Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Sep 1894, p. 3

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1 V1AT EFU 0CMF OR TI Nfi. NEW AIJBTRÂJJIÂN INES. UOADISCOVERY 0F A GOLD BONANZA NEAR COOLGARDIE. "By a tborh knowled&Ze or the natura Ore '[bat Is One-qsarter Purpe Eold-Fossil naw 1 b overu tIl o0rl*os nf digpstion by' Siteflisheartened Prospeeiuss-It andnutitin.anShy crefl aplcation et Promiîses 50 ilake '[hein -lilliotkaires te fine propertieq oefwull-selected Cicea, Mr. Epe l as pr-ýovided our breakfast 1tables wi th a -Great Iacrease or Mlsnig i the coi- delàulyFavored buvuragu wbicb ah ae uis ýsenssn Y PeavY or'bis. It is by the pdcion~ s ie 0of ncb articles cf diet thit aNews froni west Auistralia shows that the , ultafilnay begraduially bi1n imuiotil ~pn en'~bto estt esrytnns~c t~ner màiemg camp at Coolgardie May attract tinuredeof ubîl masdie a1 sonne of the prospectera wheate now peur- .n...a rmnel us res4ly 10 ttack vherpv1)r îluais a wveak point. Wu nçav usoaple mang ing isito South Afines. Tbis camp is ony -~fatal ebaft by bueplur ourselvus well fortifieS iteoe i otsod-I so h wfbpurg blod aaaprouerly nourished itîovrsxm ts l.Iisnte S ~v ervice a ztte' Malde simPly witb boiling water or millz .9U1Jmv, EPps e t' Co., onSopathlec Elein 15 '~ losdon ngland. an WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 5, IS94 RMEOFCOLLEGE OF~ PH YuTCIAN a nd 9nrsReons, Ontario, Coroner. etc. Office and Residence. Enniskillen. M4. RO UT. IrOVNG, V. S. O FFICE IN TElE WEST DURHA4I Ž4ews Block. where binse1f or assistant Il e 1,ound fren 8a.m. to 9 p.m. Night caill aI esienc.diecîy oposteDrill Shed. Calla 1, telcgi pïrLozo telephene will receive prompt idtèfliOii1 1-yr A ROITTEOT. Plans and Specifica. fZ~ ions prepared for every class of building. ~Pecial attention given te beating by steain samd bot,,water. and to sanitary arrangeiment8. 0 ff ce* Gorrie Block, Whitby 13-iy R. PEÂTE, Tailor Gent, emen's Olothes Made toý Ortler. JAî ITBRIE11\ COMBE DENTINT. OFFICE :-lieýar of Messrs.' lliggibothain & Son's Drug Store, (down stairs), BOWMÂNVILLE Gents' 3ohn Cleaned, flyed. Presseait and -Repaired byi THOfi 0S PE-r'iA T) Dyer and Clothes Cleane. L ütde warranted te bc as nlo one wili know thein trem new when done. corner King and Oritario S,ea, Bow ànve;, fiigosOâtarie. (JFIE ppOSITE,ý EXPRE3S OFFICE. VViTAýLIED AIR. N:T ewv Taio r Shi1o P Thei nardersigned veho ba.s been carrying on the faoru business iu eonuection- qwith Ms'sDry CeoIse store for a Dumînbrof years Sas comencd busiuue, for hiînir1f at hi- re, j unru,ý K;ng St.,W- ý1V = w ha bu preparul tetak ens ani boym klits In ail thu latret styls. aS atlowut ljiee . r thosu who wi~hte rde cuts.bu illc&?ry a fulIline of amle i ai l,: h mea~ utras. Givu bonl J.I T. UALLEN 1-:rbieonable Tailor A ýsociaktom Isusa greinie "Blanket" Poiyte fartuers fr: la ls 5cents pur $1010) 2ud 0 '. 100 Tenu. 4 yeart Mosi cf West Durham's prominunt farmiert are, ineurucd lu il. J". J. 1 P,£LE, Eàq., JE SSE TRULL, Esq MUanager, ýPre8ideut, O)Wun sourd. Bowmanvillk. Vi1I eali oui reculpt of post carS, ligeni or WrtDurb;-an. AW. VOLEY. Box 148 10-dmBom uuville, Ont "BcJchÎ h caegr mun thef kid f the hsse edge et a grese Sesent, tîrougihexpenimenîs juri compieted prove that it is an antesian heut, sud that s good flow cf syster înay bue securuti if onu gous deep enougb. Ih baS airusdy producud soins vrry nicli minus,but the uewe cf the discoveny cf the Loudon. denry mine, whi--h firsi came eut lasiJuae. placeS it aionce on s levri wîiththe great Blroen li camp lu New Southi Wales, winich lias coutnibuted se îutany illions tc the wunitir suppiy of guiS. The Coolgardie caump was final Siscovered lasi winier, wbuu soma prospectons peut- traieS the dusent in western Australia aud at ter twe dsys' jouney ovur s waterlees anS treelees plain struck a bigl idtge et hli contaîuing signe of minerai. A uitile wonk nevealed the saine nerf formunsicuwbich extends ibrougli thu langer part cf Austraia aud the rock was found well eprinkiod with gcid. The, Siscovurure stakud cul claime anS carne back te civilization fer supplies. Tbey telS the truth whun îhev saiS le ws a reugli country anSdIlise ne man wiîhout a goc onfit should attempt te go to the v ew ranip. Despitu thein warninge, hoever, a great rush efthe unemployed sud the aS- venînrous teck place freint Perthi anS ether peints, and witin a fornugbt thuru wr over 2,000 people ou tîerugounti. X bat bard. ebhipe soute of these prospectons endureS may lie jutigud freint the tact thal thure le ne waler for Iwo wliolu days' travri ovur the duseni, sud tir mercury gous up te 140 and 150 dugrees iu tire srn anti 120 inthlie shade. Many et these prospectons; carnieS ail Ibeir gocus IN A WH5ELBAItROw. whieb thry trundiS aiong over the dry anS dueîy roati. Watir was ton cents a quart, anS provisions weru fabisloueiy bigb, fleur beýng soiS for five cents a pound sud baco.n ai twenly-five cents a peund. These prospectons wene net die-counrageti by ilueir bard surnoîudinge, howrver, anti îirey wenete work wiib sncb a wiib ehat lu s tew weeks sevenal pnemising turnes wene opreed, artS capitaliste began to ficck ln sud biS for tire propunuies. The huai clainu ,vas Bayley's, wbicb showud ore that as. sayeti f rom $200 te $500 a ton. A large number cf pnornieing locations were Seven- opeti, sud the iewn accu became folletf lite aud bustle, As ail tIre lanti aneund Cool- gardie" was taken up ru a few weeks, thu lace morers were ûobligeS to) etnike out aud prospect lu the viciiîyi. Onu pariv, trrade op et four men- freti New ,;Souili hWalecsud twe frein Victria, situck oui. for a dry lake, soutb of Ceoigardie. Thuy surf uneS tennibiy,, as ln Apnîl, wheu îbey atarteti, tIre huai was terrifie. Threy baS hanS iuck aise, as thuy toueSd no good signe, uhcugb they exploreS caret uîiy s largu section. Finaily, tbey cen-indeS le returu te Cool- garair and go îr)ack te ti r' orIrne. Tbey baS reseheti a point twelvu miles freont Cool. gandîr lasi May, when tbey scdtienly wure rewanduti for ail tieir bardahip8. Tbeyrmatie camp lu a tiraclatu place, whiclr was breken by grese ireultiers, un - hiows," as chey are calîrd. These arefrmtneS h1' apura of quartz nisrug above ibe surfacE. Aitlhngb ire 'baS examineS hir ds et thesandrSneyer ftenSany gooti signs, oeu- cf the parîy stanteti out wih hie irammer aud ialioiusiy sampled sevenai blowe. Iin nubbiig Iris lband oer onu large ene, lhe wae anrazud te sue signa cf geit. liebroke ofi a pruce sud tonuiiidt lire baS uer laid eyes on. Bubow the brek- ern precuIro couid seu traces cf a nerf, anti hi Slasluetiacrüse hie mind ibat bere wae rtie honauiza hie aird lita pannrs IraS bueur eek- iug. Selire marieIris svny bsek to camp, howmd bts spucinreus, sud cire tent 'sas ai onuce ciruok anS moved te as te coven ibm nicli rock. Al the ueigliborng banS en tlue binre cf tirenef, uhicli projeocti ahove itru groomSd like the spinal coluurru of a nriamuroii animai, wss prgged eut anrd un- tenuS lu their urame. Then onuinuh'as seint te Ceolgardie te boy s - dolby," or tmachrine for nedîroing quart7 hy lbaud. Witrchuis rude appanstus tire tour mnur seoir han 4,000 oîuces cf golti cleared freinibm ricli quartz. As Chia rupreunted over 860,000, ebrey uaîuraily tnsenvenîs shoot keepuug Ibis large coin in s temt. Se ihley decided te curry tie gelS te Coigandie surS place le in a bar.k. Tbey put tIre treasr nl large cauvas bacs, sud by ineans of a smaîl ha.til.- cart they cannieS il te the lewn. The manager cf the Union Lank weighed il, anS Chu total amorrutedtu t 4,270 ounces. During tierene weeks thrtheselimr uen baS beun ai work they Lad kepi chuir gaot iuck a profeunti secret. The few passers-by supposeSi hey were inenuby prosecting, anti ne onu dresmued tirai s great treasiire was being du, out of ibis u.rpromlsung fielS. But the tiepecit cf se lange se amorunt cf gelS led te talk, anti by tbm following day the news wae oct. Thie tcwu et Coigardir wene wild, anSdiin s tuw heursche contry about thie nrw naine 'vas swarnoing wiln ocatene. lu anothmn forînighî tbe Lnouu- derny mine baS proS ted an aSdtiîonal 1,000 oudces, sud experts; Who uxauniure the neef ucianed ulîse thenu was tuiiy £2,5,000 lu sigbî. The rock continueS ce sho1 glS- bougou, udtAh-f that baS-- of the original six sold out ta their partuers, aud thu great miue inno wowned bylHuxley Ï:I-/A'LTIII sud Elilott of Victoria aud MdIl of New South Wales. The richeet piuce cf quartz Rerain ndHat. found was christeurd IlBiv Br." It Rceto n elh wuighs about 1240 pounids, ad la estirnatrd Whren Sir Charles Bell, the auther of a ta coutain more geld than ore. Its value crlebrated treatise called 4"Thu HanS" was te $10,000, aud this Muni Mn. Eililott paid about Cftyuars cf age and iu the midst for i ini order te preserve it as a specinrun. Mauy of the large pirces cf ore tiiat have cïf Iis Prueioa labors ru London, lie bu. bren crusbrd coutaiurd fuliy cuu-fuurth gani te be attackred witb a stomacli trouble pure gelfi. A few more weuks will show wbh iuallyrudeS bis days. the extent and ichuiese cf the nerf, as wth Hu founid that' prolonged labor at fil proper machiuery this can readily br de-c turmine. If the reuf continues te bue icli hosen profession as surgeon aud lecturer fer a feur hundrd feeue the tbrer cwurrs aggr-vated j'ls trouble, and lie üof eS will ircouverteS jute millicuaire. They abýouti for somu recreation which weuld are alpractical minuera, but this te ther îafrdh cmpeesd beue big tiret great pirce ef luck in mauy yeara ef fente okt hihb a u eti bardship. . turn Suoîr binself. Onu peculiar frature of the new miurug Just thiiun a riend iutreduced bim te the camp is the rapiS influx of Afghans, wbo geîe ait f gling, iu what lbu calis, lu havesw,-rrmed fil trisuch numbers ebat whiter 'blet 1uýrs te is brother,tire " pret.ty, laberers have littîr show. These Asiaties rwïgiv"ofPnhae. wonked for lower wagrs tban white minurs rawling irstsieefnehauer.nhecug wouid accapt, anS tbey monopoiized thu only a "'glorie*us nihblr," but frein that, sinal tradrsauanS thu carryiug business. day liebcm m a lover cf the noS anS often Theyal-sebave beetakeuonasreuiarwvork- duvotud hiiiosuif te it. That bu diS neti .lien un many cf the rmines, and a niut-ibteu eomli ees on accounit cf i, appers cf thern have lecated claime, althougbi thusfrialutrutbîeuspa eth te wouk bu bas bren SoiL,luin ier, aslire ACAINST THE AUSTRALIAN LANV. says, '4te vlindicate uuiy fishing te yen." The matten ef granting miners' rigbts te Again lie says te is brother, whro bas thesu Afghans was brought rpin l thu we2t bren sick : " Take time te recruit andi Anstralian Parliament, sud tîte Premier te do yourcsrlf justice. My pbiloseplîy duclared tbat the privieges cf miniug wurr telle mue thaito tesudy te be happy we muet rsrvrd for wvhite men. The Goeuninunt, study ta beunatunal, ta take what Cod bas bue said, did ne t propose ta ec every sent te; us, wtbarputute tae eîjoy it." lu premieiug miniug camp everrun by cheap speaking cf bis flshing lbu says, IlTherefore Asiastie, aud if the presentlaws werr net 1 say, takýe seme pastimusand ibis is mine.' tringetît euough te pruvunt the Afghans l1sd Sir Charles bren au indolent man , frein enturing loto conpetitiou witb white onuewoLdnet so raadily quoeu ilm as au, men, theur the Governurrunt wonld seu te it advecateu(cfinereatîcu. Busidus bis litrrary that new legieiation was adoptrd. Whai work bueurade te'orr very important dis,3ov. makes this question more inturrstiug le cries In aniatemy, for wbicli the wonld bas that wrst Australia, liku the cîher colonies baS hlm te îakuvursicu He accumu- bas barrud eut Ohinesu coolies, cnly te bu. lated a miuseuni, and was a constant slectud as a new field by the equally ob- lecturer aI nu dicalschoels, besîde pursuîug juciionablu East Indians, wbe are fiocking anuactive profussional lifu. te ail tihe colenies by the thousaude. HRu waS euahled îeprelong is flic te the The large prcspecting parties wlîlcb stant agueofstyeught, and te purfonin butter out frein camps lîku Coolgardie use canins work, by wlîat many cf is proîrseicual for packin g purposus. Onu caninwlil carry brrrhren tliouigbe was wasted turne giveu te as nruch as twe mules, sud Ire la the idual bis rodi, beast cf hurden fer Sesurt travel, as neo- wateris req uirudutil bue reaches is des- anig tination. iWithonttbte camul ih is doubt. anig fui whther prospecting or exploration If puopiýe would oulyunuderstand anS could bu carried ou successfolly lu any of cnînl rumumilber that Nature wiauly tbeduserrgionsof west or suth Australia. talts eL, c-f tirepersan wbe faints, sud One cf the busi. iga for rapid deuni travulnfo evry is a streng buckbeard witli ibrur cainuls, pet thll e nthu e t position o' uoey eune harnessed tandem in front of a span. tiiat eing downi, the foolisli practice cf Ie te a queer-luoking ig. but eue may cever miakrug a prliow of sometbing te put untier big distances with il lu a country wbich thu uaor tryiug te maku the une who would kili even the toughust mule or has taluiteS aýit up, would cerase, Tbis je burro. Tbroughout ail parts of Austnaliathereis the very wç'nýst tbing that couid bu doue. a gunuinu revival of gold mining sncb as tUsualyv, rnotîceatianu at al le nurquireI in bas net beru seen lunrany yuars. The anig hfrt huidsesbetii immudiate canser of ibis was scarcity eft te d, isý te lay tire persau dewn fiat i once, work in ail the large towns. Rundred, the huaS mue ujuet as low as the body; wure tbnowu ont cf wonk ou t'e big catlle theraus, the lugeaird body a fewinichus frein snd sheep ranges anSImany goed mechanicse Iegonthu ee ci. or eigirt luches, feund thumaulves idle becausuet the (lui- thieruby u ausing the head te bu lower thaît nes lu the building trates. Tu tiret îhing the body, and ceuscicusuees wili retur n i- tire Ausîralian turne te whe hle e ut cf a miedîarly. lThe simnpicity cf bis proceduru job is prospuctiug, sud lîruce duning theý shoîuît i caue uvery one te know and, ru- Ise yarmmberlP -,.iiy .tseffl@acv le cuick andi HULNDREI)5 Os'Marr have bren swarming errer Chu desoist couutry ie the Mountains et Victoria, Nuw South Wales, anti wea A ustralîs. iii uci of euis tunniîrnry lias neyeer rn upor anS iî was hn the3e virgir uiosea i busc ieds wurm matie. Srenai nicliýdiacov\- unlus, however, w4eriraenenoliabn cureSdtggiugs,auli le moreohncre isac iuck bas atterded thrseearýh oet meunvcs clenks wbe hbave bren dropped oc fpoi tions anS wbo truok jute ihe biblesriten gelS, precisriy as thu pieneer4 cf Baiansi nid foty yeaîs ago. Last yuan the huai camp tound was se Wyaieng, New South Wales. It avas near the olS Teinora Siegings, anti the wenden is chat caneful prcepeccIýng talleS te di-close itr richurees yesrs sec. The r.ownis new growintg raprdly, andthue mines incluSe sonne ci thu beet pavîng prep- ercy in the colonies. Glcn Wilis anS Ome ire aise cwc payiog camrpslut New Southr Wale tins bave heen tIre seurruof grese rusltes Surin g chue lact eigirteen munths. Tir mment n-bave cîreneri these districts iraS grester batdsbips te coitent itth lar aev eftihu proners et Califoria, ton the countrny is fat nougîrer airS iberu is ne placer minung. The cacursi working mines are the hydre ulir 'Sains, kccwn inu cie colonies as "'alluvial," hut t'oe greater pari et the min- ing le ruef mmmcn, 's hicl ieestunneiiing anti Ieavynmaclurnery. Wbai be gelS oui- pur of Austrabia for 1894 iwul l e canuet bc eseimterd, buc h le sale te îay tathoe duvufopmentot su mrnîy uew districts ili bu sure te bhnit up to a large figuru. DEATH I-ER HUSEAND. Sadt suîry cf One et ulue Cîilt l 'sre A litile girl in IndIma ieuit te the nis- perfe, tanSi roihin-g aeler srs -quineS. Rolingsunllig SaIs ýýte tire nostenruit'Ot excite thie ner ves cf snatoantiby nous- iug the brinanST ýhuart to e rnuwediactiviry arr usetful. PTbuy lane, !ween an rein brig ssetrlamS in moSý osecsrtcaP i necsray t D nlbumny alpensenwbjo hba Jane n.t- -17 o itr~ otue u ýIbe[n rruu utr yung Srv or cru týe- u miues ieas a "re l, by wilfe!e1 puecLtlynecntiaS betes ),1L H ,)go, their way. The Prof'essor aIthe Bedside. Ai hihbdsilde cf ibu invaliti, or con- valuseniiha l. Well, sleep te 'socb un lite lin.T'le bd soho luld ie as que spos,ýihl. Intermittent noises barnili elup. ntiailunupleacrue rounds4 Seo Se o pirasant ihoughts. A lîti lu fooS elieuld be raîruï-p betore crrposuug the bodiy for ruasud szire 'p. This food musi nec bu s1opýry, bot ,prtty soliS, anti, if necessry, a Iile weî,lc wliaky anS watrren ciuld bu taken s/Cen it. Aidity oetnIe etomacb is a tiuaS!y i10e te sleep. Feu grains cf the hrarecc f I otpetasît or uven fi/tri-n iili moreic e-ffeialyanS wlthlles danger Cran theo rame i,,iunocf promiSe cf potassium if ib her b bot sud the bncw, a baud- kercîief wrung -,frein colS waîen andi toîlet vinegar txray bu;)eplaceS serosChu bnow, an,'Si hmlr i ueuif msy bu wetted. The buclb s i.net bu toiesvy, non the macîneas tee soi,)t. led socke cîrould bu won. T1IrebrladSchouli e turneS t,,warele the nolih or west. For Wr are ColS by seniste tat a body ibat remau're proue fer sonne ,me eunoder rIre influenrce ef cennutgaltereanS tii bas a tendeu'-v IoteNý rsiieh bîori frein wes ce easet. Howý" Babies are MXade 1ib. eionarv echeci . site was a prutty, oýie Ver ~ senriuSînn oecurrî hile tîirg, anti se aitracteri tIe eeacbmr sud Sercsmore heailt tan accident ci that sue venured to visit lier lu ber brneaine. e. reelenasnte believe thai not Sbetouuud the druSd overslradowed by chu a f ev' cf tie lsrofulons diseases ceunnon bernrrcf' ber approacluiugnarriagr. As amnn chàîtimnpredeed frt ni ibmignonrant hableit, oerýng put te sIuep in bue suad baby abu baS bren beinoîhud, but, accordl- peraurbulatons with the limaS cuder the ing te oustomu, silou ived lunlier father's bdccbnanS se %ainhale air arruadv bouse liilie w-as 12,ten ahe 'sas ta ln bresibedanS feniber tontaminaled by taken frein. ber cwn people an given oýver îxaiteu ,fen tIre alun. "Look litre," aIdoccer sai ca weman, "yen are sencher. te lienlirusband, a bidmous brie uruman, te- ing t,, Iifir -aoutefvour cîniltis huinge. ,low fermeS, iris face seanred wiîh d:seaae,cf baS would yo j 11km te drink chu Mater yen characten anti uetcnhously given ce drnkulwsb in Ilwhîenyen cover ftiebaby's TIre chilS waE lentifleS of bu, anS be iread up yen force hlm te use air ehuat ir SerieS a ghoui-îîku pluas-ore frein ber Ju~se as baS, anti jusi as impore." tenue r ; ruseS to jcmp at huer lu chu Sank, makre faces ai ber, sud tliSber tirai once A Great Waste. neabiy marrieS ce hlm, snd lu bis bome, fbu ODue fteu phulenphen'esisones cf enec sud Iris eldti nobr wcuid msknefhrt wcnk tia nýýosi j rbeo ban cf lier beauiy wriîh a ruS-bot fork, se that itua n~tr afepoluac baun ht would salen bc difficuhi te cîtoose hecîveen the dirEect coutrol et the enungy which is Ilueir ewo faces, storeS piriU0,0a,so0cIrat it inay bu nnîploy- At isi the fatal day arriveS. Thu uS , w,ihe1t wa.eeasd se a very email nnisslonany' hunt aceS/d or tibm utile fnienti -manýgincf cost--iu etîter uvonde, îîmsc it may sru war runable te heilp, anS as lIre weut lbu turneS Irecl mto eiecînicity withreii abcurtlber wonk rIre prayet tiriGoSmiglie uasing st'eam en-glues sud bolers, the preaunt savu Rie Irlese dreatzire. wo . y ne itypriet At non te chld'amotbr bust t ,Éthu uqtungy tatexisîs in ceali n rw lest ' te beurre. "Nahemi laSudaS," abu crieSid ~i nghiite oPower.Je ges oSf anti the iwo wcmen bornieS to le r ine. itb bat ibro(ugithe ch'imnys et boler Nahomi,ivaelyiug atiff anécuid ontir-or, 1 ) n le p iookmng vury alin and chltisb in lietrce rteervud bol uy reoun w ofr bridai drrs suad -mootli, fiewer.crownuel r!fourlis 'fu n nboir0'maec s ibis; wasIe wili vasîly cheapen the braS.. f 'uverytbing wiiicb le mautactîrred hi appeared that she baS spent thbm rnorn* itniu o r steamur power, as wsell as cf ail iug lu mestress ageuy cf sutioipsiion, etùr - unieesu ncussarlus cf lite, sud ils (tc quiet lber)lirur mîserabîr unothmr han jwel I)e cf Inigitier inoluence Illuo braten lier, audti lai afterwart sie liraS, ienthran tchu deveiopmeut cf -the taiben ie s u spaihy et duspair, e' englue asud ueîicity have beau. le Sur baS waeud lirr itCle persan anS ber w unbescan steainship cf 20,000 bain, sud bralduti it ueatly, liaS Pitn o e hn.powuer te crýoss t he occan fastur than bridi gwu, aS ecormetlimet wfo ay ethe crack -vessul ow So,aod itwouid fiowers sud jrweiry, andti ten laSgoe eqin cu umiug f o tou20 es et quieily into the yard biimuS tirhue ,lea,1111 tea et(2 ,000 biofu 1ae nDo en- wherr a Satura mrelruug itsgrese whte qie tnumr.pete agaiene tIrehoue sl-y, deug ,up MlnS atai tileet s pois-,oous noot, surS iihen Whaimmenussly vselfor, 'sien cbuy crept backimmc ler brouie , uw prsy te> GoS is , thai îe anS wonmay net lay, coiS, stark -frnue, ma lI'Ie fo i0ui i rveb e.h. r1dr>, ,e U 'Y F Pkt r e'Catr BUSINESS IMPROVING. A 31arierd Itetevat of Busineslns Cime Unlleti States4-Thu Whulle WorIrI Will share lte l aupnrvrùee Godefcsalready hegin te foilow the H r ' o n e tariff sertlement at Washington. Importuns H r -a Po n e are eakiug eheir geede eut cf bond, the securities cf Uuited States corporations When you ask for a are srlliug again ln Lor.don, and the monry marketis strenger lu New York. Wýhun5 ce t p u tire President bas affixeS Iis signature te ~thbilor allewed îîte obecomu iaw, cpe- 10 cent plugl ator maybeuxpeted to throw off reserve ý 2ocent plug OF TUIE 1 POPUL.4R sud launcli eir capital freely under tire 8auspices cf the new tariff. Thein confidence will net uecrssaniy.neflect their satisfac- tion with the taritf. The tatif 'vas au un- knowu factor, it la now a knewu onu. That i eougb te tuake an enecrînous dif- ference between paet sud future busines, revun if the nrw tariff weru wense than tire 1old. Therue au bandly 'ou auy questicun that thure wili bu. A MARKËD rE VIVAIL un the United States. Theu ties oun aw mateniala have beetu lowereti, in seis cases removed. Lumber airS wooi are beth ou 1the free list, on mron oru tire duey bas heem lcwered frein 75c. te 40c., aud ou bîtumnu. eresceai an equal reductiati blas bren made. The diminielîred coet cf iber four inateiels eheuid guve an impulse te manufacture aud ceirsunîption vury heneficial te wagesansd trade. Ou the foodesurid food ceustituenîs the duties as a whoe are soinewbat lower. On manufactureS articles lirere iras beeu a utatenhal luvulling dewn, but protection Pas net buen abaudoneti. I lsle e rif that shouid contribute more te thre prespunity cf the country ltaithtie McKinley Arct did. GooS or bad, the tariff will give industry lu thu United Status a chance te thnow oif the listiessuese ebse bas se long oppresseS it. Ail .,lbe, conditions are favorable for a sarrt. Money ile pieutiful anS cbeap, the low prloe are arr inceneuvu te buying sud in- vestrueut, low stocks leave ecoe for manu- facturnau activity whîicir wiil cail fer capital and bauds. Lastly, w.rgee; are icw. Ont of etîcb conditions. wiîh an abîtudance cf inatuniai wualhrand f ull confidence, G0ce) TIMiE SIOULD APJSE. The United State, even when tariff lockeS by tbe McKinley Act, ceuld mlot keep te iseif its bnief prosperi ty unden chat law. If its fortunes iernuw, other countnlue wili sharu in the benefit. Britishu capital will bu wauted. Tlie recommencementeof impîorta- lion eut anormal scale wull i nse pnîces lu onîsidu counîle, anS iuîcrease the imiporte cf thlesu countries, anS their busineiss te. geilier sud with ithe United State, Canadia will undoubtedly neap direct gooti frein the new tariff, as wili as ber ahane lu ies effeois on geueral ratie. Wr ebould bu able te cenS bariey unie the UniteS State under au aS valoiemi duty of 30 pur cent. A Iwenty pur cent. dtity on butter wiil net bus constant bar te exporta- lion frein ibis ceuntury. Our egg exporte te the State wili be prrîty o ntiun te rire to ilium olti volume new lirai the duty ile 2e. a dozen iower. Lumbur, cf course, wili be a lange expert. Apples anS cUrer fruits grown ti Canada arr on tire treer irt. Tibe drîty on Ipetatees is ieweredl frein 25c. a buehel te u30 pur cent, aS1 valoremr. The more confidence ruses i l tirUnitut Sats th re-xwîeecnnutv aahye thait ee'unîn nare ule- peti';i bu thue demaud flor aic 1'Clest tcaein A GCRAý ýjTe_ FLGIRL. Thle E.perieiker 01n Y a- lrady fus Mon tri-ai Wlao xine eie-itew Rer Li e Was sveil. Freru LaPatrie, Moairceai. The fuil duty et a nrwspapur ile not sim. piy te cenvey news te, itI roaler,, burt te give suroî information as iiiliebcetf alue te ibeur un ail waiks cf lite, atirhIis, Wr take it, incluSes the publication of tttch evitimnce as will warrane those wbe inay, enfertur- ately bu intuceoor latir givinsa atair trial te the reuueày tifat bas 'proveS ot iastiug benefi tot others. LaPatnie baving huard cf tire cure cf a youug lady liv ing ai 147 St. Chanle Bor romu street, cor note tbsîr orriît.any interet, determineul tceurake ait iuvestigationi cf the rase wlth a vrew te giving ts resSens tire luarLiculurs. The rporcter% knock aStheic uocu was* auswerl by a yeinr prson npaîly dreý,ecd, sud shewing all tir- appearan c cf got heaiîh.1 " came te inc'tire,"' said tire reporter, " coiucernrg til .,eunz lady tireS by the use of Dr. \iluos' Pik Pll-.ý Int that casA.1ut must be inyseit," saiS thre young girl emliirc, «"fer 1 bave brun \-ery sick surS laid rip wîtlrI erat dicuase, rd aonie menthe ago tlrougtîg Iwculd sue secep lur Cote dles Neiges cemetery. Wo't you core ne uartSseh Sowrr sud 1wili tel yent ail abouti it 1" Thu youurg girl, wiuos naine la Adrienne Sauve, is about 19 yuars of agi'. Sire sîsîrd uliat terne yvars ago che hecame il], anS gradrtaliy tire dticease teck au alarnirng echaracter. She1 was paie andS irslese, ber blood was tîripn sd watery, chu couid trot walk fast, couidti e inh a su air, ondeo lu tact sany wonk requirnug axertion. lien herttroubleS bier os) mccli sud ibu palpi- raclette were se violent as te frequeuily preveut hun frein sleeping at nigbt, bier ipîs wrre bine anS bloodirss, andSahe was subjeci te extremely severu hearlaches, Her conrdition matie ber vrry cu irappy' for, heing arr orphan, ehe xauted te buetfbnep to tebe relations with wlror sirelilveti, hut instead was brcoming sur ineuintrance. Has'ing ruaS of thu wonders werked by Dr. WiVllams 'Pink Pille, Miss Sr'ave determined togive theur a trial. Atter usirug cas on twe boxes sure began tu revive somerylat sud frit stronger iban betore. She lept hetier, ,tbe clor hegan te returu te ber cheks, anti a nrw lighit shonu lu ber eyes. ibis encourageS lier ce mach iluat aue detururin uS te continue tie reratureut, anS seonîhe huart palpitations sud pasîns wlich baS mate ie br iifu misurabie passeS away, sud sire xvas able te assiat once more lu tire hieusehold labor. To-day abo fuels as --I t 1 - 'r-.-- . ' c r.-- -2 t ' t- * ~-----1.- c' - P ,ge3 Coul Sprinuy Fonce. The eflîy unster et expauirson and coatraciron. A fu sti)ck ef Farur, Gxrden, Lawn ruS Oîirsnai Fonce alwaye lu stock. Or]' ns soli'ited sud panticclars give, or iaîled oit upplicationr, by -4. W. FOLE Y, Box 148, Bowmauvilie, Ort., SuOIe deler, whlemaiusi-isd ntail for C unty et Duirham anS East Whitby. ~hUŽ~!IL~I .rO.C't, utîhi os rott~c. One c'~mt e. dose, ir..el ci.rflAT Couic n Cjsuu premutîs' cen-es Pbrru mli Ottrers Lail, t.orrghe. Croup Sors ?btct, Hoaumroru~ Wtîocpung Courir sud t~utbrua. l'or Conaur~mptmoîi il Lus un rivai- as cirter] thornuanda, arti wfli cuecu xer u~dtdluin lime. S rb'~ Pnuggirte ou a guar- e'-f o. For a Luzuc. Loc'e e'.~ Cîruet, nain LHiLCI-1'~ 3ZIJ LAIIOItrA y'LAS'rBa.lio, .',i7~e~ I-lave] t>tit.surrti c ~a'iYut TCILrOyius'uaraca. treSCecurcr~orr. ArduLoct4. l':jacturtre'e,. For sale by Stot & Jury. be sure that'the retailer does not induce you ta buy any other in order that lie may miake a larger profit. AlONTREAL. FUO R SALE OR. RENT.-Hlouesnd L., acres for-sale or te reut, situsie on S2irotreet nonih. The promises cousist of aR0oca bouse wleh evury onvuniem, ru, Snrg efid stable, etc. 'lue Rrden contaius a lut ot the choicust fruit nt ail vanietirs. ,Immnutianu pe esessioncan begiven. For parr-icular8septnly .0 W.Oitsr,Ena'HBewmanviiie Ont 49-t THE CANADIAN SJATESM~AN ESTABLI-IIEI) 1831 $1 pur aunuin in advance, o'.bervse S publication. Advsrtiiin, rates nanîti ey aont raci, 10 curitis pur lne, noap irue 1 firi iniceu on, anti5 cretsp-r lhueaucir subseqaarte- kermiren. Locale, t1> cents per line. M. A. JAMES, Prulisl-r Lakg Ontaioad O8a of ,Oiinlë braves Cobourg S a. mn.. Port Roe 9.153a.m,, weet mdeys. rrrtvîngCbarlottu (,crof Ro ic- ester) 2 30 p.ni., excupt Mondsy. aiben Streanmer leaves Coboerg t p,. .,Part hope 230 proIl, arrlvingeChalogtte(Pent olRoelresterf 7.30 pe. NAILIENG N4)R'I 19. Lraves Charlotte, N, Y. I(Port cf Rochester)l wuek tisys l j5 puarrives Port Hope S630 a tu.,1and Caorrrg 5arisn.. eireepn býswIudny, W". s taaer leaves Charltrie. N.'Z.Y., t 25 p ni., aniviug Port floc 10 p. ru,,Ci u. t0 1. mr. An extra ftrip besmee MourJe>y frein C tn- lotiee t .10 I.a. u1,arnîviug C.c ooung 1 cr., l'crt hope 1.30 1) n. NB.-Calîs eveny Wednrcýday ai Dri zbr'i 3 2I sm. ,ruS Coîbir-nu Weorrusnay u-.1 F,caty 4-50 arn' WEERLY BAY 0F QUINTE ROQUTEI. braves Port iHope ever S,lýy Iod Y10p.j, s'rr Belleville eveuy Su ndtay 3 2,) a. r. Pic vei 25 am., Kingaio. 10 a mu. J. Il. IL. JURY. il. 11. OILDSRPSLEEVE, Aeni, re.Maig. arowînsnville Kt.~cr tlic reMiovl c of aI ' L,-7 r t pro 3t, I- afi, m aW f.:r WCS'. LOarrr3r. .s-

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