, net aveu tise deg, tha lkesi precedeoca over is for sagaiy, gais-i sîcuesa ant al sbese qualitias wy, lni autear au anitnanito a lovsug masser. Týha mosat importanit phas et'fthe pasa-1 img of tise hersaea is ait il wýill liav e gene fiom its fields of labor te a lii a1 tbat la moen a eeping wîi hitsanoble atnibutes. TWrae la a vany bstenessing article called "A Stuuy lu Race Plsyciiseie)gy," is capable of makiug in future, w bat qDapacities il has of complax, abstract thengisi or of scieutifie on arlistie acis- ieveanent, il is mach tee scon le con- jecture. Xîa progress se fan bas beau aueoura'giung to say tise least. A ïoung mac rnamed Flîz Grait bas recently made hMuiseif ue-stn amüug mewnutaiaeers by bis acrambles am- ong tise New Zealant Alps. Having as-euàded soe of tise bigses peuka, dis- cove ý,ed n vasa which, ha declanes, c iii bcomae a hiigisway Ittwecn tisa nortis and ,setit oasts. and sviltau a book on lihs fauta of climbing, ýhe determiced te ettempt thse lofliest of Amerncati aumils, tise stili unceuquc--redt.eots- daguia. Ha ongaulselisis expedîioin l England, sacured thise ustable ,Ss ls guide, sitisout whit fesv enserpni- 's ef tbis sont, from Nasv Zeianauto tes Cauca.sss, are ncgarded as svchl equip- pad, and set ces, for thea great mnu- Insu aounlt, Chilian border by w ay of Buenos Ayres. Tise cabla talla us tisaI on Tbunsciay Inst Znrbriggau, the Sass guide, reacsedthtie sunmss. Se littie bas beau huasse about Accu- cagna Sial os crs iloeigin bas ha n a matter of censmos ersy, Semae writcr. spah e f il as a a olcasilo meunlaiu anti othens look on il as tise resuli of up- ;ft Ilike tisaEuropeau Alps. No cisc bat aven neaciset its tap, aud, lu fuot, titis lis' ighcss peak of tise menicas nus oe of lise leant kuosu. 'This- fa.rence froi tisesa anis ta caîtsema ha Ibat tise meursain la difficall nf bell accesssanetascant.ŽNcensisles1 tibrea diys aften Zurbriggcu s1.od cu tise summit snoes atise isole civilizet 'I -______ Literary Notes. The public seems neyer te greta weary ef bearin about Rudyard Kipling, and bis acivements, theugh mucb ef what ta said.lu print about hlm la aerry %,tuff indeed. t la refresbiug te find lu the Febrnary Revie-w of IBeviews a caudid and unpretentieus, but net the lesa ex- haustive critique of Kipling, whicb neal-' ly dues justice te the author's persen- aity witheut "Igusis" and witbeut the sansaleas exaggerat ion se commun lu ar- ticles of this aýind. 'The writer, n. Charles D. Lanier, bas gi-van us an lu- terpretation ef Kipling wisich la frauk- Iy aymnatbetic, and at thse same time irrasiatibly attractive. Godey's Magazine for Fabruary la es- pecially strong lu the variety of its topics. Its inake-np la aise very at- tractive, the readlag matter balinl- tersperaed threughoult witb illustra- tiens, amouig tbem several full page portraits ef types ef hamdseme womeau. iu this list la a pictare ef Carnie unt Latta, the auther of thse stery ef El- bath -vicis endqlib tis issue. Among thse stnîking articles of thse numr s tise Tirea Sultas by Emma Padc Telford; wiho revîews the history of The Unaspealcabla Turk witli vigor and a tense fidelity te thc trutis. Graca E. Drew continues lier Modes and Man- nens of Saventv X cars, ýbringing tise hîslory ef Fasison te'the year 18U9D. Thse reproductions ef the old fablea flewers. Tise plies thesuselves ana plentiful, quaint and interasting. A veytimely article lu this issue la Mrs. ;i Mantha McCuhloch2-iiliams' contribu- tien on tise marvels of ercisid culture, wbich is îllustrated wilb mauy pictures of famons aspecimens of these strange flowers. lTep hrstiemaelvea are wonlh having apart from au3'ýthing else. and ara especially attractive. 'Under the heading, A New Profession for Wo- men, Marion Foster Wasbhurne con- tributes an interestiug article con- ceruing lte 'vonk ef noman wbo bave mîade photograpisy a business, witis mass- beautiful pictures. Wal ter Clark, Assoiate Justice of tisa North- Carolina Supreme Court writes of Tise Pbysical Napoleon-sasd Rupert Hughes describes the work of the New York Colony cf MiLsicians. Beaumont lai_- cher critieally treuts cof Richard M.ýans- field as a dramr tic artist. Humerous fiction ligisteus the number lu tise twe sbtores, Mr Davis' l3ear, by I1. W. Pbil- lips, and Putling Himaself lu Hon Place, by Janet Cary; tisis latter slory is tise experience cf a man Wbo became a wosuan. Strong dramatio fiction l, found lu tisa atonies of Annuncista and Douna Qusote. Thse Fasýhion and \Vomau and Home slepartmeuts are full of uew things, timely and useful. 'Tbe Goday Compauy, Lafayectte Place, New York. TOWER 0F LONDON. It t', tise te'ai 1tesidient.e of Mie Sos arcigis of Esgtaat. Tise Tower of London-ouce a fortreas, a royal residence, a court of justice, a prison-sanow a . vernt,,o-d- ' If we told you that your baby was starving, that it actually didn't get enougb to eat, you might resent iL. And yet there are thousaps; of babies who neyer get Îhe fat they should in their food- or who are flot able to digesv the fat that they do get. Fat is a necessity to your baby, It is baby life and baby beauty. A few drops of Scott's Emulsion for ail hittle ones onîe, two ai-d three years of age is better than creamn for themn. They thrive and grow on it. SCOTT & BOWNE, Beleville. ont. itk q'e os, --;Full s&aup e t i ýtd iid. 1 t. lorcd fc ine C..b i vitten The Stai' of Lire andl the Ien Prartical bkr are so expesed to extremes cf ttere-perature that it is net surprisieg that voften sufer from kidney and other trou- bies. In maey cases their work at nigbt cor- flnes ther n l a hcated atmosphere for heurs, freTs whîch they sally forth through the cold ligli air te their well-earned rest. Mr. George Roberts, baker for Mrs, S. Rànaban, 257 Dundas street, gives ns thcb Koiowing facts - I have sufféed se much fo the past fourteetn years with kidney disease that it gives mea pleasure te tell of my changpo condition for the better. I had fearful pain in the back and rigbt ide; te urine was red ir celer iib a reddish stîcky sccîrent, wý itl brick dust deposit. At tintes sevet e pains in the region of te Iladder, causiez me creat ror Cougrhs , nuu~ SColds, Bron- - chitis, Sore Pi tliroat, etc. v m KRY. WATSON & CO.,poryms MoNTRrAL. TWO WAYS. First Dame-Do you ever go through yeur husband's pookets iu the morningl Second Dame-Huhl Catch me w ait- ing util morning. I go through them before he goes ont lun the evening. emass4JttL iLfLM6LaIbLUtI thnrs athird of a centuTy out Of tue a * kdnt~n ~ arz , h enrfi o uia i nnrsb sa ieeuusniy asi 5 ou uy sic utesthe uuy. assisan-tiraed- grad a, but ïï lbas atso been sure.__ It began with teabolition of thet stage coach and the advent of the stea.m e.ngine. Then came thse elevated road, cabie "id trolley, wbich facilitated lu- tramura&i trasisiiin large communities. Non we are on tbe verge of an in- media te and vaat development of horse- less carniages for ail purposes. In Eng- land they are already au esta'blished fnef. Of course, tbey poasess at pre- seat ail the dra%vbatiks that are pe- cuitr to 'greait innovations, sncb as hlgh cot, together wiith certain mech- anical imperfections. But man 's lu- genhuity w iiU nopexmnL suscbobstacles to stand in the wsy of auccesa. Iu conuection witli the automobile ve- iles, eune of tlie ineat important ad- vahtuges ahey will peasesla noisalesa- nesa. Pueumatie tires capable of sus- conditions isarve beau lu many -ways ex- tremety unfavorable. They bava bat poverty as'a prime obstacle te atrance- menS. ffhey have isad ne traditions of culture eane nolheritet intellectual tandenoy. Tisey have had faw scisoolb, mostl'y bad. Tise grant mnjonity of tbem have bad te quit scool for bread- winning work at a very early ae. large proportion of tiem-to read, write and cipiser. Many of theum have ae- qnired interest lanliterature andt isa- ory. They have sbowu an asiouisising Pidaptabitity toecircumsauce. Sisut ont f£nom tisa baller mec-hisaca empley- mets as tsiso, are lu tise Noris aveu more than aI lise oSutis tiey bave managedtol malte a gent livng for tisesalves lu thse comparaiively few employnienl-s thal are open btisteni. - as ima yosr vocal gIserds muaI bave !' "Ha, seemss te taise afior hia fathar," said tbe visiter. -1 do't nisen tbey la apple dumpluga," volunteoedthtie lit- ie boy. "'Ho don'l lenve noue te taise," Sisu,-' Il seems almosl impessible tisat yen sbeuld loea me." He-"T'hnat's wbat my metiser says. How nicely yen and she aili gel alonug if you alwaya agrea lika tisai," "No," sait Miggles, 'fats-raireada lu l'isecountny are contuctad ou tise square. " I'd luse te knoav aviy nos." "Oh, because mesS of them maLutain round Lieuses." -Georg--I juast saw yen ceming frein lheconsarvatery wilb Miss Geldie. Ra- faisanàdame girl, but tee nesenved, fir me." Thoma-"Yas. 1 just ne- sanvet bher for life." Motlaer-"Whan tise boy Lu tise other bouse threw atones at yen, wisy didu't yen comBansd tell me?1" fleiby-"BJe- causle, rurama, I can thlrosv thent bat-k baller Iban yen. He's more likely te Faner Raises, Sure. Cnt iti' Tbey couldn't break il witb an axe if titey tniet. Tiasaame cake bas beau takin' prizes for tise last aigist years. Like bilieusneas, dyspjepsiaiîacs, constl- puien, Sent stousacli, indigestion are ptonsptlY cnred by Hooda s Fils. They do taeit work easiiy and thbougi îy *U Becstafter dinner îphs. 25 cents. Ail druggitse p Prepared by C. 1. Ileel & Ce., Lwell ias lTe only Filte take w it iee ods Sarsaparilia. gist- for -Swayue's- Olulment ky]un Sens anuitCe whelesale Agentts, Mont- real. THEY COUNT. Maie-Proposala souit osier ho mate by latter. anybsnv. Nttie-Did yen evar hear of one tisa aras declinet aimply on ù tisI îronut A LIVE NEWSPÂPEB. Tise Western Advertiser of tasu-aissy la tise leading nesvspaper in Western Ontarie, and will ha s'eut fer eîîlv 31.00 te Jannary lsl, 1898. Contains sixteeu palges ench waeais witb ah SIte newvs of tise svord, mnarket repentsa, stenies, etc, Exc;tîlent neuding fer aver * vanembes- of tisfamfîily. We offer goot luducesuenîs 10 agents. For tarins, etc., ,iddiess, Ans nuî'Tirun Pi>TiNTING Ce., Lon«(on;Ont 41-8as. r 71 rr -r

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