C;P11,AT E 1,L--COMPllORTING. 'Ty a thoroniJ knowiediza of tbe nature.' lawswbs h goarnthe operations of digestlo'u aud~~~~ nurtin sdhyacreful application of Epahs pouirtu beka bles with a dalcaal fav~edb"er2ewhich rney aiNe uamau hnav do~rr ' illq. In ihi' the ~isdiioususe ' snb aricIeS of diet thait a CuflstittiOo mai u a !yra ull- sE p ountil atZrong ,euougb no rsio everi' tendAocy to Cues. Huud,,ýrcad1 o ubtie malaies are lloti.g ronfinsredyin riattaok wherevar therî1e is a eakpoint. Vie mliy esc sipamani' withpra blnaid a uroua,,rly nu-ised frare.""C lI SrvicGazete." Madesie~ly es 1h boiliu water or milk so]d ui vlu v, atsby Grocars. lbiilthas JAM584'I'Sd",Cd'a., KereuîtseCle 'u WEDNESDAY, 1DEC. 12,1894 OE. J. C. MâTCHWLL, FIrP1f? fITCOLE(41Ç OPe PnYRTCIÂN i'n" isd trcos.tario. Coroner, etc. Offie aS ReideceEunikileu. 74. B BI1STNER, SOLICITOR, &j,. MOPP19S PJ CKuptaisKing Street, BOw'uri 0ile.04icitor for the Ontari Bank s tI s raa ienae loansd at the lowa3t rate ROCT, YOUNG~, V. S. O FFICE IN THE WEST DURHAJM Nawse Block, wbcre himself or assistant e.sil hafonfifrm S.m 10 pm.Night caill rai eice,directly oppoite Drili Shed. Calîs t elegi apli or telephono will receive prompt sitentuon17iyr A RlîITECT. Plans and Specifica- tL ions prepared for every clasuf building, Special attention gven te haatiug by steam s'ad hot water. and Iob anitarv arrangements. Of-fice: (btie Blook, Whitby 43-ly R. EÂTE, Tailor' Gentlemen's Ciothes Made to> Order. >EINTIST. O)FFICE :-Rear of Messrs.ý Lligginbotham & Son's Drug 'Store, (down stairs), BOWMÂNVILLE Geînts' (lothing Clýeaued, Dycd. Pressad andi Repaired by THOLs.p E A T) Dyer andi Clothes Cleaner. Ocode warrantad to lae as no one will lknow jhe n, mnew when done. CreKugaud Ontario Strats, DETI S TR1LY. C IIRN D LiN, L. D. Graduiate of the Royal CollaeaOf 1)311111 Surgeons. Ontario. O)FFICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFICE. VTTALIZED AIR. __ New Tailor '1hop Theuedîsinedwha lias beaun carryiug ou l'îe rtrngbusiness in conuactionlwith Maon ryGnds Store 'or a nomberof years bas ccomu,oced busitueas l'or him3el!. at li reac.Kîig St. west, whara hoais prepaî'ad tu make cents' and boys' cuits iu ah thie latest styles, anti aI lowest prices. iFaz tho3e wiuo wisýh to order suite. ha wili carry a full linao! amples inaIl tha newest pa6ttorne. Give hlm caîl. J. T. A L N Fashionable Taiior3 TUE DOI~NION intiuual Fire IusurlInci Issues a gennina "Blauket" Policy te farmerz, isi Class 65 cents par $10 2nd 9 10 ' 1001Tarm. 4 yaarE Srd 1.10 ' '100> Most et West Durham's prominent farmarE_ are ineured in it. R. J. DOYLE, E3q., JESSE TRULL, Esq Manager, 'president, Owen Sound. BowmanvillE, X ag, a god tdiseases cannot E halh wenthe eax is t w he r e * kineysare Dodd's Kidnay c-logg-ed, they are Pilla are used." 7' j SOMt y I deirsriuby a ilosrecep, 0f')k 5 COS e bxo i fr$.o If' You Want a KIss. Thene's a joliy f ro&n proverb Th al je pretty much like Ibis; That a man is haIt in beaven Wben ha bas a womao's kis, But there's danger in dalayiug, And the swoernoss may f onsake it; Sa, I tell you, basbful lover, If you want a kias, why, take il. Neyer lot anothen fellow Steal a mareh ou you ln Ibis; Neyer let a iaugbîng maidan Thaees a royal way tu kissiuig, And the jo]iy once who osake it Have a msotto that le winning- Il yen want a kiss, wby, talte it. Auy foui can face a cannon, Anyb.ody wean a cnown, But a man muet wiu a woman If be'd bave han for bis own. Wonld yon have the golden appie, You muet fSud the Inea and shake it, If tbe tbiug je wurth the haviug, And yen want a kies, why, lake ib. Who would buru upon a desant, With a forest smiling by ? Who would give Ibis sunny weather For a black and wiuny skyY Ob, 1Itlyuu, thene le magie, Antd you canuol, caunot break i For the sweetest part uf loviug le lu went a kiss andi taeoil. A WI1CH1IN-THE SYSI[EMI Eve Cernington, the bride-aleci, wes a beanty. A aottly tinted skin, satin-smooth andi veineti like the petl of a rosa; tain, fiaffy bain Ihat shone golden hrightlu the sun- light; clear, smiling eyes of Heaveu's own bine, andi innocent rosy lips that luoketi juan made for the tiret kies of lova, were ail blendeti togenher lu a dainty and most ft-, ciuatiug whule. Her mauner was childisb- ly fresi and simple, anti mon tounti bar altegeliser deiighttui. Weil, Eve's :5011:.bIne ayee anti bright littie ways wnougit dira destruction lu the ranks outheb stronger sex, but sha appeaned quite urconscious ot ber power, or indiffer- eut te it. To ail intente and purposes sea bati pnomisad lu rnarry Chanlia Naltisurpa. Hie will was ber iaw, and to please him tise oblat object of ber lie, In short, bis programme ceamatdiun a tfair way to ha car- ried eut. Han total submissioo dalightad hlm, anti ha took every advanlaga of it. It was not lu hlm lu show geuerosity te a womao, or indeeti, te anything ho thoughn weaken chan hilîloîaf. Ha was tise sort ut man who je brutal lu bis doge and herses, anti uver- bearng lu bis sonvants-who, iu short, nynannîzes wheuaven he eau do se withouî fear of retalialion. Hie nature assanîed Isait lu bis dealinge with the womnan ha loveci, aud ha tuuk the keeneet possible pleasure su trading un ber turbearance, tax- iog bar endurance tu the ntmost anti show- ing off ber pliant will and obedieut lamper t0 the world et large. It was ail a part of the systarn that conld net t ail. Ninaty.nine women unI uf a hundred weuid bave tbru thae yetem t0ebratis and scattered t te luthe four wiuds ot hesaen. Bva Carringtcu was the hundratt woman. &ho eubmittedtienueverytbing witb the moet remankehie patience, and nu word of complut or reproacb ever passad han, But after a isme she grew quieler, and ber bu igbt spirits seed tu fiag. Han mnerry. gînlish laughner wae nul nearly as roady as it bat been ssx mothe ago, auti the cornorsout er prctty rnouîhbhegan nu droop wiijb a wistfnl expression thal was paîhetie enougilsnu luch the arendasîo! masculine hears. Chaniie's fnieuda ail noticeti tha change, and coinrunteti upon it asoong Ibemacîves, anti eppia t nubîrna va lad solecîsun of opprobrieus epinheta, Lord Dolly Dashb woti diaplayeti a surprisiug ainonon of fluency ouribhesobjeen. " Bcastly ced. No idea how ewu treet a woman. Uught te ho horsa-whippati, don't you kuow. Shall bave tu cnt hlm, by Jos'e ! Wouldu't teke a tiver from hlm nuw if hae odered it. Can't stand this sort uftnhing,yonkseow. Bayonti Thus said bus lordsiîip, and a gooti deal more tbat wonld net look well on paper. Cherlia wenn on givung bis patny an- rogauî.e full play,unbîl, as wae unly nu ha expeeteti, thioga came lu a cuiais. The wouder was they had net dune su long bof ure. On the occasion ut Lady Brown.Jones's hall ha weut the lenglh ut torbitiding bis filecee to dance round danees wiCi aîny une 'but himsif, and,, Ibougi she receiveti hie commandae without a murmur, ber soul rose in passionate revoit agaluet biâ tynanny. Tisis lasl test that ha bad devisedseemeti te bier the worat of ail]. As a malter of tact, she bad eubmitteti paniently lu fan barder unes ; but weaail know the temale cepacity for swailowing a qamnel and sîraining at a guet, and Eva was nu lacs suconeistaun than the rosI of ber tex. The goal stock lu bher throet and Wban tIse bail was hait uvan Lord Dolyl put in au appeerance, anti ai that moment Bye b appenedtelu hasitting, quito alun e. Chanlie hati leftnber ton e minute or two tu speaektu a friand, antieaws, lookîug wistfully et lIse maze ut couples thet ne- volveti hofone bar. Lord Delly matie etnaighitfon han. "'Nut dancing, Miss Carringbon ! Luck for mna, by Juva . Ripping waitz, Ibis. Have a ýr Ha stîuekoutbis ahbow snviingly, but Eva turneti away, biting bier hip. "othank you," she auswered lu a iuw tu, "I an'dane ewith yen, Lord that? Wbat's up ? Nut ll, ara yen,? Nlt1 cross witb mne-ah ?" Eva sbook lier heati. "INo. 1 arninul 111 on cross, but-buit I bave promisati (herlie oniy tu walt îz with hlm. Ha doesu'I like tu sýe me weîltzing wiîb othen mn. Lord Delly chukodl down a iorcile ibut inalegaul rienank, clearati hie thnuat ,ae- lentiy, and rau hie fingera îbrough b]is hein. The twe latter proceedinge w(ýe siga 0 saatemental tieturbauce. Thera was a slighî pause. "Aud ha dlances se awiully batiiy," Eva wont ou, wiîb a quear littho catch in ber breatb. "Ho can't waltz a bi t-nut a littie weebit, Hle-hulde you alwrung." Hon voice quiverati anti broko oui the lest wurd, anti abs looketi up aI the man by bier aide wltb grean teentul eyes, like furget-me-nots dnuwned lu due. That look finisbed it. Lord Doiiy was only a man "lBeaanly ehame'"lhe said burriedly. "Corna with me. rÇice and quiet eut on the veranda. A fsllow can telk thora, dou't yen knew. Coma along 1 And Eva weul. Chanlie N2lîbrope wae hnistliug -witb ectraged, pnîdeaend woninded sel.aslem wheu hae wentlu pay hie custumery vieil te Eva un the eiay following Lady Brown- Joues's hall. The tact that Eva couId tfor- gai benssîf lund the respect that wasý due tu hlm su fan as te ail ou the varanda witb Lord Delly ton haît an bour had beau a, savane bluw te hlm, andi ha bad nul yen recuveneti trom the ebock. She was neadiug when hae went :.utu the nuom, but as laid hien book aside an once. "lOh, Charlie la the yu V' Chanlie tnowned. IlHow uften bave I bold yeu, my dear Eva, Ihat a seit-avident faut nequirea nu aseatiug""'liho seatiun hie must dogumaluc ton e. She ebrugged ber shoisîdens. IlHow often ? Oh, I don't know. A hundreti mas, I dans say. Yen look cross, Charlie." Chanlia fnowued agelu. There wae an intangible someîhiug in Eva'e loue.anti marn er toac was etulwuunt l,)hathons. Somenhiug that hae cuuld naîtmhen dafino non uutierstand, îbougb ha toIt il iustiuc- tively. I 1am nenu cross, Eva, but I arn gnieved -grievad bayund measune. Youn conduct lest niight cansed me acute pain, the more su as as yen axpresseti nu regret tor il But I hope yen ans lu a boîter trame et mind tu-day, and ready tu say yen are sry ton what yon did. Until yeu bava due se Ireaily don't tesi thai I can kies yuuu."1 Chenils fully expecteti that Ibis stis- pendons Ibreat wonlti neduca Eva lu the lov'eat dapihe ot daspain and bring bier, figuraîively speaking, tu ber kueee; but for once hae waa ont in hie calculatione. Sha drow np lbar sleudar figura anti puretiea nosy lips, witb an air thal made hlm teel vagnely neasy. Was ht possible, hae wun- tiered,that aseinlendati te defy hlmn? Yes. Han next wontis proveti thal il wae gu. III amrnou sonry," as said, "nul a bit. L amn glad. I would dos in agaîn." Chenils gaaped. The situation was go nnluokad ton ttal lie could net nise tu it all aI once. "As- for kïsaing me," ltva went un, wstb e litile, tietain ful moue, "lwell yen will neyer have the chance et doiug Ibal again, su you ueeti nul excite yuselt." Cbanîlo tound luis voice thon. "You une beiking a anndur nuow, hae saiti sevenely, "'a bati babilt a, 'ist wbich 1 hava always warned yout. Will you ho kîn1 enongb lua xplain yoîsnself ?' Eva tiltet iber amali no-e jr the air aud1a; horrible tioubt snddenly assailet i hm. Wlas thene-couidti Ibre hc a hitch lu the i'ntali. ibis system atten ail? The tboughî appali. ati hlm. "Oh, cerlainly." Eva answenad. "I au do il lu a veny tow werdes. Lord Doliy proposedtial me lest uight, anti I accapteti bini - Chanlia gaspeti again. "'But yen ara engagoti lu me, " ha cjao. ulaleti. Io Yn muet ha mati. You ecan't saniouaiy contamplana nhnowing me uvar for Delly Dasbwoti? The thinges im- impossible I She looko t an mant i sriiet. Ilucnradihia as il may seem lu you, 1Ildu cuitIs rplate il." o'But-but--but," stammareti Chanlie. "thia le vsry-en extnaundiuary babavior un yonr part, Eva. Ana yen awaro that yen propose lt.a rnie iin s limaI diehion. urable way, anti-anti-en-lu shunt, very, bedly ?"' Rer face grsw grava. I aboulti ha sorny te du tisaI," asesaiti more gennly. "I -I don't want te hie dis. honorable, or lu Inean you hadly, Charia. But 1 arn only buman, anti no uns but my- self knuws wheî I hava guna th rougb lu the 3lest tew munthe, Yen have Irisa me lue b ard, h was vany tond ut yen et une lima, anti if von bat rsaîti me tainly I abouit have beu fond of yen stili. But you woulti waar ont a saint-anti I arn only a wuman. I dun't tbink Lord Dolly will ha b ard on me. Ha may nul havery bnilliaun, but et alavants haus a man-the sert ut man wa cali a gentleman-anti kuows how lu ha genenous aveu lu sncb an altegetbar interior creeluna as a mena wumao." 3Sha pansati anti looketi criticelly et ber nejeeted i ven, who Duw prasenltid a trnly pitiable appeaance with ail the stercb The mosi honorable deatb lu Chine is by stranunation, anti bigb officiels condemneti. to teatb receiva theur sanîseices tnorn the ampeorr in the shape o! a ilken corti wiLh 'which tbey bang Ibemeves. As recently as 1861 the Japiiese miniser ut foreigu, aïdainesusolernniiytiaemnbuwaleti im Pi l t he presance ot hile rotnenoe use tha( guvermeunretusetýýI o -adopl bis pic wviih egrdtefunigu uaiesitieuts. TIIE BASHI- BAZOOK. DRIVING BACK THE SEA. Tisousansis oI8quae M il ,es Eeiisàg Ralaluis- The people ut Hulleuti have undertakon egigan tic work by means ut whicb they aspect lu racuvan the langer part uft he terrubuny nuw coveneti by the Zuyden Zea, the iniant 8e cf the country, anti turnuil again int a fertile tarmîng region. It le uuw ju1b five centuries aines the fobundatiun uftIhat part ut the Netheniautis now cuvereti by the Zuyticr Zea wes cosnpleti, the eneroaebments ut the sea, baving beau going ou fon 225 yeans, pneviuus lu whicli lime the lennituny was cuivenoti with toesas. By the muaI alupesîdous axanliens about 3'50 square miles ut eountrny bas alneatiy beau necoveneti hy au elehorae adike syeIem WhiCh blas grad ually ,eclaimeat section atten section than wes lusI, but thsa îew acharna transcenda the provious work lu exteul anti importance. The nowna eft he negio',whicb hati becorne ut conaierabla, importance as seapurts îbrengh the brnging ofthtie water ut tha ucoan 10 thair doons, have mest con- sitierable ut that importance lhrough the difficulties ut navigation anti the transter ut the Irade nu the North Hollanti Canal anti the Y Ship Canal, whieh connecta the meînopolia with the ocean. On this account the remuante ut comesirce are nul worth as mucu lu the îowus as the counry wonlt ha ae t ni la eclaimeti, anti tharetora thana la ganenal acquisacence lu the plan te driva the ocean out. Ou' ace'onnt utthe greal cuet it wili ha distnihuleti ovan a peniotiofuthtirly-lhrea yaars, ou as nu meke t sa oppressive anti tu maka the henefits gradually hear tbeiný suaeaou the expeose. A colossal sea. w'eu le firsl nu hba buiînt rurn North Hollandti n Enlealanti, sbnnning ont the bides ut the ocean. This wail will be 216 foot witie an the hase andt Ie top will hoavneosi teet aboya these lavai, whîlealaing tIe imuer aida and ti esame distance below the top wîll ba a track witia auough ton a wagon roati anti a nailway. Aflar thie sea is hannet ouns the incioseti space te o b'reclaiîuetiwill inclos within sepanata emhbukments tour ancas cuntaining in the aggîogata 7530 square miles. One ut these anoas will ha tirat draineti by punspiug thse waten ovar the erbnhako'eut, thse waten fluding ina way ou lIhe sea thnough the main ebausiel, anti as thse ebiaiiwen pontions becurne expucedt tey wil ha anccassfully brooght under cultiva- tien. Il is calculs lad that wlthsn Ian yeane 25,000 acres can ho matie annually evailahia, anti it t.he andtei selanti sea willl ha neducedt n a channel abount tifeen miles witie calladtheIbaYaselmoen, eornmunieating wiîh thbe sa hy loeke abn ieringan, with Amsterdam by e hrancb tbrea miles wide anti by enothen with the mounb th fthe Yssel. The plan bas receivadtihte sanction et the govarurnu anti the engciosars prunoune il feasible. New Phase of Heredityr. "Not many peuple will agrea witb me, parbapa," saiti e man yeserday, "but lu additGn lu pansons inheriting tilseaseseI lblnk lhey outîsu lubenil the semae tata. For instance, I have seau large f amilles ut sis- tare nearly ail ut wbum bacame witiuws, anti lu louking back a genaration on su ht wilii ha ounutithal wiiowbooeaaly lunlita becama the tale of thain anuns, motha anti graudmoîhars. I beard a friand remark, lue, that deathe titi nul happan vary otten lu ber tauiiy, as al livedti lu haquits olti, anti, alîhough the family wes nu'naroue, tisoy ranelyneedati the services of an untiar- laken. Another tluing in Ibis semae lins ut thonglil is the tact that ons individuel will, bhava the atality ut haviug the aseakinti ut accident beaal hlm rugby along." The Stinkpot In War. The aliukpot as an imuplernaLt fwartare will, il le expactati, suon make ite appean- anca lu the Jepanesa-Chinesa war. Wben a slinkpot is tbruwn on huard a huatItIn arnaîl la au, horrible than tbe crew have te jurp np m lIe sea. I is saiti the ChinEe bava invantati a way ut iring sîinkpols trom modern cannon. On a Business Basis. The baukar waa taelking bu a hachalun brokar about bis fture elala, su bu speak. Il Why don't yuu get marrieti? " ha lu- quineti. "Yu've gelrnuy enengh." I Ipresuime 1 bave ; but yuu sea h bte no stock lu matrimony." IlPshaw ; ihet ioen'I makeanay tiiffar- suce.", I thlnk il makes a greel tisai." 610t course iltidoes'," insietedth Ie ba-aker. IlDon'i yen vany ottan meke a mighly guodt hing by assîîrning the bonds ut e cunceru vy -woultin't taesstock lu untier any stancs? The h ln't lookeat it inlutIsa lighlt hale ok the proposition und _______ ig the Problemi. Vuman aarsilpuéhing Iheir w a li in d u stries." -at's su. I have jual beau dis. CI l' ake way ton 'a woman." ? Wel ! weill! What anc you lu meirry tlic womi," SANDSTORMS IN THE DESERT. One or ille %Weostii'axuues îEuuaesssteresl by the Traveltler. Thea sanium gonanally lests trous tan lu tlsirîy minutes, anti is trequeutly accum panieti by e heavy rainteil. A aamum wiîh sncb a downpour was encounlereti by Robits ou EaseenMuntiay, Apnil 12, 1879.1 The air was leaticu. The winti changeti te a terrible hurricane. Rubite adt hi lent, whicb waa the langeai ut the caraven teken tiuwn anti crewled untiar the canvas, ewaiting the " bride ut the tiesa-t,"as the BAdtinn celle the aarnum. The aturm ha- caine fiancer anti iercer; lhick clonda et which yau ceulti nul tell wbeîher lbey wsei senti un messes ut ataam, eircied wllb terri- bls velucity ovar ths e easufthtIs revellers; s, cannonada ut thundar vibratadth 1e eartb. Once lu e while ynn heard the cracking et e palm as tbestorm broke itilu wo. Then -tha sturm littedti he lent like e helloon, anti fu trakse theconfusion perfte a in cama down il u scb evolume thal e tew seconde suifficadti lu rench to the skin. Then as if my magie, il becarme wontiarfully stili andthIe glunieus sun appeereti aguin lu the pnreslt anti bînean ut athers. anti lIe puwanfnh tropical raysasoon dnisti avory. nhsig. Winhonb a doublea a mîîm ia une o! lb' wurst piagnas ut these.rert. Ih waake msan anti beast, andthbIsa atatidustÂi are tiniven hefure it force thais we3' tbnougn the emalleen creviee anti thiekest covens, anti parmeata meutb, nose, anti cars, but not lu scb quentinies thaiel by canuol ha gatrnidoutwith the greaneseaase. Tua vary funsai aand aveu terces its way loto watcbes, but noue of t nwil ait Jocae aman un animal, though one aornstsiuue.4 ears Ihal il unay. A samum aven su seveno righl cuver a whole caravan ithli a heavy peu ut dusl anti sant,but il 'soulti navan throw up snob rnuunîeins ut senti as to hury a whule caravan. Thisu la only one ut tisa many tables outhbbcdesent. Tiiese seneenurma may. ib is rus, becume tiangeroîsa tu traveilers, but iii a quibe ut- tenant inanner. The stock ut wener ut a carevan is genenaliy cenniat inluguatskins. Thay ana nut particulanly gouti nesenvuina, bowever, for they seun aluow au enuomons quanlity ut thaîr coulants nu ev porate, a nasuit ut the extraordinery htat tIsaI a santi- sîunm brings witb it,. Thiseovapunation nuw anti thon takas snob propu-ntiona thiat a whoie caravan might die outhtirst es;)eially wheu the but saotisîurm bas tinietiupaili the apninge anti puols o., the way. An AfPlean Idyl. Beck Alley. Ah, dar ling, I coulti sit lu Ibis grapa-vins boraver Ialing you ry bountileas lova, anti- A LIFE SAVED BY TÂXING CHERRY 'Several ycalrs ago Icaught a severe eold, attenfldiwliisterildnmuu1 1ataliowed ume no rcsu, either dyor night. Thue (100- ti, rnounwed m at oes .A friand nig 0f ng trouble, sent me a bottin oý) Ayr' herry Pectorýal. BIy the Urne I1lxad usled the whole boîle, a ope~, cured, andn 1believe it nvdm ie" Il ARD, 8 Quimby Ave., Lowe 1, Mass. Ayer's Cherry Pectora1 Eighest Awards at World's ~i, Ayer's PIS ethe Rest .Family Irhyeit,/ -VRSALE OR RENT.-House and FL lacres for sale or to resut. situate on SouRog street north, The prenilses conast of a Rond house with every conveulence, driving shed, stable, etc. Tue zarden contains a lot of the choicest. fruit of ail varleties. Immediate possesonl can be given. For particularR arDl:p t... - iTT nRi owmanvilln Ont 9r THE CANADIANSIATESMIAN ESTABLISHED i8 $1 Per annsm lu afvance, oCher wi8e . 1. Subseriptions always payable at the ofllii 3M Publication. Advertisinu, ratei îsuloQi3 by i-ns ract, 10 cents per lina, nonparie J tirst iniaeri on, andi 5 cents p 3r lice each aubsequeat u fertion. LocalB, 10 cents par lune, M. A. JAMES, Publishsr Page Coil Sprng Feuce. The oniy mnaîtar of expansion and contraction. A full stock of' Farm, Garden, Lawn andi Otuamental Fence always in stock. OndArs solicited and particulare given, or illailod un application, by l A. W. FOLEY, Box 148, BowmauiIiae )ot,, Sole deaier, whoiesale and fty'pilfor Couritby of Durnham and-Eaet Wbîttsy. TRS ai(OtGRET oiat rurnUpllY Cures Çvhane all oîbere fail, Cougbs, Croup Bore 'Flreat, Huersenece, Wh *pn Çougiu anai fthatm. For Cousuime!p tin iahs ne rival- bas cunedti ousanIs, ant i wliCURE TOtO taken in lime. SlI by Druggiats on a guat- aubes. Fer a Lame Peack or Cheat, ilse BRILOI-18 BELLADONINA PLASTEP.25, Iïava youCanamni? This remedyis gisaran. teedtlecure you. Pr!e, 50 cli. Injectorfreeo For sale by Stebi & Jury.é Not Awed By His Grace. When the Duke of Marlborough visiîed Ainerica ha stoppefi at ona of New York'a swell butais. Ou entening the dming-room une eveniug ha was seatad at a table op- posite oua occupied by hait a duzen Harvard studants. Calling the waiter the duka asked for a menu card, and ex- claimed, on looking it over: '"le that ail? Vile-simply vile! Wina list, waitr'" Alter scauuing the wiue list ha made the same ramant lu louder toues attract- iug the attention of the studanîs, nuneof whom immadiately called: 'I Waitur, menu," andon glaucing at the card remark, ed "la that ail?«Vile-simply vile !"Anothef calied for the wine liai, leoked tor with dimgustinsu very word, mmbcî(- ked: -la that ail? Vile-aimpiy vile!" The duke tuned angrîly in his chair, and~, ad- d&essing the atudeuta iu baugbity toues, said: "Are you aware, gentlemen, you are mocking the Dnke of Marlboropg',ý? The six Harv'ard studasatz looked antt ,ther iu udisguisad disappointinant, exolaii in chorus: "je that aIl? Viie-siuïply vilo.0 wbila tise roons rang with iaugbner. The(lerman Impansai budget is neýw4ixac at sevan huodrod and savout y-fi ve millioni maîks, sasrcnty millin maks aoathe budget of lait yoan. T a addii s sc- counted for by thaenrasddma ,of the army and aaF.&V 1' x J- j