Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 May 1894, p. 2

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PRACTICAL URMING. t permanent Stairs or Ladders in Barns.p It is very strange how some farmers, KENOALLSyear in and year out,; will climb up ini the SPA IN UREbarri or hay mow te put in and take out aid of a ladder or stairs, but ciimb from a manger, box or barrel, grasp a brace,A stringer, or other projecting porti-on of - tiu.-ture, and by an extra effort swing or tbrow the body upward, and perform simi- THE lIar ýyminastic feats te agein reach the floor.t IOST SUCCSSFL REEDY Thisis most often done in midwinter wheri NOST UCCESFULthe bands are encambered with. heavy F-OiR M1AN oR 8EAGT, Crtain in i s effet" and neyer blisterq. mittens. TL'heae operators cari thank theiir Redproof s helow: stars that they do not feul, endangering life ~~ SPAVIN CURE andllinob. By the expendineoafw BeuariljT I , t Y Jnlo5l18 rs and a day's time, an easy anid sase Dr. E. j.KNDALL Co.way of 'accessî could be made to a ny of Geslre-tboughit a splendid bey horse aonme th le lofttansd one wouid sctualiy save 'une "gowith a 1-3 a. gothiiorflOInsede nongh timne betweeri the sensible and the Kendall's Spavin ne. ýThe Sisavin is gone nowe aud tl- have been offered $150 for the same herse. careless wsy in a yeer's time tocover al 1 oniy had hlm nine weelrs, se 1 got $120 for using th epeeofcnruin. I ma $2 wrorth oyfKendUehelxps Spfacnstuntonure.na Your trly, W. S. MARssuE. possibly maku a mlari more mnscuiar to ~ SP VIN CURE twist about aud hang by- one baud to reach 'S 1â155. DCURE,183 the hay xnow, but the more, corsideratei Dr. L. J.KEsNALL 00.HEYMc, e ,89. prefer the easier, safur plan. In wagon Sirla-i have used your endsfl's Spavin Cure honses in which horses are stabled, stairs Wtgood success for Curbs ou two hunlIes andisolb i enb sdt ec h ItsCubest Liniment I bave ever used. solb l enb sdt ec h Yonrs truly, AuGuasT FaxDESS!K. loft, as then womeri and children cari often Prlec $1 per Baille. For Saie by al Lruggists, ,or stdress feed the horses with perfect safety, Skele- Dr. B. J. KEXDÂ-LL COMPANY, '. ton stairs can bc erccted withsîmply the ENOSBURGM FALLS, VT.seps anid sides, but they should be made trong snd irm. ONTARIO LADIES' COLLECE, WHIITBY, ONT. Strictly fdrat-elasa i al ts eppintrnuts aud educatienal ativanlagas. Provision matie ferý ctlithse ieacliera' crtiftcates sud ton Un- iersity classes Ibrougb thse freshmcan, sopho- mouresud par-t of ijuaîor ye?,r3 of Toronto UicstTIse iturary staff comprises tIe langeaI numnber et tUiversity ausialista ot euy Ladie' Colie-gelu Canada4. Ttisemusios, finsarî,elooutiou sud commnercial departmsuts prfesore. PYsies, su turc la itengbt y a spectalst froni o3to . A new gymnaluni andi ahikindauf onit-door amnaus.nta. PPpils bave thue pportunity uf hosriïi, the greât artiste that lasit Toronto. .ppiy for information to PRINCIP&L flARE, PlaiS Spring I Spring!!g M\,illinery show rooms cern- plete with rnany p leasing styles for the season. Stylish goods together with close prices makeý it the popula.r place te buy. Sailors, 20 cents each. Hats reshaped. Miss Shaw,' Ne.td- t et fie Furniec na pewrful ksha, atarrh, Lung Troubles, lri 18u, Mres, Martha -Reeanlt difeoveredl thse proces of extracting from the soots and bark nf the I Tree of Lie " of British india an elixir of unrivalled vitaliziug power in cnriug Cosumiption and I3nng troubles. Manysufferers given np by phy siciens thirty yuars ago who had recourse to Ibis elixir are now living. Tl gives pure rihhWbood, restore wasted tisanes and ia beli ed to be the oly ~pemanent cure kuowu for Cosuniption exeet lest stage), Bronchit-ýs, Asthmea, Cateýrrh and Pail Long troubles, as lso lDs s- pessConstipation, Liver Compiaints sud Frimle Weakn4ess. Fu particulars feece AdrsMrs. Marha Blesnt, Toronto, Can Tl."1e wlo wuIU ssci sehe bemcop, le THE GREAT e <BLOOD PURIFIER CURES ALL Taints ef the Blood. CE RTAIN .ýQ sud ail the trahi ç,f evils from ezriy erno or Iter excesses, ii resuisof overwýcil nii rngh, evlo me t antoe given b t cf theboy ml, natura'ýul mtoe ble. 2,000,refereuces Drinking Cold Water When Perspir- ing. Fermera caution their men net te water tie boraus wbuu aweaty, but they bhem.- suives will drinkz freuly of coid water when ln a state of perspiration. Tbuey drink it bucaus lbs'11iy are thirsty, sud oft1en to excusa, if it will injure a swesty borse, it will bave the sanie eliect upon a man. If you must drink wheri tle blood is heated, nuran ii îiiuuratun and eougt1oiwbat'disàNeilu Prka firt ewawllwsluth-e montb for s mo- ment, or ountil wsrmed te near the tempes., eture o!the body. It wil not then produce tbe shoot te the nervougsaystem that the teking of snncb very cold wter inte the stomacb would. By Ibis plan you cari st. isfy thirat witb a lesa qusutity. Witb msuy -people even nioderate labos or exer- cise opens the pores witb attendant perspiration. Sncb people may avoid tîs bv drinking spariegly of wster or other liquida. k requirus coniderable will power nul te drink iseeiy wbeu tbirsty, sud the wster is a i baud. Business Methods in Farming, Every crop plantufi on thu fssm, every animal bongbt, sud evury nmari ired ia an invsimen, involviug sotsnd business jndg- ment, in botb the planning sud the man- agemet, tbu maure s profitable oultceme. Too often crops arc pisutud, or stock raised, simpiy becanse other fermera raise bbem, witbout regard te the cost, the markt, or the sdaptability te thse particular far an sd its equipment. Wben plsnted, ne account is kept of the exrpeuse, sud sit everi su estiniste is3mnde ofl'ihe cosit, bu7,t te crop is soid as acon asavsu for Uhtitwl brin, sud Iecroprpu ted th next sua.- sos,. Wl. Itwoild smtms1o1mr t1ltnIbe cropa weýru wortb 10 keep e ade- tsailud set, ol acconla 1Swtb each criop, Stiili1 a siplebusieasliku st of faml accouints wilil ur isbIbe.data wbereby thLe profit- (beesif particular cropaý, or stocýk, msy1 bu lesiyustmatdand thus furuisb a'i saferbhasis Iban gaess-work bor the absu- donneut f Ie crep, or for cagn t trestmzenlt. Msny parts of tfie eshite mnade for eue yuar or field, wo)t.ýlul snaer for other years sud fields. Wbetber se- ceunIs are tept with particules fields or cropa or nel, theru sbouid bu an eccount opeued witb the ferni, sud othurs witb bousebold and personel uxpeuses. By teking stock escu- yuar, il eu he deteriuied whetber tbe farm bas been profitable; wabethur the iniprovementa baveexceeded tbu repaira; wbetber persenal pleesurea heve beun -_tee extravagant, sud wbelher the bouaebold deparîmeut hasabeu econo- mically carried on.- 0f course there sbouifi be su account for every persen witb wbom a crelii business is transscted, for every une admit, that mumory utterly fails in keepiug an accurate record of sncb transac- lieus.- Trut the farn as e persori and see whellîer il can bu credited witb a fair balance of profit uvery ncw yesr. If farming la a business, then the keupîng of farm accourits wiil psy. Smoothing Wounds on Roots. lu diggiug up trees fer lrauspieuhiug, the apade sevcieg the larges sools uaually leavesa-avery rough surface le the wouuds, bu ist, the routa are more litely te bu crusbud sud broten bstead of hciog cul off amootb. To mnne a dlean, healthy surface froini wlicb îuw soobiets may bssue lu duc lime, we recomrnd bbc smoebhiug off o! the ,enda of ail sncb. broken rools, sud wtb e sharp tuile or pair o! sheers. Il la ouiy a moment's work sud the roula will bu tbe btter for il, and freqnentiy Il prevents cauter sud ducsy, eapecially witb atone fruits, sucb as the peecli, cherry sud pinni. Trucs takeri up lu the feu sund beeled bu for the wiuler sbunid bu vury care!uliy exaniined whcu tatun out fer planbiug lu the spring, and all.dead reels cut back lu the sound parlsansdbbc blactenud wounde sbaved or amoobed off until lbey ok brigbt aud fresh, Sait as an Insecticide. If yoîî shonld spply salI uuough pur acre te kiil al the wennis and gruba in tbe gsouud, yoh -would, al bbc sainielime, kill ail the weeds and grass, and leave thie land barreni o! vegetalien. Yen may apply six te eighl buridred peauds of salI per acre, sown broadcaat lu spring before aowing grain os pisutiug polatues, cern, sud simi- ilis crepa, sud purbapa witb benefil, but otbrrwise sait should bcusued witb caution on land oceupied hy any, tird of op, Il is a stimulant eipplied in amaial quantities, as welI as an absorbent e! niltuse from the altmoaphuru, but il canet he empioyed asan insecticide for es pesta bnied deepi ithIe seil. Yens strawberry bedasbould bu kept cleai o! weeds, sud I'te vines tbinued eut, if tbey arecsodd This is about ail the case îhey will requise Ibis season, but il weuld bu welle osel out uew bcdstisa spriug for bearbng neuxt yer. Selling Live or Dressed Pigs. The surroundinga o! eacb fanmer mueI govrni bis uetheds, but wheu Ibene ilaa pactes on butýhur tle sali te, il le usually bulteteslucarry bbc piga te marktliue Iban des sud dresed That is, bu wili usually gt more-mneyfortIben. Pîga dreas fsom wgb.If Ibu pig lii Ihiri conditioni muitiply tbbrc eu offusred by oneu hured ansd divide ithe preot cùby svuyt an sudihu- al will u be ds'ie;SsUd eib jPr-he. !f-it iv 9ifai5-ansaltply b-egby,- or an intermed,;ïiate figure, acrin othle condition ufibe pi-. The cecsare tha V UN OtK S the fermer wilitlusa mouey far the , pig if draettbe farm, becausu the packerEvr'sBos ulrefers te kili wbien be la resdy sud Lmaltej s unilurm job of aIl beaberidies. I 'VWbal'a thet, Elviry Huffl You emn't THE F AR1ER'S LATEST ENEMY, A Missalan Weed WlsiIa Tro tie Canadian 'PhîtIe liste tIâe Shadïe. Tbe Nortbwest papera are calling atten. tion tu a danger of n rdiriary magnitude wbicb tbreetens thal country. Tisnew ne isa sResalas, weed, wliich, for lack of s butter name la called s thistle, and if al] hat la said of it la true il casta asill other agrîcultural pesta irito the abade, The Canadian variety of the Scottiab esnblem las a comparativeiy uuobtrnslve plant compas. ed wîth thia fresb terrer of tbe hsaduu Its introduction te Amerlos is trsced tee Russaari amed iuchoulîz, rbo im-ported soe baga of flair seed e few yuars ao The flair seefi was unfortauetely mixed witb l the seed of the Rnssisu thistle, and wber. ever tbe onu. was sown the otudir sprsug intobeing. Issra a enrmsal raDid. Theru i2a scsrcely a gateew; ie b fertile bell Ibat bas uot bad reasen te dce- plore the incident of Mr. Scliouiltz sundïbis fiex scd. Paudora sud ber box of ýIlas scsrcely more desteuctive, W baie couitiies in Soutb Dakota are OvERRUN WITI TIHE WPED, Minneýsota la similarly enrsed. Il bas cross ed iýto 'Nortb Dakotas'sud îa uow rolingi towards, the Caýnadisun border, Tl-e Rugies Leader, wbich bas buen, keepi- igbsruaders iuformed ot thiis lýeeel dagrte Northwest agriculture,- itu Deparîmieul of Agriculture ilu wioh the iweed is dsnbd Whun iii eppears above- gruund lu spring il closely resembesu moa,nsd wliu l en daya ftr the~ b routa are su teugb Ibet it ila very Iobe 1somu to pull up. The rDouI i quite smaIl, but, freni it briers, very mucb like porcupine ouiilla, apresd ont, rtil the pleut bots like a greal hall about four feet in dimeter et the top sud frum Ibtre 10 four fel bigbi. Trhesu branches-, vheu growing, are filo! sap, but as tbey iperi Inu ard as boule. Tbey are covered witb millions of short, shar-p fire,tnder whicb atre the tiuy ;sceed-s. When ibe tibstle arrives aI malurîty thec briers decay off lose lu tie roots au1bea sw-ay. Tise wiud roil tlieniî ver sdoe for miles, seedir.n l watever dIirection 'il la hlowiug. At anyv obstruction tbe olo lu greet .beapa, BREAK DOWN FEIS , or pile up le the top aud blow oves. Wbien tbe plants are ripe no mower ca ul them down, neither can Ihey Le plougbýed aikder, as tbey quiakly cboke the piongb The oDly knuwn meana of etiriýýng, the puatIs la lutuMildowu before h reacheas thle seedîug perid. W eethe lan11 t ba's gaind a idesreaddistribution Ibis isý emol opulea1s ls, sud îiudecd tboul- sanda ýof arso! land ,in Ibu tbreu tau mnentîoned aboya bave been practîcq.lir sbnouthe cuiltivat(Or retirînghfr sueevthatlihacaninot ube,,,, la ùcuar that if iti, la o bu ept ùeut of Mstb sud1'lthle hrwes3tern pro)vinces heba ut- est vigillance matbu ma)intalued'. is a baIltle Ibet must netibu lefI te G-overn isut elone. I, is unoie in bibevurylbaitn m,.uaIears aud, Wberever bbe pesaIsl aeri îl muaI buexe',tirpated. Forewarnedi ia freermed, sud iJwith s krowledgue q Ibe uenmy i mey be possible bu keup il eut, eventbogb, as il bas bee-i poiniteLl on, il wili bu rolled imb Ibuecoutry on till wing uf vcrychane wid frni teï(utb. Immensity of the Heavens, If ounssun weru rumoved lu the pleiadles lb would arl-y be vsibe in aroper gla.sà witb wbicb nearly 100 stars cari ha accu 1in the clustur. Sixty or seventy plelades sur'-,* pessa ussuriin brillisucy, Alcone bciugi 1,000 limes more brilliaril, Electra neCaslyý 500 tibnes, and Mais uesrly 400. 'Siriua ibsel! takeas a ubordinale rauk wb1en. cern- pared with tbe five most1brilliauDt members o! s group, the ruaI magniieneo! wbicb we cen thus lu somu degsae ,,pprFheid." If we seet te kuow the dinuin, ~of o bbc individuel stars, but o! the elus),ter itacîf, we are met witb manydîloti; but ou bbc assumiption Ibal it la epui mately apherical lu shape, w e cari clculete ils diameWter te bu)ves4,00r 0,0 miles, au thabligltwouilçl aku s5even yeàrs lu pesa fron oeeyetreme lu ie Iîber. If we lhbnk of the imensiions o! ourS~oIIr ayslmm by lhemselves, or in reltiq Jl terrestriai maltera, bbey appear atuperderia- iy enormous. Neptrune, the muao dstn teewn member, bas su orbit oves ,r , 000,000 miles across-a dis3tauce that a rsy oi ligbt wouid Iravel lu suven an i anc-alt hours ; but tbe soies systeui ila oteb pîciades but as a Liliiputii&u lu a Brobding.1 nagin-is but as s microbe b a mànitabst, for a aphere bthe sbzc ai t'le solar sysîucm would, if il were aphericel sud ilsdimee Ibal of bbc orbit of Neptune, bu cltvy so minute that il conld bu cuunud or than 4e0,000,000,000 limes lunaa phiere the size o! bbe pîiades; lu ot.her vwurda thu huims of tbe pîciades cold contaîn 150) soies systema as meuy limes oves es Iberue are miles betwecn Neptune tad the sui, Il muaI nul bu forgotteri thal Ibhougbl Ibere are 3,400 stars in the cl 5 e ý u witb snob dimensions for bic entËire grou,.p vasl distances must separate bbc abers from eue ariother. Iu fet, 2,300 aspherea,' éecb wiîb s dismuter o!,00,000,000 mniles, could bu conîained bu the liita a zssignied la bbc gruup, sud aasumirig equsi dbabîubution o! tbe stars in bbc group cacb. would buet the centre e! a aphere 3,000,000,000 miles acruas, and, Ihurefore, a ligbt eueayof 187 daya from ils 4qeareat ueigbiboL. Tiflle Draggeti, Littla ehrin , bving been, le dinuer witbbiis mothur, was net te spea t aI Ihatable cxe, waa sLsked saquesîlon anid proin bbe cOmmaud.ý AItbbc tabie rieattention Johnjuy for a long lime. H reathessasud bis mioîber couid was h'aviug a bard tlime lu "6 sud by buhou, tadil itn!or "Mamini-.a " lh aPled oIt tsygeiug te begiu askUing mi A cause for Thankfi this mosniugý. Ibave siharp, ai ahi, bile wy rniry so o! m,-y finiger." bribt ide mydear ? Yeu, dtbsrrkful y-eusnarms uýno loi goir' te wear thembot to sebooI '!d liku to lenow wby yvou slri't ?" "~ Noue of thIe other girls, wevar boys,, boots te achol," reepiied Elvira, tear- fuily. " Tbey vaIl wear abous." Idoui't (care if tbey dlo. IfUtb-.ey bad eu'y sense tbey'd wearbhoots, decep as the slusbsund nmd la. Now, you just put on tbem ,boutasud ýlbu off to achool, sud inot "But nohr "Tàere's nec buts about it !" îuterrupted Mra. Hif, saarply. 4" 1 bought theni boots for yen to xwear, sud wear 'em you will. 1 ail't tLoin' to bave you berkin' sud cougbiu' alpin. Wîith trembliug lup sud tear-staiued chleeka, Elvîrea st dowu sud drew on the detested boots, Tbey were just sncb bouts as mioat country boys wesr. Tbey bsd high tops reaLchig te tbe kuees ansd were of curse leather. Tbey were clumsy, but Eliasfeer would certaînly be kept warm sund dry lu tbem sund aseiwaya bad a cougb wbuufie shu got ter feet wet. It was a mile te the seboolhouse sud tbe roada were a perfect mass of mud sud lusb. it wss almost impossible lu wsik over tbem in ordlius.ry !ew shues witboul gettiug- on's feet wet, " But l'd rather get wet froni head te foot sud cougb al uigbt theri lu wear boy's booets to sbo, sobbed El virs, assh pioded iungthrngbtbe mud'!witb ber iti ùl inier pail nlierbad "The t 1oys sud girls w-,iil ail meke fuýn of mle, sudIý O, wha .T wilMssParka aav Ibe teauh.er, wuddo sund ssy wlîeuelle isaw Eh-ira lu bo)(ots, ieariy broke poor Elvirs's hearl. "Miss Parmka is au let sud dressy," lbougb;t Elvisa, bitturiy, 1'wht wiil she thitksudiday whc llshescsmu inithosu big, bhorrid boots? l'd muaI as soo>n go baeotdbe+oru ber. It'a bcd cucugb, dIreadful enou, lu bo ave the boeys sud girus sec me, but I don't case ou-tsutb peoasou, mucbi for tbem as for Miss Parka. I cmar' her te bave ber seme witb Ibeni And Elývira sast dowu ou asbsump bu a fenie corner sud cried, tllI ebuealdeniy rcebesed IbsI if abe did not busry sabe of the entire ahowber'eas if ahu buriried- oul shie rmbgbt gel lu tbe gclolioiise before, a1 (if tbe other cbildreu heçi corne sund Ibere- by caceipu the gaze of somes cf thiei Miss Parka was unlike auy other teachier tlîey iîad ever bad su the Wild Rose achool. ShIe was s very pruîty youug wemsn, sud, ulîke bcr predecesaurs, she dresaed very uesîtly aud pretîily, sud in thebe het ai baste. Slhe hiad net worn eue skimpy andi untidy, ugly gray flianel dr-essa e bctermi, as MNisa Janle Ba'pgg bad d oue, er dîf1(i ishle draw lber liairtisacle týgI5gbtutu au uecmu, u li ke wa. sud Iîlgoail Cf thu ter nu wit bout' collas su cuffa, or a Sînigle rîboul, asMis HLiauebCiapp bad doue. S,,le believed rigbly la thIere w-'-sal certain educationiai valuie iii neaLt sap, ýpro- prat russd Ibat il as ber duty te set bier puipia au examtple 0of nesîniesa Ud (igoodi baste iï.luier uwu peurs;oualpperue prettiliymade ; ber bais wvas pretlily ersgd; abe wore die vwhibast sud d1ainical o! a pronis, itb lbita of brigbt sbbblon hure and Ibere. Nýone f lber pupils ever saw bîsothu es under bier fluger nails, eind the ueilulofalIbis ineatuesa weas nocticeabile in bfer pupils. Tbey were more particules Iban tbeybad been b-loru regard. iug tibeir appeerauce, Miss Parka, witb ne I 1111e tact, iîaving made theni underslaud I'hal shýe expectcd tIbis of tbem. To Elvira Haff, Mies Parka wss the personification of al bilhaI waa iovely -lu obersoter aud attise, and E lvira fuît sure t.hat the bouts sbe wore that sloppy Marcb melriug would give Misa Parka a positive shoot and fili ber 'witb diegual. Tbiey mbigit ven offeud -bus aI the point ef causieg ber ta spuak cf them, beforu the entire si-bool. Fîlied with Ibese bitter refiecîbous Elvirs drcw nes the scbool- bouse, notioieg witb, a swellîng huart thal musb of ber achoolmates wuru buseebefore her. Il was a mild mnorniug sud the achool eb.lîdren iWe coutaide, ou and arouud a ussarow plat! on huill aluug bbc end of tbe bous-e 1before the dons. IlHi, there! sec tha boots !' abrieked big H-i or Ill 21rm ruhd ý Ir y li ait lipserpry bby I~~~ bu WIngio nt r monRAL He- aspve by its %liresale that il if the Goesume Uof any soap iin thiemaet Millions of womien throughiout the world can !oc or this, as it is they who 1have provedit value. Lt brings them less labor,.,greater Comfrt. Eas,-t End Grain poCt The undersigrned desiré to thanik the tarmers et West Dnrham for the liberal patronace extendssdî to us during lte rasýt esn also to remind themn that we ara gtill in the market and prepared to pay the HIGHEST MARKET IPRICE F01 ALKIN DSOFCO £0 I'0D deiivered at orsorhuecor. King ,and Gog tees. rat ÀPOr' Darlington. We ha'ive also on hand a 1ar-,z3 stock NSE W AN iD F'R ESeHl of Canadian and Livjerpool! Coairse Sait in Bg. R,-) K S 4,U, fo r cýat and horses, and Fresýh CGround Gèrey Plaster in Barrels which we ara prepared to seli Ail kinds of Lumber, Wood and DRY CLEA.N SCREENE COAL a ways in stock. We invite inspection)i and p-arantee satisfaction. Mc CL-L L AN & TCGz PP rehsaS heult look t eIeL'abéien outis e Bxesantd Pots, AI I b drs e 3.Oxford Street,Loebeyaesu Tom Led, as Elvira drew near. IlO.-o-eo-b, Elvira Huffl"' cried some oe cisc, wbsle a, lail, rud-baired girl poinledj eue finger îoward Elvîre sud said : 1 IlAiri'I yen e-sb.a-a-eý-med o! yeursell te wear boots lite a boy? O-o.o-o-b !" Elvira was net wholly iscking lu spirit sud, tbus goaded, was wonl te mate seine sharp Weort, wbeu shu saw, Miss Parts roming around a corner of bbc bouse, sud the sharp setorl died awsy on Elvisa's lips. These aile stood, witb dowuoaat look, drcad- ing te huas Misa Psrks apeat. Tbe leacher was ou the platiori befoe sbe sew Elvire. Then aba aaid mcerrily. "lWhy, Elvira Houff 1 cerna up bure, dear, and tuep me company; I seIbat yen sud I are the only, girls who bave bad the cour- age b put ou boots in alilIbis mud." Elvisa glancd up, sud there was Miss Parka standing eon tbe platiorm.-witb ber stbrta litted far euough le show bilaI shu bad un a pair o! atout leethes' boots, nul unlike those Elvisa yeuse. 'Ilof lun wcar thern wheu I arn teachîug lu the country anud the soade are lu thuir prusent condàition," sbe said. Il la o! litîle use te wusr rubbera in snob rnud ; boots are juat the îbing. 1 am glad te sec you with theni ou, Elvira. I ahail wear mine se long as the roada are se frightfui1y bad. I Ibink it a sensible thing te do.", And Elvira weel borne rinniphaut. Il But Miss Parts brougbt s pair o! lnw abous witb busrte weas in tbc soboolsooni," said Elvira le bier moîlier - 'Could't 1,4o that, too, moîher? 0, couldn'l I de that?" 110, la, yes, if yen ivant b," replied Mss. Hufi, as if thet wese the ast bhing te bu lbougbt of., "I'm glad thal yen have snob e sensible teeches, Elviry." H-1w ti put Away Woolen <Garments If tbc housewifc la a good bygieniat, she bas e greal del of wool ilulber demain, hecause se tuows bettes bilan longue cari tel bow uecassary all-weol garmeuta arc lu bbc preservetfin f beallth in coid weaîib- us. She religîously superiotuida thbc mat- iug', washiug sud meudiug c! thesu germenla iri al sizesý, iroinithese wosui by paterfamil- lasA o e c îîualrcues affecled by the baby,_csud jwàche îe lme of year cornes te put theni away, shiü ueatly darna even bbc vesy lînicat boles, fulda tbe garmeula anîoobhly, sud envelopa theni eutisely in cetton loîl wbîob abe suugly iesawibb string. Thuse idy sella or btundîca are bleu laid lu a trunt or chuat, wl-ihîob l cane! ully closcd away iremn dust. Two or tbrea limas durîng the arminiren bc weola arceuaken out sud bang outi lu tbe air, afler whlcb lbey are casefully relurned lu theis cottona wrappingys again. Pat's Load. MiteP-- Hello, Pet ILeatbuye ,wýorkiu Pal t(Wiîb a LOCI o! bricks ou bSis ahoider) -"Kaeeaway 101froninuiil thol iadd. Oitncariyin? Jeuck-ot dropts. of Voulifeïi -eeuein, ~CSi5 description'f ibeir smlm.i ill send Frsf-, information oie sipleneerfiln uensofsef ueed it. Correspoudeice àsaredi cotiental y erythiug sentsec2urel1y (li ifrmobsercVtionD. Adrss, Gees. VnPa Toronto, Oi. CLIRIOUS FACIS. Stockeholm bas the bighest dabrt from drink of suy city in thewodnny lu eue tbonsaud. Over eight tbonssud vareele osa carda bave beenjssned lu the worlýd itbina thirty-five yeara. Tomate sonp may bu made especia!y gu by the addition of s few suices of oran,-cu just before serving. In the British Museum, sccording t o bthe calalogujust isned, there are 2-,700 coin. plete ibles ini ail languagea. The mutais whicb bave been pro,,-d luf exiat iri the sun are iron, sodium, nice coper, zinc, sud mg6rium. Artificiel wood for, furniture, roufs, inultrs, etc., la uowimade bybrnn maguesîre, togetber with wood, shavings, sawdiîst, cotton, bair, or wooi. A ton of steel made up intobair-s-pringaq wbun in watches la worth more than twei ve sud one.halt timea the vaine of thbe sami weigbt lu goid. Itis stated that a pail of we--ter coritaill- ing s b1anldfil of 11,if placedini a roomi wbere thiere bas been smoking, wîll asorb ail the odor of the to'bacco, Thiere are, but txvo journals pbiaeiu Rsinluthe ,direct intereat 6ýf agricul1ture-, the Smejtbskjaa t ud the Wjesýtn'ik Russke we Sselakewo Hsaiatwa. Tbe longeat contiuued cataluüptie si1eep kuown luîô science wts reported frein Ger- mall n ut8hIe patienit havirig ruiuied absul1utely unlconlouýçls for four sud a 'r montLha 2 Soie veryacithok are te be founld lu the sacrsd relicaet Ceylon. 9Tbey are,' formed oF palm leavea, wri teuaupon witbh ametal peu, sud are bond mierely by p iliken StIrinilg. Morethanfort.onepercent, of the Englii people couid nut wrîî ite thi nm wbieu victoria îascen11dd01e thro'e-g TI propoýrtion lu that condfiti5 u bas j ui be xdettfeuxten exur cezux 32-lyr r -V -rJ - -L .ý-L -j- very 1

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