teo TERMS :-$1.50 PEU AxNum, OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST; TUIE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES, Editor and Proprietor, NEW SERiES. BOWMANVILLE, ONTAIO, FIDAY, NOVEMBEIR 13, 18963. VOLUME XLII. No. 46. ,Notwithstand ing the big sale of Ladies' and Ofr-ildren's Coats they have had up to date are stili showing a big assortment of new and> elegant garments made in the very latest German andi New'York styles and at vevy reasonable prices. OVe cas They are aiso showing what they believe to be the finest stock of Men's and Boys' Ulsters in town, ail new Coats well eut andt well made, 'coats such as we can confidently recommend to our friends anci the best value we hiave ever shown Pur Capes GREAT Wall Paper and Room Moldings. A Beautiful lot of Framned Pietures remarkably cheap. Special inducements iu Sunday School Libraries, and Lesson IIelps for next year. Consuit with mie be- fore ordering. P. Trebilcock, The Arcade. Town Hall Block. Hea Brost Cash (irocers. S3glisI loi gcs ou I1SPIRING SCENES. Montreal, lOüth November, 1896. The office of the Faïniiylie raid and Weekly 8Star is doing a phenomnenal business. The establishment is open day and niglit, and the work of getting out the paper and getting the naines of new subscribers on the lists is taxing the enormous establishment to the utmost. The public are greatly inter- ested lu the scenes of activity at the Fantily licraid office. The increase ln new subscribers is evidentl 'v running far ahead of ail previous records. New machinery is being rushed in t<b mset the emergcncy, and altogether it is very clear that the Family Herald is doing- an enormous business. The new picture, "The Orphan's Prayer," is taking the people by storm. COURTICE. Mrs. Griffu j"' es of Mrs. Carneron Truli. . ...Mr. ;,id Mr~. Chas Bennett, Toronto, are visiting- at Mr. Jos . Arm- our's .... Mr. andI Mrs. John lice, Whit- by, visited relatives here thîs week... Mr. Ernest Osborne lias ieturned from Indian Hlead .... Mr . Sam. Trick bas taken possession of his new home.... Mr. J. M. Roberts has just returned froni Toronto where he has taken the Civil Service Exam. Mrs.Littlejohns and Mrs. Jas. Courtice have been visit- ing Mrs, J.Martin, Boyne Water Milis. ... ev. Dr. and Mrs. Marvin enter- tained a number of their friends very Pleasantly Monday evening... Mr. Wes. Brook~s andI Mr. John Tremeer have re- turnecd from their nortliern trip and brou~h a fine deer with then. ... Mr. EtI. Worden, town, bas been engaged to teach No. 4 school for next year. Mr. Wesley Ilancock the present teach- er having,ý decided to improve himseif for higl,ýer usefeluess. Fiftt*y years of success iu cnring Diarrlioa, Dysentery, Choiera, Colic, Cramps, Bowel Complaints ef summer and faîl, etc., stamp Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry as tlie best remedv ln the market. It saves child- ren's lives. ENFIELD. THE ILATE 1MRS. JOHNS. The IIolswortihv correspondent ot the Exeter (England) Western Times gives these particulars of a înost worthy lady 5s lite andI death, The Editor ot Tun STATESM~AN and daugliters dinied with d eceased on the occasion of their visit to Enoland lu 1895 and althougli lu feebie helîli and so advanced lu years she, cliatted most iutelligently and interest- ingl' and presided at the table with the digniity aud grace charactenisîic of the' real English lady. She was a most lovabie person and thougli w-- shahl never receive lier hearty xvecome again we shah nover forgot lier pleasant face and choering ivords.' Our Caniadian readers whlo know bier distiinguisbed nephlexv, Dr. iHoskin, can torni soute idea of lier good qualitios as lie possessos many simmlar ones, we ahways think. The tuneral of Mrs. Johns took place on Tuesday and ont of respect for the late kind liearted antI highly-osteemed ladyv and lier family the sliops were Mpartially closed. The funeral cortege ethte residonceofo deceased's son-in- law antI dangliter, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hoînian, about 3 p. mi. The boarers were ahl tenants; Messrs. C. Webb, P. Cor% C. Gaie, T. Oke, G. Fishley, and J. lamloy, jr. The chiot inourners were Mr. andtI rs. Holmani, Mrs. Bas- sett, London,and Mrs.Tucker, Sivausea, ffawhters), Misses E.A.and F. Holman, antI Mr. W. H.Holman,(grandchiîdrou). Mrs. Hicks, of Dexbeer Barton. Tbere was a large attendance. The tIeceased's medical attendant, Dr. Linington Aqh, J. P., walked lu the proce-ssion. Arriv- inga the hycli gate the coffin was met by tie rector, 11ev. T. S. KentIall, MA., who read portions ot the tunerai service. Iu the churcli Mr. Clotworthv, tlie or- ganist, played effectivelv a beautiful composition. The Rector -%as assisted in the service by, the Curate, 1ev. E. H. F. Ma.v. On leavîng the 'church the organist played the Dead MNarch lii ~Sau, and the Rector hrnpressix-ehy con- cluded the solemn service at the g-raxe- side. Tlie corpse was incased in a beautitul polislied oak coffin wiîli brass fittings On the breast-plate was the inscription :"Frances J ohns. DietI October 11tb, 1896. AgetI 78.'" Lovel '- wreaths were placed on the coffin froua deceased's sorrowing eilidren, Mrs NOVERIBER WEDDINGS. SHERIDAN-TRE-OUTH. A very pretty wedding witnessed by the immediate relatives of the contract. ing parties carne off Nov. 4th at the residence of the bride's parents, Queeu St., when Mr. Thos. J. Sheridan, carniage painter. iu the McLaughlin Carniage Wrorks,'Osbiawa, was married to Miss Mary, daugliter otf1R. Trenoutli, Esq., The ceremony vas performed by Rev. C.Parker, The bride was assisted by lier sister, Miss Annie Trenouth,and the groom by bis brother, Mr. John Sheridan. Atter the ceremony the two made one lett for their new hoine in Oshawa, corner Mary and Richmond streets, wliere a reception was leltI the same night, and wliere a large number of friends gîee to cougratulate thein. A large nuinher of useful pres- ents xvere madIe the bride andI a very enjoyable time spent. FLETCHER-BRIOWN. A nice wedding- was celebrated at the residence of Mr. Johni Brown, Queen St., Wednesday evening when bis daughter Nellie xas united lu wedlock with Mr. C. H. G. Fietcher in the pres- ence of the relatives of both familles. 11ev. R1. A. Burriss tied the knot with neatness antI despatcli. The bride was becomningly aftred lu a baud some gown of cream cashmere andI looked' very pretty. Miss Fishleigh. made au exceedingly pretty brîdesmaid sîmilar- ly attired. The groom was abl.Y sup- ported b 'y bis brother Mr. A. H. FPletch- er. After beartiest congratulations ahl repaired to the dining room, where a splendid repast was served. Editor James proposed the heahth of the bride to wliich the groom fittingly replied. The ex-ening was most enjovaàbly spent and at 10 p. in. a cab calieI andI the happy couple were conveyed to their new home on Duke St., followed bv île- best wvishes of their many triends for a long and liappv rnarried life. A fine collection of usetul andI ornamental presents marked the esteeni lu wbich tle bridai nair are held. A turnished house was îhe gift of Mr. Fletclier's father and a nov IRaymond sewing machine was fhe groom's gif t to the bride £