Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Jun 1894, p. 4

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waç,s tat of a "oastrrarrcbestantsm," The observation of Étie ir-c',bishop was too severe, though the provocation was great; but the phrases zoined by Mr. 'Williion and Mr. 1Blake were in no way impreper. They merely express in terse and idiomatic forin the plain truth, and there is ne reason why they should be apologized for. The Conservatives who behaved se riotously at the pavilion dur- ii r. Wllison's addrecq anM wio ne- peatedà the disonden whan ]IM:i. naLe spoke at the Massey Music Hall are ither se thin-akinned that thWy sbould stay at home in their feather beds duning a polit. ical campaign, or they wýere hoodlooims ookring for an oppotunity for riotinig-and w)illing te accept -anything as a pretext. But these gentny who requine te, be handfled with the softetcf kid glovees have, on their own part, been for nthsA carrying on a campaign, in m ny respects the mesnest Canada lias, seen iifor a P.de It hias been marked by the vilest abueif Sir Oiv-er Ilowat whose long sud 'honor- able se'rvicýe te bis counitny at a great Veirly sacri.fice of money, 11)(1unIblemieh- cd careen, pensonally, p)rc)eessýially sud politically should insure hini decent treat- mIenIt. lu a recent issue (if thfliitc -pcaow idh is the very embodituent o)f tIc reactionorary force% wichý1 seek te destroy Liheraîn ini Ontar.ie, Sir Oie Moa S calledl "a Christian pirate"; nef- e-rences are made te bis "sanctimeoneous p)rttenceS," his 'hypocriticail cart," his dishonesty," and his "hlppocriy.2' In the saineisu Archbishop Cle .ry i% cail- ed"fs disgnace cf KingstoV'; and eveny member of the cabinet singled eut by name for cendenination for incapacity sud d ýishoniesty This is but a sample. Thie list cf epithets can be duplîcated every day frein a score cf Journa!s ivhich consider thernselves deent; and are neas- oniably su betweun lecti res. ,.lust at present tliey hae'let their heads f-4 course -Mr. Lanke, the Federa1 (4nv- ennment's cominissionen te the Wo1d's F'ain, worked enthusiaistically for Mere- dith te show his disappoval cf thc higli fees paid te sheriffs, registrars and ether provincial officiais. How about the feesi danfrein tlia federal treasuny by Mr. Lan'ke, Who has been a pensionen on the psublic for ycars, whule doing canipaigui work for the Tory party? The report cf theuiongnca for 1893shw a por- tio)n cf the paymcents te Mr. Lankle as flws-E. SLarke, saJary, 134 week days teo Nov. 30, 1892, at $5; living sllow- sucee, 234 daysto Feb.2, at $3; trans- port expenses, $461,ý88; advances on ae- couant cf salary and expenses, $2,654.45. Iu ail amounting te $4, 515.33. The amoLuit drawn by 'Mn. Larke in the f ull yesn probably reachied $8,000, a sum thrce times as large as that ncivdby any sheriff or registrar in'Ontario. Steerage pssengers who' buy their ooean tickets froin M. A, Jam3s, at the leadîng Bteamklhip ag-ency, Bowrusnville, will bo supplitd wth use of beddicg and zatig u'ensilE free. n2, Brown'ls S. Il.ý....... n3, Fisheries ........... t4, Kendal ............ 5, Orono north ......... 28 n6, Leskard....... ...... 7, Mofat's S. H........ 8, Starkville....... 9, Orene ..............S33 61 Majority for Reid, 76 NEWCÀSTLE. Ne. 1, East Ward ......,. 11 2, West Ward ........f Majority for Lockhart, 8 1371 Total majenity for Reid,........... 74 Local Election3 June 1890. Followving are thie nturns for the On- taie Election in 1890: BOWMÂNVILLE. ,W'est Ward, 3, North W'ard, 4, ti l 5, South Wad, 6, '? l LoCKNART South.. . .47 north .. . .48 South .... 69 nenth. .:. .75 aouth. . ..47 north .. ..>39 31-5 Majonit.y for Prower, 114.-- -No. 1, Providence ......... 90 ' 2, Tyrone ............ 98 n ,Maple Grove . . ,... 68 nt 4, Hampton-. .....8 fi 5, Enniskillcni. ý......84 6. 6,Courtice ...........93 n 7, Bradley's S. 1l. 114 Majority for Loclihart, 33 o. 1, Willismshurg ....... .26 et2, South Cadmus...16 Il3, CS.sarea ............ 39 et 4, North Cadmus...27 108 Majority for Prowcr, 230. CLARKE. oc. tel Ncwtonville .........73 2, Brown's S H ......... 45 t3, Lockhart's S. H...52 4, Kendall ....,........ 46 5, Orone north.......... 75 6, Leskard ............. 60 et 7. Mfoffst's S. Hý ....... 53 Il8, Stsnkville ............ 50 fi 9, Orono................ 70 524 Majority for Lokhant, 52. xEwcASILE. No, 1, East Ward . ........ 46 ,2,- West Ward .,.,...,.... 52 98 Majority for Lockhant, 26. Total miajcr*ýty for Lockhat,-51, PROwES, 63 78 62 86 71 79 439 84 100 102 52 338 57 48 S2 99 62 44 23 66 41 4î2 31 41 72 H-astings $ N...............A Viý,Veud Kingston .......... .....E IH Siiyh Lanark S............,. J 1H -Mathesen Lennox ....... W W Meachami (P Pl A) Leeds................. Walter Beatty), Lincoln .... ..... James Hi-scojtt (P P V) London...............W 1R Mereýdîth Perth N ...........TMagwiood (Pl PlA) Sfimcoe E............. A Miscampbell Toronto W ...os Crawford (Pl P A) Toronto S ............... G F Matr-er Toronto S .............O0 A Hfowlandý Toronto E E....... G S Ryerson (P PA Victoria E. .. .......... J H Cn",e gie York W................J %V St.Johin PATRONS Bruce C.......... J S Macdonald b Carleton...........G( A Kidd (Conî) Duffenin ... ..........V Dynes (Ind) Grey S ........,...... 1) ]NMcNicbel (Lib) Hastings E .......... W McLaren (Lib) Middlesex E ...... W Shore (P P A bort) Perth S ............ John McNeil (bib) Prince Edlward .... .. John Cayeua (Con) Sirncoe W.............. A Cuirre (Lib) Stormuont......onBennect (bib) Wellington W. Gý,eorge Tucker (Co)i P. P. A. Lambton E ....... ý....P D Mc;Call1uti In doubt or to be hezrd from are AI1- gema W, Addington, Bruc" N, Front ciiac, Grey Cente, Lambtoa W, Lanark N Muskokaý, Northumberland E er Sound. RCAPITULATI02ON. Liberals............5 Conservatives..........2 Patrons................i P. P. A. ............ iUncettaii returns ......... ....... 10 GAI N S AIN U)OSES. Thie Lib)eral gains were: AlgomnaE E gin W Essex N Hlamilton (new seat) Kent W Ontario N Ottawa (new seat) Welland iotal, 'S. Conservative gains were:- Algoma W Durhamn W Kingston Lanark S Toronto (two new seats) York W Total, 7' PATRON GAINS. Froni bib. Froili Cor, Bruce C Carneton Grey S Dfei Hastinga E MdlsxE Perth S SiceW Prince Edward Total 4. Storinount Wellingt ,n W Total 7, "ONTARIO, ONTARIO," Our congratulations first to Sir Oie Mowat on bis grand general victory in the Province of Ontario and seconid to Hlon. John Dryden on l is splendid victory of over400 majo)rity in the county of Ontaxi . InInan), Aichor, ain auiuurgAnmericau PaetCo. AIl infration about rates and s-aiings can bu had on application ut the S(ÂT fMÂ fice, Bowmanville, pers<ýnaIy or b3' lett.er. Pp. OM7PT RELIEF cornes to the woman suffering from. an fthe painfal disorders and de- rangemients pculiaz tVo her sel, il ilhe ac-cepts the help thut'o offes'ed. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription la the only1 medicine go certain in itm effecot8 that it eaui ho guaranteed. In every case, if it doein't benefit or cure, your nioney is retu1rned. Beautiful wonnen know how much they owe to gond health. If yon wish to be beautiful, keep the nat- ural functiois (of the body in proper state aucd voni'illbe healthy. A train of disordera follows the de. r!u-ngeent of the woxuanly funetions. Foir norvous, prostration, excitubility, faint ýing spelis, dizziness, àpasue, con- vlsions, or "1ts" this remedy re- lieves and ciires. Tlake it when, you sufer froin tsleeplesýsness, baekaclie and bearing- down"I selsations, for the promp reifit imparts. The stepping-stone to Consuniption - is Ca-. tarrh. 'IL don't pay to Jet> it go, when the makers of Dr. Sage's Remedy wilI give $.5o0 if they can't, effect a per- manent cure of your Catarrh. Photos! PLotoù'! Nowadaàys tht, discerninig public try to gyet thoberýt possible value for their xuoney. That. is iee('f the ressons why people go te Tai:t &CGo. for their photos. They are muakinpg some very pretty styles now. Cal and aee tbem. Pîcture framei a'- ways ont hsnd. Thora in nio donbt about it Treleven lias the lnside track in the beot and shoe trade. Th-3 old reliable neyer gets loft. Styles and prices suit the timee. Cal and imspact the new stock. 'Von ean depend upou getting style aud cjualty, utlsa than wholosale prices now Us-iý K. P. C. fur aHl t)m-.h troublee. . kOr $1 * iO we seii thie best fleavy Boots for men in the country, Don t pass us wlaen wanting any- thing in Boots or Shoes. Hlighest price paid for ail kinds of produce. JOHN- IYc1YIRTORY. BOuNSALL'S MARBLE AND QRANITE WORKSI A large stouk of Finishcd lMonuments, Sarcophagi, Toints, Ileadstones,etc., in the test varieties of Euro- pean and American Granites and àMarbles, in handsome designs, and at prices from ,'-5 to $400. Orders respectfully solieited and careful completion guaranteed. Cali and inspect mry stock aud SEE WHAT YOU ARE BUYING. E. R. BOTNSALL, :Proprietor. NewArrivais. WHlJTE HELLEBORE INSEOTPOWVDER. Bath and Buggy Sponges at very low prices. Engllsh Transparent oap as eheap P-r ordinary Soap, Try J. HQQINOTHMm & SON, CIIEMISTS and DRUJGGISTS, B3owmapyville. C.P. B. Ticket and Tdlegraph Office.

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