Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Sep 1894, p. 4

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Sofala Polish.1 LADIES, nse Hook's ,Sofaha Shoo Palish for Ladles std Children's fine Boots and Shoes tefinest to preserve the leath er and keep it pUlible. It wlllleave apouah like satin, For "le by Baot and Shoe dealers. FARM IM PL EM yiEN"TS. THE BEST ALWAYS CHEAPEST!1 Wilkinson, West'Toronto June. SINýGLE PLOWS. Peter H a.milton,M'fg Co., Peter bora, STAR GANG PLOWS AND PULPERS. Manson Campbell, Chatham, FÂ&NNING MILLS. E.Bell & Son, St. George, ENSILAGE CUTTERS, PIJLPERS AND CULTIVATORS, McLaughlin and Gananoque ,lGcES,ete,neW and second hand. Not being cempelled ta sell for any one firm, we are endevouring ta procure the best implements manufactured la thse Dominion, and baving bonght for cash thGse implementa that are reproseated ta, uns as the BEST, We are propared te fumnish the above implemnents et right prices. JOHN PERCY, 35.3mBowmaville. BOWNMINVILLE, SEPT. .5. 1894. Freer trade relations with our American nïeighhor s is what Canadiens went but wili nt get tilI they returnae Liberel Gaveranicat te power, thea they will gct àt speedily. Patrons are on the right treck wben thcy caîl for a tariff for revenue only. This is what Lîberahe have preached for yveers and have heen fightinig for perast- ently.itwlceewthacaecfG- Qy t01e new tjitled , States trif iÀ berley wll enlyb eu- tea dty ef front 12 te 15acents fa huýsh)el istead cf 30 cenits under the McKinley, tarifi. There ha a ry of hope la this change for ljeaad- ianir fermera. It is cheering te Canadien fermera te have thse Americans lowering the tariff wel, and it would be douly se werc our own Government te legilate ia the fermi- ors' ir)terest e ittle instead cf favoring thse menufazturere ahi tthe tirai. It may be newa te meny STATESMAN readers te leera that $25,000,000 worth of xanufactured gooda wcre imported inte Canada lest yeer from the United States in spite cf a 35 per cent tariff. Canadiens wouhd ho kinga ofthtIe earth if we hed froe trade with our neighbors. Thse power cf nmanufacturera over thse Govemnmeat t Ottawa le ahown by thse fet that tIs' about 150 important tariff changes were proposed. 135 et them were tekea bacle before the tariff discussion wes ovor la accordace with demanda made by thse mca who contribute te election expensca. _________ Thse sheep market should impreve in Canada with thse change la thse United States tariff frein $1.50 e head on aheep and 75 cents on Iambe te 20 per cent or one-fiftI on aheep; cttle aud horses beiag1 thse same. Net many cattle but e large nuxuber cf abeep and herses ara sont Iito thse Amnerican markeets. As Canadiens lot us, ho more zelous in ceîaenting the différent nationalities and religions and bass coacerned about paty prejudicea, therehy converging the differ- ent interests lu this country into one har- mnonieus party cf progresa, and thea reauht 'will ho stisfactory heyond our meet san- guine expectations. Canada first la a safe watchword te f ollow politically. Lest week we pubiished thse Liberal platf ormi upon which thse editor cf thse Huron Signal stands witIs bath fot and shouts jubilently that the Tornte Globe hia& avolved sixteen plenka, which makeas mighty good platform fer thse people tc stand upon during thse next Dominion campemgn. On any ona of them thse pres- ont Govemament should ho ousted, and or thse whole cf them there shouhd ho a cein- photo Govemument overthrow. Sir Richard Cartwright made e bold charge againat thse Dominion Gavern ment t Part Stanley lest week when he sid thse release of McGreevy and Con. nolly was due net teilîl-health of thE prisoners, but ta thse tact that certain ver înteresting and important revelations cern pered wth which Sir Adolphe Cearon'i casa would be but a semple brick. 1: thora is enything worse than has beer nnearthed as shown by stetemants ia oui lest issue, Sodomt and Gomorrah mus liave'been moral paradises compared witl Atnîda untier Tory rule 1 I REFORM MEETiNGS.! Refermere in Darlington, Clarke, and Cartwright are rqete emeet ilathe Towa Hall of ecle Township on Thursday, Sept. 6, (titis wek) t 3 p. ni. and in Bowmanville and Newcatle et 8 p. m. the samne evening, ta appoint delegates ta the Liberal Convention te hoc held inBowman- ville, on Saturday next, th iast., at 2 p. m. te choose a candidate te contest West Durham et the forthcornîng Dominion election. By order Tues. SMÂiLE, Fresident W. D. R. A. WEST DURHAM PROTEST. We should strengly advise the Orono- News and Oshawa Viadicater te content their seuls in patience until the curtain has been ung down. We well know how strong the wish la and by reason of its se 'reat strength hew irrealatible the theugbt, but they ahould reine-aber the Lîberala of Old Wtst Durham are net made of such stuf as they deacribo. Let thein e'bide a wee" and they wll sec it ail, and unless our information le very misleading the trial will net lest over ffteen minutes, and the wriuld be M. P. P. wili walk out shera of hie rigbt te the letters, and with that easy state of mind which will allow hlm te suit hie irclination te the circum- stances, and will direct him tesaey that for a few 'years ho prefers te be te the Local Legisiature, what the man wes te thse belloon from whîch he feu "Inet la il." Wit brothers, wait. The Ontario Government does e hust- hing business with fermers. Since ast hervest the output of binder twine et the Central prison, Toronte, bas amounted te 1,500,000 paunds. Thse lest of the eut. put, censîsting of 30 tons, has been pur- cltased by the Maesey-Harris Compeny fer ahipment te Australie. The manu- facture cf the twine will again be resumn- cd. Warden Messie stetes that the quel- ity of the twine la very stisfactory, ead it ta esteblisbmng a good reputatien. This picture of thse editor's reward la very true ta lifa as cvcry editer cf a local peper weli kaows: A child le hemn, the physicien gets 85; thse editor writcs np thse evot and reccives 0. Thse child reeches maahoed's estate, is rnarricd; thse minister rcceivcs $10; thse editor writea, up thse event and receives 00. Time pass- es on; the undertaker receiv e $50; the editor writes up the event and receivea 000. Meny ther times this person may cerne in for coinplimentary puffa, and 1quite oftea profit by theni, and for it ahl the editor agaîn reccives 0000. And yet we aIl live thse average allotmient. Therc seema te, be seme deubt la thse minda cf cxperieaccd politiciens wbcther there will ho another session of thse prea. ont Dominion Pamîlaent, anid Hon. David Mills thinka- the Cardwell electica will decidle thse Gvm etsco)urse. Should it ho favorà1ble tb)tIse Geývemimenit they willU likçely go thse eountry eton, but it defeated they wil! wait as lonig as psil.Thse evelationis of hribery and ýcorruptÏin that have been medei againat tIse Coaiservative Govemýumeat have caua8ed meny fermer supporters te bluà iaad bang, their heede for very abame. The Liberal party surehy has brillienr, pros. pects hefore it for victory et thse ncxt eloction. OLD SETTLERS' DAY. UVe flnd tha rat inltereet lebein1g mninfested in the F'irst Settîcri' Centen- ary ti be commnemiorated la Bowmaniiville on Friday and Saturday Sept. '21 and 2ý2. The big ecvent hais been flxed fer S,ýtur- day efterneon se that old people may eý- tend and returai home before 11,Thi is geing to be a real Old Folles' Day and we want every old settler andpinerl the two counties present. It le p)roposed to, photographsevra groupa: 1 1. All persone born be-forIe teyear1 1801, that ia ln the svnenhcentry. 2. Porsons bora 'before the year 11. 3. Persons bora before th)e year 1,821. 4. Persons bora bef ore th e year 1831 5. Persons bora befere 1841 end now living in the county. Another suggestion dcsired te be eh. served is that the Oid Folkes wcar the old- est articles of apparel they pessee-s that are presentable and were worni years ao Tho old time bonnet, the oldl silk, or cashmere drees, the old feshiened br)ýoed- cloth coat, steve pipebat, etc.. ce. Let us have a real old fashioaed turm out. The yeunger folk muet take a littlie pakins te get their fathers, grandfathers, noýth- ers and grandmothers ta, the celebration, yes, and uncles and aunts--bring them, all because we want this West Durbiaîn centenary te be e inmmrablePe venýît ila)our county's history. We bear of old persons ceîinLg fromi Ontario county and wie expeot !meny fremn ail the neighboring districts. We are particularly desirous te have e person present bora la the last century if t here is such persena t present who can attend. The Edîtor of THE STATEýSMÂN ', will be thanlef ul if every old person w ho w1Iil be preseat will send us the foll1owinjg partic- uiera for use lu aur report thet we honpe te publish: 1. Full neme and post offiice address; Where and whea bora; 13. When settled la Durham or Ontario counties; 4. What was the condition of the ceunitry; 5. Describe eny incidents conctCed withi early experïence in these o!Len t«ies; ; . Give the namea of aeighbers andA preahînr- eut men la the district and menýýiton enay circumatances in connection wlth their lives or events that occurred over 50 years age that will be of intereat te our reeders. Send all these thiags by mai r hand them into the office in-writing an.id ise oflfie tem up. but do net cerne-,te the ofc otell us about these thnga ecause ,we saallbe too husy te epeaddtin-a listen- ing. This will ho a very busy mnhat TnE STATESMAN office. !ni in in L jg D Y p Pl st 01 ai ti ti tE ti Lebor Day is not ging te o e apepular t( institution in thse ceuntry unleas thse date f ta fixed forae more suiteble saesen. Mostw pe p e on id er d t a n u isan ce t tis ye em ti cona sit did 3 uat eftcr thse holidays0 whea ach.ols bad started, pupila wero awey frmm home, business mon, clerla-s and tradesmen had rotumned frora theirc Isoidays and statcd werk and there was iio special attraction te engage thse at- tention cf people for thse day. Fermera wcrc busy and could hedly teke e holiday se near thse faîl exhibitioni season and al- togther thse holiday was like triplets la an already large family-not wanted. Thse Dominion Governent will confer a groat favor hy e'colishing LahorDa next session or plantîng it into thse idle of August. _________ Sureîy fermera are net se hinded by party prejudicea that they cannot se Isow overy promise made te them by thse Dominion Goverameat hes heen broken reapecting tariff reformn. Sir John Thompeon lest yeem hld public meetings cf manufacturera tying te sec how little theoanc party would ho content with and Isow mnuchi thse ther paty wouhd allow them to meke. Parîrament met and made many changea but few reductions. Except for a few egicultural implomenta, thse tariff is practically as hisgI as ever and the tex upon the peophe is as groat. Manufacturera went in crowds te Ottawa etter thse proposed changes were an- nounced and it suited thse Government to grant their requosta wIile the fermnera' dlaims wore almoat totally disegrded. Canadien wamen wilh scarcely hankor to change conditions witIs their estera sisters, ltho Miss Mendt, a lady journal- lat from Dundee, Scotland, who is on a tour round thse world thua pictures their >respective positions: The condition cf % women of estera countries bas been de- Dscrihed as very miserable, but in my 1mnd their condition dees net compara with thse misery of thse women efthtIe west- ern world. Oriental womenl, it seema te me, have thse miad etofbhlîdrea, Thoy know ittle or aspire to littIe heyond their surroundings, wIile western women sec thse richer side of lite whiie they have ta romain ottea in a state of paverty. For e exemple, we visited thse Isuse cf a very L_ waalthy man in Cahcutta. TIsa family al- etogether numbered 60 or 70 people. The y womon you Ses neyer go boyopid thse court; they never go outside; they are happy Snet knowing enything cIse. [f n1 When funeral carde are printed et this Lr office, ne charge lis made for publshing gt thse notice et death In Tus STÂTEsmA&N. ýh When we do nlt print tIse carda, thse chars'ola 50c, THE CElNTENARY PROGRAMV. The Centennial CommritteetMa night la the police office with CoI. Cuhltt intse chair. There were presenýit Mesas.,i W. F. Allen, J. M Joness, M.MuTavýisbj, W. E. Pollard, J. Jeficry, Jàs. Gai1e an d Mi. A. James. Mr. James reported hatv- i aug receîvedl replies from u Ds lionor' iÂutenant'GovemnorKrkarc Hn John :Dryden, Minister of Arclue D, Burke Simopseni, Eeq.,ed E. m. ~IrbEsq., Treesumier cf tho Y ork lion"ers, aepeltiig ivttin ebe preene tIse coieb)ratï(in cft firt settlemcnt of this (district by Nwhý monei uil seturday sept. 22. The program of poednewes tu-a.1fted md adptedvhich provides fer presenita- tion cf twe e ddrosses te theLïeut-Geùve1mner -oe by thse Corporation, thise oheýr hy the AgYriculture1 Seciety-and ae very la- :cresting speech lit. At tIse close cf tIse pregramt of eddrcsses the Lieutenant Gevernor wlll he requested1 :oý present thse certificetea te thse succoý,s- ful studeats ef Bewmanville HugIs Seheel wvon et thse recont Depertmentel examinea- tions, which f unction will teke tise place of thse usuel Commencement exerotace. George Heianes,Esq., Police gitte waa chosed as Vice-Chairmen c) f the 'leberation. Thse Reception Cornmuittee to circli tie Lieutenant Governor et the station was appointed and consiste e Jof Parr, SEsq., President e ieAocftrlocey Lieut-Col. Cuhitt, ChairmatCtnial Camrnittee; Mayor Losome;W.F. Allen, Eaq, D. Burke Simnpsee, Esq., R. 13eith,Esq., M. P., and WHRiEsq., M. P. P. It was decided te ea* the TowniCouiii, Town Officiels, HigIs and Public Sehool Boards te honor the occasion writh theiri prescace and tei send emlretr invitations te thse hcsd officiel (eveof each municlpality in Wcat uam After arranging for sevomel other mettera thse Comimittees adjoumaned. teMoni- dlay night next et 8 o'clock. Good Words for a. Life insuran.ce coinpany. To tIse Manager North Ameiricah Lit e Insurance Ca., Toronto. DEnt Sr.,-With many thank,de I hereby acknowledga the prompt pý%yment of dlaim (through yaur district agent Mr. John Runnais) of Policy No. 5o74f on thse ife ofmyon Frederick Hoar. My san'el death eniy occurred a littie over a week ega, and to-day T have received a check ln full et said cdaim. Thisalismost cer. teinly prompt and very etisfactory. MUS. EIAEH0HOAu. Bowmnanville, Aug. 29, 1894. Blackatook, Aug.'25, 1894. JOuHN RUNNItÂS, EN., Enclascd 1 aend yon thse receipli for thse Oaa Theusend Dollars Assurance en iIMn. Crydcrman'o Met. 1 wish not onhy te acknowledge thse very prompt marnner la wbich the Company satisfladl my laîi, but to thank you personahly for thse great amount of trouble aud work yen h ave taken la the settiemenb et this business, reîievig Me, alMaît a atrange)r ta yen, of a great &Mount et labor and wo\dy Thse North American Lite Assurance have met my claIm ln a very prompt satisfactory manner, and 1 tlik have an agent et Welcome who looksa g tIsa interesta efthtIe palioy holdans Ila district as thougli they -were his nea pensonal friando. Yaurn vary truhy 141 New Suite for Men and Boys It inabe Mason's Clothisng Store.'$Sea( vt. Minard's Liniment for Rbeumfatisnm, at sometimle or Il othecr bring on atorpid liver. This condition is ominon te an indoor life ; then there foi- lows another condition, auto- mia ýor lack jof blood; fe quntly an- ohrworse cf- 1j] feet - that of *dyspepsia. These (,condi- tiens aggravate one another. Your bad ternper ie likewise aggravating to your the rest is easy. If yen buy vial of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pel- lets yeu'il find thcm a naturai rem- edy-mild but effectuai. rrhey have a strengthening, effeet upon the lining membranes of stomach and bewels, hence their effeet le la8ting. They cure Constipation, Indigestion, Jaundice,, Biliousnesa and Sick or Bilious 1Ileadaches, permanently; be- cause they net. naturally. The best .medical teietimany proves that these cases are best treated by mili methods. One tiny, Suger. caated, Follet is a correetor, a regu- lator, and a gentie laxative. They are put up in glass rials, easily carried and alw,%ys fresît. They are. quaranteieJ ta benefit or cure, or the money is returned. cures Caàtarrh in the Head. Killed, oD bis First Trip. Jacob D. Spence, agcd S3$, of Toronto, e traveller for William Bryce, wh,,lpsale fency gooda, was accidentally killed ieoir Orono Wednesday afternaan. Hi t-ft Toronto on Monday on his firat trnp fu r tIse firm, and aehise<linner Tuesday at the Bennett flouse, BewmanvilMe. le leit Newcastle Wednesc7ay maraing, aad while driviag dowa the btill near Tucker's Mill, south of OCtono, with bis load of il trunks, a valise on his seat slipped for- ward, sud te sai'e it ho made a gresp, but in go doing lest bis balance and contraI of thse teem and feliP under the herses' heels. The-wagon passed over his body, breaking his loft arm above the ehbow and causing internal injuries of a serions nature. Dr. Rutherford of Otono was snmrnaned and with the assistance of Mr. Hall conveyed hlm ta the Windsor Hotel. Hie was quite siensible along the road till about haîf a mile from tawn, when ha seîd, "I wll neyer see Newcaetle." Ia front of the hotel, while Dre. IRutiherford and Famri- it-ombe of Newcostle were using restorat- ives, hebreathed bis l&st. Deceased wes married an A nguet 1, last, te Mie Reid, dauighter of the late Tohn.Roidý Esq., of Orangeville. liîe brothers are Mr. F. S. Spence, secretary o-f the Dominion Alli- ance, snd CGeoriZe Spence, vice-presîdent ef the %V. J. Gage CamupanY. The wife of Rev. J. W. Savage, of Columbas, h a Maynard the Jeweller, isBuer of marri. age licenses, Blg 20, Bowmanville. Stili some'romnantis ef factory cottan 1at very Iow prices et Mason'is Summer c 'learing sale. A larne stock of wed«ing rings of superb finish al ways on hand at Rickard's an& at the right price., Wool delainew from le to 25a really worth from 25 to 40u et Couch, Johnston &Cryderoean's. LE yen want anything in the jewellry line eall and see laow cheap you can buy i t f rom Maynerd the Jeweller. A shampc o in this hot wsather makes you feel delightfully cool, and freeh as a daisy. F. C. Pethick is the man to. at- tend te you. There ia no mistake &bout it, if you wan.t to have fine work done on your waeh yen should take it to Rickard, Bowmanville. Ladies' beavy black cotton hose for 10o. a pair and good cashmere hase for 2Oats. a pair at Mason's durlng lest of the Summer clearing and remnant sale. Smoke Derby Plug Smoking Tobacco, 5, 10, and 20c. Plugs. Made ely by D. ititzhie & Ce. the only orRanized"Union,' Plug Tobacco Factory in Canada. BARUAINS The word means som-ething, with T. N. RICKARD. The following is a sample cf his prices:- Gent'& Genuine Wahtham Watch.. .$5.00 An Eight-Day Chocle, (triking)... .$2.50 tient's $12 Watch and $2 Chaln.... $7. 50 Ladies $25 Watch and $»,.50 Fobs. . $14. 00 Weddîng Rings mcde te order. These are Bargains worth emphasizing. They are not sliop-.worn goods, but 118W goods of first quality bought riglit in CASH MAR~KET of to-dayand given vou at these special figures, .No goods sold, which are -tot worth the price asked. tT. N. RICKARD, Watchmaker, Jèweher and Opticien. Needa Blecêk, Bowmanyille, Redthe West Rouie adv't. Leave scissorsan-d other blades for sharpening atChartran'a Barber shop,18 Ladies, if you have net already, don't feul ta try my choice family tte. W. H. Osborne. FARMEUES, eall et Percy's and osee the re- nowned Champion Horse Roe or Souffler. Pronouncedl the best la the Market. Prices right. Athiete Cigatrettes have no Rivais. CAMPBELLS QUININ WN E__ ._-éq CURES: 1-Vepi, ows Irit, ,r oruppetite, p)ainfil digestionI, mltalria, alu4 gives tout and jvigour ta thewhesvtm from Whîtby-;cood buildings a nd soul. Adn able for stock or dairy. Chance for goi extensively intoToronto mille business or sto raising for American market. Men wi capital only need apply. J. H. DoW. Whitbl ^A A Ar\ h1% tg. lvv V vuv v v V iVuvVVVVvvVJu.vu IRUT END HUBS NEW FALLI DRESS GOODS Just Arrîved. N. N. N New, Neédat and Nobby. Also first shipment of Eaul and Winter Jackets., Just received. These Jackets were made specially to our order in Germaity and we have marhed them close. Give us a Cali. John McMurtry. BOUNSALL'S MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS, A large stock cf Finished Monuments, Sarcophagî, Tombs, Headstones,etc., in the best varieties of Euro- pean and Âmerican Granites and Marbies, in handsome desÎins, and at prices from $415 ta$oO Orders respectfullv sciliited and careful coxnpletion guaranteed. Cali and inspeet iny stock wind SEE WIIAT YOU ARE BUTYING,. E. R. BOTNSALL, Proprietor. FLY PAPER,- FLY POISON, FLY POWDER, AN XID TAN GLE FOOT STIOKY FLY PARER in any quantity at CIIEILISTS and DRUGGISTS, ]-3owmnanville.ý C. P. R. Ticket and Telegra.ph Office. remn!mm!!51 L--Li

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