's jf youirself o f fren.Svvv&JUR w-ill give yuune 'ce bougli-t for lesa than $10 o:r 15 STIRIIFeLE spcak.We halve 1had a'argdex- perien2-e in ftting dillicuit and corn- cated cases lu aorne of the larg'ot cities in Canada. STOTT & J7RY-, KICKAPOO REMEDIES FOR SALE AT STOTT & JIJRYS. GaRANýD TRUNK RAILWAY. PQOWMÂN ýVILLE STÂT1O",,. GOINGME(T eOING WEST FýzPtes55.8 'amn -xres 5 20 amn Ex,,preE .-10 27 arn.IExpress ... 6 7 a m passeng~er...2 45 p nw jPassenger .--.8 39 ari .Faa55enger ... 7 07 p min passenger .. ..2 29 P nM ..... . ) 55Pmllt resa ....S30pin WHEN YOU GO TO B3R1TDSrI COLUMBIA, MANITOBA, EUROPE, UNITED STA TES. or any place in Canada eall at STOTT& Juin',s Drug store for Tcketsa nd Thfor- mration regard ing lowest rateq and best r3utes. BOWMÂNVILLE, FEB. 7, 1894. Local and Otherwise. c fli tbr thî ain i an V b wl nsu beu CUl of CÉ lat hri g'i E a th ai ai li E b n, SÂEmantsd Ladies Journal fer 1894 d: Mr, W. W. Tamblyn, M. A., Whitby, gaýve us a friendiy cal1 on Saturday. Mns. Garhutt, cousin of Mns. W. R. C011mbIý, died at Peterboro ast weak. n.r Fred Fl-ory zarriemi off the finit prise for fancy mimsa at the Canival su "0 Qahwa ast wec0k. n.W. R. ligbt lashewiug a large f pxhibait of fowls at the Elat Octne outyAsso0ciation lu Ottawa &thia waak. t iaeyou paid your saubciption? -'Nvrput 9'l' tîll to.'uorrow what you eau de) to-day" 1s a very goomi adabge t) follow. The Couintios' Council na.appoiuted Mr. W. B L. Couchq sud 11ev. -R. D. Fraser was appointei in Mn. W. E. Allons place ou the High School Board. ~Rey. J. P. Wilson of Coîborue wilI preach misiouary 'sermons lu the Mth. odist chnrch, Bowmauville, next Suuday.r Poing sn able preacher ha will hava the pleomune of addressiug lange congroga.t t-iens ou this hie first viit haro. ,Mr. Jury, of the finm of Stott & Jury hao beau succeesaful lu fltting spectacles for several pensons in Toronto. Hamilteon, Petorboro, etc., after they bami tniemi otb- oÏr opticiana vithout getting satisfaction. No charge for consultation sud satifac - tion .uaraunteeclinluthe âmot cemphicatem We have geV througb teck-taking sud Ucc.ordinpý te ont canal custom have placed eut for sale ail remuants sud odmi ends of aerythiug. As the public knev va always sli thezelt a big sacrifice. t lzworth your while te sea these. We may have j ust wbat yen waut sud at half the prica e yu l psy iu the régular way. Photos!I Photos! Novuadsya the discaruine public try Vo gg, thea hast possible value f or thair mcney. - That ilaoeeof the rassonts wimy peopla go te Tait 8ý Co. for tbeir photos. They are mkiug soe very pretty styles now, Calsud ses theni. Picture frames al- ways ou baud. If you vautthe best sewing machine macle, cali en Rickard. Csll ou E. C. Pethick the baýrbe,when wating anythiug in his lino. Ai l iuds of Fers slliug off at cot prica mit Coucb, Jobus on & Crymerwan's. Noue bettat, noue cheaper than my stock of groceriea, fruits, apicas, etc. W. H. Osborne. Sable, Persian Lamb, Beaven, Baitic Seal, Nutria sud Oppossuni Furs sol ing off aV actui coar, at Couch, Johuston & Oydrms's Aniyoua wçiging a btrgeýin can get it býy caIing at MIrs Doîcûaet3er'Es sud pur chaslpg oua cf 1brsyhh trnmnem hais nt '$1,25. M 1D)cetn Scholanship ilu ;s lvaýdig Bueineps Cui loge for slechýeap Nw aysun chance, boys, o geta cîig orefor ittie- I.z ny person who VîsIIc o '11bi an -im article ,of fut for coatt pi2 abulm C.li o M. Mayen, tha rcia urir omu ville. Be la cleaniîg bswî ersoku Ug remicions. We Calspeciai aýttentio)n Votha Soc tseu-sl ow goieg oul at Cuh Johni- ,ton &Crydlenman. I1V eivaîl knownIthat 19oods, but agn very Ssn iba ulotentiraiy Naýw Sok.Wentey ad(1Venice30 anry Mlin2o0 fgooGi Vo be doI hapilayiht an vuastsîyn wb,7o ge h,-eeexpectiiig Vo geV bai-gaýins lu. wintan gooda yu 'nOV odsponoi K, h. . Placure ebroni constipationl' Fire AndExiiO nli s wene 11seausssin froni --le frent "o whole bildng asje arnmasof mes wben tho tire brigade begau Vo irow waýten. Juat as John Morris drove ats thie front of the buildi.ng witb the seý reel ýa tennîflcc -x pl1os ic(u occurrad the second f1iat of the ïsdjo;ining build- ), which blew the roof finte the air'sud ea front wal ef thac buildinig outwand on igstathaoc of the explosýion and e falling debnis saligail the plate la3 fronts on the opi p -ite aide cf fie ;reet, in the shops of MeS rn & Dale, ruas-makrs;Simu-.ABa den, finist, mi Walter Chartran, liain-dresser. All he buildings witb-n quarter cf a mile Tone shýahan as hy an eartbquake; sud rhat producel the explosion is a great ystery, as ne _fire bcd reached that uilding up te this occurrence. The eore, which was oc-,upied hy Young& .,rcansd provisios deilans, was him tutally deezso1li i d, the force cf the x,,Ioelon bhaving gone dowuwand vwitb uch affect as te drive the second floot ýwu Vo the grcund floot. The large s,rdware store cf Mn. Ed8ail was to'alIy ;tiad, and nothing was saved. A large onuigument of spning glode had beaun e- eivemi the past few days. A statement ýthe insurànce, as rieaniy as can ha as- nialaie i l as follows:-Estate cf the te Matthew Joness, the two shops, 4,000 in 2Etna; S. S. Edsali, on stock, l1,000; Young & Co , on stock. $1,500 in .onden & Lancashite; D. T. Tees, Mon- eal, sdjoieioag hlock, slightiy damagmi, nsured limrpenial sud, Poni.Mn. dsali's ba2s over inpurance will ha about ',000. Mn. T. N. Rickard, jeweller, as dnivan out uf hie promises; damnage overad by insurance lu Royal anîd tr a. Cha onigion ef the tine is a mystery. Ocean Travel During 1893 Mn. Bouniier, the genenal passenger Lent cf the Allan Lîn-e, for Octareo sud àe North-wst, says that althuuulh 1893 fas not geuerally a prospanous vear fer ,ho Atlantic steamship companics,various tuses hsving contributcd to a decrease owh lu firat-csas passangers sud lu west âon ateerage,yatuotwithi3tarsdling the îiscounsgingc rnditlons the' Allan Lýna [ndemi 1650 more passengers in Canada and the United States in 1893 than in 892. The total cannied was 46,997. Evidence mure complote cf the esteernin wbich Vhe lina is helmi by the p ihlic couid neV ho furn'shed. M. A. James is sole agent for.tî popu'ar lina for this district. Sabbath Sehool Convention. The sevenîli annual c mveution of tIme West Durhami Sunday School Association will h bld iu Tyrone church Tuesday and Weiuesday Feb. 13 and 14. Mr. Alfred D&y, the Provincial Secretany, wil take a prominent part, sud as bis fl;st midres; will be givan at the firet sessj.on cf the convention. it is desinabie bhat aIl the deilegates hai prescunt Vo bear him. Ani excaV'ent progratam l preparel and a cordial luivitalnti exfended toefah interested lu Ssbth School work Vo at- teud, A Grand Concert Thie Orchestra will give a grand con- cert lu the Vowss hall Fniday avening l'eb. 16 wheu a capital program will be reudered nder the direction cif Iustruct on Brown. Local talent with the 1). 0. & P. Cc. baud sud the orchestra Will bE the contnibutors. Soe bille and pro. grams. Daniel Ritz, Prepriator sud Publishei of the Hlamburg, Ont., Independent eays 'I was suffernug front Dyspepsia send Livai Troubles, I tcek a faw hotties of Sbiloh'i Vitalizer and it cemime. 1Il cau beartil3 recommend it-." s n n s y We are selling lots of pipes. Another big s'ock just in. Soma new styles. The low prices tell. GRAND CENTRAL. For a nobby cutter go to G. 0. Hainesi'. Good bouses to rent. Apply to M. A. James. STÂvTEMAN,- L4sdies Journal and Premium Book $L-30. Great laughter in evercoats at Mason's clearing seale. Seo the big reductions int prices iu their new advt. Cali at Haines' Carniage Works to see their new cuitters before purchasing-it will pay you handsomely. Ladhs wishing their hair trimmed or singed should caîl on F. C. Pethick who bas fltted np a very neat barber shop op posite John Lyle's new store. Now ise your time to get cheap Photos in the latest stylp.' Think of it,Cabinets, full figure at 8l.95.and Mikado's at $1.10. Prices neyer before beard of. Cail at the gallery, oppositeBennett's Hotel and sec t hem. LADiEs--Asàk for Hook's Sofaia Polieh for fine boots and sboes, Uise no other and you will be satisflgd with the result. For sale by M. Treleven, D. Davis, Jùo. MoMurtry, and T. G. Mason. Manu factured by A. J. Hook, Bowmanvïlle. FuOES I!FuEgs! FEUES ! llaing bought largaly and thx e weather 80 mild, the stocýk imuat be mold. 1 have comm.,,enced giving 10 pgr CL discount te ail cas)ýh cuto3ro ncürne aolo)ng -and !bning youîi frieînds with you. Thetcki-lr- n A--ne. M AEThe FuYrer. The tirdpage of heToono a Mail is not(ad fo-r "at detsmu If you wwut s»iuaa n a mechanic,ï business, rnachiery,-lodging, if you haVî )8 oterfun ny-'g i ou W.-nt 1,( cfind v ontwhreuyoeideti i sdvrtiemetsontlie tird pg of thlai each nserionor tn cents a ord f o I r rotCa-ada. KD.C.bing-a prompt relief esi lr tirs feow, Indigestion. Children Cry for MERRYl ODDFELLO'WS. Mnr. W, L. Spry is home fomin To3iknto,ý Mr. Art brTorcuntoý, e' Sndsy W nedynighit po a sertes of( th>e surprises to the aenigmemubars icft lI U FvlorueNgtnsl ogN.60, Lo)k lhere ' 2 Gems 3for 20-% at Taiît& 0.0E, Afte-r e short business gss3iorl n rCo's, gsllery.îî" pe the brethren neare y:ioviîstion to the 1Hon. John D -vd: n speaksaut Wark- a i 'iî ýc where they were hospitably received a û -Mr. F. Cyril Loscombe of To-onto ;s "Vindow GShade, Pi tu e 1r-nzs îroall ofeuter ot i n u rea l frat ra ty'. meg eet istis A snia 0 str~otiau iew ilusratng M r. a. J Knigbat weat to Torontc to the Anctic Voyage of thie Elent and ", hast MdeL. Patti siug Mouduy uight. Go to B T13- 2 0 . coeç""Thie istoiry of a ai. Nat- G uralPhnm a, and "Scenes abut etlu yur dollar for 1894 :sud appear Cornallintrspesedwith coci cview, ut TuE STATESMÂN'S At 11om1- Feb. 2,)._______ ably describai by erator A. Mfitchel, M1,r, and Mir.. John Staceýy have ne- friedan h'tur and a a fsmoat urred ftoni visitlflJ fiends iii Huron C0. W avfilkndfSe iig Iiyh n excellent en, 'ettiumn t, whicýh wsthoro)- 'Mr. W. Cullis.o Camborue wss gue5t îeh v alk in so Ughly appreciated. A beatty vots oif of bis bnother-în-law, Mr. J.,A. Johnstonl, thanks was tendened l3ro. Trelaven for this weeak. -1N e ie ,a s n so k bis kindriess in entertaining the braî.hreui Mrs. W. Werry of Solins bas bean and adding te the bright grean spots -vitiing Mrs. AI. A. James and othen re- along, the rtad wich goas te ma1,ke up VeIve u ,n life-. In re3pons.e Bru. Treleven said LMn. Johit,)n.RniCieu fCs a~W msny good things and invited thsw Vto Sýbsoriptions ial en for felagaz'ines and stili tarry with bu ,and ad.jouirn to bis to)ms at Bo)wmanvLle, his beau superdn- dinine:room wbere ha wou!d ha deligbit- ruated. Who will stucc3ed hîm a pi Newspapers at Iow'est rates. ed tl furthan t entartain hemn. OdId- Harold Vanstone Mason won - aL fellows are always equal te an occasion c (f cf hockey-boots and skçites at the Carnv __________ t½is kind sud accepted without a mninur. ai of Victoria Skating Rink, Toronto. A sumptuous oyster supper with ill the We are pleased to bear that Ms on A " <ý~~<la~ ~ etoatas l tha ay o tootsomeEdib e l alyar bas so niuch improved in heaath Ut~ jjI I A.IJ L1~s liV4~51 was fully anjoyd by about sixty 03d- that ,lhe walked down staîrs yesterdy. fellows. Sougs, recitatrins, etc., Lped Are yen goirig to get marrîed ? If se, itafu. fast the time te that heur cf the night cal at STATESMAN (ffice sud see tbe la T which bld. "Gond Morning' 10 otohenret wedding invitations, priuted. We TSN13L J.A JL1.U i day, aud forced hoat and guersts te say a nva a fine let. fond farewefl a-id dopant vih leaent miss-Boas Jouss gave a very pleasaut meuecmies of a happy nifght. seighing party Vu a numban cf lher youag Mre. Doncasten le makiug a big clieir-U Dieoyl iretos.fnîilds ou Saturdsy. The lfle folk au- i. al"fYin'rmllne, Dsoa ietr.joyed theniselves immanmsely. ___________________ - SkatLes and Sissoir, left %t Chartran',e EDITOR STÂ'ruSMAN -Can it ha ruaBarher-ehep or Worth's bard ware erore, Notics of Urtit, p2 cns' fiiFl 'e,10 y 1 that te Dinctons f theBowma vila round in first class stele by S. J. jack- -ti)ut F-IEE ç»F CâIAtGE, when tile /.L'...J . Mechanica' înstitute have acted so dis- man-. Skates 10 . Scissorâ 5Ï. fulieral crds are srhited at ibis affine loyaily Vto this town as to onder the sup- Iwo r laed Vo nneunce te nt-IrRIE plias for the Reading Rooni this year froin e a re plaiMssr.Yug&C a a Torouto firm iestead cf patnonizing OuT edr tMsrs.Yug& m ae CùWAN-HYLÂEn O0n Jan. 31. by Bev.. John îoce awseaers .csc izs ~ -~.. ucrecded in bu) ing froin NIr. J Lyle bis jCfreiFb on, BD.. recler or St. 3Jichn's cbuetc. from. the Council of $100 towands the ex- penses sud oct uawsdealans psy thiein ahane of.tbis money. Thasa directons will navet have the gyail this y( an Vo aek the Ceunicil for a grant, will they lý BUSINESS MN Feb. 1, 1894. FARMERS AND PATRONS. BncuzrmEPs rosi$75; Twmuz- , 8. Mn. Jo3aph S ratford cf Brantford aud othars will a litass mas mca ogi lu West Durhani as folle we: B 'wmaîvil]e, Friday, lfeh. 16 at 3 p. ns. lu Town Hall; Onono, Fniday, Fmsh, 16 at 7 p ni ; Sol. ina, Saturday, Feb 17, at 1 p. ni. ln the Son's Hall; Blackktock, Saturday, Feh. 17 a, 7 p. ni. le the'rowe Hall. As _Mr. Stralford le p-e ident ef the Fanmerb Binder Twlneansd Agnicultural Implenm. eut Factory of Brantford ha will have aometbing tu say tbet will hc- of -reat importance Vo avery farmer lu this coau- ty. Farnero, look af tan you r o vniter esta and do not fail -.-)heast M. Sitatford. GRANDCRNAL The second sudd hast inasqueiirïecr nival will ho he'd on t'he skaing ik, Bowmsiuvillo, ou Frid sy, Feb. 9, w hena number cf valuabla prizes -will hca asard- ed for fancy skating, comic costumas; etc. D. O. & P. Co, baud will ha ini at- tendance. Admission: Ticket boldens lun zustunie, fra ; ticket holderi net lu cos- tume sud spectators, 15.; skatera ien- t'cket holdens, 25c. Riuk open at 7 p. ni. Ice teserveli for fancy sikatïig till 7. 30; open te ail at 9 o'cloclr. CARD 0F THA.NKS. To The Laneashîre Pire Iiisisrani(?Ce;0o-1 GEiTmEMEN.-Allow us te Vhn k.you for the very prompt mannEw in whc ont dlaim for damages through the late fine was ottled by yen. Withiu itweuty-four 1heurs the dlaim sas adjust. ed. 'Ne fonm your tepresentative bere, Mn. IH. Caun, Vo be both counrteous sund obliging snd a gentleman wbo tborouighly uuderstands bis business. Wishieig you continuemi succesg,we namaln, Respoctf ully you r3, YOUNG & Co. Bowmanville, Feb. 6, 1894. AUCTION SALES. MoNDAY, Feh. 12,-Thene will solmi on lot 8 cou. 3, Dariiugtou, the pramisas of Mr-. John Reard, îll cf bis vainable ferm stock, implesants, etc. Sale at 1 e,'clock. L. A. W.-TOLE, auctiotteer. a Wa charge 10 cents a lina for ahl notices of Annivensaries, Concerts, Lectures, sud entantainments, for whicb ne prnting hax beau, cr la te ha onderemi at this office, twhen an admission fao is charged or col-, lection taken. The sanie change is made rfor ail business notices appaing amoug Dnews items. Correspondants wîll i kdly state this Vo ahl applicants for sncb notices sud whenever possible forwand the aamount with the isotica, or steVe te -wbon ý,.the account la Vo ha sent., I wss Curemi of s ba m ca f Grip- by MINARDS LINIMENT. Sydiîey, ÇC . 1.C. I.LÂE I w.ss Cunedtof bs Of veica by MAl[N- A RDUS LINI1M EN T. Yes n)ýuth. CHilRSPUMIR I was Curam rfSaatc Rhenmiatism by M 1N ARP.DS L 11ýiMENZT. Burin Nfld uws . BUTLEB.S TnuST ~ eSAu bffc e blon1wg beaun Ldt ifor tha exýcellant sale bilîs pprnted sud tnia sasen wa are sure to bavea lange nuinihr as usual. Ve giveaa rcea no-tice oef tha ae o eeontwo veairs in a 0 yus c pricas ana aways ight.I As ou tlMua creaa iargey ameng Cartwniht, as swhi as Eastat ud W'est Whty id Pickeing, a neHoticàleTvr SEATEMAN efan ,verti qu.t 3smo bave your bui!s pninatami hy M. A. ams visions sud wlicombine the tsno bn3ici- dmsgh fital urW rad biie nasses. They bave taken popsession cf the new store sud imx lîe theirnfumerons 1BEiaNÀLAt Kisae, D. 24,ii. Bnig- c ustomars Vo cill upon thqm. Tbey are jaalil aged 61 yeprs. seliîng off the daniagod stcck frani the elmiBoW"A-In CartwrightJanu . 23RicbRowan, store in Milue's olmi s'snd where tbay arealzîed 56 ueara. giogame rPtat bangiiiic: whilo the KNscun---Th owmauvilte, Jap. 30. ALn gem mis olmi cu for cas osiy. uighin le br 73rd year.. Ja.3,an go, ds hold out fr cash ouly.esouis-ToN-Iù Bowmni le, Jr 0,Jn A11l the geol thingi that have b-ýen Jobaston. aged 78-Yesrs.. quntemi in these colmmua the pist five DEym.Ai;T-n Powananviile. Fab. Z, Gertrude weeks about Miss Jessie Alexanîders au Winna. balovad wife of James DeYman sud trd deu.4hter o1 Robert Sinclair. sged iýi'ts., Piooutieuist were vanitiemi by han-- ecit-i 7 nîcuthe.. Monday nigbt whau, she was greet et. hy sa ________________ full hou-a compimant sldoinihefore BW A~IL AKT paid Vo a public reader bore. She sp- BW A VLEM RES peReato splendid amvantage in pensons. Ctbrrcctet by .J. Sfs-l5selnry, c'very Tmxa.<imsy lion of chilmrean sd espocially -of beys. In Scotch sud Cockney dialeU tee asOFaou, P 100 1ba......... el 50 to 82 00 Lo was grand. Han easy gracefulies sud WHB*TII Fali, rt bushi..O 00 0 62 total absence of lahonedemiaf 'rV rither n l Rusgian, -.0 O00 0O60 protE gasture or speech are very notîcahle. 0 (oo()O 0 î0 55 WE colrgrataalat.e sy-iung peop!a of St. ,, Co00r-0 57 and lPaul'o chunch ou the succescf thne- We Ah i ta Ele, îI.........OO1 oO62 Prin, citai i .I...0 O o0 G 05 Complimentany b be hr faitrgueet, M ÂR ols ~huai, No. ,. ... )0 0 l O 42 WOCl MargretAudnso , sJ. W. MePhen- ' î i2X.. O00) i) O03 5 sout, '109.4Est-t4te street, invited a langem-i o2. .o 00 mo :30o a compirny ef f ierds te speumi Thursday 1 T mw d OCO >,O 3 f' affrnoon ntV ber lea-sut homre asud stay OÂs, 'w hit e......... 00 0 O32-' Vo) tes. MeMoPhiernn ba a fcty t mîei ........ OOU O28 4 Shoc for antentainine po-(sse2ssd by few, sud RYF, .... O 00 0 O40 ber na-fresls g.are always prapaned Buckwheait t'bushi.......O 00 0î O40 ren. withakil sudVast. Fndsy veuing PzÂs, Blackaye, e bush... O0O 60sa about the same number of friands mat i Muimy i ..O03 01 O 62 down tesa 7 o'clcckcoffethatwas panfact à' Smahl, ' O>... ta 0 ~ 55 A lu eveny datai), sud sevenal bouns were ai Blue, 0 ..O65'ie 0 65 tii wiied away playing iuch. Miss Audar- BuvTER, boat table, e ]b ... 0 00 la 0 18 ti sou, in whosa houe' the partiesa wac CaICKEN, P lb ..........O()(9 -a O 10 givan, was a t &sdent cf, Bowmanville,' EGGs, e, duz.............O0 00 ',,0 14 i Canada, sud few yonng ladies bave visit. POTÂTOBS, eI bush........ 025,, 0 30 too- ami haro that bava cresitemi a more favor- HAy, VIton.............. 6 00 le 7 00 able impression or sade more friands. -____________________Felt She will remain severals seake yat. -Mar- A; 5S. TILLER, M5. D., C. 11, be safltoivîc ZRecorder. luiEMBER 0F COLLEGE 0F PIIYSICIANS 1 vs Captein Sweeuey,LI S A., San Diago, .land Surgeous. Ontario. Office. King St. Cal., saya: "Sbilob's Catarb Remady la First dor weslt of Ontario Bank; Realdanca. Chanch St.-Sth doonreast or Methodiet Churrli, lenec the flrst madicine I have aven found that Bo'smanvine. 37 wonld do me auoom." ,lue 50cents. aC aSolmi hy Stett & Jury. w ANTED-A giel te do gant raI bouse ac Pathck' barer hopis tse lac Vo eV yany work. .ppiy at this office on at Ontario fact( s goomi shavo or hait cnt.,E O AE-he rc puit Oua thousand husheis Absike sud fUE O AE-he rcJ oses on Liberty st. for sale ornrent. Cre tothen dloyen seemi wanted. W. H.01- W. R, R. Cawker, box 189, Bowmtanvilte. 3sf bonne,.are 1 cau maki Vte oyoun amvntage te buy lJOUSE TO RENT. -A seini-detachemi el of me if yen will Cal]. Mvaynard the H l. brick lieuse on Chunch street lately cs ccupîed by Cspt. Crawford. Tennis modenate. J eweller. Apply to A. YoUuiE, or T. BINGHiA-m.Bew- tee Watenproof Bîoot8 for Mon-at $1.û- mauvilla, 45-tf. less than negular pnc-at Maso's lear- ' TOCK WANTED.-Mr. W. R R. ing Sieo. Sea adyt. S.Cawker lt a ithe market te boy ste neeronf aitOf ] Several buniremi ovarnats hetb mens Beef, Mitlh Cows, ycung and fat Calves, Pigep, sud oys wiI bsacitiemilitMasn'sLambs and Peultry. Addrass W. R, R .vT grnt clvaritiî sale. Saea advt. lot 9, ecu.lI.nothoeCaladoulan Mitta A- T A cýcir that dues net kaep time ils no0 ARM TO RENT.-For s tri o T goo 1linsahbouse. Y ;n shoulmi taeaàiso veans. that niost desinablebone, 1 mils. Rickransd bave iV put in ocmder. Haermeth of Newcastte knowu as tbe Manne * d hi won thnouely n mater batHomaslead. Falplewtugaldonc; inmediate doas hs r hooçhy o atrw possession. For tunîber parî1culer-. apply te it may ha, NaVc, Clock on Jeweilry ne- Chartes Wright, E'q, Barristar, Newea4tle, Pirs. Ont. 2-4w THE " TREE Ot' LIFE " 0F INDIA Furîshes a iiteliirig eixir (new te this countryj) whieh rapiltlyad permawnt1y cure& CONSUMPTIOt,, SRONCHITIS, Asýthma, Gatarrh and Lung Troubles. rhera is a plant whicb grows only in the bis of Britih India, known to the natives as the ITree of Lif e,' because of tbe unrivailed vitaliz- ing powers of an elixir extracted frofli its rmots, bark), fruit and leaves. Tbo process of extraeting this elixir was discovered by Sirs. Besant, sbortly after ber arrivai inlIndia ils 1862, and sbe bas fnr- nisbed ýit to snfferers ever since witbout eue f ail- ure to perimanently cnre, axceptingiluConsnmp- tin mn its iast stages, and iu sncb cases it pro- longedl lii o for many years. It bas aiso apowerfni infliuenice in ebroniie casas of Constipation, Indi- ge~tio, LverCoplantsandFemleTroubles. Fnll particnlarssent free. AddreSS MRS. MAIlTËA iu n, Lorno, Canala- TEE NIMO & RIO BUSJMENSAND SHORIHAND CLLEG E, Toronto, Canada, Sýtands iiit he very front tnkasa thoro, ugh sud practical BuLsiness Tann u sttu1,tion forL'de aud Genatlemen, Book.epig, anking, Shorthand, TyperitugPenansipEn1g!iish and TeleraphDapl'tmntspenentireyer Teacheis, ,1parnients, Eqjuipment aud Location the veriy best, Fees' Moderatîo, Prinei,ýpals. 3-yr IL' ihat desr:bla fars. begth South 110 acres of lot NumberlO, in the third Cia et the E. G. J3urk of Campbeliford. Fait particnlars cau beclied by applying to D. BuEKE Ssur'SoN. Barrister, etc., Bownianville. 36-tf 1i"ARM TO REINT.-125 acres being1 -V'lot. 22 sud 23, con. 6, Dalington, with1 g(ýod buildings and allinEcessary convaniences.2 Fait plowing al done aud land ready for crop. Possession AprE 1. Apply to M. CRYOEEMAN. or Lucy CRYnEsoMN, BOWMaUVille, executors' of the late W, CRYDERMAN. 6-tf -"à AM FORSALE or to rent. -A first -V cassfar of100 acres. being lot 22, con. 6;, Clarke, near Kirby. Good brick bouse witb frat-olass outbuildings swt tone hersean ce; ie sýtables. Four acres of orchard. Plowîng doue. PtRassesion April lît. Apply to JoiH CLEMES'cM, Bowusanville, or te Waz, j. CJEmm- ENcz. on the premises. 6- tf i 0 , SALE OR R N .lo s n Fl 1 c es dfor sale or t at staeon scotg ,street forth. The oremises caosist cd a îzeod hou~eowith avary conveniience, drivissg Phec, stable, etc.Tugadnotis loof the choiest fruit of alaieteslmnied iate p)ossRession can be given. for particulars aptply te W. FIRBL~EIG owN niie nt t -tii ALL OLTR SH11E E T 1U SIC Reduced ta 5 ceuts; Iby miG6cnt.Cita- lowue frae. MRVNS Isi HOUSEi, DETROIT, M[IH4-t CAIPBELLSQUNNE VWNýe- Pncand ni by K. CA1M' &C. ,ook to your lîeailhandi ect your feet froua the cold wet which wifll bc the cipal ingredienits of the Lther front this mi. You, dlo this realily wvith a piir Our Waterproof Kno~ e(,s foi Ladies- and Chuiid- They are suitable f'or tin- or ordinary weav. leav *y Sho3, is just the 'g for this weather. ilere >7gooci line at a light price --ur Men% s Waýterprtot L-lined are said t'O be the b value in the market. V'e have received -and op- ed into stock recenI-tly sevýer-, tises of new goods from a tory witli the Jar.-est out- 'in Canada. jas, M. eady k Co's Dongola go-0ûds favora bly kn.own7toL ýtomeIrS, every pair giiaranu, 5(. 17ry us forur îext pair Boots or Shoes. ke Clothing Hlouse,, PRO PRJETOR, THE, DOMYINION Issues a ganiulu3ia UL-uet" PlifVoftin RATEs: lot Cîses 55 cents per $100)i 2n0d s75 i mm100 'Tat.41yams 3rd , 90 1m,00e Most cf West Danbam's promninent faneiira are insured iu it. R. J. DOYLE, E 3q.,* JESSE TRULL, EHq, 'Manager, Paiet Oweu Sound. rown'ianv;l10 Wil Cati on nceipt cf pobt card. Agrent for Wet Dunir'r, A, %W. FOLEY. o lS 50-30BWMalivi ile. Ont 1FARM FOR SALE. -Afrtcaear o2f 125 acres on 145 aceMiuated lu thaý ta - i riih it - 1ý i - 16 om se F( suriner pantîci wa. actuibars noie Miusrd'sI. Ir 1 -r Y--t