KUOWLEDGE Vrings confort and improvement and tdeto personal enjoyment when rightly -dsed. The many, who lie bet- ter than others and enjoy life maore,,with lois expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's best products to thel needs of physical being, will atteae tise value to health of the pure liquid laxative Princip les embraced lu the rcnmedy, Syrup of Fige. 's Ifs excellence ie due to ita presenting kx the forin imost acceptabe and pleae- ýýït to tbo taste, thse refreahing and tmly bejneficial properties of a perfect lai. ative; effectually cieansing the aystem, dipligcolds, headachez and feverr rnsd permanently curing constipatf.--. t h given satisfaction wo millions and inet with the approval of the inedicai p;1'ofeeio)n, because it acte on thse Kid. neya, Liver and Bowels without weak- ening thecm and it àe perfect]y free front every objjectionabie substance. Syrup of Fige jes for sale by ail drug- gieta iii 75e. bottles, but it in inanu- factured by the California Fig Syrup o.olwhose name je printed on every pakgalso the nam'ýý. Syrup of Fige, and4 beixîg well infornwd, yen viilot zccept any subtitute if offered. olvie y. p. sa C. E. Grand Excursion Burleigh Falis la G. T. Rk to Port Hope and Peterboro and the Stauncis Stuwamer (Jolumbian to) the Fals. Thse Y. P. 8, C. E, in connection wth theDimciples o! Buwîunville have arrang- ed tise ab;ovecursonfor T U EonD AY, J UL'Y 3 18T Thse sailibetweed Cesn andBurleigh Idls a onidered one of tihe< Most pic- twuresque andl romûgntic on the continent ndh9rndyeds of Ansericansmalke thse waes f Chemong aud Stoney Lakes their summner resorta. Do fluot fail to taise in this Excuraion. For particulars Pee large posters or drop post card to the committee. J.ý B. MITOUEL, GRAND TRUNK RAILWA.Y. BOWMÂNVILLIC STAT[ION. GOING EAST eOING WBT Expes.127 xpr. 6 0l arn 3 0u«r.~ 6 p 0i Passenuer. ...8 40 arn Passenger.... 7 (4 p mn Paseenger. .,.2 26 p ms Expresse M,25p m 1Expressa... 7 46 Pm BOWMÂNVILLE, JuLY 18, 1894. Local and Otherwise. Bowrnenvile Fair, Sept. 21, 22. Alfred G. Williamis wae arrested in Troraito for atealing ffO froin Thomsas McLaugh1in, Cornie. Mra. Heî±dereon has iîiprove-d the front of her residences ou Temperituce fsr. b y fi:.ting the feu ces. Ms palditig uow occupies b or com. fortabie residence on Ontîio t., recent. ly vacatEdl by Mr. Saundors. AWlofo!drese goode selling off et hlai price and some Iovely drees patterna at Jas thfan ci tprie et Coach, Johnston et Çrydersan'e,. Hare<Youtý Tried Derby Pu Smking Tobaýcco, 5, 10 And Tise maximum quaEty 1 Thse mini- mum nirco3 !'You viiibut waste tise by goi;ng osevisoebefone you have seen TreIeveui's nov spriug stock o! desirabie and etyiis fo-ea--oos Isoslip.- Perm, rubIseref. RHoï>' ehoving tise fineet gooda and lateot styles e loweet living pricea.f'î ýI&iV Chlldren Cry for Mn. ,oluWallser is m'-u aTrno Mn. Geoý. Parksalias removed to Hml tion. Binder Twhie GOle. at Wýorth'ls TheSnthWrdSedaySehool picuick- edet tWintengreen Point)-ese.ardaY. BINORTWNE.Rd.Worthi hleadinq, a big reduictioxi in Bud 1 vi. 1 iei advt. on front patg(>. Mr. James Saunders Ji s blougçht that uie brick cottage on Dake e kt. tormerly occupied by Mn. Gen. Petits sud owued by Mr. F. Mason. It je n vel huit, con- venient nesidence wvihsplendid gardon and a bougise for enly $450. Mr. Saundere lbas e great bargain. He hes already taken poseession. We are pleaeed to be able ta state tisat Mr. and Mre. Chas. Coombe have again beconse citizaeps o! aur biautiful towu, haviug bougisi frok-a Mn. Thoma JeweII tise brick bouse sud 3nico g4rden on Ont- cric et. auct Washing'on Place. The prie paid vas $609. We heartiiy wei. case tiern home ageain ani trust tisey may long eujoy their nov abode. BusixEss NOTI(.-Mrs. C. Ted de. sires ta ssy tisat thse bakery sud con)fec- tionary busiaeise will be cerried ai sas usual. Two conspetecuî bakere aen r charge o! tise bakeny end aIl orders et the storeon vagon vilîba va omptly attend- ed to. She aisa des ires tisat ail ontstaed - iug accouflte sisail ho settied by Sept. let. 29 3w. Mn. NeiliMcDoald bas been making an exehango of preperty vitis a nviwo! ooing luto farming. Hie isseoid hie nov brick residence in wbich ho livea con. Liberty sud Concession sta., and tise Mc- Pherson houes on tise nontis aide of tise latter street for $2,650 and bas bought f rom Me. James Thompson tise MeXur- try frs enst of!',ise tovu, 50 acren, fon $5,500. We iis Neil tise succees that ls enterprise monits. 1Tise funeral af tise lete Gideon Jameas Drewry, youngeet son o! tise ite J. B. Drsvry, teok place fron tise Grand Trunks station ou Mlonday Juiy 9th. He died very reuddeuiy ini Torontto on Satun. day a!ten a short illues@. Tise romaine vero sccompanied to tise cemretoey hors by Mamanse. J. C. Drewry, Toronto, -A. J. Drevny, Mntreal. Gao. Drevvry, Hamil- ton, Mre. J. B. Dnowry, Toronto, Mro. T. Temnblyn. Listowel, Mr, A. S. Bo>yd, Toronto, Mrs. W. R. Cinie, J. S. Climie, W. S. Climie sud \W. Quicis, Bowmanville. Tise gardon rty at tise Matses un Fridsy eveniug, July Gtb. istndantise management o! tise Ladies' Aid c-f St. 1'aul's chnrcis vas a -p'!endidlfy ces fui ovent Tise veaiherwvas cool, ise grouniemin goid candit.ion, and tise ladies dispen4eodabunAdrit msrvice e! stravber- ries ced zIreeni sud othet tenspting vianda, No effort ives spared te, make tise occasion pleéasent. Gansansd var- ionsansmusements voe rpovided aud thse orchestra fui-niase lively nunsie. Tise proceods reacised ueariy $15 visici vas certainly very grati!ying ta tise ladies. Tise primary classes o! lits £detisodîst Suuday Sdîool hsd a seat eujeyablo tise et their pcenic on Tisniraday after. neon et tise residence o! Mn. Thos. 'Vaal, Liherty St. Tise levu wae profusely dec. orated vush Union Jacks sud Chines lanternseand W-es ine these st o! order for tise (ne hundred and fi!ty littie fauta onu- je)Sîng therselves iretise vo3r-y higist degree, wiicii, vs th i nk rboy did in svinging and gaes o( vA-i<,esm kinds. Tiseir teachers, Misses Veal Aikins, Bunner and Binsicombie, esïireotby e !ow findis arranzel a snet tespting dispiay ùf good thinge oiltishe tables on tise lavu o! vhici tise littie folkis partoeit with keen fàpptit3s Ail dopatetlu tise svening feeling thpy bcd isad a splen- did efternoou's fun. About 20 sembers of Orono Lodge, No, 161, A. O. IU. W. made e fraternai visit ta, Bowmauvilie 'Loige, No. 99, Friday eveniug. Tistv vers ecsompauiod by Mr. Joh~n Davey, i.. D. G. M. W., e! Leakard. After tise business of tise Lodge vas dispoAed o! au heur vas epent in speeches, sangs audaciaily. A speech o! welcoitie wan mcdii by Mn, Jamnes Soundera, M. W.. f1 Bovutanvilie, aud responded ta hy Mn. A. W. Cenveth, J. P., M. W., o! Orono. Bros. Rev. R. D. Fraser, Roht. Momçut, P.M., Dr. M. M. Tueken, P. M. W., sud otsons made ex- cellent addresaes,and Bro. Chus. 4. Arm- strong sang thres or four %Dnga n ire inimitable sauner. Liglit refreasments voe served in tise lodge noornsand tise intereeîing proceedings îenîinated short- ly before miduiglit. Wnr2v T-RAVEIN.-Whother on pleaaure bout, on business, tae on every trip a bottle o! Sprup of Fige;, as it actas mnet plessantly sud effectualiy on tise kidneys, iver and bovelt-, prevautiugz foyer, headacie anud nîher f mss o! sick- ues. For saesIni 75.,. botte hy ail load- iug druggie. l!anuf*etured hy tise Califarnia Fig Syrnp Ce. onIv. sisould use it. Pitcherl's Castorlae 'Methodiet Sunday Aohool Ex-¶ ctiralofl. Ths ?&ýethodqist Suuday Scisool, Bow- manville, will taise us ennu 1 outing thia 'Vear Thureday, July 26th, et Rosebatik a piotoresque epot on Lakte'Ontario 19 miles esat o! Toronto. Tise excuraiouists eo and rote ru by tise regular local trainî (leavinig Bowmauville ar- 8:40 a. m. and retnýrninget 7.04 p.m) Thse management comtte il be aitishe station jus tisa uîonuing before train tiseee onscnises vii k.ol i itIng evernight, t a abîa't in takiug care of tLe basktets. Convoyaucea wiii b3 at R sebauk, to take bask-ets;, etc.,j to. tsgrudAbundauce o! hot sud cýold vater ftce, A, cordial inVitation je iixtended to al, botis Country folk and T<ovi cAl, to, bring aiong tiseir brimming b,1skets s ud join vitis tis csool in one of t3e piessentest outinga e! tise eeon. WEST URN#% AM ELEO Ti ONS! The People's Unanimous Verdict --- Mn. Sto-phen Wright la homo3 frons To- Mre John Crago is viaiîing fnienadelu Toronto. Miss Li)ttie Mitchell is visitiug et Hlamilton. Mies Iota Potter j is isitlug rvelatives in1 Aktron, i.Phio. MisesPorry et Toronto la visetîing Mra, E. S. Meatis. Mn. Goddard Fleming is speudncig is holidays hors. Miss Deiso! Guelphi e viitiug at Mr. J. Mclutvre's. Ms MMurtry is visit'ing rltvsl Montreal, Que. Mnr. J. Loninsan, Toronto, vea a ro- cent visiter isere. Miss Ida Miller of Perkdaie ï,ague8t of Mrs N. M. Gage. Miese Evelyn Manning lies been visit- ing Toronto frieuds. Mss Carde Martyn lias besu visitircg relatives in Oshava&. Mies Eue Braund, Port H.ope, je visit- ing, Mies Kete Elliott. Miss MRud Elliott is gïIesi e t Capt. Jos. Braucd's. Pont Hope. .Mr. Atthur Brittain o! Toronta is ne- uevîng f riend8hi Da hors. 1Mn. Pnd Mrs. John McGili of Tonouto are at Mn. R. Windatt'd. Mr. and MrF. J. G. Wýitton viied re- latives et Toronto lest veek. Mr. Winu. Brittain, of Tornn, sput Snndsy vitis fieuda iretovu. Mrs. Chas. Dancaster bat retinuedfro- siitiug friendi et Ca»nuugt(on. Mn. John Pningie o! St. NMaryd je viait iug hie onclp, ax Mayor Yo)unie. Misses Georg.ie and Jean Galbraith of Whitby, are vîfiting relatives bore, Miese ronvo! Marmora is visitiog ut Mn. Win. Shaw's, Peint Daningiton. NIrs. (JndLe,) Scotf Bramplten l is itin. lho n onle 1%. I. S. );1AUeng Mrs. (D)r.) Speacer of Duuki rk, NY, is vislting ber psrents t ett rGundurn. Mn. asud Mrs Tr. A. Brovre lof Exeter are visitiug frientd in tan cd vicwInit Mies Minois Jene.n2s h ie tonon ýiau exýeeuded %'tiet toBoston suid No-vYo. Miss MclX.ugtall, Centre St., bias ne- tnrned from, vviting fiends iii Cobourg. Misses Maud ana Mabel Macon ýf Peterborc are visitingat Mr.Tlsoe. 8Sheinsd. Mise Estelli McKeowan is spending hon islidays wvus ler parente et Woodstock. Miss Mebel Nveisi visited bier cousin Mis. Oco. Pettrue, Lake Viev, Darliug- ton. Miss Manude Worden je visiting lhan sîsten et ïDraytou aeil u thorfIeuïde in tise- veet. Mn, Penny 1Debson of Wetenviii, le., spout s day bore on bis vway ta Cleve- land. Mca. Wittor. o! Hamlilton is vIs'iting lien M_ MrM. J. G. Wito,3. A.ý, "Rloser Vila. Mr. F. G;. Proutt for.'uenly o! thisý towu la chie! electdici-tn of adnEeti c., Mas. Mn. Gea. Exteuce, a student o! Torýon- ta, la taking Rev. Mr. Pritchar'e vont ine Triuity. Mn, D. i. Cuatts, B. A., o! Bniiotturd bas beau vieitinsr hie mothen snd othor fieuds bore. Mrs. A. S. Anderson and Mrs. Mce- Kouzie o! 44 Grange Ave., Toronto, are et Mn. Jlnry'e3. Master flarrv and Miss Florence Pinele are viiting thein grandmotisen, et Wiitevaie. Rev. A. W, Macuab, M A., sud wife, o! Onmaha, Neb., etce renevingu old friand- shipe ins town. Mn. John Reiiyan, jr.. la apendingbis isoidays witis fieuds in Cobourg sud oths on vs eet, Mn, W. Rogers o!' Yarmouth, N. S., lias been visiting bis uncle, Rev. C. Parkern, et the Persouage. Mn.. E. L. Fortt, o! Bovmuanville, la vieiting lier p-ents, Mn. sud Ma.J. B. Knoloi.-Post. Mise Roes Maynrd is represeutîag Euclid Ave. cisurcis, Toronto, et tise Cloveleud Convention. Mra. W. C3. King and MiseesEthel sud Edue go ta Kingston to-day te visit for tame veeke witis fiendt. Mrs. Gea. Maynird and son, sud Mrs M. Roacis and son ane visiting e;heir sister. Mna, Tisas. Martyn, et Exel.fr Mn. Josephs C. Mongan, Tornto, re. presenting Warwck Bros.& Ruttennadle tise STATESmSAuN a caîl lest veak. Miss MoTavisi, daugister o! Dr. Me- Tavis, of Alpena, Mici., le gueet of ber aunta, tise Misses McTàvisis, Wellington St. IirK'etq, AduLatit 9cent@, ijnilaron a30ea. A. I 1 / JUAALub 10 LA ubitLV uAJ .Ji tA, To ho fiad frons consmittese t Station. Mn. R. S. Manning viso bas been vory iii je rocovening. Mis. Graco Joli of Hampîuin is visîting We regret ta repart Mn. Richard Win-CA WER &T I datt, Town Ceini, very critically ill. R. W. Býro. W. McKay viii nepresentAr'8 Jeirujsali Lodge No. 31, G-. R. C., attiseU Masonjic Grand Lodgo session at Issul- T E T-ý ton fbis veek. Tisons doesa net eens la be veny great imnprovemeut in condition o! Mn W. Hà. To supply the people of this district for a long0 term ith Willams, fermer. Dr. Graham o! Tor,- aý shere iu consultation witis local their family groceries, because they buy in largne lots,ïet pscalst veoit, Asý wili ha soeon blthow thnoiceeor formner c.tizen.Mr.tie desioices. ur, arge discounts and[ can afford to sellat lw p]i7-s dîied seiddenly on Menday uîomîug of cerebral isemorrhage, sud viii hu burid hero to(-day. Particulans netto h aud. Because they always give'a heap-3d up, Fres,,ed dciwa, MN'rs. B. Mitcisell's nov bhen ucar Bnadley's Scisool Hanse, Dsnlington, for overflowing measure of value for every dollar spent in - tise erection o! vhicli Mn. H. Selter, Cunatico, is onder Contrect, vas auccesa- their store. fuîly raisîd on Wednesdsy without any- i thingg te user tise avenit.,i The press vas excluded fron tise tesn.I Because their buying, power commxands for thi pernue convention Fniday and tise prom-j isted r eport has net camne te baud. Thsel customers the LOWEST PIC ES for eVer yth'owete L berai Executive will have somo.ising ta eay, we oarn, before the necommendaîxon ople know the values or not. and thi s is he m isrn ite forwarded. TIhe reanti ta fr fremtin et P iefaeuory tg) long time worker.s in tise - Librs'rena.for the ever-rapîd increase of their busin-ess, Peoplewh H,- d-jîeýrve3 it ahi. Tise Broaklin cor- respondene !tIs e Gaz,îtte w rites: MnrH J. KnoLihr, tise popuLîr choinînaFter of tise Bowvmanvillo Methodiet cisuncis, Iepeut Suniday et Bio,)klin. At thse even- ung Vio lirtee.thse Metbodiat chunrci ho fa vored tise arge congregation viti tise ho sulai son 'Ashied of Jeani." AMn. 1;uigh t passsses a very fine mnd higislyI eutvtdvoice, visicis, ùig1ther vitis bis plea-iing saner, always wmeis is a favoite usasBrootlîn sulieuce, il . S. C. E.-Our citizens, Milho i 0d t!i learii that an iexcuiriou has ho n arsgdfor Ttie>day, July 31, -,ar Br leugisFee via Port Hope, Peterboro, sudl LeÀttccýiîemon,. lise taunci s t-ss j or Cotumb a, a beaeî'caL-ged. Thos wiaising teIo sa rimy spend tise day On (eýer h r3g Laite, o- Petenaro ,rpbut ila-re asniîs 51te ~epi, ureeque sud ruai trt ni.n v ich is csdeedte hto euee! t i moub-aitful an tisedeniti- oni'. Feri pantucular aocE pocîcers or droîp e adt is coinaitee, J. B. Mitcise', J1, IL. H. Jury, N. Ju.isîson A vtry pl.'asiî.g eîîtertairimAnt vas hsidJ at the remid 4tc'i ,t Mras. R, Freein nd, Beoeci Ave., 'un Fi i av eveniug tnder lise 1snqp!ces a! Fîowirî Misbiais depsrtment a!) tics W. C. T U. T[he lavu vas lighted by a number oif Chiiipse lanterneansd in tiseelieuse and 1lîwî wî ne pleuty cf seats s") tisat all migisi f'i lpr!octly et homie. Aften inging sud t'r'vr tise President, Mms.S. Masu rrs'id afewyardls lun ie- i ga-rd te th ti w. îk o! tise W. C, T.T..L, sud a prograns vas eiveut cosisting o! lu- strumoentals by Mn. Poney aEoot, souga by Mn. Jas, Goatd, Mn. J. Hl. Alexander audý) Miss Freeiend, an esasy on '*Tise Rose cf Shsaron sud tise Lily of the Vvilty" by Mrs, M. Crydormnan, short addneeses by Rev. R. D. Fraser, M. A., sud Rev, C. Panker, and recitations by Mliss Mabai Tait sud Miese Stella Mason, Deliciona ico crosus and cakze vere aerved ta ehl wiehcng ta part ska. A number o! bes>autiful hoîý,uquete given by tisome presout vces;ont tise noxt macrning ta tise aici chm.ildreniu theTononto hospitai. Pnocc'd& atneunited te $10. Seostie Kid Gleves for 50-- a pair at Concis Jebueton & Cnyderman',e. or e, utflrtîl%, 25 centas; 1arriaag. 59 ets; lbeth,,. 1u cent%. eaeh Insertion -hit RCEE 16V <si&44111. wkPnthe tourerai crrîi are uwl'eteIat CDis oMte 'ENO n Townariville, JuW lait. the wife oi Mr-. farry Dennif, of a daughter. ii. ý'oR-1n Hîst Whitby. July J0, the wvt'e aLyman Gitrld, of a daughiter. BLiR In East Whitbv, July il, theo wifc or George Blair, of a daughter. COUTInCE- At Coort1ce. Juit' 4, the wife of Fr-ed. unurtice, of a danghtor. C - na--nOshawa, .Tuly gii, Ili e vite off IRe- T. H. Cuthbert. of a daugliter. MARRIED. GALLWAY-RENC-Âîthe rosidence et the br-ide's, parente, by the 14ev, W. J. Jallilte. BCLamsied by 11ev. J. Eines, July Iiîh, Mn. eo, S. Galloway, of Winnipeg, and Miss Alico Winuufrod. eldeet daughter af Carpus rfrencil, Esq, of Osheaa Wu soN-HucoîNs--Ou July 4, by 11ev. J. 8 Clarke, et the rosidence af Mr. Wre, Scott, 4lbert Street. Oshawa, Mr. Wxu. Henry Wli sou, , sudNrs.Jennie Huggine.bath of Oshawa, RuxvNoi.is-LuirE-At the rosidence of the bridec's parente, ou July 11, by 11ev. J. Harris, asàisted by 11ev. J. Elinee, Rov.C.W.Reynoldo, Snndrîdge, and Mies Francis, third daughter etf Mn. Gea. LuIre, of Oshawa. BirÂnLET- EÂP.Ris-OO July 114h, byR1evJ ltý nt .aithe Pereaneige, Orono,Mr, ]idward lla LeyLkard. and Miss Elizabeth Harris, danghte3r of Wni. Harris, K Elrby. OIED. R~noRD1oOshawa. Juiy iChas. lRed. mn. agsd 29 yeers. RÂERluMi Till Jul, 15, ark Ratpe, aged 69 yeara and 10 mouCh. BtnKi. -JatCamp)belltard aoMnr yJIy1 189. dmaudU. Bu7k, aged4i jyoare TUebodï wiii reet ai t. ù-Jahni'ï chu-rch, Bwavle on Wednesday. lSeh inti,,fras 3 te 4 ýp. in,. ad iray be visited by fien;deý. Sevc bt 'ic Thetuerai vil] teks place f rons thech cset i 30 P. l'a. w the cemetery. FlrueH nfant danghter of SenulCRn dlie, eged 15 mouCha. deal once, corne again. Because they keep /the best Teas,' Coffees,Sgrs Fruits, Spices, etc., the markets afford ai-d pay the higlhes.t- prices for Farmers' Produce. OAWKER &1TAIT, General Grocera and Pxovlio 1>DeAler,-LBo)wmanvile Ga-nite preserving kettiesý in al aizes Dutî't fùeu to se.ure s)efo the brr g'.ini et the sale no'w going On at Coach, Jî,hnston & Cryderman'e. There ire nu doubt about it Treleven has the inaide tracis in the boot and shoe trede. Th ' oit reliable never gets left. Stylesansd prices suit thse tises. 'Oeil and iuspect the ISew stock. If you are looking for barga!us in Watchez, Jewelry, Spectacles or Silver- plate, beer in mind no onoe au possibly get aisead of Ricisard for quaiity of gooda or lowness o! prices; for instànce ha sella a genta genuiue Walthain watch worth $12.00 for $5.00 f nlly guaranteed. Derby Plug the Coolest ,,%-d Most Enjoyable Srnoke Ever Produced, S AFETY BICYCLE f0r sale cheep. AjPPIY at the STATESMAN Offiffl. 28 COW LOST.-A Jersey Oow iight col- lor ane horu turued ltotahead and eut off. Information whore she wilt beb ond than k. fully recoived. WM, MCCLUNO,,Bawmanvtlle. 29-tf. F RSALE OR TO RENT.-That F obeauifu fistclas arm, situete ou the Kingston Road, tweety miles tram Toronto, 147 acres part of lot 22, Concession 1 Pickering Townrlsio, Ontario County, knawn as the Henry Haney Estate. Excellent buildings, firat cluse soil, splen,¶ld state of cultivation. ApplY ta MRS. HENRvI, HŽNEY. Or 13RIZE< SimrsoN. Bowmanville, 29-4w TENDEIRS WANTEDY' FOR BR 0GE. Tenders vill be recelved bY the undersigu cd lip Ia Monday, July 0ceh, for the erecrio'n Or cedar tîbutmento for a bridge ueroas3 Black'a Creek. by Tole's miii, in the Township a! Da1 ligoceder ta.taisupplied by te e1tw.-t ship. Plans and speoiftestions insy be seon et Mr. L. M. Conrtlce's Ceurtice, vhare ail par. ticilars nsey be abtained. L. M. COURTICE. Chairmnnof bridge cons mltteee 29-2w Countice P. 0. JUDICIAL SALE Of Výaluabe*Farm in Pickering. RICHARDSON vsSTEVENSON. Thers viii ha sa Id by Auction et CGOrdau's Hôotel, Pickeriag, ou Tnesday, July' 318t, 119, w1th 1 0 aeproboo f the nndersîgued Laceli Masteth&% valu able YtLe 8 hore Fers coins- iposed of parts af lots-20 aud Il lu the B5roken Front Concession a!f Pickering, situato about 3 mîtles tram Pickeriug Station, G. T. IR ,,6 milsa troim Whitby; Sal ifret classa day lbans and knavn as ans-,k of thse boat grain termes au t he Lake Shrr6 in Piek-ering ; Stone dwelling, 2 tramne berns, stono reet clestable sud driviug hanse. The promises have for some -ea'r9 paEsCt broaught a rental a! $81P0-3per aununs, Terns.-t cashi, balance ;an morigage fta termn nt exe,(eoding 10 ,'yesrs ta sonit purchasen at 5 per cnsession il ven ta p-laugh ateer hearveest sud fulOeO '.?nad November, 18M,4, F-,or furtther priua termesud con-1 diitions se6 exiended avrieotor apply1 taO theVae ' alîtrWlîity, or ta the1 Ldo ar. Wlatb, Local Mastner, LADIES Just now you ane plan nin youn hiouse-ecaning cam p agn. Anlimportaut feéature will îLeý WALL PAPER, WINDOW-, SHADES, ROOM moUjLI?- INGS, PJCTURE FRA-ME,, etc. Corne to us and you t l get just whlat you want in these lines at large neductieîntý off regular pries. WcVe havec the latest styles anI pattenntc qBig 20." MEMBEF. 0F COLEGE 0FPHSCLI an sd Surgeous, l)ntario. office, Rçing c Tiret doon vese o! Ontario Rank, etdn~ Chîrch St.-S.ls dour eat o! Methodist Chnnel, Bevmenufle.â7 V-101U5E TO RENT -A siemi-detachcd L.brick boeuse ah Cbnrch street late),y- eccupied by Capt. Cravtord, Terme moderato,. Apply te A. YOuNizE. or T. Bîxmeas. Bo-,. mauvillo.4-l ITALIJABLE FARM FOR SAL- . VIn the Townshilp et Picerslng, sBituais. miles veet af Whutby Town an the Ellgetoný Wrtad; beet a of Boitcloe, vol! teneed a,.i good buildinge,selid brick husvleaca. etc. Tersveny easy. The best 200 acre far,; lu ehe Tavnshîp. Apply qnicktlc& A a- Whitby. -f FARM FOR SALE. -A finat caiiestenus f o125 acres an 115 acres sieuateôd lu the tovnship o! East Whitby lot con. lots 15 50dmI 16 an the Base Lnes, about li miles frasQesa va station. 12 il es ftram Whitby su d tiO rode trom th echoallhoues. Large roory buildingi, main hemarn 36fi, pleuty a! fruit, salI dle7 Icarm, altogether ans of the bea grain fasnent ou the Lake Shone, ableantsoAbona 10 aeres o! vaod, 75 ,acres lu pnstnud troalaý saeedsd. Terns easy , Tire3t pbov!ngdas, For further particuliIars %pqIy ,to A. ANNIJîtTý Oé%ýAR F OR SR [E-uipne .LPaeu hn Ba ecetudon lot Z conces3Ion il, FotRaad, Dslugo.W. i C --ESCH, !BavmLanvllb. 2-t J..> onth 1 T00 A , A N. lota1',. n Danlllgt, , 52-B. >È Noue better.n, nus claeer tissu my stock of!Pgroea ruts iesa , W. H. Oshorne. Tha flnnfpvct Pnqihivelu r fltîrlr 1, c