Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Oct 1894, p. 7

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Siir Hedacecnreiv i etoubles !ne!- denit t abiiossttonite yseusuch as 1iznse > ea rwsnsD stress ater eýarin, ai n iebde " hile their mot ramrkale uc~ss ai eenshown la euring f Headacbe, yeCARERS LTT~Le vEa t Pi 're qut acbein Constipation. cîîn%, 1,nIlpr.aetiîgtinun iug complaint. whilk tbey j'aiso correct aidsorders nf the stomack simut a ete 1 anve sd regutate tbe bowel8 fAche tbe would be atnîost priceless to those 1 , cu,ier-rom this distressing complait; buit fortuuatety ibeir goonese does nteuS hce, and finie w-bn once try them witi' finS these littie puis valu able in so many ways tiet t hyxvi ot beo wiling t0 do without thlem, CBu fter ýIail iick litaS Ibo ýbano of so nany livesIbat bore lwbere we malte nur greai boast. Our pillsecure il wiie others do ot. CAR.TRS LITTýLE LtvER PiLss arc very smal and vos-y easy to take. One or two pis make a dose. They are strictty vegetable aud do rSot g.ipe or purge, but by themr gentie action Rase-,ail wbo use them. In vials at 25 cents". vof"r $ Sld everywhere, or sent by mail Treatrnent for a Mfantel. The plain, old-fasiorel wooden mantels one usually secs lu the ld country bouses are often a great evosore to those who nwn the liours2 and would like it le bc artistic and bomelike. The idmuion lambreqnin that bas had its day but recenily is net altogetber desirable,oîi barmonjoos gronds, for it gives an nnbalanced appearance to tbe mantel and i, moreover, rather stiff in effeet wben banging straigbt down from the cdge. Die mantel scarfs, se cflarmiflg ioue- tîmes, bardly take kindly to the nid-time mantean sudeeem oddly ont of place upon tbem. Besîdes tbey wouid oniy bal inde the bare stretch of painted woodwork, and the poor effect wouid oniy be emphasized by tbdr ueo. The accompauying illustration oieèrE a suggestion -ai te tbe treatment of- one of tbese nid mantels. A double rail nf brais rode mues around the edge above,. tlitumICIS E Go.i51, ntw York.i _____ - ARTISTICALLY ARIIANGRO MANTEL. ONT.ARI B.AN'K wbiie bel.,, is a lambrequin fasteneti close ly to the under edge of the mentel and Boevtiknvle o oa Genorl altu Bsnesgatbered a few inebes dowo, drawing t ini Bowmnvsle Agncy.both in front ai on tbe sides. The portion DEPOSITS blow tbis firet Ilgather", is a pull, from Ytaelv! lu Savinges Bank Dpartment and on wicb bangs a fringe to matcb tbe materiai ï,ailaund itereet allowed at ourrent rates No ued in tbe lambrequin. Ibeillustration je n&ot fwitbdrawai neceesary. Alldeposits offred as a suiggestion, 10o be modified as Payable on Semaud, suite individual tastes. If iî be impossible EXCIÂNGE to procure sncb a brase railing as je igureti, ~~etand sold and Draftsimsuedupontîîronn a rail nf a different sort eau ho used, tbe United States and Canada, aiseoGold, Silver and point being 10 provide somes arrangement VoieSta.es Greenbackebought andsold, above tbe mantel so, balance that below. COLLE TIONSSncb a railing, also, sets off adrirably the COLLE TIONSbi-a-brac tliat may ho displayed upon the Prpt !yBnmaarrent rates upou àl ail P, mantel. ef Grea.tiîn, teeUnited Statessan Ibe '1)olegi'o1 apda.fer Telieg r uaada. sei,3Frosting-Codfsh -Bread. Made for largo or imait sums on ail part et Canada. This je espeialiy advaîîtageoni ta porions! living in Maniioba or tbo Nortiwest, il makes the funds available at once ai the place of paymeut. Othr particulars eall at the bank. E. L. IORTT, URO. McGILL. .ccouuntant. Manager. Live Energetic Men Wanted. To reprosent us in t-he sale of our .TARDY ýCANADIAN GROWN NURSER{Y STOCK, Plottions permanent anS afl'ords gond chance of advîsncernent toahilworkens. Liberalila Sue tuu e 0W men. 'uefrio irctrme. The trial wlll cost you -TONE & W ELLINGTON, 28-3m.Tnrontoi 0F CANADA. E(qdil païd up, ~IOO6Ofet ~5>~5 1his Bank is preparoci to do Legiti- mate Banking in ail its branches. Farmer's notes discounted ; Deposits received and Interest paid on accounts if$5 and upwards in Savinges Bank MRAFTS Iseue'l -n (ollections made in Europe United tae and Canada. W. J. TONEB, Agent DR. TÀrtes ASTHMALENE CU RES ASTHIM AGivs a.Nîght's S iMeep 05 sota o ed tstUp alNIJg5. gasping for breath for fear of suffocation. Oz receiptof naine and P.O. address wiil mail Trial Itottie FE E~~ OR. TAFT BROS. MEDICINE CO., ROCHESTER, N.I, Toronto Branch, - 186 Adelaide St., W. UJse Dr. Tafts White Pine Syrup for L It Does It. Genîmsie- I Vhughîyou aS n 1A correspondent writee :-I always stws 1 bothereti in msking Irosting for cake until I gol bhi e opo-- Take one eaeup of sugar anti five, tablespoonf nie of sweat tuilk ; boil fi ve minutes. I bave jusi beanneS bow te cook codfish so that it le good. First get a gond piece of fieh ; cul a piece the size you think your famihy wili neei; eoek su heur anti boul' like potatoes ; balte up sud pour over ut a gravy mate i e a h ttle flour, butter anti salt ;adtiboiling waler uutih it 'is of the usual thiekuese ni gravi, thon (while ut hoile) break ju an egg anti stirgentty so the egg wili ha in lumps ; pour over the fi eh, and if yon do neot lilte et, it wil ho because you do 001 like cotifish any wsy. Haro je the way I make breati now-a little essian than the usuel way, anti a hit. ie botter: Take a large bosti-at noon tria day bel ore bakiug-and put in tbree tablespoonfuls nf floor anti two nf sugar. Wben your potatoos are boileti for tiluner balte ont two or ibrea loto the bowi, masb all together veny fine, add boihiug water 1foýeeakett1e (for fournr five avas about two quarts); set away until luke. stanu, than atitia cake of yeaît inaul, previously tiiesoiveti, sot in a room that le îuoderstely warm, over niglit. lu the monng sili your flour, atit sait, about bahî a eup of sborieuing, anti a lijthe more sugar ; put these iu a boilow in the conter nf tbe flour. If the shnrîauiug 13 bard a lijtie hoiling waler will balp, thon' with an iron spoon begin to sir, ating yonn sponge of the uigbî nefone ; kesp the mixture suootb, atiding more nI the sur- rouuding mountinIfoflur ilu ou 'havie Iatiteti ahi the spouge andth Ie mixture is se stiif ibstynu eau lcardly stir any more; thon take your baud anti moulit a slittie inore, atding a littie more flour if needati; set to ise in c warn place ; lot il gai very iigbt; malte into boaves, -let nise again, neot quite as ligbt as before, aud halte lu a motierateiy bot ovan froue hall to Vbree- qoartars of an boum, ant ifi youm brocS la noi the hast you aven ate-es an nid lady tohti me latehy-th-u tîy again, anti sec wbetber you titi juet as directeS. j True Sklll i11 Housekeeping. Il is in malting the home a comînri anti a piessure that bbc reai sltill in bnusekeeping jmay ha axemeiseti, Aimnet any ona wiîb ordinary conmoun seuse eau lay down fixeti mules, sud say tbat sncb work muett ha doua Iat eueb a lime ; ant iuf it is possible tb carry the plan ont exactly to the bour, on day, sha may seam bo bo, ant i ll probabhy tbink herseif, an excellent bousekeeper. But an altempt aI sncb bousekeeping is likehy Vo j esulti ne onItwo Vbîngs :if the msrs la strong-willeti, she is sure Vo maka ber family extramahy uneomfortabhe ; if site s weal-willeti, she will siffer mueb tismom- fort hemeelf, anti probabhy become peavisb anti fraîful. In cither case, she je a slave tlber housalteepiug, anti cannet expect in ideveiop sny Ilsweetnass anti iigbb" inubar bousehold. A gooti bousekeepor is oua wbo not onhy Iknows how to malte plas for work, 1-bîch isl, indeet, ve iy ipret but kn.ows, alo shenow 10 make the ortier nf worlt aul. fecieutly flexible w imeet alh tbe exigencias nI tiaihy hie, stuthaut any serions tuasions. She must know how Vo change hem plans easily, thai is, witbonî friction ; on aveu 10 do away with Vbam altogether, for a lime, if any cimcumastsnees shlei arise whieh wouid malte it more tiosimeble te do so. No houaewife cati hope Vo bavesa pleasanb home for bier family, on have haeauel anytbiîsg but a eameworn woman, who Socs not al- ways provitie for the unexpectid ; anti one of the importante- provisions je Vo alwsys kaep ber tampon. If tise unexpeceat hap- pons, ant i iV l contiuuaily happening jn ahh active anti hospiteble househoitis, meet i withoub auy frettuinees, anti Vi wiil not ha hall se iicuit 10 deal witb. Uaeesýys lace waa anngi o tam a irl's JouieS Appias.--Pars anS ailesthe hast, Yen must have very queer ate." J ss e So il leough to urn s ia 'appies, ant i lliia quart bowlthstenm hasti-lun another direction," layons nf appleas sudogar. Addhl-ats Ch~IrenCryfor _________________________________ I ________________________________ _______________________________________________________ cupful of. water, cover closely and balte slowly Vree bours. Let it stand until cold, and it vYiil toril ont, a rnunded mass of clear red suice@, andi firm jeliy. One teacupfui of sugar je usnaily eiîosgh for one quart of apples. Apple Cuîtard. -Cover tbe botton of a pan witb sîewed appies, sweetened aud fiavored to taste, Pour over tbem a eus- tard, made of one pint of milk, tbe yolks ni five eggs, and bal a cupful of sugar, cooked in a double hoiler. Beat the wbite of the ecga to a tift frotb, adding twn tabiespoon- fuis nf sugar, spread it over L'ne cstard , aud set it in the oven until it je a ligbt hrown.i Apple Pie. -Pare and slice any kind of good cooking applep. Add a littie water and stew tbem until they will masb fine, then sweeten and fiavor witb lemon juice. Cover tbe pie pane witb rich ps.ste, and fil witb apples. Allow the wbîîes of two egýgs for eacb pie, beat îbern stilf und add onue teaspoonfuel of sugar and a litile e.cîract nI vaila. Af ter the piýs have baked in a moderato oven until the paste,>je a lightf lmnwn, spread the meringue over tbem, and returu to the oven a Iew mninutes.1 Apple Puddig-Beat, to a eream a lump of butter tbe size of au egg, with a cup of sugar, the yoiks nf three eggs, two suices of bread pneviously soaked in mik, then add twn large apples, pared and siiced fine, and a littie lemon rinti. Wben mixedi stir in the whites of tbe eggs beateu stîi,. Boil in a moid for one bnur, then serve witb bard sauce. Apple Pudd ing-No. 2.-Put a layer of pared and siiced apples in a pudding disb, and eprinkie with sugar and cinna- mon. Add a layer of bread crumbesud forne littie pieces of butter, tben anoiber layer of apples, tben bread crumsbs until the disbise full. Set in the ovenand balte nue bour. Serve witb sweet sauce, or cream and sugar. GOVERNMENT LIFE INSIJRANCE. Il Ila UseUterly Falird in England, while Private Comspetitors Hiave Attaieied ta- teîsishtesg Suicece, It would ho bard to fSud a more impres. sive proof of tbe futility of tbe State's in- terference witli uines of business occupied by private enterprise, tban the colapse et tbe attempt made in. England 10 Iurnisbh ife insurance to tbe masses tbrougb tbe tnacbinerv nI tbe Post Offices aud postal savinge banke. The experimentbad amoug its most ardent advoeates sueh men as MnI. Giladtone and the late Prof. Fawcett, aud it bas heen prosected for some tbirty MtIITJEII 118, flAUGlTEI{ 84 THE OLDEST WOMAN IN-CANADA i1ND HER BABY INTERVIEWED. Týue Catnarlan Chats Abozt :Evcilteora YZ auslraît eaes Âge tn Slavery Bays- lias Ilesied ilesTorontto Fer tearly lTkree Score Teare-Stîti Enjeys a Pupe ofTeobacce. In a cottage lu Markhîam street, Toronto, livo,-s Mm. Debonab Brown,lwho 'vas homo in thue Siate nf Marylandi nu ihe 101h day nI Auguaàut, 1776, anti is nowj tVîeeore, 118 yýara nf ago. ESCAPED FRONM SLAVEPLY. Mme. Brown's maitien naine wae Gleavas. Sha was homoa in slavery,eand >~as owuet by a family uamed Coline.'-- W heu 25 yeans of age she- sienneS a slave named Isaac Domhy, anti liveti happily witb himn for 17 yoare, anti ha was thon soit. After waiting for Van yasrs autilueven hearing, froue bineturing, ubat ime slle coneludeti io mit be tiest, anti she marrieS again Vo anoîhen slave, Penny Brown. M. Brown wae an audont Christisuanod'very fond o bis wife. Iu 1840, 12 yeame:aftrhcr second ucarriage, Mme. Brown was lati up Ion four monthe witchsumatie lever, anti ou roach- iug s state of convalescence wss mucb grieveti to hear Ihat Mm. Collins coutem- platetselling bier huebanti to a ueighbor- iuîg planter. She, themelore, tecitie tVo mn away anti, as tube expresses horseif, 10 alte ber huebaul wjlhc ber. COMiIS; TO CANADA. A young coloreS man, 'JoeaGian, who workea ntle nexl plantation, bat charge ni s fasýt trotting horse, antionue uigbt Mm. Bmo)wn arrangeS wiîh hlm to have the trot- er at da specifi place at 12 o'clock. Hem hubniprocureS a rig heionging Vo the preachen andthie ibrea peuple, Mr. sud Mre. Bmowý%n anti Joe Glan, timove tbat night tVo Dover, a distance of 50 miles. From Doyen tbsly wont by rail'to l-bilaeephia sut Irmu liane to ŽNew York. Ti-inking Ihat thay couiti nroui. biair lroetiomilfthey stay- et iii the Unibtd States t.eoy tiecidadti u coma V o Canad,sotVon thie boat teAlbany. jThiey thon came by ail un Toronsto anti enieti a cottage lu King sîneet wet, Fee- dom, however, baSl is meny tiraWbck S and ji wae wltb un.ucb reluctauce that M n. Brown paiS the weekiy bills for grocemias, rant', Woodi, etc. A LAIIDMARK 0F FOX'S CORNERS. yeers. How nteriy il bas aleS, wbiia, aI One Santicy she took honr huebanti Ion a the came ime lîivato compoitors bave lai- wclkteV Seatun Village, whieb was thon taied stoishng uccssis escibe bykuostu as Fox'e Corners, anti thinltiog it VainS stonsbig secae, e dscrbet bywoul h h a tiesirable loceliiy in which 10r Sir Juliue Vouel in s eceul Engiisb e- live thiey purcbased a l on the lnllowing vsaw. Not nubil 1864 tidt Vi British Gov- an the fibres fugitives bîclît a cottage amument formaily juvatiethe-fielS oI 111e witb Jumiber that bhey cartet lrom Queen's sune 8091 at ngg-wharl1. Thiat je lhe cottage that Mrs. 'nsurnca, altbeugb ic 89ithë na-Brovin 00w occupies, anti it is oua nI the eti in the aunuity business, anti since 1853 noid landmarlte of Toronto, as it, was the baS parmittid pensons who purchasati Se- firet cottage but in Vbab ioeaiity. larmeS annuitias teoCOntractfor pcymants on Youg (lan womlted in jeveral Toronto tiaath, il heiîîg stîpueatati Ibai the latter hiobele, but weauî bacl te the States several shoulti net exceedthie anme paiti for the in- . yea s e-,go,] Mn. lBrowu bas beau in Toronto surance anti the auuuity taken togather, '.,lyaecrs, ant>is je oo the oldeet residents anti shoult inluno casa exceeti $500. h o ta it.She is apromineut member ni was Mn. Gladistonee who lu 1864. mari- nI Bethuret sîreat Mathodist clîumch, anti agod 1te pas an set emoving the e. as sho explaineti, excepting wheu enlfering striction of insmrauca to pensons punchas- from hon "rbeumatiz," sha nover misses a ing deferreti aunuities, anti authorizing bbe service on Suudcy or any other day. She Goveroment to mesure any onue, providet isj an active wonker in the Young Peopie'e that n poliiy eboulti ho issueS for lees than Association anti the Epw.orth Leagieo. Hem $100 or more then $500. No surrentior neighbors regard hiem as a pot, anti sha is values wore boboe allostet until sItar prami- verypopular witb averyonue who lives in hiem umis baS beau 'pait for five yoans. It was viesnity, especialliy stt the youngsters. furthben actedt îab the Postmaster-Gen-1 al migbi redoive througb the Post Offices MIlS. BROWN S DAUITTER. moocy ou accoont of snob contracts. The Mrs, Elizabeth Brooks, wbo 1lives in the purposa of fixing lihe maximum policy 51 ity, je Mme, Brown'e ouly surviviog child. $500 wae to disarue the opposition of the ISba wili ha 84 years nI ae next February. pruvato companios, ant it ws upposeS Bafora Mrs. Brown's escape ,lnom slavery that ibis limit,althougi lowwouIci giva the bier dau,,,gbter baS beau solS, andi il was not Governmeo t a vin tuai mon Opoiy of the untilatan armancipation Ihat Mre. Brooks insuranco buines,so fan as the millions of came to Toronto, being sent for by baer artisans, palty tratesmen, anti peophe of moýtheri. Mme. Brown bas 12 groat grand- small incomes were concemneti. M. Glati. chiltiran, cil living in the City. Thein stone saiS ai, the time that nover lunIis Dasme is Garnison ; thay reside onu Teraulsy public hife baSl ha receiveti se many lettons ereet, The eldesti8j 18 years of age. Mr. nI approvai as ha bcdconcerniug thîs oua hroviiu Siet inl 1867, being aI the lume nf bill, anti the Tjmes expresseti a conviction bis daath 90 yeas of aga. Ho wae wel thal thora ware Iaw nf aveu the pooreet known lun Seaton Vilage as a devout anti classas wbo wouiâ not ha able te tateadaS earnest Christian worltor. vantage nfi t. The lti lady on joye venry faim heal lb, Iu 1882 thie act, freim wbich se much witb the exception nI occasional attseke nI baS been expecteti, was amendeS St the i-nb eumat,%ismi. She je supporleti hy the stigabion nf Prof. Fawcett, thon Postmaster Betbunet street Methotiusî chunch, bier Gousmal, sn as Vo permit the systfoilnI Gov- neighibons sud somatimes the flouse nI erumentlife insurance loba workad bbough Industry. The nid lady aujoys a pipoîi the postal eaviogs baoks, which baS beaunI gond tobacco, anti at any time when il le receniiy jutrotineet anti were proviog aseflo othcomiog thse neighbors aneacson great enccease. Ie also got the minimum matie ;awaneofnItle f ci. single insurance redicetileowis $100, anti surrondar valuas alinweti sItar two yoars' payment nf praeiume, insead of five. From Lifting a Dead Týger. ibese changes, anti eepecialhy Irom the naw eWé n oe elfigada ie working macinery appuieS, Prof. Faweeti hnoacmsV itn et ie auticipateti the bappiest neaulta ; but bow onuehecomes fully swame nI ils wigbt; se fan Vhe faute are from auswering Ituf> bopas doas onue arrivea t due appreciation of ils is abown hy the statistice wbieh Sir Julins e trength sîteon once feeling the lore-arm, Vogel bas compileS. Uudouhtedly thora j cii oeslnidms o sellk wae an immense amnount nI ife ineuance wihl u peddms Ieellk business le ho toua wiîb the maximum muscle, sys a wrilor. Thon one under- limit nf policies fixati et $500, but the standstieow the tigon in ies prima cautbrow Govemumeut diSnt do it. At the anti of s bulioclt over its ehoultien anti canton the verioti 1865-1893, juclus ive, the whçla nuîbon of Goverumeut poicies in force away -witb il. Tison, 100, oeemay well corne was but 9,06b, sud the total amount nI to pooh.poob the dlaim of the lion te ho insux suce for which bbe Unvarument wae stylaS ithe king of heassîs. But howevem hiable waa he than$2,850,000, To appra- iotaresting may bo the atud y of the tiger cate the compietouaLse of thia falure wO lu ibis particular phase ou&ee or an, jV palie shouiti compare the business Sons by the aller a tima; lifting it ia 'pecuiiamiy berS Prudertial Lule Assurance Company, a pni. antihobot work, ant i t is.,tirty work also vato corporation sectet because iî Soase anti is soojue matie. partieularhy axas-1 ebiefiy witb people of tumai moane, and~ perniugtheb ladies nf the, eiaphant wass eemeti ikely toehoe pacieliy injureS s3e.ateti Ion the carriaga nf the ligar. For by Goverument opposition. WVe futd that. îbat intelicctual beasa isj requimad te kucel at he close nf 1893 the Prudtential Com- te raceive its freigbt, andteV kneei long pany 1usd un fonce 10,811,569 polidies, ne- enugbto aihowtbat freigbî lo be boisea on presenling e total amounol meureS nI noariy un the paS anti fasieneti ou; anS, as ni ton as $700,000,000. Figures ýcoutid scancaly ha not, it will ise at thoeitical moment juel mou e eloquent. The Briish G-overnmnent, wbau hs tigon bas heen raisedte10the edgo wjth ilsünuapproachabie bolà on public of the pstisu tumble ibo ligar anS -some confidence, anti openating up 10 1883 of ils 111 urs on Vo the grounti, sud soemu tbmougb 2,000 selecteti Post Offiees, anti about thesiatue quo ante. sinca that date through an averaZe annunal Thae lephant bas wontiorful intelligence nuiohen of 8,800 postal savings bauks, lias ini somo euiterly usabosa directions It will, not bâeau able turing twenty-niua ycars te Ion e xemple, pick up a p3in witb ifsts unk, doe as much business as es trausacteti hy a anti(, 1I tiare say, wiîh sufficiont encourage- singlo privatae ompcny, the PrutautaIin vmon soualtswslow tihap, anti couvert jus aà â1ngl yoar. Thiesje au object lesson for juaior econmy int a pin.cnsbion; but 1 those wbn would bava the State mettie hae nvem kuost nue to direct 11e ialents 'tîh functione which arealsreatiy eifecîuvely thseiAmplification nI Vgerïtitiing, al- tiiechargeti by pivato intélbigence- sud thlougbI have seau ucauy tivobe thein anomgy. inisanti bodies Vo tbeunnecessary tintyof stt(iiiug b the Sifficulties ni ibat operation. The Don't Column. "I arn sorrioti 'boul osan" ait Mmeý. Wiiing to ACCOMMOda-te. Comul.oss;e' o.tho neighbor wbo ibat stop.- paS Vo î ave tIna mai L. ITrmp" enyou lotme navoý a pair n thn'sVe mattar ? e hasick o1" J esý femght e7 well bho ,)I ahbe wonk i ,Lady n)flice 1bos-" No; buýt W..lsi that gite doan nthe fam1 icalmy lusUenti. It ie ha en lt yu "Whuit's theo bnouble'f" bave ýa 00W bo Th TREEofLIE enfRITI Here is a sketch o l the fruit and leaves of the IlTrac of Lite» o British Indla, the reots ainS bark of wbîcsh bave a power!ssl .lfuenw in curmng an" LOSS 0F NERVE FORCE. Suferers from any trouble of the gencrative organq cau get full pantc nars f ce of a vitalizing elixir extracted from the roots and bark of a plant fonud ouly ini the his of Brlitish India, and known to the natives as the " Trac of Life."' This vitalszing elixir bhas been made and useS by Mrs. Besant in India for nearly thiîjyeyars wthout onie f ailure te permnsently cure eveu the worst cases. This elixir (which is seew f0 this ctoefry), quickly restoes ail the functions to their fu vigor, and aveui where an ice agMas au rehd a iisbgnlya TOASH t LOW ai's e tABIH f'-slue ur 1 forchon assofOI?,D STREE'r LO I.- ELECTRICITY ON THE FARM. it lse xpîctad te alie Country Life Le"s Lable-us. Part nr the growiog difficulties occasion- eti by tbe desertionuni the country sud the cnowdîng of te cities will ha remedied, perbaps hy six yeams banc-lu thet won- derful yean 1900, wbicb electriciaus set as a mils, post nI bumen progress-by tbe crowuing of stease ival. Macbinemy je rapidly tsking the deadeniog drudzery out nI farmi work, je meking it more profitable when eonducted scientificaliy sud on a large ecale, aud i. causing it Vo attraci -the atentuon of city people wbo long Ion the beaithînl ieSlde. Only tbe bodily discom- forts of farm wnrlt bave preveuteti au exudus from the itiee to the country. Already elechiciiy je îuruing ils attention 10 tbe longÏ neglecteti farm work, aud bas discoven- ecd profitable resulte to o bc d by subjectuugj crope Vo curreuts of electicity. Irje begin. uiug to simpliiy the ponderous faruin machinery, and as souri sethe siorage hattery has re'eived its finishing touches sud eau h appliedt s ligbteping the farmer's toil enti iucreasiog bue profits the fariner wili ha looketi upon wîîb envy by tbe pirsonors o, ciîy simeeis sud counting-hiouse waiis. Ticeso particular edocte ni electnicity îîpon iarm înacbinery anti farm lufe are, however, visible chiefiy lu the imagination ai praseuit, anti are nos iikely Vo ha realizeti in six years; but onue grecs change may ho looketi for in ibis direction in the jmieediue future, aud trial je the improvoment nI the farmer's condition hy masofn gond roads andti ie rapid transit which eleetriciy i le ahoot ready Vo bring, thus greaîly anlargiug hie market anti hringiug hlm bigher prices for freeber producte, anti alsu bringing bim dloser to the l11e and pleasure aud stimu- lating affect of the city. There je te ho a wenntirlul change in farm hIfe in the more tbickly settloti parte of the country in a very f uw yecrs, anti rapiti transit wil hoe largely responsible for it. The cbeap transmîission of eleetnicai power must bnxng soon many changes that will ha fait in the ity bousebolti, sud per. bape the chiot ni îbem will ho the abolition of tbe coolt tove, as ju s ltnown ai prosent. The small elacinie bester bas stresS y begun 10 balte its place, anti il is, almosi -,ertain that ovan jn six years coal will be hanisieti froue a oajority of the kitchens in citis adjacent t0 water powter, from wbich alec. Viciîy is generateti. Wheu heastje wauted for cooking purposes t will beho hat a moment's notice hy tbe pressing of a button. AMERICA'S CUSTOMERS FOR GOAL. Englasit andi Net the VIilid States Sup- plies tihe Soutth Anuierteas Markets. Tbe distance between Liverpool sud ibe1 noareet port in South America is about& tbpee limes as great as that froue New Yorhk eity Vo the neaeiit port iu the saine contin- ent. Notwitbstantiing Ibis ladt andthte prodigious supply of Amenjean eoal, the South Amneicanestates anti those of Central Amenlea andthte West Indues usuahly gel their coal from Englenti anti not Irom the1 JUitedi States. Accordiog 10 reconi officiai figures lese than 1,000 ous of American coal stas exponteti Iom tbe Uniltd States tçb Brazil in a yeaa, againet 700,000 toue of Britisb coal. The greaben part nI the EngF isb coal exporteS to Brazil le ebippoti froný C'ardiff, tbe market pnica in Brazil hein g about $10 a ion, Brazilian mionoy. New castle coal in Englanti selle in Brazil for about $12.50 a'ton. The' Argentineý republie does an enrou rade with loreigu counies. Tbe amr'uint of cosi it imiporîs is lange sund conetanbly increasing anti sixth-seventbe of it eones from Linglanti. Lees than ton par cent, comas froue Unitedi States. Bol. gium andti r~auee ,aiso furnnsh soins. The amount. of Americau, coal imnpontet isje ess tuesi 2,000fon, yean. Abut 3.000 tous of Amenen coal, moi nIil anthracite, is 1 exprorte5 Vto Chili iu a yaar againet i150,000 ,tons of nls coal. Paeru, less progressive,1 1 takes poAmerîcan cocu but buyes 60,000tousi of Englisi coal annuaihy. The exporte of American cnet te the West Indues amourit to 200,000 tons a year. Tbe lergeit exporte to Martiniquie, are tbus accauuted for- 40,000) toue annualiy to the French steamers, 90,000 tous to the sugar refineries, sud 10,- 000 toue for tbe useo of the Frencb local anthorities. Tbe import duty is about eigbiy cents a ton. Amonîcan aud English coal sou ai tire samne figure, $8 a ton duty inciuded. The Lingiisb exporte of coal Vo tbe West Indice are lees than Ibose of thce Unitedi States and amouint te 16c',000 tone a yesr.. Mexico cý)nsumes a cousiderable arnount r4 American coal, wici cornes chiefiy froun Colorado andi New Mexico. The amount of inmportati ons in a year je about 200,000 tous-175,000 tous of soIt and 25,0J00 tons cf antbracite. lie importe nI B1'riisb oal into Mextico are not a consîderabiLe ],item noi commerce on accounit of the long ses vy- age wbicb is neeessary, wbereas ribe Ameni- eau coal may be shipped (sud at a low rate. oI freigbti over eitber of the raihmoads leati- ing froib e Unitedi States mbt Mexico. A fonigu country witb wbieb tbe Unitedi States do pnacticaily uo business in coal, je Umuguay. To this country tbe United States expert in a Vean about 1,500 tons nf coal againsi 500,000 tous Imom England, ejîben from Card iff or Newcastle. FRUIT AND FOREST TREES. Sstcesful Erpciaseîtcare Beling Mcd la the NorlIi-West and i 5isît Colusn&- bts WiTtisFruit and tForest Trocs. Prof. Saiiuders, ilireeton of tbe Central Experimental Farim, bas returnedt o Ottawa Irons Britipb Columbije. AV tbe Indlian Hlead larm lhoe sys Vîere are over 120,000 forest trees nnw growing. Small fruits ara doing remarkably well. A vaiety of Si-. berian crab grows saiisfactoriiy thora, and oxperimeuts were begun ibis year hy cross- iog to taise bardier variet ici nf large Inuits. At Agassiz, B. C., there are over 1,1200 nuis trees planted, including apples, plumes, pesebes, cherries sud other varieties. The enceese oI tbe fruit trees wbicb bave been expeuimeuted wiîb on Vice beneb tends bave beau Etirpriiinghy satisiactory. Froue tbe succese nf t base experimenîs Mn. Saundors ,loks forward to the utilization of patehes nI land on the bilI sides, now unfit for agri culture, for growing fruit trees with good resulîs, specialiy wben the ativantage of esrly fruitug je taken imb account.In addition to fruit mrees, there are 10,000 foreet brees growing at the Agassiz fanm oun the mountain sides, and t i j expected to, put in about 5,000 of these brees a year, the departmeut of the loterier baviug trans- ferreti 800 sces of mountaîn landti o the farta for that purpose. Oua very important work wbicb je being carnied on at the ex- perimeutal farmne je tbe cross fertilization of grains witb a view Vo raising early me- lurng varieties. In the pasi six yeans 700 varieties nýi grain bave been raised njy bybridizing, sud 400 of the most suitabte are nw under test. <Her Fatlhqr's Say. Hie-" Wbab do you tbink your fatber would sey if we were t10 mn away anti get marnieti' She-"'Really,1 don'iknow; but 1 imagine bie would say 1 wes a higgen o than lie tbought 1 was" Where He Stood. Tbe marnieti man was pumpinp the haci-, elon on the matrimonial question, baving as hes object a Iew bachelonisu vie ws. "Well," hae said alter considerable dis- cussion, "1wbat do you tbink nI mnatrimouy, anyway,?" III don'utbink of il at ail," was the con- culsive neeponse., "I've given up ai11 thoughts of it long ago'> fILES! PILES!ITH NG IL . SY.trvTOSt-MoistUro; itneitching and stiuging; Most ri night1; womse by seratcing. If allobwed 10 o ,itinie tnm- ors forin, which olteibeeiant i ucerate becomng very sore, S0N'sO- MENT sto6us the itcbing s ud! bleednng, heais uleeralion, asud ini Most as.remo-Ves the tumors. At drgite r by mail, for, 50 c;ents. Pr. Swayno & Sou, Phiiladei- phia. Lymaru Sons &Co.,Mout're;si

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