Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Dec 1894, p. 6

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-~'~ 4 an casdfailing'-out,1. A «U. . FýN-vi .J Dgby, N. S.,s' "I baveAusettler' u oti whieh as fas beeond ft ilrý PatesonN..A- 'Aitte, of Ay Gers fair igoî my lia -p i as restoed to its origit, eolo fr aad casfo e fllngont.Ai ocainal apiatdiPo as siceWp -ih!e hail r iagoocodtion"-r O l F, ROwMEI NE COg., RN. IS,H, UseIr.bave îseWhAter's Tiar Yior for TA thrED.-ye a, and itbasresî'- Nacur systural co1ort.>'ý" mtI. W tionAteLIIreoFFatesn.J Gorlesaarc the larec Yuep o ha yn ' t aitup il lh gaepiug7for reatb for fea of iainifoin. On reueipt naî'ce and .O ndreîsr_,c f TorontoBr(uHead 156Aelaroonto o, W TA Nery.-noCan ad avi lsing piers,0 CRES NosubIpîîNluido. The American Constitution, thec Arnerican Ideq%. the Ainerican Spirit. These first, last. and al flic time, forever. Dly, bv Mail, - -$ ' Daily and Sunday. byil, $8 y'r TeWeekl, -- -$1y'r TLhe SundayJu isi the greatest Sunday Newspnper in the world. Price 5c. a copy. B y mail, $2 a y'r. Address TuE, SUN, sew York. This Journal is a beautifully il' lustîated and handsomely priîîted înunthly magaziue of thirty-six pagea. It contaunsathe lateat Fasiion INews, cacef uily aad flîïely illustrated, Household EU-lnts, Faacy Wock, lHomo aniScisool Page, Motiecas Page, Elocuýtion- ary, Boys' Ciris' andi Li'tte Tots' <Departments. and Short Stoies by Canadian -viters. Atpr- ent tise Journal is ruaniug an înterestiug secîes of articles by Mrs. Kate Wvestlake Yeigh on hec trip abroad, andi also anuther series by Mis. New hall, fummerly of Toronto, on IlChilti Training o" The rate of subscription le $1, a year5 10 cents a oopy. TheWionFb Co, LtN. 73 AdeIaide ta ,West, Tronta,ý If taken ivt flic TATESMAN1ý.' the two pa;xers wiil bc sent t ýor une year for i- u SubScriptions, must lie sent to the ~ T¶EMNOffice. BEFORE T'ME PUBLIC AND ýSALF, STILL INCRIILASeNu,. Gray 's Spruce da -a., *" A Daity pneusionThis. ainylajuAt the word for la,. One can Irdyimagine bow pretty pand delicate it 55 ill one sces il, as the writer did to-day i-,amal entireiy of - baby rbbhonà," the any sai ivbbon wit h perfectly plain edve. Iwo coor-lu this case, lavender and white-art, wov en loaely together, as tis e sketcà shows, altcrnating the colora. Then at ecd corner la fasteaied a very gen- erons how of the rîhhon, witlî the colors pretaly iuacrmiogled. 1 lic cushion shouid hc ..aIl, pertectîy square and illed quite full and plump with whatever Ilstuffiug " ia prefcrred. There may lic a spriukliug of sachet powderr luthe filliug to add lo the daintruesa of the little gif. Gold and white, pink and whitc, or pale Ilbaby bîne" and white make very prct.ty cominationa of color. A Stormy Day. An observant writcr, who profe"ses to have afudied feminn human nature, says: "A raiuy tlay bas attractions for a woman's rani I bat the sunahine in ahl ita glory cau- net dispel. Not a day when the drizzle la jisa eaough to keep one frein goiug oui, iiti comfort, but a diay wben tirere'is a genumie down poor. Ih la on an b occasiona wheu going outi adunost an !impoaeibilil.y, wVhen the fire luglt is se winsomne, and the brigirtest roou-a have a twiligbt dimuess, iliat a womau, accore, fromr visi tors, pcut on a wrapper, draws a low rocking chair loto the fireliglit, and rlips up bier lait wintcr's rlreas. A wcmàu always reseresC work of ,thia kind for juat sncb a day, and aha taltes tic tieenest pleasure in the îeariag down of a seam and tie dust that flics ont of it. V5 len that la fin iaicd the ransacks every truIr and box on the promises, îintil sue bas ueartt'ed stores of fur and sîlk aud velvet, tiat f111 the hansie witb the sceut of tai and canîplior. Sue reveIs in muaty relies aoul laces yeliowed wah years, aud even enjoys the airange odora abat come froni iLote long burred treaseres,- She maIres lirtie beaps arnund herself on the flour, ani bas a thoroughly gond tinie util the growiug gloom warna ber of tie passing houra, and witi a gentle sigh sire packs tbem ail away again and declares she lias iad a « lovely day.' Old Time Burdens. As the world grewa older, bousekeeping mnust grow more simple. A great advance lias already been made in tie prepared fouda and fruits of commerce, in the sewing machine, in ready-made clotbiLg sud many otheruaefulinventions. Theqtiiltof999pieces maide by a l ady of 99 yeara., and triumph. autlydipad at the old.tinie country fair, la nu (longer lu evidence. Lt bas y tle u the prctty white comnterpane wich oaa 'bn U ýbought for a soug, Thebhomne- kitteudstkig of wbich ln the early day3 every -;'p î.170traI bridieDeust have a p!i~-oaae f ull, and ail of lier ownl handiwork, havý2eeu roplaced hy the more satisfactory.kand cheaper wuven articles. Mauy other things once wrougba with iiu. ite pains by toil.worn feminine banda, have Dassed into deaucaude, aud machine made fahrics do duty lu thei r stead. Most of these home productions have bappily gone loto tic limbo, of a pasa when womneu lised and dicd vidtima to work wiich modern inven- tioius have revdered suuerfluous. Pumpkin Pies. The sugar pumpkin la now commonly used for pies but country boosekeepers ofîcu nake just as good pies irom the common pumpkiffbecause they kuow how to select one and how tu prepare it. The old fashion. ed way was to sweeten pumpkin pies wiaiî molasses and season them witb ginger., A sugar purmpkin dos nutl ueed over two hours stewîing neitier doos il need pariug before cutig into strips for cooking. Wlieu t bas been cooked, ruti it abrougi a ricer or sieve. To awo cupa of straiued pumpkin, add one plat of bot mîIk, haif a tableapoonful of oini amon,one-eigilb of a gî'ating of nut. sieg, oneO teaspoonful of sait and baîf a cnp of sogar. Let this cool slightiy, then adul two well beaten eggs. Line a plate with caste, fill witb the pumpkiu aud haka in a noderate oven about lirce-quartera of au heur. Mother Martyrs. Mis. Kate Ganucît Weil, Ihîloka dua women bave a fatal facîlity uf rying lu maIre martyrs of tierîselves, Tlîey will keep bioue so puoetiiia'iy liaI bey take nu lime for recroatinu of a.y auora. Tiey wilgiveUp muis for le tkp of makiug preservossud itbooka creaiu îrnopened for lie cake of icinîg waimtinT inîd o heir dauglitera, pultiug aide ail ,inuit 'îWm astos, hecause iiey helievo Il 10 s'e ti-3ruoy. Every wunran aîuuld ho qi-eniowa-er lu ber uwa hume witi lier i rt,,'e s-ia ovugretinue, and to accuo- îtlsîîi cs ae msanualwsvys bho lklIing midiii;b titi.o f lber owo acs o self sasci- lice, P a ntssco y hici duty sud devoîlun are seo ten mia calleti. Engaging a Servant. Busineas metbods3 are necessary bu sue. -ess aIl deparîmeata of lic - May it -4. ) N SIR1 PROVOWILA PARRY WALLIS, R. N., G. C. B. A <'CENTENAIA'OWHiO LED THE SPA',NO TO VICTORY AGAlN-T THSE oHESÀAAKE Il 1813. FIGH-TING CH-OLEIIA. CANADA AND AIJSTRALIA, Thr tiish sldier Calri Fightîf IHeSCIe 'as EXliressieasby Autlped".anîlbetepntes lthi Welas thre Eneillîlt, ofis C5 4e nr.Otawa'coufiitiee. An inspiritiu)g tory of disiciplinie and gallantry in muai tryiug circumataniice cornes from Lucknow. On the 25tb oJul th i flst case of choiera appeared aog tic mon of tise First East Lancaaiire Rtviueut siatloucd at liat place, aud on tic 2Sth the rogimeni cvaa orlered luto choýierai camp. Tic same nigia the iîeaeiesl sud loiageal rainfuihi kuown in Veara býegaîsi, and soon ticcamp waa arasformedloto uell Australian papera jus'.to h aud have in- terviewa wîîls tic delegates to tic inter colonial Conference at Ottawas, w ho hi usa retuned home. Mr. F, 'B. Sutier, of Mebourne, Aus- tralia, expresses himacîf as foliows in a receut issue of tise Sydney Morning Eierald: "Alaire colonial delegates te tic Ottawa Couference were struck hy, tic ýuîborendcd ioapitshity of ,tic Canadian vast lake, tic water being nearly teve feet peuple, and tudr enîhusiastic recapiion deep. 'lie tenta were weatirougi, and, of eveîywiere. He believod a great deal of course, in msany instances came down. gu ol eutfo i ofrne Owing te tie exposuro tia epidencie increas. yen if aoi e wslt o mîthediate benea ce with fearful rapidity, aud tbe afteruoen Nu douit, before long tic Pacific cable uf the 3lat fcuud the regimet on its inarci would ielaid,as noue of tic difficullies wero au No. 5 Sauîtary Camp. During tic ful. insu rmouutalc. Ultimaîcly considerahia lowing four ur ire dasathbe uen wýieeeu. rade would ho carrîed ou between Canada jected tu a terrible trial. Wet thlîruogli , iand utai.Fdriohdmteily woru out by exhaution,they fell easy ,lc-Psustd anadla."Fdrto admtra ima to tic disease. On Auguat 3 as msuay as 50 mon were admitted lu buspital, aund WIIAT HON. ME. THYNNE SAYS. for several daya tie mortaliiy reacued ý]13 Mr. Thynne, tic delegate from Queeus a day. Out of 145 cases 93 proved fatal. land, arrived home on September 29. lu Nuawitbaîuandrng tic terrora efthae sta an iuterview wiîh a represontativéoef The tion, tie musa perfect disciplinre wsSydnrey Daily TFelograpi, liesys: "Wicn rusiutained amoog tic rauk and file, sud'u Canada lice Ausîralia represenlativea wien volunleers wore calied for te serv as began lu talk to business in, and iold hosptal u.rses,the aupply proved ion -îtroos ua, their colonies as virtualiy uuexplored as grea as tic demand. Tic chiieuizr terriîory for Canadîso comnmerce, tiey geon, in hie oficial report,, as: n were met witlistic retora tisa 'Oh, vou returiog tic men le duty w io beLue havea uci a dcversily of tariffs dowu at tie sctiug as hospital urderlies ru theKorl antipodes. If we aend gooda au Sydney, Ciolera liospital, I have tic"iconor t,, l-an sd aicy ca't Sund a market tire, wo form you abat lisese msen came forwaord suild have to face sotier tariff wien we geltu for ;çrc t hiý Vs'ry ad ano sd NMobourue, sud s'ioîieî at adelaide, sud dângcëroî5s tity at a tàane of areat pr1sue, soou.' when nearly al lie tcmporary native soi,'-l"Il la Ibings like lhe varioty and diver- vanu hlad-deared, and lie troaptal, was vergence of Australian tarife lihaI have full wiîb sick and dyiug. These mon cm confirmed Mi. Thynnc's belief in federalion. forward nobly, doiug aboi work of mkercy 1 have al oays licou a believer in faeder- manfuliy aud witbout flinching,eveu tirougi alion,' lie aaid, 'but if I bad nul I sliould oua of their number, 1 regret to say, (lied ho af toi my visib lu Canada. Tiese Aus- lie fursa day, aud iy taoierts, 1 have 1, Iralian colonies are playiog a very fuoliali no douil, aavcd many valuable lires ; and paît in romaiuing disuuited. We are los- I sud tic medical olficersansd Cwarrant iig rooney iy il, Iosing standing, losing offi-.ers assoeiated witvh me,wiah to exp,,ress the best opportunitica for developmonl uf to these men our tiauka fui lieur assistance. tiecocunary. Wealsel ourselvestluwork I could nut take one-tenth of tînose wiu au diseover soma dissidence in the malter volunteered." of federation,and from oune eud of lha coun- ______________- (try lu lha otier tlie peuple were practically Fire And Bullet Pruof Wood, noanimuns thal union wouud ha inestimable service te the country. We spoke lu poli- Severai secica of ironwood bave lonicý.en ticiaus of ail siadea of opinio, lu members known and wideiy used un account of of tic provincial Parliaments, and lu al classes iunIlie commuuty'- the doiegates tirir exraordiusry weight sud harducas muaI bave dune ýa lot of talking-'but nel lu tic manufacture of sncb articlos as onee voice did we bear raised agaioat i.'" axlesasud plows. itîs clarmed, lrowever,' thal liese are eulireiy surpasmed hy a certain trac found lu the nortierr Trans. vaal, regardiug wbich M.-Basiaux, at prescul travelling lu Suuth Africa, bas traasmilted a note lu tie Geograph1ical Society of France. Tic wood la a sor t of obony, sud au excessively bard liaI Il caîr- not utn thle oirdiuary mauner except wheu green. Whcn mature sud dJry il resista evory known bool and bouaor breaks the ic focalempered steel. la1la apparentiy, ainroal inpregnablu giu. fire, as it required a frnigtas coitunt i.unîing toreduoce tic arunk of oune cf'ai reea le asies, aud althomigl beavy, it la said te ho consilarabiy iglter than cîcol or irou,. Champagne l'or the Mourners. Ans opidemie of suicide bas been ragiog il, Paria of late. Many cf the cases cf flb de se hbieu caused by the inabiliiy of unfortunate people 10 psy aboi rent un quarter-day, wiichî fala duriug tiec fraI weck of October iu tic poor disztricts. One of these suicides waa earried oul, onder peculiar circumnstaocos. A Mlle. Aubeft, who lived i0 Levahlis, outaide the city, laid lu a smal stock of champagne bel oie aie lighted tlie fatal cbaru'oal whîcb was t auffocate lier. Sic alsu ucaaly ariaogeû hor rooma, preparod s winrlîng-sbaet sud1 placod fiuwers on ber bcd, lu a letter lofa on a table sie said sic waa sick of life sud ils troubles, sud tistabsc bf t tiham-a pagne. togoîlier with somo biscuits, f2r tic poisons wiu wero au conduct ticatsie menta for ber banial. not bc truc tîcat une cause of lie lacIr of barusony helweeo msuy lionsekeepors sud South Afric'ai's Picture Stone. their servants is lire absence cf business An accouaI of a strarigo ispidariaPn fîeak metbods'? The girl tiaI gasino thti store comos ahi tie way frum Kimberley, ot or lie office bhas certain dutie8 asigned te Afines. Workmen in lie diamondmie ber,s ana la ntexpected te perlorro aI liat place disooveîed a tone daîk hrbw extra arvi'oe witbouî compensation lu iu cler sud abouît tic crac of a pigocu--'s accordauce. Il muty nul ho possible co to egg, wiici, viev.'d in a damia place W.,tia arrange limework of the boucohold tiat a candie or cther lîgit bbiud it, exhîhîts certain amîmber of heurs a day sboulti ho perfect profile'pictunre of a mano fromiec devoîctea work but it is possible t e Ùike wsist up -Tuiag tho le p ariial Russian-Justice. General Van Wabi, chef coustable of the police uf Sa. Petersburg, ioo enc was gaver-. nor cI Kieif, received s visil une day from a pour eeuuîs, widow uf a pouice agent wbo had fallen s victim o duty. For a long lime sic bad soiicitcd thc pension wbiclc was due uer. The head of the police lu whum aie bsd addresacd lier demand paid nuallten. tionr lu ber pIcs. lunlier distresa, the widow vwent lu lie gavernor sud tbld hlm ber atory. "Ai, yea, we'll 506 wial can lie dune," said General WaiL "Sit down tiare sud write wial I tlt yoa," poinîiug 10 a wii- ing table. Tic wldow tu5k a seat sud wrote froro tie governor'a dietation a long suppliaation. "Noev addross il, " ha aaid, "sund wail for me in tie nexa roum. A few minutes aler tic wuman was recalied, sud lime genoral gave loto lirer bauds a seaied letier, ssying lie wiile au lier, "Tako Ibtis letter tu tic bead constable, taIre care nut 10 open m, and corne lack tu m e a soon as youabave a reply." A week afîcrwaîd lac womau appeaîed ai tie palace again; ber pension iad been grauacd, sud sic îianked tIre governor witb jcy. Iltla useless te tbank use; I amaul- iug in lie affair," said ho, sud imm.el.'ately gave lie following order: "Tic bead of lic police at Kieff la dis- miiecd from lus posa sd sent iuto exile. Tic reaseur: becanie lic graated s demand af toi mcciiing asauraf otrnaey for su do- GonoDral Wahl had, unknoeva lutle wo- muan, lpped inlu ber letter a hankuote of twouly-fva roubles, me',îciiaccouated fo ber supplication beiog grusiîed. Her Bones Snap Like Pipgstelus. Sarah Scott, aged 36, living at Oakr Grove Village, Mass., is altracîing muehi attention frara tic medical fraternîy. lI 1893, wliile on lier way t0 tic Massachuselta General Hospital, aie iroke icer thighinl aýst E dýý I 'Po The undersigned desire to thank the farmers of West t)îrharn for tise liberal patronage extendud to us durinz. the past sea3on, a]so te i emind them that we are stili in the market and. prepared to pay the HIGHEST MARKIET PRICE delivered at oîîr sto ehouýse cor. Kzing aud(J'o strt -,o' Ut P Darlington. We hs.ve aisonon hacia rJe stock, NEW AND FR3H of Canadiari and Liverpool Coarse SaIt in Bl 3. ~Rci k S; i-iF>', 0tL and horses, and Fresh Ground Grev Plaser i Barrei-a which we are preparùeo tu sali OAS~L Ail kinds-of Lumber, Wood and DELY CE0S REENEJ) CO~ aC ways in st ock. We invite inspection and guarante-, thaLtfactij)iil oe ~'--'i (~u Wi _I e ;eaed conce in. Qu a; tt,tw-,ice iiqàuitlity; and thi-ee limes iPrice uho inspect thec uoeqnlledassortipunetofr Slippers, Rubbers, Trunks, Valises, &~ At our Store, stBEAVER flL9CK,-iaB w inil BJGGEST STORE, BJGG-EST VARIETY, BIGGEST VALUE. Everybody ilivîted to caiII and see our new foo»lieir- TRE SHIOE W-'N 3trict 'eLSp'ls Untral Discharges, Self Abve,1 Kl ý1 iMd Badder- Diseases Positively Cured byý LhY Deou hie Moncy In Your Ban% or with You: Pnstmar.;" C) c aï u ateryo ae ANRD SYPHIwIS Cn uaraneD ,'LUs. Cee'san olDIs, of Saghave w, Sp helieakf ha. Ws. oL vo-, 1 -7 i dm-n."i atthe ea orkh o the ndb, o os" and le a ic, La-oisdit, aloia i f ypmpesn ace; hidreoe, bne ofa a-rg.vingrac uvrcel e; adreas ad. bas ýes iatl usb£, ato ac pN art s; E D o ITHlu Urn tc. I spENt hun-E d'leas29of t dollarwbot elpa, ad bw 1cotmpaîm rid ilhe19 a 1 ien recrmend ftebors"Kenned & g lie. n's "uroMelod Teatmentii. 1Thea God I / A {and dlsgomiaZnthSno abiion mrar por;o ~ 4 '~s rear suna-enand ailurhapipl. os, actry D is. K ey Ke.. I pans wakbak;Varicocele;Cured. ndlssse piiieWhenaconsied rcmd Drs. Kenndy& eeId Kertile hopeIwas rpief.Thi nwllehd Treat ..t Tak o trmen t. laprodm th st e e. Tisnaasedix "' sag, eyandbeerht, cheetrfu n. coVI any d - ~' 7'<~ ~ ybartil rommend Disp. Benoyst Ds.Kenna e aE -r Tz Tm"£Sa jalîsta. Thcy trheatdme onoabl andskilfuly. S. . TONTION. A ervous Wek-A Ha Ipptny Land. . . 1TONMON J lite on th1-assfi Asehoo-l ierne edT CaMe meint. imph wdektned itekyicalysxually ana ~ ' nents all. e toly peine ssad I was poin g ein 0, agadeine s e' casompbiol.itce'fin c "ise aode Moito r,"cited byDs. Kennd & Kergan asfeU jabl .2 b pilsy h e ieaind eil h Trlad ta.r.selfl. MP --r Sýi nhee liadsape nîyv appy ItoLt te No 1e livfet/n te anrt~a. s co.l Ilyfrieaneinli - >,N'it cured of Cnenie pn.I ae sen hemanyl Fanily iotod supp iCevi. 1 ltlia ndm. . e R EADER Arïe yola icotim 17f ave yo lt The? fld nempai a. New M thod reatm ntor, ill ed be5 rs. Whaeithasdon efr og rsi il ofo o 1, Vears n Ds.troi dth.OQO Cued.NRsk C~ensultato( reae. N ttdwhas treatý,eds, witefr nhoet p1io Prtc otchaîne.igesreasf oun. ooks1 Faeen-t"ThemGoldnMntr i~ traed. n Dscs~ ofmo._Iiof _pom mre ce. Seir Ne

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