Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Jan 1896, p. 8

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mDSFIGURIM CUTICURA SOAP purifies and beautif the skin, scalp, and hair by restoring healthy activity the CLOGGED, INFLAMI IRRITATED, SLUGGISII, or OVERWOR] PORES. Sold throughout the world. fritih depo; E. Ni DEBY SOS 1.ilng Edwardt., Lonio . Pou DSUG &CEU. COP. soi~e rope., 1Beion,tV. S. A. BOWMANVILLE, JAN. 22, 18 TOWN- QOUiqCIL. The mexnbers elect of the Tom Council of Bowmanville, for th'e ye 1896, met as follows on Monday mon ing last and made the proper declar tien of qualification and of office, fl Worship beforo the Police Magistral and the members before the Mayor,vi Mayar-R. U. Leecombe. Ueeve-Dr. Hillier. Deputy Iteeve-Jou. Jeffery. Councillors. West Ward-J. Percj J. McMurtry, J. B. Mitchel. North Ward-L. Cornlah, J. K. Ga braith. South Ward-T. H. Spry, J. LylJ R. Worth. Mr. Pattinson, one <f the membes elect for the North Ward was unavolc ably absent, through slckness. After soe remarks fromn the Mayor who stated that ho should bave mor ~te say at the evenlng meeting, it wa moved by Dr. aiillier, seconded byJ Lyle,that the Mayor,Reeve,Dep.ReevE atnd Messrs. Galbraith, Spry, Perc and (Jorniah te a Coin. to strike th standing Couxe. for the year. Moved by Dr. Hillier, Sec. by Mr Perey, that the etriking Coin. do no% retire and report in haîf an hour. Moved in amiendant by Mr. Cornie sac. 1,y Mr. MMertry,that the Counci adjourn until 7:30 and then recaive tif Report of the Striking Con. Original motion carried. The Striking Commttea then ad journed to the Clerk's office for half ai hour, when they returned snd preant ed the following report. Your Striking Cornmittee beg leavý to report the following standing coin mittees for the year, the firat name o which shall ba chairruan thereof, a follo Win Finance-Messrs. Perey, Hillier,Gal braith and Loscombe. Public Property-Messrs. Mitchell Worth and Pattinson. Fire-Mesors. Lyle, Worth ané Jeffery. Gemetery-MesrsCornish,Galbraitl and Mitchal. Police-Messrs, Worth, M!tchel Jefféry. Printingo-Measrs. PattiusonMitchel Oornieh. Roada & Streets-Me3ars. Spry3 Worth, Ilillier. Peor Relief-Messrs. McMlurtry, Oornish, Pattinson. Cocart Re vision -'Mesars. Galbraith, Jeffery, Lyle, Corniah, Pattinson, Signed by ail of the commtittea. On motion the Council then adjourn. ed until 7:30 in the evening. Laat mneeting of the old Coutncil, held Jan. 13th. Mayor R. R. Lozt combe presiding. Menibers present: Reeve, Dr. Hlier; Deputy Reeve, Jos. Jeffery: (Jouacillors, W-irth, Ga lbraith, Corniah, McMnlrtry, Vanstone, Spry, Lyle. McKay. Minutes cf isat meet- ing read and confirmed, A communication was received in refererce ta the Mimico Schcol. Laid on table util next meeting of Council. From Mrs, Varcoo, askin for aasist- ance. Refeirred to rcor R-clief. From M. A. JIamnes, again asking for rebate on Taxes, on the laie Sun plant. On motion thle letter was received anc fyled. Prom R. B. Andrew, complaining of the unsatisfactory service being fur. nished by the Electrie Light Co. Laid on the table untîl a further stage of the meeting. Prom the Royal Tempiars Society asking for the use of the Town Hal. for a weeks service of Temperance meet. ings. Laid on table until further stage of the meeting. Front Thos. Bottereil, in reference to an assessment against him on a pro perty with which he had nething to do. After somei discussion, on motion the amounit was refunded. From W. Ranii, C. C., Cobourg, in reference to W. Bartram, asking for s fee of $2, which should have heen paid at the time of his commitment. On reinoved them. He wili swaar f0 Liiese ?AEfacts. Jewelry î epartnxent. aIII daer orfCithe manu aturer& We are inakiîtg a sensation by selliig watchos at prices nover before heard cf. Wtatiatn Watcies $3, O Edmansea, Bates & Ce., 45 Lombard Niekie lcis 75c, eight day Walnut or Oak locis $2.25, Tee Spoons $1 doz. Cali and geL car pricos. We OUstreet, Toronto. Prica 60 cents. selI 25% iess titan e.xciusively joweiiory stoeos cari pessibiy afford to elo. The un ant qulît f goti Dr. Ch'ase's; Symnp cf Lnseed andi Tur- Th nin adquliy f goo oods fetn.Tereiias ate is wliolly thnbCSrti5odLa,,re bt-le 25lcents.T "he M a~ n - 5L~W ~ ~~aP* G Mr. Spry, chairiman of Roads and CLARKIE NEWS. streets Cem , stated that every bill in-1 curred by this Department during the (Condensed frena the Nevis.) Vear, lied been squareti Up, se that the MU1 .Gadt ia ev ,Dno RS ne Cunilwoldsar wtha len fAurora preaeh here ..Mr. WalterM sheet. Winter visited his unele, Mr. T. H1. Mr. Lyle reperted samne for the Fire Power . .. . Mr. Jas. Jackson lias leaseda [~Pro 'ertv. eock lias epened sehool again al ter the S lu reference te the communication diplitheria scare. . .. Mr. And. Morrow about the Electric Light, Mr Lyle ex- visited bis brother James at Bowman- # plaineti thkst the Co. hïd seme' trouble ville after bis accident ... . Mr. Will with the machinery, but that the mat- Allen had a bee mopving bis miil acress alter hati b .eu remedied, andi he thought the street te bis ewn lot. a11 thet the service wou]d 'ha- botter in the Nervous womnen illv find relief in se future. lloed's Sarsaparilla, beease it enricies A Me, tIcrrnish complained of the liglit ves. sin'hn h e ails et Tmuner's corner being eut several te light et Mr. Fairbairn'a corner lied LmARd goo Johntart taerd lastleABigDe a l. 0 0 fies ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ md Lie i h vnn.As htte LSa od. Mtr John Ochrd iashe IED, been li vered -nd -mi flot in as 90od a Public Sehool.,. . Mr. R. L. Ilalls'friends E D p o sitio n a s p re v îo u s y . r e g re t te b e a r cf b is a ssig u nire n t a s A e y l r e w o e a e h u e f i e h t e a , a d t e s o k w s d v d d b - Af rer anme discussion the Clerk wa mereliant at Centreton. Farmers lad Aveyare hosae osealdteohrdyacth sokwa dvddb- i nestructed te inferma the Ce. of the better stick te farmning,..Mr. W. H. tweena few cash buyers. We had our pick, and have our share, it is a good share, ini 7"s comnplaints andi request thern te, e Tonkihlas quit tlie career cf pedagegue fact we like our share better than any other share. The goods are ail new, bc --ght - that tbey were remedieti. and launcned eut boldIx' into mercantile life. -1e is deiug a riishuîîg trade ..for the coming season's trade,and we got themn cheap. We will give you the full benefit The Royal Templairs were alewed Mr. J. Davey, D. D. G. M. W. hias vîsit- of ourbagans but you must coule quick. We intend to clear but the whole lot in two- - iRhts for $16, witni the proviso that district and reports pregress in the Weeks, and to expedite matters we will have 96. if sny travelling tronp carne along thay order. - give way te thein. To get relief from iudigestîen,bilious' ness, constipation or torpid liver witli- Horticultural Society, out disturbing the stornaci or pnrgingf wi TeBgmuylo lotcatra ociety Little Liver Pilîs, they will please youee.f B a r a n a s ear hald ils qunual meeting on Wadnesclay , Anma-- Eneo ýr- afternoon lest ln the NEwTuvILLEIAnnul meetn cf ra- Co olCabr rnge County Lodge will beciesd in LS PresidenL Thos. Burden in the chair. The the Orange bail, Tuesday, Feb. 4tli.. a Te a r eorti en cf ifijus% rnedsledsfoh eMr. The Nexvtsouvil oe Sfche es a-at9dt ~t iz: Bociety te ha in goed standing and domn.i a resideuts cf tliese ùUnited Couutiesdied gooti work. at lier borne in Bailyduff, iu lier 96tli Theeletiu. f ffier reu Itd s fl.tory lias been cleseti, Mr. J. G.>I{eney a lews :-Prez., W F Alleu, Esq.; let Vice- baving beught eut te §tockholders. ~. A y, Pres., T. Bassett, 2nd Vice-Pras., B. Jarvis; The patronage cf tlie factery will hoc iDuring these days we wil rntroduce some entirely new, and deiddl ser a Seo., P, Trebileock; Treas,, J. H. H. Jury; transferredt t Kendall factory. . .. Miss ~e1ei ~ca i-Directore, Messrs. 13. WerryE0.Ba Mary Gray, cf Orono, is visitiug at Mr. values in other departmnents, so you can depend on having a grand display of bargains, le a, r.JonMC E O. BaMs.N S. Emerson s. aIl through the House to, select from, flot only in Dry G-oods but also in ail other fines. le, rn:nMrs. Jo'anMcClellan, Mrs.J. K.~~~~~* They make one feel as though Ii.feas el. Oritinuds nyasm lpoinofurewg ds Galrath Ve.& . udow Me8r. ws orhT.vng wes neofwortlia el. Orliving.de olya Take orio euer ewgcfs rs Burden, Jop. Jeffery. W. J. Joness. J. W. Little Liver Pilîs after eatin:o-, it will Id._________eiev dyspepsia, alid digestion, giveri s Breoms a speelal purchase, lie, 15e, 18c, 20e, 25c,, toue anti viger te the system. OCeri s worth 15e, 18c, 20e, 25e and 30c. r, With the Sweetness of Melting Fpaj 13 Bars No. 1 Eleetrie Soap for 25e. ~ l Li mnti Atieigtftl repraionisCLARKEUXION. Visitors,Mr.andMrs.A. Fresh Finnan Haddie (jusLte hand) only Qlc lb. Copeo Floating Bath Soap 5c. ne Fragraut Ivorine for the teetli dissolves W.Foley,Bewmenvile, Mrs.F.D.Glascot N hmcsalszsel eBest Pearl Tapioca"6 Ibs for 25c. ihome from Lie West; Mr. Geo. Parker .FinLap J- for Lie teeth is Ivorine, s0 fragrant aiid tuest cf bis brother, Mr. John Parker; ae0od Baking Powder only 10e lb. J3est Rico 6 lbs for 25c. re, cleansing, 50 pleasat te tie teste, and Mr. Walter Winar anti Mr. T.1.Powers Fine Blond Indian Tea 2be worth 40e A full size bottIe of No. 1 Pickles 10e worth 20e. ,c efficient oyend Lie desire cf te most visited frientis; Mr. Eues Souci, Pot- No, 1 Japan Tea 30e worth 50e, Don'L ferget our GOAL OIL as before, Lhis article wil le xatng. A dem of elegence 'anti cge la Prairie, Ma., gnost of Mr. Chas. N.1Hsn% 0 ot 0 efincfriwhitens anti purifies,ef- Souci; Mrs. John Parker lied a larg o yo p 0 ot 0.b edn tm a.1c mrc' 2 -clin rb eaatl e a d i ngtit e m.e eC n .s1 7 e.eA m o risa nS2 2ei r. ford _ingbialy white teetli antid itn els ek î ei No. 1 25c. worth 40c. We fear ne zeompetition in Lie Grocery DeparLment,. W breath as 5^voet anti fragrant as Liat cf .Alin ià guest cf Mr. Samuel Allia, Lake Our teas are special value at regular prices these our motte is always lead nover follew. the floivers. Shore. . .. Me. Walter Cobbledick enter- prices are phenomenal. Candies at Bargain prices. ehi taineti a aumber cf neiglibors anti A fine blond Coffee 22e worth 30c, Hanging Lamps at prices te pay yen Le buy cil w ht o C c frientis et an evoniag party on Tuesday Y Ife L n lylr w1y h t Yo Cheyy lst.An enjoyable ime wes. s1pent... ~~~~Mr. Aaron Semis lias bonght -seme --B s ri asPn c ur c afG l c hsw e ny timber la Mr. Jas, Temblyn's swamp. LOOK 'd Ayer's Haîr Vigor is crtaialy a re- n arabeppaatien anti othing lukelbtT <.O U ibas over been produceti. No maLter how wîry and unmanagable the hair Js hn hspotnt mnay bo, under the influence cf tusl- JS hn his ipp-tu ,tygivos you a chance Le buy wholesale 'stock aL less Lhan wholesalc prices. comparable dressing, it becomes seft, Yen eau Searcoly appreciato this chance at iLs full value, as you nover had a similar chance before. Why ? va siiky, anti pliable Le the cemb andt brusli. Regular 25e Table Linon we will soul for 15c. Reguler 50e. kinti ail we will ask is 34e. Sanie way al n- ANTIOCH.-Visitcrs-Mr. Gilbert Glas- hrouglî Lhis stock. of ~>~by Rochester, Ont., aLMr.Tlics.Little's; 'Ladios' ail wool ilose worth 20e for 121c. Soc Our Lino of Hdkfs, al l hrough extra value'- 111 Me J.S. obetsn, u SxthLin " " 22e" 1421-. Ladies' lJnderwear very special value SSunday weok; Mr. Forester Jayues, 30e, 161c. Linon ,Crash Towling l9in wide enly 5e. Netnvle at his uncle's, Mr. E.2 ..U J aynos; Me. Mult. Walker, Newtoaville, " Cashmiere Hose 45e" 32e. Cotton Bleukots for 90e per pair. athis sister's, Mrs. A- B. Relfe; Miss " " " " 50e "38C. Creamn Wool Slîewls Reg. $1.00 Lino for 57c. Flore Cobbledick is homo from visitiug Chldren's liose cquallv low eue spocial lino 2 pairs Good'Heavy Faetory for 4e per yd. d frS front i lier sister, Mrs. Chas. Adains, Flinton, fo 5. Remuants cf elmost ail kinds aL half price. The Imore you use of t the better Gemsby's ferma *.Mr. anti Mrs. Samuel Ladies' Blk Cashmere Gloves worth 15e for 10e, 8 Pieces Blk and Cclored Dress Goods, Reg. 25e for th yau like it. Debson have returnoti frein a visit with 44 44 " 18e for 121c.1~c THE;GEO E. TUCKETT & SON CO., LTD. e ohr..M.W.Bnet ri 25e for 17,1c. Hevv 36iu Selisia, Rg 121 c for 10c. attendiag Orcue school this xinter, Reg 1, HAMI1.TON. ONT. e hea ice3lasmd sti Pioc Hevy Tweed Dress Gootis, Reg. 5Oc for 36e." 34lin l10 for 8c. ment wti the Jasurance ccuxpauv on 3 Colored Figuredl Dress Goods, Reg. 5Oc for 32e. Waist Liniug, Surah Twill, Reg. 18e for 14. Siecf bs ! is cnt-buildings, destroyeti by fle.... 1 Bîk Brocede Henrietta, Reg. 5Oc for 38e. (4"4 i 15e for 12,1c. *Me. W. T. Littie lias leasetiMe. Robble 1 Serge 54-lu Reg. $1.00 for 821e. 2 Pieces Fauey Twill Dress Goods, Col'd, Reg. 40e Sieed's Aymer irance whiei44 "4 "90c, for 75e, for 25e. Sp ctcls gIS it farm noar iy. ndyen, and -ot 3 Pieces ColoeodCioviot, Reg. 65e for 49C. 1 Piece Blkflop Saci, Reg. 50e, for 25e, tewnefl cof rhîeumatisrn, cat- 6 Dress Patterns, eg. 75e for 49c. ldkfs. Large Size 2 for5c Spectacles [ I arh, scrofula, dyspepsie, oczema,,,debil- Pure Linon idkfs geeti size for 5c. Ladies' 11cm Stitched Ildkfs 2 for 5e. it, uioranti acres, by tic use cf" very large for 10e. No more complote stock beLween Ayer's Sarsaparilia, the enlv Sarsapar- la admnitteti et the World's Fair, ln this wholesale-stoek xve have Lie very best and nexvest. Think cf buying ail wool double fold cash- Montreai and Toronto than 15 kopt R\.MsKaeuaiatoe. more for 17e. yd, and hoavy white cetton et 5e yd; aise a big lot cf Gloves -and Hose et haîf price. Remeumber by T. N. Elekerd, Jeweiler and ON. . Miss a ali Tourjee isa ennigto this is net a few pairs and thon tell custoniers "serrv, ail sold." We have tlîousands cf pairs, thousauds cf Opican ewnavil. ,.MsrahWm. rme s tg a inrnto yars of ail tiiese goeds. IL is a wholesale benkrupt stock. Try to realize if yen eau. Thiuik cf thc nerve Miss Lizzie Beuseai, Pontypool, is we had te go into tliis rigit new when trado is -supposed te be duli, but iL is nover duli wîth us for xve are No superior Opticien lu Canada gueëst of Miss Bell Staîker . . . Mr. 1D. T. puttiug goeds et prices -Liat IL pays people te buy, iL pays-Lhem tot anticipate their wants. Try it ! Tî fît,! Lien T. N. Elokard. Allia bcd a valuabie ccxv choketi te Yen m'x n v o Liv te chance again te buy goods front a wiolosale Banlkrupt Stock. deatli by va,,ptato .... Mrs \Vm.McLeod Ynyrh Solid Goid Spectacles a spociaity. is visitîaoe Mrs. Wrn. Seviiîour,Colborne M Goos al iewno ld toc to, ...Mr. Uin. GamsbY lias moved inte _- - i h ndw )t*" *àu l tf Godaal e, e l sok eMr, Win. Bnddy's late resideae, .. M n"s 1Furns igs& e d re lt ing, mun off and ne more cagdfrMiss Caverîx' as geiie Lo Bellvilie .......Importanut among eue rocent purchases are Tweeds and Suitiings. Nover, ne nex or befot e hav e we offor- ciarod orMessrs.- Jaies andt HiraintSewxver nlatost styles in spectacles, tait Maple Lai;e, are visiting tîwir sisïer' cd tweeds se speeîaliy suited for scicol boys' aud mon'swer at sueit prices as wiii mile during tuis sale. We ci otiers are asking for old stylos and Mes. 0. Scott ..Miss Minnie Trul on' fltng eut titis challenge feariess cf ail compotitîcu. Homo are e fem, eye epeners. Eead carefuliy the quotetions. ertaineti lier yoLiag friends at a very Ail Wool Halifax Tweed 28e per yd. Ovorcoat Leugtis, in Beaver end Melton, wiieh we stock atîd cailiug them "Bargalins." pretty eveaing party receatly... Mr Do etmi yur yeigitby ad Mrs. C.J.Tionîpson have setmîjçi Fine Suitîug Tweed 54e worti $1.00, xviii be able te meake up et fer less ttaît regular r o aitri oreeilt dii to liousekeepuiitg'noe the tanneex <4mid Scotchi Tweed worth $1,00 and $1.25 fer 75e, price. Cltih ougit icre, eut froe, Linings -woariîng Just auytlîing that is celied . .Me. lDavid McAlden is filling a pos- One Piece Tweed, Scotch Pattern, IHoavy, 32o yd. put up eieap wien wantod. Bargein but cîne deg te tie Ln in MoLangliin's Cerria oee orks A fine lot cf relmuiants iatoly laid eut for siaughter Mnslev u newa 5 ut Bagan btcoe lngt Rck ..At a business meeting et0tle Oreno Men's Ilea S i Ket 7r 5e Sit.

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