Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Nov 1894, p. 4

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Ba by Wants It. Martin 's FOR INFANTS ANSD INVALIBS. The most palatable food preparei', and is unequalled by aux otherpreparaticu of its 1 md.' The best food and the hast value, put up in one pound Tins, price 25 cts. per Tin. So/d R czil by alDu gi/sad Grocers and W/olesale by KERRY WATSON CO0., PflOPRIETORS (1) 0NIEL MiRS. DONCASTER bas remov- ed to the store lateiy occupied as the "Sun" offce where she will open ber exhibit of Fail and Winter Millinery on Friday and Sàturday, Sept. 21 and- 22. There will be the grandest display of Pattern Hats and Bonnets ever shown in Bow- manville. Ladies are cordially in- vited te eall and inspect our new stock -which has been carefully selected for the benefit of the public. Our stock includes Feathers, Birds, Flowers, Iiibbons, Velvets, and ahl the iatest novelties for Fall and Winter t'rade. Hats cieaned and re-shaped inu ah the latest styles. Orders taken for Robinson's Corsets, ÎIs MR.ONCASTERI BOWMrÀŽVILLE, INov, 21, 1894. TRA.DE REVIEW AN'D OUT- LOOK. Farmers, butter -and cheese dealers, 0n i others mnterested in the produce niaets should subsoribe to a good trade jouýrnial it pays te vchthe market ,iepoý rta frein week to w, ek and a few dol- larsêare eten saved or made by knowing whe-_n to buy or seil. The Trade Bulletin, p)ublishefi in the Board of Trade Building, Monrreal, is one of the best jeurnals of its casas iii Canada. The price is $2 a year. W e raproduca a few paragraphs froîn last wsek's issue: It is stated by knowing men in the trade at Montreal that three- fourths of the Manitoba crop la finding its way to the seaboard via Buffalo, New York and Boston. Mutton continues to be a good trade in England. The import fromn Can- ada bas showu a remnarkable development and if shippers have on]y benefittefi to the extent their eularged exporta would seen to indicata, some recempense mav be hiad for the generafly poor character cf the beef trade thïs season. The London, England, correspondent writes, Oct. 6: One of the biggest Omni- bus Cos in London has contracted for a large supply cf Canadian hay. Butter is worse than dluli as English buyers have daveloped an obstina, e t end- ancy and will net get in more than they wvaut for immnediate requirements. Canada beatB the world in cheese, as far as supplying Euglish tables is concern- ed. No other country whence we draw supplies can get anyxxhere near lher trade with us in th s respect, save the Uuited States; and Canada, se far as t4e yêar has gene, beats the United States by 105,754 cwt., the dec4rad value being £300,000 more in value than that for the States cheeý e imported. The Home and Forein Produce Exchange, London, pricEs range from 50 to 53s for Canadian fi ne te fiuestý States a shilling under for strictly fancy. Canadian appýsa are coming to London. Brokers still say tbere is a good market here. Receivers are complaining of the quality of Canadian arrivaIs, sales berng of a disastrous character Shipmeuts cf soft apples are a great iitake. During the past f ew weeks satisfactory accounts have teau recaived from Eng- land cf shipuaints cf hay made by parties here. one shipper declarin)g that if the makton tihe othar ide continues as favorable as it bias doue dnring the past month hie w iii be perfectly satistied. Seles of Canadian No. 2 hay have beeu made in Lo, don at 72s 6d te 75s par ton, -vhich gave fair returns, as the fvight wstakeu at a comparatîvaly iow figure; buté at tht se figures it is said shippers cau- neot pay ever $7 00 or 87.25 par ton alongauide slip. The Daily Globe bas beau showing a commendable spirit cf fairuesa te beth polit.cil parties in raporting meatings cf the London coutest. Iodaed, tha Globe inder present management is a model uewspapar, sparing naither effort nor ex- pansa in procuring and publishing reports c)f ail currant avants. Conch, Johnston & Cryderman are ishowing a fine stock cf really flrst-class quahity in ail the lateat stylas cf Ladies' Fur Capes in Greelsnd Seal, Grey and THE DEAD.1 MR. W. P. PRîowER, REEVE. Although net unexpected,. the cable- gram from Mr. W. Ramadan cf Liver-. pool, Eugiand, te IMr. M. D. Williams Friday mcrning, INov. 16, came witb awful sadness snuounciug the deatb cf Mr. W. P. Prewer, undertakar sud for- niture desar, cf Bewrnvilla. It wil ba remernbered by or readars that Mr. Prcwer, Mrs. Prowam, Miss Prower sud- Master Willie left for England ou Aug. 24 asat lu the hope that s ses voyage sud sjouru in bis native ]and would have a baneficîslý influence on Mr. Prow- ar's baaltb whicb baed beau failiîg for over a year. Contrary te expectatieus, the rasult was disappontinent and deatý,. The madical practitionars consultad ln Canada wara net definite in their dîag- nosis cf bis alIment, but the ageral ha- lief searnad te peint towards Brigbt's disease. Complications thera rnsy hava beau, but the pronotincement of Dr. Alexander cf Plymouth, Engiand, was that it was a cancarous turner lu the chest undar the breasat plate. Whau toid cf the nature of the disease sud that bis end was near, ha cbled te Mr. Williams te sand Mr, John Denett, bis workrn, by the firat steamer to Eugland with a malalliecssaket sud ernbalrning fiuid. The mquest waa acquiescefi in sud Mr. Dan- nett reacbed tira ernoe cf Mr. Charles Prower, brother of the deceasad, il Bal. grava Tarrace, Mutley, Plyrnouth, Devon- sbire, it la supposad Wedueslay baera the spirit ef his master passed away. No Caîpdiau passengar steamer laaving Englsud until to-mcrrew, 22ud mt, Mrs. Prowar sud family weuId not start on their moiurnu ciomeward jcuruey until te-day. What a draary, serrewful voyage it wiil ha for tha beraaved family ! Thara la simost a distrassing sadesas about a deatb occurring se far away frum oee shbere, suad we ara sure ail whe knew the famîly wil sympathiz3 most siuceraly wtb thein in their teribiy sad bereavement. Mr. W. Vanu wbe bas had charge bas deerned it prudent te carry on the undar- tsking sud f urnitura business here as usual until the raturu cf the faruily who are expactad te reacb home about Dec. 3 or 4.'1 Sermon to 'Young Men. Rev. R. D. Fraser, M. A., gave a special sermon to young men in St, Paulsa cbcurcb on Sundsy evauîug last. subj ect, "Athleties," frein the taxt,-'The glory of youug min is their strangth" Prov. 20, 29. Ha bagan by recslliig bew high a place the succesaful aibi 'ta hsld lu au- cieut Greece, nexit to the very gode ibein salves, sud to the pepuiarity cf athlatic sports amengstoursalves. "Are thesa te ha comnirded or ccndernued ? said the speaker; sud lu reply hae sbowad thai athîlesiports bava their origle lu the ex- uberant steugtb cf young men sud in their desime to axcal. Se long as tiey lollow thase lices, tbey ara as much te ba comnîerdad as the wboiesome pîsys cf chilciren for the saine reason, that they tend te develoea what la goed; but that, wben tbey flu into the bauds cf mare eiprofessional,"~ or becoea sebois for berticg sud garnbliug, they are injurions. He than referred to wider aenas in wbich the couteat fer succeas in 111e ila waged, sud for tha developint cf charactar; sud lu wbich chîvaîrie work for the Haavanly Master is doue. Sncb contesta wera ernphsticaily for the youug, whoae vital powars are ai bigh tido, stffieare stroug lu self relisece sud courage sud lu "the migbty bopas that niake us men" sud in noble and generous impulsas. Succeas lu auy or al cf thearaenas in- tiouad dapauded on ihe proper usý3 cf strengtb; sud the sermon closed wîth samucat counisels as te the ccuserving cf strreugh by avoidanca cf f rivoliiy sud dissipation, its increase threegh putting it lu "trainiug" sud its proer use. "Ain bigb," said tha speaker, "entering for the noblest couteat; fight fair, sud go lu te wiu. " Jeasscf Nazareth w as beld forth as the great exampefa f syeung man gloryiug lu bis strengtb sud spend- ing that streugtb te noble purpose. A Clever Mechanie. We take tbis opportonity cf beariug tastirny te mechanical skili sud compet- eccy as a machiniat cf Mm. E. J. Saund- ara, proprieter cf the East End Foundry. A few weeks ago vievient te Toronto te engage a profesaloual nachaîric who tbercngbiy undarstood the intricaîs ma-ch- auîsm cf a Wbarfdala printiug press. Wae found that the cnly in who conld ha racommeuded by the leadiug firm o f machinis tiare fer sncb lutricate work was sbseut lu England sud they did net appear te kuow cf anothar mac lu the city wbem tbey could ssud te, perferm tie job wa wanted done-take dewn the pres. remnove i, to our office sud put it together agalu sud goarsutea satisfaction.1 Further, if vwe waited fer tha man who was specislly akilled lu the construction cf printicg presses, we would hava te psy hlm $5 a day aud al bis expeuses, wici with theaaistane haie would require would coat us auywhere frein $50 te $75. We spplied at oeeof the largeat printîing offices in the city te sec if tbay could rcc- emmeud s comi eteut minu onawho bad had experianca lu ovshalng sud ertet- ing pressas, wtheui satisfaction. We carne home and hafi a talk sith Mm. Saun- dara wbom we knew bad givan great satisfaction lu overbauling sema tcam englues in this district sud hicanpected the machine, aînd surveyed the placei wbere wa wanted it remeved to aud are et- ad. Ha gava us enccumag ment that hae cculd do the werk and backed -up bis confidence witlb a written guarautas 10 do it te cur entirs satisfactio n, sud at a pries that waa excsedîng]y reasenabIe fer sncb reaponsîble sud akilul operation. We feel a great pleasurs sud beliava it a simple set of justice te Mm. Saundars te say tbrougb Tim STATESMAN that lha bas doue the job te eum complets satisfaction aud it woîks ike s charm. We voluntar- iiy sud chserfully bear thi6 testimeny to biesakili as a mechanie sud believe that any werk so entrsted te hlm will ha sat- iBfacteriiv executed. Cornesud osea wbat wes are doing with Tod & Co's Bankrnpt stock, you were naete offered sucb bargains. Notice to Creditors. la the malter of thle EState Of WILLIAM Il. OsEopRNE, cf the Town cf Bowmannille, ie thte Ceeu/y cf Durham, .NerhtJýt. Netes is breby given ihat th esaid William H. Osbornae bas maSe an asargneut tG Frederie Cubiti of lie saiS Town or Rewan- villa, Esquire, of ail bts estateansd affects tn trs o i enetir cf bis creditors. A meeting cf the creditors cf tie satiS Estate will ba balS in tie office cf the uneersigned solicitor fer tie saîd ass'guec. in tis seli Town cf Bourmanville On Faînav tic 21rd day- cf Nov EMBER 1891. et the heur or 2 o'dlock in tie a fternoon, for th aspcoiurment cf inspet- ors aud giving cf directions wîth refemenos te ths dstposai of tic saiS Estate. Al lie creditors are iereby required to fils their clama with the nodersigned sliciter at ai Bowmauville 4as required by tie raviseS Statuies cf Ontari, Cliapter 124) on or ha ore ths 22nd day cf Decesmitr 891. After tiat day ts said Assignes ahilproceed te distriotuta tic saiS estata baviug regard ouly te suob laims as ha or hie said selieitor shah tihen bava notice cf sud ha will no- ha respousibla for lie a Bsets cf lis said Est8te or any part ticreef te auy person or uersous wioes daimi or dlaims shah net tien bave beau filed. DateS ai Bownscville, the 15,,t day cf Nov- ember, 1891. P. BURKE SIMPS-ONý-, cf Bowmauvilie, Solicitor for thîe Assignes, Notice to Creditors. In t/ha malter cf the Estaee ofRICHARD> CLEOPIAS SHORT, f the Teunrship/ ýj cf Darlinyten, in t/he ceunI y f Durhcio. Btacksm ah. Notice is hereby givan that the saiS Richard1 Cepias Short bas maSe an as,lnme,ni t William Cane, of the towc cffBowrnanville, ilu tic Cunuty of Durian It.uire cf ail bis asiatesud effeets, ru trust for the ian-fit cf bis creditors. A meeting cf tic creditors of tic saiS Esiate awill ha bel S lu tie office cf ticunuderaîgned soiciter for the saiS. asignaiu the saiS Tewni cf Bewmanvill, on TuEssuxv the 20th day of NovE3trasa, 1891, et tic heur cf 2 'clock lu the aitemnoon, fo r the apPeintint cf insPecit ors aud eiving of directions xith reference te the disposai cf tic saiS Estare. Alil crediters cf the said Estais are iereby required to file tbeir dlaims witi tase undar- signedSoleicitrr t Bewinanvills, (as rEquired by tie RavisedStSatuies of Ontarto, Chaptar 121,) ce or befere ths day of: suci meeting. Atter tic 201h day ofDecember, 1891, ths saiS assignes wîll proceed te isirihuis lhs saiS astate isving regard oulY to suci damsw as ha or bis saiS solicitor shah tie havente0f aud ha wilnot ir responsible forS east of tire said saai or any part thoracî to asuy person or persous wbose dlaim cm clamai shall net tien bave issu filaS. D. BURKE SIMPSON, of Bowmanvil, Solicitor for the Asign3e. A GREDIT TO CANADA. Tha favorite family newspEr fCn ada is uudcubtedly The Weekly Winassý publisbed by Messrs. John Doq,,s-îl!&, Son, Montreal. Eutarprising iu ail that tende te make a live, up-te-date, c6niplete daily and weekiy cosmopolitan journal, the publishers have beau mont liberal iu their expenditure an.dtEfforts te keAp their journal at the bead cf the proees. sien, and admirably have they succeeded, for among ail the many worthycopt- ors, there is noue better, cleaner or nmore wertby cf patronage, as su sîl round fain- ily newspaper than The Witness. Shouid any STATESMAN reader ha in tche grand oid city cf Montreal, ona cf ithe Bights la a visit te the "XVituass"ofc, which, for internai elegance, cenvenieuce sud completeneas cf equipment bas few rivais auywbere. One's attention is Ar. rested ou the sidewalk by seeiug throâgb a window a Chinauran patientlv turuing a crauk with the air of eue who bas a con- tract for a century of faithful laber, and meaus te fulill it. The Chinaman lan made ci wood aud for steady, patinât, endless toil commend, us te a wooden Chînaman, Making bold te go lu we fied curselves lu au enviable public office witb tiled lber, bot bouse flewers sud what net. Then we were piloted up a spiral stair, tbrough the great editorial reoom, to, the battery cf lînotydes which are the marvel cf the niueteeutb century as Gutenberg's mevable types were of the awakeniuglilfe cf the fifteeuth. The great Hle press cf the 'Wituess," whicbh prints almcst ary number cf page, froim two te thirty-two, ia the very Most coina- plete machine anywhere. Close beside it you are.sbcwn on eaquiry a patch ou thie liber wbîch marks the spot where expiod- ed the famous bomb noe m mths ago, wbîch the Wituess dcc btless owed te its active sud effýctive war againat gamblars; sud bunco steerera, a clas wich by ex- posure sud cievèr caricature it bas man- aged te drive frein the city, or at liesit te deprive cf the open tolerance sudl public freedom which they eujuyed at the bauds cf sympathetic officiais. The stand for Iaw sud erdar taken by the Witness lats2- ly resnited lu an investigation cf the police sud detective systam cf Montreal, which bas reveaied the need cf nsea ev- oiutionary change. The paper is devoted te temperance sud ail geod things. IÈ dlaims te ha indepeudent in politics sud bas certaiuiy oppoaed witb equai viger the Censervative government at Ottawa sud the Liberal MercIer goverrumaut at Q uebec. It is at al averits s dlean fam- ly paper, very carefaily edited sud oe cf the prettîrest in g8t, up sud typography lbat comas te cor office. Want No Otner. Dodd's Kîdnay Pilla ncw Askefi For by avery sufferer front Brigbî's Dîsesse. QuEBEC, Nov. 19-Contemperaiuec-usJ with tbe publication et the latter cf Dr. A. G. McCormick. cf Richmnrod, with re- spect te bis permanent cu7re3fre i rgr diseasa by Dodda'sKidnay Pill, evýe,., druggist lu thïiý city ord ere agecriti supply cf tueailiD ut se ureat bas bi3 the deansd as the rasuir cf this tastimni- il frein se emineut an sutbcrity, that ithe mun bas beau n a xcesa cf the suppl;ýy. AIl other preprietary medîcines bave beau relegated te the sheives and it wcuid ap-1i pear frein the demanda made upont theJ drnggists as if every suffe3rer frein kiduay disease in the country was bound te try the remedy recernmanded by Dr.McCormîck,. I can malie it te your advantage te buy of me if yen will caîl. Maynamd the J aweiiem. RHEU34ATISMrCA-N BE Ct axD.-Hag- yard's Yeliow 011 bas cured Chromec Rbaumatisrn, Stiff Joints sud SwelingaE cf yesrs' dumation aftem ail other mea.ns bali faiied. Iu ail forma cf inflammuatery sud muscular pain it is s -pacific cura. There is mauch in that littie wordl "lnow", especialiy if yeu want a iie WATCH,CLOCK, SILVER- WARE or JEWELLRY, in rings, baît buckles, corsage pins, stick pins, bangle rings only 25c., etc. Give us a caîl and rnspect our nice uawat ck, which we have just pnrchased at very Io % pricea. In env work dapartmaent we always giva the hast of satisfaction or money will ba refuuded. \Va eau do yen any kiud cf a job. Tfff JEWELLER. ISSUER 0F MARRIA GE LICENSES -$2.00- - WEDDING RINGS YOU WILL BY FURCHIASYING A -AT RI COKARD'S He uiow keeps AS WELL AS'[;T Bo-th are first-class machines and ~rcsrigbt. Be sure you cal and, se them for yourself. SThey are simple lu construction, let lu motion, easy te tu, made of h best material, 1ïný71ed lu a výý.orkmain-like manner andmanufac-. tired lu Canada. Sold by T. N. RICKARD, Watchmaiýker, Jeweier and Optician. Neade Block, Bowmanville. Tenders for Supplies, 1895 The undersigned -111 re !,, enders for Suplis u n acu u MNDY, DEC 5M- Bitt 3rd, 15t4,for the supply cf Il tchers'Ma,,, Butier, Floer.Oatmýeal eataCerwod e., fo h olwn ntitutions during the year 1115, iz-tbthe Asylulna lfý-o 1,Iane lu oretoLoden Rjingston, Domlton. MmoBrockvîlle sud Orillia, the Central Prison d Mercer Refcmmaîcry, Tomante; the Refrmmaory for Boys, f'enetangnishoea; he Institut ion for the Deaf sud Dumb, Balleville, sud the Blind at Brantford. Two sufficient surtaties will be required for the due fulimant of cadi centrant. Specifica- tiens aud foremaof tender eau onuly be baa on makiug application te the Bursarao cf iere- s3pective institutions. N. B.-Tenders are net required for the lupply of ment te the Asylums in Toronto, London. Kingston, Hamilton sud imico, uer te the Centfral Prison aud RerormatcrY for Females, Toronto. The lowess or any tender net neeessarily accepted. Ri. CHRISTIE T. F. CHAMBERLAIN JAMES NOXON, Inspactorg cf Prisons and Public Charities, ParUinent Buildings. 47-2w Toronto, Novembar it, 1894. Notice to Creditors'. Li the maiter of the asiate of MICHAEL VINE TRELEVEN, late cf tihe Town cf BeremanvaWe, in the Geolty'cf Dur- hemi, Boot and Shoe Dealer, deoeased. Notice îa hereby given pur suant to the Re- vised Statutres or Ontario, Cha pter 110i, Section 36, an aending sets, tiai ail parsons having claim8 against the asiate of Michael Vine Treleven, late cf thse town of Bowmanvilla, iu the Ceunty of Durhamn, Boot sud Shca Dealer, deceased, whe dieou or about the Pth day or Nevember, AD. 1894.are on or before Moud av. the twenty-fourth day of December. A. D. 1891 requirefi te send iy post prepaid Io Mn. John Peîcey, eddressed Loek Box Number Four, Bovimauville Petit Office, or daliver -te binai bis sbep, Siver Street, iu the saiS town of Bowrnuvîlle, astsatemeut lu writing centaîn. ing thoir naines, addresses, descriptions sud full pariceulars! of therairs anasd demanda sud nature cf the secumitias (if any) held by tien. And furîher notice la hereby given that after the aaîd tweuty-fourti day cf De. carnier, A. »'. 1891, Robert Avery TrelevEn, of the saiS town cf Bowinanville, snd tie saiS John Perey, lia axacutors cf the IsstWill sud Testament et thha said deceased will procead te isiribute lie assets of the saiS asiate srneng the perdons entitled Ihereto hbaving regard only to the obins cf whici the y shail tien1 hava notice, aud ihay will net belhable for tia saiS asiate se distribo lad or any portion ihoea cf to sny person or persons of whese dlaimt or elaims lhev shall net then have notice of. DateS ai Bewmauville ibis twenkty.dmrst day of Novembe,-, A. D. 1894. JOHN K. GALBRAITH, 47-1w Solicitor fer sard Exeeni ors. MAYINARD THE JEWELLER, Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Evening resideuce, Division ,Street, uext eld B. C. church. Variety Hall Bwanile You wilI neyer know tili you bring one here and see how nauch goocinese in Boots, and, Shoes it wîll cover. TREMENDOUS BARGAINS At the old Variety Hall stand. The whoie stock te be sold under cost. Cail and sce the bargains we are offcringo. This remedy lias cured liundreds of others and should cure you too if used regurvý ly as directed. If you ha-ve Catarrh wo wlll liet you use the Germicide Ir and give you enougli medici-n, st ten days FRE'. TESTIMONIAL, 1(nox College, Trno Was cured in a few weeks cf Catarrh and Catarrhal Deafniess by your treatmenit. You eau pub]ish my testimoniaj1. (-Rev.) 1H. BO CHEMISTS and DRUGGISTS, lBownmanville This is the word that expresses the wondcr.-ful success that we are having in our new style of doing business, Nz., CASH AND ONE IPRICE ONLY. When we entered on this venture we did it as an experiment and ragainst the advice of some of our friends,but we are more than satisfied with the resuit. We feit satisfied that the common sense uic hecom ninty would bacýk us up and that they wouid see the immense advantage te theru of paying cash and getting value for the money spent. We -are not getting long credit prices. We seli everything close, as close as possible. It is hardly necessary to quote prices our bargains are scattered ail over the district. If you have not been fortunate erough to secure any of them yourself, your neighbor no doubt bas; see them, for seeing is beliîeving, or what is better, give us a cali and we will take pleasure in showing you our goods and prices. Everything is marked in plain figures and everybody pays the same price. We have some very beavy and warm Men's Frieze Overcoa- t. We are selling them cheap. We have nice Grey Fur Caps, Lamb ýLoods, and Tams' for ebjîdren, also White Lamb Boas and Muifs. Men's 1ýIorid1a Otter Caps for $5.OO-now here is a first class cap for little money. We have the nicest thing iu the shape of a Man's Fur Coat going. It is an imitation of a fine Dog Skin Coat and looks just as well, and we selit at about the price of a tweed coat. See themn before buyiug. Do you want a good Robe-we are seiling the best robe in the market. It is a Saskatchewan Buffalo Robe. This is without doubt the best robe now in the market and bas been used for years by livery men and others, all recommending tbem as warm, waterproof and splen- did to wear. Now that the long evenings have set in you want lamps. We have them in great variety large and small, Standing Lamps and Hanging Lamps, and we seil them cheap, so cheap that nobody needbe in darký- ness for want of a lamip. We also sell the best brands of Coal Oil. Have you seen our grand value in Pinner and Tea'Sets, if not you should do SQ as we have a grand lot and at prices that will astonish you, Now we are here to stay and have been staying for years. We do not advertise tbings we have not got. We do flot misrepresent anything. Anything that is net right we make it right. We do a large business and buy goods in the very best markets and give them to our customers at a very small ruargin on cost. We want your trade and are doing everything that is square and straightforward to get it.'< We aiways pay the highest price for ail kinds of farni produce, Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Dried Apples, etc., also ail kinds of grain. J TPli -p U-

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