Seasonlable Goods.' JOHNSTO & CRYDERMAN uuuII A SUPERD STOCK OF EE00008 S uitable for the present season. They direct- particular attention to their bea-,-ýutiful stock of which cn ain al the Iatest Materiais in lo-w and medium priced goods as wef asa ovely r-ange of Costumes in single Dress' -Inth.ThL eae ea-ý fui goodsan very moderate- in -pr-ice, Al big assortVýmenà»t of Wl';ool DeIaines in cream and iaick go~s-tevery nepwestdein and i lie pre-ttiest goods of the kin.d ever shown i town. They are also- showing an immense stock of new'and stylish Prsosim- poorted direct from the manufacturers, and the best value they haive everl ýhownu, Our enormous, stock of seasonable styles is opened and rýeady Suclh qualities and suchl 'W prices we have neyer before been able toofr our, customers. A thoroug-hly" first-class stock cornbining quality and elegance wiLh low prices. Corne in and Lsee the newest designs and rnost serviceable styles of the season in Ladi-s> Gentie- înen's and Children's Boots and Shoes, iRubber Goods, Trunks, Bags, ctce, th e niewest ideam, the- best goods made, the greatest variety and the Jairest figures. Prices vwithin the reach of' ail and now is the! tirne " 'o buy. Z Everybody is deliuhted with our dispiay of Springl and Suniner goods and youi will hbc. Cail and learn what pleasare, sisfaction, and ecornomy there, is in trading with THE HATRAWAy Oheap wStrong Fr !S MIOST -ATTRACTIIr JE UNV DESIIGN bei.; cornposcd of" three ieg w Emiuii strands and a cross wiree ail 'No etglai STEEL '%V1RE, tormiing a paie 10toe ueèer4lY tw-o inches wade. 'WIL L NOT SLIG 0: R1, U aud is eaiiy and equiickIy Putt up, lIt es thle motpopullar «4120 bvsi *ejllaii; FARNIc FENCE in thie market, »IV'T F&IL TO ÎEEIl ANVD GETF IRICE-1. ____uates o Shelf and fieavy fflardwen3, SLjeve%, Tiwu-,arë, J'ait,Q01-13 #STYLE, DURABILITY, ECONOMY. -I.T Foster _ b,., oe Mr.t Dote, Cnd surps nca"ed n fqucct heecrtîe andcomicet anlmo e n on ab ado. Âr Rev.1, Pio i deler foF08- hie erie ofsermns o tIe eLiof3ere Aiite. Tt C.hoc Ilav n., Mrnh. .DouMt. Folumbu clia ed on ri hereol apctes .. . ...theunda oi hieariries f srmos tte Le ite uz-t af er iowihth cmm(i311 e inisteer.lL'ublhiceu D ev.â L-Ndywi... coMr. the ipr,.. . M_1r whe, re hbli remaig 0intfur icsum1 Monthe. ... Mr. F. Broks i,-gýa rTur ed to Mli3home ine Oid C"untry at ad old assoate hr, .>,te eveniauiatchl~eE ert Mr.icin S.S ros. ... Thle brig3 IiiT Miss Hannah W'yotv Toronto, Ont. ý.Four years ago whiile iu t1he old oar <Eugand) my auglter -1au Vi as seniti aay from the bospital, 'ns th doctiltere could dCOf notbiingte help ber, and ,aail she would neyer be uny botter. She in l a very Io,;, condition ai li consumption o (f tiue longs, and lbeeI, an'd -weakr action cf the hut The trip acýross the -water te ibis country seemed te mnalte lber feel better for a while. Then eue bogan te ge t verose, aud for 1C weesse c nas nabete get off tho bed. Bbc grew avrse for ilveimnthe anît Lost the Use of' Her Limbs and ion-on part of body, «aind]if se csut up il- bcd hud te be propped up 'with ploe b vould go ton days witbt a mo 1 ivo.menlt cfth boels. Almedicino seemiedteodohber neogod Bbc wenld bave spells wbcn b er heart wuc pain lion, aad thon, witb the oniside door open iu mid-wintcn, weuid faint away. 1becae afien holding a consultation, Saiti She Was Fast Ail Help aud wanicd me te send ber te the 'Home for Incurables.' But 1 said as long as I ceuld hold mny baud np ehe chnulo t go, and abolit Iibi, tuime a kind neiglibor came iu-and askedl me te gel a bottle of Ileod's Sarsaparila and try Üt. We di d ce and chu bas taken the medicinoe regulanly. Bue is getting atroiigwaikc arounid, is eut <1 s every day; bas ne trouble witlî be--r 1111- 110 cougb. and lier bcat s-enus V' le .11 gain. Sie lias a llrst - 3pelte Sarsa?àParivla le galiîdn]g lu Sesiî as %%nl sstegtand de netlook5pale. Ourdco 5 i ega b of a miracle.", -\. WAT 5IainStreet, I'arIzdale, Toronto, Otne Ni.IB. If yen decide ,te take hljoode s pa ilîa, do net Se iuduced te oy uy i-othr. Hood'ls Pulis are puirclyvetbean perfectly baraîles. Sold by ah rugl t.25 Comme.@rc ial iiiolluseul Spacehi rculera â Ui fer mn Principe TUE WORLD ÂFTERWÂRDS. M. À JÂME'sEDXIToR Â1.D RPIO, WEDNESDÂY. MAY U, 1894. A SAILORI'S LIFE. v AO COMPaIS IN TIME VÂR CR-. -Lke Rn saglýe ceged. I pine On thhis duil, iunohanging tshore, oh, ei ve muetîle fiashing brine, Thje spray, and Litherrepest's rear." ther George. George is i sueý l.In full Jeohu George. Short and set, and iwitli a bonnie face, friuiged, U1d( iih a beard, non- n-ite withi me i brother John George etofw -ille. n-us at tie knee-drill ofthîe corps' aniniversary, tlat 1 moet brothier ge. îlie giory n-as stnoamîug don-n us, 'VII n)Suddeuiy up jnmped ge, lis dean old face beumiug witl ght of heaven, whietoars et joy out- l is eyos aud rohied dlownn is ceeks. woi-euiowNved Coriali fine was in i e Spipit 'noved imii. "I be y" le sliouted, and )betrayed bis màJack"oéni rgh off. He elec- r mne. CtlIrmwala )as Sentltiir solu urtl -i's remo )tos oun," and tbcy lce go, fe, or tmore wene cgi loûrs in tIc homo et Àthe Byu reechor George clied "faithen" :y îi impenitiv e ButGeorge ejoily tans Lue c«ceasienally, ýger downntîe v Ilage str et iii e"costume, fie ays I lekdafine thiug. 3mits groan if tbey n-dl, a boy )Irfuow than tholn, in auy purt nglish-speuki.î)g aorld. -"1le(, suit n-tlout lande", (Daniel 2, ely lireaking UP île seif-pnin- se word. A lo-y slave, like ýs ilion, ije a ranity non-, tliauk iis boy soon forgot Ilis mtl- 'sUM anlaitathen's precepte, auJ liptible word lie liaeJ ourd neItd ramily bible lay dIormant an3d ivoi, memeoyss eeeed cell. )lier budlhe seea et vii lit lustily. Witb eilîken ekehas pleaseed hiîn nm-hile tley bound 'illingly suffýýeed limseýIf te h 1 *11 le Lay a fettenod tiiengl un- aptive. i lidtîe boudage )rk auJlirdmasters aitbout, a nopes-ending te shurpen Ilis lie n-vas daily being tighier hoe dans oet#in. rerne in bLad in paticuler coil- Iles aîround bis very heurt-il )vofe streng drink. Damning lie multiplier etfea'il ! "I bave e0 Witffitfity sovereigus ($250), ýw days speut ail. Thon 1 bau- abeerd nitl uethiug te coa t irit auJ a pair of old punis bar olJ George's testimiony et . An, encline ull in black, 'etnet filled in boere. WVho -hai bitter tours hie poor moth- thouse duys when cie pendened îings ? Lot imagination dran- sunred veil troni île secret prayen, whîere tIh t Bible ftier Lkueli and effcmed te veu lig anguisl and iutercess- bnighi sailor lad laid so lowa Ée d1rlink iînd accemnpan3 ing aine. ghlm, te me -iS al bis blighe. wl i im 1 love him tih.'1 iglîs aud prayers n-ee net fer- a r'iinity shapeq 0!,r ends, 0eW tihern bowN- nenil!. s ueany don-edtlnee tîmies." e John ýGeorge, in eue h-ulIct ;uai once oetc ,,,; le."Tell it, Bîrotler George." '-Weil, 'ura.(Hi uitcnennce le- atdwihl île nememîranice ) Ikin deg îhele wbrt -ic-h 1sctet bflig SquIlaré legs. 1ldid theat oeef et im n-e chou-t et Aîd uts [-ont tipgalong I it short end auJ uus1vittiigIy t in1to spuc , Jusi for aseod I iffullgod ml-h o lîlid natoneý Law-rence. J suippose tLsy lieut; anywey, cere nu l- h a ropo; thoni afier ihey lad tmp and emlptied île-waien ouli ma ptcinto nmv bunk for a-few f "But that narrew escape d id not setteni my heart. The second time, off the coast of Spain, 1 was bur!ed from the ship's jib-boom, and in fuiling caught a rope wbich was hanging over the bow, The third finie, i was returning to my ahip, f ronm ry spree ushore, and as the vesse] was lying pretty netar the ianiding stage I thouglit I wouid wailk as far as possible and then haul nsyself uiong oni the rope by whidb shie wase moored to thec quuy. The tide, however, had corne up, drifting the veel n earer land, and consuequentiy the rope wsslack.Icoin'1 iand thou,,h 1I had hlold of the rope I kept ainking. I cried as best I could for help. On the third time of rising I was gripped by soile men who had put off in a boat, and for the third timo my lit e was apar- ]Bro-ther George's greatest adventuro wus wheii the vesse! in wvhich hie was suil- in,, from 'Meibouirne en ýroite for Singa- pore struck on Kane's reef at tIhat timie not miarked on the chiarts, or t leuast, flot on theirs. It was the aaii maker's wutcb. Hie, tooliihiy, was aal;eep at bispot "'liat's that WhitoeudP, cried tke0 mate, in aomewhiat anixioua toules, as lie Camne down to the ship'sfoeate growied the sep-edd lmkrini ain ugîy imoodi f r boiug beult uty. "Sui mker, eil-makLIer," cried the mnate, "yo'v'e doue 'l'li Ten sliouting at wheel, "Ifard apot brd aport," le raum uf ogivo tfresu' (rder.'LiBut the ai makors nelectwas discovered to1.1 te The sli awung oun 4bdieit te hier helm-, but not soont enough to av'e t thle catatrohe.Thý ee, a terniflo thud, a crash, anld a gri:,diug ot great timciae , then keeiing hiait oveur he lay exposed to1 the tuil i fry of tbie troinendous waves that bi oke iii fouing t ury on that hid- don ýreef. VWhulo thie wuter pourediiu thro ugb tbe -gaping aperture the crashI on thie rock hl a csedl, the deck wus wt again and uguini by tho ungry wavea ohich rolled iin on the Plip with tireleas repoti- tionl. In tle confusion and commotion that toliowod, it waus every man for bina- self wlailLe theisLhc cear piteous. Geo)rg ed.1 It i a bit ner t~e, loomc, and uang>îlg i», mue tu sucie,, e-very urne -,lie rou. You ýLIg.," Ne)t l, S-ys erg;"goiyolirgelt, Yen11o whero it i-,." 'Oh what shah a ve do 1", "o"repliod George; "do hue they (do ii France, thdet the Lieau"Tiriown; onl is owilreseurces, the curponlter ut a greett rîsk -sugdte c ;t,%, down to t1 hioid, whlene tie -axe liad ,been ietn. On ieî return, George witli a tew estrokes, Cnut eay the tacklings, and immediately tbe great masts, whicl, at the collision, liedbUne ail the cenvas tbe slip couid spneud gave wuy., Tle captain and c-bief officer lad done wliat iittle they could te encourage the passeuigers, but tIe outlook mas certainly very durIt; ail the bouts but oee a ere car- ried uway by the breakens, or the tehiug inasts; the slip was beiug swumped every minute, and daylight s' eýuld net arrive., for seime heurs. At lias the merning dawued. Looking round tbey saw liow conaplete lad leen îhein et oftheir vos- sel. The sheep and pigs wn-oeail drolwn- ed, tîe, vesci dismauLe]d, aw d pat ne- paîning, n-hile the neeýrest lund n-as somie hundreds et miles awsy. îlie r, et they couid non- see by the n-bite -breukers, ex- teuded some miles tuniber, while the non- receding tide left them. cemparatively sut e; and then, hiappy aight, about a hnn- dred yards off, n-as, a patcli -of' ceral, whidh, uppunently was never quite cover- col ly île tide. The cuptain ordered ibe sajions te man the littie bout and take île wumnen and children there. While put- tiug ucroas tle iuterveniung water, they tound it sufficiently shulion- in soiee parnts te mrado througi. lit wus net loug ere the wbole twenty-eight unlu'ppy mon, women and childreu, were on the rock. But a rew danger pneseuted îteelt; they h5id ne wuten to dr nk, and ne tood, The neurestt I-sud four huudred miles, se as tley could judge, m as inbubited by caunibuis, and tliey lied ne bout large enougli te get ihere, n-le the chances et being tuken off the rock by a passing slip, n-us very tuint. 'orhe insect, thet Puny oye Just shoots édoug one summer rey, Thie floweret. oxbieh the bresth of sprîng Wekes m t e 'o, half a day. The smealhst ni oie, il e tei deresi hair, AU tede a vtiiiy i!atter's care." CUNNINesÂM. Ou a larron reet, under e tropical' sun, wîih 700miles et beuviug waves between tlîem and the noureat civilizatiou, n-us in- deed a sorry position. Out efthe live steck thai liead Ieen aboard tle ill-faiied vessel, eue hLittle' kid liad mnauaged toes- cape. Evoryoeo oked witli pitying oye ,on f1htwimieceut hiý'le tlîing, but iore "aus ne alternative, it liud te die te pro- vide food. Thon there was a ninber et largo ungaînly birds iiat sat lu rews thugîe reet, and n-hi I-h w etC se terne thet they suffered tiinîselves te le killed wiltliout aun effort t eeape. lin1a ton- dy.hoiwever, tbose loft bec-anse sy, and flnaily flen- off to e rtuirineore Wlien tle tidio nas dwand tle shîip was ouly just sulmergedu, thilî opprtun- ity thius offered n-as teagerly seizotdte goft from île n-nec-k anYthing po)(rtable. A keg et waten n-a's lalided. an( theallen- ence furer oci erofixed ut ithree oonme gssiserus~a u ry. iiu ve deaue e> Lsisted thus, tilltlhrot reached alînost a TBRMe :-S1.50 Pli ÂNNtTM. OUR TOWýN AND COOUNT'Y IN EW SEniE:sJBOWMANVILLE, ONTA V;eit 111 tIltO £e,ecaerîe, us a buîlîter.. HlueeVnrie le ampig ont,l'o leurned how- temae niper (breadX ,auld Bi ]y tea., Tholn lie bcaiestock rider, becouaillg as ulnibe iiin aVigutmng lis quadrupod as hoc ldboen in steonUi1g eslpa uî ruuing:ii- aloft ild spi)ciug a ope. 1le n-us cent- uiîya manl et muny patrts. About tiis trne ie ,revis ted bhis old, houje i il Cern- waj1hl li ight lAve stayed tbere, butt t1i- fnee lite et Austruliaunfits a iman. ton île Oid Counitny order eftihinga, accordingly George returnied te île place et wliciil ie- 1 isb emignunit siuga: ~T 'y uy ber'ebread end n-ork for aIl. And the c un shinles aelneys thon- ." Bui lie lied. cleared Lb; uew ýthe tnuth et a % , , unciut record, vz . "lt7is net good for imu, e lealene." Accordiugýy ho carnied off avitI him ti- is urne ee e the dank-eyed true-beunted d1auig1tens etý Conwnall te grace the fer off Auistralieýn homea. Ho reacliedlahis destination ail righit, and chose Glou lunes, In 1Non- Sou)itli Wales, as lie bonie. Fer a n-bile ail w n errily, but'as even tIie nigit ky etAustralie is sometimescl, ýireu01dd in puily bipckneessand tem-pestnus glom,n se it was te)lie witl Georýge. May l bu Lý prayers efthile oid Bible Christian cul were yet 1betore the tîrone in grec t pow-er ad thougli slipn-reck and teispest lied tailed te inoît île steel cled hla at, tilc ne- moval et the, teuderesit fieud miglît. To, conter upen lier tle croan et lite ,miglit avn ibi. foutn came They laid bis wite in the grave. V% ls't uow avere lvs bouse aJiiï,lan~d te hii«a. Faid flic decter. "Go an-ny, Mn. (Georýge, se k aceiîlt change. Yeur disýeuse is et mind nAd heurt. (C omue h, ack in six eth. George ict, but netunned n ia nei r. Yeaîs ater, with the preselit Mis. George, le came te Ciuada, stili unconveried. "Wlat kiud etf a hcisband n-as le, Mrs, Geenge? ' 1 asked. ' Oh," su J Mn4. George, 1'kind ceugb, euly a slave ce île drnk. lard lut true, the noble old soldier wlao lad taced lite's dangers by flood and field, aud wliose lair vua3w-hiteuing îaiil yeurs. lad gene clonn gaun betrne the drink, an enemy nliose very subtîity Lud wn-e lim, He set one uight in the ber- racks ut Bo muaville. lesmed li e Ced ton the living n-iiness fer Christ inîleh,, Arm-y. Tisai platturînin-as ;a ceninicer Tle child eftihe o'd Beyekniie pece kuew it avecne nii,\%id fine fthai laud trans- tonnaed thoýsLmou. TI arrof rt tutIt pienced Ihuîn te tule qik.lesun- Iim- self a sinner, Ilis 1gesit,,ienbotore 'lis Ged noces eni Lfo)ro lima and glaned ut him lîke a ghboci. IHo macle lius nay to the door n itl e ace lik& Judas ý:ilikely lied. "oîe u iuc Jhiu,' scaid tiie împlonmng a-omce iefa coldier. ' No," n-as the neply. L Buit efolong Lie di cme, aud, suys George. '1 s -teY. s, auJ 1 did net cane if aIllBauvmeler 1mc." At lest île l"d tar could say: "Ive anchered my seul in t15e Savon ;ofneE3t. 1Ieu15e he i s nen,more,; The terni est nay s 0o'puorc1aoWidSstQor uy Uit 'l io acrwn-bre 15e storiis nu Derby PMLug the Coolest-IId most,ýe $n eExe, ,t VOLUME XL. INuMBitP, 2 paro1y() On oe Occasion, when ai- motdelirious, John Gýeorge ucpt rounld in the gloomn of the, night to thù water keg, andi eludting the drlowsy sentine], who was rpsponsible to guard( every drop of the precious fluid, removedl the spilc Tpeg, and siacked hWs burnig thirst wt good, long draugh',.I' i neer feit the thirst so bad after that," says George. The dlocter wh.) had al one time been on a Britishi man- ('- war, proved a saviour. lie said if they coL1id get a big copper and à few things fromy the wvreckç, ho could construct a condenser, which wcould produce from the sait sea water ail they would need for dikigpur-poses. Tho labor involved was herculean, but it Faaý for dear life, and cwery in an did Lis ut- Most. In a few days, their efforts werëe rewarded in seeing the condenser com- pleted, and the prospect of death froirc thirst postponied. The next und(-ertaingiÏ was to co)nstruGt 1a boat big Qenougli to hold the pairty. To- detaiîl the manY difficutlties that were en- countered and overcomie would be monot- onous. But a fine example of the value- of CO-operation wýas afforded iii the resuit ob)tain)ed: ilhey dived unjder wteand ratiSAeked "l'he Juiny Linid," their vEs- sel, of 1,000 tons, which hadl once so guily Sailcd ont of Plymouth; they sa1w(d thie planks, they steamed and l ent them, inito shap) ; they caulked thle joints, and tUrned lOUI quite a Passable vesseL. Al were jubilii. r. Then they iaunchiedlier, Alats, alas ! she rapidly filled], and woul have sunk luad thyn t hauled ber on Ù) thle rock with ial speed. Wýith ah tLeirt care, thecy found the-irwokasi very fàuityv, anid in rnany pae the water founid a tance. iis as dishleirteni- ing, but thy ere desperate. They ouki w i iiMorin as it iwas now Lare, then they would eeAhat could be dome Iii the morniing, it was foundc that thrug ling partialiy 'n the luater, the timlbers had Swelledl, and thoy Im-ighit now venlture oindie r 100-ile tvip. With al Speed, anvz every proviin made tlha-t was possible und1(er circurnstance s, they hoîst- ed sai nd steerd their boat, for Moreton Bay, on the eaSt Coast. f Australia. Provdeiu avorud U em, 'mooLh ail- in', was experiencedl, am] eantly one rnorni- inig tt:ey founid themaculies iin the neigh- borhood of ithe 1Eay. rat Ylôl. 10, lm.