Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Jan 1896, p. 3

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Tames E. 2Nichoson. CkPGER ON THE LIP CUREID 1BY ÉIT Sarsa- I consuiîed doîbors wrho preanribeti for Mes, but 10ono plrpoin. I1511fferedinb agooy seven long years. Finaliy, 1 began takin "yrs Sarsapanhle. Iu e week or two tedet a deccded improveinent. -Encour- aged by lIbis rpsuit, 1 perseverci, ulîil inî a xeonth or an othe sors begen 10 heai, and, Fifter Iuing the Sarsaparilla for six montba, thse last trace of tihe cancer disappeared.- YIEs E. NCHOLSON, Florencevîlle, N. B, Ayeîls onu Saîrsapa, 1,îita1 Adnitted aI lthe World', Fair. &dICB'S 1ILLS Regulate thse BowelS. The Ulnited States Head Office-, lI n ew York Oityl ~ew Insfirance Written-- ln 1882 ..... $ 2,803,517 In 1887 ..... 5,502,820 ln 1892 ...10,001,695 In 194 .... 14,880,333 Local Agents wa nted in ailunurepre. senbcd districts. Address 1%. D. STANLEY9 Inspecter of Agents, Wooms 6 and 7, Queben Bank Building ' Go. Shurtleff, Bowmanville, General Agent for Du-haim, tJRRISTNIAS AND NEW YEAR'S HOLIDAY$ - WILIL MÂKE - SPEOIAL RATES FOR ALL SINGLE FIRST CLAS PARI GeliasDosa. 41h and Sitis, Rtrning e. 261h, 1895 <Gaîulg Den. 3ist and Jan. lI, nelurning Jan md, 1896 SINGLE PIRST CLASS PARE AND ONE-THIRD Going Dec. 21st to 251h -I ttnrning unlil nGolng Den. 28th le Jan. is ) Jan. 711, 1896 1vens. MES mORt STuI lrNTS AND 1T!-ACnERS al NW E PIRST CLASS FPe ANtD ON E-THIRD GnegDa. 3h10itRîrigntl an 131h, 1896 -,PEOi. RyasFOR COMMERCIAL SINGILE PIRST CLASS PARE .Unrng Den. 201h tb 211h, neturnng until Jan. 7tI, '%6 Pure BRITISHl NAVAL STATIONS1 JOHN BULL'S COALING BDEPOTS EN- CIRCLE THE.WORLD. A Comupreeinive View of' Great ritaIii'S Streik,gth in Every Quarter of te Globe -AtTradelteutes Milletl' Fi'ûtectesl -Gibralitar and Ilalta Ire Impreglnabi -Haltfax is' Strongiy Fortltiesl. Great Britain bas aireatiy tisree imn- portant naval stations on tise immediate easterri coast of the Norths Americanl continent, two of wbich lie witlafe heurs' sal of tbe United State-al fax and Bermutia-wisile the tisirt is aon the Islandiof J amante, jusI be bbc soubis- ward o! Cuba, At bhe same. lime, anti witblun easy mobilizîng distance from these tbree important stations, is that of St. Lucia, lu bbc Wlutiward Islands. This is the key of bbc, British naval situ- ation as regards bbc overlook o! Vene- zuela. On lise Pacifie side o! bbc continent Great Britain la net so weil off, ber points of suppiy and defense belug me- striclet t New Westminster, in Britishs Columbia,' witis a possible supply sta- tion at Taboga. on the Tsthmus of Pana- ma, and a remote, stili ueful, station for coaiing aI bbc Fiji Islands o! the Polynesian. group, 6,000 miles from Ta- boga an d about 8,400 miles from New Westminster. Offthe-~ceast of Palagonia is also a station on tise Falklandi Islantis. But wisile Great Bribala is at prert restrictetitb four points o! base supply anti defense on tise casberu aide o! tise Norths American Continent, tisaI coun- try isas witbin comparatively easy reacis o! lbem, and from wisich sîrong advances couiti bc made, the two great naval depoîs of Plymouths, Englanti, anti Gibrallar, aItishe entrance te tbe Medi- terranean Sea, wisile furîber along lu tt iland sea, on bbe, road te India, lies tise fortress of Malta, bbc point o! rcnticzvous o! tise great fleet bisaI con- stantly pabrols those waters witis watcsf ni cyca upon bbc maneulvers .o! lise Estern powers lu bbe never-ceasing game -of territorial expansion. Betw cen tise equatorial, region of Afmica-from tise Sierra Leone on bise norbis to Cape Town on bthe soutis-are, f ive stations under tise conîrol of Great Brilain, bisese bcing, Witis bbe Iwo al- ready nemed, Elmina anti Lagos, on lise gold Coast. Ab lisame bbne, midway betwffln tise African coesl andtihie sores of Brazil, lie Ascension anid St. Helena Islands, ilutbbc une of tise Cape brade, anti cacisprovitietiwitis ample nesources te be matie serions obstacles tte seucccsul continuation o! com- mercial relations witis Souths America Ln Case o! war. ADEN, BOMBAY AND MAIJHITIS Passing again btiste road be Indue, an important station for tise control ol tise sbipping froin tise Orient 1e Mcdi- lèrrancen porta, by way of lise Red Sca, La Atien, a rocky point on bise soutbweal nus of Arabia, wisere tise tisermomeber marely records less tisan 115 tiegrees in tiseasatie, anti WCfe s almost uniserabît b e ise EFuropean. Witiuea9sy reecis of Atien La Bombey, wisile, off 1e tbe cast- warti o!Metiagascar, already untier con- trol o! bbe Frenchisatise Brillis sta- tion o! Mauritis. 0f course, Calcutta la tb be reckloned as one of tise most important of Great Britain'a Indian tiepols upon wisich draft cen be, matie aI auylime, for mer or supplies, AItbise entrance btisah Bay of Bengal, on bbc, Islandi of Ceylon, la Tincomalce. a naval station wilb r series o! forts, wbiic anoliser la dlose et baud aI Point de Salle, on bise souts- cmpoint of tise Llanti.Ma ssngdown tise Mlacca Straits Sigpre la founti, wisere Great Brib- ain isaemply pmoviieti witis naval faci- lities, wile about 700 miles away or bbc route te China, on tise norbiserr coast o! Bomneo, la Sarawak. From. Singapore be Hongkong is abuout 1,61 '0miles, ant4 i Greal ta-(ý,In bs rnot- r'in utise 1ime of naval st at ions aloig lise route wbicis passes ,Cocia nCbii asantim. lHengkong, isowevcr, la arn- ply equippedtieb ake care of Brillish lu- leresls in Cbina'a waters. Tise remotesî station anti fortificti po- sition 10tiste soutiseasb la Sydney, New Sountis Wale.9, wbicb la wilbin 2,300 miles of bbc rernotest aoutbwvestcrn station, Fiji, as reckoneti frors ise Paciflo lit- toral of Norths Amerina. TO PROTECT TRADE. BOUTES. wu la Fmom tise sciseme, s0 te speak, o! Great Britain's naval stations lismougis- onttis woltiwi] I a cu enaI eglance bow tacîful bas be-n biset goverumenb en, b distribule ils pints o! aupply anti C leanroutes e!ficieully. In case o!wer Great Britain w,ýouhd concentrate ils sipa in preper positions until tise nature o! tise eeysmovements developeti lîseif, These positions wsold ha slecei as UUULJ~ near as migisb be te lise greel Iratie routes, regard bclug badt btlie noces- aary facilities for coaling. To show isow closely this bas been folloîveti ont e nom- lUI' parison o! tise stations andthe import- eut junctiona of tise varions hunes o!- Brillis rade will show. Tisese ,junc- tiens are: 1. At lise outrance o! tise Brillis Channel, whcre ail tisese luaes o! brade Cash Grocery unite. 2. To bise wast o! tise enîanuce te tise Straits o! Gibralar, wbere tbe Medilor- B OW1IAWILLE, ranean andthie Atlantic linos.mccl, 3.A heCape tic Vertie 'Islands;, wberc liselhue freni Souths America feuls lun wils tisaI rom lise Cape of Gooti Hope. tise uines froin Judia, China, andtihbb East fal lu witis tisaIo! tise onwarti- Y o ubou-ntiAust"dtiae brade. 5i. Tise n,..thernenotrance of bbc as Straits o! Malacca, wisere tise casteru tratie tivities. irueu a6. Off Adien, wiere bise tretie o!f IndiaE Englanti-heunti trade. a rv soa p 7. O!ff Mebourne, wiseme tise main C OPCO BAIL AI branches o! Australien Iratie jolu. 8. Of!fbise Falklanti Islands, wisere Thie newest tlîiue'under the bise varions trades ronnding Cape Home andt reveramngth Straits o! Magellan sun? It foats.ilbmey be atitet, from Nova To be had only at Scolie le St. Lucia, tb look afler lise mulitudinous line so! trading cantering itiseNorths Am.erican anti West In- HIEA BR S.'dian perls, auti beîween tise istismus andtihie nomîberi repubios o! Souths Hefie usI haworbis et least a undreti America. Ihbouseuti dollars, mamma. He' doyou GIBRALTAR AND MALTA. kriowt fe boit me bis for tuneedA wo hegets f h oln ln five ipisers. H'rn. Maybe il bogies A!wo ie raeto ls oln wlish one, too.aIts statiens o! Great Bribain may be brie!- ly evieweti. Gibraicar anti Malter are Papa, iu quireti a amali girl a he1impreguable. Facis forîress bas lwo lnrable bise other eveeîng, whet'a 100-bon guna. There is alse e hattory Smi lioniaire t Dorotby Smith. saidtub O! 38-ton gunsata Gibýraita!r, anti a nuas- Mue te-day, Veut !aliser'sa nmtiliienaire.: ber o! imiler weaPnoa in tise "tockyerd Whnt t i yen say t askedthtie smaii girl's de! cases" et Mala. Encis of tlisse fabiser Oh, I jus' sait. So's yourq.s' ortressess iss an aggregateo! 50 gums of varions caliber, reéluirin g a ful force of 10,000 men to operate them at- each point. This is nearly lwice the strengtb of the entire garrison, including infantry, arlillery, and de- partmental corps. Aden is well proteeted with muzzle- ioading rifled guns as well as with rapid-firin guns. The Trincomalee fortifications on tbe Island of Ceylon are most formidable, containmng many seven and aine inch guns. The forts have reccntly _been lhorougbly remodeled. The Singapore fortifications have been strengthcncd by the addition of several important batteries containing nine-inch and ten-inch steel, breecb- lcading guns, together witb a large number of six-pounder and threc-pound- er rapid firmng Hotchkiss guns. The forîress is certainly one of the slrongest out of Euroqie, Hence, as Lord Brassey observes, "Smngapore cari afford to snap ils fAngers at the majorily of foreigu cruisers which are likely bo corne witb- in range of ils armor-piercing guns." Hongkong is aport with an anchorage like thal of Spitbead, England, and is secured from al possibiiy of bei seized by a coup de main or sheil from a distance by the fact that the island lies right acrosathe anchorage in ils.front, like the position of the Isle of Wight in the Soient, England. Hong- kong is the besl defended coaling sta- lion England possesses. OTHER BIRITISH POSSESSIONS. Of ail colonies of the British Empire the cape possessions are Ibose whlch are most capable of easy defense. Owing to their iron bound coasts th yar only approachable aI certamn defîned places; yeî s=nular to say until a recent date thehome or colonial deparîmenîs did not appear bo realize the defcnseless con- dition of al Ibose approachable spots beyond'the limils of ivbat is known as Simon's Bay, whicb bas been fortified wilh numerous batteries mounting many large steel guns, as well as quîck- firing Hotcbkiss guns. While Ascension Island ia pracically abandoned as a fortified naval station, St. Helena is one of great importance, and bas had ils batteries strengtbencd tbe lest few years. Il i4 thought Ibese works wiil be sufficianliy strong bo de- ter any stray cruisers fromn attempting 10 force an enîrance mbt St. Jýame-s LBay for the purpose of destroying tbe Goal depots. Jamaica possesses thse f inest harbor and lis eonîy dockyard in tise West In- dies, but tise dockyard, nîtisougi ex- travagant sums have been expendccl upon il, is only suited for olsolete and diminutive vessels. Tise supervision of repair tisere, wvrites an Englisis author- ity7,costs ten limes annually tise value o the reipairs executeti. Thse beginning of operalions lu tise Panama Canai de- veloped fealures of interest hibiserlo non-existent in thes position of Kingston bHarbor, in Jamaica. Il is oniy bwo days' steaming b thseisarbor of Aspin- wal. Thus Kingston would certainly 3be elected for an observing station lu thse event of complications involving the new canal roule. The same may be said as to the relations belween lthe sanie point and Greytown, tise en- 3trance port 10 the Nicaragua Canal. The sapproaches btiste anchorage aI Kings- I on, Jamaica, are commanded by Port iRoyal, defended by several important works. They are provideti witis ten- incis g'nns. Ao modern rifle guns are yel mounted. An enemy's f leet of baIlle sisipeanad cruisers, with long f range guns, could b3 off the eastern aras of Kilngston Harbor and sheil tisaI lown, together with tise naval estais- Slisisment of Port Royal, without any particular defense being possible, as il us not possible for guns on thse fort 10 gel range. at that distance. Jamaica, fof ail the Britishs stations, is lu bbc, poor- est condition of any one of tisem. Halifax aIt the northis tise strongest fortifieti position Great Britain bas in the We3tern Hemisphere. Its citadel la tnow splendidly provided wilh miost mod- ern armarnent, and il La suscepible of both in the citadel ilself -and lu the neigbboring beadlands.. Thse Bermuda station is an infautry Epost, aund la provided wilis floaling 9docks for rn-nirs te sall ves§esAi YOUNG FOLKS. Thse Boy for Me. His cap is olti. but bis bair is gold, And bis face as chýar as tise sky; And wbocver be meets.on fane or atreets Hie loobs hirmstraigbl in bbe cye, Witis a fearless pride that has naugist b bide, Thoughbch bows like a litIe knigist, Quite'debonair, bo a lady faim. Wilb a smile that is swif t as ligisb. Does bis mother cal? Not kite or bal Or tbe prettiesl game can alay Rlis eager feet, as ise bastens tb greet Wbatever se means 10 say; And his'teachers depend on my lîttie frienti, At sbcbool lu bis place aI rine, Wilb bis lessons learried, and bis good marks earned, Ail ready tb be the lune, I wonder if you bave accu iim,'too, This boy wiso la not loo big For a morning kiss f romeis 9 motiser W:and ais; hbo isn't a bit of a prig, But geutie and strong, tise whole day long As merry a boy nan bc, A gentleman, dears, in noming years, And aaI present tise boy for me. A Musieal Serap. Diti you ever tbiak of makirig a mu- sical scrap-boolr? Noxv as bbc lime tb collent matter for il; and girls or boys wbo are studying music will especially enjoy il, benause il will make musîcians and composera more meal, andti ieir ideas less of a vague tradition, It is mucis more intcrcsting, and casier, for exemple, bo study a Schsubert impromp- lu when you know somelbing of tise man's life. lu tise f iraI place, get bise picturea of as many of the famous musicann, both instrumental and vocal, as pos- sible. These need nol bc expensîve photograpis, but litisograpbs and prints sucb as are found on many concert pro- gramis and publisisetinl daily newa- pepera. For tise musicians of the past, one cari oflen find pictures o! tbem in oid magazines, and eau supplement Ibeas with an occasional pisotograph. Arrange tise pitures cbronologically, or according to nationality, or botb- aingers, pianliss, and violinists, andthie lke,ein separate groups. Then read up about thera., There la plenty of crilicisas andi description lu papema and magazines of the famous singers and players of to-day; anti one canr radily secure aI Ieat one account of their lives andi mannera, wltb the pîclures, cboosing a description that seems 10 give the isat idea o! tise mn- sician. The encyclopaedia or musical bistory will have to beý consulted for accounts of other musicians; andi from, Ibeas a brie! description can 1,i writ- Ian, teliing bbc dates of birtis and tiealb, wbcre thse life wa.s chic! ly pessedthe gr3atest works andti riumpbs, anti the eharacteristics o! thbc style o! the nom- poser'a music or tisý' performer's art. Personai anecdotes of musinians flbat. frequently tbrough books andi period- icals, and thcy will increase tbe snrap- book's interesl. Doing Ibis will require reeding; but one îvill soon kaow a 1i1- 11e o! wbial goes on lu bbc musical wnl;of bbc rcntering of famous com- posiions, of tbe akili anti voices of cxc- cubantLs, anti of tbc characters taken' by well-known singers lu operas anti oratorios. Before long one will net only bave made a scrap-book of general musical information," but wlll bave taken several steps towards being an intelligent mu- sician, wbileIee daily practice will be made lesm duil and tîresomâ'. _______________________Toddletum's Dream. oTise boys wbo play bail will ail be L iterary Notes. gladt b isar o! a way b bhave lots o! Barr,-' ser,)f 'un witisout gcbling isurî. Do tise wey Barla' sa1,l "S"ntimental Tommy,- Totitleluma tilt-dresas about il. fHe aon inn wgn S ibh'eMngaziina h a got up in tise merriing anti saiti: of roeaders. The February insbalmeulnîg"Oh. pWarit1 iar a but deIlas conlalus oe, o! Barrie's fineat pieces o! ih.Wn oha blti? huuor,-a description o! bbe way . -b, eTttieua Llsba w~~~ iscd omyp ht is frienti Siovel wisat it was.". galueti admittance te a banquet given ~ Dreemnt I waadaiat ly for reformeti cr;-m:als. lise saie nm- babî aogts e sars.d" lai ber bas a Palistîn niseter anti iso as"Wcll, Tonthstars.- arr Bariease aserofpathos wbicis bear you speak o! tisaI as a 6 bully nover overabeps tise mark. ' iem' "But lb was, pape. I was no more Ex-Presitienî Benjamin Hlarrison will tisan ticatiwiscu I got among a lot o! discuss "Tise Preaideablal Office" very spirits, big fellowsalal dresseti in wisite, comprebcn.sivaly in bis "Thsis onlyo! andti iey knowed rugisb away 'boul my Ours" serios, in the forjýisonrilng ei-beinig tisebeat catciser on tise Rang- ruary Ladies' Home Jouirna. le, iewill tow-e unne, se lise f iraI lisiag lbey sai debail tise provisions ant i metjotis o! ci- was, ' Hurrey 1 bere'a our great catcher ccl ing e Chie! Magistrate, anti will bave aI lest,' anti bofore I kuew il I was mucis te say bearing Iýpon tise eligibil- natnbing back o! eue of Ibosa, bigwbite ity o!. e Presideat for re-clecbiin;- wiîî fellOws anti, wneat do You Ibink, hie was give bis vinws as 10 tise lengli o! tise usiag lise bail o! e cornet for a bat. Presiienlial terni, anti express ratiser de- 'Way o!ff ietise distance say, bisey iseve citieti opinions relative tCotise annoyane awful big diamontis up tbcre> was au- to) whicb Presitionts are subjecteti froni otbcr !ellow pitcing, anti ail be titi was bffice-seeakers. Tise article les pactical, tb pluck one o! tbe sars ont o! tise baseti upon exparience anti observationi, Milky Way andti trow it aI me for a anti is vcry timoely. Genomni Harrison basebeil. Say, pape, you'vc accu lise b lies es tisaItishe fears (oxpresoti by tise feluing starst Well, tbey aay tbeyr'e framaers o! our Constitution) Ibat lise meteors. Now tisat's nenscuse, 'cause peower o!fbise office is sncb 'as bo enable they'rc tise balla tise nalciers up there an ambitions incumbont te secure au lu- misses. tieinie sccesio aiteris avenovr By-end-by our aide (biasthie Corn- baiit ucsiitetri s tisanev cIt, you knew> gel in, andtihie score bsnrealized. "In practico tise popular ,boi1 eOn ao !ls ik opiioneiiibiityo! iseWays. By-and-by il was my turri aI Presient te eue, ro-election. But some tise bat, anti I fait kinti o! afraiti, 'cause of eu' leatiing anti most tisougisîful puis- tise coml'a bail leeketi ew!ul brigist, lic men bava chaliengedti ie n'istiniO! but 1 seizeti it anti swung il round two tbe fouc-yoar termi; anti bave ativocatoti or îisree times, ant ilbtiditbarnumaebit, ,six yoars, usually accompaniati nis e One bail! ' criedtihie umpire as tise prohbition of a second ternm. Anti un- pitciser seul a star slunging pat nme (andi bass somni. melioti enu be devisoti by lb wasn't fait elisher, 'cause tbey pitciset n bld, a lass censiderablie part of tise il wisen I was trying le bat), 1 branati feur&-year terni must ha givon le bear- mysel! for tbe next eue, andt isn Ibal ing apicanbs for office andt l making pitciser tisougist ie'ti fool me. Making appointments, il weuld hbcn ise te give out te snabcis e bal !rom tise Mîlky thse President, isy extending tise bume, Way, hoe burnoti arounti, anti, rescising a bteýr chance te show w bat ho ose 'way ont, wisaî do yen think hotii? do for bis country. It must b3 admitteti Wby, ise grabisetiont worlti, tisaI we'tc au o, tsati mol4gibiity to a seoni terra living on, andti irew lb at mc witis all wilil givo e tb e Executive action gîet- bis migist, Well, tisAy coltin'I knock or independonce. Il seems unlikoly, out tise Rangtewnu catcher biset way, honvever, biset any cisange lu tise Presi- for 1 jual swung bise bat areunti, anti doubiltIoni wlll be matie nlesasnse bibtise world an awful crack. I hursteti uinexpecteti event sisoulti atir intc action biset comet bal ah te pieces anti bib e a tbougisl bist is non o! a Ibeoretical foui, I leeketi up, andti ieren'as bise ratisor tisan a prectical cast'"-Tse wolti 5-comn'. rigisltiosvn inte my Ladies' Home Journal, Piiadelpii. banda, lb 'was a fine chance, antiI. coultin'I IcI il pes,anti1I mat caugist A Plt Miearies.it." Ail tiose fellows began yeiling Winka (cieeriiy)-Hello, Jinka! How , foui 1 ' andti isn I woke up. Anti, titi tisaI tlte piot o! youms work yea- papa, wisat do yen tisink? 1I iati fai- tertiey ? heu out e! bcd, but I bati a bully lime, Jinks (savagely-Wisel litîle Plot 1 tisougis." Why, olti fellon', yon kuow you sus- - penteti Mrs. J. reliser liketi Mm. Dasis- an vay's society; antite satisfy yoursel! Curiosit les Intieed. yen isati rrengeti for tbin tb go b lise DeerlAtqusHm ae tw tiseatre boetber ;andt ien yon inted DaetiiniusHeeaeto te slip lu unobservet anti sec wisctier very rare revolvers. se gave attention 1telise play ortb Tisey were cari t beCouahsoy iin, isThe Revolvres wereC'lumb ens e I ms,1 emember'. ht1Rvleswr' Metd -\Vell,~ diii yen do il ? in Columbus' lime. N-o; se lcI bbe nurse go off, anti Ikuo1 .Tbat's sviab makes bbcrn so hadt te tay borne ant ind bise baby, arc. -r ý 51Iil ý wu. $P.9 by th e introduction of Soap into yontr house. Com' fort and economy secured and life accordingly made pleasanter for everybody. Send for a bar to your grocer -i twinor large-bars. JOHN TAYLOR & 00.e MANUFACTURERS. East End Grain e o0'pt, The undersigned desire to thank the farmers of West Oîirham for the liberal patronage extended to us durino, the past season, algo to remind theva that we are stili in the market and - prepared to pay the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE ALL KINOS 0F COARSE GRAIN E'0 delivered at our storehouse cor. King and George street-,s., or at Port Darlington. We have also on hand a large stock, NEW AND FRESH, of Canadian and Liverpool Coarse Sait in Bags. -Rock Salt for cattie and horses, and Fresh Ground Grey Plàster in Barrels which we are prepared to soli CI-3EZiA-:p OF»OASII Ail kinds of Lumber, Wood and DRY CLEk.N SOREENEI) 00ÂL always in stock. We invite inspection and guarantee satisfaction. MMLLAN '& GO Wiii be pIeased once L-n quantity, twi:-ce iii Qality, and three tîmes lin Price who inspeet the xntequalled assortiuient ot Sti1ppers, Rubbers, Trunks, Valis,,es, &c, At our %tore, W-BEAVER BLOCK,-,tI BowmnauViIIe BJG&EST STORE, BJGGEST VARIETY, BIGG-EST VALUE. ;Everybody invuteil to eaudn see osir snew t'ootivear, I Y A Patie s iiSer esit [ Should not fail to cail at the Ware iRooms of KING STREET, BOW,7MAN-VILLE 1where will be found an assortment of presents useful as well as ornaniental. Fancy Rockers $1.00. Fancy Tables 50a. Nice Secretary $5.50. liasels at ail prices. Fire Sereens. Fine Couches and the largest lune of Parlor 1Furniture in the country, cornprising ail the latest styles at the lowest prices ;also Bed lioom Furniture away down. We -want you to eall and see our goods, as it is a plpasure to show them, Undertaking is- a special branci of our business and always conducted under our personal supervision. BOWMANýVILLE. A GREAT MMW BOOK BY JOSIAH ALLEN'S WIFE. Agents Wanted ioopisraiosAgents Wantedl gâte that lit .5esah Allein', 1Wfe Mas IBeen lt lusrope. Ioýsleh went along, and Parc n o De Grimm. the lamons artist and caricaturist. followed them. They went tO gan i re]lana, Seotiangi, and Waeiselto Iranee ,aitsy, e-tc. The renilts are thât we.have new in ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " fi-s -aathsla1I n getato alhe ooa tlig h 'tsaesu k 9cn - 1

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