Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jun 1894, p. 1

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il £ Di G -e A s Y 'K t1t~ s TERMS:-81.50 Pici Âxiu. OUR TOWN AN~D OOUNTY PIRST. THE WOR.LD ÂJTEBWÂ.DB. M. A JAMES EDITOR AND PROpsr-rOI, BOWMANVILLEU ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JUINE 13, 1894. VOLUME XL. NtJmBun 2 SeasonaLble -Goods. JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN~ uuuuIl SUPERB STOCK 0F NEW 'COODS Suitable for the present season. - 0:- 1 They direct particular attention to theïr beautiful stock of Neb-w Dr es Goods which contains ail thie Iatest MYaterials in- low d medium priced goods asi well as -a ]ovely range of costumes in single Dress leugths, These are beauti-I fui gooods and very moderate in price. A -big assortment of Wool Delaines in cream and black grounds---tb.e very newest desigus and the prettiest goods of the kin~d ever shown in town. They are als -o showinig aui immense stock of new and stylish Paaslsi- ported. direct from the manufa3.cturers,ý auid the best value they have everi .1"0'wn. ,gOUCHI jOHNSTOt-&GYDRMN EB()WMA NVILLE. Our enoermous stock of seasonable styleýs is opened and rea dy Sliqualities and sueh low prices we have neyer betore been able tu cfe our customers. A thoroirghly first-cass stock combining quakïlity and elegailce with l0W prices. Corne in and sce the newest designs and rnost se' viteable styles of thie season in Lad ks' ' Gentie- mWen' and Children's Boots and Shoes, Rubber Goodis, Trunks, Bags, etc.,th newest ideas, the Lest goods rende,,the greatest variety and the air~figures. Priees within the reacli of ail and now is the drne tG' buy. Everybody is deiChted with our display of Spring and Sýumùer goods and yon wil L e. Cail and learn w hat'pleas are, satsfctinand econorny there is in trading -with TM N V Gas MAKS AD BURNS ITS OWN GAS FROM COMMON'COAL OIL. SIMPLE. SAU'E. CIIEAP. Nýýo dirt. No heab in the kitchen. Cooks a friydinner for 2c. Cail and 500 it working at Rd. WORTH'S.- NOWER SECTIONS AND REPAIRS.-We carry a fu*illiUne of repairs for tise Frýost aid Wood machines, aLd aIse mower, sections andi guards1 for ail makes. R-"D. WRH Heaf iuri ors far Seians i leavy Haýrd ware, St )v0s, T;iuwre, PLîrtu,)OiS, .I G'lass. #STYLE, DURABILITY, 0I T o ECONOMY. prie swe * ttiesandcn srost forq g / 1 C cdu. .zsuk yau 'denir or FO- br 0 TJiR'8$IIOL'S. Said everywhx. e MACtI.A~,CLARKE. e Mr. W. T. Taylor lias purchas3d a liceeof four-year old colt.Ar. Jas. WVeb-b hîs f1 returned home from a àiiv ith frîends wer in Tay . ... Miss L. Nickiesoin visitedl at T. Mr. R. Strong's recenitly... . M2,rs(). ia and Thos. Webb sperit 24th w--h terK-1 brothec and sister ini llavelock . .. mr. M Thomas Brown, Leeskaýrd. viRit4d herisas) fether, Mr. R. Brooks..M. F.TIhomnp-' t son, teacher, of Dramn, vîsited hý,i tuçnle,an Ivr. Wm. Northoott, Sndyweek. ... ,Miese R. A. McQ iil an is abLe t be t3 to'e agaisi...Mies Lathangue. ayd 'f wu visitedI Mr. R. Strong Simn ty ...k.... gno Mr. Isiah Strong had one9 of ihis fio4gers bro badly crnshed with ai sttimpisng mahinie. son .... Mr. Thcs. McLeed0, wife ard, sister Dn were vikitirsg at Ms. J ob) Greerivoç.Sd', del recently. Lis Ti I eive P1-9d , Inheuited Se'îof u1a Ç,ggJ - la3 Readl the Statmnent of aàt Popular Teachey 1 M, ~ r. Geo. A. zirkLO a" Ilt. Horeb, Teni, t Thse statessents ln the testimonial1U lew re W f imiliar fat) ate eitelfeensof m2.f beeh vas bojr"I l d bas alw,,ays ived. R Peald ita 'C .Iod&Ca., LoweliMs. ar bDa~~s- elievein ItoaSaspxia Ce Iwltelyou ;'wby. I1 have ufedro lu fs ef ainyeye.s 'teamne strangely a 1etd coulii noSreasi after suns "et t, dwhen wu close nsy eyes, 1 <mýuid net open them; but ou th1 w4iichever side 1 lay, an that side 1 could0si sf50 say eye, This condition continued si about twa years, andi was sseeeeded by t An Intolera.ble ltchîingm ail avc my body and Illsbbs. I hasi ta hve ny littie boys take shoe brushes andi scattelime 1twvas dreasiful. hcniseiarot n a folloived insmedately i y a turner in tlise riglit fg' aide of my noclc, as large as a small egg 1Int to once commenced. taking phsysicians' prescri-. - Dt tiens andi continuesi tili I lest hopýe. Plâie es lime tise tumer cisanged is place ta islusm- diate front of rmy necis, suppuratei.ai 'vas ol-. lowed by others, tili six hiad for:m(siiud!,braka.i i "Finaiiy, three years aga, anth ra tu-M nmer sentesi itself on tise point oa im ...lar.oue. and ln six meanthe anather balf way acenti v bone, Bath off them sean began ta disciiarge1'1ý and cestinsed ta (Io so ti11 about seveiioth I 1 was oten sa weai tisai 1 Coulid Scarceiy Waik diý and say sinsi Sens sa corifused that I cauilsiTa scarbeiy attend [to insybusiness (scisool tni-D ing). 1 was utiarly discourngcd. And naw msy ji etory drnws ta a close. I began tise use 0f1 Ti HToodsur' assd tokfive bottieg. Whi1 beanIhad ne u faitin tIt i ess ta he ssts ohts sores on my shaulder wero hienled; 1 was cesi' off a troublesome catarris; ands sreislous hiait bas steadily grownl less 1pael og more tisais 1 oes ýrdid lin ny 1<10,andsi arnc In the Best of Heaith, m considering Mny constitution, De you wOnder Y", tisaS 1 belleve lu 1Hoed's Sarsaparilla ? I1Cali dcM] niess tisais rocomend iteverywherc andi every Mýj ivay." -eA.Zs , .Hreen, ÇOar.si cCorner Yrge and Gerrard Stre[retSlM TPoront.' Unquestinnably Canada's Greatest effl Commnercial Sclisool. In ses8ion thce esttre veaas Speciai circnlars for aumjmer classes, Write Il for one. w SHAW ncrIsO. LD 1< L a r, 1Minard's Liniment Lumbermani'q Fdiend, Y uu -ATE W. R. CLIMIE. ont five menjthe of intense auf- ltingc frona a severo aîtack of Alowed by the formation af an the head,preduzing complete f bis vocal organe asud itmbe, oaf Climie, the Editor and pro. TiiESTATEMA-N for a 'ou t ir 1, 7r te its purchase by the blii31h, , passed.peatcefuiiy away cylstalout 1.15 P. M. aged rsod.The fanerai took tIse fnily residence, "Sisorise" nftrs:onandwas coniducted IEic horunder thffe auspices mn Lo;dgeNo 39 A. F. &A. M., there bçing at large turnout of mýn Pentaiphe, Ciapter, Osha- Port Hope, iNowcastls, ansd The service at the hijae was by Rer. W. S. Prîtchard, B. r cf Trinity Congreg-atinsl aIiihdeceased was for imaniy icoD, and iatterly treas.urer nd 3r. LRev. R. D Fraser, M.L A., 1'3 amsd ev. E. O. Griabrookz, almo aasist'ed. The pal-bearere Ss, Robert Beitb, M. Pl., W. rt, M. P. P., D. Burke Simp. Alex. Beitb, M. D., W. Mc T. P M., and John Percy, WV Le-ral tributes Sere very lsand- sdcing au "mt rest" pl'ow froiti 3Aid of Trinity chnr(ch, an mu Mr.HEl.O'HaraToronto, and a oath frns Mrs. -N. S. Yau,UI A&ong tise m&,urnors were bis 1%r. John S. Climie, of Chic- P. W. Clhaie; Mr. J. D. ('limbe, of Hamilton: Mn. W. QUick,' 1, owmanivi Le; Mr. John S. oephew, cf Thoý Globe business sls' Toronte; NMr, W. (liaie, Mr. Alex. Boyd, son-in-law, bIr. Gea. Sanderson, brother- ion;Mr. John H. Garbutt, Mr. W. F Traye@, Port Hope r . A. Clarke, Coîborne. Thse 3acf the three prlnting offices, ,, -News and Sur, attended un The peop'o frein tewn and tsrned ut enaiestg show tIi i eý of rescpect. The fanerai was t sýeen bore ince that of thse Johm McLeod., M. P. P. ns of the ar, t pesrvaSive. sIs tohrsJln AudreÜw, .nd Gidýeon-ahi printers, diefi s g.W. R. ('<ie eras one t favorably knoDwn r-ewspaper is P'rovinýce,owing tî bis cfa, . since iLs orgarnuzitioan titII the PreFs seito In 18S72 ha si Vice, Presideont and two years aiber cf Ilie ExýecuHtireCon)m:t îequen-tly in 18ý76 ho acceptesi tion ai Secretary-Treasurer, sition hoe fihied wuith great effie. S atisfaction for fourteemu years, giiiatprea f aieisdevotian e9111ad tbe high, eeteem n lies, alsrays been iseld by lis selnahists. A-i a proof of tise n'à aippreciation oai bis services s7y, tisec mempbers presented lsîm re ago witli a very bandsome bie3 silver ervice wth tray i byaeuagstcddrepssbeauti- os Sed.Inpoitica Mr. Cimie ýusch Libers], accupying r us tIiepcsitiea -ai secretary af ,5i Durhama Reforiin As. Hoe was an intimate friend ai Nard Blatke, whSeleopreontesi wýfor so many years un the corns- le 'waz a zciLtu temperance adi b for neariy twenty years - hafi ise inspecter of West Durhama. rory genLIl man, always a great a oCia lse11sd-rassgesseroais mnefer wortlsy causes, ln 188ehosi aited 'ie ,SuInnoms ýclie blss ed iîed ansd publishod ro Ho ave-s a wife ansi live .rlrs W. Quick af Bowmau- - u.BayeaifTarante, Miss liie, and Swo sans, Jaosnaind %ho hav thse sympathy ai thse snnît:y is tise icreparabie lo2a s)staned iie demnise ai a luabani anD -affecienoate and iun- uthier. Aanong thuose irosu a ýt tise funeral Sere Mro. T. LiEttoel, and Mrs. J. B. Por(,iito, sisters:, Mr. W. J. Mc- frcontaý; Mr. E. 0. Fessarty, rt Hlope; Mc. H. Gaie, Enter- Ibarne. -A suitable memariai I e ho(Ic hidn Trinity clissai lsy marQning-. .uiilpTo1N. ai. E verson, Couctice very au- )cupied the pulpit here Suaday Mý'r.Stephien 1Wasiingten, Bow. preacliesi in the eveningr... Brown retmrned frons thse Conference, Peterboro Satur- ing ,.. .The Cheese (Co. bave se balance ai tiseir May ceeese ý and expuipilea oftise Bownsan. iScliool pisyed a frhendly game 1 here Saturday aiternioon wlsich p victery f or the f ormier. . ., . Liddy lhs auffeu'hng fitem the à i3evere cold.. . Notwithafiansi- ,d wet weather, and hard tises ýas ai late, the asubosare ain prco ntingç their littie buis S. la practishng for tise Anini. x Juhy Lst and 2nd. Pil cure obrenie constipation. A f rien dly gaine of foot bal was played Mr. Geo,ý Power bas hoisledl a hay fork haro on Satnrday between the boys of in bis barns. . . The gardoni party at MNr, the village snd Hampton teana. The 0. Cox'e Thuraday evening was very s- gaine resulted ini s victory for the home cesaful In every paiticÎrttà,.. . District teaiu of 1 goal to 0O... .Mr.ý S. 0. Black Division was held bore on Friday. . . .Mr. of Suspension Bridge preaches in thes Wm. Foiey liaq bean attending Confer- Advent eburcli home on Sunday next. u.ce at Peterboro.... Mir. B. W. Foley, Services at 10.30 a. ms. and 6.3ý0 P. M. Toronto, bas beon homne for awek If yu wat aFive cent Ciga',1r, You Anînivereary next Sunday ansd Mlonday. If yu wat aBig ime expected. Sermnons Sunday by Will Obtain Value By Smoking Rr . akr t23 ad730p b The '4Varsity". Try It, Music by the choir. Collections. Men- day a Cheshire teýa wi'l ho served. Peo- gram of siuging, rocis, declamation ENNISKILLEN. ansd 50 orth y the sc2hultr2, SOM('e new Mr. Jamets Stainton bas movsd la the featsv e.q and speoýhta by Rlev. Mur.Strike, brick hbousse on his Southi farmi. . .. Dr. Dr. MeLaugiin -nd othieri. Tickets, and Mrti. Mitcbhe!l spent a part of List ordin)as' pee-ple, Lý; ents, chjidren 15 ats; week in Torante. Li.e Dectar was is nt- editors, auctio'nee riý, ewing machine tendance at the Ontario Medicai Assoia- agents and politicâins excas aelardiUg teý tiors. Dr. W.,, J. Brav looked after the tn n poedrcusmd onvey- practico is Dr. Mitche l'a absence ... The ance frosu Mason'4 stoee aS 2 nd 4 'ooc sidewaiks are being, renewed here lirdsr -return tickets and tea 30 cen<s. the superintendesîce af Pathmaaster, Pye. The JuIy nilmbr of The Chiutauquan -In sumimer, autusuin, winter, spring, m13azîlse wili bc a noal ue iii the bhis- If yonl'd 1)8 happy. Wise, tory (,f that proia and in the devel- And ta your bousehold pleasure tring, epmeist of the eýrest Ch'autau1qua miove- Just ueo the Diamond Dyae. mont of which IL is the offiscial orqan. Lt _eew-Jf yen mapil this versa and notice willentaini the complote dct-iledi pro.- and 25 cent i in stamps or nney ta grain of thie Clsautauqua Assemibly which i, lsel! d aSChauItauquýa Like uin Western voWll &ReciCHAkoSON Caa Eoi newlNew Ymk urisag July and Augmust, be- yenwii re'yv ur me sad' "nwsde"the general progzrasu afi fil y oth3r mfentbly fsm']ypaper, fo cPe ie er; ais and Rga,"and ao paagso Ixs i's -drismg the aummer frous one cul of the dts. for su-ikin16 nGo1Ces c(f bes,,i ileckcensytt to. Thse R. T. ci T. baive elEctefi offe-ras Vice Couuci-lor -eiuL'zzie T'nPli uS1, SortryMs A icý, Amat, Tr,>L- ýr~-1 MiessIlattie (Tes u de-Ur. F< eh Smnith. The lodge ha-i a sm-rahi af 135-...Mrp. Mulliga,'snr., an ai---t's:di higtsly respecel e4ir.de)nt oftihe towLls ip died aI ber daugitrs,,Mrs. Georgu Mâl- colin, W. stern atarive. Rer rasmains were bruught here an Mondnay Juie 4th, anid -interr7-ed in oaur cernetery. en are Silbjot tLu tick issiaache asi wh try remnedy -aiter remetdy lis t,"41hopre If g,&icîing rid aiof ieube.Tpi S. au'd thfe' remedy for t'-osec or 5 bo0Xe .- for a dc gears h he usqechno ý. 25 cents a boxý R"eport ai S. S. NSo 4 Dritnfoz May: Sr. 4, Geo. Aniaý, 1erbert Osese I-vy Worden, Cccii ode;Jr. 4, Jamesý Visai. Aima Courtice, Norman Oke, Eddie Worden; Sr 3, Gardon Worden, Wallace Picilc, Willie Fouids (equal) Wil ie Clatwerthy, Wille Kerr, Blake Oke; Sr. 2, Annie Annii, Hattie Oaho rne Charlotta Courtice, Mable Wade, Artisur WVaraen, Clarence Trul), Samusel Vinson, B. Ciatwartliy; Jr. 2, Geo. Blair, Grace BIy, Frank Cltwarthy, Agnes Batlia, Frank Feuud; Jr, Pt. 2, Otis WorIda, Clsarley Fourid, Sr. Pt. 2, Elva Trýuli, 1'o8sie Osborne, Elma Pickhe; Jr. Pt. 1, Editis Buette, Lizzi3 Blair, Mary Vinsan RuisCauctice, James Baille-. Total numbýer oi names on roli]:39, average at- tendance 31. E. 11. HAwKEr, teacher, Derby PIug Smoking Tobacco lias AttainedAn- Enornious And SURîl ncreasing Sale, BLA GKSTOGK, Our cheeso, factary is doing a very sot isfactoy business Shis ........ r. Lewis- i Epsaom is visssting at Dr. Fishss .. .. lRv, R. L. Edwards andi Mc. Le fflis are att eiding cersierenoe at Peterboro.. .Wi-sk ii rushing on Dr. McKibbaa's isen' ho sý.'. . Our base bail clusb went ta Ballysuffi Sa(urday te play witti Janet- ville boys4. Tlsey defeatesi thon by four ruuss. They aisre have au invitation Sa play Ptterbora . .-. Sano af Engiand liad a very pîcasant tisse at tiseir meeting Tlusray, iL boinz tbe oueniisg beforo ose ai tiseir members, Mr. Sam'l JEffery, leic for Englani. frc. Jeffery wasoaie ai the char.1er smnm becs andi lis taken great intereat la tisewefaro cil the lusige. At tise close ai business the brethrus took liseir seats and enjoyesi a social chat while the gentlemen waiters fiew round with grant capidity andsi un a short tino lias tise tables decerates itit the luxur- les of lie. TLie bretbren surrandesi the tablez and partook freely bilal were saticfiesi after which, Bre. Isaac Whit. fieldi, the presîdent, Sýeak the chair andi callesi an tfolfilewinig speakers: Dr. Filis, Jno. Mariow, R-, Venining, G. 8ug. gitS, W. Brown, P. Baihey, J RaIson, H. Mounntjy, R. IL. PriseS, ansi otisera. Al whlsed Mr. andi Mrs. Je.ffery a pheasant tnip and asie returs. The speeches ai Dr. Fisis andi Jao. Marlow caused a great deal aif merrimemst andi laughter. ILs a true aaying LiaS wedon'L kaow what is la prsa tlI he ar tief."Stick Se it boys, yen aaY reprosent West Durham yeis in theue of Parliament, Mr. ansi Mrs. Jeffery are expoctesi 50 retuirn about Septaber 1t....The Sons ai TEmperanca intenda liaving a grand ex- cursion on Frlday 1it isS irons Cusarea to sturgeon point'; only 25 cents. «'ElPadre" an J LaFlora" [Especial]J are Supe)t.rior to ti Majority of 15 cent IrnipoitedC"icars. ~.y:Sr. , Cane ight, lilda .Logapn. ss, Zlabeh Ct-Il cuit, Ethl ihis S yb i 1 ocai "NdaSyL - .Jr. 3 Jame s IlHlut lirsos d Ha W s ik 4-s ïe(qual, Ethel ý!C" 1 o~,A 1eaRuileg'. Sr. 2, Juse WitsrlraTrase tlle,Lil te Burges, Peai larons0Oive Prin-,iLaroisi Heaken". Jr 2. Wef3'ey WVerly, Franis i nsc t,('eiý l i, a li i.t, 'r. Pi. 2, Lass¶'se Gnud, Freddle Hon-y. Jr. P't. 2ý, Wiksss Nousa WonacttCa'a Par- sens. Sr. 'P.. 1, EddilWikns Johnny Burges. Jr. Pt. 1Fcci i ,lwr Gyaud,-à1:11s1 Llancy, Wi-ie hiicni ll-desr.Libboio H ndtrdon. Avuteane f,500< s <st wek... r. j . G illan',e bibl.- xp suot ion - on Sabbath ovonçing wasneI aria lhou;lght'f niheafingz.., lrr F. Wý, (O. Werr1y auglit the junior- diehiost aÀ ir sehooMnlay ..Recent vstr:Rer,. L. and Mis. pbeIP2, Mr, 1Anss, Peterlir o; M..J, XVite, Kenci.- ah; rir. 15. higt yrtie; Mr. TJ W.. SparingBewnnvslE. ..Decin Powc-r gavea sm eîi dsritofaiGenl. Baois' hi wak at 'tisze ponair Meeting on WezineEd ay oîs% A libra lc- tien followed. Uecent Visitais: M.and i Mr0. James McCuiloeh, Prisce ler;MiEsAnnfie Asiston, Hamapton: r M, -J. Cibson, Courtice; Mr. G. 1esnBeoî. Dr. W. J. Bray atteudesi tao Dr. Mtlel isatente while ha Snattend in eDec- tors' convention at Trno...Tean- nivesns isee pesedoffvery Vel, ind3ees ...On ~uida aiernonthe Rev. D. S. tise priviýeze c(J lsearing anotiseýrexlen sermon by Rer\. J. B. L.arnBiA., af Columbu3 -Mandayj beivag a fine clear day, everybody enjoyed thea-selv es. At 230 tihe bandi playedsi sverai el- ections aiLe r which the poocGedings were comnence inlisthc hchcis ehcwas soors filhed wlth peaple tram far and near who wero attentiive listeners ta thse splendlid addresaes 'Dy Rev%. R. MCu1iocisasnd Mr. MeL sien and remarka by Dr. J. C. Mitchell and the rastar. Tise scisool clildren did romas kably weil unsngg au d cacitissg being raiaed by Mrs. J ames1 Gilbert assd Mr-. Mackey, teaciser. The tea Secs sesresiun tise Sons' HallwU r the tables *ere apronet a3 tise Ernfielc ladies know se weil how to do. las the evening a concert Sens beld is the chiurcla w5here a rery interesting prograin was rois- de-red, recitations by the Sunday sclisol Fcholaes, solos iy 111r. C. Mackey ansd Mrs, Hurd c4 Princje Albert, duets by Misa Hayes and Mré. Hurd, and other muusic waafiirni2hed by the chair, bandi and Mr. Beach fornerly a vioua player un an opera un Landais, England. Tata! praceede $56 .... On Satsurday tise band lbled an enssagemonnt aS roi ~boiser Decoration Day at Groveside cemieteiry. Tiis wavsilsetir ficat dobuit away froi.n homne. Inu the evosiug as tbe Hon. John D3ryden basi,7a meeting in tise Aasonlc H1all the% bard serenadcd hlm.. Aiter the Hlon, gentleman cordially invited thesu in, -and cfi course thiey furmished miusic for thcoeve inug.The personnel of the -band is: Leader, saltO E fiat Cret- Prof. J. F. H urlbut; lat E fa Cornet - N. N1ýiddery; sale B flit Ornoet-L. C.. Pascoe; lS B ftiat Corniet--Alonzo Nid.. dery; 3rd B fiat Cornt-Wa,. Bradisura; solo alto, F. T, HuLirkut; LaS alto Jh Dyer; Bariton-E. . Pasooe; let Tenor,-Wri. Hmae E Ba8î,-Frei! LU Bray; B Bass9,--R. -Niddery; Drun- Jeseph Ashton, There un ne doubt about it Tre1evern bits e I niide track lun thse bot and shoe trade. Tise ail roliabie nover gets leffu. Sýtyles and prives suit thEý times. Cal! ansi inspects tise SOW stock. NNMWi EIEs,

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