ain the Publice ciooi obu ',ioigV el-1 en& ýo tetýSouth wrr . , --, - -1 LIST. forhr he began uaieg ' Kine P DodordG.H. . Kidney -"PiPuus fpert G.buidi H,.thits.ihtOyreip;rtco" 1thetureaingregrdfnl tithd ost o ind . akn atr' iteLie il:And the said executrix wili not by lhable for_____________________ U ïI Wen hoe paid a flying visit to this coi-rl" by Mary V. Worratali and a con- ouo of the most perfectUy ighted bufld-,we aigCre' iteLvrPle said a8sets or aniy part there ,f to any person a t ýýfew days ago, he received many, inuation of Josepli Lecker'a thrillînq îinsin the world, having 160 large w!11- îrareveyemi; o shfct. ahorpesno hvewhn oe aim or d aim ntice Steerage passengers whn buy tjIe L>i'y ogrâuItionson ha restoration remiiniscenceis of a war artist, devoted dowIÎs, each nearly double the sizeo f the tobes fron t trpid liver are relioved by olimeticktssucn d.i.stribution.fb to eatht and improved appeaýrance. ibis mnonth toj "Fort Fisher d Wil- o)rdinary windowv openiug. Send 10 c thei use.Dated at Bowmanville July rth, 1811. ]eadxng steameahip agency,, Bowmnville, Dod'sKine Pli hvenoer etfal*ningon Ter ioe.~ 'ielee vrityto The Cosmopolitan, th Ave. al-d1 llth Taki K. là. C. for heartburu andsu .I. ABAT, will bu supp ied with use of "beddj an tý . I ure -, this part of the Doinion, of short eoL~et, New Yothk, for 'L amPIo Copy. stomacli. 2-wSohIcitor foi said Exscutr!x., catigueslfr. J