a - - r~ - - n - A FLI1FLU i TOILET GEM! rEamIlof "itch Haz'ela It cures roughness of the skin, chapped hands, face and lips. It dries quickly and can,,be used any time du ring the day. Ask for No. 30 1 for Coughs and Oolds, prepared- by J. Higgînbotham &Son,. BOWMANVILLE. HAMPTON. Mr. T. Bttnrows is stili quite lî11; and Me,' Joig. Ward le under medical treat- mniýt. .-About fit ty members of R-isng Star Divfsion visited Tvrone Division Wednesday aud report a very pleasant ,veing,. .. .Mr. J os. Clatworthy, D. D., frstalled the S. of E. officers Saturday evmig. Teirncw Hall is to be open- ed i Febuary..Mr. C. N. ru se visited Toronto last week .... Miss M. Crvdcrinan, Bowmanvillc, spent Sun- d'ay with lier sister, Mrs. C. N. Ruse. Hood's Pis arc purcly vegetable and de not purge, pain or gripe. Al dru gist. 25c. WMon 1 Was WeII. Chemists and Druggists. 1 i - i MAPLE GROVE. Mrs. Clark Tyler lias returned from Berlin .... .Mr. John Power, Toronto, is visiting frîends here ... . Mr. S.Snowden is rejoicing over a fine boy baby .... Mr. and Mrs. W. Jý Wood and Mrs A. W. Foley are visiting at Duclaus' Point, Lake .-i-co-e- -- - A bout 35 leaguers from town visited our Epworth League Fri- day niglit and gave us a fine program A pleasant and profitable evening wasi spent. ... Dr. Marvin was called sudden- ly to visit lis father who is veryii r Geo. Power is carryîng ou the'reviva meetings and preached Sunday after- noon. BOWMANVILLE, JAN. 20, 1897. NEW HAVEN, (Received too late for lasi week.) Miss Vida VanCamp has returned from a delightful visit at Brantford... Miss Nellie Witheridge has also had a pleasant visit in Toronto. . . . Mr. James Rund1e recently visiteà Clarke friends. .... Mrs. S. Burgess bas been il ... . Mrs. S. Penfound and Miss N. VanCamp were recent guests at Mr. L,. VanCamp's ...Sorry to learn that Mr. F. VanCamýp hardware merchant, Lindsay, has made an assignment. The Sharpe Brothers talk of going to Manitoba to take up land. . .. Recent visitors, Mr. and Mrs. J, Molon, Hampton, at Mr. T. Blyth's; Mr. Levi Bartlett, Cieserea -and Mr. C. Gage, Oshawa, at Mr. W. Wood's; Mr. Albert Manning and family at Mr. S. Burgess'.. .. Miss M. E. VanCamp visit- ed ber sister Mrs. J. L. Dichle, Oshawa, recently ... . Miss Sarahi Burgess lias re- turned £rom a visit with friends in Clarke .... Mr. W. Cory bas been visit- îny relatives at Moorefield. .. . Mr. and Mrs. Ira Pierce recently visited friends at Newéastle .. .. Miss Lizzie Burns lias been visiting her sistbr, Mrs. Alex. Hume, town .... Mr. W. C. Goode, for- mnerly of this place, but now of Godericli has been re-appointed by acclamation to the Council of that town. . .. Mr. Osçar Fraink spent Xmas at home .. .. Mrs. D. Pollard and Mrs. J. D. Storie recently visited their aged father, E. G. Power, Esq.jà'Messrs. Edward and Irwin Wtedge are visîting near Owen Sound .... Mr. J. Herbert Power and bride have settled here afttr spending their honey nioon with relatives_.., Miss Anale Legge, Bowmanville, recently visited Mrs. D. Moffatt.> Mr. John Grills, Pickering, bas bcen visiting his sister Mrs. S. Everson.... The drîving shed for the Sunday School is being erected by Messrs. Gully & Hlumber .... Large attendance at the C. E. Friday evening. Meeting led by Messrs. Fred Truli and W. Jennîngs, topic discusscd by Misses C. Goode and M. Witherage and Mr. J. Grills. Miller's Compound Iron Pilîs cure St. Vitus' Dance. 50 doses for 25 cents. While 1 was S!ck. And Now 1 arn WII~ One cf the Best Kncwn Printers in Canada, CeI."¶- tw-he story of hUs terrible. sufferIngs, and gives an accourut of his resc-ue from the Jaws of Death. Prob'thly no, one is letter known to the ptintiug twade cf Canada than Max-1 seuil Jolititoni, of Maxwelell Johaston & Co,, 72 Bay streot, Toronto. His su'tuy years ot experience, have ac-, q'uainted hlm with almuet every per-1 t' 'n in tie entire trade. To many o f his fricuds it lias beau known tînt le n 'se suffored duing very savaeillness1 1 lie pa,it yeer, and in regard to the a tine Mr. Johnston writes the follow- ing lotter ToRos'ro, I)ec. 3, 18~96. Mrst.T. MiLBURN & CO.: F)Ei p.SSrs,-For over taen oaths I Putfaoredfrorn dropsy, causad by kidney troublie which followad an attack of la giippe. Tha symptorne nspidly becama Bcrions aud medical àid was called la. Arnung c thons who wcre cuusulted ware Dr-. Wallace, Dr. .Norman Allen, Dr. Wrir and Dr. Glass, ail cf this city, and 1 cani truly tate that thcy made eveny ci-ort that medical skli couid provide Sevea oparations wara perforrncd witiia six montise, during whii time I visited rt difforent peniode for tisa purpuse of these operations the tollowing hospitale, viz: The Toronto General Hospital, St. Micials Hospital and Grace Hospital. Altîsougi ail that couid le dune for me 'irs fa-itbfully and skillfuily performed, 1 roceived only tempurary relief, the cpcraitions only seaving ,te remove the enunînous qusutities of watan whidh con- îîsistiy ecouuulatcd. As a niatten ef fact, 1 7 gallonts of waten were removed during t'ie lait two operations. Atter the lait Oparation I waa given up to die and v-as given ouly six to tweive days to live. In addition to the lest niedical ikili wh ;ch moîsey could procure, .I usad ail ki lnis4of patent. medinines whiîc pr')-r iiiiscd relief, lut witliout effet. Ail tîit' f tnm ily rernodies sug-gest cd, sncb as Miik- 'aTee, Pumnpkini Seei Tea, Milein i 'cf Tea, Speniali Onion Tan, Swcct Nýirre and Bochu, etc., were tailhfully :;.'d lut gavse îîot the sliglteet relief, su 'it I1lied lost ail hope, wlan 1 wae par- i , ded to try Doan's Kidney Pis, to- g ha 'e. withi xa Livor I'ills. To sîy1 oirprîse I received alîuost imimediate ne- lPef. At this tiine i vwas unable to lie rd mu'n sud for threeanmd a hait rnntliq a-J 1 cousiden myseif penfoctly cured and' teel truag and well. My weight wben I was ttackcd %vas 198 pourids. Afttar tise oparations I was raduccd te 130. 1 waigh now 160.1 By carafuliy watchiug the action, cf Donn's Pille and Laxa Livor 1ills I ama positive tbs± to tlem alune is due tise wondeiful cure whiclb las takan place in Imy case. I.arn a printor ly trade aud have hld positions la the office of The Globe, Mail, Metbodist Book Room, etc., as weil as in Ohio and Detroit, Nidh., and bave beau an empioying pinten since 1877. Altboug it namysecem incradibla, avary word 1 have tated je the trutb, and I arn preparc'd to back it ly thc evidence ut bundreds of citizons and friands who knew me lefora 1 was sîck sud aftawards, hIle 1, vas near death's door, and who nuw, to their surprise, sec me rastored te complete bealthb y the use cf Doan'a Kid- ncy Pille, aeisted by Laxa Liven Pille, 1 shah hoc gisd te answar inquinies frein suferers frumu kidney orliven troubles ai anytime, and refar to the foilowing genk- tlemen who bave knowlcdge of thc facts, and can vcify every word I say. Many cf thase gentlemen knew me bafone my sicknass, durng my terrible suifcnings, and since I was nestored to lenitI. My testimuny le given voluntariiy and with- eut any consideration of any kind, atier directly or indirectiy. 1 give it solely for the lenefit et my fellow halage who ssnay be afflicted with Dnopsy or Kidney troubles ot any klnd, via. : R. J. Fleming, Eeq., Mayor et Toronto. E. F. Clarkie, Esq., M.P., ex-Mayor. Rov. H. C. Dixon, et Gilla-spie, An- sley & Dixon. J. W. St. John, Esq., M.PP., Patrick Boyle, Esq., of tic Cailulia Register. Dr. Phullips. J. B. Cook, Esq., photographes-. W. G. Murdock, Esq., larr:ster. T. C. Robiette, E sq., barristar. John MoGregor, Est1., barnister. Chas. McDonald, iisq., larnister. M. J. Quinn, Esq., barnister, etc. John Kent, Esq., ut Gowau.s, Kent& Company. Geo. Gwntkin, Esq., ut Gwatkin & Son. Ch. Gor" '"'t, q 'IV II J r John Stoninont, Esq. J. G. Ramscy, Esq. Geo. Verrai, Esq. Ex-Aid. W. T. Stewart. G. T. Panditi, Esq. Juin Imrie, Esq., oft laie & Grahamu. Wmn. Hovendan, Eeq. Wm. Thnelkeld, Esq. W. S. Jobaston, Esq. J. J. Ryan, Esq. Jas. E. Hendensen, Esq., et Stockweil &Handersua. Fredanidli Diver, Esq., Central Proeý Agency, Toronto. Harry Brown, Eeq., et Brown Brus.& Co., Toronto. Niciolas Murphy, Esq., Q.C. Thos. Parkinson, Esq., of Messrs. Powell & Parkinson. ' Juin Browns, Esq., corner Simcoeansd Adelaîde treets. S. T. Britten, Esq., et Britten & Bradshaw. Cihas. Field, Esq., Quee street enet. Wm. ilirst, Esq., corner Churdli and Sinter streets. And hundreds et othae. Youns tnuiy, MAXWELL JOMN5TON. Mr. Joînston appeared lefora Mr. C. Hendenson, Cummissioner lu thie Higi Court uf Justice, sud gave tic folowin'g deciaration as regards tbe alsolute truth of tlie stataments made, la lis letten DOMINIO.N 0F CANAD[A, Provine ut Ontario, Counity of Yonrk. To WIT :-In tihe natter et a latter tc qMess. T. Milluru & Ce., dated 3rd De- ocmber, 1896, 1, Maxwell Jolinstun, c' the City (qf Toronto, la tic Ceunty i' York, do solemu'ly declare tlat the t c mente containcd lu thc above letcer art truc, and 1i make hs solaum daciasation cunscicntiousiy blheving it te le truc', and hue wiug that it is efthtle samie for-e, and cfcct as if inade under oath and by virtue ufthtI Canada avidence set, 1893. dcclarcd bofore me at Toronto, in tIe Cou'aîy ut York,, Vile 3rd day ut Dcccm- ber, 189., ly Chas. Hlendanson, a Coin- missioner in I. C. J. Courts. cir '.lare'li Johns. ton é'Co., 72 Beýy treet, Toronto, Ont, CLARKE NEWS& (Gondensed from the News.) S. S. No. 9, CLARKE. Mr. Wm Chapple has netunned home from Shoal Lake, Man., on a visit. H1e looks hearty and tips the scales at 200 lbs..Mr. Henry Bowen is visiting friende la Port Perry .. .. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Bellwood, of Vîrginia, U. S. ,visited, lis sister Mrs. J. Pollard. recently; ai- s0 Mr. J.Christie and bride of Montreal ...Mr. Willie Bowen's young daugli- ter lias been iii , but is necoveoing. PalIpitation of the heart, nervousness, trembling, nervous headache, cold lande and feet, pain in the back, and other forms of weakness are relieved by Carter's Iron Pîlîs, made specially for the blood, nerves and complexion. KIRBY. Mr. C. J. Thornton bas becn sîck. Rev. D. M. Billings took the lesson at the League, Sunday week .. . .Mr. Wm. Patterson lias moved to thc D. MeCon- flache farm .... Mr. John Winter iand Mr. Coryell, Oshawa, were lere recent- ly .. .. Mr: Dowson bas lcased Mr. Tbos. H.Power's farm and moved thereon.. Miss Bragg,Darlingýton and Miss Cobble- didi,' Sixth Line, visited at Mr. Tbos. Bragg 's, recently. If you are nervous or dyspeptic try Carter's Little Nerve Pis. Dyspepsia makes you nervous, and nervousness msakes you dyspeptic ; either one rend- ers you nilserable, and these little pilîs cure both. NEWTON VILLE. Mr. Clifford Handcock,and sister Miss Lulu, ili witli tvphoid fevcr,arc recover- ing. The band sercnaded Mn. John J ackson at lis residence in Kendall and were lieartily entertained at an excell- ent supper. Speeches by Deputy Reeve Jones,W. Underwood and Mr. Jackson followcd . ... A band concert will likely take place this month ....Mr. John Cas- wcll sold a heavy horse to Mr. Jacobs, of Montreal, A NEw ComBiNATiox.-As thcir mime signifies, Laxa-Liver Pilîs arc a combi- nation of laxative principles with thc best liver medicines obtainable. Tliey cure Sick Headaclie, Constipation, Biliousaess ,Liver Complaint,Dyspepsia, and dcrangcd conditions of thetomacli, Liver and Bowels. KENDALL. Mrs. S. Mattbcws visited at Port Hope.-., Mr. C.Stuton will teacli North Kendal sechool this year ..Mr. Ed. Og- den, tonsonial artist, is being well pat- ronized .... A Royal Ark Dcgree meet- ing in cotitection with L. O. L , No.915 was held Friday niglit wben four candi- dates wcre adrnittcd to thc sublime de- grec ..,. Miss Loule Underwood was re cently presented with an address and a purse of money, in recognition of lier faitîful service as organistofthte Metho- dist dhurci ... .L. O. IL. bas elected as officers:-W M-Jas. Patton; D M-R. Cowan ; Cbap-T.Pattcrson ; Sec-W. Underwood ; Treas-Allan .Cathcart ; D ef C-Chas. Sutton; l S-Geo.Galicy ..,Miss Fallis, Toronto, a former resi- dent here was lere for the holidays_. Farmers' Institute here Tuesday Jan.' 26 at1.30 and 7.30 p.m. Good meetings are expected. Sec bis. - Ail ,cases of weak or lame back, backache, rbeumatismn, will find relief by weariag-one of Carter 's Smart Weed and Balladonna Backachè Plasters. Price 25 cents. Try them, LESKARD. Mr.Wm. CoÉnish,who bas been living at Solina, le among us again .. .. Mr. Stephen McPbadden, Fullarton, is oun new teacher, boarding with Mr. D.Bell. Mrs. (Dr.) Beatty, Garden Hill, le convalescent. ... . Miss Mar y Lawson returned to the city. . .. Mr. Wm. Kelly now occupis the, nesîdence vacated by Mr. J. Cuncannon-...Mr. Wm. Me- Kaiglit lasbeen il .... Mr.David Ste-w- ard and sister. Miss Millie have gone to jein their fiende la Minnesota .... Mr. A. J. Staple's lad a horse badly kicked requiring ten stitches .... Mr. Thos. Smith lias settled on bis fanm since lis retunn from Manitoba . ... Mn. Arduie Staîker le sick.. _ Rev. 1H. C, Ounts, Ty- rone, preachcd bere Suaday morning.. ,Mn. Bent Robbins, Onono, and friend Mr. Rob. Huoper wcre liene Sunday wcek. .... Mr. W. H. Tonkin closcd bis business here pcnding a settlement witli bis creditors. -. .True Blues thank candi- dates for Couaty Council and municipal honore for lîberal donations to building fund of their hall. LiGHiNiAsiA-IT SMNEiS CinEuu..- MEssRs. T. Mir.nuRN & Co., Tonoicro. DEAR Sifs,-There le liglit la Asia atter ail, and thc man that advised me to try your Heant and Nerve Pills was a ficnd iadced and trul.y a fiend la aced. Before 1 started to take them 1 was lang4uid, weak, sicepiese and ner- VOUS. My brain was beciouded ýand I could not ceilcct my thoughts, I lad gone througli an operation in the ho pe of relief but stili remained genenal y brokea upnM' appetite was gone and I was almostwlithout hope or ambition. Now I feel thorougbly rcbuilt througli thc use of Milbura's Heant and Nerve Pille, and it took only tbree or four weeks to do thc work. I often thinli of thc years of suiffcing I might have escaped lad I only known ot Milburn's Heant and Nenve Pille lu tme; butjI am grateful to be rcstored to bealth at last, and gladly recommend lie medicine that cared me. 'Y VOU WnNT The leadiug Catalogue in Canada l'ours forrthea askimg-write lor it. Tells about Best andi Carest seis l.nom7' heeds hy MIVldsaîe arrivai guaranteçcd STHE Steele1 Brigo,,s SeCd CO. LID- Sock-T1aking'mu Is how occupyin g our attention, and as we pro 'ýd wilI lay out for sacrifice many odd lines of )V'int Goods.. Without a doubt this is the most opportuý time in the whole year to secure bargains in the mn useful goods. Ma»i staple lines of goods wfll b( eiearedî at hall' and you have a big chance to get just what you very cheap. Neyer Before - have we been so thorough in our efforts to makie a sweep before Stock-Taking- Neyer befoIre hav made auch sacrifices to attain the desirW!ý tesults ai31 and neyer before have our stocks been so çlean befoi tne annu. strCCRtaklung.j Dont Forget the Snaps That wiâ b&. give'D ail through this month. Some grfi bargains i Men's and Boy's IJsters ; not many left lit they must ail go, and Men's and Boy's Suits, some ci lines at less than cost. A few Fur C aps, Robes, &c. We TItank Ouï Pa(trons of last week. fer their presence, in sucli large numbers A. for the liberal inanner in wliich our Big Barýg waspatronized-, Truly it was a great succeSS, The s iýC: tabli &M7 w i1 r.aintans e- the CanatdiarnI business man's bze- papzr. Every iszsuc will prescnî. valuabIc ir.-ýorrn ation to thosz Who appreciate nw 1edgec ~~~na matters. ýe- The journal i5 ind!sîDznsa5ie to t'ne live mer- chant and his clerks ; a help to those w1ho arSe ',hoeing a hard row,» ainda rnoney savez to the man who likes to get al the n-ZW3 for thz Ieast rnoncy. The MONETARY TIMES 13sas old as the Dominion of C:uîada, baving been estab- lished in the first year of Confederation, and its files !contain a comiplete açeount of the commer cial and financial -history of the Coun- try since that tîme. 1Sample Copies free. Six months subscrip. tion $i.oo. Tweive muntlhs sbscription $2.o0, Published every ]Iriday. Address, The Monetary Tines,' Toronto. T« IiE~TH0D OF A, GREAT TIZEAT- MiENT FOR 1VEkKNESS OF IIIN. WhMch Cured Hlm Afler Everytlhg Bise Falled. Pairful disease's are bad enough, but when a man is slowly wasting away with nervous weak- ness, the mental forbodings are ten times worsê than the most severe pain. There le nu let up tu the mental sufferîng daor night. Sleep is ai- most Impossible and under sncba sliasumen are scarcely responsible for what they do. F'or years t hewriter rolled and tossed on the troubled sea ut sexual weekness untili it was a question wbether be had nlot better take a dose uoiso and thus end al bis troubles. But providiential inprto ame to hîs aid îx the shape of a cortombination ofmiedicines that nut only eomaplete- ly restored the -eneral heslth, but enlarged bis weak ,EmacIateA parts te natural Size and vîgor, and he now declares that an y man who will taire trouble to seod his name and address may have the method oï this wonderful treatment free. Now when I say free 1 mean absolutely without cusi, because I waiit every weakeeed man tu get the benei of my experience. 1 amn not a pilanthropist, nor do I pýose as an entbusiast, but ther e are thousands isu men suf- fering the mental tortures of weakened manhoofi who wuudbe enrefi et once could they but get such aremedy ascuredime. Donîot try to study out buw I eau affotd to pay the few postage stamps neeessary to mail thie information, but sendi for it, andi learu there are a few tbings on earth that although they cuit notbing tu get they are worth a fortune to somte me* andi men s ieue of happiness to most of us. Write to Thomas Siarer, Box M0s Kalamazoo, Mieh., andi the sîîformai>,iîili i mef11alc i lis a jsellefi ciî clope. A'REIITT.ER VEAR FORB 8 Thc catira novclty etoafyni t pla-ie o'r -1Ml neen stance tIc senies devoted te,1 " LONDON AS SEEN 'yCi Gînsea,." 'Mn. Gibsea lias n befone as a witer. 11e visit last summen for Scribncr s, for tIc purposaetofdepictini aad peacil tiose scenes aindt thc luge metrepolis preseat. variety. Of 111e nevelty is thc frest c NOVEL BT RidýITiAi>DHR "Soldions et Fortunie." Th et the most vigorous -mca MI drawa. Iilustratedr by C. D "Tui CONDUCT eOF GREAT A bcautifullyîiïustrated caeri of which the follewing".anc Pictcd. "The Great Dapat 'TIc Management e a "Thc Working et TIc Great Maaufactonv." "UNDERGRADIJATE LIrai CeLiiEG Es," A sanies etairt ing upon tic lite et env eider as rcprcscntcd by tle dol students thameelves.Ju, Howland writes on "Un Lite at Yale." Mn. James on "Princetown, "and Rob)ý Edwand S. Martis on "H1ar JAAisANDCHINA IE wlll ba a most intceeti n articles richiy iilustratcd. "TiUNQuinIT Sax." Uni of "The Unquiet Sex," Mrs. tannin Moody will writc, articles :-"Woman and "The Coliege-bned Womau,' Clubs," and "The Case et papen on domasticn service.) W. D. Howcli's "Story et this Mn. Heos"l gives u Làte lie las aven produced in ii vain ot light comady. George W. Calle. Iii ad tien enumarated thene ,ei of four short etonies by G,ý -ng thc only one he lias,tf,ea;ý c years. 1 "11ev vo TRAvEL Wii'aib minimum et wear and tean, garded as an art littie Mn. Lewis Morris Iddin, articles. wil effer a variet suggestions and data on, Land Travel.'" This wil roundcd eut by an artiel Mn. Richard Harding Davis vallons oeaMeets . Thai methods."The illustratie can and foreiga artiste wil partissnent. It le impossible in a si even vmentfin the mai) fcatures ferj1897. A beauits cdlutile boolet !basîbeen ipi vîmidl will be sent, pstgpaid quet. Scibner's Mgzn 25 cents a ce!j Charles Scribn, 153-1 i iTFifth Avenue,; ý 1