THE FARMA. You want Scott's Emnul- Practicai Butter Making. Sion. If youaskyour drug- Somne butter makers work and Sat Itheir butter on the worker, while, others glst for it andi get it,-YO-L dû the salting in the churus and woI'k can trust that man. But if at once on thse worker. The butter lie offers you 'Ilsomething raker wbo uses the cernbined. churn just as good," lie will do the an d working at ono'. Each procesa Wil saine when your doctor make the butter as good as the other writes a prescription for if properiy doue. Saiting in the churu whic he antsto gt las the mode that 1 prefer, as in that which*he wnts o geta 1 ay thes sait tNmore even1y mixed with special effect - play the! the butter," writes G. B. Lawson. game of life and death for1- When the butter is in thse churnf, the akeof apeny ortwothe sizo of tine shot, it is weil te aprin- the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l saeo en rtOke vonly over the butter otie-haif of more profit. YOM Cant the sait required for the churning. Then trust Mt/wlman. Get -what give the churu ne-uat0 f r lu- you ask for, and pay for, jtien, and sprinkle the other haif of the iat on the butter, put an the caver and whether it is Scott's Ernul- revoive tihe chura ,1ewly, and thse sait -o oramn thing ese and butter iu falling front oue corner sion r , ~ lseof the churti wililbc al ovenly mixed; £oTT & BowNiî, Belleville, Ont 5- a nd $-.o and if yonu have eniy a cburnig te dc for that day lt the butter stay in the churn for half an hour, and do some Takeit lway--Tke n oter f your other work. Bt if yeu have Takeit awaysTakeno oher another cburuing te do ithe saine l'or ~ ~ ~ ~ ,h noQ h n br yo..can take the butter out and - rqýsoug S aIUo d ,lot rit stand lu the tubs untîl you gel the chaun filied up again and started Grayqs çd at is washed tho sait will bo ttostiY 1 Sp disslved and the butter roady fer work- o!ruce ing. This way of working butter is zqrUpequal te werkiug it twice. If tho sait- GU M ing is done an the werker, as bY Most butter makers, one goed werkiug af toi TEOLP STANDARD RIEMEDV the butter bas been salted in the chura FtOR COTJGHS, COIDS, ASTIIMA'i as benoficial as two workings w~here and ail Affections of the Lunga. the salting is doue on the worker. WhecU the butter is salted in the churn and Be sure yen get GRxkv's Syrup. 'Tis Gray's the sait is ail eveniy mixed, before Yen tba cues 25. ad oc.a bul. Sldcommence werkiug it, the grain of thse ev.erywhiere. butter is not se aut te be spolod. as ls KERRtY WA-rsoN & Co.. PRqOPRIETORS workiug la requîred, oniy enough se 9) tbat there wlil bo ne streaks iu the ION'THE-',butter after packing. A WONDRFUL;L tHT.Another pint gaiued by salting in A WONERFULLW Tthe cburn is that the latter wiil always bc sweot and dlean; wjth no yeiiow 14 Mias a Power'Eqalte 250,000,000 scum. inside if sait is used in it every day; for sait is about the only substance lu te lmp buseef ise ovenmethtat wlll keep a churu wbite on the ln- iighthouse station at Tomkinsviiie, Sta-- " Butter that has been churned, salted, ton Island, N.J., is housed the most won- and worked as 1 bave described, will n et contain more tban 14 te 15 per cent. derf ni light lu the world. Tbe ligbt of water. Auy butter maker who wants itseif itands 15 fot higis, the face of tbe percentage of wator in bis butter its buil's-eye is 9 fot across and its tested can test it himself by a croaxa test bottie-tbe kind generaily used for le"s -are as much as 4 incises thick. testing gatisered croate . It is a giass It is capable of fiashing a ray ef iigbt bottie lue inches long and haif an inch equlvaientL te thse power of 250,000,000 across. F111 it wltb butter and set it candies, and the distance f rom which in a pail of bot water until ail the but- .ter is melted. at least an heur, and al] lt cau ho seen on clear niglts is practi- the water wili settie te the bottete cally limited ouiy by the curvature of The butter must ho meited until the the eartb. The flash wiil have the oil is ýquite clear and transparent an< intenslty and blindiug giamreof a stroke on top, tecsienxadts ae of I in nn f~ ih hc rvîc utbe bottom of the bottio. Wltb thk That paîfofthelgtwihrvl separation the oil and water cuitb weighs fif Leen tons und se exquisite is measured and the percentagL of eacI thse moobanis by which it is moved ingredient calculated. Sucb a test LI that the pressure of fingers wiil turu it. net se ,eoed as -a chemical analysis, but A chiid could contrai thse machiuery, it la good enougis for ail practical pur- and tise ot've power which. Proesi poses, fer the butter maker eau see at is a singie it of! ockwork Zincased lu a glances bw muchs water he is leaving a box 2 fot square. iu the butter. The greater percentagE The light consists o! twe concave dises of water left lu the butter when it h about 81-2 feet lu diamoeter. Thesel packed, the qreater the shrinkage wher dises axe piaoed back te back about a tise butter as sold. ,Tbe grocerymal foot apart, and iu position look like tre- doea net want te pay 25 cents a peunè mendeus double convex maguifying for water. When the'butter is strippes lensos, se large that tbey ceuid net te get thse tare of tbetub the vate. heo at lu twp single pieces, and bad wili run out, and the tub will ho ai! te bc bult up iu segments, and tbe the beavier; and if a buyer once geti whole strung together on a great iran a lot of butter tbat bas tee Macb watei skeleton. And bhis, in poit ±o! tact, iu if ha will net take auy more of thai is preciseiy thse case. brand. There s tee muci shsrinkage nx IL-ck te bsck, theo buses inclese a it. There is as mucb dishenesty br hoilow lterior, inte whicb la thrnst loading butter witbi wator as lu puttinî a poweffui ebotric iigist. Tisa igbt neutral iu it, oniy it is net se injurioni of itseif is about 7,000 candie power. te tise consumer. The water is net il When its lilbc is projected througb legal like the neutral. but the eue, ii these isuge mâguifying pristes its power excess, is as mucis a counterfeit as thi is tutensified more than 35000 tises. ther." It l alogeiserteyud he uu imagination te urasp tise rossible efou.t Witb grazing iu it8 season, leas care Iu the diet is required. It is f0 ho ro- membered by the extensive feeder of swiue. that graziug, ensilage. vegetahie food aud condiments bear an important part lu regulatiug tise diet. .Slack ceai is goad for bogs wbou graz- iu geo green cloer, if as claimed, but nta proper condiment Ln conuection wht semne other faods. Pumpisin seeds aud oil sab, as a rule, sould bc witb- beld f romnsews for faut moutbs prier tei farrowiug.1 In a word chemistry bas a part eV"n A Gooci Business Cow. * Professer J. W. Robertson saya: " A *cow witb tise business habit of keeping ber acounts witb tise worid paid up througb the mati who ewns aud feeds bier is a good business cow, That lu the fkind o! cow I recemmend. Her powerj 1 a£ service wibl ho indicateci by Certain e xtorual pciuts. She shouid have a Flarge, long udder, of eiastic, fle qual- 1 if y, -a uellow, sovabbe akin, coverod witb sof t, ailky bair; a long, large bar- roi, booped witu flbat niba, bread. and wlde apart; a braad loin, spreadiug eut jluto hroad, long bind quartera; an open twist, with rather thin iipa, and a bean ueck of syssetrical iength, carryiug a dlean-eut, fine face, witb prominent eyes. A cow wltb these pints bas abilîf y te serve a san woil, if she gets a fair chance. That ber calves may have powers equal ta, or rather btter tthan, bier owu, care shoubd ho exercised lui their breeding. Tise beat, blood o! 1tise reed adapted'te, the f arser's pur-j i pose sbould ha used te enlargo, and net te esson, the werking capacity te ho trassitted te ber caivea." * DROPPED ON THE STREET. r¶That. Was IVisisI appened o% fell Kown itesiden' s orFlsgon, SB.-C., Whe Igad lissa la DeclissuxIsslpatli. Frons tise News, Union, B.C. 1A little ever a year a go tise reporter o!-tise News whie standin in froto tise office, beforo ifs removal ta Union, euoticed four men carrylug Mr. J. P. 8Davis, tise well kuown fioriat and gar- adener into tise Courtenay Houso. The reporter, evor on tise alert for a uews itemn, at once went over te investigate tise matter, and 1l-earned that Mr.Davis hud bad a slight stroke o! paralysis., A note o! tise ircusastance appeared iu tise News at the time, and notbing f ur- 8tiser was huard o! it. Last spriug Mr. 1Davis was observed te ho frequentiy in Union bringiug lu flowers, sud later 1,vegetablesl for sale, and tisa reporter ýlmeeting is one day, tise folouwiug cong- 5.versation took place :-" Glad ta See you s eoking se wel, Mr. Davis," said tise re- Sporter, "tise last time I saw you Yen a semred pretty badly braken up." " Yes," saxid Mr. Davis, "I1 did have a spretty tougis tise o!f . I was troubled 1 witb my huart,; baviuig frequent severe sasmas, and sbortness o! breatis o - ligbt exartion. 1I had aise a awelling Io! tise neck wbich was said te ho goitre. Two years ago I came up frons Nanaime e and took tise Harvey ranch hopîng a i _ 'c I a d i r K' of 250,000,000 vandles, whxicislu tiseil ogsand Their Food. 1 uminaflug power of tiis new ligh-t] couse Wonder. At tise preseut time Swlne breediug iîs attractive te fise 1 thse fineat oit lump whlcis ingenuity bas casual observer, becauseofa!tise quîck e- tý beeu able te, devise nray ho soon ou a fumas possible on au investuseut, A oleur nigbt somp- tiirty-fivo or !oty msiles at sua. Tise new light may ho gond unregisteresi, bgis grade gilt, brod seen t a point 120 miles sway. *te a puie bred sire may be secunesi for !itteeu dollars, witi tise present quiet 1i condition o! tisa markets. ygos aec "For Over Fîfty Years." sud propar foediug f bis shouid esut q -withiu ton soufhs lu a iittar of f ive0 For over i!ty years MRs. WîNssiw's grown ponkors o! the aggregate weight, 1 8oanuiNG SvRuu bas been usesi hy mil- ona theusand pounds, lu additiou te tise lous of motefsr for their ciildmen witie sew secured by purcisase. Tise sow may0 teething. 1! disturbesi at nigist sud easiy ho made te weigh f brea buudred g broken of yaur rest by a sick chibdsiu- pounds, and sisouid, wif h gonsi feeding,1 fering sud cyiug wth pain of Ctting wigh, ater uinet y day's feeding iu reeti s end at eues aud get a bettle, of sutunin, tismue hundred sud f if yE ' Mm, insiow'a Seothiug Syrup o1r pouuds. Tise total returna f rom tise ton f Oilirsîs Teetiig. If viiil reliove tise moufisa' fceding should bc net bass than poor little sufferer imtedisteli. Dependtsren iunrs ittpud rs ~u l t, 'iotherFi,t-ere sanon ustake aboutt If. If cures Diatrcea,megulates tise Stom- w h. Btiee as rseiIi achi sud BoveIs, cures Wud Ceiic, se! ens would ho f ully onu thousaud pounda o! a thse Gums, mducea lnflaînmatiau, andi perS redy fer causumption. Ordinar- gives tons sud euergy ta the wisle sytete. iyfbsl ot sxcnst ibents 1'Mma., Wiuaiaw's Seotising Syup " for Pur Pounsi. cilidren teethbug la piessant ta tise faste On avery fans where two cows aref sud 5e the prescription of oesof the aide.3t Sept, f bis growth eau ho made mainly-- and biat fetujais phyriclaus sud nurses lu frote tise waste milS, sud acrapa frons ftse United States. Price twenty fi ve cents tise .fable, etc. Iu aIl, tise cost for a baffle. Solsi y aldrugglstt uraugbîýut grain, shorts, bran, meai, etc., La o lise wand. Be sure sud aSk fer "a.bouglits!houisi nefoxees i f teen dol-1 WîNaaw' SeoHmoSvau."lars, this seasou. WINSOW'SSOOHINGSYRU.XVe have thon tise nef cost o! tise PesnImarries Steithjens te bis POIS nof lu axcess ,f.thre cents 1per first wite, sud lbe gave me $50. Whuu Pound, under libenal allawanceo o feesi 1 sarries i hm te bis secon d lhogave te ho bought. me $5. Wiggle-He knuew more about Tise farmer wno dûeos nt profond to matrimony tise second tise, 1 gnus. breesi ansi teesi hoga as a business, is warrunfed lu tise underfaking, fro tise tact tisat, wifb grain ut firsitest, sud grazing wasfing, e! ton, tise growthisli praetically made frosn waste matanail 1with but liff lu grain ton finishing. Witis Wbeu Baby was sick, we gave ber Cstoria. methosi in management if Ns easy ta pro- 1-nhon se vas a Child, se cried fer Castorla. videa agaiust aimeatnfo teesonsitise ison se became Miss, se eug te Csieia. wastu mnaterlal. The abovo estisafe la made ta caver Wbeuise had Chlidrei, aise gave ibem Castoriu, tise cases lu wh-cis the test ecanomy lu nef pructicesi. lbcvegetables uni! fruit are ffen ovor abundauf, ansi vbuebes except as feod for hogs. Bright tresis ciover hay la rellahes iîn winter, by tise Ibave only mysel! te clame, saisi hoga, twice a wuek, as a change, provi- Rivera, ahakiug tise moisture tram bis es iif la choppes infle, sfoamesi, ansif un- garmeuta ansi shivering. Tis e vaf ber nishusi as a tua thichenesi infe a muas muan gave fir wanning if would ho 'fuir o! steepesi chop mixesi wifb grounsi oas, ansi wrmer' ansi 1 came down tewu sud seasonesi with a sprinkiing of! "olsi vih 53 ight ovurcoaf sud no umbrella. produis il sual." The boga wiii ouf unely evorytiîg Do you know a good farm eofferesities. If la nef eceuomy teo!- fer thos theise hof o grain, unden soso paerwhn ousee * conditions, uni as juLdi iousby mixes i wth paper hen y if? t ber foodi. Ne one dry foaod la satis!uc- Let us send you The Rural tory, usesi alene, for more tisan a week.1 STwo varieties mixed,or ted daily lu alter- New Yiorkcr this week. Send nate rations,am desirable at ail tims,ex- ratinsaredesiabl at-ail tises, ex- yor ddes;no money. 1cp!tishat with an abundance o! mnibk, yoîr aclrsebuit eue la needesi, if a seasening o! oit Tlhe Rural New-Vorker, ' mou]i, or vegofablo and fruit addition 4o Pearl Sreet, Ný,ev Yok. ;La made. lu winfei'. 1 FELL DOWN ON THE STRE4ËT. ûhauge wouid do me gaod, but lu Ibis wuas disappoluted, and soemed te ho stoudiiy growbn weaker. l'had fhree acotersata diferent tises, but tisey ap- eý-ared neftet understaud my case. Af at I got se 10w that ana, day I feli down ou tise street, sud those wise pîcked me up thougisf I was dyipg. Aftor that I was urgud te fuSeDrý Williams' Plik Pibs, and almost fros bhe outset tbey huipesi me sud after tha use o! about bal! a dozen boxes 1was as well as aven." "De yen. still taku tise Pink Pillai " asked tise report- er. "Weli," wus tise reply, "I1 atili keep tisen about me sud eues lu a wbile whois I tiink I nequiro a tonie I take a fuw, but as ye au sue 1 don't loaS lka man xvho requiros ta take medi- iee uaow." On thia point tise reporter quite, agrees wif b Mn. Davis, us ho loeks as vîgoreus aud rabuat a mun as yen could wisb ta sou, Af tor parting witb MIr. Davis tise reporter cailed ut Pim- bury & Co.'a drug store, wiuro ho suiv bue manager, Mn. Van Rlouf ou, whe correborated whaf Mr. Davis aid ne- g.,rdlng tise use o! Dr. Williamns' Pink Pilla nd furtisur statud tisat ho bc- jieved Pink Pilla te hoctise fineat tonlc in tise world, and gavetise nases o! several who bad !ound remarkable boue- fif fres tiseir use. 'A duEpraved or watery condit ion o! thse bloosi or shatteresi nerves arcefisc two fruitful sources o! almoat every dis- ease that afflicts bumauity, sud to ail suf ferons Dr. Williamns' PinS Pilla are oftered witis a confidence thuftisuy are tise only perfect and unfailing blead builder- sud nervo reatoren, andi that whiere given a fuir trial disease and au!- feriung must banisis, Pink Pilla are sold isy ail dealers or wiii ho saut by mail six boxes, by addressing thse Dr. Wîi- on recoipf o! 50 tentsas box an $2.50 fer liasa' Medicine Ca., Brockville, Ont., or Schenectady, N. -Y. Bieware o! imita- tions and always refuse trasby substi- tutus, alluged to te "just as goosi." M,%t*ch of' abhits lu Austrabia. Tis" SurveoenGenerai o! Queensland rcently issued a report ou tise rabbit invasion, sud if la plain that the turry sud preific littla, rodent la a more torm- idubi" public unaemy taQueuenslandtise would ha a fluet o! hostile irauclads. Vis' Queensland raisiit is quite a new vaniety, witis extraoxdiuary digestive powers and a malign intelligence ýto wisicb oniy tisa duspuiring islasphemy ai s Queensland stock dreyer eau do just- ice. If flourisissilu imes o! dreutis andi growls fat wisiiu atte ands ssou punish bfetmre hunger. Queensland ib bdng gridirened with rubishifpnoo fonces. Onu ruuniug fros Darling Doiwns te Eyre CreS la, tise same antis oify stafas, 1,10D, miles long, and ni deubt tisese fonces, when skilltuily con- sfrucfed, do arneat tise nabhit weve, andi rabhif s, unublu, te go forward, und iw ifbout wit enougis ta turn back, por- 'lis lu- vat nushora. lu some districts tise sauf hem aside a! tisis groat barrie] is "white witb tise bonus et millioný andi s ieus of th"se raishits ;" but thb youug rabishts otten contnîve te got tbrougis the masises o! tise fonce, and -uckybneed into new hasts, tunnel- iug tise sus tilf1 they are merE trapan sd uating off lise pasture a, wifh bnnuomerablu scythbus. Tise rab bit lu a word, leaves science itaul! issuS rapt, HEALTH. Sieep. In sbeep tise entire body, wlth ail ifs component parts and ifs varions offices, ceuses f rom isisor, like a machine whicb bas ifs fires hauked and ifs wheeia stop- ped. Tise body, ise tise machine, lu ready te starf work again at a moseut's notice, but for tise finie hbng if lu eut o! commission, Prîmarlly, of course, sleep la a con- dition o! the brain, as by tisis orgtln al impulses fronà the external worid'are receivod, and f rom if are transmitted ail messages uecessary te tise perform- ance o! any desired acf. In fact, te carry te islie tili fuar- tiser, tise bralu, as tise centre o! tise nervons systen, s utise govrnor o! tise isuman sacbluery, eotrolliug allfta mavesents sud offices, and direcfing thies lto an luttoligent sud useful cisannel. We cau easily uuderstatid, then, wbat must te tise daiiy atralu up- on tisis great ceufra-greater even tissu tisaf upen tise muanbes wisicis are caiied upon te do ifs workt. Sbeep, lu order te ho hoe! ficial. must for adjusting tise delicato mechaulsof the braiu. and for ropairing tise mus- clossu d re-steckinz tises witis mater- il witis wblci te do tiseir work auccosa- fuily. Sieep, la order te ho beuificial, must be-prefouud aud ieatbfni To thia end tise greateat cane shoule. ho exerclsed te bave the bedding comfortabie aud dlean, and tise wbole atmosphere o! the ros pure aud wisobesome. The leeper sisould nef ho disturbed unt il bu wakes o! bis owsi accord, uniesa thore lusa chrenic fondeucy te oversieep, lu wiie case a few basons witi tise aid o! an alarm-clock or a servant, comblued witb onuscieutious effort on tise part cf tise- persen iisebf, wiil usualiy efooct a cure. Unleas a person la actuably lazy, aud in danger o! confnatlug bad habits lu tisis respect, if is better te a.ibow bite te sleep af will. Espuciably lu tisis true O! growlu eldrn ,uts arlier moruiug heurs, or affer oeelbas been asleep for some tise, us- fune bas made groat proiressainli er work of repair, andsisouil ho allowed te compiete bier work wbile tise air lu puýresund outaidu influeuces are at their minimum. Sioop f bat bas heen artificially ludu- ed la comparutlveiy o! liff le value. If lu true that tise slnd lu roieved of ts activify, but tise varions organs, sudtise impulses wbicb tend te tiseir nutrition, are aise te au appreciable exteut pars- iyzed., 1 1q Superfluons Eatlng. Growtis sud waste sud repair go on in a ueariy uniform way tise wbole yoar threugh, but tise amount o! food noces- essary for these operationa or purposos ia aurpnisingiy amaîl. Tise generation o! bodily heat requires a mosf variable quanfity o! food. Iu wluter, witb tise tamperature o! tise exterual air at zero, tho, tomperature o!fiseathy pensons la 98.3 degreos, sud when tise beaf o! suin- mer drives tise mercury o! tise therme- mater neariy te or above tiat mark, tise thse biood sf111 registers 98.3 degrees. Tise survolons mechanls by whieb tiss uniform biood temperatturu is maintalu- ed at ail semoens la net u. eceaaary ta cansider; but if must ha evîdeut te every eue tisat tise force needed ta raise tise tempenature o! the wbobo body te nieanly 100 degrees lu tise wluter lu ne longer nceded lu summoer. Tise total amount o! food needed for repair, for grewf h sud for isetlug, isy- siology touches us, la mueb less thau la geuerubiy jmagined, sud if impressea us wiab tise truti o! tise groat Surgeon Abernefhy's saylug, thaf "eune fourtis o! what we est houpa us, sud tise otiser tisree faurtisa we keep aftishe poniliof eut lives." lu wluter we hum up ie surplus food witis s iimifed amount of extra exert ion. lu summier we gif nid o! if liieraliy at semae extra isk f0 beaitb, sud, o! course, ta life. We can- net hum if. Our vital furuaces are bauked, and we worry tise most import- ant worklug organs sitb tise extra ex- etion o! remiovlug wisat wouid btter nover bave hoon taken luto tiese tem- acis. JACK TARS 0F OTHER DAYS. flis Shîps fors Fullit tlggedSattorg Wcs'e Atiee. A proportiou o! tise biue jackets o! auy full-nigged sisip were uecessariiy athletea. Tise "upper yardmeu" lu a ine-of-battle ship or a frigafe wore ex- ceptional seu lu tisswuy, and mucb more se, perisapa, jusf about tise tise that sail power -%vas rocivlng ifs deatis warrant than aven hofore. These young meunisad ta race ulof t ta noarly tise iigis- est points, ut top speed, eighf or ton times a woek, wheu tise sbip was lu barbor, te keep their headsansd main- tain their breatis while "holding an hy thair eyeids," as tise phrase went, and mauipulatang wif h a curefui sud imeas- ured erder o! action tise variaus and intricate arrangements for "crosslug" or " sending down" tise royal and top-gai- lant yards. If was ail doueata full *speed for if was universally beid ta fis' upr yardmnen gave a ebaractor fa rthe -whoie ship, aud tisaf onu, whîcb was - foremoat lu tisa exorcise was ever con- - sidered "the amartest ship lu tise fleat." for Infants and ChIIdrefl. OTàHERS, Do You Know htargic Bateman's Drops, Gedfrey's Cordial, mauy so-called Soothiug Syrupu, and most remedies for chfldren are coxnposed of opium or morphine? BO Ton KnOw that opium and morphine are stupefyïng narcotlc poisons t Vo eorno that iu most countries druggists are not permitted to sen nnact without labeliig thens poisons? »0o«You Rnow that yen should net permit auy meclicine ta ho given your ohM uniess yen or your physician know cf,,Yhat it la oamposed f Do Tou Know that Casonsa is a purely vegetable preparation, and that a it et its Iugredients i8 published with every battIs ? Do Ton Know that Cacýtoria l is e prescription of thse fano=% Dr. Samiuel Pitcher. Tisat It bas heen iu use for nearly thlrty years, and that more Castoria Is now sold thms of ail other remedies for eilidren comblned r Do «Ton Know that the Patent Office Department of tise Uited States, and of other countries, have issued exclusive rlght ta Dr. Pitcher and bis assigus to une 1me word 'Castoria Ilaudlits formula, and that ta imitaIs them le a state prison offense 1 Do Tou Know Ihat oue of thse reasous for grantlng this government protectleflW1 becanse Castania bad heen proven te ho abaokcutely harmaless? ]Do Ten Know that 35 aver'age doses of Castoria are furnislt0ffe 8 Cents, or eue cent a dose ? DO Ton Know Ihat vison possessed of tisis perfect proparation, 7011?Oiildren za1B7 be kept wsll, and abat you may bave unbroken rosIf We9 these thgs are wortis knowlng. They are fat& Tii, fae-simile Lunoe 4egnatnre of - 'apper. Chlren 0Cry ffo r Pitech C ?q Castorl0.a. FOII SALE B! J. IIIGGINBOTIIAM & SON, BOWMANVILLEý No. 301 for Collghs and CoIds ivili do it. Swiss Oough Drops are pleasant to take and will relieve a cougli. Try our White Powder for sore throat. Don't forget Frog in Your Throat, 1lOc J. IGIDT OHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS, BOWMANVILLE jv llavingu received a fine lot of Choice Furs, we would say to those desiring to purchase-give us a eall, as we are deý termined to seil cheap for cash. We also carry a fulll une of Gent's FurnishiDgs, at the very lowest'prices. iNow is the time to bring ini your Furs for' repairing, BowmANVILLE. The Practical Furrier, Children Cry for' Pitcher's Castoria. i 1' -s ti ci il