Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Jul 1894, p. 4

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Sofala ol1 i sh . ;AI»IE5, use IHock'ascfiaShoû Po]1ch for ýLàdies ard Chlldren'm fine J3ots and Shoüs the, fluest to preperve the leatler and keep it PliableIt w!]!euve a pouaýh ike satini, For aie by Boot and Sho. ee alers. BOWMÂNILLE, IJLY 1, 1894 ExMyrFleirig's election te, the Presidency of he NaPtional Prohibitiol Convenionji at Montreal is a fitting trib- ute to one of the abLest and most effective teprneworkela- in Canada.-Globe. An authiority on Protestant Protective ,.Association canpaign plans c'aims that tenty-seven rnemibers of the new Legis- lature are P.P.A. men, -while the iast As- aïembly o)nly contained two. The P.* P. Asare very soon going, to naefu e heConsevaýtive leaders ifthycnm- ter the -trenigtli claimed by themi. The grants fo)r expenses to the Lieui- tenat-Goveror ere opposed byth %dvýanced section et the Lberal Party before the Patroin body wsformied, and would have been.,iiwithdrawn years age but foýr moýn ]lkej Mr. Meredith, w-ho strongly fvrdtheir continuance, and provailed upn the rank and file to sup- port thom.1 fTESÂTSÂ has said the saine thing again antd again, but the Globe puts it so terseiy, that we,, repeat: In Dominion poli- tics, the platfora of the Patuona of In.- dustry and tho Liberal party are practical- ly identical. The ma important political obange for thie farmiers of thle Dominion is relief from the protective taiff. This the "Liberals have fouight foýr since theadp tion (of thie-National Policy, and it is a leadfing plank in the Patrons' platform. Thic nomlinatio)n(of -ri val candidates by the Liberala and Patrons niay enablo prote-t- ieiiists, to retain thecir 8ysteni, thouigh in a inrt. Such a wsstLe ef ,trength would be most unfortuniate f1,th farm- e3rs of Canada. Thtore is liIkely to be immilediate. action ta-ken in tbe varionis ridfiiga to organizo for the Doiniion elections thaitiust tk place within two )yeaýrs%. Wo feel m-ost diesirous thiat wehatever action is taken thronghout the Dom-inion shah hoc along the line of seduring to the farming coni- munity and laboring classes their proper1 ihs. This Domninion net euly wan;tS men who are, fully In sympathy with these Classes, -but likewvise men w1ho caIn hold their own in the councils of the country. There imust bhoroething more than vot- icg power, thiere mn-ust be dIeba-ting power, Mon who will wield an ïinfluen ce in shap- ing legisliation as weil as in approving of it. flore i3 a istake that Patrons may Imake for wanut of proper consideration. WheIre they have neot available mlen lin their ranks who can iitako the desired stand as legialators, they should unite on the rnost capable mnen in their constituencies whoml they kn1ow to be in full sympathy witlr their interests, lot them be doctors, lawyers, niorchants or whatever else. It ivould ho the ,,heerest folly to imagine that a Patron cau secure auy advantage that a man of any respectable avocation who ia really in sympathy with agricultur- al interests, tho' a non-Patron, could flot secure in the flouse of Commons This idea that any man who has enougli in- fluence aïnong constituents to secure elec- tion la the rightmn to send to Parlia- mont, irrespective of his s blity to take active participa,,tin in the general dis- cussions and work o)f the, flouse, is most erronieous and tho result of sending aiuch moen thero i oly insignificant compared ,with what it woufld be wore the represent- ativo choson as well for his atbilîty to fil the ýposition efficientLly as to wài the election successfully. Consider thon, Patrons, that to securo for yourselves suid the-country generally the greate8t bonefit in the House of Comamoiis, yoni mnust not ai ways push the clama of a momber of your order, wheu much mo(,re capable mon who are in eitire syinpiath)y1 with your intereste are in yonru midst. 1 THE TWO ONTARIOS. The offiial returnm for South Ontario for the lotion of'19 and 18ý9 4 are: 18S9ý0 1894. Oshawa........ Ea8t W hitby.. Scugog'.. ....... Port Perry.ý-- Whith)y Township Whitby Town... Picheriiug. Thle nmore Parliamient tinaof Sir Hlector Lnei n Sir A. P. Caron the basi Iî, th i1Iutry will t'hinIk ci Parlia- nfient, With t ,) exceptions the b itmnnin Mr. -Meredith's foboin ould not be consýiderod !big rmen ieven fi a Coun y Counci. Alhoaugh Hon.W %üim Hrty iS a be- lievor iii the use ot worda in moderatien hoe favora the total prohibition cf language so far, as Archbishop Cleary is concerueod. Prohibjitioniatsz recognized thie work aud usefuineocf a truc servant cf tmeircau b y enL in .J. Fleming cf Torento with stheledrshlip c f tho greatcovn tion At Montrel The attitude cf Patrons in se far as the fiiht on the IFederal fiold.needs little ai,- rarngenmelt. The Patrons are. roady. They will gro'rn ger thýologerth couiteat la poatponied. Ontario is ne soonier rid cf contrývorsy upon Éthe question 0Qa Otario a suýIr- plus" thani that other question, "Hlas Mowat aiajority" b 1)cornes thie strn centre cf a new war cf iwds" Partisan journals have been feedin g the agricultural tiger upon chunks cfMuat but they vili net nadmire the aimlso much when the Paitrons tcry te feefi it fat oun Sir John Tom souaarenigth. Paýtronismiiiluthe LegiaLature mut h weakI indeed if ià canniot speedilydvep eut cf ifs"seienteeni membersa a eadr withi larger possibilities ,cf power thanii snybody on the Cosratv ide ecp W. U. Meredith and OA.Howland.. Tho Patrojan merberuiship throughout Canada is about 200,000. Iley arestrnmg in Che North-wect, aud in Brlish Coluin- bia. Forty seats n inte ext Dmno flouse isa he owest estmat plced uo the futu, e representaticu cýf thePat rons at Ottawa. "Patron mombers ,,howere electfed- memberscftho LegiAature by the ethor parties, such as MessaVTylor (tMdie sexý) aud Reid (Woat arhiani) cno i elate thecir allogiauco e the LIo rder witoutu being liable t xulip"s-ys Granld President Mallory. And MIr. J. CH pkiu rises to clamr fer jhe eniargnentof Que icoia' tile by the addiin(cfthe w. rda"Qjueen cf Canlada:' Oh thatý Mr. IÀopInîs' hecad were eu1r-d'y the :adodition cf onough commoou sense bt niake hlm it trying te make thia ogsffrn outyîdicul eus. Dominion Daýy ,vas clbae nSari with a politicdl f stival Mr. cauu saîd ho was glaid ho could nlo longer be calod the "loue chick"freithe P.uP.Y Iiatcheorv. Mr. (Gurd ia-,hapnIiv elit1,,,:- audwh- came with his -0fe sd twoc dau'ghters to Canada in 1832, and eld in the to ohi f Hope, Where Mrs. Marti~n .a stu in Feb. 13.She tyas married to lier non'brevd ubadin Api,1858. Shie Ia ived in Hope n P( rt Hl 1 ,o ever since her brt. S'ae wai a merübor of the Methodieat church aud a inicere Christian lady, highly re- spected by alher nef' ihbori aiudacuit alices. She h1ad been il sinco September and quietly feu asimeep in Jesu-s Friday 1o11i111i 1 fi ope of eenllife. The funeral teckpac on Su -ay aftc-n te the Me6thodiat Cemetery W'Nelcomel M r. A6rt inz has the Syvmp!a ýth>of a3lilhi friondî and negh1r u-8 hiý Creae ment.-G e. Rev. S. 'T. Part1ctt nvas ma e t feto some extont hon' Muclih hs Ipoplo srprüc. ited thim for prior to laigLakeili hie n'as Mde the recip)(Ient of14bree do- n1ations, Cone a w(.11 filed puse. The ro- SuIt, of Lis:la abors have beeli most encour- rgî]i, thýe spiritual sud financial condition being ,f.ýr in ad, a-ncu o F vwha-, hrifound there thre eaýrs a 'o rJj Lakefield .&es2 is refera te his ciparturo: Not a fen' i,(opleluLakefield anid vicinity, but we thiffk alilwho lliatened te his faithful procla matil of the GosFpel wiIl sincerely rcrt tho e partuire cf the Rer,. S. T. bai tlutt, Ný l(, for the past thrEeeyesrs has preaiàddovoCr tho spiritual and pastoral necesities cf the Congregatýion of the SIetho(dList church, as thr ir atr with acceptanco ndablty t ncthor field cf labor. 711r. El3rtlett 5receivod 'ai" unni church wbichi place he ef t for this weok. During itheir sojouru t'ilLalkefield, 1Mr. and Ms Bariet have been Lighlly es- teemed both in socillsud re.igions circlep, and theirxnany Lkind acs sd words cof encoura.gement+, spoken ini season, will leave the-ýrir mpress upon the mindi c(f m1any. In fthe F. L. cf C. E. the Rev. gentleman wss au active andi usoful mmi- ber whose place amnopp them ili r t. h easily fiiled. 1l1 the dJ!rýlh whero ho has pretided as pastor, ie n.ap ýever was more uctir.-,nor007 à ,-var ions fundaý of the chrh~-ur beent-tor stistained tnth&y aie V7n,1r. Bari 1 t tî teý-Ck chd. t-, ,tat t.hx .r , ' ing anl eriergotc - ikrinte lte of a r1un-down system Can beaconlse by the ýCuse of11Dr. Pierce's Goldien Medical Dsoey Le c cissors and other bladles for ahreigat OatrnsBarber shop--18 L-uiieg, if yon have ne t llreiadY, don't fail to try my coc family team. W. H. Oshaorne, FAM lS al at Peroy's and mee the re- nowned C hampipon Hosefo6 or Souffler. pronlonnced the-é best Ini the Market. Athiet,ýe CigaYretîtes have rio0 Rivais. Skrei Cod LUver Oîl. T RM lO REN-Fora t9yer, cf e6ble for stock or dairy. Chance for goinv extenïsively intoToronto milk business o r stock rais3in for .Amerlcan market, Mon with caPita¶ only need aipply. J. H. Dow, WU, tby. nult >11E The best value in Ceylon and Judia Teas ever brought into this town. 30, 40 and 50c. per lb. CORSETS. We caUry a very large assortmient and seIl lots of thern. 50Cents. 75cenits. $1. 00t and $ 1.2 5, eut oai a nted.' 1 ý rx r\ nýn ,

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