t ional cases, but to the great mass of ians, the fact that although they, made ~.3aL~11aI dff'rences which arisa, between nations, an exception in Ferdinand's case, tliey R -U I1UII m-I It la exceedingly unlikely that. witha will flot like to have a permanent Rom W EDNESDAY, Y-ARCH 4, 180J6. p,ýrmannt court establisheti, andi agree- an Catholic dynasty. Rigltlyprwrong- muent made not to figlit until the matter ly, there is everywhere afeeling that AYD COJMENTS. in dispute lias been referred te it, any the religion of anoerin ýudbe NOTES ~~dispute lias licou referrcd t t n hto i uicelts, and Russia-in mal question could aans' which would neot ing Prince lýFerdiIlnn's religion 'a 1 ~nglanti and France lhave at last set- bic sus -eptille of adjustment by-sucli strong. ground i,; obje %pctioýn to hlm, lias tieti tha dispute hetweein tim grnWing rpference. If the~ two nationsakno only followe, d J;lara sentiment. Int out of the division ofth territory 1"dge at the stai tfthat Iîheyý are not in BuIgarixt religions queýstiem sil enter taken by force from am. il lie tapûste ffeag ees-ibet retty îargcîy into politics,sihate Sickizleadaceýand relIeeetrouble2 recaltid that, a f cw ycars ago, France, beplunûclute war at anymoet autliority of a prince might býý consider- ciant te a bilionîs stan o 41e qîe, Sucnir t Julcoino ili ielecraei afceib isrlgoa ela lizznesainess, Nanuess.i futhea)teofaierpolcs . cIatia pulicoe nCli 'iiin tfurtlieranccb poafectd ichisrcrgiat'ea ablya etgPain iii the Sude. hie their a a ret dntency in Inde China, In'ani solidifia iin fayot of arlhitratiOn liy hison hrcead.b ciu- remrkaulesnce0imu ece îhwothe lielief that 5he can tlius centre1w hch w iii demni he eerneor aliIstances. But Most important of ail the trada of $0,11 estiV, China, rc questions timpaýrtilal reee.The gev is the fact that throughout the Balkans Tie dnc e, yet (t rai 5 L il E L Vr Thî. i ly occupie t a]l the territ ries Of Siai m e rn ments w i t l in fu, > o , trt w i h a therence to the G reek or t e the R om - ' JTae eqnaliy alitahi ni onsîpR icmL lying cast of the Mekeng river. Thc arirration as aal ccpted piipýýle, anti an Catholic church denotes alliance with andtpreveutingthsaîuovigcnlpain, vhil( pretext for seizure w-as that the terri- thuls comîle t teJusi ify.limee frRusa rwitb Austria, a cendition teise correct c1 itdnm1rwfSui 1ttiaelit tory rigltfullylielonged te Anssm, nnd. voltin thýiIllli)ebfr h rn tpyaany tha proicple iefreovheh naturalfy rnters tle Bulgarians, imu.,lattheier nu--, it ua uuwelIi .Even if tluey onl i-urdse to France as thie pos sssr of Anvamo; thepuabilic opinion cf thaIr ncnun- w-ho arc Orthodnx by conviction and in- and the treaty w,ýhicli concludeti te tes. Iii any ýexeat h rirmnoftrsdsru f having a rulero brief struggla îvitli Siam, confirmed the 1war \%old M lie aaIWý,s avalhe _ hi n til.I sti ctthe A&etitie of France, andi also lier riglits te lagrcen-t'for arbitration sfiigte anxietY of ýPrince Ferdinuandti t safe- &cethey m- taroa rcee~ta, those the navigation of thc Mekong anti over pe n, ainfonrsr oiifýtgr' idyayhtlasevnme diho sufer froin tt 1 iuesigconîpaint: 'iol at ofgt u h hne fwrth it fortunatcly Iir o .oîsrues nettcuit a zona tw-enty five o ntres te theé reetanntonirn t is desire foe oniioled him Aeanes tedfiglita fu risahchances ol w-a n guerd hfstdynasty that liassevenemor ocree, antho.il, Vuh che ty uen 'sift wetofta ara.Agis Fec would liemate rially diminished. te change bis son's religion; lut it is they wiii aot be wiingtedo 'ithout theiu. possession of the territory east Of tc-ntipsil thti a erelol flot after ail si1.edMkogati1nrj f h retwest- it is urged liy oppnnents cf a perman- oimsibetai ayereoh wartily liand of Ihat river Enlanti, liw- tnt arhltration e r ha rmst le edtesla aigfral e ever, pretesteti, On the, grounti that1 unsaiisfa"tory liecause the npposiug par- cognizeit hlm, presumably at the in- isthbanofsmaniivstia( ~eiwbee sclitenre oul liingthaFreclitics -ould ncver liotli le satisfiet %Viilli stance of Russia andi asketithe cotlei 'se make 0u great boast. (Ont 1iiii cure it frontier -against that cf BritishL ur- tdesin.tisrc]d ththe- C 'EaS LLEmsLIVERaPuItsaevr si mai1acrdnlpoint ef Britisia pehicv nit hdl p o ofverhite rl isatisiti nSir Humplrey Davy mehted two andt very easy te take. One or two pilis imalte tcbuutai'c n uo Il eîiî fteabta o r a do, Triey re purghit bytheigete addis pan pewer the Ecialeshafhnomaro-i bnal on thc indirect Alabaacainis, pieces of ice by rubbîng îhem together mrpleoal heusge, nt theu.lx 4enIeiatin weliuhosowe ri h tai accrilY, a tn ht m'ian vr as ii i-lie matieclear one of those sublimely 11lefer$1. Soiitever.ywhere,, or sent by niaL. wt hs fBrlii,,jdnyi- htAmrcn eeas simple trutlis cf science vhicli are grati- CART~ ~hL'~Ci.,~îwYCE~ bufer tat ava oratet eu ci he alsiltiwith the decisien toi the Beli- OABE l B On.3 O.,r ¶1Yok. utertnry lyng immeditei Orfi fin sa uar.. utth pposite ually liut surely revolutionizing the ~au1iI~ UL~I WM~i 1~Iterr fira adoftfMkn, ewa uries in an ordinary civil suit arc sel- w orîti. Our knowvledg' nof sud rtruths ___ it ant Ch na, ant li nti ti ver te dki ditm Lothi satisfied w itli the Ju tgm ent 15 50 limted tiat the w eakest m em ory ol n dili pris n et e o de-- 1 t te iany Of t lic court. Y et hey acept ifs deci w oult net Le overburtienet ly retain- othr pwc; acesio iiciw hilecfsien as flnai, anti no one proposas t mte ma e torieally ne oneof tliemiut ~~~~~~~\O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ U h1rcn' nccon 10tîuefcigfi betl vlbw, aiso preveus aliolsh the courts liecause of thseir dis- foitm etesm n ftesl N ote ra r oi i th n e fis t d F an l c . 1 o ti es e n C i a satisfaction . Pulic i n l ion up lol t he lic develope ti ly experim ent it eresults s e GALIFORN&A! Mtclsui tiunrvelouis., by ay oet1the Mcknng, save withIcourts:. and'theflicrelane reason to doulit 1asniligtath ndslralis Eleveut a i ia be tj Ju cr~~'.O e ue Nivety-sad cssut racre'ar. hna cnen.that, the principle ci arbitration onceitknaaas la enlately by 'ntwey-siit hndredt e a)O)poaucre. Cacupeitni aouticonseliltiîltd.i tiscevery of ilie actual Iransparency IbTenyîindred asues , $10.09 et or cre acptd i e daliniof substances suppnsî d rn lieopaque. ittîet i acredas. venhîit ird crea i A uliacsewa ec tef cions of an arbitration tribunal. Sinc(e hundreti acres, Tbee lnuidritsuacr-nSix s uha. swsoeoftecif1816 ibar 3have beaun 112 international 1Davy's simaple experinient witli ice tore-. Any otiier qnantiuy d itoi tes beosn Fedi x0s1u n la arlitCrations, nearly ail wifliin the fat show cd th'tt force produces mnetion, tIat acres. Olive,, Oranges, Necoies, Fig. qu arter, F? rance ut once si- to w-etk tn efcnua ihn i atrIei motion resui.ts un heat. If w-as made Lernuis Aisons. raps sit il ther ris ~ . arrangement, anti taking adi- Inaarly oine huntiteti ypars agi, antid grnwn in a co)udra îvhure ~eaIthebUniteti States las uititratet ilst SUIMER REIGNS S1IPREIIE., naeo u aaes -r ban iputes thirLy times, sevea im ies. ,itli';as net uutil 1799, that ha pubisheti cd from Pliothe cession toerutfnith pc-akn esiyo -Ha, Write for parliculia h bffrstt A.ti aai-xînI-Great Etit-sin, reauhing lu ai cases tca pc-mrig sYon'i Aucuns,,theatisfactorytad ustthent.gTIc retsnn-n1 Light, andi Cnmbiuatlnns n of h, cd tIe Frenchi possessions from Ton- stifc uitoyasteaus bT ho meass ofare merely tIc resuIL ot dieraut in- K. E. KELLEY9 quin te Burmali, anti soeuct off Burmi e lcpoi n i nreare v ery sofvilu)ra+ioisanti are in them- WILLLOWS, CAL. anti British Intila frnm accesa te Souh- lioftheeoutplinicsl n cou utescrnve rselvw-e s butally îlenmodes ci appiieti - cru China, Englanti tiamantiatiantise 15 , o lotasth' e e liNe i cen dtoecid wi1 sraytebais cf ontmodern Y'ou r Teeth Are very ueo o cr tmPknl nnte htl cd fainly under the conditions laid doaviw -cknnheia itfrSso aue yen at Dinnerrime. Shan s fates lying sonili antiWest Of nethdiaioofhsteryi1 Preserve them! IH -China, anti extentiing wcst froni ilha for ilcir adjudication. The British h Une tha drein p thitcnr t Cîcan liem! ' O euogt rts uril. B bsandi Amer;can millions nara, as a mat- lias bee timostrit urrcietn IieactifyFilîera 0H 0R 0 M sessigon Brwas BtrouByhs u ier 0f iact, net greatly disturbeti b1 eteccrcty, sourd. anti light TEPRET ssinFra-ncB w hlocke ra -te Aabm awîiinte ering sea are iufercenvertiblc. AOtrent of udec- .Slfruggists. TOOTH POWP,' Mtlier progresa te the West, save tîrnugli ulcislon. It was only, the tipînanaîists trciy h. Il . l ecnis it FOR TWVENTY-SIX YEARS. Siam proper, Englanti pnssessing ai; ul lolificiass that, wcrè. dissatisiii. gt. Ivruayteint- Ivirtual protecinrate of the Siamese But it la urgeti that tha case noult Lie cd thaf sounul haat, clectriuity anti lighf San statas; and ti htfreafy conocluti-cetvee flcsi-perSu dscxresatiti j uite dfirent lunPnf. Rcurga scanipuatheeie, bu oti iast montli fI' twn poavers agread sl-'Po Rnotnsen atbeif 2 te luvadua th-,body of Siami, detînetias ,cr Lmatier cf 'nil5 touche, hI tha selfcoiarso it te toocf iChe peuple. W ahi, iet aucli casesthîa0Sai uci'aio nilte -nai, an to remimaginble possblihns of this tl ory ê'lic va ley of 'the Mein ,at ep eas'tat oi~n omatie vint oilier putvers f ran om on e rr-'Ib nmrtng tu -iitjd'u uuaih as it is w nîkedt inl practice byrainits il-' Me- stroi theg enougli 10 gr aasi' îhe sublinme la gixan fthetritory casi nih e ratr o rbtain n wihtesrngeog og kong up te tle Chines' border, Eng- ata fnrabrilatiwicîe idea that our plant cuti ai it holtis are îar sîdawing frornthîl tile stt nations bind. themslves to reter tothat part of th alhat- systeuua, movedti î ofaflc badtetdliatuniversel forces anti goveruetiby uni- TFIECOOK'S BEST FRIEND of Mnngsin, north o heildo ta oul tsil-ihe oiiect wiii ha eventnualhy vra as oorpigtucgi LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. streani, te make 1rpsesinhm(ia'u',patcîî i uetosl pltadEglrdi 1b0 peet, ls. vr noucmn fabrickw-ail ha-, cuasti l'a hie cunsidereti pestaoatie Mngt adteflie supeei " in. i'veyanonesetc1 aîneng flic inspossibilitlas, anti 'se m-ay ONT.ARIO B.A.NK iete lcMln nio IeMpn.connroversy -o iii start'discuasion asteu er iiah Ia. hol1ea mn- flic plan of a buffer state lieing alisn- issiailt o rirto;adwt er ial htteol elipsi costinnes io do s Oestral Baniing Business doucti. Bof h îow-csts uagain acces s suiabity frrbtainatiwIbîis successini resistance te the sim- BowanvlleAgecy.tuSouhwsten C . naandundr te imthî~ius given fuir sober fbouglit, fc'W-pic truti s 55if operates lu f bac great Bowmnvmie geny. e SuflweseruChia, ntiundt tc will. provoexce finstothat DEibOSITS freaty are te linjoy equally al tati- ueins.itleta n mrlfre hc r neeefvpd I n Savings Bank Departmsent anid on iný privileges that lave been or may picpe using île forces ci nature for flic up- noMuceofwithdrawalneces3sary. Ait deposite bc secureti by tither f rom China; anti lifting of humanity. cal an intres aiiwedat crret raes.* . Prince Ferdinandi et Bulgarla has suc- paybble on demand, whila France makes, substaufial terri- ed iovrmigrinrnte EXCIMA GE teriligains, Englanti uie fehdifîlcultias w-idî lic asserteti, stonti in n îelecicaghl eifew, pomies teb-- ,8 vvb end soldand Draftssned pontuxOptutreaty .riglit te goveru ot prof acf theic aadla ereadls ek ateEetia eiw rmsst Unîted States and anada, alsoQldSilvrBUd cutire Malay peuinsula. The sutteret arove anti las dectecti, antiflasi tvalk lfuuted8îabes Greenbacksbouaht and sold. h lxarneetis tcuss ,carrîcti out flic dccrce, iliaflis son anti by te aranemet i, o corse Sim, eir PrnceBors, houd L coveredue. At fheliotver anti ofthîe securing COLLECTIONS w-lie aililibe lat notliug of lier king- lat.rneBal, elih uuefet rama is a liattery box coutaining cehis, Pr)mptiy made ai current rates upon ail part dom sAv ethe Meinam valley '-profect- fo the Romeek durci IVa Ie tuti- ¼ nnectuena iean ther.celî nti fI Do Qea n iri tfainad. teUieetae n d iy flieftest yFrance leing .certain ouiles avare las nof until recently bha i ncio elen h elsad h lu lima te aîpropriate everyfhutug out- atronop gs lbecvig Telegrapli Traiisfers aide of if. _corn__ eevti fliatforbesw-t duetie lic pos- eueor more pairs et incandescent lampa. Madte for large or amai huma on 411 par t blivdo!t hy et-de-oth os. istabttlisled tlireuglithe tubas cofltae Canada. TOiis is especiaiiy advautigaoa-s ta' The grow ing feeling in fayot of secur- sesauiot ci sny strong religions convie-f wetsornsliving in Manitoba or tht Nortiiwe3t, ednnrieoko ohsde.B nign tîae h unaaalbe ioc u ing saetlementutoetdifferences lieiween fions on fIe part of Prince Feria. faeo1o olaie.B uigî place of paynient. flie tw-o great brandhes ofthfli Englial or any pain the sacrifice wouid giva hlm in eiaa otnosgla tfi Otuhrpariculrs eU attht ank lamps lu a rougli sea is securedi. If la R1.L OIT, U(X O.MehîILL, race by arbitrafion, rallier flan by war, îetsonaly TI Coug aylis, pleasant te noie that flic ingenuity Of Abcountant. ,oManager, lias been again slow-n turing fhe pasi navet hesitafedti t change ils religious ______________________________ u'ek. luairel 'Britishi ParliamienitIcheconvitfions ai the demanti of itolifical ont ratrcal eecng tslf le an li hop2 tisa, arbitrai ion imiglif ho the eut- necessfy; ant intudecretng tlie cen- alatoatotye irs eenttcling lîscî se eer corne ofthtie centro-ver-sy, w ith.,île Unit- version' etlis 'Son tote aOrl o aliY af i tre sa une f upenanpro fe. u J èc ed States avas given pointeti expression ed urcI, Ferdinandi las, ne deulit, w cigla- coneiti vli fIe saiog t hrnalte.u by Lord Rosebc-ry anti Mr. Balfour. cd the henefihs whic w ilillereby ac- Even Lord Salisbiury agreeI lIai a îorrn crue te hlm ilu li ho, rafler thiaî ln e sucli coutnivances as electric litep of arbitafion mgît Lie atiopted whnhthre cmbarrassmenf s in w-hich it nayI buoys'not only fIat elecfriciîy nas dle- t erminedti t ruha tle sca as W-il as fli w-nuhId cftc tually dioinisli the chances luvoîve îim lu the lita tocorne. The at, n ls lite li aig et conflict about differtamîcen nifuopinion. ram iifuly uaîi"ith posto Ceitîhlit ra1 spm n hl, waters," mip- Iu the Il niteul States active iniarest in ni the Pope anti oft îleny's nofliar, unit the question is sheuvu by flic learty altlong i if las in barli casas beau ever- moerttngýeL suppl o anrad by a osor welconsie giveas by tle press andthel gen- corne hy siusply ignoring if, flic prince eral public le île movemneoLoni flicoîli- ,w iiinot, if la saitimnt oMaiexo n pis tle watfers."' A verse ni Scrip- tur, awfror' calelaebt f srn ITS HORRORS WOUJID BE WORSE THAN CAN BE CONCEIVED. EsOnomeus iJsîerelse iii the Eupidity muid Effetifven.es ef!;Iâram*II'iîi' 4,MaxisR Gaia Citn iire, t0 te 780 Shes per ýntu.. .Ite-The, Use eofRugh Dxp1«es I a u News'Elemnesut. '%ar Datant oeathing in fhe days efth fIe rsaders. If muant an etitt- ly dufferent thing wlen tIc Norfth anti fIe SouthI joinet is:-sues lu tle bhootty sftnuggic, that entiet itrty yeara age. Wlaf w-ould if m a aIthle prûseuf dsý y. wien speespowdter, maga- zine rif les, ligli explosýives,nmacine gunsl, anti ahîlhe ceunI less dealli-deal- ing appîlancas w hidi the lasi score ot yeats las devitiopeti would be applieti te ils persecufion. Il w-ill probably surprise many te ltaru lIaItItare avilhl e, tew charges et ciller cavalry or infantry lu île liatles efthtle future. The succeasset a charge alw ays depeutis on flic abil- ily of t he .movia- troops le cross tle danger spacee sud readli the enemy's linoes nithout iosses actions enougli le check the atvanca. TItre lias been an enormous iacrease in -tle rapidity anti effecliveneasset nfantry tire lu lthe past feu years, ur even flic past five. The danger space la now se stide, tle pessbulutues et rapuid fîruug are so great, andtihe killing ppwer et 1îte buliets se terrible, thaf neif ler cav- alry flot mfanlry coulti now readl in- f renchiet troops withot being annuhil- ateti. 1We may even go fartlier, and say fIaI the science, et lantiling f roops up- ou a batle-fielti must le entirely te- Svolulionizeti to suit Modtern aveapous. I TIc intanlry rifle ensIles a soldier te fire a lunufreti rounds et ammunilion lui fout minutes. TIe bullets avilI kill aI a range et hetweeu ont andti wo miles, and aI a point blank range wîill penetrate shxty plut bo4rtiS tacI oe inch lîlci. Besitias thls ligîltfield machine, guns can pour forth A PERFECT RIAIL et missiles witli unerring su,. A ligît- weighf Maxima gun, weighing oriîly twePfY-fivc peuntis, eau tira 60f) le 700 - aloIs pet minute w-th an ef ticiv r-ange et1w-e miles. For tisle latesI m preveti Gatliug gum, w itI elecîric mott 1,800 alois pet minute arc claimeti. R-eavier fielti pieces et longer rangse. Cau, deliver f wenfy-iivt. te thirfy six- pounti sots per minute, Il is evident j eugli iotemiese figures fIat te mns- ~ oeuvre masses et trçops upen a battit- À fielti wilin sigîl et an enemy will e te invite ileir annihilation. Tle enormotas velocily et motiersn pro- jectiles w-i laveaa marked influences upen the falalities et any future w-ar., A buletw-llli ill pentral aity ailing Sexual Streugth In old or Young men cati ont-indch pinsboards w-il require heavy beqickiy andpermaneutiy cured by meto ateaILtla earf}sworks te proteot I roopa, anti ifiel Yvmgorous state, Suifeters froma... entrencliments cannot lie madetief af N tord protection w-tiI sudh rapidity anti iacilty as lu past w-ara. More, umper-MER r;l 9EB1L 7 fanf atill. in firiasg a gaîusf troopus fotm- ARICOCELE, NWIT LOSkV cd eu masse a stagie ballet niay ire- ~ESSseui rt quently kili several men.. IVith fteAND) ALE WASTING DSAE elti ammunilion, i0 countlest cases, tom yeaor dvcthae cc a aiSsatudent for- soldiet lu ttue front rank fell, w-hile the futis.lwasasuffere-rmysemf. Toobauiufumtonsek man liehint i hm escapeti unluri. the aldoe!oiiter mtnorrepuabmaphysucuikui !haVes- 'TIe risks et naval -warfate have lie-. tigatedetht subjectdieeply and it scovetitia 5 simpic cone qlteaisgret a t eston an ibut Most remarkably succesîfui remedy tht com-; coul quie " rea as hoseon lndpletely cured me and fuiiy eniarged Mc('om10:a Tht naval ceflîlcts in ftelaIe Japan- 1shrunitec,stcnted condition tonaturel atreuîi su ýd Chusnavar alewed ilat tlh p Biig u e. waut every youugorold man ta kieoîvabout ef an irenciati ly aunenemyesPORdin. 1t. i laite a persousai interest Il usch cases suit re my's prujcuitonecd beniae te write mie as alcammuniesiiens files May do serions injury te tle crew are heid siri(uuiy co3nilientiai. i seaitlit iterýiPe f without greatly endangermng tle vefflel this rernciy absoioteiy frete o cost. DO o 1l'put il ilself. off but write me fuiiy St once, yen will l uwa51T blasa Tht mimaI important uew <eleent in the day yen did se. Address, naval wartare is doubtiesa the use of THIOMAS SLATER, BOX 2068 bigh explosives. Il is n.w possible te Shipper tuf Fumois kalamazot Ce1ol7. tire fremn ordiuary guns ishdit cbarged KALAMAZOO, MICH. will high explosives, and il la believes fiat the.sc wiil ha extreniely effetive ini the bonabarriment et landi fortifica- The Grunt of the Pig. fions. But 11gb explosives at the same Tht continuai grunting et tht pîg ia finie coetilute tIe greatesl danger te o ueeta eeln oel n,> w-hicl moudern battîcalupsaxartsubject- e ntefa celn onluge cd. Torpedes ofthîe automobile cias île cendit ions et lite Of bis wilt sucesý- lave sltesdy provedti heir pew-ets et et- tors. A lerti et swine scafftetdinl lte' rance intahîe Cilisu anti Japanese avars, lon grasls er among the lirsokens of a anut hese, witl sunien mines anti tloat- Europesu forcst neulti siaonlest asigh ilg torpeties, aili probably prove a et ene antef ie. But fhe grunts of carl! cheýf sourceof fet&lily tQ'navai vessels aveulti stili ativertisa lis presence le> iingaging tIt cossi allanîs in any future, hi-, aigîiors, anti se flic individual Nvar. In tact, it is quite possible, If memicerseofthîe lard w-oulti nef lm' net indeeti probable thaltIh present feucl i w-jthfe main liody. Tita-n tf l FLOATING FORTIRESSES are grunts anti grunts. If on-e of m.- on vîlI îe ntios e îl avrît ciiefresiers w iii mitafo tise ng)enau.s -Mt on hic te, atinsof he ord cief ýGarner anti tait a " oTanrpî te ft! ly base flair naval streugîl will le I eartual pigsty Le w-si gef nsattniai -( reutiereti olsolete ina avery few- yearsti maie up s liolk on tle lanuageanad iy teativauce lu thtetuse et higisex- j grammnar oethfe Log. Ron-evertîc plosives. ! ilhejongle, fhe w-lI pig couiti, liy ti- War aI tle present day ia quile cer- in, note ethîe pifhaIndut emphsis e tain te bb vastly more costiy tlan tle tîle gruntutte righi sud lefi t ohl,- avars et tIc past decatica. A single'-fell pretîy mucI w-lai lis bitiden c great battit suip, w bec equippeti tcady hesgues a-vere fliinking about. tor action, mn-y clati $4,00i0,VU0 or q5i,-ý M00,000, as muck "asa w-bit final eost1 "Fr()ve ftYas. lu the, days etfaailing vessaIs. The pa "oyOerFît Ya1, et ttoops, agalu w-hi doubileslave te > oI vrffyyasMsWNLwý le- oa a metu -ltberal seille lu any future Fut1e sr eaaMsWuso~ w-ar, unlea ceunpulsery anlisrnenti S SeuuTHaNG Siacup lua been useti by iii 1- attepteti, anti ail goverumnents w-lu put 1 lir8,f usothers for thoir chîltiren wlliel off tînt measumu as long as p ossible. \Ve may Lie sure that h avililieb * is1etdtccliet. If disturbeti aI nigîht a open ta any future auar fIat tleaMi- 'alns iedboketo(f yccr test hy a suck chd ut n- iers anti sailors w-ho go ouI te risk fenîîîgandi cryin-g wuîlu pain et Cuttniîg Iliair lives in their country's Service ý'tetihsetii ac once sud gme , boiiei- shal aceive psy lIat w-oulut lave lieci Me WîdweSohiu5Srp accounteti eutoethîe question a gener-' atjen n-go., Inasmudli as future w-as are Cisildireu Te.-thmîîg. lt wu, relieva tire liiely j$o liémucl mort fatal te ibose pmrlti ltomaruuueiîf.Dupenda engageti, île pension 1b11le tfolhow- wil i pos t, ishorste l)o usistake about be grenter in proportion, 11ut.1 u8Ileton ]}uring île pasi quarter e of a cras uartrea lar..sCole Sotera. tory an enormeus increase las take<n sch B,,cla ues lWîîtd Caolu, sttad et exciuatae nt great imrae wietce and exiruLyît te w-boit syetrn. ---- ~~ Ment qnil i asetîo Sriu,1w StiugSrp u Tlhe' ucar approal te armeticonflicf, fhe pcavers, flic inowlîctge tIat the latter traIe w nlelcoll, flash, anti seme other facilillea bhan doubletisd taruan udre etuîgl Liang b tht tafor KIDNE MiTROUBLESp, possiiilî that ai another urne ontetrw-ilnot-sot se long as Rusaisaviieltis sics , nialoatltgrpstsiaO'miipidvnmoeg ty p o-ett .ltoaýuit o t he lu1ee ,ancs, nd llo phooo-aph toLeur n ettralie, ih me get shd vol- i stiltprectio fr1 ADAO E f1-' flir naionMay, fuie aai tp cp li1er recognition; andti tat Rusaisavwilil aien of flic more alit ýsubstancefie- unieo al.e-ci ommudnify. c, uim -îuinterhyîc oruesoant uresi yenti recail, andthîe appalliîtg nature et net recoguiza, a Roman Catlioic sover- linti. Thus flic houaes ln a humnan lianit tien, en-ch nation lias its presporily the Boitte1 Sinis. Prîceutwenîy-five çnto ~IUOUSNESS. h-' conseqetclaiy av ru ecigu antian Ortliodox nation as a pet- lave been laid liare bellindti flicflesî ýbount up 'ai-thtetorte eo tsaneigb- a b'ttilt. Soit by ail ê1mruggîs f hroivugh, boutslu sw-ayfiatw-asneaeveetute tt weide ricIe aask fth Ma B.B.E. unlocks ail thue ,a et ona aundremoves lhin iitg man on bell aides te action, manant condition oft tingas. Wifl Prince by lîteaus oft the photographid hans; us in a su 15 îlewas ioryret civilis t he waausa.w Ba Seor sail r.' ail impurities frorn Cl'ut t sfrOuia commouekOIBi h iti- fcvlzto.NVNSO' OTIN YU. pimle e tt ars crtu i. to e ,Bonis liaoughf up in fli, Orthedex failli, long-los't liileL las been lecated in a Any interruption te thte rcu-lations et piThal aopermanentttrcaîy et sa-brta-Loexver, anuitan Orlîndox dyuastY mna's icg; a-ut a coin las beau phoie- commerce, etier its attentas, tke rail- pUlD CI PLL at eniya-That pemantie w-lih ofsalitr tus- .w-ay and isteamsbip lunes, or it veina, E UIRIDo T P1 L9 ctgetlyye tonca U mdewhchw av enr- tusassureti, ifta spossible ilaf Rtissia gtdplid thliugifli th nteliipiug Cpur,,. th. sysfem etf Commercial Crodits and Expert View. lir n hT utht Stout-.ab, Liver t ' alwel Ile nialciwilafriasfsa may,, ofler objections beiug treovd, 1Suppose fibis process shonîli eoaariai thte currtacy, la t once tait tht e »rld Dad ,wbaî'a a runnlug account? aorblufoetn-,wi i le ffrencsilu- e, iew illing to folerafe exist ing coudi- a sit'li furîher, and tIc fleugîf s lu a areund. Only a few 'ye.rs ago fins<ieiat Il's1 an open acceunî wiîî a dryr'ot touaai solutioilflininantfeaautlmahe lraiicoitiliepucure foth i- dsasestaootesigutu8sonSn-t Arn stremy onw-hch eep yor \lie -~~ At ]y te inaris, etictec île t w-o nafions,fins ahIs jty, ti ecginfaPerince mafisc ara. Wcolat a shamuedfa'cdhit i- n reprIRle matie a aae sr unm~d-- e- i h i~I t> ltre eeme-n-Odouit. If us.,truc fln-t l t fat w-as falit te a Reatr or lstsomneting arOqstesatalu sRt sd~eriadas a soveraîgu prince,. jilsg o eas tfera w oulti Ila! Roar some e en L nIdover tise worbi.Apotatbte Enbl whc Iler - o ns ; olti -rai îlecafioderaya if _____________ as cre dow-n te us from Roma lonor wlhidli e nationaous, aulimit te - I j fiante. rpresents him -iha tol v tinw ul nf ulrnt Ie tastonetfîsa f rcogiz hm fft udl ucleaf i fought %w are laidcliste' [ Leap -in a.Sack. Rmnns 1cr rigltfiteJamica, n -n-rif he sadnif n-yraliy 1tIc B uigar-inpo-BttIrsl anii"epatitchrl- lSem years go dote aet ul vahitity etft MonroedocýIrine. But Prince Ferdinaui, rsn aigîppift.Mr ni mort fîtinfluience London,ma'abecthle- i ujimp W sud cases aref ulik(I to eaie anti va1iihy of liis ccio)r Ilis, quailific-a- e m ve1atr scmn t i1ra ote 14g he s !eh Wheii BabY usas-siwe gave hier Castoria%. ~OIITYcUtz Walnssn Pi.Bt.il isl nef, as fieeponetsitlaperman- fionisasa a-nier ralîci l usinuy-udrloi nt î loorps tfl nystplto en hth hut I maies Stmca, 1Para1ysus, St. "uitgs' tîsuce t ftlarluration re tinsiaf, liy imiproli- alere-ers otfrl bu l.icambira arc sean te aie ormatour let previdet witil ,aknife---,clm l e -'W e - à iaa Usli, nia criait forCaýtorLfa. otf Power-. uialCteWêsrtieisie sofIhedmer-dlar ita- llrvn 5m a aiiii. - Ot Claprveluh ,suocoededi in accuinpisîung tÙe8r at, litr in c.,Brclile, iuad îlrntoft JIIIimst 4le net prdtiab ofyetbut theýre lsa anofLer ani srnwronanti w-laitpickéti np 'ly soreafsids ' ~xyaOWN TAIILETS uir tt an(ssni itc--roraluWO uaillesti-k; w a ubne ttw-oree fou' lis Tseihuuuo, Dis~~~rhoea, Eue, iSe. Ne tante. 1ils applicýation te ilmprobabje ani dexcp ulha il rtlIodx c l Bia- hpcai O- dve -- DIaýe1çq, Le, ,.âÇ,1ýuxcýp- i h i s,,,heof1 . i ugar "< )r to t8 ,h m CURED BY TAKING A .par, _-I 111 was afflihee for e!glIt years wlith Sait! Rhleumn. During that lime, 1 trîed a greaît inany iniedicines wlîiehl wele highlyv mc- ommienued, but none gave Ine ielief. 1 wvas at last advised te try Ayer's Sairsa- -parrila,'am'! beforc 1 had it b lleitiru frtht boti le, nîy lands w ere as Free from Erupticîis as ever they were. My bsnswhjch is thaL of ua cab-itrit et, lequires nie te lie ont liicol i and twet Nweather, ottei wihu loves, but ie trouible lias Stratfoit, Ont. AdmlbIýttts.d at thei. CPar Suttor linv . tcs and iost Oli dtI- ss . 11. RO00 M 1 ùWes A baieSt- OnM 0, vitai u tr