Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Dec 1894, p. 1

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aleýý5 ait I ahi/a TEM -15 ERANM TRTONADCU~Y JS;TWRDAFTERWARDS. . A. JAMES EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. NEW SERIES, BOWMANVILLE, OINTARIO, W DNES U EEBER 19,1894. VOLUM L UBR.1 Show a large and choice as sort- ment of useful and orna- mental goods, suit- f able for M:OVEPRTzis i ilX31-2 Ladies, Fur Capes, Collars and Muff's, Ladies German-made Coats, -Glovesi Étts, Hosiery, and Gait- orFiv O'clock Table Cloths,, Table N4apkins, Tray Cloths and Doyles, Embroidered Lawn Hand-' kerchiefs Brocaded, Hem Stitched Initial and Embroidered Silk Handkerchiefs Speciai Value, Children's ibs, a lot of Dress pat-î terns and Dress Goods of ail kinds. SSuits for the littie boys, and Mens; and oc.ys--ver Coats in ail izs rewould direct particular. ratten.!,tionP- to the value, of our Silk H a ndkel'3r c hiîer's, somene lL -s ofwhich we are sell.Î., atabout ialf the( reg-u ar pri , e. uuu,_;1 - AIl Lad&e-' ( of frorn 10 t Foýr te0 ubic For -,ix weeks For Cash llOnl-y. 0ur iriit intention w-as to seli or bits higheFt bidder aIt aat on the dollar, bu long timo utoe the chance for six weý willl for cash ge't z-a i uesOf goodà at astonî bo made on Womeni's, MýIifsaW and (Pbldr and below' coat. Me's inebo-wear asa Boyes knw Eh eupîie 'qcsity Of i bedan sold. The Fstock l;a woli asorted W Mae. This is rio fake,hu a genuirio el Bot drawn by two horses, King St. E., E MANED HELP! cly(loal or traveling) to introduce new iscovery and leep our show carda tacked up on trees, fences and brIdes hrou. mut town and coutry. Steady emr ment Commission or whe, t red Fr partIcars, wite 2 London, Ont., Can. il3e inCo o gtL3os L 1. , ý _______________rt., e ti Cu. BNFIELD. Iu the presouce of a goodly number of frîends Misa Maggie, daughter of our, os. teemed friend, Mr. John McCnllocb, was married to Mr. George Gîb'ou ab lber home near here on Wednesday, Dec. 12. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. B. MoLaten cf Columbus. The bride was the rocipent of many suitable pres- ents expressive of ber standing in the es- timation cf f rieuds. We unite iu the welI-wjahes extendled to Mr. sud Mrs. Gibson. FORAPEI) WITJL A RASP.-SRS,-I had sncb a severe cough that my throat feit as it scraped with a rasp. Ootaking Nor- way Pine Syrup 1 fouud thefirst dos?) gave relief, and the second botîla complerely cured qne. Miss A. A. DOWNEY, Manotic, Ont. 80LINA. Election at Division this week ..Miss Pose Elford of Islay is viitiug her sisters bre.. -. Messrs Sdtîs Werry and George Cowle areat Fenelon.. . . Mr. W. A. Tom sold two pairs of Bleighsg and a wagon one day recetly.. ..Mra. Jas. Catueron lias been visitiug near Orono ..Mr. L. T.i Pascoe visited bis cousin near Whithy.. Mr. Fred Roi-lie bas bad a bsdly swell- ed face result of tootb extractionMr.Sam. Sbortridge bas severed connection witb Mr. T. Baker, aftor seven years service,1 and wîfl mova to t-he Wilbur esi-ate. Report of S, S. No. 20 for Novenîber: Ciass 4th-Caarlie Sbortridge. Herman Vice, Algernen Vice; Sr 3-rd-John Baker, Eddie Worry, Maggoe Pascoa; Jr 3rd-Ella Montgomery, Aunis Ccx, Lois Hoegarth; Sr 2nid-Mabel Argue, Arthur Baker, LoIs Argue; Jr 2nd-Katie M!oore, Maud Roynolds. James Hogartb, Sr Pr Il Ethel VauNest, Ivati Ltw, George Nor'bcott; Jr R IJ-Editb Baker, Artb- ut Westîske, Frank Vice; Pc 1-Miinnie Ashton, Edith Vice, Hlowsrd Nîcholo. Averave attendance 41. C. E. BnowN, teacher. Singera, public speakers, suctiones soi-ors, esc.hers, preachers, aud aih who are 1l teio over-tax sud irrîtate thbe voc-t al organs, fi-d in Ayer's Cherr-y Pectoral, a suf , certain and speedy reiief. A tirne- 47y-deee--of rhis -prep onh-s-rcv-ntd msny a tbroat trouble. 1V1fW -HA VEN'. 0ur delegate, Mr. F. T, Guy, gave ant excelient- report ab- the S. S. Convention, ,lapîe Giove... The C. E. meeting Sun-r day eçAnirg 23rd ai- seven o'clkck. Al arc welccme3...Frac autertialmorgt ai-dt Chrlstma? trac iu achetA hbouse Frîday eveiiing, Decý 21sr hy the Sundsy Schoûl. I. goed lhterary sud muFical programi.. Mr. Fred Trul wss ino Toronto lasi- week *. ... Recenit vistors: Mr-. W. 8ernei-t, M.H.ur. rav.a- M -1 Vs. -1'oal--,'InITTL' ,v-GAo.ý n o ht1Ral acni e cati C- nlp' ; c r ibort Power ai- homo. -. WilsogivesAnAtfHomne Dec, 2,i-h. LxasLr&An."rri.-opno -a sa ocnir t IS- A igh i-M rtain la being provided The soc-ces ci i-bts si-srUig periodical fring ndirom y folio" çjmCi-e ra byoln- BOW. A2NVILLE UNQUAT..FIED COMMErNDrATION -Rex. ..es'. IL Ithiiops' în-uv cld fr enda aois - lt atils ~e~h- re - . IT. Warstîî, Coleorte, Onrtarro, wrtes:- avare well p ',0e teseoansd ieat bita on vi dt ssurah outlsy cfti-linsd mon-y poand a alu etn-Irsan la r Ja so ~oats seflinr~~' at ;i- I K DC b las puoduced in me a wender'- Sabbai-h,. - --Pe Juniior EI-iwoi-i-h Leagco e kep assibi-ehsi-t.ui-ud T sdahtiosaoIita ae- o sslin týz iscount t-. oie pain incmythi-beaide, ,bîcnibacama tel change, almoi- froi-ctiho firt-timte cf euîieti13,ý-snmeni- idny, ILec. 14th wai aali-ertiure et tise day. Ih bas îtrîriye3 oet' sud iaMylruîide I as rnforne ao5 e et siug. My indigestionîs taaIT gene, sdan dd stca.Ater op iug exarcis-s stood ai- iho head ef ita ai-ss, bnrh luntise atr -ydc-rht1LdBih' my general bealti-tlamucb bei-t etthan if on motien o Rssi gîllaîri. second-d quall-y aud kuarîrîty of tiha reudrng fur - sa byi-nydoci- r i-ba I h-r Brigtr- ____bas been for yosrs. K. 1D. C bas my b Ahei-o cauiliRe, À. C. XWil- ntished;atid ru tact ït- ;ffoi-d1, of î self, sodi ov. veded, thail 'vat enolme. c heartuesi-ad sud iqualifled commondation. son îok iliachirT'ie progranriuciud- trlîough suad cuitplate s compendium cf k-so'ea ya_ ,ouns I 'Iha ireeittu ho ail rfa makers clain i tte ed 1sadrcheretarr'ar ad ak beî.îer e i-ad aiions~ report, essi) nghsîu; wti-vburaf immadratoa lt-Ot or pt Jiita.g r-donafr a ioi lna ibte-i beairi- B i - peapr, Alera Pol- unrrt value sui- haeieraîy world as t i-o iefcn , -Ytm îhu e IFi-ce samnpie cf tî.îs wonuer-workîug te- lard. Gara ine, atiaClouions, tender ut an itvaiuabie scrroîuz 'rcf cent iuganthelle f. C i-t G nîrae oi:I wa mcidy, mailed i-o sny sddress. K. D. C. Iarry Cieusa,o C; Scoti-, Olive Xiitrnse, labos- ati mouoey. Fur 1895, aun hr vstc~- b -r s oios Ce., Li-d., New Glaqgow, N. S., Canada, bot, Ethel SkJi, .,er, EditIt Skinner, AI- sxtr.crdiuai-y offris îniaa o ail uow iio eantî nib1opia o ai su 2 i-ioS.,BrionMsnia XigIrt, FoeneFi-ssei-;dialogue, subacruhera; suad reducedclhbiîrg rai-es tinte, î 'vasnn ntehgirlfr831 and 27 tat St, BstonMaa. 1tim, 1waqsenawsv, asi-bey i-nid me _____________Ethel ,IC ui-a11 sud Ethel Bi-ani-on. The wib ci-ber pe3riodîcals ai-e aise given by i-beowasin cure for Ina. racitatîiusrtor- lterspersati hy aiîing Sc- ubscriber may ai- rem-arkabiy " or-ue ocrig-thm o GOUITJ<Irl.Tirose iakugpart cdid t nohîy sud welî ama"l coat cauin i-be crean et bei-b hom CO URIC sall e>srlyt ats, but grew wëakei- sud trail- Mrs. Jas. Fouind,Pickering, viaii-ed lerbea u Thg-a-i tcua e tiesywe sda sud f re ignlitea-tore. 'Phrse solecting or 'Yai-ibstnt yvsure ym fathr, i-.Wm.Oke,îaiely Mi- ~ iraiiîî i-em. Ite'esry -~'i~ ~~ ptînhcas fe i-e uw yar, oul bfthe ruhe'vi-crryPaiu'a olsi-yCom Wesey Br. rooks sud tly bat-e..rMed scornecf IraiîP-v fa,(-amfor msreatimo eacb do 'výIli-ce examine i-ha prospectus. ILu rte nlwt ryPiesCl on into cor miidt. . ... Mi-. S. Watlake, Sa-Oue pa-ainen cîýf i-ie vianda prepared by no ci-ber way i-bai-we kucw cf cania sub pund. 'Pelie. i-ai- hi- i-e huse ofgave m th i,7ý ert o, o hns cie b u npossession of ti-behastgri-rle.Ici-ned-boscf-h lira, spant Sundav wii-h Mi-. John Wrigbt ih sr-ia ety rt ftak1o--e b u i --- fih I Compound, sud i--day cari, ruly Say fissi onBae in.. .e. . aisieu Ttwas i ii-o) thýose ivbo sored si~ vtc -oct-etliar '--i mpe-foctly cu-ad. andi bal as st'-ong eue, preacbod i-wo very eloquani-, -hougbth dl -i aimnt. ioets$0 fmids -ral t uietn- sev ut buforo i-n my lite Paitie s Celery i fui sermons ai- Ebautrz'rr Sunday.-. 'Phe Lti-c-l & Co., Boston, Ma8s.,are i-be pub- Conîpo-ini saved my idefansd 1 will ai- members cf i-be W. M. S. cf Ebeneza-rotrs az i-abers. 'H OOT LB.wy.rtflyrmme h at ___ ~~~~~~have c-arge of i-ha sevîco nexi- Sonday DcosWk P Pl PRNOGOE ssgaeue eruhrib at - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ eeig Ail ai-e - vnî ruvrrd.... On Christ- For 50 yoarq ITàn Weekly Globe cf 'Pc-Gco lxsrE'N. mais Ere Miss Cour-i-cea Coi-ai Clas wîllî edcalIn rvsrgd ibeD roui-n bas hartaun enviable tapotai-ion as -~~~~ a~~iva aunoniertialmersi-i-ni-be c-butch. coetch AaAt arîd -e one gi-est Lihral weekly cf i-be Do-I We k'ow ofn-,nebai-i-ci- tnaazine cf i-s ________ ~Pi-osants wîll ho takeru frein i-ho Christ- f- ibe.minilor. hi- bas al-ays bs-on a bigh caa clasi-han CocuFii EKLPh.Mati-ors sud isirîbtcdte ibe ui--e PcsrNTc Dc. 1-M dcalanai- onjrorual, sud a 'va come visiter in i-bous- cf gens-rai housebttld ii-at sý lwîûya re- mis si-ch asudsicf lîcîtîc the h"vas lnovericbei-i-ate oncouve iheral anrd judiclalirosi-ient lu stock cf Boots sud Shoas e bl o i-beheues. i-hoeaoit jse îîw be i-e cojoc chenaipria .a rovrbal.l' cp-iadgifr -botyhoerwul aoa ub LIt bava decided te givae beiumeousansd Wéilliam aut-ny Oti-, allas "Mustang kidnev 1dis- whccmsnp ot iresussiûofn. uwspapcr i-hau i t li--day. 'Phe Gloho's tibis plcatiun. A very appro- eka et n g eu n r s br a u a nsd everybod y B t]l, "says i-ai-h a ned A yer's fHait V gor Dia he bi s La h vy.s be au looki.d up n as ont$ bve trav rsed aid wri-ien p a- aripi-i e i- i-is excellent m ontly. lîl 1w rates. Su ciel roducions iil for noarly fixe yeara, sud owes tai-e i-ais sure d6ath hy i-be profession, but lai-elyInte-aysciocf-bcior.Al Clark W. Bryan Comrpany, Springfield, !ens os, rau lnosgcngPositiveîy si- sp]endid baîr, et wbicbhaieis jeusily prood. i-be dcci-or have liediai-eyes cpeued i-o g-sMeosasaelisnfelBepre6 0 grratty reduced. Mr-. Oti-lbas riddeni-be plains for i-'ei-y - i-be pcssibihii-y cf a cura bv Dr. E. A. _____avanshav_____________rted huas 8totsk sud et-et-yst-ticle 'vilii h guarau- five years, snd is well kuown i-n Wyoming Rose, cf Peti-sud, Orni. He lias stated 'Ple seecn he etleo o aung pnoir onîsus, - aVil ci-h fulT lineso f i-ho la(asta sud bssi-gi-ioasud i-be Nu-tbwesi. in writingti-bai b-awas cured oetibdis-dswîtiro -ofo tPrimai ro ev l oras-l osso afi-osale angtproulnurerdd'lugnxtf miti-be stump, Irave beau pre8ented as f hey eaa afer prooucd'inexrems,'vo te -ti-d, sud alst-e f airy irosi-ad, LADIES AhNDPGENTLEMEN*- earug leai-ih l taîîue ig h v six medýical brai-hemn, sud bhscure 'vas w'vhacr Liharal, Conservaiiva or Patron. Tht oughi-be Sollcitat ion cf a large nom- i-e wmsuvilla. BAMPTOIN. eff-icted yneu fDd' inyPla MIS 1 ý P1cert viitos;-isss Lle, o abr i-u 9 o U)d'sKidey 'Pli Te Globe i-si-be ouly weokly papor lu ber cf ratopayer cf i-hi-s municipalfty, Rf.rrt-isior:.ise yl,,e- Phsre'd asa-taciadnc',i-itinCanada i-bat Pives aoc-h tolt sud fair te- bave conseni-ed te accepi- iha nomination mrîvilte; Mi-. Bonsoir, Cavan; Mr-. sud fi-cmi-be eeia proteesair because cf Mises hor, P-chi-m - - .Mi- Wilia if su-caa î~ ibe oi- cfkidoy îsese ports ci Purliamentirry p-oceadliiigê, for i-c-ove for 1895, anti bereby i-capec-ifnb Evseso, ur-epringc...Md .Wbei-eSnay su may s i curs e iodaeypt-oai-i-bgi-estchurch umeetings, sud cotersimilar i-y arlicit your votas sud influence. nvron otice réc -ed ar un ya t nd ut nyafcinsc -ae oa rgas i cccn-i-nces cf Provincial sud national lu- S C. HILLIER. Mayna-d i-ha Jeu' lier, Boe mont-tin, nigbi-Co- in-Sea toi-est.'Pho aire ofT 'he Globe ijei-o ho Bowmanville, Dée.18, 1895. alwaya keepsa s lno, stock cf weidiug papi- trustwori-hy. if Iras ti-be hst cabTe and ------- rings. Anuiversary sermons li- ha Methodist ANN UAL- MEETING. feleizraphic Soi-vice chi-ainable; its toi-aigu, DEPUTY-REEVE. Out ordered loi-ing i5 qui-ie as 'volT Chut-ci, Hamapton, 'vill ho preacbed on Tieanasmeie-l etngribsHmt an miian sd Canadian despatches are cut and as 'vol made up inu eiy 'vay as Suuday, Dec. 23, by Rex. A. C. Wilson, Butit-udCrae ('îlctîrugCompany- ui cled, rugi ad et-a-y ei- hagcoLDE-NDGNLsg: auy cii-y made c-Ici-ing sund fîrty 25 par et Tyrcue ai- 10.30 a. m. sud 7 p. m. thmid 'iib srdi ie IeWu Hall wrdl ruh ne eiw oa- Havîug beau atîici'ed by a largo number cent lcwor i-n prie. Couc-h, Jobuatoni & Chrristmeas muai-c by i-ho choir. Coa-c-t.Hmî'no îj 5Yle28idai--DE riculi-ural depari-menti-is rigIt p i-o i-be cf ratapayors i-o bacoma a candidate for On Chrai-mas Et-e BE, 9. i-2 oc-leck P. m.fer tise piu-. fimes;i-be c-top sud mar-ket reporta are tfho positi-on cf deputy-reexe sud having Crydormnan. ies ai esc-bservice. O hrsms rv ose of elacs-- s tiri)e i-Dit-atsio serve i-rt fuiT sud roliable. Reasonable spaeoll KîlIlEY FAUTS, lu Jan., 1892, my son (Mondait) s grand i-es 'viiiho soi-yod ai-risceasuiug .r udiho i-ausac-riou of sîtch n'rvecouaeu as ioun eïls cand i ates ote tr tit uiesa ryp-prycm e-tag-a p oacb week te hi-gter readi-ne avdyua ourlo-frs- 0i5 was faken 'vu-h Kiduey disease. 'Pbough 4.30 p rm., sitar whichta pt-cgtSm et clicti eting. aidcae efre goo s-cica -seelfuPh Gobs ysoe >bcli oorvoe asud lufuanc o-I aitendied by tbreo pbysiciana, sud change resdîusgs ýy Misa Addie McDowel cf J-L LIScc-roit-ry, si-tractions, Auci-br popular teature ai-reIsalodaerio'okinib cf c-Insite ha gtew 'orse sud by '93 bad Ontario Ladies' Collage; addre8ss y Rex. HaMpi-o, Dec-.i8 b 191 Si w- i-e wooky ceutihotios froa i-hoKhan'aelce Eslen trous 195 Ibo. t 5I-~~i bo. lu 10 days D. S. Houck, vocal sud instrumental u-iete -efivthi~a ib ew Etcmstî'-ig e seDr Cas'sKino-music by 'Pyrnue church choir, etc., 'viii NTlETlAT OS pjia peu. As a amiîy nawspar coucil sud Coutities C uc romstrtngte seDr Ca3es idey -_1 L P U S'Ph, e Wekly Globe i-s unri-vsld. Club-.or cpcfly Lit-ai- Pille 'va 'voteable ti-o mee im ho givon. Admission te tes sud Yentai--pcý-nly bcd iîith TirE TA -TESStANai- $1 75.Jc.PTNO. homo, lu 4mroutha ha gained 50lbs. îrdi-inîtîît, 25 cents; clilîdren, 11ot. Am-tu itsepî-rac-ts ape 'vwas fu]IlYresosi-i-d I-cieai-hb h-e se etPreceeda lu aid cf Trust Fond. ttrenCic-eMPCn.'li-e-adu i-eofuHal aip-oo 5 is f ibe-aevr va aspecifie for any cne- i-bl'is mIedicine Jn,. .Hasi-inge, 23 St. Wh-y don't von i-iy Cari-er's Liil i-rDC 51a-iolc p -.fre-ex -i oeîut -euCr-rLittle Lit-er Pilla Yen ,boul 50 ire Rilioni-by ai-e Menti-cal. Pillai 'Phey are a positive cure 1foi - sc-k aý i g1)aýùl o-adoeysl.g ii Minr-'sLiimnti-o hetHat eseri-hbadache, sud ali-be i-ls produjced b y dis- F. TL.LELILS, Sc-oia-y, vean hcl kowibi. 0lyerep0 ' eaud 1 0e vnbdul ribi meey ini Lnrette etarR8oe.osdred iver. Oniy ene pili oe Hnp .Di- ti, i 4 1-w. adose. Tri-hem, i. ailthi-be -iiy hds 'o' ldsad MelpitS. S. enterti-siuerit Xmas eve. ~ug service S n l igh- 23rd. Prof 1~unter ec. 31. A mar-y ccm- -ayerjye)d Teday eveîîln, ai- Mr. T. .fiA 1.1KILLEN. 'K'es chanrdson, Botbsnv, srd Sal. iter, Hi ton. sie guasts cf Mr. C. Wîll- cam.,. MsIsr. J 0 MuTlga suT AI. N. Mircelh-o oine fi-cm Model Seî. Mr. Jop. M tri j iis home ssinfromu asebedt thersce of Mr. N. By- ers Friday iîigbl est lu faroceilOur pop- ular tàhrfVr onYoung who leavos bore te ttend shoi iiiHzwiitori. Tue sebo-ol %volrn ee(,Ut in gr.-st force. Mr. J. T. Plecon'- worthy Reeve,' was lu-dcsrî Ild ho cailed on ,Miss Minuiýj Mar i .d Miss Ethel Pot- teor teün ao spreentrwio)non bbhIf cf tbe schoji._Miss Maidîtread s very ex- pressýive rsud tweli worded sdras suad Miss oâ rprueeidMr. Youug -,witb s Fpurse and msoîne usefui articlts. Dr. Mît- choell d în slerion te speak for i-he sehoolIsv il Horeferr. d ttehopresent excellenf san on f i-hao scbol sud i-he bigb -tand raken by i-ho pupîls aSt iho ex- axuîuatù4ýa h i%-si- sommer uchou fit-o pupil-3 passedîh- PubicS-hmel Leavîýg apoe i-he, Prrteaîn -ache8ra carii- c-ste. A $.cmei- hr- section as i-be resu t ,f M.Y uo t', siore, rte board -aave br1~bnsc u half this amunt.l The pursîý conait edbeci- $21 00. Mr.q Young mi1des ai-ysuitablareplt-. refer- ring te i l it-e c-'swoïk and i-haboule-i firs s tgvÀ(ideuCC e beharî beetn te hîmJ personally. Rey1)DS. Hîîuck aud the chsmau ave hort irieasivr. aldre.sseo. Luncheoniwa e-vdi-to ail. A very eou- joyabla s-cozngwaa 't ai i-he hastî andi hoat osa d;îit cvorLytihîug tbey cud te maig if e)j - yab1; i fr everyoue The ;ctfenu;,f Carreras Lit, le Liver Pilla is ploa i-,ti dJrn- nairal. Theyzeent -1 ly stîmulacf i- livr-, end i-etulate the hiwe, ot dýr),u't- nie. Thiy ate aure te pless. pihml 'f' I ONE. The Tr,-, '),DvsoN. 6 .c . htei-iet a;ýv'-la- erattit rond Mia ý î. 1'eopÀ,0cuiMa- vit,. A iIL rBct' ,S u croary; J.'ailles Binghs,CMrraî MIWSars. la sd Moyse were witiless- os a,- Co r, Assizas. -. I-s. (Rs)A. GOOD PUBLICATIONS. RECOMMENDED To STATESMAN READERS. THREE HoLIDAY NumSBErs. The Illuaîc-ated Bîffilo Expressa- nounees three Holiday Numbors for De- cember 15th, 22ild sud 29rhi, respectively. The publicelias learned i-ba- The lllustrat-- ed Express novcr does a tbiug by halves, sud ut is uîîuecessary te assure our read- ors i-bat ishat Thse Express under-akes in this' line ls sure to be i-ho fines- cf ifs kind. A BUSINESS MAKiING BOOKi. Every business man ought te read "Dollars and Sense," a mouey-makiug ho k by Nath'l C. Fowler, Jr., i-ho Tead- îng expcrt on business sud advertisiug- 18 chapi-ers, illuatrated with 100 plates, proentiug every style cf effective adver- islments, with examples cf reading noti- ces, circulars sud headlines. Price 25 cents. The Trade Company, Boston, Mas s. INTEiiESTING i-o PRESBYTERIANS. XVe look ripou THiE CAN ADA PRESBYTER- IAN cf 'Percnto eseeof itho hast papers cif the kind puhlisbed in i-ho Domîuîou, and it compares favorably wl- h the focre- nîcat religins journals e- the Old Land aud neighbouriveg Republie. 'Phe Pros- byteriau famiîy noi- favored wiLh its cp eekly visita is s soioua leser in every way, te i-e Youuýg eîpeciaily, uts educat- ive iniflue-nce re)r go a not o t-res- tîuuased. It i3 udo taod i-bti-bis old- established p iîroffir-, a doù]ha.-rate i-o cluha madenUV cf eue-bhird i-ho famili s lu each congregation (ifi-ho chuarcli. Thia Iss a inarvellcuily lcw rti-ecousidering i-a size sud qu-ality (f ti-ho publication. sud should reeult in a largely increased circulat-ion. TioePresbyterianilaevidortf en-ly succeoirg. Lt certsînly desorvos suc-ces. METHODIST MAGA ZINE. The Decembar number cf the Motbcd- lat Magazineo complti-e ts î,wontieth year snd feL-ioi-b volume. Ii bas i-bus reacb- ed a- Li-ester aea than i-bat atsined by auy ci-ber Canadien magazine 'Ph-e Magý- azîl neloi-ors 3open ira blwei1-.irst yttar ,wr-h a long s4iride f,'rward. Iii 'viii ho1 suad, .if prcrt thýA s-egesî porothe Ii ae. DÉff-ted. Ameg ira a -i-ive test- ons Z "Orruni-i-yro." Am. o ia cn- Prh D., Prfo r 1-395are Pro. T Gaidw'rof Chrant, Prof. Wallace, Principail h'v Anure Swan, MrLq. -Lien Caapi-el, iîabp Wrrien aud many ith(ýi i. $2 s i-ast; 20-. a number. Rrv. W.Brgs , £ A CRUEL ANSWER9 A Moiltreal Lady Plainly ToId That Ther Was No H-ope for lier. Discliargod Froffithe fHospîtal as Inculrable. A -STRIKING PROOF 0F THE VALUE 0F PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND. Bright's Disease Banished and a Life Saved. "Paina'a Coi-aty-y onpouud s'ýaly lite, sud 1! witl always grai-Atullyi-e-n bar i-be tact." Mhis. P. Kýeie1, No C8 Willms-eeat, Montroal, mad-e the abovusialoeuituh a 'veuderfel degrea f -hnof cîeand joy, at ter hei-ng c-utrd cf a mos- dar'gerous dîsoas i-ba- had firnaly lard hruid on bier, sud defied i-be at efforts cE physicîsus. 1S uff riug fritem Bt-gh 't d i a e, M ta. Kaltey 'vas taken i-o i-ho hoapîtal in et-det te secni-oiha nios- al-pr-nved treaien- know i-o i-be modical fac-oh-y. Attor specsdînizsonroi- iu-ni i ouna, b a c-smo wot-se', Rat tibe p cîn lil ti-od bar i-ba- sire aaii-'rigI et h body 'vas waa ka Tj, f dlt, i c cxnguislaek.d, M, lh. di- L Lad da e a y4, ' Celitay Qtr î4-poufeeda wi-n 'v-si t c cisha e or t.r the lad- Aierio fothsg bt-erot e ita-i-r- ing C eauotd M i-s. àe iey as i-bai- i-bte vsawîdoapit . o icc- Ne 3

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