fit i'Ai TERMS :-$1.50 PER ANNUM. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST; THE W0RLD AFTERIWARDS. M. A. JAMES, Editor and Proprietor. NEW Sl ERI-ES. BOWMIANVILLE, ONTARIO, WTEDNESDAY. APRIL 29, 1896. VOLUTME-XLII. N'o. 18. Are now showing the Iargest and most elegant stock of New Sipringq And Summer Goods, ever shown by them, and the biggest and finest stock of NEW GOODS shown by any house in West Durham. Piles of New Dress Goods in the latest weaves and colours. A big dispiay of Prints, Sateens, Silver Silks, Ginghanis and washing goods of ail kinds. A big stock of New Cloths, Tweeds and Worsteds, and a fine assortment of Brussels and Tapestry Carpets direct from John Carsley & Sons. Also All-Wool and Union Catrpets. We buy ail Carpets frorn the makers and seli thern at prices which cannot be beaten by any house iu Canada. Grocers' Due Bis taken as cash. B MAVILLE. JON ON & GYEMN G àroceries. e;-rockery. "yO0U NG & CO0., China Hal.. To the thrifty house wif e the advent of Spring is suggestive of the f ollowiug : Brooms, Brushes, Carpet Sweepers, Clothes Lines, Mlops, Pails,Pearline, Soap, Sapolio, Silico, Tubs, Washboards, Wriugers, etc. We have these ail in stock. Large assortment, small price. See our East window for Toilet and Dinner Sets and note the prices. Butter and Eggs wanted. llighest market price. BoWMANVILLE. S'pingHas Corn. Yen will fluti us at the top lu the Footwear lino with more fresh styles, low priceti attractions, anti serviceable gotis than over, The big chance anti the best chance te buy your Spring and Summer Shees is uow offereti Our stock of soasonable styles is opened anti ready. We carry a full lineocf J. & G. Bell's Ladies' and Gentlemen's fine footwear. Bell's shoes are acknowledged by all te be the best matie in Canada. The naine cf Bell oa a shoe meaus the best of leather anti the most comfortable fit. Iu buying these gootis we have aimeti at net'ouly, having the brightest anti freslî'est assortment, but to have it practical, desirable anti popular lu every respect as well. No first-class gootis will be solti cheaper anywhere. We believe in quick sales anti sînal profits. We have matie up our mind this soason te scîl yen gootis at, the very lowest possible prices. We wish te impress this fact firmly on your mind Corne in anti inspetit our gootis anti learu the prices anti yon 'viii wonjdc-ýi- ow it is we eau scîl gootis 50 cleaply. Repairing in ail its branches ueatly anti promiptly donc, Grocers', Due Bills taken same as cash, BOwMÂNAVWLE- JohnBabcock. Trroevel7s01d Stanid, NEW HAVEN. Ferisers arc busy scdu eedig...R as re geed again usuels th-le centori- ut travi1lers. ..... Mr. C. Truli's iti-le 3-yesr ldew'lihter met wth a very paissb cicdent-, wlilc phydioarenîîd shc cut tuoe uar the Jog w hi-b1 lie enueatisîg msent wheu lic snapped et lier asnd bit off baif lier teugue off aed otiscrw ise biting anîd tcarîug ier face. Ilrs. Me Laughliu aîîd Fi-slier attend ed tise littie cufferer...0curti-acher, Mr. Edgar Alîjîs is unaldcle te ic els i-rouqih illiiesa, M5r. Shuriliffe is flliug bis place ...Miss M1. EVasi. camp ie home from visiting lier sister in the Statesa...The eis ierseryserv i-es ils cois ncetiosi vii-lic he ase Liue'S. St ool w iilicb lîeld isexi Sniiday, May Srd, iii i-lic sheel iouse _..Mr. FPT. Guy lias heeîsickwsitb la grippe but le tuipros isg ...... Miss Sproule ansd Miss M. Wither.n-e aue isi-'îg tlîeir îsseny finiss ai- tbe Sou....Mr. aud Mr_. Jessiega are off ou a holiday trip...Visitors: Mre Bradbursi aîsd sua Will of Cartwright ai- li. T. S TauCamp; lira Haith of Michigansi et iss McMllass's. That Tired 1Eelip- l-lode ~rspeihs cives tI.. Oesired K'ealth andi Strength. Yen et teu lîcar peule conîpinnof weakno-1îss anti a 'ti, sun te-wn fccl- ing. Th- a;îe of tie trou--ble is imjpujreor »iripo5jeisied ibicotL, and Wshemî i:îtisstll- oujdir;ýicîsicannut carr-', heaith te the organe antid tissules àf tisa boty. Pirif y, s italize anti enrici the blool n'itli Hooti's Sarsoparilia anti iss iameebefeelingsWil1] disappîear, bocause tie b'ooti will tien o'nsry iîcalth iant ia-ior t e eloy organ ofl Lie botiy. "C. 1. 1-leed & Co., Lo wi, Mass.: "Get1e'~n-Asa tonic and blood prr!ier 1 cel' sve Ilo. d's Sarsaparillis ith~e s'ery besti. My vs,'iz .-y 'stem 'e ae eatirely r un du-ý -1 r- cndi i eare d to0meas th10ug b t'iere sblut litte bl'd i my veis. 1 weas so avcaR I Cniid ocarceniy Cet Around to do ' ,y 'e <k. 1 finaciy beg'tn te tai a Sr s e -r'viia, and afttr using ÎÎTe bott"'1s 1I baud that nmy strengtl hall retu, .acd ansd iy appe.tite vas very muc'a better. Li ta t, I niow feel ï.s strong as es'er." Mis. K Ery, 9Wellmgton Ave., Toronto, Ontario. Tlïed Ail Over-Couldî Not Sieep. Il t ffords me mch pleasure te testify te the merde Ls iHood's Sarsapaiilia. My whoie system was run down. I fait tired alI over mny body and couuid not sieep at nidght and niy appetite wec very pour. 1 tried sei'erai physiciens but With pour success. 1 icherd Hood's Sarsaparilla spoken of su highiy i determinied te try it, which 1 did with great recuits. That tired feeling is gone, my eppetite i8 good and I feel like a new wuman." MEs. EAeTHERLEY, 132 Elizabeth St., Toronto, Hood's Sarsaparilla Us the OnIy True Blood Purifier Prominiently before the public eye today. Aând it is therefore the ideal building-up rnedicine. De sure te gat 1Hood's. tIood's pil 1 , thetr-dinner pllan TO THE~ PU BLI.C OF W est Durham. Bowmanvllle, April 6, 1896. Please accept my thanks for yonr liberal patronage in the past. So- liciting your liberal and valued patronage now and in the future 1 wish to say that myý waggons have started on the.roads with the same men except No. 3 whieh was Mr. F. Farrell, and will now be Mr. Arthur Hardy. Our goods are second to none. Prices right, Produce taken riglit from yonr doors at top prices. Our Shirtings, Cottonades, Teas, Tinware and Cutlery are the best in the Market. If you need anything before our men corne round, please eall at our Ware House, No, 32 Ontario St., and I shall he pleased to, supply any- thing in my line, 200 lbs good feathers for sale. Good young horse, 1500 lbs, sounti anti quiet for sale clîeap. Wanted: iRags,Boues, Iron ,Copper, Brass, etc., 1000 tons in exehange for goods. Hoping yen will deal ,al you can with me, I remain, Yours truly, TAUNTON._ '1Xaler csnetfMr. 5W. T.Okeuset wirb apain- tel e ;cciriît lat sveek by geltiss o-f bu iis lin- geca cýruslsed in a cîsaif cuti-cc .. Mr. Joins &Ioar ias18leased ilie Ceurtie fari ... Mr. Jon uke is sreund egaili after bis coneusse .sesi-I-r. Jehnse Le. Kedron, ai-euded ilie 1 scalofi a relativ e ini Torontio, re-etly. COLUMBUS. lSr. elîCaldc ansd son, T roii-o. c icied hic ;ge iftîeri'bo iGsvecv sîl-..Mr. Neahi Lukc 1i on tise sick Ilit..i-.Mr. K. Richsardson qattend- cd t -e3ere show at Toreonto...lira. Hodgsoîs et iusi-oisli s bee visitinîso tricîsuslisere. TIs Î, lee cha-'srsnliare ""id oee tof e i ' oied he ýrses toc seî'eetliiîg ou er O . MIiUnry Buckler,Toresi-eo, îill open up a tsliec î c i 1Mc. Relt. Willeeeksosse lieuse- Mr. Relu. -W-Ti!V(cecksois isexpecled te more iuto his uee ieuse seoi. SHAW'S' SCHOOIL HOUSE. Fii:,ers e us'y ses di' g-...Miss Esa Os- bellsae, lceisvisiiig i-tucinle, lic. JohnsOs- bol ,'LakeSide" ....... ts. Rd. Bragg ý,le ici preo,,jýg...Miss M - icikard spesiÈ Suludly with lier frlend 1M si,,ay Sparliug, tew .. Mr., auJ Mss. , Gs>s liekerd visited tricudide Wlcoisse, ceesîtly-...Mise Li7zzi Bragg is Mjies Aisîsie Alln lias lecu s'isitiug friens at Wlitly. COURTICE. Rer. J. MedilI, BislieîsMilla, le liera arrasg- ils forl Cýimîsce)vesîseula ou bisterini. Mr. AIt. HehssiPrescoti-has lenelit for e tern-i.. - i.S Breeokes wa s lu yisîg 1.70 foi, 1)oc k lait weei ...Mr. aud Mca. J. D. Stecie, Oshsewa, vis- ied baccr,,rccastly. Pls.ased te sec Mcc. S. eut aft-a' ies' acct ilinses-M... resrak Gray lias a ris SiîsBicycle .... Specici service ai- ElI asee i- Sîsîday cveiiisîg IiilichaIt et the 1, B. 1R. 'A. No service hart lis the e.. on ae- jcousit utiquarierly servie e t Mapla Groe.., Paîîaissarc heisîg iade for Elicuazar ans eiverryou Juna i4i- snd lai-b. Rer. A. C. Cectce . D., Edites ut the Guardian, wslll eu iset lieservices c~ Sussday .... Mli. Jea. P. Aldswerrb!1lias tsi-every' sii-e ti-bred loa UneBekshireanad thice therlirnproed Yerkhir Wl te.Sec ads t. BLACKSTOCK. lmc.Ws Taiylor, Port Percvy, visited lîcre lest sveek-Miel lias-ha Joheiontes.Toosto, is vu-sitilý ,ir isther...uscuesta tre lusy eced- ing.hue Addie IReynolds lias'ne isomý. ., ... HFerli. Larrcer, Toronto , is visitiisg hic ait -yer -. Geo. MeLaugidjî ......Mr. Sam Jeiff rcy i, ' [earsisJ -hie residesîce .hi-.essrs. Sain. sud Hussacîý,li 1Paý,rc,'Port Pcrry, are lsei'e... Mr Jlue ,,la1se1is 171 ,sers s ' if-Rer. S. G. Berke. Eiakîýille, i rest'l d in lse Mai-lodisi clîcrels Solidey meruîsg-T ehilodists li-cisC pts 1;ii i-uPdr uil, ,,i +-a, lai24 ....s. Bais- toîs is iti erst, i-rar. Johis Beaeeck -... : 11 hic iSss ecel le't a vs aiieerois lest s _Male l ss J. Itiliie aiJ lise. A. Kiussan aii-ed-dilie5W. PF. .consventioneiluPeterliere le. J . L eat ovsiteîvilse, is bcî set, r i-eiIaued.lion Byers is litfil- 1-lu 1r"1issdyeveuiiig. He gae' a good dis- i-ure .iefasnly ut hic. Mereoney r-eceil cd e , -!er' iock on Priday lest i liiisof etflic dleîo', ieur sois Josephb scar Orillia citer a býrief lýlsSa.Universel syimparbiy le belt focrilia teiyini-heur coi-rosi--\.We5'a ertily cou- grielale1 Dr. 'T'. E ftoward-on seceîsfully pasi- lieg tlise Stateardua-JExamnutioss lu ruediina for I wYork. STe îîsdereistl iltscy give e s r rii,!eaisissliun requiriîsg 75%. The Dec- i-or, sii--rd pre-e- li btiietaSie. M'a ssish Ilim.evel- e-cesa. NEWCASTLE. lric FredArgaîl, Oshawa,. siited frieuds liera Sufiiday Mr. R. Lovekisi, Western Baiikc, os])ass,)-lessiSuîsday et horne...Rer. S. T. BRaclait. ,Colios,,urg. wlll precîh sîsciversary sec- sunslucssuci-ioss si-h the Epwoctli Leagua on May11ib.l...M.D.I.Lcisit villelivea crias uf leues iý,,on Prohsibiioln and poli-lesunudes' i-e auspicesaouthi-iaRoyal Teuspîasein i-le Music Hall nexi 0.W5.lîarit dclii ci-d su address aýýi Clerla i-lireIs n Tliur-sa eveu- mo' lest ii ibe r-cul eveution held tlu Balle- vile... .A i iuerout unr ousigpeupleataitend- cd tise esisivcary services et lia Lake Shore Sci-oul,Sud .lc Edgar Allisi, Pros I- denca, s iiiad i Mcc. 5V. Alne over Suîsdcay., - ý . i Iau Mcc,. D. Brokeuchlce, Hayduss, si-rc guel t lice. W. Pi-kard, raccntly... Mr. sud lire ,W'1. Creeper, Rai dois pest Suudey ai lic. Johut Douglas' ..Mrs. N. T. Selby le (fuii-e li ... ýire. T. Ellieun lice lid peuîiy.... -.Rev.(;. iH. Cupeleud preaaclid ais cloun sermon,, on Sunday usriingun spiritual develoîs. menti. MISe Ethiel Thouses bas purcnasad a isaw ll-cl rom Mlr. A. 5Vldor, ... Mc. P. Keulifcti- id hie ebouldar dilueatcd un liuday sihile sî'urkiug iithe ncw Royal buildiîige.. Mc. W. Pi-klýard i. ieking exieusive 1mprova- mantilt iedriving bouse...ias W'erd end Miss Neçvma n, Toronîto, arc guete utflira. C. Parker.1f-r. Chai-les Pefusd lise rei-srned trous Oshiawa ..esers. W. Cuneanuon aud Naîl Mi-Naui-ihon bave -juiuad the Presbyteriau choir. OSHAWA. Tise Ocddiallowsaencdcd service lunitie Simcoe St. chunai, Suuday wlien Rev. Jas. Kines pceaecidai apîscoplate sermon ...Lawn tan- filis club have urgan zed sis i-btIe ollowiug o0111 cr: ui.Presldaul, lic. E. S. Edmondeon; Prasideil Dr. Bac ; Vica.Pccsident, J.N.LcRoy; Sec-Traeý., C. S. Jones ; Coinsi N. Leouy, IL B. Lcs'ekin, Chase. Muunlay, iV . A. are, C. S. Jouas, Guî V. Digle... Me. W. E. OBrian and chikîVn re aviilsg friande ii Lonîdon. Miss e lc If y, Uxbig e wae guasl u Mies Si-eh lest weeIe.1..1ev.'T. .Cuthiert lias gune te Wiseoneeni .liherc atakce icbarge of la-bnrc-. ....Thse Odcifulîuws ut Oshawa are arengung for ej ubicdemonsiralion Isere, onMinlay May U. lic J. W. Babcock and Mr. A. Adamn,1leh*veguie on a Strilstu Rutland, Vermonti sud uoi thair rai-urss will viait Malcue, N. Y,, fic home out!Mr. Bah cik 'e ether ......hic. John Sleeey, Conu-e, lia sac eoîsraci lu huild Rieury 'e qull si-orsge warchîousa for fruit et O0db MAPLE GROVE. HAYDO-'ý. Farussrs are On i-le ]asîdl i-is wtl.sits'otishi-r. W5. H. Creepec andsie auJ Mr. D. Biek- tact."... - Ilîss Auuis, eus iselnai -cchr.ise eshiceasiud wlttvisitesi friensudeiiiNesucastle.. pccparigu euscteriaiîsînaur f rÈ[dsy ffeti-s i.J.Muj ishliesfrous 'loroîste bîi- asei, isiit. Ahss ciui.-TIîc iic: lici e ity revitwieg foci a î.iss Ethel sue Jace Sr î ' s eý ite as 'l. W ili. LÜ',si dais, 15 il is i isitiegieir- sustel4 Ca s . r Oe. ( eurie e V, sis s-S, lse s l 'rsi, l siie lr - c Sss iuerlnimosite( ns-tut The vouug meunceseîii1ibeËvtu ild ctiliclicieid c ý i,,îseulecaled esocin dsue uîiy- i-o pass i-ha tusse ascy pisissîili. -i..M ysîe et Il ketoî lues us, idliste Our ______II_"0_'in_1 i lage -Ldiustendeuuing ic ber ,'d sîsea Ineîscs. susistdTrewiui is liîese tit ENFIELD. celloe-. -mr.~c. H . lCu-cper lias unceiout sier ler a i-lu1o s Up. ssg1- - rc.T. Es andu 5'i'4-s1t licM. and lire. Pletcher. Osîsassu ai-si-sterc Tî oîe, visucd 1isere Sîss-, .Rx W', lic. I. TiUItî r M. auJ his. Ezrci. s-h ai . aH. msuceatoilçe llcg s ls'bille 2c loInii-Si- Mc. W'.Aitulde s....Si-c. J. BcurL, et port due sus the absaset Sof IL. H. C rTh'lu Pecc2 t li. andJ Sc. J. Dy or, Sr. J. 1GuI-uet auîd loti" ussi- dei- e ii dus, paru ed. taeiiy etPort f'eccr a-l,.Ac-uasiieca lus J.Giihcrr is dneîî-roil ill iv' i iudccisatieioe i-li lîcaci : lise. andi li. J. Acuser. Tacîstous. r TY]RONE. and hi-c. R. SVm-ne sire cuider i-he sioctora ccci-.. .. Miss If-a-y i-uîiIlusi- ie lu bs lecus iniPort 2erry ses, ciel ras lia s cetectic totelii e hiue-..Ras. hir. L Ijirs' Rukstei, peele see Sundii .. l.Mc. auJ i -.N. iautisiî aee heen i s iing ai- Blacseteik. HAMPTON. lira. Dowisîis, Godai i-b, uS vis-su scliesesteri hIcs JM.j IRcrcoss-lira. Oivet eîd liseshM. Oliver liaive ceiuced frein s pcolouiocd visit ss tiu reativs ceci-Alliseon .Is ics. Cao. Olisvec le eoi tha sick lust. .f. aîsd"I--rs. Ji-ase Sali-er are visitisg is-tcssdusi- Gr,i ic ,iihi ....hics. S. 'ari- le under i-be doctic's ciure.... lis. J. Ly leanasi lire. A. Jelîceotoi, iiOwsser0 guets ai- Si. T. Rlients on uScilay M.-.iiss RogereEuisillaîi is viiiig ai lic. C. Rogers'.S AisAsusiy Ar- eseur speui- Sîsîdcy et lier beisneluBesvian- svile ... Milss Ethel Clark lias calucusi Jfreui Oshawa,-e and seecîed e situaioen uic M. P. A. Cla's, grececy,.S.Mis Lotie Bacc liai rctcrnad biens visiiig relatives insTeosnto. ORONO. OnoNo.-his ti-le andi hilshicElîsasi, Balle- sille, ccc sisitiuîg hii- hfAîheri-Lei 'gb'e-hi . r. Jaes i usou lesbas irelsaiiite ftîof e bis lciidiu"-de& agd y tise li-a ccr .... Mr* and hI-c.5~~ ue Buw isville Mrepeni-u day et lic. Len Gei-shs- ic. 51,us1. Hol anit susved ti si-Ohus ehd sil' cg ,ý - ,us ihiiLini i-e Bloc-k ...... 1fr. Lielie Hall speisi- SouudIay ai bis fti-ei's ....- hr. Jeffery, Teronîto, spessi Sunedy suits hiss d'ni'giser, hics. Jas.,lM(ciards,. _Rer. S. T. Bari-leti- Coibourg-, occcîîi,,i e-i pulpit et thie Merbedisicliîucl un Sse auocnisg cisd as ensssg-h.. . fr.luber- De iisofis et hi-îHi--h eei-l etistsl)ucteir,iohiis. ic' l,.ljt-ee liseeen idispsed . hi-t.. AIr. 'J. elps of Qcea.u s Uiiivasii-y,Kiiigsta i-,sfotîsser -teacîer li Otoci, is vs iitieg oldiC hiniuîieLitie lias uetcnecd Iufi- tPerieo whece sue lic eenc -istin r.- MILLIONS FOTR TRIBUTE. Safety of Canadians Assu red When Paine's Celery Com= pound is Used. Il Las ecrcbeen tic Least of Britons, tint flicey neror shahL e slares. Tise Bion's icari n'arms te freetiom; hus biotd is arcuset whcss human beings Lecoîne more chattds Lougit anti soIt luke animaIs. Britisli subjecîs will suffer pntiently cs'en extromoe taxation for the raising of mnillions for tiefenco; but. no enver wvill tboy pay trihute te gn cogn master. British subjecs-inen, i'cmcn anti chiltren-arc slaves tae oflen ! linht tic we moan i> JusI what wo say-lhat wo are tee ofien miserablo Lontimen anti hendwemen, wion wc migisi revel in freetom ndmîistrengli. Thousantis cf us are slaves te some trouble cf tilsense liai makes tuis cart- !y pilgrimago burtiensoe anti oppross- ive. Why suifer longer? We have near us a migity anti poerful tielis-erer anti rescuer kncwn ns Paine's Celerv Coin- poundt al quickly Lanishes our assail- ing anti tormonting enenîles tisai como tee oflen in tic forin cf rheumatism, neurnigia, dyspepsia, indigestion, con- stipationi, luearidisease, usrvouseose, slecplossness andt bluet diseases. XV hy encourage anti pay tribute te sucs ticati ticling masters? 'Our boti- les shoulti Le froc, dlean, pure, anti flUet for, tic full onicyment of truc life. Tint worlt-renusvn proscription, Pnine's Cel- cry Cempoundi, gives perfect healli, streng-isant i lfe. Il remerves crery traceocf disenso froin the body, anti purifies the bIcot. Thsis he cseasen te Lanish erery wveigii anti opprcsiuî. Lot the reo- vating work LEe commencet now, se tint summor andthIe Lot weniher may Le met with strong anti sigoreue Loties anti clear heatis Paiue's Celery Cein- pounti Las in pasi spring sensons saveti ihousants cf enferers ; il will do tic saine for yen le-day, n'cary anti sick niortal. When yen tecite te use tic grTeai health-giror, seec tint your denier gives yen tic kindt tit CURES. Ask fer Paine's Celery Compoun-1, anti sec tint il Las tise iraàe-i-nnrk, tic "stalk cf ccl. ery." No otier _proparation will suit ycur case. 'i-. ed esH.J. Weerr{_y Enniskille. miss î Il )II-Ho,. res. 1-ev. A. C. 55 Iili P-resideat Aiss EmmraaWerii ist \'V!ce IG. ',lS ,' s :1-t i 2d Je rti ieLtii-liii 3rdc, Cors '-,Ottr;4th, Ella NWil-Iin:S er st Cie eer ; Tr*eass-thel bkilnuer Cîg0ise lor- ence Frazer; Eece. Coin., Frank McL'uhi ced W 1111e Stock. They lhave ýeomlctel, ir third inissionary qulit and it willieettise Seliool rûom Friday eveliisig for, any, 1; wish te sec it. .Quar-tciv service lit Bethesd,Sb1batl ,I ay 3rd. The pester will deliver a si ei -,d dis- course oli"Tlie Lord's Suppe-"... Mr. J. H ;,iglu- botiiens auJ Re. WV. H1. -Moore prea,1 ced here ou Sabbath last .. .. Te ic a kare iapri, ig.. Ke PNo l'aýs have slrurk T roue '. Mr. W.H. Cleme iehs emnseuced operatieus on bis iuew residence. MRs. A. B. SAXTON, Of Port Burwcll, Ont., says. "I Lad been troubled with sick headache for years and two boxes of Miller's Compoui Iron Pilîs cured lue." DARLING TON COUNCIL. Town Hall, Hampton April 25, 1893. Regular meeting, members aIl pros- cnt, minutes of last meeting reati anti confirmed. A numiber of accounts -aere presented frorn tho following manufact. urers and agýents. of roati maling nia - ines:-F. CAÂustin anti Co.. H. A. àronm- well, J. H-. Morrow, Westerîi,CoppBiros.', and Mr. Engl-,ish. The counceil nas ot the opinion tisat luîtil thse peuple will consenît tu Comnute their statnte labor there is not souch Lise ini purcsa sing a machine. Froir the Qneeii's prîn'ter, copy of act to reduce the nui'ber of counuillors. Mr. Rice presenteti a petit- ion for a new school section in the north east part of tihe township. Too late for action this ycar. Mr. IRes'noltis conferr- cd witi the counein iti rcspect tu thse purchase cf a portion of the rond allow'-- ance between lots 34 and 35 in i-li 8th concession. The price was fixeti at$25 per acre. Mr. HoLertBarclaý,,cumil1aini- cd of liaving nu rond tu Lis place, 2' i 9th concession. liefers'ed tu thlies an11d Mr. Pasce'. lit .n;as ordIere.i tint the grant ltu îeA iltra o ia L $60ýý. It waýs odrtiat 11fl'I charg_ for L'ie Tow n Hall per iit, exelus-is ;e cf flhc Jaîsitor, lighit anti e be uneý dollar aînd thait Williamn Creeper lias e 'e 'et- ing? cf fthc sainie. Tic comm.ii-itee lu 11,cl.1n'as refcrredt th conîi aisit Ches- ter Poiser a s te wa trc li i _- t'î"sîed un te ils promnises ; anticf VI'alteýr 1H.Foley for rearangemesît of bis rondi eat, re- purteti rerbalii. 'he fotrmer nîniter 'ens referreti bnci lutiecocmmniittee anti the cckiinstructedti t uifv Samunel Cole, CLas.Axford,Philip Ty ler'. Sanmuel Hall. Geo andi Chester PoWer 'te mccl tic cumînilîceoun the grounti on Frida 8tlî ta'1 c f May at 2. p. nii. lui regard to tLe omplaînt of Mr'. Foie - , ît nas ordereti that the nortlî liaif cf lot 18 B.F be trasserreti frons Alfreud Maiîn's te WV. H. Folcy's Lent. Tise cleck wns in- structeti to write Henr ' Rogers witli ce- respect to lus tinties as Trnancy officer; anti te Etward Nancekzircltfint if he tices flot settie for the porticîs cf rond allowance appoctioneti to hlm it will agalube offereti foc sale. ABy-la-wwas p assedi appointing John Potter Sanitary Ipecter for the township. The Eee iras instructedti t grant orders on thse Treasurer for the f llosring snms z- Jaines H.Reid, 186 lents cf gravel,$9.3o Davidi Gabraith, cedar contrnet, 213.70 JoLis Hoskin, lumber contrnct, 312.38 Thomas Hill, sheep, damages, 2.2.00 William Montgomery, injury to ]andi tras'cllet over dnring sniow blockntie 5.00 M.A.James,Printing, 14.00; .L.Brown salary as assessor, 100.00 ;Indigents, Ben Wilson $7; Janet Wilson, Mrs.Cur-. tis, Mrs. Stace 'y, anti Thos. Ward $5 eah;Mrs. Staples and Mrs Lane,$3 oaci; Mrs. Campbell anti T. Wilcox $2 each. On motion the Counceiladjourneti te Saturday, May 30 at 10 a.m. Court cf Revîsion ai- onc p. m. on that day. R. WIDATT.T. C. At a Glance anyone can see the difference lie- tweeu the twin-bar cf clear, pure su nlight Soap and other laundry-soaps, but you'Il know the difference svben yen use il because il cleanses wl-h Less Labor Oreater Comfort D.1.rC or evary 12.Wrappars1 sent -'f ~/ ~-s~s' < r'