Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Feb 1894, p. 4

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.vri LTÂI teedtocryo.rc, te.I For sl by Stott & Jury. ldyis g .n3ect( sower bas no seconu chance. If yen wouid atfirst suc-. ceed, be sure ai)d stant wîtlj Verry s Eeed Aiial for ISE containsthes 'umand sv< qar( of the lateSt tar-ii edgeEeypa have t Senfi- D . erry&Ci, ' 'A GOOD TRII mind one that wiit always please, ia boitte Of SKREI Ced Liver 011 and y*our 1frends by beconung punlpi cheeked. Ainost tasieless, t aiways TAKES WELI SDEONLY By- - K. CAMPBELL & CO., MON E0WMÂNVTLLE, FEB. 7. i1 PATR~ONS 0F INDUS') Théee eas a rattling big croîvu roiii town yesterday at t l mleting of the West Durham Asse eveny district being n li repr The stundrcy yeomanry of the id t beyog an abitions sons oft iliee-all well dnressed a «nd cheerf '10,11 T'he anuailsession of .West ]Duivhans Wetake he liirty f un es îgt-e ~8T istrct ivison ns h inSlina Jani olwigemae, o a piaelte 'l'li Te attendanlce was lresown utrec( ivedif îonM.Joo. Cl 'Rd' whtintereat [the temperance pu ple wecre De V' .T. ste-n a fM taký,Ing in the ,w"0, !. AIUthe DvsosG.A rguec, PDaîiin7t)t, 1. were represenited b-ut roo.The pre- D DT ,W oi o hlk f sent neenîbershlip (of thineDvsosjedigwtou-1 TTSMNofbr 1019ý. The GadDiiinwsrersn-i, the ste-We t as i1 -aWwys bri,'s su ' ed by 'ro. J.«B.Brooks, GW. 1P., To- muehhom e.Aýit.ough so fa away ca rtoanld W 1 eel .SWib.frncm home and fdod e donute rtfi A letter of regret waa read from BroA coiig here aswe havedoueTil ina' R'unde, P. D). W. P'. on, being naleto we 2cm, ad roayweae fer boteter lycri att'Éend c. A lengthlyadrs was also )re ad off than we wolid ihave beenh0 we nu. ýp sore froie tsie, P. 1D.W. P soig hO aretlandluOtd.Welhave 18 ac ol gh ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~l -n esadza ihwihh egardis the o penid'lard; a3,dCI rcoahv -oTS if teînperance work. The nwofEiers elect - b'en goo.d for Liraesye irs pa î,t. XVe had a guar-, ed and instaiiedl by Bro. J. W. Broks,35 cre s -ofgraxin lest year andîij h,eshelld <BUO G. W. P., weere :-D) W P, A B Crydei - 1,000 busbe!,s of No. 1 grin. e had m1an, Hampton; D WV A, Mi-s N \Viii- 00 bushIels ( f turniça, 250 bhuebîelsi ofD iams, Solina; I) Scribe, L C Pascýoe, Eni- fist.lass potatoes and a lot c f gnden t EDw fild; 1) Treasurer, W R Courtic', Mt stufi, Wes haie a cmfortabie biousle àind Carswell;"D F Scribe,J T P.iendl,Solina; stables snd our stck lz ismeIr-,asing v.ryD turn. D Chap, J Baker, llarmiony; 1) Cond, S faBt. Wekeep horsEs, catile, p ii, ee, i Swain, Biackstock; D Sent, _',ornman turkeyi,, eýc. The cF-tyi eti Rundie, I-laydon; 1) P W P, A L IRundle, very faet; people are coming in alailte i 'Tarm-ony. time. We are in the ce n re cf a g-)A The rest cf the afternoon was spent in settieneont now. Thene is prechirg and discussing matters relatinig to the Order Sabbath School eveiy Suilday 14'il a and appointing committees to Eit.O., away. Everytbing we have t)e iueb is fi committee eas appointed to look after good price: Horses Beli fo)r $0(- o $10; the licence act and brilig it betore the native punha. $20 thi $3 5; iihow, subordinate divisions for circulating peti- $30 to 50; wheat iS 60z. penbur e];bar- tions. A committeeevas alsoappointed to ley, 50c.; oas, 40c ; pu'aýes, 75e ; b-ut resuscîtate Crystal Spriseg Division. The ter, 25c.; epus 40c. pun dczen; por k !Oc. District Sentinel Was appointed ta secure per lb; beef, 6-,. per lb; ger,, V, - er as many namnes as possible in Haydon to lb; turkeys, 18o ; ducks, tl.; chiekc s,0 Join Division and when everytbing was in 12eù. We thiiak grain ofcfail kinids will ba readiness, Tyrone and H-ampton were to very h;gh iii the spri'g. We s-ttii appoint committees to belp organîize. A a pretty ilard 'wiî ter ltre, aýt1,ltuihnoý commnittee was aiso appeinted to write to neanly su bard as Iast wintý-'r wa'. l àv Bro. Rudie, P D W P and get bhis con- had sleigh-.nýy two moothsa aîîd the vwet'e- sent to have tise address lie wrote pubiish- er bas been very cod-44 below zero for s ed so that the pubic could get tbe benelit a short time. Thexe la aboutî a f ot ofh of it.- It was decided to liold the next Snow. Juif niow the w- athen les veny a session at Mfaple Grove, the date tri be mild. Thre bas beca a lot of s'IckrieEssi 1c chosen by the executive committee. In hore this winter, rnearly everyonn iphs badl Kgthe eveuing an enjoyabie prograin was the fashionable complan-L gniipp.. t to buy a giron at thre public meeting. T he G W. I i astonish P. was not presenit on accourit of there aL aeM.Ingal adrs'being a division organized in Newcastle -L ae r Bio,1. i the samne nigbt--wonk before pleasure be- MrS. R. Brignail is v s*ti ig her . tr L. ing his motto-Addresses were given by Mrs. T. P. Goixd, Church st. fi)îe er 917o.- W. IL.JBe Weil-,V1ithy, .J A n g t h etsofbe tehsîdth 'ITREAL.. nolds, of Scarbero, and A. B. Cryderman. Kinsale corresponden~t(If ,th113 Whitby C Instrumental nmusic was given by Mrs. Chnonic'e writaé: -Itis with oe1i. f$ Martin and Miss Prnst, Blackstock; Mn. deepest regret we are caiup rn to ý a and Miss Gibson, Mt. Carswell; Miss chronic'ýe the death ofcfnue cf our mnoit Pascoe, Enfield and Mn. and Miss Heath- respeeted cifiz -as in the person of Mr. lie, Solina; vocal music hy Mn. C. W. Richar i Brignail, wbo quietiv piss"d 1894. Souch, accompanried by Miss Elliott, into the spi if w9rid on WedneîdaLy wesk, - Hampton; Miss Beacock, accompanied by affer a lingc-riing illness of over a year, Mrs. Martin, Blackstock; Mrs. Martn, snffering intensi3ly at timei 11e was at L'RY. accompanied by Miss Prust, Blackstock. the firet Biitren with p)araiysis fn <n The foiiowing rendered recitations, Mr. wh'ch he neyver wag reslooed. Drng ifPa-A. Foley, Maple Grove, Messars. J. A t- aftremnles, on perhap1 mur i d oau-iWerry and A L. Pasce, Solia iS Beth, B conied obsb< M.Bgî ciioE. Campbell and E. Gaiiagher, Enfield, wis a native of Yorkbire, En)gland(, but esne.Misses A. Baker and E Reynolds, Solina. only spcnt a fow yuas -f Ihi, Foyl,îudi iisn ad Ciesed witi closing ode. L. C. PASCOE, days ln thse oid land, emigna'iîîg with hi,, toil were B.S. _____________while youaL in years. 11RI s~î ~ful. One Tae isse cf-The D eli neaton for Match - in h oefipstosoftuta i-poxert roe ta s.or. (f iu' ,m District j"'- o G. C Hanesbasnndnbtdiythe, fin- et outters, evershw in Bowmianville. yf yo u .i e)t5o1by c r 3- 1 a f k rmn, ad ecr'is3 il h ornoWeeLly rMaFil. Thatppr reach<i s 1000,090 fairmers' very W'ýcICsnd nr adg" ie ent hou d mýýnt the ey(,V f Boe o ne 1hn bis casa njn'ared in tie T-ronto Veeiy Malfor Fýýve Cents a word! for ach înertio . Tectz Cen<s a wordl for Ov isron.Aïd es The Mail, Toroato, Cý1nadx1 The Met\od-i;st M à<gazie frFb)r uary, onpnsa rruc'e which wil i atract speci.ai -atteni i "Tiit Cirzprns¾ip ofI IVomen," a c1'an and cZei!t atgument and appe,1l or the iqial îuL,,L-' of the exebytevtern<harpin fîhpî'ghte if wvomen, the Rev. Dr. Toomas XVelster. )r, G7ai r ,iirhcontribote3 a prac i.al' and i ne]ly çaper <ni Harid linm. Their C auL) snd Cu e. " Tho Cu-Pecf StrOng Drînk" iî skt Feii g and ei q i nt treat- nent of ite, iqýior tr.ffiie by Archieacon F'arra-, pr'esen cýd to the Temperance Co-iI gue:s in Chiùago. A s none temperance 8tz-ry, 1 Dragon srd tie Tea-ketile," a tal13 of Corniih M th, d s.m, a~i da pathetic Scotch story, hy the author ( "The Stickit !diriýter," iffîr ve-y atîative reading. Th) .a n 1gzefor Janutry is ike its pr 1ecessors, fuit of vanipty. f -owa aiv h«s TimI3s," by At'o ney- Generali gev, gives ma -y amui)ing i- dents .bitNova Scoti t'ts 1ublie m 4n .fa geneiati n a4o. ChanceLir Rand, oîf NlMMs'er Uaiv r i y, plub ishe3 for tho fiWst i -na ) eof tee r n <t extra )rdin- ary psych i'c eil experiences on rocord. iUtrn7e Jean N- s'i t has a eh r ning, il - [netrated art;c!e on L <hîgf 311o v's Way. sid3 Inn, fuil of reminiiscec-s of former landiords, PU sne and se vints. E Dow- aiey'a -'Pi 'a f r 1 elnd' charmingly d. scribe% ire h scanery iacd sud people, and gives beau if ul ilius raUi ni4 of sominef the Irish va ieys. A wei;ý-writteni and il- u4frat d a t cle ii.A J. B-ell'd "In Cari- ad -'s Nation .1 Parký " 0 h ýr short bt)r iea and a numnber (f poemns, seyt rai of bhemi above the average, ari a's i given. The Canadian Mag z ne amh c'i should be in every cultured ho ne in the D,,ni v ii)n, îs puished -by-the-O<.t- no Puübli'sl g Co., 23- Manning Arjade, Tronto, at $2.60 per annuni. The Groci Onur Nw tore o 1 Haviug bought out the 1arý GUrocery and Provision Busineý of Mr. John Lyle In Murdoci, Old 'Stand -we are in a bettî position- than ever to serve ti public, as this is the largest sto- ,-adl finest stock in 'the vown, t] stoc k--"ei-ng---mostiy-new.--Ouir e deavor wili be to keep up the hig reputation 'of both houses ar cordially invite ail former custoi e~ rs to continue with iis---we shal be glad to sec you---and as man, new ones as will favor us with theï patronage. We are open and read. for business-to-day. s that -we hear the farmers WVe are selling off our grc stock saved from the fire week in Milne's Old Stani slaughter prices for cash No wis your chance to get bargains- Cali and sec.

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