stock. They are b h inexpensiveo ar- E I Ji %Oïît he HoUSeý ticles ifproperly boqght. Do flot pur- E I H cbàse of a. local store in email quan- THE "BOSS" IN THE HME tities. but get themn by the pound and ALCOHOL AN]D DISEASE. l«Oi'm the bass ofme own borne," quart bottle of some'-large deaier. AI- A mian was recently brougbt 1mbt ~~~1 ~ ~ % ~said the Jrishman, and the sentimnent was secuxe the purest and best quai- 10otepulchpiasfalrg is ehoedby mny manwho ro-ity. They are indispensable inaui is ehoedby mny manWho ro-dry. bath and kitchen, and the house- city suffering from a bruise. Ile bad ~.vidés for a home. Thesemn ie wife Who wisbos ta save time and la- falien backward across a narrow ob- TT ,511 lýl 11111 iloPtli 111101111111