Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Mar 1894, p. 2

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"~liorter" Pa~try and "Sliort6r" Buis. We are talking about e e shertea- ~ing" which 'w111 net cause indi- gestion. Those wbo "know a tbing or two" about Cookiug (Marlon Ilarland among e hoat of others) are uuug instead cf lard. Isone but the puresi, healthîest sud cleanesi ingredienta go te make np Cnt- tolene. Lard isn't bealthy, and h net aiways dean. Those a-ho use Cottolene a-lji be bealthior and -ereaithier than those a ho use lard-lîcaîthier liecause tlicy ailI gai <~ shorter" b~ad; wealthier because thry will get "slt~jrter" grorcry hilîs-for Cottoicue cuita ne more than lard coi gors twîce as far-so is but haîf ns expeutive. ~jyspeptics deliglit lu lU Physiciansontiiîrao lU Chois praiseiti Cooka extol i-t I Housewives wsaloumn ItI Ail liveasroceae adi lU Made only hy N. K. FAIRBANK & CO~, Wellingtcn ani /~nn St~eete, MONTREAL. ONTARJO LADIES' COLLECE, WIIITBY, ONT. Strictly first-dass in ail its appointmeats amd edncationnj. advantages. Provision made for ail the teanhers' certiacates end rer Un- lversity classes thron~h ths freshman. sopho- more and part of ju~iar vears et Topante Universlty. The Iiterary stafl~ comprises the largeet nu'nb3r o! Untversîty specialiste o! any Ladies' College la Canada. Tho ,au3icai, fine artelecutien ant commercial depariments ara tqueliy well eusteined by the mst gifted professors. Phyei~al eniture is taaght by a ~pecialist from Boston. A new gyinaesium and ail kinde of out.do~r amusements. Pepils liave the opportunity off hearîn~ the great irtisis that visit Toronto. 32-lin Àpply for infenmatien te FItINCIP AIL IIARE, F1I.D from Weak Lunge to Con- Good Work 110116 by Ca'îadian Fxperî - Illeiltal Farnis, The l9th Aunual Jteport of the Ontarlo Agricaltural College. ,Tust nnw, wben pubîn attention le more then ever It wes befone directed te wliat Lord Aberdecu digniflea by calling the -pro. icesion ni agriculture, the lOili ~nuual re- port ni the Ontanlo Agricultural Celiege and Experiniental Fan et Gueipli, espen. ially valuahle as it is te tarmers, is particu- lerly interesting te the generai reeden. Wlien it is remembered that fanming-the pursuit of agriculture ni eh its branches -la the main lndnstny la Onterlo end thet wliatever impreves th~ condition ci fermers aud makes theni more succeseful workers, benefits ah ciesaesthen tlie avidity with which, et the present time, any information hearing on this euh-. lent is received by the peeple mey be under- stood. FROGRE55. Preaident Muta peinte witli justifiable pride te the pointa ni progrese :-The con- pletion of non greenheuses, the construction ni e large faru, piggery, the erectien ni a deiry building end two deîry cottages, the appointment ni e lecturer on horticulture, the ergenizatina ni a suminer sebool for teechers, aud the commencement ni e home dainy ceurse for farmers' sons ead dangli- tare. The attendence ni etudeats le qaite set- iafectnry. We hegan the ycar wltb aIl renne occupied; eud in October lest we lied epplicants for every vacancy. ibe total number on the mil la 1893 wae as follows: Regular atudents...........186 Delry students--------------60 246 To these may be added an attendence ni 34 et car summer acbool in Juiy lest, mak- ing a grand total ni 280. The Repcrt indicetes that since 1890 the ~ttendence mcm Onterin lies increesed iron 107 te 207 in '93. Students iron ontaide the Province dnning that peniod have rangsd la number from 9 te 16 froni the other prov- inces ; 13 te 18 ironi the Britieli laies only one ceci year irom the United Stetes, end froni 3 te 5 tram other planas. OLASSIFU'ATION 0F 5TcDENT5. lu the general courses Third yeer-----------------23 Second yeer----------------53 Firetycen-----------------110 - 186 Deiry attîdents--------------------60 Total...............246 Eacli ceunty la the Province le allowe~ to seud one studant iree ni tuition. The nomination is made by the County Council. 0f those on the mli lu 1893, fifty werc an nominatcd, ani, as e coneequence, were cx- empted froni the payment ni tuition fees. The ceunties repnesented were the fcllowing: Breut, Brune, Caneton, DuudesDurbem, Elgin, EaeexFrontenac, GlengaryGrenville, Grey, Helton, Haren, Kent, Lanibton, Lanark Leeclg. Lana Cx. Linnoîn. Middlesex. ing potatees for pianting on 20 plots, aad vu mThÇelI,.peUL,, expet S111CJSU0 on-+6-i---piotev WIDESPREAD UtTEREST IN TESTS. One ni tise most strikingly significant stetements made in the Report is that re- gardsug the rapid increase of interest taken by farmers throughont Ontarso in the experimentai work cf the College. This la cn.nperati"e, conducted by ex-atu- dents cf the Cellege and other ititerested fermera, under the control and supervision of the Coilege experimentaliat wîtit the assistance cf a committee appointed anaR- aiiy by the Ontarlo Agricultural eisd Ex. perimental Union~ DATRYING. The applications for admission to the Dairy Soboni lest winter were more than could be eccepted until increased acpommn dation was provided. For tbcee whn do net want, or canant take, the iactory course, a short Home Dairy course lies been previded. This is intended especially for farmers and their sons and datigliters wbo may wish to leara sonsething about the lateet utensils aad ap. pliances used la private daines; the beet mathods of setting milk and handling cream; the important points in churniug; the salting, working, printing, packingand marketing of butter; the use ni the Bah- cock milk-tester, and the running of cream separetors by hand, tread power, and No entrance examination le required for the Dairy Sciool. Tuirion is frac te resi- dents ni the Province ni Ontarlo ; te others $5 for the course. Ladies are invsted te take ibis course- the mil course, a portion ni it, or the Home Dairy course. The latter is specialiy la- tendcd for tliem. Five ladies took the course lest year, three ni whom passed ail the preecribed examinations end received certificates. Two cf tliem came ont neer the heed ni the liet. The Travelling Daines continued their work duning the yeer. They started ont on the ist May and returued on the 28th Noveniber. The counties and ternitonies n which the daines wcrked dnring the season are the iollowing Lanibten, Huron, Bruce, Grey, Dufferin, ~imcoe, Ontarin, Dnrliam, Peter. horeugh, Victoria, Muekoka, Parry Sonad, end Aigoma. A considerable emnunt ni tue wes spent la the nonthera ternitonies, including Manitoulia and St. Joseph's Island. The wboie cf Ontarlo bas aew been covered, exccpting Helton, and parts ni Peel and York. These conuties are, ni course, catitled te the sanie coneideratien as oth~r portions ni the Province, and some districts are asking for a second visit. Hence, savs President Mille, I wonld recommead thet one ni these da~inies be kept at work for eacther year, at least. SUMMER scIrooLFnR TEAOHERS. Writsag ni the short sommer course la Agriculture for Public School teacliers the Presîdent says:- Tha great majnrity ni the people ni thia Province are dependent on car Pabjin Scinde for the whoie ni their secular educetion. The primery alm of Public Sebnol teachers shonid undonhtedly be tp teacli well the clements of e gencral English educatson-bui at the same tirne, we meintain that, in this Province a5 least, there is aIse another duty, whlnh, l~hougli oe j, A Ma~ioian Telle o~ a ve~y Unpleasant Adventure in India. lie Thinks Rt Was tise Clever Tnicis et Fakir, Eut Cennot Teli ilew Rt Wa flene. "I had been la India a number ni time s and had vîsited ail the principal cites,'~ saye Magîcian Keller, " when in 1883 I oujsd myseli lu the pretty city ni Luck- now. I had been in tue city long ennugh te have acquired tlie ennui cf the peuple and wae falling easiiy into their listiese luxur- ions wayswhen nue morningthis edventaxe befeli me and caused me te ail et once lose ail thet sense ni serece and peacef'al Ilutet thet I lied before poseeseed. la Iodla la the summer season it le ton hot te sleep upon mattreases or under mmcli bed cloth- ing. la my rooni la the neat littie benga. low where I was stoppîng I had e bembon coucli witbout a n.attrees, end my only covening was a linen sheet. I lied rested there la confort for many aiglits, and waa juet about te arise nue merning when a Hindon fakir entered the door. lIc was a tait, lenk, solemn-vieaged individuel, end saleamed profoundly as lie eutered. I set up on the edge ni my cet te get a gond iook at bu end asked what lie wanted. Ibis looked et me an instant and then slowiy drew ironi bis breecli cloth a email re~d pipe. 'Heap big eneke lu sabili~s lied," lie ejeculated su the same eau, unruffled manner. "'Suakes la my~hed 1" I yelled, as I bounded te the fleur wîtb visions ni wrîtb. iog, liissing cobras la nsy mlud. 'Suake Where 1' "'Lu sahib's bed-beap anake,' tlie rogue repised as lie slowly relea cd a emali earth enwa~e pot orjer fron bis gîrdie. Then he placed the reed pipe te bis lips and pro. cecded te extract from it the meet panfai musie I ever listened te, Serpente galon would bave been welcome if tbat musie conld bave been benisbed, I tbouglit, bul as I wàtched the lied my sentiments under wenta rapid change. "lu the mlddle ni the coucli, underneath the aheet, I eaw something moviug. Thi heet hecame eleveted in a couicai form enfi heî~e wes a HISSINO ÂND SPITTINO nnderneath thet made my blond rua cold Then there emerged irom the coveniug tbe sllmy, horrible head ni a nionster cobra that wasn't an mcli lese than elghi feet long, aud alowiy sud from the bcd and coiied liumselj upon the fleor. I stnod look- iug et hlm with my eyes bulging witb terrer, "The dolef ni, seductive, plaintive strain ni the pipe continued ani the lieed ni tbe monster slowiy arose te e level witb tlie cnt. His bond began te swell end lie showed cvery sîgifhf intense anger. The weird musin grew lester and lester ani tbe oscilleting motion ni tlie serpent's liead kept time to it. The littie pipe shnieked and the fakir was perspiring ironi every pore. His eves were buiging froni bis lited aad hie foot was keeping double time te bis piping. Slirîiier and more penetratiug grcw the notes, outil ni e eudden they ha' came again plaintive aud sad; the time was siower, tlie tune awpet end liarmonions- The motions ol tbe monster'a head were slowen and slowerand then the fakir's isand ,id~ ,-,,,h':lriv to hi, aide. A ,wnrci leaneri Castori~. 'Caetoria ian-i excellent înodis'ino for cliii- dren. Mothers hayn repeatîdi; told ment ita gcod effect upon thoir chuid'--~n:' lia. G. C. Osanon, Loweil, 3iasa. "Castes-lais the best remode for chuîdreit cf whlch I am aequainted. I hep the day is rot fer distant a-heu mothers wili consider the real [nterest cf their chuithcn, ,u5d Uta, Cnttni~ lu- stead cf the varions quack nostrumeahiei ai-e d"stroying their ioved eues, byfc.rciog opium, morphine, aoothiug syrup end other hurtfui agente down their throats, thcreby acndin~ ihen te premeture graves." De. J. W. EluecusanE, Conway, Ar Castori~,. "Cactonia iS $0 ircil ndaptedte olsilda I recôrnmend il asauperiortcenypresc kucan te mc." E. A. Âiscnca, E lit Se. Oxford 5h, Breck~yn "Our physiciens in the chitdieé~ ~ meut have apcken hir hly of their once lu their outade practice with Ca ettd eithtugh ire euiy b~vn emun~ niediral supplles irbat ta known as r producta, yct ~ve are frea te coufese Id norias cf Castoria bas woa us te lco favo~ upon it." Usursa lICHrITAi. AISD Dîsesasi Boston, Âaaase C. Snsra, Prer.., FOR SALE BY J. HTÇ~1INl39TlUM k S)~, BOWM~NV1LLE C NACCOUNTABLY LOS1NG FL~S14 IS REFUSlN~ TO TAKk ITS FOQD LISTLESS AIlO OESIUTATED WllYDON'T~' YOUTRY IT WILb HELP WONDERFUIAN WiU be pleased once lu Quantity, twice la QuaIy~ iiirve ~IERe~ iii Pi-ice Wii~4~ ip~1a~~ t- et- -nssaaizau îzan.siu.s. -~-,auhs-- ~-,-. t--. -- - ~ - - -~--- i cd-tOS iv:~r os a u.tu~ ~tanE- Sa .wnhsri- .................- '.- .---.. t. ----------t- ~:.*,... t ----.------- -- .- -- -- -----t- -te t - ------ te-.wei-~,tta t-. .~ -.~t. t,...t---- jas-~j~f~$ Castoria le flr, Samuci Piteher's prescription for Inf~ntM' aud Cbildren. It contains neither Opium, lllorphine nor otb4 Narcotie substance. It le a harmices substituto for I~arcgorlc, Drope, Soothing Syrups, and Castor 011. It le Pleasant, Its guaranteo le tblrty years' use by ~flhlions ofillothers, Castoria destroys Worms aud allayu feverlshness, Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, entes Diarr~oea and Wind Colle, Gast8x-ia i'elieve~ tecthing troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Csrstoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowcls, ~-iving healthy and natural sleep, Cas. toria is the Children's Panacea-the 1'sIother~s Frieu45

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