_____________________ I HEALTHL Cold Water Apiatosin pneu- moia,. ~Jna cntrbutonDr. Jackson speaks of a nioot si,0Ccessful experience in the treatinent of pu'eumronia by cold water. tuiugte past winter ('922.'93) 1 treated twiy-iecases of pneumonia upon prao-, ticaily this onee hue of procedure. The reut wr xcellent in every way. The recoveries weVre Prompt and rapid in ail the cases butiý two. 0f these, one was pro]onged, be1ingse3on-dary to la grippe and complica. te(!it fibrinous pleurisy, and the other died. 'Ïheiý latter was a hospital case-a poor, miseraMbîe womnan,, wbo had led a wrethed ifeThe beneficial effects of -tke iretetwere so prompt and apparent, intefae of the greateet prejud;ce and oppoition, that they carried conviction te ithe_ mos t uubelieviug. I have seen the ap- plication of ice-co]d compressesi terminate a casýe of double pncnmonia of the base by crisis in sixty bours. Anlother patient, a woman of 74 years, wit.h consolidation of right base, recovere d iL four days. A baby, two years of age, 'Aiâh catarrhal nueumonia, most marked on the lef t side,was quite convalescent on third day. A laborer, 24 years of age, wîth con- slidation of right base, delirious,and much 0 pp rPssed f or breath required but two days' aU er apaiýclAbryaidgui2garty i aeer- ait t end% arc. Aryfide, 2 yar ofn aevwok ishi and l!ethargic state. After twenty-four hours thecre was the characteristic fine crepi. tation and stitchy feeling to the breathing; tempe ý(rature, 105 1-5 0 F., pulse, 130. Ice- coid compresses aborted the lung lesion en- tirecly, and prodnced a critical perspiration in tirty hours, et which time the norm -wal's reached and persisted. Li aIl the cases lu my case-book, froin the time the cold wasapplied,rapid-imnprovement nue.The method was as follows: A'! large towel wasrung out of ice water and1 the thorax euveloped in it. A icomparative- è1 ry tpwel wa" laid'over it, and a binder oif fiamXel or cotton held ail snug. The ice 1ae towe] was chauged as often as necessýary, iu order to ease the pain and re- dluce tlhe temperature. When the pain or dyspoera was severe, or the temperature highi, the intervals would be short, ieay five or ten minutes. As the syuîptoms im- proved, th-. changes weremade only as the owels assumed the heatof the body. The faeand limbs were freqnently sponed wihthe ice water, and, when require , a cold compress was put upon tbe brow. The miedication was confined te pîomoting a cr-îcl perspiration. No alcohol was ain- ployed, except in the fatal case referred te. The e ,t vwas principally of milk, and lîb- erajl in qnuntity. Incidental symptoins wiereý met as; they arose. In noue of the cas s ws tere auy expectoration to men- tion. Free pers iration was usually snc- ceeded býy copions dinresis. As a precau- tionary maeasure, a wet compress was worn for tweurty.four hours after the criais, and z1hfngeýd when it became dry. Iu order te obtain the, eflects te be desired lu this, t reilaeut, the cold must bc freely applied, a)nd with a firin hand, until the effect of a reduction of temperature and arresb of .ypptoms occurs. Tbe treatment is grate- fnlý to the patient. It can be mauaged wih niicomnmoding the sufferer, by the exrieof a Iittle ingýenuity. It is prompt in *ts eýffectsfo good, and it is easily aip- I 'Ix a; Ç ~, T 10 Or0NJ~ ~HT.2Rq[ fOBLI$HED ~ -~rIo12ido C 15 IWUIUIUU Str~ct ~st, r2l --\, Pl 4 M-S ONTO