Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Sep 1894, p. 2

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T-f 'e--e-i areuîakcbl unlly . .1e ,o.r u cing stmuat theieaifre.ietie box-. et1 E e If they nyc:e Ache t7-- w0uid b e Lws pils to those fiho siut.er (r. xi this d'ir iigcoinpliiti: but frunaeiy Ileir goodne" dccote Ced bore, a,d those wlî stiroe uy thi wiil ed thlese ittsepilis ;valwiM nslel o na-fv ways that txey w~ill ot be te bd ode wthOut thern. But ater al sick Ilead -els n fsomn vstthere h where ire malaeucr greaù ghorst. ur PUI1S cure h wiis1leochers ,dono. CîARTER.ITTLE rVivr-e. Penlisare very enial and very easyo takeOeo aoplenal a dose. They are ,tietl7 vegetaisie andl(1o flot gripe or purge, butV b5their gentle a ei,, i please al sciso 11se tisses. Ini vias at 25 cent, fisc for $1,. Sod cverywisere, or sent sy n'ail. f . P tO(r' f Um r J 'eni f. US i tiff CIV b i1j1 'f f.1' ün . î-- i fý I :5 MORTGAGE STATISTICS.1ý Advice to Housekespers. Viesa lst IraaIsdbtie tIB The mos t essentiel ineredient in the art OJney1 e0 h grgt ot oi cookiag fis cleanlinass. A. dirty kjtchen On riay1 h ,g ils a disl,.-aic3te abathin sistres eut! maid. lie gage iudebtadniess of th,-- iedftae cleani in.your persanu, payieig partioular anutf oS,1,7,8.'bsTs u atVnt~ieVot'hd hîh d icy ~ represeîsted by 4:,777,C698 morù,t gago on be en Do not go about slipshod. "cetat udlt sllae, tow e-an Provide ycurseef with weil fitting 'eoa si. ftea hr-er-ttsedt on- You WÎIi find thoinsles' îatiguing in a wklrm tied7,32i9arspdgdfrete kitchen than loose, unnidy siippura. - and 4,161,138 lots. Tihe.avîest or*a-e Provide youraeif aitis au lealst a dbz1u ,,rdcn is borne by New I rvi. I,0, good-sized, sers îerablo coolsing sprons 4,301, and these mallest morgagedehi nsade with bîba. Theoe wîllesave ysut' resta npon ixevada, q:-,194,995. NI r- arî gowns, sud lteep you iscat snd dean. Have then made large s-rougis round sa as ta W. W right, wFo issues thse ceannsblielensni ineet bah mnd. WI'en yeu are in tise idst for tise United States, figures tisat Vthe cf cookingj operations drea s itahly. Nos or mortgen-e dabitismroughout tise' union c Ivaste or tbrowv ssay aaytiîa that eau ha e- . -c turned to accolant. ma warms seatîjor, anyamdlnts ta $96 a head of thepouto. gravies or soups tisat are lai t f rom Vtse pro- 1 Tise largost proportion of msortgagàied acres S cedingz day shoulllieha oilad up aud poured i, nas, ivere 60.32 par oeilt. 0of them into Jean pans. This ia particulsriy noces, total nurrber of taed acres are ancumrberefi. sary where vegatablos have beau added Vothenoaaodb f h otsr n the prepatatiea, as iV VLan soon tutUs cour.Th ogaedboftende la cooler weather es-ry otiser day wilt ba western states is groater tisan tisat, of tse 0 of tan enougis te warm np tisase things. seutiseru states, la soveral of wbisistise land Evory neornnz visit ycur larder, change akosi-oayIe rn nnarne dishes and pates when necasssry, epyTs tsis shic ow t twslyfor anom s aud wipe out tise read.pan, andaernt hsaitc hwta tws sni everyting reat u d ean by noon. Serais debts fil the groat majority of cases ;that tiseat ont thse larder tsrîvce a seek. If You Lavaensrtgages ware given, 6.03 par cent, cf thseCI a spare kitchlen cisphoard, keep yeur hsked whole nurnber made during the ton years pastry in it ; it preserves it crisp, and endiag December 13, 1889, ioîgfor I provents if becomîng wet and heavy, wbicil emounts cf lasa than $100O each, 1lie$5. 171 it is hiable Vo do in the larder. per cent. were for sures less thaniii$500, Ia cooking, clean as yen go. Do noV ai- 68.54 par cent, for sums bs san .,.t,0 iow dishes, aspoons, and other utensils, to and only 4.05 par cent, for $5,000over. f accunsulete on tise dresser and table whlle Tise interest tables on tisi debt are you are engaged iu preparîag tise diuîner. iuteresting as showing the shrinkage,-, in tise By a littIe management and fore-touglit, rate. liard tinea bring low prce ven ia rancis conifess;on cau ho avoided. After tte borrowing price of mouey. Tîie îaerage making a pudding, tise flour-tub, pastry- rate of interest, says tise ïew Y orkS un, board aud rolinig-pin shouid ha put sway, declifed I rom 7.14 par cent. in 1880,V 6.75 y and basins, sponrs, etc., taken to tise ipar Cent,- in 1889. Of tisa aggrageate mlnrt-l -kitelien and neatly arranged near tise sink, age indebteduesa i ncnrred duriag tise tani tn ha wasised when tise proper lima arrives. yaars tbrougboiet tiseuniona,-160 a cent. l Nover lot yeur stock nf spîcas, sait, sec- ,e'sa ubjeet te ratas bss tisa 6 par ce nt.; sonings, lherbas, etc., dsrindie down so iow 41.89 par cent, te a rate of 6 par cntand that semae day, la tise mxidst of prepsring 42.05 par cent, Vo rates higier tisa tiatt dinner yen lind yourself minus a very last aamed. Passlng te datail, weoserve important ingredient, theraisy causrng tileat in tisa decenniai pericdo i 1880-89 thed mucis confusion aM annoyence. rate of interest on mortgageýsfe in New If yen liva ns tile country, hava your York Irons 5.89 te 534 per cent.; ina-Mas-L vegeables gethered Ironste gardon Stau a achusetts Irons 6.06 te 535 ; la Coanecti- early heour, io that tisera is amplle tisa Vo eut froya 5.91 to 5.54 ; la New Jetaecy Irons isearcli tcr caterpillars, bugs, etc. [hase 5.98 to 5.61, sud in Peansylvania ilom 58'7 disagreeshie additions naed îîever make Vo 5.65. In Kanses tise averageý rate of tiseir appearance on table, in cauliîfowers, interest, dropped fions 9.47 teu8.48 a caibage, or letruce, iltutie vegetaeila its Colorado frein 11.05 te 8,2-2 la., Nebraka0 raw state la albwed o soak lu salit sud, rons 8.8L> te 8,04, and in Suis ý Dakotae waer lorean heur or tsvu, 0f course, if tise fions 10.31 te 8.96.. la Virginia, West vegat-ablesareicnet istougfil t ii iithie laf Virginîs and Tennessee the eýverege rate1 moment. tisî piecaution canneotlie takou, bas reasaiaed nearly statieasryý, c1 a te6, Be very particalar in cieaning ail vegetables par cent, Ia two staýs, Vrsn and frea Ironsgrit. Notlsingsta souapleaaant, Soutis Carclins, thse rata bais ris,-2la ,tise atîd notinsiaVO asly qovoided, if cut cens- former frotr 581 te 5.93 atnd iÎVit latter ason cama he exercisai, Irons 7.50 te 8.35. WbVeui you bave fiaisised peeling anions, Investigation sowed tiat noV oretisan wassbthe kniifae t once and pet it away ta 1.-,3 par cent. of tise se cudbmtart- hae cleaned. N oiing la more indicative of gages was disbursed for fa rs al afn iy a slovanly ad untdy cook tisa Vo use an expansea. By personal ouqu-'-ires nsde la "onioily" kaife in tise preparation of any l12 slected couatias, it i waa onaf hat diali whera Vise flavoi of tise onien la a dis- 80. 15 par cent. of tise nortgagac la uber agreeabia surprise. and 82.56 par cent, ln a vale wr eeFor Af ter yoîs bave a saed yoursasucapans, nurchas-e noney sudiprv ens fishl-ettie,etc., stand tint berrite fire j____________ for a fesv mintutes, te geV Viorengily dry inside, belore puttiag tis'm awsy. They Stî-ange Catastrù1,he,. F ahonîf ha keptin l a dry piace,in ordor tl-,at A isthing catastrophe-, vhy wh ih ie ýLtbey niay escape tie detarioracing influence ol~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~je oasdtefy aqikydsro'd ia I500 parsons, were opdaea oveut t hr ba sau epansdîx-y ros oady s-jusir eportedfIrns Taraspol, îla Scithi o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i usieh>cenfVienx SI l lvaly Rýus. _ T!ise dataPlsoftia flÀ ersanitý af nidy la copper u if tlshiftis in asa aue.O ts iiny(l bas woa t, ae tpiqeutey elae ~ hain usac. Tiseforme sisclih weli tond shouVa and ,lsereaaa rcedn Io 7 OulN BTHE IIO LE YWURIJJ VHAT 18 GOING ON IN THE FOUR CORNERS 0F THE GLOBE. Old and New V ai-id iiivent% er Intteet Clcrossiclitl Bl-lnIse-siîi ip- penisirs or Rîes-Ont Data. Rose-leaf jainis l a Roun-ianian dish. AIl tisa Garmait warsbîips aro to ha peint- ecl a cinnamon yellow. Tise hnait ses mirage la Vise Fate Mer gana, ila1tia straits of IMessins, Tisa London and NerVis-western Raibway receivas ovar £ 175,000 a ypar for carrying mails. At Rodderdlam tise poorar classas who1 cannet afford a fao mus atn.rry on Wef nos- cey isatore noon. Of tise six c8rf mais recentiy afdad te tise Sacted Collage, four are Italian, anaeGar- ua sud oeaSpaaisis. Ia ltaly thea day is counted Iron sauncat .0 suaiset, sud tise hurs are nunsbered Irons oua te twanty-lour. iDeamatit sponds every year 16,000,000 kroner on lier armny and avy. A kroaer .s e littIe over 251 cents. At tisa initial coat of £143,000 Vise corpos - ation ai Glasgow bas aasumred the direct control cf the uîty tramways. Tisera are about 1,700,000 Chistian sn Indla oui of a population of 260,000,000. Thiey ara mostîr Roman Catholics. 1Tise Paît MaIl Gazette sent one of ita staff as- a member of tisa orchestra te tait tise t-tory of Deise's appearance bera tise Q ueeîî. Tisa Bagater Publiishing House. publiisera of thesaions Bagater Bibles, kaown the worid over, cetebrates uts centenary tis venir. Tise Kisaiiva of Egypt, Ahbbas Il., la an- gagef Vo Erminse, youagestdaugiter of tise loto Sultatn Abdul Azîz, who was murdered la 1881. Ia Roumanria a duty of ls. a isottie bas ta ha paid on foroîga ine. Tisera la a tax »n lemale servantVs, on door pistes, and on doctors - Tisa grestest distance ever riddaenna bicycle aitiseut fismeuntýinç! lastated to be 230 mites, 449 yards, Tis falet was accon- plisitad îa London ln 1880. Sinça Danmaark astabisaed dairy scisools ad tradue s science olbuttcr-making, 100.- 000l,000 pounds of butter have isoon expert- ad freintise country anauaiiy. M. Casimmir-Perier, tisa new Preaident of France, receive.l Irons bis fatiser tise sang legacy of 40,000.,W0 francs, sud bas siace addaf iargaly to bis fortune. Sir Hlenry Loch, Eaglanf'a cisief commis- soner cf Sentis Africa, is allewed $40,000 a year, witis travelling ailowancesand frmes roi-acsin townanad country. 1V la.said tiat Ceci[ Risodes, tise diamond mnine wnor ad pobstical bosscf Souths Ari.e s,.la noVoly s haciselor but insists on aurroundiag hinisaf wltis hachelors. Tia deat membars of Lise Frencis cabinet are M. Dnpuy and M. Deleassa, sud tbey are onby forty.two. Tise Miniater of Pub- lic XVorks is tise yeuogaet, heiug tlsirty- Tisa London MissioniaryeSociety cela- braVes tissyear its ceuteaary, Tisesocle Vs fanda itsrîf lu deht about $150,000 and n eafs an increasae of $ICO,000 lu ita yearl13 inconre. Cocoanýouts 8and tisa nts of tisamaisogsei Engsn, rosaf Sotan, af I4erway semî1ly uiimpa ired by thaîr long voy tf 'ICI AIV? .~ --f .\S' -f - ..~-C'i ~4ir 'ur"es- ;jc d iok ¶te heabel on thse ixnes anfl rût8. i t s -iir;1,3,fo'. iireet, London, toey [CeUfo~ fLs oenakotch ofthtie fruit au iaýeJo tise Trea cf Lita of British Indsi. roots and isarl cf wbh ishava a powerfuti fluace in curing EXHAUSTION, and LOSS OF NERVE FORCE. Sufferezs irons any trouble of tise ganerative organe ean zget fuil p rtictilars frac of a vieallzing elixir -extracted frons is roots nild barlilcf a plant foun d coniy in tise his of Br tish I1i , mdklsewi te Vise natives as tise "Treoc f Liie.' Tis vitiiugil elixirhlas isfflsn mPde and used by MrsBesant in odia for saarly itirfv ',cars wfit. ffl t oefiiiiiite prflraffntlv <cure eR've.'the. .epartinent.- B IlA FTS nexs< wantaf. l sda ssîl a adl pectace-a cr-owd Of ni wsshinig pur-Iuing-clotiss.i children, ail su a tate ofin sud eici, tie titiyeilow, i'in sinsastisiack. tîcaan d ac v u 1 GONSTrIPATION AND LIVER COMPLA.'7S. .o2fidetially, sl uet fil parrrila.rs piron)ptly ins 1v t, (t 'if -s-S (f .Ct~if. ____ -~ f____ __I f - -- - f. -- srs~ssi~------'---.- ~'-' - .<etfiffi CTICESiSfiV. fff i 5f ~ f" "~ff - if.f~f. 3. -- ef..tff.~f f - ~ acf e-susse ~ cdbtilidred ~ ~ ~ i1~t5SfT53i55V fxifiUfiarffsffvitifairf -s-i s-o.' anssil fIiff'5ff1ff5~f55..-.~.-.- -~f~ff.fV.ti~îfiifIf.~45 -- - iVV~fVf<VfIIVftV. ~tf.fff5 .5f.ff~~ -- a,.~, .~ca *f.f~ fSftf-ae- "Sf "-if.~ f 5 fi- .-=--f- -'----------. r- - =-----f'ff.-- '-"---.---.= VftSI -' se et-, SfSset~ fff.1-f.fff~f f~tVc.'.f4f5~ --f-------------- ---'-f. - - - f '--f fff -f .-57 ~ .# f'i5 s- f. -f. --'f.--'-- f.----- ~f.f f. - - - f. f. f. f --. --ff.f.~. f - <~2 5- f f Is fi ~ if.. -f-f f 1'~5 1-- .W S..... ~ - -~ --____________ f... ~ -f -f...-.Wf~. f<-f..f, -r x..f-t.t ~rt;use' fsf-i!ii---r - -- '- -'v r. ~-r----------r-rs,,fs. te. <~'Ofi .2 - ,-+i r<-r s f s<w,~cs..r f.- .-f.fr-'-~~~rrfizsr: fifîSiZ ~ ...... .~.,.... ~. -f. - ~=i.ursf==~y.v/'~- - _ ~ ~-~xr-< ~ hai' Svitfi a ~ ~ ..~ff îrnw-ase- M~~;niiîe ai, --f. -.- ~ fi-f ,-~ f f - Si-sSii 3,UOe- ,îyuseurs site on,'nse. are plues i casa tisa ecufias. Have ood wiil to ail that lives, iettîng~,~~ 'iesa - 1 - -""- -, "" 'u-i- - - a ur ............. Iiririo '-V..'--- ~-V-V~-f~- -- ~ S tVP~ifl""1 'f f ~ I4s~~ettgsaiit~ i haire 511 - -f -4 f f~, ~fff f~ , f. - f.~ if~ -f f 'f if- ~4f~f7.if~y~;tV'ff.f 5. ~f. le mm-s ~it. teen sese VO-as i-b5 e j Vii Vs icI f- t-tsis lirea f--n ".- s rty- t-a se liste ~ng Ca s ~isp ý00d will t. ail tbat letting "I. ÎF, L ïoq S,-, i --ffi L rire U til !17- effi tlnd it to their avnaet eall at M-, ,Mayer's H a 'toe,-n see the immense stock o^:'f Feit and Stra w Rats at prices neyer b-of dre offered. Feit Rats, hard -1orsft at 50e., forrnerly sold for $ý ý1.5O t'o 2 Straw Rats equally low;- als large stock of G-ents' Fuirnish-'-ings eut down ini price, Four piy linne collars 10e., worth 20e. Corne and examine stock and prices. No trouble to show oor Furrier.

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