Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Dec 1894, p. 5

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XMAS PRESEN15 WEDDNC__PRESENTS Seat Value> Lates-ýt Novelties, Larg est Variety, ?,.rettiest Desigons, Space wMl not permit even a faint description of Our novel- ties but ,ve wish to say a wor4 a bout hairbrushes a d Per- fuimes. We have 200 différent sty' les of brushes and the prices Will surprise you. In perfumes We have selected one or two ues froîn each of the World's motfamous makers and those who desire the best the worid produces shouki eall and see our stock. Prices from l0cts to $i" a bottie. $TOTT & JURY Y Druggists and Opticianz. Newi Advertisements of Speelal Im- portance.- SRS'WARD.-Chief Jarvis has received -5flý 9notice offering the aboya reward for t ,e i-ee o f a > ouDg m1acio w hoc pic urs has been p 'ïc in Sto; tt &ý Jury j eido . and sec the p)ietu ýýre an a ýt the saule tisr e take a look at the Xmnas N ovetiesî tha111t are t he ad miration of ers ery or.e. Oold Spectacle to Ilfit ail sights. A SUiPRISE PARTY.-We are going te, surprise ýeery party that vi site our store this Season in seareh of Xrnas Presents, in fact we weere surprised oulrselveýs to sec the beautiful litLle norelties as we utipacked case aiter case, and the prices are within, tHi, resch cf aIl]. Take a look at our 26 cent Vi ndüow. Stott a Jury, Druggiste and Opticians. F RANCE VS ERNGLAND. -French and English Perfu mes v ie with each other in producing the, .ilest perfect handerchief purfumies in the werld and this year we hlave a r ery large stock of the best odore nf c:,, 1 -,t IL, mnot ferrons makes in these centries. j 1cIl sei ni 10 cents te S7 a bottle. fPee them! Se Gol Spectacles for presents, at -Stott & Jury's. Seilvalue in Gold SPectacles. fat Stott & Jury's, BOWMANVILLE, DEC. '19, 1894. Lcland Otherwise. Mr. Sandercock advertises a stray heifer. Choice Goodo At Riickard's for littie money. Crowds of people were in Bawm.%nville laet Saturday. A full line of cakes, b-,msi, etc,, always on hand at Tod's. 0ur merchants have their shops gayly d1ressed for Xmas. 0ur clabbing rates with other papiers and ma2szineB are the lowest. Mr. Nýorman W. Tiiley who was recent- ly gsz3tted a Notary Public spent Sundey *at home., Remember the date Dec. 21 anil 22 Friday and Saturday aIl day at- the West Etid flouse. We give the CHRISTIAN GUÂIiDIÂN frie for balance of 18194 to nesr subscribers for 1895-enly $1. TEiE STATESMAN Will be printed on jMonday next week. Correspondents snd f fdvertisers, govern yourselves accordingly. Rickarn4 doles no t pretend toi tell you that he -eýU v:îhoutt a profit, but hie does wish ail to) know thaù hie ia satiafied with very smaîl profits. Don't forget the Bankrupt store when y u are buying your Christmas goods. We are neot giviug away prasents but we are lmcs dong tatA big une t. Thosf Who walnt souaethir.g real nice fobr the vria sao ill find the China Hall in 0,riier sto:re, Bonsafll's Block, the placc to, bey good thig for littîs moe-ci ansd glassw>sre, fancy yareg, lamnpsý, f ancy cups aud saucers, crangý-es, ]emotus, etc. A littie molles, goe a long wvay lere. Miss Martyre will fivor aIl Who beuy wit.h big value. McI>ewell, M. Mostta snd E. Saphia James sund Mo sans. L. N. Hogartih, L. iD. S.. L. T. Courlice, J. A. James sud A. Williams. A beau;if'ul lot cf Embroidered Sik Haud-keni hiefasllirig cl atm about lhaif tbe uasual price at Couch, Jehuston & Crydermn's-nice for presents. ChiIdrean Cry for Mr. M. ID. Wiliians bas heen lu pecr hesith tor a few daims. Mr. A. L. McMurtry is home froni McGill College, Moutreal. Mr, Geo. Fat well bas Pcld out bis Ton- onto businesm's te Mason & Rich. Dr. W. E. Tilley has been in Toronto attending d'e Normal School Exares. Solid Gold Spectacles scientifically fit'ed at Ricksrd's sud away down in prica. Mr. Jas. Colville or Toronto Medical Cellege is spendivig the bolidays in towuj Mn. Morris hue a vpry ino assortment of furniture S&e bis new adv ertisement. Misqs Nellie Pollard cf Ontaneo Ladies' College, was guest of MissLottieLockhart, Friday. Miss Annie Nichols left yesterday for Brockport, N. Y., whera sha will in future reside qMr. Wm. Beimacomba wss home last week frore Coteau wherc ho la employed as a telegraphen. Rer. R. D. Frasmer teok the services in the Preshytenian Churcb, Newcastle, last Suuday monning sud ev eniug. Major Hughes of Newtonville bas been made Lieut-Colonel, on the resignation of CA. Cubitt cf Bowmanvilie Christmeas eve at Hampton aud Christ- mas dby at Tyrona araeavents wortby of patronage. See buissud netices aise- wbere. DoG LoST-A pug dog ansxvering to the name "*Duke." Finder will confer a great favor by giving information to Dr. Hîliîer.' We urgently need a fvw American green backs fi r euoluncrdoring U. S. pubicattens. WiIi eer IU. 8. subacnibera kindly oblige us. Ladies tha6 are desirous of getîing somne pointers in cooking do net fenget te cal1 at the West End flouse o-i ither Friday or Saturday Dec. 21 and 22. Couclm, Jehuston & Cr5ider.man are sel- ing off the balance cf their Ladies' Coats, sud tbey are ail this Season's Griode, ,t a discount cf from 10 me 50 per cent. The door cf Mn. J. MacKay's Caledon- is Milîs was broken open by a crow-bar Sunday niqbt, bot ne feribenr mischief was doune. Local men are aspdcîed. A pnetty and uniqe assortînent of Si1k and Fancy Handherchiefs are being shown at the Bankrupt store for Christ- nias. The pricea cf course are the iowest to be found. Mensey'a Magazine af 10 cents s ccpy ithe biegest value for the monmy we have aven séen or expect to see in a bigb dlaRs magazine.. Boy it at Big 20 or 249 -5th Ave., New York. Lace Curtains neyer so cbeap as they are being sold at the Bankrupt store. Elegamat pattera, primse quality, fully one- halfl bas than regular pnice. fiemomber this sale wont last for ever-Tod's old stand. The Grand Jurera frori West Durham at the Counry Court ia.t wEek were: Jos. Pattinson. foreman, Win Brock, BoYw- manville; T. A. Beat, Robt. Cowan, Wm. Cowaîe, Clarke' township; C. Osb rue, Jue. Pascoo, Darlington. A Grand Holiday Entertailument. Vocal sud Elocution fiecital,, unden the auspices cf the Epworth Lague cf the Mthodiat Church, in the Music Hall, Bowmanville, Friday avening. Dec. 28 h. Ferîhan an- neencemnent next week. Mrs Keys wisbss al ber patrons sud the general public ail the compliments cf the s-aîon sud bopes tbey wilI nemember hanr wbon they are buying holiday prixB- cruts, Sha bas on baud at ber nxsw atore s large supply cf caridies.nuts,cakes', etc., snd yen wiil do well te give ber s cail. A suggestion-what wouid yen fhink cf any cf the fo lowing articles for a nice Christmnas present. A nice table cloth, a waran coniforter. a pretty ilk handker- chiaf. a pair cf ladies on gents kid gioves, a nobby necktie, a pair cf wool blankets, a suit of underwvear, a white shirt. If the ide-t is worth anyfhingm, any of these may ho fouud at prices to suit the times at the Bànkrupt store Tod'a old stand. Miss Liýns Moore, Brooklil, Gold Medalist pianist tf Ontario Ladies' Col- le'ge, nec.ivad a d ploiiia sud had confer- rad upen lber the degrea cf A. T. C. M. ab h uaerly Co>ncert of the Cousar- vatony cf Music, beid lu Association Hall, Toronto, Dec. 10ýh. Iu June asat she passad lber Piano examinatien and this fali passed in Musical Formi, standing finst lu a lange cîassa, b4ving deue ail the work sud takan tbe nacessary examina- tion8 'Most cneditably in the short lime cf eue year. One of the largeat attended meetings cf the Epwortb League duni; g îhe year was held Nlonday uight The parlor was packed to the doors. Rer. C. Parker, pastor, occupiedîthe chair, and the folloew- iug program was presented. TPe,,aub- ject for t le eveuing, "Temperance," was The0 relation wh ich price bears to quai- iyili terature is made obscure by the hrsmsCOSMOPOLITAN. Stoniesl by Pudyard Kipfiiug, Wmr Dean llowells, M. Spencer Tcrih, Mrs. Burton Hiarri- son iand Albion W. 'tiourjee, are inter- spcrsed with poetry by Sir Edwin Arnold, Edmun-d Clarence Stedman sud James W hi1tcomb Riley, while through the iînmber are ecattered illustrations by such farnous artiats as Remington, Reinhart, Tache, Turner, VanShalck, Gibson and Steývens. A series of portraits cf beauti. fui wosnen cf society illustrate an article on The Relation of Photography te, Art; a trm.vel article by Napoleon Ney, grand- son m (f the frimous Field Marshall; one cf the senFeies eofGreat Paqsione cf llistory, te ,vjich Fronde and Gosse have already cc-ntribuited, and haîf a dozen others eqill ntt resting, go te make Up the aryac-,i-ow3of the nuniber. The CosMo- DOLITAN popl sy: "We might charge 1ou more for this.number, but in ail frank- neaýs, ol we giýve ven better materisi, bette-r illustrated, if we charged yen one dollar a copy?" Pubished at Irvington- on Hludson. N. Y., at only $1.50 a year. CASE FOR POtJLTRY. The undersign3d la prepared te psy the highest cash price for any quantity of Poultry dressed in the followiug mtanner: Bodies, dlean sud dry picked, wlngt4, taîl sud bead unpicked sud undrawn. Fowls must fast at least twenty-four heurs before beinz killed, sud kill by bleeding, at the neck. AIse cash paid for beans, dried apples, eggs, butter snd dressed hogs. JAMES MANN, First door east uf the Bennett flouse, 46 3mics. Bowmnanville K. D, . C. lmarked, nrompt sudlatn lu its efects MAYNARD THE JEWELLER, "WHITE HOUSE." Issuer of Ilarriag-e iAcenses. Eveninc residence, Division Street, ne-xt old B. C. church. BORN. HlïlL-ID EnuiRkillen, D3c. 11mb, tbo wife of Mr, W m. Hall. of a sou. RAÂma-In Birkeloe, Dcc. l6th, the wife of Mn, A. Ramm, of a son. W !N N COTT,-In Podun k,Dc. 16 h. the 'wife of Mr W. Winnacott, of s daugbter. MARRIED. BRýUNT-McCuLr.îcs,--A t Columehus Meth oit ParBonage, Nevember 214t. by 11ev. J. W. Savage,- David Bruint, Esq, Darl!nLton, sud Lavuia McCullough, Manverq, Oncario. GÂa15WOODo RIci-ARDS,-At the resicience of the brde's mi hr.r, hi' tho3 Rev. J. B.l. on Dec. 12,h. Mr. Alfred Garwool of Orene, and Misa A.nnie Richirds, cf Ne-castle thtid dauugter of Mr-. E R-ih ?ra. of Or'ono. Gi iSon-MCCULLOGH,-Ae, the restdence or tlmeh ridei father. on DI)cc 12 il, bY R-5. J. B. MoLaren, Mr. Geo. Gibson sund Miss n t'rr E dlaughmer of Mr. John McCullougb, ail cf flai ingtan. DIEO., 'ol,-In L"s.kacd, on Dec. 10th, 1891, E, GuiP, ge 63 y eace, OARPDER WANTED. Laely preferred. B A;Pply at Ibis office. 51-1w. l;ýýcý) io A F frinforsale Or 10 cent jus rterri ~l ()~ cfBnmansle.Apply ouos lr'NGmsej. box 72,Bownssnvilpe 36-.tf LIIFRSTR ýYED,-C&me on Lot1 4. 5 'n , Darlingboij. in otober, a secal lee..Teowner wil iroe propertv. psy exrcstand take ber away, culAs. WHim- sETI tMfptoti. 493. tfucrrnibjîuice ,msra 1 O' chard well water. rd huwlne. tn Cellar for stnock. Amp y nu il,, P1,emniso.s 10 Tries. Gaccu, Or at STATES- HAN ffie, Bowrnanville. '49-3wl B FROR SERVICE.-. Thoro- ýiii0e ù,19, cimo. 2, DrigoMIl Grove. Tenrns3-,cashl. TJC;,rpmm 4-7w' Use Ký. l, C. for ill atomach troubles. l'X AS' SOCIETIES AND MEETîiNGSM Tyth osemd c.yaiTda if yeu want P. goed 1bd c f bread go to Tan cents a lino is charged "or notices Arctic Marino undenw,ýear, sof t as sdjk, cf meetings wh en admission foe la charged, atMason's. collection taken on prnteing dune, butjnet Mn.Maeintsispcin fbs atm STATESMAN office. Fnee noticeilagiven Myr rtsisetino i wbeu pniaing is doue liers, stoc-k cf naw fera, A '"Conundrum Social" wiii b ho hld luA nica lot of Fur Caps, Fer Gestesud tbe schcelroom Df Triuity Chiurch ou Fnl- Rtsa ao' lligSoe day eveuing, Jan.th~, 1895. Xarch for Myarth Jeweller, issuer cbf marri. fenîhen notice, age lnses, Lig 20, klowman% illa. Don't feuilte sec Mn. W. E. Ràmesy, A lot cf ice dresa gooda selliug off af the popular ben.o'isî sud lecturer, iu his greaatyreduced pnices ai Couch, Jehriaton uew scenic production "A Trip Around &Cnydenmifau'a. the World"' intnoducing bli the latasi. Ordiers for ail kinda cf stove Repaira bondon sougBansd sketches ai Town Hall onpl illed atm Rd. Wonîh's Hardware on Tuosday, Jan. S.8. ne, 1Bewýmauivilla. T1~he toachers sud acholars ( f St'. Paul's ComIeansd see wbaî we ara doing with churcb ara husy pneparng for the Christ- Tod & Cgl Bankrupt stock, you were mas ententainreent te ha bold in the lneyer offared such bargains. school.roem cf the chench on Friday if you waut anylbing iu the îewellry euening of ibis week, 21sf. The program lina cail sud sea how chesp yen au by embraces Christmas carclsansd the follow-i froml Maynard the Jaweîler. ing amongat cîhen costuma places, Mothen utrcivdamCuhJbse GooeaRbymeô(35 chanactae)s, 'The Trades, -dnnst bunred a of M hansa& s workiug seeame, Famons 1fendunes cfCae- Hlisfony, Raiubow Scene. A merry aven-mptedictno Brln ingsl ooked for. Tha prognamewill hegin ,I. B. Martyn le ready for the holiday prcmptly ai 8e'clock. Entrance af the trae wîhla very choica stock of stapla frontcf Chench. Collection aithe doon sud fancy grocex les-all cheap for cash- for Library feîd nI acliol. The public naw, frashasud goed. Everything in are condislly invited. groconies, provisions, meats fnesh sud LADIES COLMING, cured, spicas, csnue'.l gogds, etc. iHava you bepard the good naws ? Wbat Two ladies f nom Boston. graduates if; lt s Why, F. A. Cola j.3 turnilig eut ai frore tha highesf cooking achool cf the oôall-Weol Tweed sud Serge Suite te ccuntry, will hcataIthe West End flousa rdr& big bangain. Omercoats, Ready- on Fniday sud Salunday Dec. 21 sud 22 md u aat navn ha wben they will give an exhibition cf sitIandimae A1large e ud weaactd ceoking using Cottolane as a substitute istock cf Wcrsîeds, Tweeds, Ovenccatiug, Î for lard or butter lu evary case. hMn. P"tîgFoog-sdDoetc'au MeMenîry extandsana invitation te the fact ure. ladies cf Bewmativille or viciuity te cal MSGOSa'aos h ag at bis store on ither cf those days te sea e a on tMsu.ToIaga for them.seives the valua cf Ctteleneas -a oîetwc hava aven shewn.* To as- substitufe in ail cases for Butter sud Lard., lynl mku rselec tieun w _________________________________ metion tha fellowing articles. Dry Goos-Haudkerchiefs, fies, glovos, boal- We have evaàr orna hundred diffanent var- ony, fers, dresa gooda, shawls, table ccv- iaties cf Gaudies for Xmas. If you waut ans, emboidered geodsansd bundreda cf a good choieaf low prîcea coma npit ohratce which wo will ha pleased to bers. Oranges, Dates, Fige, etc. AU show. Jewelry-watches, clocks, pins, kinds cf Nuls. b, oches, rings, cuf buttenti, links, ver; GRAND ENTRAL largeclice cf silverware. iucluding bamny Bewmanville dibs cake baskets sud pie kuivea. Conesour Cluster, Bltack Baskets, London Layers, Loose Mascatelis, Valencia Ceylon. Fine Stock of Valencias, Choice Sultanas. Tarragona AIImonds, Walnuts, Brazil Nuts, Filberts, Floricla Oranges 'Valencia Oranges, Malaga Grapes. evrting to makze a, Merý-ry Xmastand Happy New Yesar, Kindly soliciting a share of your Patronage, we wish you ail a lVerry Xmas and a Happy New Year. CAWKR &TAIT, Bring us your produce and get the highest price inigod or cash. Man's aud Beys' Ovancoafa in ail sizes jusi receivad atm Couch, Johustou & ýCry. darman'e. New SailiugB, New Trouserig, New Worsteds, Ne wa Serge s, New OvorCoafinga -ail juat openedouf at Coucb, Jcbnsteu & Grydermau'2. For the fiuest sssortmeyit of Dreas Ser- ges sud al cîher fa2biomnablo dnras maler- ias cali at Couch, Jehiaton & Cryder- Dntshiver-wbeu yen can gel ail- jwool haavy undarwean at Mason's fer 50 cents, sud heavy lined boots for $1.35; and s mca fur cosi for $15. Now ahowing et Ceucb, JobuFston& Crydarman's P. fine range ofLdia Oruvouette Waterpnecfs in- aIl sizes. They ara the mesi saeisfacîory waterproof that sny lady can boy. Shiioh's Cure la sold oni a guarautea. Il curas Incipieut Gonsempfi.n. Itlei the hast Cougb Cura. Only, oea cent a dose; 25 cf., 50 cIa. sud $1,00 per betile. Seld hy Stoit & Jury. Rickiird l7ooka out for the Bargains Io ha lied fer cash sud lha gives the public the benefit cf th> se bangaini. Thus ha is your friand. Be sure sud caîl. Ne bal- ler place to bey yoen Xmas Proceato. Couch, JT,,bctou & Crydanman bave sold a great maîîy Ladies' Coats sud Capes., But tbey are suilsbowing au ima- mense asscrtmeîît cff iesa goods in the lateat styles sud ne botter valueanaywhena in <anada. Do yen warvf toesave s doctor s bill b Thon bey oua cf Masou's $4.00 oeanaats; boy a botter oua if ycn wsut style; wa hava very styhish eues af $10, $12 sud $15; rosi good coats at $7, See lhem aI Masou's, Bownauville. Hoe Fcr Xmas ! Mayriard the Jewal- ion invites you te cal sud see bis stock ha- foe buyiug. Hia pnîces are the loivesf. Watcbez, Clocks, Jewelry sud a fine lot cf fatîcy articles which yen oughf le ses. The stock is ail new sud muit lieho ald. If yen waut hargains come in. Conch, Johuston & Crydernman ana showing a fine stock cf raally firat-olas quality ini ail the lateat stylas cf Ladies' Fer Capes lu Groenland Seal, (Grey sud .lsck Persian Lameb, Sable, Black Martin, Odossum, Bochanon, &c. These ana the hast gooda that eau ha pnccured aud atm neasouable prices. Miss Fannie Martyn ia lu change cf tha China Hall, Boueall's Block, sud la giv. iîmg every customen decided bargains. Lovely china dînner sud tes smets, fancy chinawane sud glasswsreansd evenythiug se cheap. During ibis înonth everythiug la selliiîg cheap forerhcashsd everyhody's dollar bas the semae purchaning power. Calsud sea wbal a splendid ansorîment is haing offared. R. H. Hemry will ha found at the old stand SZTATESMA.X Block froni now util Chistmas pres ared te make sny style cf Fbotograph. lie bas aIl the negatives hae made durirug the fan yaars ha wsalu business and parties wauîing Photographe frem thosa sanie negatives can ha suppli- ed atm pices'that will ha sstisfactony, sud te Ibose wanîing Crayon Portraits on en- largement, ha cen furnish something extra. ALMOST A Naw vYORsç DAIL.-,That Démocratic woadan. The New York Weekly Wcnld,. bas juat chsnged its weekly inbosatwice-a-weak papen, sud you can new gef the twe papera a iaeek fmn 'ha sainie old pice-$1,00 s vear. Thiîk cf i !The uews Ironi New York righr tmtVoun doer f rash eyery Ibrea days -104 papera a yaar. Send fer a frime saippla copy. Addneaa The World, New York, U. S. Speciel inducemauts for Dacember.- Evervyiî ur ecbasiug a oewiug machine f roya T. N. Ricksnd dnniuig thisnîouth, wîll ha presauted with a cdozen cf the vety boa' Silver Plaled Tas Spoons (large siz3 ) No pulfiug up cf pnice en! machines but a genuine present. New Willlams sud New fiayrnd-bast machinas seld in Canada. Wiill do any wonk auy other machina will do. Nice warm room te otry thani. Be sure and cal. it. 1). C. Pille tonse and reglm'ate the bowele. Pitcher's Castorla, DROP- -IN- SUGGESTION1 Y OU have been hoping for to help you ont in making a choice of suitable things for Holiday Presents for your friends and relatives. Drop in at ALLEN'S BIG 20 Book Store and the worry of deciding is haîf solved. DROP-- At this season, housekeepers are in search o.f the best frudits. DN,0 V E Ëll-'lî î't'Ï to the People of West Durham that our Xmnas fruits have beeu carefully selected and bought for cash, thus enables us to seil at prices that wiIl defy competition. in fancy groceries is a settie 'd fact. These are a few Unes we kindly ask you to inspeot before purchas- SUGGESTION IF followed will bring you befcore 1such an innumerable array of the Season's Novelties in B3ooks, Fancy Goods, Toys and Fine Stationery that no matter how fastidions they maiy be, your friends cannot but be pleased with a choice from the stock. DROP- L M3ASTR-AY.-Came on lot 18, -MARXI TO fiENT-For a terrm cf co.7 t)rlîngîen), a weathrbei arn. The -cvears, ~Wnu'-9 acres, 2 miles caner is réeqîesreli t0 prove pcoOrer'v, Dpy ex- item Whitby-,,ood buildings and soil. Admir. vnesc and take hîmn away. H. J. WaaavY, able for stock or dajry. Chance fer going Ennt5killev. 48-3w. exten8ively int'oronîo milit business or stock -reising for Amem'c;tn market. 'Mon with IJ ELEFER S1'RAYED -Camne on lot eaiîal ontly nieeli apply. J. H. Dow, Whitby. 35, con. 6, DsliAr,'h-u P sde OC cibe, rc yarcl nifr. wer wil GRAND FARX FOR SALE OiA TO pleese proveo rp n, rpay exooen.s -ad take a RENT-150 acres in ail. soutb 125 acres her away. JOHiN AâN DERCOCK, OrOno. P. 0. of lot 5, sud 25 acres cf north j lot 6, con. 3t 48t. Darlington. Pite brick houisespacions barnn, splendid sail.e'xcellent water Stream sud wells -UTOUSE TO RENT -A seo.eah. ire wood cn premise,. Two miles rom -eew- .LL brick bouise nu Chnccn a seot lately manville-great chance-sale on easy terma.àkI occuipicd by Capt Crawford. Terma mîode, a e or will rant fora tarn-plougb ossio ia Apply te A. YouNeE., or T. BjiNGuAm B 'w ater harvest. ApplytecMaS. JANE WIGHT, maivile. 45-If. o.- premises or te £D. 1BUIKE ISIMPSOIe, of Bow.. manville.3-f YT UERS ALtacr E it a r ciii Nrinm ~A M -EL SE Fto ornSAr atrd (i b FrganFOR SALE. -A firat classtalrm ""'~ mauvîlla. parLIy rame arvIiiparhly brick, of 125 acres or 145 acres situatoed in the g.od wall su.pimp, srable. Pic s'articul.sa OwnshiP et Esat Wbtby lat con, lots 15 sud api t OH . ABPIU b&rrit 'c,16 on the 8ase LUne, about V, miles f!rofni g Bowmanville. 48-1w wa station. 2 milies fromi tby sud 60 rodg OARS FR SERVCE-Theunder.main bare 95xt. ,plenry 0f fut 01c~ t? ASFRSEVC -h near o , atoeterun c he besi gri arms D> sined bs esr_vice cu L ,, 8coR on the Lake Shore. Noes ouatnes2. 'About Danl ngten. Iwo thoro'bred Boars-Iroiprov,. 10 acres oi' wcod. 75 acres in upsînreasd freali Yorkshire White and lmpnoved 13o îkaire seeded. Terme easy, First plowing dons, Ternes $1.00 Tri@. WOODLIIY, Tyrcir.. For fenther parficalarsa apl b A. Aç,,%N 46-Oit Oshawa. 37-if, THWý ýýi THAýË , TRAT l Ti 11111-S

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