Bowianville,Dec.31 ,'96. We desir-e to thank the public mot lieartily for the exceedingly2' liberal patron- age given ii s during the year just closed and we promise the same care and attention in thc) füuwre as we have giv- en in 'the Irast to everyr de- tail of our ~business. Owing tc: our buying n'lany Enes i vel-y large quantities ,to meet th(- requirements of Iun'r three stores (Bowaan- ville, Osha.wa and Lindsay) we are a]ble to offer even greater acUvantages to our customers -than ever before ani we shaLIl exert ourselves to the utmc)st to merit a (,on- tinuance o.-f the favors so liberally h' estowed upon us in the past. We Wish Ev-ery Reader A Happy New Year. ,ýStDtIt & Jury, The Drngg-ists. 'We Stili Continue To Tesit Eyes. (0 cou rsewe rmiake no charge for it.) ~We Guararutee -Satisfaction. (We have a niost complete une I of scientific instruiments for test- ing eyesight a: te, ýive bttîe tlbe ladi Toronto and] In Solid -God.. Oui stc best assorted who value t wihglassesal ofbefore shou particulars. St CA lean 'SHAVE.. Yen cannot wbere as at oni fer somnetingE Owing te the sale bouse we f special injue: / Yen to est Ste We still continu ýng Powder at 15e t40.Tmy it. Chamoi.c i&eath e ~or V e B3y buying fer get close prices are able te gî-N J price. E OUR F C - a fiee Sof t CE ýi-jo for the besit Stott -",e are still selllit iýoider at 15e a ),.Lr kinds at 4Ue là BOWMANYILLE, JAN. 6, 1897, Local and Otherwise. Some firms dlaimi to be selling at cost ail the year round, others dlaiim to be selling at a fair profit except at certain seasons when they wish to clear some lines of goods. Couch, Johuston & Cry- derman belong to this class, so that when they advertise a clearing sale at reduced prices, people kuow what to expect and they are not disappointed. Read their ad.then cali and see for your- self. Fora Sewing Machine go to Rickard's. Conservative convention next Friday in Bowmanville. Opal Rings are lucky. Ilickard's is the place to buy. A first class new Machine for $20.00 cash at Rickard's. M. A. James, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Bowmanville. Window shades and curtain poles at ail prices at L. Morris'. Capital New Year 's gift-THE STATEs- MAN-52 reminders a year. Furniture in ail newest designs and lowest prices at L. Morris'. Sunday was very much like an April day, warmn and spring-like. Buy a practical present for New Year's. Rickard has many. See the $2.50 fancy Cobbler Rocker at M.- D. Williams & Son's for Xmas. Dr. Tilley lias sent the new scliool Act and Regulations to each Sclioolboard in Durham. Men and boys' overcoats selling off at reduced prices at Coucli, Jolinston & Cryderman's. Nothing more appropriate than a nic piece of Furniture for a Christmas gift-big variety at L. Morris', Bow. manvile. Now is your chance to get a new cape clieap, Coucli, Johnston & Cryder- [man are selling theirs off at exactly cost price. M. D. Williams & Son have a fine uine of Rattan Chairs suitable for Xmas presents. You are invited to call and see them. The municipal grant to Public Sohools lias been discontinued and the Legis- lative grant will be paid in June, based on 1896 attendance. Dr. Norris, District Deputv, A. 0. Ul. W., will instal the officers of Bowman- ville Lodge No. 99, on Friday evening. A full attendance of members. Tweed dress goods wortli 50e for 35Sc, tweed dress goods worth 85e for 60c, tweed dress goods worth 81 for 75c, at Coucli, Jolinston & Cryderman's. Solid Gold Spectacles at Rickard's for $4.50 less than you can purchase the saine goods in Toronto and no0 one more capable of fitting your eve witli a glass than lie. Every modemn appliance kept for testing and a comfortable private room for the purpose. tnd arein a - NEw Sufs-Nothing deliglits a pub- and re n aposition lislier's heamt more than eceiving new >r satisfaction than subscribers. We have been cheereti several times the past week by receipts anywliere between o! new names. How easily our list cou]d be doubled by every present sub- Kingston.) scribem sending us one uew name. Try it, frienti. 1The complete novel lu January issue of Lippincott's "Stockings fuil o! Mony by Mary Kyle Dallas, is a tale cf domestic relatienships and affections, but turns ou the mysterieus dîsappear- ance cf twc thonsand dollars, anti varions suspicions as to the thief. Bu3ocK's BIRD SEED-A grocer ef Kingston savs: 'My bird stcpped singing ls the ]argest anti during monting andi could net be indue- ed te ýsin--again egen wheu over lis in Town and those mnoult 1n lIed him witli Bmck's Bird Seed and Bird Treat wlien lie began heir eyesight andi again anti las doue well ever since."I AIl grocers and drnggists. Nicholson ,t prices neyer hearti & Brock, 81 Coîbomne St., Toronto. ulti cail anti learu Please remember it pays to take a od live local paper if for no other eascu than te take advantage of the many bargains constantly beiug ativer- ;ottlb & Jr, eBowmanville ecat.Js Reliable Opticians. ment ou our last page and tee if yen do net agree- witli us. Ycu may save the price of TUE STATESMAN for teus years by attending this great sale. New Year's Day was henered in Bow - manville by a weddino- Mrs. Eliza Mut- ton's youngest daugÈter, 'Miss Mary Jane, being marriedt t Mr.Jesse Hunt, got as good value any. a respectable young fammer cf Darling- ir store if yen are toeking ton, by Rev. W.Jolliffe, lu the presence extra lu Bazomt. o! quite a large company cf relatives ant frientis at the cosy home cf the failume o! a largo wbole- bride's mother, Higli Street. The pres- are able te offer seme ents te the bride were a very nice col- meîîts which it aiti pay lection. They will live in the lieuse ate. formely occnpied by Mr. Fishleigli on Scugog st. )tt & J u ry. A. crsof Jemusalem Lotige No. 31, A.F. anti A.M.. G. R. C.. W M-W. H. 1 te to seil the best Bah- Foley ; S W-D. B. Simpson; J W-C, P. Blair; Sec-Jos. Pattînson; Treas- a peunti, noue better J. Lyle ; Cha-Jas. Gilfilan; S D-T. Herb.McMurtmy ; J D-Julins Roenigkz; J G-W. R. Goedwin ; Tyler-Wm. Wright. Finance Ccmmittee-J. B.Mit- chel, D B. Simpson anti T. Herb. D ~McMurtrv. Benovelent Committee- Wm. Mckay, E. R. Bounsaîl anti J. Percy. Sick Committee-T. H. Spry,C. r P. Blair anti W. R.Goodwin. Stewards -T. H. Spry anti T. Fitzgerald. Di- recter of Crenonies-S. Burden. Or- s t sganist-E. R. Bounsaîl. We are se focibly impresseti with the Et.novelty anti libemalityofteMsnCl taking IBargain Sale whidh takes place ar line that ave expoîl lu. next week that we would be remiýsslu tbrea stores at oneave Our dnty te our numerens eaders if we on our goods se that ave ii net perseîîally recommenti them te ie btter quaty at lest taire ativantage cf thîs ceetainl y un- usuai bar-ain eppertnnity. The rem- uants of tlseir big heliday-selling- wil ) E nowgo for a trifie. Economical folk >R I CLS soîibce qnick te take ativantage cf reductions on mauy seasenable anti Dhamois. nece ssary hues of geetis. Theme are not only the bargains te attract,but aise t lu the market. free accommoedation for man anti beast, a thoonghly effiient anti well traineti staff of reliable employees te give yen rYtheir best efforts te mnak-e yen comfomt- & Juable. We are -informeti that dning- I y their iast Bargains Sale they lad tomers fom HlopeManvers anti Whitbv ng th bes BakngB well as from Darlington, Clarke u, &igthe bet BkinICartwright, some driving 20 miles anti -pounti. Better than expessingthemseîves as welî pleaseci tnI 50c. with their journey, Mm. auj Mms. D1. C. Copelauîd, c f bansdowue te ot Christmas aiîdNew v ears at -"Threlkold' - he reidnce c! ihe bri (1à's pairentsMi,.and Mme. 'Ihas.Hutchinson. Allavishthuent aeig ede ife~ ~ ~ ~ ~~n c!jyhppndsad ured TIé lac- Gold Watches at Rîckard's,best value in the country. Comments on Monday's elections will appear next week. Mayor Fleming was elected for the foumtli temmn by about 1600 majority. Dr. Beith, J. McClellan and W. J. Jones were elected PubliceSelsool trus- tees Wednesday acclamation. Directors cf Union Agricultural Soci- eties meet lu Council Boom, Bowman- ville, Saturday Jan. 9 at 2 p. m. Ladies' andi Misses' coats, selling off ai tabout haîf price, ail new goods, ai tCoucli, Jolinston & Cryderman's. Miss Armour, teacher cf Piano,Org'an andi Singing, will resume instructionsý at lier residence, Ontario St., and ai the scliools on Monday, Jan. 4tli, 1897, NOvîcE,-lu tlie minutes cf Darlington Council in STATESMAN cf Jan. 1, . 97, in reference to the dutting of timber across lots 17 and 18 on tlie 4 con. hune. 1 will be responsible only for the timber cnt on the moad allowance. W. L. LAW, Solina. By a change lu the Municipal Act mnade at last session cf Legisiature, Counicils meet for organization on the secondinstead cf the thirdlMonday lu January, which. this vear will be Mon- day next, lltli, at 10 a. m. Persons concerrned. shoulti goveru themiselves accordingly. A FINE NuxrBE.-Leisure Hours for December lias a special cover desigued by Mr. Clark Bogert, descriptive cf a wintry month; new piano music eutitled Mistletoe , the art plate is a lovely child subject "Lillian; t he ladies' Paris de- signs in fine dmessmaking are repro- duced.' A paper pattern cf any cf these styles can be obtaineti by sending bust mensure and ten cents to the publisher cf Leisume Hours, Philadelphia, Pa ; a Chrmistmas Surprise is a very enter- esting story. and there are a number of other short articles. Address Mm. Chas. A. Dixon, Publisher of Leisume Heurs, Philadeiphia, Pa., for a sample ccpy. Mrs. Ada E. Wooldridge, wife cf Mr. W. Wooldrid oe' -mcvem, died at the London, Wednesday niglit. The de- ceased, who was bomu, in Bowmanville, lad fommeti a large circle of fiends dur- ing lier thirteen years mesidence lu this city, and hem death will begenemally re- gretteti. She leaves two sons-George anti Harv-bcth cf whom. meside at home. Mis. Wooldmidge liat been ll for some time with a complication cf diseases, and on Wednesday morning undemwent an operation. She neyer me- covered consciousness andi rapidly sank -Free Press. Mrs. R. H. Turner, lier sister,has been waiting ou hem for sever- ai weeks. PERSONAL. We invite ail our meaders te coutributo to tht. column arrivai and departure of guests, meve monts cf wellknown people, business mnen etc Seud a postal card to THE STATESMAN, drop s note in our office lettor box or ring up phone 52. Mr. W. Peate, Rochester, N. Y., is homle. Mr. Joe. Hlalpany, Toronto, spant Sunday lu town. Miss D. Morrisosi, Toronto, spent Sunday lu town. Miss Hancock, Toronto, is visitiîig friands lu tolvn. Mr. John MeCbellan, Gaît, was home for New Years. Mr. Donald McDonald is home fromn North Brauch, Mich. Miss Mabel Bosevear, Plainville, Is visiting relatives bore. Miss Ida Hutchinsen bas boon seri1ously 111 but la racoverîug. nMr. Jas. Founfi, Picering, vieited friends itoav racantiy. Mr. and Mr$. Rutchinson, Port Porry, visîted friands hiers, rocantty. Mr. and Mrs. W. Beith, Parkdate, bave be3u visiting relatives lu tewîî. Miss lela A. Logan, Lindsay, is visittng lier cousin, Miss Hilda Logan. Mrs. W. Everson, Oshapwa, bas beau visiting1 ber mother, Mrs. R. Hamley. Miss ?4iniia E. Haines left Mouday for Wallt ervihlo whamo sho bas a schoot. Mr. Cee. Coemran, Ithaca, N. Y., hss beau spending the bolidays at home, Miss 10h10 RHooper, Almonte, is visititlier graudmether, Mrs. Cao. Rooper. Mms. John Ma xwall o! Cleveland, Obio, is vie- iting tsar sistar, Mrs. T. C. Jawell. Bey. Chas. R. Asb down and Mr. Wm. Alex- ander spaut New Years lu Toronto. Mr. auj Mrs. Wv. J. Colo, and family, Ojshawa, hava been guests of Mm. Jas. Mabean. Miss Joua Janiîgs spent New Years witls lier father, Mm. Thos. Jeriîmuge, Whitby. Messrs. John Bntch art auj John Hemn ara attending C. Military Schoel, Toronto,. Mr. Wm. Reuwick, Attica N Y hs visiing bis gmandmotbom, Mme. Wm. kcniwiëk. 11ev. J. H. Barnett, Chantaulîna, N. Y., wll preach in Tmluity rhumais nons Suîîday. Bey. -W. H Adams, Omono, preachef tavo finle sermons lu the Methefitît ehureb Suunday. Mils Violette Osborne left Menday memning for Bmownsville mu mesumne tabiug theme. Mm. and Mms. H. M. Patterson, Semael, Que., are guesîs o! hiem fathar Mr. J. B. Foirbairiu, P. M. Miss oule Higginbotham, Virden Mau., is visitiug relatives heme guest o! Mm. 'lies. HÏoam. Mr. James Kerr auj famll cf Toronto, spont lîolidays wlilt tiir faîher Mm. Wm. Kerr. Mm. Thos.Hnitchiiison,assistant supeiuteîîdeuî o! I. B. and O., R. B.spant the holidays ai home. Rey. and Mrs. S. T. Barilei t auj family, Ce- bourg, spent New Years ai Mr. Johni Hetlyar's. Mr. H. J. Noswortby o! the Post and Mr. Tise Pirst of ihese lWontbly Compeiiiions wiiI commence January tsi, 1897, 'çQUEEN" TESTIONIALS. J. N. KJVELL. Esq.., Bowmanville. DEAn Sin,-Tlie 'Queen" stove which I puirchased fromi you over a miontli ago is oiving good satisfaceion. That top araft is a wonder. The beauty of the stove is that it will hum large rougli knots that wilI flot go into any other stove. 1 think the stove will pay for its self this winter lu the saving of fuel, be- sides being an ornament to any room. I cau clieerfully recommend it to any oe reqing a good heater, as it -will keep a fire in al ighit as good as a coal stove. Yours respectfully, A. L. NICHIOLLS, "The Fair." Bowmanville, Nov. 11, 1896. Notices of Births, Marriages and Deaths Fifty Cents. Deaths free when the fun- eral notices are printed at the STATES-. MAX office. BORN. CONNOR.-At Whltby, Dec. 29th. the wif e of Edwartt Connor, of a son,. CO0K.-At Geneva, Dec. 28th, the 'ý;vl«?Mr Thos. Cook, of a daugbter. TYsLR.-In Canton N Y on Dec. 31, the wiie of Dr. H. H. Tyler, o? a àaukhter. McLEANi.-I Oshawa, Dec. 25 tt, Mr. and Mrs. A. R.Mcbean, a son. LOTT.-In Oshawa Dec. 28, the wife of Mr. Walter Lott, of a dan11glter. MARRIED Husts.nnIEs-R.osE.-On Dec. -96,at No. 29, Euc1M Ave., Toronto, byBey. J. F. Oekley, Mr. Thos. S. Humphrles, UOshawa, and Miss A nes Helen, daughter of Mr x C. Rose, Richmond, Qune. HÂARIîS-GIBSOŽ.-At St. Panl's Manse, Bow- manville, Dcc. 29 by Bey. R. Donrlas Fraser,M. A., Mr. Ernest A. Harris and Miss Christena Gibson, both of Howick, County of Huron. HUNT-MUTTON.-At the residence of the brides mother, Higli street Bowmanville, New Year's Day, b; Rev. W. Jo'lliffe, Mr. Jesse'Hunt of Darliogton and Miss Mary Jaue Mtton yonnge -,, daoghter of the late David Mutton o Callington, Cornwall, England. OIED. WOOLDItneGF.-Tn East bondon, on Dec. 8tb, Ada E. Borland, beloved wif e of Mr.W. 'Woold- ridge, grocer ;sister of Mis. R. H. Tnrncer,Bow- manvlle.ý BELL.-In Port Ferry, Dec. 28tl,Williamn Bell, aged 57 years. Dowso.-At lot 18, con 8, Beach, on Dec. 25, Ernily S. Dowson, beloved wife of MrGeo. Dow- son, aged 315 vyears. WARKUPj.-A'%t Wbîtby Dec. 31st, George Warkup, uýged 83 years. BOWMÂNVILLE MARKETS. Uawker &Tî m m Thank you for your liberal patronage extended them and wish you the season'sg complime.>nts and a success- IWKER& TAIT, Correcied byJ.MeMurtry eachThursday I The Grocers, Bowmanville. FLoU, APT t100 lbs ý........ $2 40 to $2 70 WHAFaîl, bush... 0oùii'i0 8o 'i White Fife .... 0 00 "0 80 Red 'i .... 000 fi0 80 GOOSE .... 000 "0 65 BARLEv, U, bush, No. 1 0, 29 0 O30 fi a il 2 .0 25"0 26 fi i Il .... 023 0 24 il i Two rowed 0 23if 0 24 OATs, white ai.............o00ao i 0 18 RTE if....... 000"if0 35 BUOKWEAT I.............. 000 fi 025 PEAS, Blackeye, iP bush.. 0 51 a" O 55 iCanadian Beanties.. 54 ai O 55 :tMummney i 0 47"le0 48 f Smali, Il 0 39il 0 40 il Bine, fa 00 IF0 50 BUTTER, bes-t tablea, P lb.. O l n 1 EGGs, P v..........1 i01 PoTAToEs, bush ........ . fi 20 0 25 Hay pertou ........... 0 'i 9 001 A. F. McL UC JlAiS,, Barrister, Soliciter and Conveyancer. Office:- Bleakley Block, King street, Bowmanville. Money tru ban at retisonable raies. 48-lys, Ball'e Swamp,Manvei-s. Supposed to have corne sonth. Any informia tion will bagiadlyreceived by J. B. MARTYX, Bowmanville. 47-tf. D-1 YOU WANT AHOME.-If Y0100 cottage cheap and on easy termi. 31-tf. D02GOST.-A Fox Terrier witli a k abakspot on back and oni tail, answers to, Jim. Disappeared from Mr. Ciat. Yonng's, Nov. 27. Beward for retur or infor- motion laadin to is reuovery, Report to STÂrTESMtANoffie, Bowmanville. i-2w0 OUND.-On Tuesday. D)ec. 22,about Fa bout one and ou-a lai miles north of Bow- manvîllo on the Manvers Road,a parcel contain- tgmeu's underwea . Ownar can have same bycalling at THEg STATESMAN office and payicîg frthis adv't. i t!. W E CA-N GIVE POSITIONS-to porsons o! ait grades of ability. Agents, Book-keopers Clemks, Forment' Sons, Lawyers, Mechanics, ï1bysicians, Preachens, Students, Married and Single Women and Widows. Po- sitions are worth from t$400.00 to $2000.00 per on- nnm. We bave paid several o!for, canvassers ,t50.OO weekly for yoars. Many bave startefi poor and become rich witbns. Partîcularsupon application. State salary expected. TR. LIN SCOTT, Manager, Toronto, Ont. cal Bros1 Cash Grocers.q Have got a very, fine lot Lemons, Oranges, Candies, Nuts, and F*1gS9 for Christmas. Cail and see our goods NOTHINU CAN BE PERFECTION, Thofigli LLA" CEYLON TEA cornes nearer the mark than any. Onîy the highest grade Teas are used in this blend, !t cannot fail to please. In Lead Packages. -25c, 40c, 5oc, or 6oc per lb. 1.P. Eekaiidt & Go., Whoicsale Agents, Tor~onto. -~ - </>~ ~ZJ Sole agrent for Bowmanville, JOHN HELLYAR We hold the record. for keepingr the best liue of Cook- ing andi leatirig Stoves ini the Couuty of Durham. Wa have the Iîuperial Range (\vith- a steel unbreakabl')e oven) something new that will Xît . ILÏ), ~ t' r'lud ed llappy Thought Raige, Scewart Raxiý-e, l îaî )]pi, Rang e anîd RnRaiilg-, IunllCdteî's we ket .. ;5M 1110of i1adýa, 11. ns s Art, Stltaiia,,-every à ' -~doubvdle heate-r, urjeu'S10 are right. t, 01.1stove.s :î'Il nlexchanu» s 0 or1r Stove Repairs promptiy ;ati--adec1 t> -4 Ciie refîîly given ounfHot Water aiff l ot Air Hltatilig, %OWMANxviiiE. "The Featlier=Wýeight" ) ounces. Best French Patent Caf, wth b' black cloth top, and thin teugh eak f tanneti sole, Goodyear tumu.. Long k razer pointed caplesi box tee, best elastie sides. Least liable, of ail patent leathers, to crack. Sixes, 5 te iit, widths A to E. Congrý'.t't, 1,Ces, Low eut iaced, $ Stamp:d on the soe- \\ .. FAtE The Siater Shoe."1 and wilU be continued eacis month durhsg 1897. $ 1~Of UNBICYLES GVE FRE' IULU ANO'WATCHEs iEC As FoIIows s10.1 rORM 10 First Prizes, $100 Stearns' Bicyclie, $1,000 25 Second t 25 ;ÎQtd Watqlî .626 Bicycles sÉd Watches giron sacb moin(h ,625 12 Tota given during par 18970 $19e50 HOüWTOOBTAINTHEM. RULES. (~ometitrs t sae a nany "Sunalight" 1- EverY mentis dsuofg187l u iiofQ ~oas Wratser as iseyenact. Cnt Off 1districts, prizes yl be owoeded an folows » Slb tees portoof e adiwrap. Tise 2 co-pentoro whso send in thse as.. uertiai 8otiN cntlnaggest mmes fcuons fre thse hoe bead n." IIGH T SiEND THO TOP PPOSTION district in wisie t hey r ede,1w1lcash SIOAF." hese i<alled "Con.. ý .j 1" aete.beoset calecireeive oat Vne to, aoysogent g wl us a sbeet of a»er oa which tar "'tcevle ii Us ittesas writie i / 3 ags saieso!cuofroua or, berfulil aanad ddress, , h ,titl esesiersdwlec and tise asuabe 0 pos -reoive, ai winuer's option, a lady's oc 'lent 1 'sae si~,te essrs,__ genVGtIstol atcb, vaue $25 ILeverles.. ia., eSsott t2. Thse cemeitions1lllcloseVtise Iass sioronto, siariset ie o- ~ ~ 'o~ diy ofeseismontl, duriog i597. cOos lai raper <ole C. bandce e dioloto fer sussooutisscons. corner> itb ieNIRe ortise DIS. tition viii be p.t loto thse noxi. TRCT 0opetit r ilves an13 dCoe'iltorob liaho icappero fromaunoold sosp iu dealersstok s ifbedsulifi. EmpIoes fMessrs. N Tl ,FNR FDSRC Lever Brothers, Ltd., sud thoenr famailles, are esred fesua wetera O.tarto, consiiotingOrfounties eented fwlog.ýejtorgdsritwl YokSm4.tat outpsW..lutdist t iofner lgomptloedstit v veRSinos aI contis W suS. of tiseo eforwsde Csipetitsrs 21 dysfterescompetiîsa te.' ntre conssotnoo,,ieOu 5. Sef.Mooao Il cuts8. &N. et tese f.Me s.Lve r t â S., vli sudeavor te awsi 3 Province fOnefQue tse prias fsel t tc besiel ssuabltysududgment. 4 _PrvincofNew_ runsick but hlt iuuderstood hat aiso Compte sges tO accel> ri Poic tNe tnswc tise awazd Of Messrs. Lever Brothsers, Ltd.,.ss final. ~ I'o Irc 0 ova Scotia sudPrinc LEVER BItOS., Ed., 23 Scott Si., Toront@ i % wj,,iledrdIsland. £ The Bicycles are thse celebratefi Stearus', nuud by E. c. itearns & CO,, 6yracuse, 2f.Y., 4; Toronto, ont, lacis scieel lu guarauteefi by tise nakers sud bas coaplete sttaçliseata -0 1 r m KT Dusi