Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Aug 1894, p. 5

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r I XNOWLEDGE, 'Brings8 comfort ana improvement and ixtds t personal enjoy-ment when. gýihtly used. The many, who li've beL.. Sthan o)thers and enjoy life more, with Im expenditure, by more promptly adaptiing the world'a best producte ts the nieed3 cf physical being, wil1 attett the valIue to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embracad ln 'the rfedy, Syrup of Fige. 0 Its excellence is due ta its presenting ln t ho forna xost acceptable and plese- ant to thej taste, the refreshing and traly beneficial properties of a perfect lax.. ative; effectuafly cleansing the mystem, t1ispelling colds, headaches and feverD *Slud permnanently curing contipat. It hae given satisfaction -Go piillions and r9et with the approval of the. medical profession,. because it acte on the Kid- meye, Li-.,er and Bowrels without weak- enig them nand it is perfectly free from * eery objectionable substance.' 1Syruip of Figs ie for saie by al driig. gista in 75c. botties, but it in manu- Ïactured bky the California Fig Syrup Co. on'ly,,whose naine is printed on every paekage, aise the namce, Syrup üf Fige, and beinýg weli informt.I, you viilnot accept substitute if offéred.. -D -D Fq- GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. BOWMAN VILLE STATION. CGOINQ EAST GOINQ WEST 1Express .. 8 0 arnm Express ...519 a r - resp...10 27 arnm Express... 6 C5anm Plaoenizer.... 3 OS p mn Passenger. ...8 40 a mi Paseenger.... 7 04 p m 1 Passenger ....2 26 p mi Ex.lpress,..... 10 25 p m1 Express...7416 pu BOWMAliVMIL, AUGUST 1, 1894. Local and Otherwise. Mr. F. Hl. Oeborne, cf Chicago, Ill., la viftng at Mr. John Osborne's, Lake Mr. -Neil Yellowleee, cf Clilton, and the Misses3 Yellowl.ees of, Toronto are 'Mr. E. R. sud F. H. Bau-'sII weut to Oakivllle, 5 estetday to attend the funerai of an uncl!e. Mr. FrankL Rundie, Courtice, and Mise tDoIl Oke ABi'ted Mrs. J. G. LaDngmsid, Mrn R. H. Steacy called on friende lu town this week an hie way home from Trinity LUniversity. 1ReV, R. M. Pascot and wife cf Penn- isyl'ranla, U. S., were guesttaof M?. and 14ra. Jacob Poilard, recently. Mrs. Courtice, Darlington sud Mes. B. Âsihton vert recent vïsitors with Miss, Treleveu, Eden, Mariposa. - Wrder. Dîuglàta report Phenyo-Caffein as fvirng perfect Eatisfaction for the. cure cf tadachem, nouralgia snd etc. Tweive doses 25 cents. Are you galng ta get marrled ? If a, Oeal at STATESMAN office sud tee the lut- est weddlng invitations, prlnted. We have a fine lot. Many a hearty hiaudshUake and wlcome greeting were given ta aur former genial citizen, Mr. ThoA. Xllawleeei, who is lu town on n short visit. The paper an' Male and Female Attire in Variant Nations sud Âges," by Mes. Ellen Btteite Dietrick in the August Arena, will get a vide reading. It ie au hilitorteal exanination cf tht fsscinatlng Qr",ý,t cf costume. A &!-, cf droe goods sellinig off at haîf price and tome lovely dreas patterne at lees thani ooBt price at Couch, Johuston& Ceydellmau'e. Rave You Tried Derby Plug Smoking Tobacco, 5, 10 And We have Soda Water and Ginger Ale froni the beat maker in Ontario. Refreshiug sud healiliful especially in case of sickness, Large anl Small botties. GRAND CENTRAL. Bowmanville. Central Prison Twine. Central Prison, pare mianile binder twine,runnnlng from about 600 ta 650 feet ta the lb., and put up in bales of 50 Ibo ta tht bale, is this year îo1d at 8a per lb in leos than car ioad lote, freight paid. ta the purchas8r's nearest railway mtation within the province. It can be obt-iined by any oue remnitting cash with the order ta Mr. Alex, Jaffary, Bursar, Central Prison, Toronto. Have you read the West End Haome adv't? Granite preserviug ketties in al sizee at Dustan & Hoar'e. 141 New Suite for Men aud Baye juet in ut Maean's Clothîng Store. See adyt, Maynard the Jeweiler, Bowmanville, always keepe a fine stock of weddiug rings. F. C. Pethi&i is the boSs tonsorial art ist. Give hilm a cali if you ueed a hair- ont or shave. BUNDEB TwN,. -Rd. Worth ie lead jug a big reduction in Binder Twhw,. See hie ad Vt. ou front page. The fineat work aud besi satisfaction you will always get at Maynard the Jew- eller'e, Big 20, Bowmanville. Black tainless cotton toEo aud ladies' cotton under veste specilly fine value at Couch, Johusjtan & Cryderman'a. About 100 cf the %moke-damaged suite still lef t at Mason's Clothing Store. Many of these will be soid at lotis than haif of the former prie-a greab chance to, get a knock about euit or a tchadl suit for a boy cheap. Blî;nER TwrxE.-Dustan & Hoas are Laking orders, for Binder Twine-Red Cap @ 7 cents; Blue Ribbon @ 8 cents, Leave your order now as only a limîted quantlty caai b. sald et this price. Neades' Block, Bowanville. ]&Inr Chikiron Cry forVýx , e tue construction ofai rs system ai sympa- thetia pby sica, a systet that la adverse ta ail lire canant of mechanicaà physioq, aud vhich opens up a uev vocld et for.-t ta the studeut of physicial science.ý Editor James' aunuai excursion te Niagara Faltlaon Mouday by ihat favor- ite palace steamer "Garden City" cf To. routa, vas ont ai tht lest, moat tnjoy. able, sud iurgely atteuded fac yeans. Newcastle, Bovmauviiie, Odhawa, sud Whitby coutributed as mauy as tht boat eau carry sud aur private nteeprise vus a grand fluanciai succees. We heartily thauk ail w-ha paionized tht excursion sud al vho belped te make it tht maz- nifisunt succete ilvas. The newepaper men of tht district rtndeceà ne capital' Etric ets vt used tbeir colsiamu ex. tAnsiveiy. Tht wany, congratulatocy expressions main aur excumeloniste have been a source ai, great gratification sud ve bog ta iuformin heni that vIt enever M. A. James asks tht public ta patranize any enterpriae ie undertakes taint i l worthy of their patronage, lu ibis [instance, te, seurs s firest-ciass boat ve gave a guarnte t hat ne inuor society Iu tht district vas e-iliug te risk, but ve are glad ta knov tiat tht publie ap- preciate tht efforts e-e put forth te caler te their pleasure sud safety. Binder Teue c. at Worth's Maynard tht Jevellar, issuceraf marri. age licenses, Big 20, Bowmauville. Great heade requime large baie-tbey have them atai uun's Clotking Store in extra quaiity. Lf yen want auytiing lunlte Joetley liue cull sud set boy chtap yon ca-n boiy it irom a ynard tht Jeveller-. 119M. A. James is bookiug pten erst tht Old Country fro e MvYack .for $10 ce train bMontreýil for $15. Titraie viii net lait long. Nov ja youe chancei ta vieilttht aid od.Btsrsu alo him betare purchusing. Tire public vIa have attened oeue rem- uant sait otIteryears viii be the fiesi ta nespond le aur announcemeultltiseaton ou acoount cf tht satlslaetîen they have had pmeviausiy. This year vo puirpaeta give you beiter bangalue than evor. Steo aur advt. Jue. J, Mason. D. Ritchie & Co., manuafaclurerso oi Athiete Cig"arettes, Our produtwin is over three quarters of tho com- sumption of Cigarettes in carada. OArhî......... 000 040 mîxed.......... 000 0 351 iRg_, .....0 03 0 40~ Buckvizhat P bush ...000 0 O40 PuAiS, Blackeye, IP bush, 0 00 1O()62 r UMumy H 0. 0 60 O 62 rImul ..0 00 0 55 ., ua, ,wO00 0 60 BtuÀrxn. t«best table, e lb. O 0 0 O14 EIGC-s, ledoz ...........ô00 O 09 PO ITR, bush ...... 0 . O 40 acres icleared.,gaod tramne honse, iwo gond harnE, good trame stable, gond driving bouse threetî weIl il fenced. Ploughiag commen- ces ais tonâ as grain is off-Possession ta hanse in fali if wsnited-Thls Is a gond farm for grain ana grazin;r. For auy informatias spply ta, thel( ovier James Scott. narth end oi farwm, or Cea5apost Oirice, The rdmeans sotneth.,nd nith T, . N. IKARD. i TL(e foliowingp is a sample Of hi-5 Gelts Genuut Wsibham Wate, -$5.00 Au Eight.Day Clock, (atrikiug)... 82. 50 Gent'. $12 Watch sud $2 Çlain.,.. $7.50 Ladýti es $25 Wateh and $3.50OFob.. $14.,00 WXeddiug Rings made ta orden. These'are Bargaiins worth Thiey are îîot shop-worn goos, utnew goods of first quality bouglit riglit in CASH MARZKET of to-day,and given you at theso special figures. Nbogod sold which are otworth the prie asked T. N. RICKARD, SUO-ARI SUGCI \UR 1 w! Mr. P, D. F[,airbairu w-se home avec A. O,tU. 'W, Grand Excursion to Tht excursion te Barleigh Fallas-on Suuday. Niagarit Falls. Civlc holiday wasu weil patrouized-. Mei. John Gli l e ome from oron » The alleged S. 0. E. excursion by G. tefrhie vacation. A g7rand ai ter harveat excursion taNi- T. R. to thteFlll on Friday vas flot Mr. F. Hinds vue among the uiourn are ugara Falls by tht papular steamer Gu.- patroulizedl laegely. nt Mr. MAuuing'ýs fanerai. den Cîty.viii take place froin Newcss ld, The excursion by Ste. Greyhound ta IlMrs. Luke Frame cf Toronto a viEit. ]3awmanville, Oshawa sud Whitby on tht Falls on Fciday vas net s very large lng at Mr. Thos. Sherin'e ilatt week. Thursday, Aug. 16. under tha auspices c f (one, oniy about 15'goingfrom here. Me.J. , Jue, vfe udsonof ewOshawa Ladge cf Unîited Workmen vith We aire pleased to report Me. R. Win- YakMre guettJoecfss, iernrs.oMariNwthe assistance of ather A.O.U.W. lodges dati very mach impraved in health; Mr. York.aeget fhesse r.Mri in tht district Popular prices viii mle, . W . LWilliamis is alea impraviug nice!y. Buitr. Wateh for posters sud uer particularo. Se'e tht Kid Gloves for 5Oa a pair at Dr. J. W. Briniacombe, cf Muriau, 1--~ Couch 'Johnston & Crydermun's. Elin. a eugetc r .N iei The Late Mr. Manning. Nuebitter, noue chteaper than my TElg iS no. stockbut tcf groctries, fruits, spices, etc. aT hereeis ine mistk daot , i y On Wednesday morning the frieuds cf W. H. Osborne. vathta hv fneyakdoen r M. R. S. Manning wree ahacked ta heur Wool delaines front 15 ta '25ec really vath yu soui tke l c Rikarof hie sudden death which accorred uworth 'ram 25 to 40c ut Couch, Johnston Bowmnvîle.Tuesday gvening after an ilînese cf a few Crydîerman'e. The Maethodist Sonduy Sahoci had a veekg. Mr. Manning ivas ont of aur Don't fal te eure some cf tht bar. very enjoyable time aitchoir plenic ut aldeet resideuts haviung resided bere fer ginau h aenwgigo tCub Rcs2sbank 1,trt Tatirsday. The veather nearly fifty years. Ht vas tbt youngest Jhso & Cryderman's. vas fine sud ceverything passed off s3pien- son of the late Colonel George Manning didly. cf Avoca Hall, Wicklow cranuty, Ireiaud A ,asmpolibis hotvweather makes SpeCtacles , Spûectacles Spectacie t vo alterwards cemoved to Canada sndj yen feel deiightfuliy cool, aud fresh as a Headquarters ct Rickardsà for everything s1ettled in thetowcnship cf Cas-su, Dur- daisy. F. C. Pethick la the man to ut- lu ibis line. Repairiug, Tasting sudhaum county, Owiug te the death of ten ayn Fitting doue veli sud carrectly. A good parante at an early age hat vas brongbit Ayewishîng a bargaîn can gel, it pair of Spectacles far 50 cents. up by bis brother-in-lav Mr. %V. Furby by calling at Mes. Dancaeter's sud pur. 1We have cecelved front W. Bryce, of Port Hope.. Af tee comiag cf âgeahlit chasin2 ont of hec stylish trimed bats Publisher, Toronto, s Canadien copyrightt stsrted business lu eue tevu sud cetired at $ 2.Mes. Doncaster. edition cf "Cyril Xhyma' Mistake"iby a few years age fren active business lite. 1 Sp,,ooers Phenyle kilîs tht Hemn Fl4 Carrie J. Harris. t is a pure love story Ht vas a devant membar af St, Jobn'a ýn au Cate, Ticks on Sheep', Fleas on Doge, of causiderable interest. For sale ut tht church. Ht leaves s vidow sud tva Lice on Pouitry. Sure death ta al inriect bcokstores. dpughtere, Misses Ellàansd Allie Man- lite For sale by Dustan & Hloar. Mr. W. B. Be, son cf Rev. W. C. Lnad h 1enGa E ann Our readees in auy part cf Canada Beer of Peterbaro, visited bis cousin Dr. cf aur tevu, sud R. F. sud W, . C. vie houid ssk, M. A. James for price cf White of towu sud Manilla friands asat resîde iu Winnipeg, Man. tickets when thinkiug about gaiirg te the week. We vert pleaeed te meet Mr. - Old Country ae sending for friande. Beer, far everycue recalling ruemories et Mr. Herb. Noswcrthy' cf Lindsay was JTo. J.-ýaeon anaunces the commence- by gant days lu Darlibgicu gives us pleit- iu tawu last week. mient of their unnual remuant eui ibaetis sure. Me. Beer in ieachiug Messasauga Miss Nettie Sherin of Port Elgin iswtekasd ut tht prices quoted iu bis ad- school lu Prince Edward Ca., opposite home for ber hciidays. vertieent geoda should go out rapidly. Belevile. - Wrder. M.Hrl ae iTcnoi ii. Coc'hA, J ehuston é& Cryderman aretseli NOTIC.-Ail persona having clainîs on Igai Mes. Notheoie's. iug coff parasols of al kinde, ail uev E. P. Kenner wili please ferward saine lggooda, uat exactly canti pice at iheir cler ta Rev. J. Keuner, Staffa, Ail persans Miss Annie Ccx le home arumainafer'a ing qasie o airumer goods. owlng aceaunits wiii pieuse forward 3wteks visis- viii friecds lu Hamilton. .. B. Martyn viii close bis store arnount due ta same address on or before A large stock cf weddiug rings of eeperb eeyTnea ieno nigJi Aug. 5, after which' data ail unpald fiihswy nbu iRcsdesdu u uuI. utmr how I e accuns viib. ised i ht sns a athe nlght price. cure barga-irn,ýshsouid get their orders fil.- lawyer for collection, Phenyo.Caffein ln guarateed ta cure ed làthemoming or vait till tht fcllow. Bargains !lu these daysa o depresbicu uuy forai cf ba4idache or neuraigin. 25c. iug, day. evtry ont visieta- get ail thay eau for, ai druggints. theiremauey, Lu tirai case, yen shculd Mes, A. L. Vanona sud Mincie Sin- AÇUTRINDIOESTIONCURED -Admaaton, ste the Silver Tes Service far tilt ut T. chtir (,fBrantford are vibiting, their s;sîer Ont, J uiy 6, 1894,-Road'â Pilla bave N. Riekard for $18,00. Worh icoking Mes. P. Trebiicock. pei rrned vders lu cucing indigestion at even if yen do net buy. Cal sud youn îrs. J. M. McPberBou sud twe cbild sud ch'_, a t-3fodachtIubs Anevi fiud that us wecl se being lowpricad, ail ren snd Mrs,John 1i Bell of NMarsitl - ese~1aefo ia oL) e i gonds are of first quality. t ivu, loa.s are visiiag Nir. Tbos. Big gezi acd -,uiffred vwithout o0' ugauy 1r Ai ai t. r thret daye. 1 ii procured a Heu. Mose P. Neal, ex Mayor C1, humnsud ither frienda here. bý,y ,f Icds Pis sud sitar twa doses 0swega, N. Y., vas guet of Me. Al. A. The perso ai clunin (4 S.turdîy'gE -heindietinfIllesdmldtd h James yesterday on hii wsy to H amplo>n pira contni! d tis nsrcaement: M1r. distree,ýs _sernoýved sud I huitebs-an e-ii ta spend a ev days wrth bie vtnerab!e W. E. LirrchIr, Router, barri.ttr, oi O3. ever sue I take pleasure iu recoin. aud vorihy fieud sud fellew-country gooda Hall, bas returned fromt New York, mendîng Ho 'ds Pillete.h public. man, Henry Elliait, Eeq., P. M. Mr. vitre ho vas auccestful lu piaciug ou, tht M.LARY BnysoN. Neal wtt elected tht firet Republican market hie nev sccieiy novel. Hcd lîs are pureiv vegatabie. mayer alte ton yeare af Demaicratie cule. Mr. sud Mes, W. E. Bennett a dl sou Ht la ont cf the tsolid citizens cf Oewego Guard, sud Master Percy Barret have -_______________ haigheld s3veral res3nsihie positions. been spendiug% a few days here at M~r. G. K tesefIçrth#, 25 eensa; tarriagies, 50 haviug enta; Ieath8. 50 centsb, eseis lîsserien Ht is nav oue ai tli3. executive afficece of Webster's, priar te leaving for Euglsand -but FIEE OF (IARG5F, w-li the tht City BoSpital Board and vii h ii80onthil veek far the benefitÉ;cf NIe. Bennet't fane",rai cards are printed nt Chia elmce Me. M. P. Neal, je., stll, takes active heslth. They PaiU on tira MongLolian ounITS part in tht large mercirant iailoring vhich Saiurday iram Moîîtrea-l. ý,ay they have BIrre-T Nvo StiJi. 1 h iea ho has carie 1 ou very succesffliy for a Lie sud pitassut voyage. lr. Aftiur ý.Dmmane, cf a so. 140 yeýaes. Hon. Mr. Neal is a roSi Master Charlts Suthorîaud claI;d Garnet Bituzi- In Darlilgran. July 28, tht vite ai characteristre 1E'nglis§hman natvlthstsud. B ilugbes lef t ont aigiý bis waek for Mr. A. L. Brni, aio a daugbter. ipg bis 1long residenco iu tht UntedStattsý. avalk ta Cartwil ight, Ba entcksd .D..... Re is a native ci Morvensiav,. Coruveil, ýomavîct aud bas slways takiens warm interest iilu navll.They expqecita iattoKS cu--AL Islay. J ly21,5, Isasc Elfordaged tht welfare ai hie îeîîov ot rr . round valk in four dayt --a dcl*uct f s oeomns a ing them vwhatever assistance hae olv 8 8 miles. Tbey rcenitly waikel front M'yîel amntlJ'uiy 21, Robi, opportinity offeead. He bolie tdi Sturgeon 'Paint via FeneloFata nd S.Auigad70eas ticgisýhe itiofaivice presýir1elt ü aayWrd. tht!North Amnica St. GeresUnion cf Me, Char. 1Keith, principal cf tht seonti BO'ýW1ýAýNVILLE MRES vhich Dr. Sirythe, Q. C., 1 M. P. p., ai yard sohool1, Bowmrauviile, epent a1e Kingeton,. Canada, is presidenut. Ht bas daye ibis wetek lu Lindsay visiting fr iende. fr er ' d 437 ..lclutrevet'7 Tuesday been presideni of tht St. George'a Soiety This yese Comnpotes bie 34-h' year of there aiea for mauy y is teaching sud ho ln yet ontet tht mast 1FLQUR, i' 100 fbs,...$1 50 te $2 00 BuIEsNTL.Ms .Tdd.progreEsive cf'tht noble order. File fefseWHEÂI, Fali-u buh .... O 00 O 62 BusNEs NTIC.-Ms.0. od e-prend et tht suces i fBowmanvijîle Russian, ri ...0 00Ori O 60 sires te stry that tht hakery nysd confec- studanîs ai tht airmance wbere 88 per i tiGactofe, ... W i 0O 0O55 iionuey busiaese vill be carried on an cent of those wiing pased. -W11aïdeï , - Colorudo,......O m0 0 57 usual. Te-a amer it bakerz are i Vpri h ulu rn he W ieFf, 00 i06 charge ai tht bakery sud ail orders ut Agaejl trAgutAmnavictW IteFl.r0rO6 thestreorwaonw'l bepromptly attend. nmust atiraCt great attention deals viii 1 R-,«... O0GO O065 th:saea1agnvieKeelys 'navigation, sud isnveiten by BiARIE, l bush, No. 1.. 0 Or 040 ed te. Sire aiea desires that ail ontistaud- Cites B. Moore. ht is a reviev of Keelyt V ri2g, O 00IrO 5 Êting accoats shall ha settled by Sept. let tai,_ 0ý203 293-wondarful experirnents suddiecoveries luin.O0 rO3 29 w. ý?-- ----,cu.- _Ê --- -- , T vý- ro ed 09 0 XAYNAIID TUSE JEWEULER. BIC. 20,' Igssuer or Marriage LicenseË, evening resid- once, Divisiein St., nevs B. C. church, S AFETY BICYCLE forE sale chepap. TVEA4,HERt WNTED-ForS. S. No. -&-I8, Darlingtan. second class, maie pre- ferred. Dunies begin after summer hoiidaye. Address 'with, testimoniais W. R, D4.vEgv Sec-Treae., Tyrone. Ont. 3I-1w, boardinz place eau hear oficrie where there are na cilîdren by Inquiring af M. A. JAmEs, SI'ATESMÂN office. CARTING.-Mrs. Thos. Barrett wisbes ta intimate ta the business men aif3OW - manville thât Mr. Fred Ta'dizham was hired for a year by Mr. Barrett before his desth ta fdrive the tesm cartini ramôn the G. T. R., sa Ithat a continuance ai ibeir patronage is solicit- ed and al arders for carting wîllt be promptly attended ta by hîm. MES. BÂBRETT. 30-3w F ORSAL ORTO RENT.-That hobeautfuL tlra st tarmn, st eo h KingBeon Road, twentyrmiles tram Toronto, 117 acres part of lat 22, Concessian 1 . Pickering Townsip, ntaro Conty knwn as 'the fie ry . caesisplendIid state i ulo vtfn Apply t, M... H...YRasY or D.-B8".. S.M.oN. Bowmanvilleý. 29-4w C RAND FARM FOR SALE OR TO W RENT-150 acres in al, soutb 125 acres af lot 5, and 25 acres oif orth ýI lot 6, con. 3, Darlington. Flne brick bouse,3pacious barns. spiendid soil,excelrent water stream and wells lire waod on promise-. Two mîtes rram I$aw- marnville-great chance-sale on easy termns, or will reat fer s terni- p!ough possession given atter harves3r. Apply ta MaS. JAI-1CWIGIT. Oli PromisesoOr te 1). B URKM 'SIMî soN. Of BOW- m a nille 3i if WILL EXCEL ALL OTHERS Canada's Great' I NOuU STfRIAL !SE PT. 3 TO 15, VAST IMPROYEMENTS TRIIS YEAR Exhibits and Attractions Gecater sud Geainrlr than avec. ALL ENTRIES CLOSE AUGUST 1111 rTht besi haliday outlng of tht jean. Cheap Excursion on @JIl Railvays. J. WITHROW,' n. J. HILL,, Prealdeuit. Manager, Toronto, FAN8 FAN At haif prîce at "BIG 20,', the, leading Fancy coola Store îa Bowmanville, w. ALLEN, A. 9. TIILLEV, FM. Il.,C. 31, 1UIEBER0F OLLGEOF PHYSICIANS .LV.andurgens.Ontalo.Office, Ring ÏJL Firt'dorwes aiOnari Bank. Residence,. Churcb 51.-Sth dor east of Methodist Churnh4 fl OUSE TO RENT -A teml-detacheI jbrick hanse on Churc' street lately cccupIedbyCetpi..aford, Terms moderato. Âppiy to A. YoxE or T. BINGHÂM. BoWý manville,4 -t VyLUABLE PARR FOR SALE- Inte Township of' Pickering, situate mnies West af Whitby Town on the Kingsk»csa Ra;bst ai soli, citas, Weil fenced aud watered and in the highedt state of cultivatian gaad buildinus,solid brick hausewele.orcharet etc. Terms very easy. The best 200 acre fari In tht Township. Apply quick te A. A. Por6, Whitby.22-te F ARM FOR SALE. -A first ases tarzm ai 125 acres or 145 acres siinated In the township ai Eat Whihby lst con, lots 15 and 16 on tht Base LUne, about li miles ftro Ohga wa station. 2 miles tram Whitby and W0 roda irom th sohool bouse. Largeroomnybuldlno main barn 95x36 fi, pltnty cir fruit, saili day taam, altogether one af tht best grain farjý on tht Lake Short. NabiIlle rstones, bn 10 acres of Wood. 75 acres In Pasture aud frezs't seeded. Terme easy, Firet plowing doue. For further partlaniars applytd A. ANbNna Oshrawa. 37-tf, JÂve Energeti. Men Wanted, To reprenus lu tht sale nt efir HARDY CANÂDIANGRW NURSERY STOCK~. Poitions perrmanent snd affords gond cbaýý' et oi advaucement ta ail wvreeke.Lbm ~ a ducemeuis ta ntw mon. Send fernr ctrm. Tht ïtrial viii oat yovt UothLug., fi t Fl Everybody 'mu st have SU-GAR4 Keep it in mind that we give the best value the market afforcis. Get Our prices for bbl. lots and DO NOT FORGET that we keep the largest and best assorted stock of CDauned Goods suitable for this hot weather. The INCREASED sale of our Teas speak for -themselves. Japan Tea.'.. 2oc, worth 35e Congo ........ 25c, worth:ai(,e Young Hyson. .25e, worth 4Cc Congo ........ 95c, worth 40eý 'Young, Hyson. .50e, worth 65e !Congo....... 50c, worth65(, we want and will payr,? the highest price in cash or goods4,, General Groceris and ProvsiDaers, Bowmanville. ,74 a

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