Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Dec 1894, p. 1

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4, ~s~7 N TERMS :-$1.50 PERt ANNUJM. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY EIRST; TiEE WORLD AFTERWARDS. MV. A. JAMES EDITOR, AND IPROPRIETORý. NEW SERIES, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARJO, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12,1894. VOLUME XL. NUMBER 50. JOHNSTON & RYDERMAN Show a large and choice assort- ment of usefu.l and orna- mental goods suit- able for OOZMIiE~ZE? IG Ladies Fur Capes, Collars and Muffs, Ladies German-made Coats, Gloves, lVitts, Hosiery, and Gait-, ers, Five O'clock Table Cloths, Table Napkins, Tray_ Cloths and AIl tbat was neortal of our late esteem- ed reeve, William Powell Prower, whose spirit passed peacefully away at Ply- mouth, England, Nov. 16i, was laid at rest in the family plot in or beautiful cenet- ery on Thursday 6th inat , the f uneral cortege being one of the largest and most represèntative of aIL clas-es of the corn mun ty that bas ever taken place here. The day xvas ahl that could be desiroul for the pub ic obsequies of c e who bcd done [so snuch to make the lives cf those who knew hirn more cheerfl-it was eue of those biiglt, aunshiny, - slrn's,, ludian suinner d. ys that seemed te shed hope sund cheer jute the sore aud sad hearts that.had been bereftcf a devoted husband, lo'.inu fathtrraud genial and genereus friend. earth wh;lere we are iupresssd with his overuling severeiguîty sud providence, where we feel that bis wl ja suprerneand that evoýr and 8teadily he will carry -for- ward bi hs purposes,it js in the presence cf death oniuc an occasion as this. fiers we sýe, thle ?uothingness of earthly mîght, cf buman ,trength. Disease cornes on with adet teps -aud unsuspected pro gre-sa, ;nd scon fixes tis grasp as tu set at naught borîumn wishes and defy the skill cf tbe wvisest ph 'ysicians aer 4% as we gaze, we feel ht, almost tangibly we feed it, that Goýd I, that ha does Ilis wid, in the armiies cf heaven, aud amoug the iuhabit- ants cf thaeaerth, and that noue can btay bisý hatid, or aay to'him, what doest Tânu? We ;iear a voice echoing, "Be still,, and k-now that 'L am God." "Thýy Seat wilI be Erpy." We have al resd cf tho Roman Ei,,orerý whc, te reclaiw a miser, ma.rke., ouahîr with a Lpear a space cf grouuid large enough for hie bodJy, and then maid te bîm, -Now go on, aid( add wealth te weslth, snd riches te richeps, sud yet in a fejw short days this is s11 that wiIl be yours." Aund otten tou, have we heard cf the meruorable monarch, who, a fter slmost superhuman cenquests, conimandd with his dynsg breath th-it his shrc-,ud be berne alof t, through his arn3ies, with the soleuin and affectionate mesg, This is ail that remains cf Sýa]adin iihe Great." And the saine ching- Godidcîg-dingwith Almighty authot' ity and pewer; the -sanie message he je echoîng nmerely te a solitary inidividual but te tie armjica c f the nations. sud r thuo Vory ends cif the earth. Front the psst R,-e turn te the present, Ail arouud us Mrawoa are uneninv mnumnnevnar as te history. The Voltaires, sud Painies THE ,UaNDiERTAXEs' A--r,c',i, -1;. aud Byrcus, cf past dasaare stîi Ileading tecerovidcaUd be anikcAi ,. pt 1 1,i r. acters in the great drama cf ife. Their Levi M~orris, fcera! direcrnto' Ii ciiircsin, ens inounients stand thick aleng the rcaditwe of the vic re ieiderut, and the s-o'i , 1,ii t- esnt, are travelling te iumcrtality. They live cd by the followinz ntemnsbra Mes, - ohn C1}ros,, Beliecille, B. D. Humphrey, Tornoruro; iio bý re- in ail theit sentiments and meveinents 1 questasgistcd rMri;Richard tto,coocrc which are hostile te Christiauity. 'Ne 1itdmond, Erookliti; P'. Luke, osbi _:Oscr S,, t John Waddell, Orono; tianiet Adi,, -Nt, ci;R canuot gather up or influience wheu me Itaterson, Hamupton, snd Frank Mminamnille. corne t dis, site take it with us. We Mr-. Geo. Grahain represent d Messrs, l'bill, Ec- cannot bury Our examples wîth or bones kardt, whoiesaie undertakers, Toronto. in the, grave. We cannot take back our 1Ti, E PALL BEARIUSn wer~, ahlin ourseninsrtî, bet ut The pal] bearers selccted by deceased acre Mlessrs. Wordý, ail n yur sntients blt- ot NF. MacNachtan, counnU clerk; Alex Fe)rgutson, Or deeds, sud se put an end te cor moral reste of Millibroolu: L. MoSail, deputy vrvee i ope heing orp earth. The grave shal. receive 1W. F. Allen, deputy reeve af On,, mas, lie, Ueo. Mc the body ouly; the livznrte wcrld the' char- GiIirhnrac nal Btk tdJme Ilat acter, examcle sud principles. Dead, The employes occu pied a separate car- Dead, Dead! "Yet he Speaketh" Inage and included Mr. F. W. Vanti, The Ernpty Seat reminda us that at business manager; 'Nill arn Nichols, fore- deaîh's biddiug wu must sooner or later man rtndertakiiîg branch; John Denuet, leave Our place on earth. Te every man who took the caket te Enigland aud a certain sud detinite time t8 given iu broight the romains home; iFrank Mit- which to furmuîsh his course. It is record, chell and John Noble a former workman. ed cf John the Baptist that ho "filled bis' course." Wu wili die,says the Soriptures, Rogsepres ts froSens cf Englsad sud are as water sinking loto the grouad, ldges ptene presentofrein Whitb,Newba. sud returniug ne more. Our lives rol oun a aotn lektc,(ruNw ike rivers. 'We nmay be renowîsed or oh- casPtle, Newtonvjlle sud Port Hlope, wqho score, 'Ne may become benefactors, or with the menibers (if Weilington Lodge, scorges te our race; Our existance may Bwtavle wle bes bu 5 he clear and bright, or, dark sud turbul- strong, Mr. John N, Kivell, 1P. P., being eut;but e mashal. The Oidfellows' lde repre- ntbu oeach a period isallotedi after snedwre"'ty shw.,Boolu whicli we are confined in the tomb. Tîrne sne eeWibOL ýi rol ia short, says the apostîs, the longest lifa otHp u oor v¶ 0 tem wbat tas it ,? My das," Pays Job, "Are sud wero rnarshalle i by Bic. E L. Wýelsb - swifter than a podt, they are passeà awa The Ro)yal Arcanui b eeaded thepc ession as a shidtw, ' Rernember bow short visitera being present front Cohouurg sud thytîm la" ciesthePearnit, BehldPort Hope. Tbey bad ne mars, al. tbou hast miade oeýv days as a haudbreadth,ý As the procession passEd op Ku St. attd my age is tioîfti 1ii,( before thes. as fori both aides were blocked the Chtiurelugth min, bhis days are as g. îss '; in tho nieruing ùf the street with au immense erod f it lia greenici the mver.inz (t- la eut t-downpeople, the stor< s ail homo closeui Tha na<bo~s uve: ud cjualities. ýr uoat AIL K. troai that timc until thse hirorfetserv ce how ieyvrodinito .meiory. ? o eat Ie cea',th tthe rig-hîeous ila a esirable ' waIle'î çw a ce' tia-dthroiîg cf people pass d mac i, une w boss lIife proves him to Iîa ve oah. ,edie-, with onemoral rernorse, a spotîes through 'ho churcli te view the features en -cgzeo. neterriblefoboan, ut with a peacef ol lowered cf (eethey bad ktîowu ewh. Pepe 1e Lsekc irn as aalinu consIcWie nsd agm mahp. hsli c foaipats of the ridiug, old sudyooug le i îueoamij,ï'tuiî< i I fe~ iotc--~~b-oe~b d afe, thocase BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12,1894. VOLUME XL. NUMBER 50. -1 .

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