a If 't TUBE1tBULUSIJ8 IN AÂTTLE.t, CENTRAL EXPERIMIENTAL FARM I j ~,iTrTt'1'T, NO. 20.c t t Coed list the luinsau Fasnlly Are zase and tse Saine Tliîîg-Woes o f Ataek--T.ew Dia,iosl', or sse Biseasse-ExPeriece d ins Canada. c( t ,"Tis. Departmeîît ut Agriculture bas j ustti l{"dîcîe iicci 'tch issued Bulletin No, 20, ufthtie Central LEx- f butn i.Mu t sc Iî ' after perimental Farru, Ottawa, dealing with t catuen Sti iitnit t c -r ing tt uberculosis. Ih begins by ccatiîig that fi ~ tuberculusia lun cattle ana 1cousumption in ni r, ~ tise buman tamiiy are une sud these ame Lu 1 *'A tiing. t is a disease cnctirely distinct Irom h cru~'i eq ty ,ohii Q-tpcicculîYol% pleumo- puenir unis, andcoccurs lu cattl ie sudesci ctîo ti ~ ttïtttîî whlt wl'erever tiey are kept in domestisatiuu,a stihuat~th li ' e~ s Ji ctebowels Ail animais, even tu fowi 's, are more or iecc Een if tlyri 't(i subjeet tu it.c t bas long heen kuown abat; tubercle 'suf rf~oi ti~ :tcrugcomhtit~ cutaiued virus or poison wisicis if tjected Achethey wouabC aiti eless au thora into tise tiesaes ut animais avas capable out btfortuna..,doelno eg producing tuberculosie, Lut tise exact nature isandf thoW îci ît th liie. C Il nd out issmaterial was unknowu until 188,2, diss tte pi3 vstý ina est oillîy ways niai tinesit be Ii idt ouot theru. when Prutescur h ucis u Germny announceda 1utLatt.r ail sick jati is discovery ufthtie gerru of tuberculofis,t a bacillus kuuwu as isacillus tuberculusis,i wlich is now ad mitted by ail scientifle iu-1 1," a, tielaeo 1 coTU ai'ter l ,where vestigaturs ru he tise sole cause out tis s 0! mleno rs o oI u tî ueS disease. This gerru is a vegetabie parasiti _ vc iL'îastjv- -R ircc xery sn'ti micru-urganism wiicis, uder a higli niagni-i sud i ry cuit 0t ak .i r tu o PIEUi nne aý dose. The.v atssci v seteabeaud (Io fying power, appears as a fiue od, ulten not gripe or purge, ut t hei jrgentl te CO s hu r uvdaot u-ensa piease al who tise lth-. In ias st Z)cns lgt23eto uvd aotoetnha tivefor$1.Sol evrý,_ r, set bymuài. bmad as long, aud measuring about onue CATEZ MDICMM M, Ve-R1York. seven tbousaudth ut an incis inleugais. Wisen ~~i1til ~ r rjC11 tii bacillus finds lu igmeut lu an animai under favorable conditiond ih multiplies with great rapidity. Witiî this miute ST Il RD13 BANK orgai:.smsusail uval spores are îormad wbicb are fast iberated and develup lut0 0 CA NAD A. mature formes like tise parera. As a resuit c~spînIpal isu, l.seOl5ORes, * ofuttise multiplication out tisee iacilli in This Bank is preparod to do Legitî- any ufthtie internai organe small nuin mteBaning n a! it brnche. n lar bodies are tormed clled tabercies. aeraki n ail ts banchd;e's. lusTitese in tiseir early stages are about received and Interest paid on accounts tesz famle ed u onices vf $5 andi upwards in Savings Banît tunamiser aud size, aud unitiug forru larger Deparstînant. ieae masses. As tisese gmuw older a in il A Ir, 1 process of suppuration takes place, tise isueiand Collections ruade in Europe tubarle isecomea yallow, gradually sotteus Untefi 3atee, aud Canada., sud forme a ciseesy mass. This mass ut W. J. To-vEe~s, Icieese-like consiateuce may sultan seuh Ag-nt more and becume ufthtie couisteucy ut - _____ - crearu, or rmrutise deposition ut lime salas t sua it, tise mass msy become quite bard. '~' ~Visen precent in auy quatity ith ie inter- - I mm uscb organe as tise long or liver, t ' ht11, t cbercia is mot trequeutly sutt, or luid, - ç tormiug what is kuuwn as a tubercular E- abecees. but wbere tise d4sease affecte tise surface ut au urgan, or attsoke a menm- brane tise growcl s lusnuaîîy barder sud nodulai races of vitaliy ntes erms Thte ELECTRIC BICYCLE LAMPS. terilized flUid is next eva-ipotated Lat ialow - emperature in a vauuuni-l it ïi Tufi Te ïCr§,ent for orne Generated by thse ciently concentrated when it is put np inWhes mail bottles each containing five cbc Gog rar fBokyhsîvne oentimeters equai te about 80 mirituand 1 g Iar fBroln asîvne usually sold in New York at b ,,-,i j a iamp for bicycles, the powpr for which. is each. To prepare this fi'îid fjr iuse tii gecnerated frein the wheels. The invention, lilutcd with ninc times its volume ni a one the application of which is shown in the îer cutsoltionot arblia cidin ureiliustrat ion, whiuh is seit-evident and de- watr. When a small uatyotitis diutedrubeculous fsmijectedundý,'er teskla nunparficular description, consists ln of a tubercuilous.animal the teofatu it e combination with a bicycle baviua the body rîisesousiderabIy, heinamispo ket wheei muuuted on a bob of one of *ree from cia dîseuse rno s,2h ffecil r--swees ynm uti eertro duced. The ricin temperature due11flt' i heladnm-ecr geat o take place imlmediate!y, but occurs eý,t di- pecial design, 8vitably disposed upon the fcreut periods from 3 tu 20 hour,,atter ie bicycle frame, and consisting in part oi a nj eccion lias been muade. gearing fratnepi.ce, a horizntal armature EXFEIIENCEIN cAADA.aat carrying a pinion, and a train ut Canadian cattie ais% mie are remrkablý y isealthy, especially snh b erds as are keýpt tihe greater part ufthtie time iantthe open aiir, a resuit nu dunibt due to the inviguratig andi hezl.hgiving character uf tise Candsa______ clinsate. It has, nevertiseless, heen lonig known tisat tuberculosis exists to at certain extent in different parts utCanadatiarnung cattie kept thse gîcater part of tise yeari,ý n confinmetnt, or wiheu cioseiy bred. iPrier to 1888 tise subject was mucis discussed, , sud dursng thse session ufthtise flose uf Commousin tbat year a sub-comnmittee wa aopointed for the r-urpose uf cuieit the question of certain conitagions disýea5sse ,--- lu cattie and their commanicability au mnan sud animais wfth special meterence ater Tise committee presented a repottuts flouse in April, 1889, in which mncb ueu information is given regamding tiis iceseTHE DYNAMO BICYCLE,. and thse means by wbich it is spread. Atterj geamîng mechanism, di sposAd lu tise trame- a careful consideration ut ail thse e 1iduce iece, the initial driver ot the geariug wluch thse cummittee had "b"aied 1 i-, echaDism being carried by a shaf t having pisy'icians and 'veterinary ;,ge , ina prouket wheei mounted upon it and tise ditlrenrpatseottbeDunio.theme ecfinai driver risereof being adapted to mesis expmsse tu opnio tht tse isesekuwnai, ail aies witis the pïnion on the armature as tuberculusis tieu eîcisted among catesisalt; an eiectmic lamp of any apnroved iu Canada ru a mach greater ex.,tenit tiss construction, mounted on tise bicycle was generally recoguized. lu chî i rot ramne, and circuit connections leading fmom. reference was muade tu tise cntgon ie generator tu the lamp. eharacter ufthtie disease, that it was ainays Aother lamp consista uf bsttery and due solely to tie preseuce of ahe tub-arde headlighit complete in une compact case, bacilli, and tu the tact ut its beiug commie il- cabie troin animais to, man. Thse commiiîtteeýi aloo recooîmended tisat the miik otie froru ail suspected animais shoal b oit before using, and tlîat aise meat nisere ue shouid be tlîorougisiy cooked so ai- to ds trmy auy isacli which nmiglit be presentU. ~ CH EAPER HARVESTING Evecyîlsng Faccîrnz~ it1/hecs 1 ; veting fls Brais Mterlslly ieî]cvÀea ;- f The cost of takiug off ur gra ini cr"op-SORG ishouid ibe a good deal less this sumrir t hau ad Reemlsin BY STOrancE od.r aud lisembles in apenrance an ordinar it hs avragei inrecet yers. everilou lmp. Tise bsttery is an improved terin causes cumbined to make a suosautaiai Yof s3econdary caîl, and posseeses the advan- fng fa tisa money cust uf harvest'iug. Tu rage of couraiuing no liquid. Thsis batttry revery isarvest a large percentage utltisemay hbcciargedl by primary celîs or counec- L non rimsy be miade wirh au eieccmîc circuit macsiurytolsauf fttiga sedisnew îsedfor lighting porposes. This style ut Tise total outiay necessary on thi s re Ewal lsmp le intended to use upon bicycles, but accouint 1-as been nsateriaily cnt downibis m- nodifications of ît exist wnich may bc nsed FOU SALE LY ,J. HjGINBOTMl 1 dS S , BDivV1&N5/"IELT7 WiIIrind-a"it t-Lo Ithàei r advantagey t eall at M. Mayer's Hat Store., -an-,d see the immense stock of Feit ad r'+ v- ,rT--T-m+.o a+-. I~ i ~~TV' ' rFVYf h - :i" i'la ion for IL t andCid oTce~cr:~ e shM, Morpsine Dot~ It is Pleasaiat. 112e-.g ýiîit y yca s c' use by Muillons ofilot 3cta r-s;-oa 1c1-n'- nda-aYs cures Diwrhoeafatw- o:. atra uhivo teething troublo-j, eu s c a~aWain ad ltcny Castoia tiia tho £ceÇ r %ae~~lstes the soal and bowelc,, liE irffla z1iuCal~ttr'1s1e. ai torla le the isgr~P~t t--IeIdhrs~red Caold m of it gcd ffect upcc ud-r claidr-'.' i.îtrcu.t ,tir lukI, on îb c ý-Y trurpntue, auuchicg ';sr'ip aJ otcr t'* rg'unts dusen ttîeir ftroatn, 'h"eb; ce' Lc týEm ns lpraflatuxe gmT'i. "Cmmtoss mciwuilaviîîecdtowsirn crss 1 recom, cî,cd k-t-a operior to aiyrtrpii ii So. Oxford St, roky,.Y men he c po!ue.î higliay of, tii ~cs eDot ii I. Iousiti ' 1acEc ic ct.ca -, -L; laic ecgl'-, u c ,altJsuppliesWhct î.uena egi c- es, 'tiR r fcccto coofe, thatco r-- rn of Ce cuýrü.Lac se lus tol;oc wth A==It5 C. SUIT, PreS.,