Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Sep 1894, p. 8

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IeeW.P. Pro-wer, acmaidby rsPr0w0r,Mi2ssBelle, and Master Willje, leiJt on Friday lest foi un extended visit to tt h ldCounîtry. On the arrivai ai the train ai Cobourg station, a contingent af (lounty Caunciiors, the Clark and Treas., F lumber of 0onnty And s Q4 ther Per. al ienâs wé éProsent and Mr Proves wats Cailed imb the waiting room, wheft the clark, N, F. Maenachian, read the ioilow. 'ng Addreau and Deputy.reeve MeNal, of Hoe resented hlm with a Goid-headad cane, sutably engraved' _.o W,. 1P oer E R, eeve ofBow~ maVnViUe, and Ex-Warden of the United -onurdes ai Northumberland anî Dur. S)i&iSr,'Learuing that iu accrda ne vwth th e advice ai your phYsieian Yon bave dUearmined to seek recuveraian of heaitis and jstreugthin l an ocean voyage toanad ï,oiouru in Mrrie England, yaur mother- ldon babaif af your colleagues and romrades in the Caunties' Council, we alte ulis apportunity or the ave ai your de- »arture of wishing you bon voyage, amd ipeedy restoratian ta gaad health; and as evidenes af aur sincera goodwill, and t tauncis lriandship wa prasent you vitis Dhsgia headed cante. Tan years bave passed siuce yau vere fret rbuned to repregeut your ileilow. týizDus in aur "Shiramoot'l as Reeve 01 Rawmuvila.During the many viCies j. tu 'es i this iengbby terra, not o»17' have 7.on hà,ld the confidenceAnu.d ttppart ar Ô'Ur4±u~. i~ity t tin a markcd il zrtu 1 U i te respect and ateer» ar éIJ eleagu1es in bhe Counnues' Caunil, !ho besides entrusting you with the dis- charqge ar important duties invoiving large fxPenditures in cannectian with tisa sffici- etmaintenanceaifraads, bridges and other cony property, conerred upon You the 3iàstingui8ebhonar af choosing yau ta ha watrdan ai the United caunties. thse naletpiuclipality amang al the muni- cipallia itîq fOntari-fair mother ai the mncplsysteum, e eauietify t 1àiiy n bliltv, reditable ta yourseift sud adauseas athecanuntirer t-our urbanityçAi mauner and reuiality ,t dispaositiau bave Made troaps ai friends vbavryau are knawn, aud althougl inl lui ipar1e Tou May accasiaually bave býeau Mis"Uder8tOad sud SOMetimes miare- prasaujtad, we bave obeervad lu the end it bsbeau conceded aven by oppanants, tisat rour judigment was rigbt aud vour coure atagbt Ïn thea service ai the munieipaiitid. Wa a rre pained ta learu, that Your phY- ti;cal elth je impaired at prescrit; but lu comnwitb bundrade ai others. va yl raîata hear that the mnsane now being emlye ave3 restored you ta tbe enjoy. mient aiÇperfect healtb and ta the bAlavad csoc ionsaimily and friands in this dear lawL. lu ï3the wrds ai tisa aid German tbaat,wa) yprty, "May God Le wih tisea tiil we meet agein" fAt vidersahen.) Stndou beballoaiyoaur riands iu tbe Cla3rk and Treas3urý.r. I!, roee3r wvâ mxuad Iota ters, but icS taexpress bis gratitude %PPZC,, pratytianking *bis m frieu1Wq )y bai1zex. resoo!gaodr-wil t owards h .The remainigfew mo eara sesin in sy- ug good- bye a&ni lb. ex.wardEu nagai baddtbçe train ren-rank ta lo Motreal. PHOEITOS! PHOTOS!! are Dow alive to the feet that 1Kst &Co. cao inake a.-%goe Crayon P.ortraits for the smali sum cf $S50 framred, as anyone else can offer themn. Dntbe imposed oi by agents who wn three times as much moeoy for the Faaequlity of picture but cail and Bee Tie excelent samples before giving yar ara voyu wili we are sure be plcadwith their work. Tïait &à,o, photou:raphs eaunot bb ezeedAnd the people know it. That la :hi*ey patronize hlm. They keep UIp tae sty!es in cards and hava soine very pcty ew ones naw. Cali and sec 1 teîr potsauyway if you don't want same t vo24 7 r a wn. f-neLondon Druggists' Words: 11b sa aploasure te recommend Eaeij ay's : Ver Lcznge."-J. CALLÂRD. 44îfhere Is nathing equai ta Eseljay's Lîver Lozsnges for Indigestion and Bil. ic.suss' C.WISMEU. ,J l~y 'a Liver Lozenges give auch il tsfztion as ta ha, growing rapidi) in aublic favor."-1. WILDERNt. 'Eiel jay's LIver Lozengea stand et the kudadare the best medicine of thoir llavïng rànted. the ahoi aLinp tbrmerly -oxcupïad hby the late Mr. Bunner, I beR to announce that I amn prepared ta doalil kînds af ordered work in making and re- pairing boots and shoes in the hast af mtyla., A good fit guaranteed. Fine re- pairîng a Bpecialty. A cail eolicted. A. KENNEDY- BowmnxileFeb. l3th 1894. ii ~ si e,.1 90.cLu bao f , ~i1; ,11teart )sae Fcil I ib,5cvrr. Icod-r uin ey tud . ~ ',. edsa n . V dib' N ,,. or $2-0i.o D.i s.SMITý-H & CO., TForonto. (Cnesdfram ýthse iNew.) clv. W. Dawn, Newtanviiie, preaciled iu thse Methodist churcis Sunday weapk. Messra. T. W. Underwaa)d and Aohn Jackson attendad a meeting of tisa counity praperty cammittea at Cobaurg. Thera are m'îny farina of nervaus de. bility in mnen that yîeid ta the use Of Car- ter's Iran Pis. Thase wio are traubied witit nervous weakuoss, night aveat s, etc., Sshauld try tisei. i Mr. R. Foster has purchasod the Gý. M. Long reaidence. - M r. Thomas Rainey intends giiu-g np farming and gaiug ta Markhsrn ta reide3. Misses Aunue Thampeaon, Meite Main- eut, Fanny Honey aud Liiiau Gamsby aeattaudîng Bowmanviiie Higis Scisool. MisLiza Powers was calied home Iast 'W. M. Was'& yack owtng ta thse severe illnesa af her A LI FE SAVED Plister, Miss Emma Powors, Foneion Feusý. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Gamaby anîd Mr, BOY TÂXING A. Maulton hava been at Muskaka lakzes fishing aud ahaating. A y n s CHERRY Mrs. John Gifford isas returned froen A Y E 'Sr c'îvisiting et Mr. B. Carsadden's, iNew r 5sevralyeas eaI cugh a e ~~c 31 r. Ralpis Henry had hiesbf t r ftteuded witb a terrible cougli ruaîýilouwU roken andMr. John McCutchen several me no rest, ither day or nlight. The doc- ràb tarspraauned ny cae opelsa.A îîe- by being thrown from a wagon asat learning of rmy trouble, sentt oe a sottv&or ek Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Bp the tuni liad Mr .T Hdsnwoisiaighr used the whle boule, 1 vas campletc1y Ar .T ogo h slaighr c ured, and 1 believe it saved my ¶f1 " w as presented with au eddross mda IL WAIt, $ Quimby Ave., Lowe 1, Ma33. haudsome capy of Hoiman's teacisorý'1 A , 1'nflii Pibis by tise Epwarth Loagunai tishe ,iyers Cherry Pectoral Mthadiat churcis. ielghest Âwards a'c Wolari i. Thse torture of dyspepsIe sud sICK icd .ty lis ~ei.Fmy resc ache, tise agauizing itchlng sud pain af' sait riseuin, are renaved by Hoc'd'aS-5 saperille. Eldad Ohurch Re-Openir-g, Thse remains af!o-0 iii 5Umasi; respect-, ed citizené _-K% ý adoû1ge Beer, who diod al The Eldad Malthisjt Clhurch bhas been thP tige 01 t, 'esrs and 10 mauths, wr reuovatad iîuterrially and Externaily intbrrâd hi Orono cematery on Augua3t 2PL. ing much ta lis eppearancqz, Mr. Beer iu hie osler years was a man wa~ odert~~i~ ~1~ ~ of active habits, a biackemitb by trade 0m, ~c(lniit.rbwaq let ta 7-r. lobert but for many years a Buccessful farrier, 2iilair, ltawrnaniia, visa lias done a ,w,,en pisarmacy was not sa stringent ae ih gaod job in alt euspects. The walli wvere te to-day. Deceasad vas a nativýe of I calsoîiined. eýt ing whiiewaslaed,, ea0ts IDevonshire, Engiand, and came ta this ý wainacrttireg, dîoîs sud wiý,ldowB paitd!cuntry about 42 years agoansuaettled ï1 inside and oup. Two fanîuy bordera of Orona. He leaves a widow, tiye sons- and1 rostruni sud ch' jr loftr havea beauzreated funeral service vasi conducted by v.J. ta a uAW crp*-.t. ail af viCcisar n rct Rosi. creditable ta tise committea. 1fýie eerpet Yisîtors: Mr. S. ("K. Siater, Guelphs, et vas bougist et Mr. J. J. Mason's.î Mr. A. Coetisen's; Mr. aud Mrs. Trumian Thse re-opaning services on ounday, Scott, Mr. Thesdorea nd Mies Susanuais 2(uîh ut., voie very largaly attendai, te Fishiay sud Mr. Norman Plumer, ;BoW- edifice beirig crowded atrt h. lath ise manile, st Mr. Olcar Sctt's; M-ýrn. Wm. i afternoon t,v.'J. S. Ciarka. cf Kedcaiî Lvnena sud son Ciark, Bufhia, N. Y., aet St,, Oshawa, chairgisu f Bowmxnvi1!e Mr. David McCui]och's; Miss Ada llaGw- District, preacised a verv uern ser- 'erd, New York, at Mr. Gi M. Loug's;ýý mon, and made a very fvorable împres. Lire. Jits, Thorupeon arid Miss Jaunie, sion au his first Sp-) sarance art -his ap* Newtonville, eaiNIr. J. G. Houey's, LMrs. pointmeur. '\Ve, hahl be deligisted ýo C. Billings r nd Miss Smih, Part Perry, have bis services on anrie future occasion. Mr. Jamen CGardi#'.ýr sud Miss xertieý Rex. D. S. Houck whosa sermoa ara Gardiner, Perrytn wii, st Mr. S. MI. Bill- aiways fresis and inzeresting preached' iug's; Mr. Bon. I xrry, Brussels, et Mlr. vush muais acceptauce et aigisi. The Wm. Gerry; M 'a. MeGreLycar, Toronta, et choir under thea direction i fMr.A B. 'drs- Kuox's; ',%r Xm. Noah-es, Boseton, Cryderman sud Misser s organiat, Mass; Mro. Thjomas Nichais,. Wpsieyvtiia, discisarged its ructo e ,rtbly, 1 et Mr, W.. Armatlrong' s; lMr, . Wn. Bam-; aiso. 11ev. Jas. Liddy, ce -È_t0amed 1 ord, C. P. P. agent ai Paterlbora, aud pastar, madeanas appeal for cut btlusvie, et Mr. H. H. Odel'.; Mr. sd àMîs. taO meet tise idehtenees ud lua "i ev :AlexAuder Rae a sud am1iy, starkviile, etî minutes tise eraa;unt akdfrva xe.Mr. F. VW. Wiierao's issBertheý ed by about$5. Mc.W e,~sr.aTsmerNvovle t Mr,. Wnl- rua aitis comiteasuiaby taukd Tsomsons; rs.Fat, shawa, sudHrMia. tise friands for tiseir eeatarspueDr.Spen)cer, iDuukirk, N. Y Mrc. Ca. an( al joined iu ingiLg te~ocgy ,- -MeLeain snd farn)iiy Asud Josie Crotisers, Cote. ~Buiala, _N. Î., ut Mc. JohnMCohs Orrilia'sPromînentFurniturt~ Deal- 1 vas curad o aii ue beek ârrs-îiger 6ives Faets. lé years isy MIN ARt>I J.Y ±h r Tvao Riverg, N. S. Roe'C T 11-o-.OIILLIA, FEB, lotis, 1894. EDMANSO N, BA TES & CO. I vaIs cnrad , J dipixîheri;Aataer 'Ioctra ýGantieme.-ilbou tisrae or four veeke faicd iy MINARD S L-MENiT. e ga I had au attacis of Itchîug Piles. Il ,Antiaoish. iohN-', ~ trlad two or tbrea differaut remedies re- commended by druggisits as "tihe best adç I vas cur-d <of cairaio, î --eO5 Y only cure," etc., etc., but gai no relief. 2 MIN ARD'S LINIMENT. About tise titue I vas beginung ta diepair Dalhoausie'. Ilï of '- " f}' i ndiug any relief, wvuhsosme eilgist misguvings I bougist a box o pourpilie cura, visici 1 amn pieasa.-l ta say gave me aimost Instant relief sud permanent cure. K. D C. be reate'-c-~- 0~1 consider pour Oimeat a Gadl-sand. K.D . Th t'.J EN The Aîx Px £ic,(, \-~ ___________ tise waret forms ai Djs:e, butit?!a thse greastiuuseisold remedy -' iL mnibd farcs ai Indigestion, sach amiboas 1! tPe3)tite, craving for food, dîs:reû a?îr 'aîîg sauriomacis, ieartbu rve 'ý inc ,iaud- ache, vaut of eu( rgy r . éesirrit- abil:tyt . As e S'ýpring -7so. edittiera la uothiug better, for îï susansd re- stores te stoiliacista eacul n-,-acti-ol 'healrisystomacL ceuse t;Ise -c a ouii ai'd nirukia gcod biood, an hisini tôte the visobe sytein. 0rpea-ple r bang mswitecarn t tlit aCe tjht hy is'dig- gestlfion àanc ai tise mos't lmpc$t îc ion utise heniax .eûncx'ry, Thse largeot portion of lits tc,'at fieRh s laeÏr cen ba îraced ta bad digestion. Taire K. D. . C.nsd ha couvinced afitis great cira- Âiveo paera. K.D.C. CompaînyLins ed, Nev Glesgow, N. S. %nà 27 cSt,tLa Sz Boston, mess. giiýiie bag been troubledf fr yesâwtb d&Y tjýRrîsý and scales on iser head ana eyebrvas. Âtéteemna ta lie dormant lar earsluher? sýytet,lt brSe ont again insail its fmrp. Rer ha ir vaime out in big patIises, lier eyabrowsa 1t !el! oit, and sis praseutad a-tpitiabIe ondiition. j tag e as. Tbhn vatrieS Sae ai oUi best Daniiel Ritz, Proprietar and Publisher oftise Haibnrg, Ont.,,Independeutsays: I as siuiferiag fram Dyspepsie sud Liver T TleI tck Ps 1ew hatties ai Ssilais's Vitabizer sud ih cured me. 1 cen iseartily Pethýick tisa Barber eau make you laok sudl bel like a uew man by aperating on you vush scipsors sud razor for a fev minutes,. Give isim e triai. Ara you l 0JP ta get tuarrled ? If no, Ce0at etSTATLESMAN office and see tise lat- e'St edn invitations, printed. Wb haea fine lai. to, your questian do xny cihidren abject ta, taigScott's Emubsions, I say No ! ou te ntrary, tisay are fond cf it and it kseps thein piainras aofisalth.' Sýteer ge parsengers visa buy tiseir aýceen tCkets from M. A. James, at tise 'jastdmgsteamphîip sgency, Boîvmanviile, viii bou supplicd ivitis use af beddiug sud hio'sCure is soid ou a guarantee. Itý cures Incipient Consomption. It la [tise hast Cougis Cure. Only anc cent a dose; 25 cis,, 50 cts. sud $1.00 per bottle. Sold bny Stott & Jury. iWAITON LAO IS SIORY1 SNE MET WITII MAHY FAILJJRES AND ÏJISAPPOINTMENTS. She,ý Was Jnduced 1o Try Paine 's ('eiery COMPOUrid. New Le llaltb Strength The Grand Rescits. Thousands ai hapelesaud despeirinR ient l Canada have been mnade glad andi filad wvu sun8hire. Mon sud ivamen visa have auifared for long years andt -isah have beau givan up as Incurable bava hëeurcstrrd te vigor snd healtis by l'aine à Ceiery Composund. Ag-rejt and gbýorlous exemple ef cure, -ftY long iuilering, is furnished by Mrs, RescaJackýson. of Hlamilton, Ont. "Hfavinjg een tsoubied for neariy bubon eetrs vitit nervansnesi sud slaep- ls asnsd îny physicien unible ta aifard mcne rebief,ard ai tai trying a nuinber ai remedAies, I vas inuduced ta use Peine's Celoîy Campqund. I continued ta lus- prave (, froim tise tirst hottie, 1 have used uinc dozea bottles aud sam nov fully re- covaredýz. I cen heerîiiy recommend ils rse toa ny ana wha suifer. am I did." P1aine's3 Ceiery Compound goes, direct ta tise rofaial!troumbles ; it cleansas and pu1rifies tise blood, strengt hen.s aud braeas tbe nrves sud givas toue ta every organ t-M tisa by. Try it, sieîrivi ake 01 anWeil and ,strong" ~~1ihIf HOS0T SUCCE83ifUl REMEOT F~OR MAN ORt BEAST. crt.a n I te effecta and nerer bUisters. Read proofs below: KENDALL'S SPA VIN CURE. blrge. l. aeued . 00. cr irse cae ua hod s mrâ oitesd; o!a "udH f endait's Sp1via C re"dwi amar h iai. I thiak fithe udet lln e t iee sd Hv s sac}ICP15 't~roy AS PôDxuiI 1 N SG ALLS P VTOU MHEAP AL..910. fMR. bNCS wit mERauc oflèr rmaînd ter of be tcver u w coHmsL ü«b neB4 d8pýl ad *iî Iaieedtiaitie U-C, - 1 SEDEsvoas7 liais O za. eQL . ut HE Bobs Up Ag&' ip. cure hen ier nSing nineboxeas aCUTICURUA San ura, isn tseDctrshd ro Woonî a, dote;n eak:s ai CUTICVEA BOAP, . cltr,"imm-ýed bats for $125. Flawers four hauttes of CUTICURA ltE5aLVENTr, she vaq Sam urra, whm th DOC0-rahad ro-entirely cured. Ie hair came onegain, e nounced asîlncurable. Sêbi al nDeck- ta daysehissas fineehead a! biackcurîyhaii L a n d ail otiser Summer Goods and as smooth skia as any lady lu Allauitavu, Nov acting as V oreman for a bg (Sea portrait.> Rer eyerovs are heavier thaun ~ odblwcs omk lumber auceruthsyee e rscap is frcea ronsdnrfi alu andir heath is excellent. PREEAE SOElER,'I oM for Fall Goods. NaORHBAv, Sept .-'nsMUrray'a M 25 Court Street, Alera, > '1:ý naine is one tist ai hio tea fdgured bu neye- .< peper columasduring tise rast elgitecu 1Mà es daily made by CuTicIURA EDIS utrei'darwsu lUo moth beasehewa cre o prayss lsoushpiysiclans, draggisats, and tisase Juvisa Ir.' nw uplyo montss bcaus ha as cred i pavéyss Ist fitis and isapa. No statement le Made aud laod polsoning by od' Kidney tegardng them not justiied by tise straugasiSailor and Farmers Daugliters-, Pibs, sitar hall a dozen phac a bd éeidauce. 'Lhey aretospiat speedy,ecauin.. hlm n inurala O tis ba, anS infafltla esk curas, bloan pUr< W hi r pranauneek h a nteand humar rameSjas ofmodemrimesMo a~n dCsci strengtis ai physiciens' eertifinaute, Murray vas paid hie disability cie'ss iy the Or'ind Sold evtrywhere. Pnu,<hu'th andC.ilASi Laie Trunk. Since ha vais cured "Dy Dodd's 5e;RzSOuVzENT, $1.50Oarr7i ýe Hi> -i adsc Cons'., soie prapsl., Bosto5. Kidnay Pilla, hoha b 'oe -ce pted as, a »ý-Ilow ta Cura SkM bîlsatem,5 malleS rdN rulet hwgo firat-ciaBsarisk by a leading insvrence com- n"95ý 5 ! suduScalppurifiad suhoweutlfie pauy. Aisau a penrae, egota pasitîo an adSclpflAi n as fareman gar a 'big lumber conceru aof__il_____th__e ofDavidsan & Hay, cf Trante, and tbyheîea or bslti tawHt ebpe naI h fatta ewsal 3tiacollteat WEAK PAINFUL BACKS latceut styles. fedtte isaiise asebl te o r i taai-M<idne nUterlue PeizînsudWe- ten tatia tyig dtis a sch a position nassees rauaved in ona minut by tise is ample evidance af thse permnaenuy af cutieura Ati-ain Ip'%OstC'r, h 51 Crders taken for theRobinson ii cure. euly tSestaneoi" psln-kiiitg pa;a ___________Corsect w.hich nvrlista gi've Wisen yau vaut thse laesî nuir stlesIpefdtstiýaci af wedding carda, a nsarrlag hlcenae or Sick or narvouseaacisaýs ara roliived neai cabing carda caliwb Ta_ "'iN at once and nured hy usingPhony-Cefen oflice. s irced ilrs.Doncaster. DER-- bYxPLUG SMOKING TOBA CCO 5, 10 & 200. PLUGS. "UTNION" MÂKE ITS SALES ARE- As the public know our remu ant and clearing sale lias been a great suecess; neyer have we sacrificedl goods as we have this season. The resuit is that wa have eleared out nearly ail our summer goods. Still we have sone fines on whieh we are going to mf'ake stili further reductions and thus rush out during- the; neëxt fewv days. We have some of those remuants of Factory Cotton that have been inquired for so mucli. We have sold hundreds of yards during 'the last three, weeks. You neyer boughit Factory Cotton so low, Cali and get some of the few pieces remnaining. We are selling ladies heavy black cotton liose foi: 10 cents a pair and cashmere for 20 cents a pair. YoU neyer saw such value. Good Shaker Flannel for 5 cents a yard; Genits Fei t bats from 2 5 cents, up-a great bargain. We are mnaking the above slashing cuts in ordeir to clear out our stock to mal-ze room for the necw fall goods, -which are now coming in almost dlaily. W have been very fortunate in our purchases of fail È witrgoods 'and the publie -will hear so0me r startliig announcemients and quotations ini a,,few -é'çý but for, the present -we are giving our special attentiop, to clearing out odd lines and as we indicated above will flot stick regarding prices as ini a great many cases we are not asking one hlaf what the goods cost. Dor±'L be prejudiced or suspicious and refuse to accept thoe bargains. We have our reasons for dloing it, and wi it is our loss it is your gain. Dry Goodea d J ewelry Hoae, Bowmanvi1le, Ont. I CONSTIPATION, G-IBILIOUSNESS, SDYSPEPSI A SICKHMEADACiÏE, REG U LATE THEULVER, ONE PJLL AFTER EATIING INSUREuS GOOD DIGESTION. PRICE25 CTs.TEDODWsMECa AUCTION SALE OF RESIDENGE1 TO WN OF BOWMAVILLE 1.uner pa ver of sala contalned lu a certain morgigege made ta tise Vaudois now in defanît and ta.hapraduced uet ure af sala, tisera vill ba offered foar ss!a by Public Auctian ut the Benentt fousa, lu tise Tovn of Bowmanville, on SATUROAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1894, et thse heur of 12 'ciack, noon. aIl sud elugular Lýot X.umber Oua an tise nôrtis-eass corner o! 11gb sud Concession Streets as shovu on igtared Plau of Lots on Concession Street iu tise Town cf Bavinenville made by J. iH. Raid. P. L. K.,*Ehoviug.tise subdivisions af part ai Lot Ten in Lot Reven oi tise Tawnship af (Darlingtanuassovuou Plan of Bavinville. tpan tisa propsrty is seid tobaaaverv Sua brilekhonse lu good state af repair. Tise property viii be effareS subjeet ta re- serve bid. TERMS.-1O par cent. oi tise purchase mauay ' iii require ta ha paiS ut rime ai saleansd tise balance according ta favorable taris nsud conditions then ta ha made kuavu. For furtiser particulsis apply ta BEATTY, BLÂCHtSToC.K-, NESBITT & CHADWICKc, 58 Wellington Si. E.,1 Toronto. Soliitare for Vendr. Dataett he City of Toronto tisis 28th day af jur, 189L 34-3wr F. C. Patisick is tisa bous tonsorial art 4at. Give hlmî a cebi If you noedad eiar- ont or- shaye. d- RLAND FARM FOR SALE OU, 'W 1XRENT-150 acres in ail. santh 125aêY'ë of lot 5, sud 25 acres af uorth ý, lo ia6, con. %> flarlirigton. Fine brick isause.spacious barilS. splendid soil,exceiient water streain and weILq fira wood ou premisas. Tva miles froin BOW" mauvilia-greet chance-sale ou easy terIme, or wiii rani forea term-plough possession givesn sitar herveSt. APPlY ta MES. JANE Wl&rrl on promises or te D. BunkSisarsoNq, ai Bovw. mvle vlo3 - w AN TEDI Cash wilI be paid for 5 DQ9any"k BARRELS APPLES as o n quantîty of od PEARS and PLUMS at MU9IV rDO9 CHÊ%01 one door West of "Bic 20." Bowmanville, .&ug. 22, 1894. wO0Q0L_ WOOLa To Farineras ha sy bave wool ta e-f chaniee, I bag to iniarin tisei tisat I have( added ta my alîaady large stock speclal binas af cottan, aisirtinga, flannele tQ, cottonedes, etc., visicis IvilL exohange for vool. Righesst price paid in cash fpr ail grades$i of e at tise Hampton Waolieu Milta, 31-3m. D A L I 1 eau make it ta your adveantage ota btiy ai me if yon vibi cal]. Maynard the J ewelier.

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