IMIS. C. J. WOOLDnsmeE, Of othm sec of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, "OCne et my,, cb.ildmeu bad Croup. Tiio caýse wattendad )y our physiciani, anS was supposaS( te o wo(,vll unidar control, One niglit 1 'vas startled by flce aild*s bard breatliug, nuSd on goinig*f0 if found if stran- LE t liaS nearly ceasofi te breathe. 1 e.z !ug thbt tha child's alarrning condition had becomec possible in spita of the niediciuas tivan, 1 reasossed thaf sucli remedies 1would Pe ef ne iivail. 11aviug part of a hottia e! ATes's Cheprry rectoral lu the bouse, I gave tisa eilid fnodosesý at short iarvals, anS nxfou(ýislv waYited resuIts. From tha moment ecetoral was given, tise cbiid's braathing ,cgaiesor, and, lu a short fimie, sbe iras seepIngV1 Si uietly and breatilu natumaily. Tli hildîs aliva and weii to-day, and I do blot hlesitate te say that Ayer's, Chearr y rec- toral caved lier lifp."' Prprdby Dr. J. C. Ayer & Ceý ,LowaII, Mass. Prompt toact, suire to cure oNTîAPàIO LDIES COLLECE, t- IIJBYONT. Stricfly fnrtef-dse in ail ite sppoietmouts end aducjatienal advsutages. Provision mode for al tise ieacherFs' censiflcates sud fon Un. iirsity clasýses tismough thse freeliran, sophe- more aud -paritfme ers-tToot nvely.The llterary staff comprisas the larges, niuber or Uuiversity spocialiets ef any Laýdios' Coilogo lu C %naSs. The m naic ai. flua art,elocutleu sud commercial depan meule are equlallY %vell enlstainod by the moet gifted protesors. Physical culture le tsnght by a spcaltfrom Boston. A new gymuselum sud h kudset us-oiramuemots.Pupils have t1îo opportîsuisy ofet honi thqs great artiste that visit Toronto.' .Apply for information te 22-l1y r PRa[ LtARE, PkIS A~T THE COMM ENCEMENI OF AtiATTACK TAXE A TEASPOONFUL Of Bie cou!Ld Prove ht for B-imself. Ôid Genit (te mail sbowing foiescopo> "New, rnly good mnan, if you car fell mua hew miany stars thora are iiu the heaveus aboya, I wiil prasýeut yen with a shiling." Maý " 4,869,57S, air." 'Ild lý'ent : " I catnnet credif, that stafe- neuft, m'y gond mian," Mail : W,-1ermy weil, air ; ceunt 'arn The ol gentlemnan psrted wif h the shili. A Wealthy Woman, (From Thse Toronto World.) Mrs.- Marfhe, Besanut le supposeS te ise eue or thfwlibc s womcu lu the world sud ho, wvealt1 je due te han ewuvr efforts. She landed Inu nndia, a littie ever tbirfy yeare ,ago a ptos wemjai), ber sole possessions blng a geed gen- ira i dcation sud n slighf knewledge et medi- Dito, acqnired from ber father, wbo wae s phi,,eclan. Elnowiug considorable ef botany, raud dnlng lu thse billseto India noots nS herbs hlc e barnod were blgisiy valuaSd by tise astias erï curng certain troubles sud punit v îig suld enrlcbing the blueS, elbe deyofed ail bai pare time te thse stndy ot tise mediclual virtuai tthesýe plaknts,, and wss rewarded by discoer- ng that m-ýany diseases prevlonsly tbeught tc re e1 inest ïincurable was-e easily cureS. by tha 110 et the herbe sud rente whau. pnopenly pro- îared. Be greaf was bersîiccees luunug cou- mnptleu lu tha fir3t sud second stages aud nil tiscases et the lungs, cafarris, sud disesas of wrmn sud nerveus des lity ns aiso, indiges- Io, ysppsa li n su lkidney diseases, rheumuatlsm, etc.,that suiferons coma fnom ahi parts ef Europe te sec han sud procure hai mecdicines. Gift ponrad lu uppu lier trou wOvalthy patrens wbor aseo hall curad, oui preseuf alene et 30,000 nupees (ithouf feu thon- san dolar>.Mrs. Begant is now lu Canada n bler way beome te India ait or a nesidence of th ree ,,,ars lu htussis, wbene ase bas been the boneored gueet et a noble family. A fewofet e formner patients lu Monfreal bave offened bai qn.ita alange amenf mouey tonthe rigbftti manufacture sud sali han remedies ou thie con- *tineuft but ase praters te keep the manufacture iinder han ewn co-atrol. lu order te, ensune thisai pu it ýie oenan agaucy ln tbis country t< dilspoe'ýtherm. Bier mollie e suposeS t be tbe ofly knewu. cure toncensumption lu the early stagjes. Suffenlng men sud women should write for pan iculars anS addross Mme. Marfbs B-osant, Teoreuto. Correspondance confldenfia Obeted to "Hlm. " A mnaiSon lady, espectiug that a tomnait er'ntwae regaliug hem beau upon oeld mut ton su the larder, called Betty, sud lu. quired wbethem she diS nef hear sorne speakýiug with ban downstains. " Oh, no, ma'am," repiied the girl. Il wae only me singing a psaim,", il Yeon may amuse younseif,-Betty," re- plieS tha maiSon, 'Ilwiîh pealme, but lat's ha-me ne 1'birne.' Betty, I bave a groat ob. jection te 'birn.' Betty cuntsied, withdrew, sud took the hlint. A BrgtAilit. & ANAIIN STOItY. CHAPTER V.-THE FiR.. Dark red the heaven8 abeve if giowed1. Dakred the sua boýnoatb if, flowud, edroce the ek n asbr7irn, lu b ood-redlither jelts wim Sceem'd tavllng1- ra of ir ULboLrd of tho es Not al 'one te is hneodwëas that s %me atimýe et trouble and aexiety. ThrUgh710,tIOuF ealye ail A nd rnuy of the ,orthera Stafes ioftae Union the diroc.ghtbadbe;en altogetiier uipriicelented. Tho climate ie always dry, but the rain, thcugb infrequent, je often very boavy, doing as much goofi in a short time as would elsewhera be accomplished by daya of drizzle. But lu 1881 there were scarcely any centinuad raine, and the showers ivere few and ighf, in Auguet and early Saptoni- ber even t hese ceased, and for weaks to. gether nef a drop fell ou the parchod eart h. The pastures dried up, the crope began f0 wither, wels aud brooks failed, and the farmere not ouly feared for their drouping fielde, but dreadad the backwobodsrns woref enemy-fira. One morniug Edward noticed a peculiar yeliow baze along the horl7ou, and draw bis masfer's attention. Affer a mornu's close scrutiny t he latter answered .-" lt's smoko, and the woods are on fire in that direction. If if cornes this way we muet watch the fences wll, and the wbole neigbborhood may have f0 furu ouft te flghf if if if cornes tee near the settia neufs,', for everythiug le like tinder now." As t ho day passed, t ho smoke.cioud grew broader and broader, nearer and nearer and nearor, and before evening if hsd covered aIl the sky, wbiie 8ece of sont and particles of burut wood sttied upon everything. The opinwin was generslly expresseod that the next week's papers wouid bring news o! semoe city dostroyod, for no more forest'fire could have caused ail the emoke: but the gathrïug- igh-t-undaeîivo-d-them -f rom- nortb to soutb, from oast te weef theo heavens wero crineon with the refloction o! the fanes boneafb. Darkness thero was noue;, for farm.and village, wood and river were plaiuly visible in the ruddy glare ; whîch reveaied not only the extent, but the noarnose of the terrible danger. Ail thonght of combatîiug the advancing focelhad te ho abandoned, and but one hope remaned- immediate flgbt. Val nables were hurried. .ly peaiked ' and waggons loaded with bouse. hoid goods,.aud long before thaf awf ni day bad dawned the roade wore thickiy peo pled with the fuogitives whose deeertedbhorna- sfeade were le! t to destruc-tion. Tbrougbout that night of fear George Barlowe had resson to ho thankful indeed for the kind impulse that had induced hlm f0 keop Edward. H ie prompt industry, 1fertility of resource, and porfect presence et mmd, enabled bim'f0 save mucb that 1 muet otherwise have gone lu that greaf conflagration. Atblis suggestion mauy bulky thinge, including a largo qnantity of provisions, whose removal îwouid have beon a hindrauce, were buriod lu the open fieldse; others were laid lu theriver, secured by ropes to rock% befioth the surface; even .a pond on Mi,-farm servedl for the protec- tion of sonie ight articles. ,Supplies for severai daysL, witlà a large number of shawis suad hianke and sncb tools as tbey mgbt 1need, wore pce in the ligbt cart, te wvih ii, apolo was bascLtiiy attached, suni the ; two futeet herass aruessed, Anothor 1hers-e, t13e cttie, sheep and pige, had been .tiforued loose in the evonling te Ënd what satety tbey ceuid ; asud shortly hefore day. 1break the party set ouf. .The wind had been rieing ail nighf, and -now hiew wîth great violence ; a heavy, oppressive wind, thickirwtb emoke and bot with the breath et the flre-flend. Tbe liibtness of their equipago gavo them a great advautage, and tboy went dowu the Potroad as quickly as the trighteued herses couid tako tbom; but fast as wae f their flight, the pursuit waW.Jaster. Mile rafer mile was passed at a rate thaft oniy 1 the terrer of the herses enabied tbom te rkoep Up ; but stili the enemny gaiuod so -rapidly upen theni that their case seemed .almost hopelese. Theoheathecame insuffer- iable, sparks sud bnrning brande f ell tic-k earonnd them, the roar of the flames wae 'terrific, and breatbing became difficuit. r At ast at the top et a or,,all bili,thoy found that the fire badl crossed the river, ewept oat an increased speed through the -pine. e wood thaf occupied the other bauk, and icrosiug again at a narrew bend bad kind- ýi led the vailey before tbern.' f Tbey iooked at eue anot ber lu consterna- 1- tien, but a sudden idea struck Edward. [" There is ene chance left, hoe cried " *' "tbere'e a biuehorry barren near bre ; I *eaw if as 1 came np, iast evoning.'" e It was a plateau o! severai miles' oxteut asurroundedon alsides byeoniderabiospaces ýf of mucb lower land. A hog iu au ordinary eweat ber, the liff le plaini bore ne vegtat ion rbut a thick carpet of mess, and a sprinki- oing o! thin -short biuoberry buehes. The i- turu leadîng te if bai been passod, and re- etreat wouid iuevitabiy ho fatal; but the "two ruade rau side by sîde for seme dlst anc "the ground betweon wae level sud bad " beeupartialiy cleared, sud there isas netbiug lui the way but soea straggling underbrush. 4The three men vigorously plied their axes, Mre. Barlowe and Alice led the almost un- dlid net iiivýade their eret They were' estee, tbeugb unecassarily prisoners for semai daye efreif wouiL hposible te pesaý thouhth meuildering toree-t. Btthow muciilibebtter off were fhey thaný o1,thiers ! Met of the fugitives bad Ilest Discontent 3S preadiný. Jinkers-"No usetnlking,: ther' oo thing wrong withi civIlizýatio,. Tig have got to b)e rfome, atene a ceased t" be a virtue. l'in going to be an Bunkr-'What'ebs peedi Jkrs-"Here Im asesed ne doilar dogj fufr a miseýrable lîtýtie t-wo.ceInt cur thaLt my boy picked up somewhnere ; w1hio rny ricb neiighbuor, with a five hundred djol- lar prize modal thorougIIhbred, doeenl't have to pay a penny more. A Frenich miii hand lias b)efere goinig to wokna piece of bread and2. worth et branidy ; at brea,,kfast, bread crumb14ldilteo soÏ bowl of coffcee; for dnnr a piece of br ead and cheese or an apple, or a gfli of red( wIne ; for supper, Dpieofbread and auegor oftener, a heringad La cup of nnWfee. q Henze exc3osea bile and deficiency both mean thiatter is teoie uc bile in the body oither lin the blood or ie tho gaýI1bladder. But the exorciseared referred f0 will purify the blond of any of its unnatural cou- stîtuentsý, of evory kn of impurîty, wbile careful ea-tinirni).Lprtti trength te ,maktLe better bloed Thuit jge e.n hat wbat, ever may 'bciUs symptorns, thafý is, the iug haera suother hanvees was ready t e ho ga;th1ered in, 1 l thesut aefe!Micsgn wvheme the fSmeoreigiumt> ed, tise reaedns- ity et the population uIdll hoeutern su1d 1,s o! lite inflnîtely groater, for thse moo6tbickly populated parts, o! Ontario ontîrely escaped ; but how mauy were overtakeu or ouf oif by the flamas will nover ho known. Among tise iset wae supposeS te biave boen Alec Macdonald, for ho was nie-er lîcard e! again. CHfAPTýEP VI. imiie antiS( e lohad Lthus thoir ewsy, YielSliug, ifko an April day. n dmiling 1noon for suilen m row, Ycars o!,; oy for hescrmo! sorrew. -[Rokeby. Frmrnthat bakoeid dsmoke-dimrned îeptember te higbt <Jiniemas weather is as great a contrast ase fom tise terrer o! (bat day te tise peacefui happi oefe this, on wbicis woe au te bîd ou riandsfarewehl. A spamkiiug mentie ot enexv almeet eutîrely conceals the tracas e! tise groat destruction. On the ruins ef the hemesead a lit fIe cot-1 tage bas aisen, lun-wiicb je assembleS a cheerful farily party. Tise eider bref bers, tiese eeso's succesful work ovor, bave corna te givo whst assistance tbey cen te their fstnen, sud by tisa united exertions o! tise fl-mo sfmoug sud ekilitul mon ho -aud bis few remainiug possessions wene acon cern- fonfabiy sisoterei. -Tise tunniture sud pro- visions saved were anougis for tise preseut neede, sud a emali balance lu eue o! the Ot-awa hanke hougisi tîmber fom ne-building, lea'ring s margin for seed sud a little stock witb whic-b te make a frosi stent lutise sprng; se- thaftbey were in a very differeut position iroinimoet o! tise victime et that awful fimo- Tise short wiuten attennoon was drawî ng ta a close, anuStise father aud his tisnee sous, were as-sembleS round the steve in tise coey littie itting-room; if would ho yeams befone, they could get loge fer open"fies again. ITell us bow tho engagement carne about, father," neked John, tie elden eue. ",Now's a good chance, white we are sione," added tise second, Frank. "For rny part, I've taken immensely te Edward. Ha sceene te me sncb a.genuine tellow, and lse's woked. ike a brick te get tahings jute shape agas." IlHoeIas, anS thene wold't have beau muci lait ite get jute shape if if hadn't beau for hlm," saiS Tom. I 'rn sure I ebouid have lest my boaS wbeén walounud tise fine was righf upon us if ha badn'î kept se cool; sud father eouldn't bave saved mucis alone." "IOh, as for that, ail bauds worked tisir be8t, but if was certaiuhy Edwamd that did tise thiuking.,- Yen knew hoe hsd popesed for Alice early lu tise sumnmer, aund I made hiî promise te keep quiet tili Christmass. But wiseu we found ourselves 9aeteasd tbought bew mncb if was >is Seing, your mother aud I ball a long faik whilo ho sud Tom sud Alice ware rigging a sort ef tout for ns te sluep in ont e! tise waggon sud ssmabsnkets, sud we came te -tise conclu- sion tisat if wonld ho ouiy igbt for me te gi-mo hlm back hie promise, aud let tise girl ha-aetise oeehe lîked tise beef. Se I cal. ed himn away while se wae b'îsy with bier blankets, sud telS hlm se." "IWbst 515 tby Se thon b "lIt's higis tirne yen found eut oxpeimren. taily whst youug folks do under aucis dm- cuimetauces, master John; se I sa't astis. fy your curiosity." h "I ouly know," put in Tom, Ilthet if took fhern a precieus long finie te get down, te tise brook te fil tise fea-kettle, sud wisen they diSl coma back i ast, I thongisî I baS nover sceau Ail co look se preîsîy. Oh ! I understood if al weil enougisýh; aud I was abouit as giad as tbey wee, for if set me fe. As tuey are go- iug teohi-ma home, father eau do -mry wehl without me uow ; sud I'm gosng te sot up for mysoîf whene tisera are'f auy woode te humn." "Tbat's igbt, lad , efike eut for tise prairie pmvinca. Ther's agood lot uexfteu miné that's vacant yei,and l'hIlonS yen î'sy plongis sd thinze tilt yen can bnyyour owu ; sud I bougist a youug cow fnom a new-coiner this fahi ; yen shahl ha-melhon, sud îwe or tbnee sheep. John's wtbin easy reais, ton)." "Quire neer enougis te ionS yen a beip. iug baud uew sud tison, sud let yon use mny oxen. l'Il gi-me yeu your seed, sud semne thinge fer youn bouse. Now, you baS botter go back wiris us. XVe hotis baS splendid crope se yen sba't star-me. " "Oh, thb'snk you! I should hike that aboya averytbing. Andi l'Il belp yen lui fumui as mucis as aven I can." - But hsd't ha btter wit f111 sprng V euggested the faisan. "lTbere's a tain boit o! timbar at the bot- tonsofethtie lot, se if hoe goas now hoe can ha gttiug up bis buildings, sud bots John sud I waut te fix up our bouses more cern- fertshly tissu we hav~e baS tirete Ie yeî."l Iifwo ail tismea werk together," aaid John, 'Iwo ebail get ou botter tissu auy o! us conîd alone." "4Very wel, ho shahl do ase ho lîkes. But, yen youug deserter, if Yen beave me uew, aud Edward stsys homo with me as lengase I liva, I shah lea-e ibis place te hlm." "Thats tain enongis, euly koep a corner fon me wben I corne te riait ye." "Thon, sitar standing hy EdwarS threngh thie tying ordeal, to-morow we beave hsm te bisfate, do we-" asaked Joeln. "Net we," juferposed Frnk ; 'we shahl ahl bave te cerne back afer awijle te tel- la proiounced Myngasý, Kiuollys ase Knows, ýmluiyas Sanda, Gowei7n s c'rr' nd n oce"De-al," withi accent ou tlisa iret syllahie; Ga i leGlane; Gogbegsn1 ssonîd ho proneunllced Osygan, ,,sud Rt!- HEALTH.r The.tI'ght Aui njunons. An oxtreu-rdinany talliy ne edread et- nigiss air. Wlsaft aircn we breafli e et nighit but nigist air b Tis choice le befweon pure ngî air !rrn without sud foui air !roinwi tbiu. Most peeple proton tise latter as naccnuab o ioje. Wbat wili thoy sy 11f je rov>%eS te ho frue tisatf ully oeahait et ail t1 isesaeos we sufer train are ocsce byepesleigwith thein wndeIws shunt ?A partly oen indow,1 meest nighinstu tie yar, can narrhnirtsny eue, 1 ngreat cities uîigbt air Lïjeteh hast asud pumesi te bh aS in twenty-foun heurs. Tise absenefet moke, tho quiet, aleil tendte ake night tise hast timo ton aiiug tise patienït. Oua et our higist roiclau thonities on consumption sud cm t fiS metflut tiseair et lange cities le nover segoodasaffertfeuo'clock at uighf. Aiways air youn noom tfien from tise ont- aide, if possible. Windows are maSo te open, dons are maSo te shut-s trutis hieusion. E-mry noornmuet ho sireS tnrnm without, o-mry passage from with lu. Pfosition for Bealthy Sleep. Mlany people sioep ou tise lit aide, sud thie isthtie meef common cause o! tise un- pleaant teste jn thse menthinlutisaemmuirg, whiich is gonemaly attrihuted te dyspepsie.j If a màeal bas beau takon witbin f we or, threo boums ef goiug te baS, te seop on thei left ide jeg te gi-me ties eomacis a teck wisichis isificl in tise extrerne te perforaiTisa studeutfo! usîurny knows (bat slf ood beaves tise qtornachs on tise ight sideansud baneco sl'eeping on tise loftiaide saunsitar1 eatig inv.ovesnsort o! purnping epenationj whiclîis leauytingbut ,aenducive te sonud1 repose. Tise action o! tise heart lisois iîitemfered with coucidenehuy anS tise lungsi ara unduly compresseS. If is probable that l Iing ou tiheck is (he meet naturel1 position, bunt few pensens cen reet essily se, ]asud hence if le hst te cultivate tisahabit1 io! sleep3ing ou tise igisfaide. Dyspepsia. Dyspepsia suosus-a dfiut i rpr thg tise0oo eten se that tisenuntriment enu ho oxtracted tieni if te aupply tise wante et ise systei. If f,,ood lseaeten napidly, if is swallowed1 lu langc elces and these are dissoived frornj witisout iuwards by tise jicas o! tiesa sîm-i scis, -a slump o! ico lu aglass et waten le dsovSfrom wjtbouf inwsrds. But this lesa slow procese, aud j! pnotract- ed heond four or fine boume, tise teeS bogins te ferment, te soun, csusing balcis- ing, weight on isheevînes t tise vitf o!the1 str ois srnass anS a variefy et other symnpteme ,-wstiswhicis Syspeqptîce are -mry farniliar. Onaetftise causes tisofet yspepsîs sa eatiug c,,e iset. If a pers.eest..teemuais tisa eSromains lu ties eomacis undigeet. aS, umited, undissolved, because isera is neft nou-gi gasîrlo juico te reduce if te tise propor coudlidition for yielding ifs, nutri- met ; as se machs"lco msy be put in s glass o! waten that alter awhile if cesses to melt, sud tise teeS (bue nensaýiuing uncissuged for au unatur- ah1 fîno, If begins te sour as befome, because tise percon bas; beau eafing ton) muais. A mnïmay ha-ma dyspepseafer tise wsuf o! a suiffIc,ýent amoinut o! gasetic juice te digest tise fod, aithhougis s -mry ithteeSinlay bave beon esten;: banco tise trequeut cern- plauint, Ifmialtes ne difforence wbetber I et muicisor littI(e; tisesialiest quntity e! anyîh,'iingdiýstraes ime. " Sncb a personi bas d;seia in an sggraveted fern, roin havuug jit fton a long firne, Tise limliteSl sup-et)f ni uc is tis enouit ef poor or b ibaS AI; 1t ho blood o! a Syspeptic is baS because fiteS- ,)la im wpafectly digesteS anS tise blooâ %iich if makes is imperfect, banco centaine buit sa,îal arnount o! tise lernts wicýh coinposýe tise gastnic juico. Tise ai- wayes ucceeïstul remady istohine ont oldoors nigbt sudiý day, oxecising until a-mary lit fie tireS ; thon reet, exorcise agein. until -mry isumuntil hnugry enougis te feei tisat pýlain bread aud butter faste delicioasly Lake s-mry emaîl amount, sncb as by ob- servation causes ne discemfort wisateven; thiongo ouas, efoeauntil -mry isnngmy again, take slilttle tresis meat et tise next measi sud s bit o! bread crut ; malte tise nlext or tisird meal o! tise day o! berSias, grapes, fruiit or melons.1 Panaeing lu this way, airnosa ay Sys. pepitic, wilh Sund himaeof gatîîng botter sud btter evry day, because o-mry bnesth ot ot-orair taklen relienes tise blood e! sema (-,of!tif impurities, sud e-mry stop, evoriy tmotion o! tise baud on arn carnies off -eLt f o!tise systern, tismougi tise pores 'fe! ts lin or ofberwisees greater er bass niumber o! impure blood atome; the bloodt berng tisus relievad o! more ot ite irnipurities,mskas aboiter quslityof gastnic jijsico; (bis iu turu digests tise teeS more tisonouiglisy, impanting more strengf b, giv- iug a More vigorous appefite sud tise man le getinig well beltere hokpnws if. Tise gizzamd Ionstomaàciso! a hioken wisen opened le tounuSta cotalu grains et coru or wheat sud liiaah pehbles. Tise action efthtie mus- cles ai tise gizzard je te keep tise grains e!f cern sud sanS in a constant circuler motion, cauising attrition, tise sanS being harder tisstIs e grains; lence tise action is s kinS e! gnrinder; se witi tise human etemacis. Iu dyspepsiatise musc les o! tiese tomecis are tee weak te pertorrn this gninding procese sud Ise b1na -mi .eks e s -wly(ba ..---...-.--.--.'-.......__________________________________________________________________ give nise, tise bing tu ho doue is te get id et tise ")L ibien i susppiy sbaferin ifs place. Tise way te o huisis te lB nrage lu ont'don activ.itroiud se ýselec0t tise teeSas feoanblelbhe aoast af pn 'ifin n s mauner Ltit itrey yiid ire nuntrimnent te tise sysem natnrally.-[Hugh Sievin, M. D. NEWS 0r ELE>JTMITY. A ANDYTANK RFOR EErIIT W bat a bandy resar'rir et eh-ecfnic c ur- rouftishe stenago baftteny la wisen ne oson sonceoaielectriciiy canhe tappe, ýwae eiowu rocetiy et a wedding reception. If was desimed ton (ha eue eveiug. lte produce s spociai affect et light in e large library. Storage colis wene soi up lus barn about 50 foot in tise rear efthtie rasidense, sud tam- ponsry wires non into tise bouse. By tisis mesus tise lihrary was fî1lleS with a guaw et soft t ven ligbf, sud tise heauties et tise painfings itbat adonneS ifs weils weno fuily broughf ouf. Ieispnemptu plants et this kind are se qnickly instalied thet (bey are heing veny mucis resented te for epecial occasions. Tisenatîne plantinl question was aeteS aud ready for operafion wifhin twehve heurs from tise timietise orSon was gln. TUNNEL DRlVING BY ELECTRTC MOTORS. Tise introduction ef eectria power je the improx-omaut o! drliing anS qnerying Ma- cbinerywifbinfi s ieffew vears le evidontly destineS te work s renoiutiou lu tise ecom- plisismeut o! tunnel engineerng projects. Excavations (bat tormanly occupied yenns cen uow ho maSo lu a few menthe, sud a sfrîkiug reducîlon lu tise estimatea et tise tirne requirod ton tise carrying eut of en- gieein lpans je apparent. I t la stated, batiepoposeS Simplon tunnel is te ho constructed ai a ceet anS rata whicis will place ifs predecessers lne s eade. Motive power le new eeeîly ebtainad ironi waten in tise Swiss monufainens districts, anS tise tacility witi which eiectric poweroa ha tranemifted mndera thise f easgenenafieg station a secondamy cousidoration. Tis uew tunnel tismougis tise besrfo! tise Alps le te ha comploteS ir ie sud eue-hait yeare. THE SCIENCE OF ELEOTRIO COOstIN.Df A Landau papar expresses tise opinion (bat tise effeasioattise adirent et lectnic oook- iug apparatuis wiii 0e te e-mol-mo a iigilyf scientific epecies e!fook, witb, unquestion- ebiy, higbly up-to-date notions about tise "Iliving wage." If quotas froma description of tise electric procesq lu tise istest cninany manuel; "Coekery is raised nom tise rle- of-tisumb lvb oiri etisai et auexact science by tiseuse o! a graduafed tisermueoer. For bread or puff pasfry a tamperature e! 370 0 Fsisr. la neq uired; for perk, yaal or ordiuary pasfry, 350 0 ; ton boa!, 340 0 ; sud inters ibat tormuiSo are tontbcomiug for jam tarte, mince pies aud Christmnas pud- dings. Tise compietiou o! tise l11sfe mate- rials anaihebie tor tise purpoes of the chef sud tise detenmiuatioui et tie propar tom- penaturo ton cooking (hem "te s turu" le a mattar that ln'rouves nef oniy tise kuowl- edge o! modemn kitchen hoe, but aise a famiiarity wtth tise specido bheats, latent hasts sud deusity et tise bofenogeneous mass te ho cooked. Seme e».t(ho noceut coekiug appliaucos are fted vwifh s wisohe battary o! awitcises, varions3 combînatlons et whlicb, lîke tisa stops et an Ongan, are uecesaary te produce rans u ffecte, Tise ituvuewhicb go wifh (ha apparatus araehaonae.Fer instance, isîter tise (noat- meuit e! a jo-intup te a craî 1-ts 1 beau spcified, we areoltelS(bt'" tour e! tisese swi(ýchas aireuow turneS off, sud tise1 hostie appiied tram oee ide only." if tisis accuracy sud Sexibility lu tise ccea- fret:ion anSdifflusion o! hast ry nts deyelopmieut ai tise subtie fia-ors o! animal juiicesasud tisanes is tego mauch funtiser tise ehactricai cook wili af taintoter ank o! tisevirtuose, tisedinuar menu wilh ho coustated aiter ise mauner o! a concert progremme, aud aucis items as Il A ym. pisony ju vanison,"11"Nocturne in frics seed pisessauf" onIl Riaspody lu troge' legs," wîilho bath corristent sud justifiable, Aeeuracy 0CanneS Tee Par. A ebip once went .ou a cruiso, sud tise captain Setermned te keep au accurato sc- couint o! tise voyage su bis log book. Oua moruîug tise firet mata, wbo baS beau ou a lenk tise day betore, iu iookiug ooy eh log1 book tounuStisis entny:1 IlThe firet mate wae dmuuk aIl daq, yas- tandsy." Ha at once appealed te tise captain, aay. ing te hlm:- IlWhiy in tise worhd diS yen waut te write (bat lu tise log book V" "la if nef (rue V" qnestioned (ho captalu. "Yes. but (home was ne use te state it." "Oh, yes tisera waa. I lofonS ta keep a fuil and scanrato record e! what eoas on ou board tisis sbip Snniug (ha entire voy- ae." Tise firet mate wae compelled te sebmit, but bis turu cama. Nexi day hoe was su cisarge ofet ts ip-tise captain faking au off day. Wisenhe f urneS Up tise noxt men- ing hi ounuS written ou tise log book : f "1Tisa captalu was sohen ail day yester- day. "- < Of course hae entereS a proteet. Il Webh, wro't yen soher ail day ?' ask- aS tise.mate. IlO! course, but tisane wae ne use stating if." N-. Hammerly, a well-kueown business man of fllboro, V a., sendefUlis festinieny to tia menite ef Ayor's Sarsaparilla: "Several yaars a g , 1 burt nsy leg, tihe iujiury ioaving; a soeawlich led te erysipelas. M1y1suif ei wera extrema, ter iag, f rom tho e e t a""""e, boiug a se id soea, wisicls began te ex. tend teot er parts oe! bo bdy. Aftertrying varieus remedias, 1, bagan takiug Ayer', Sarsaparilla, and, before I hall lnished îhsl ý flret hettie 1 experieuced great relief; tLhl second bottie effecee a complote cure."1 - yer's Sarsaparilla l'raparedby Dr. J.O. Ayr &,Co., Lowell, M ss, Cures otherst,iIi cure yoýii man Overboard. "O niy these whe ba hve beu roused froni midnig bt elumber on shiplieard by tho terrible cry ' Man overboard l'"» said a tra- valar, "lcan comprehend te the funil ifs terrible meaning, the fear sud horror in ifsý enriden alarn." Il Oh, yes, tbey eau," réplied s littile e shoemoker, -w-ho was not-mnch -of -a fra-v- 1er. I h eard if once wbeu I was'tn",iear the ship, sud I reaiised the biorner of it more than anyone aise." "1Yen conuldn't, " sairi the travelier, scrn- fuily. IlYas, I cou id," persisetre liffie lamne she-maker I was the m&an wbo was oven- board." ~L M EN Young, old or middle aged, whO flnd theri% selves nervons, weak sud exbausted, who ana broken dewu from excees or ovenwork nesuiting in many of the foilowing sym- ptemrs: Mental dapression, premature old aga, ioss of vitaiity, lose o! mamory, bad dreame, dimnese et sight,, palpitation et the heArt, emisefous, lack e! enorgy, paix lu the kidneys, headaches, pimplas eu thls face sud body, ifciuig or peculian sensa" tein about the scrotum, wastiug o!flthe organe, dizziuess, epecks before the eyos, twitchiug ef the muscles, eyelids sud cas- wbene, basbtuiuess, deposits lu the urine, lose o! will power, tenderneessef the scalp sud spine, wesk sud llabhy rmuscies,' do- sire te slaep, failuire te ha restad b)y slep, constipation, clulîneess (ifheariug, 'bas of voice, desire for solitude, excîtab.îiy o! temper, suinken aossuiroundted w-ith LEASEN IstLEsoil iokin1g ei etc., are ail symptmo! naofiirvous debility, 'tfiat 7-nsd te inisanity uls cureSl. The spring or vltlforce hviglest ;istension everyý function Nwaun liconsequerce. hs wothrough abuise cnattdnuinc)- ranuc, aay hoe permsaneufiy Z111. en yonr addre5ss ajid 10 cents ilutapfor book ou diseases pecilfar te m1ani, sent, soaled. Addrese M1. V. LUBO,24Mc denueli Ave,, Ternnte, Onit.,Cad. Ber Tyrant. Ho"Ynare s slave tefahn" She-"1 Weli, I bolieve. I ami,as miy drees maker je the fashien." How to geta"'Sunlijght" pictura, Send 25 "'Sunlight" Seap wnappers (wrapper bearing the wccrcs "Why Dois a Womau Look Oid Sooner Thau s Man") te, LEvER BRos , Ltd., 43 Scott St,, Toronto, aud yeu wlll receive by post -q pretty pîcture, free from adventieiug sud well worth frsming. This i2 aur easy way te decorate younr home. The seep ïe tho e bsf lu the mniIket, sud if wïiil only ceet le, postage t e eed lu the wrappers, if yen bcave the oendeeopen. Write your address carefully. "IJ nover toit neally discounaged about rny husband ntil thie yoan," sighel a gon- fle littie womau the other day. "But when he mistoilk the foiding sachet for fias which I gave hlm, for a drese-eniit prefector. sud a littie cnt-glass -olive disôh for aseoap fmay, I began te dospair about hlm." Et"or Over li'iftv Years Mas. sNSLOW S Soo'ruuoo SYtRU' hab beanu tied by millions of mothens for their chldren while feethiug. If dlstunb- ed at niglit sud biroken of your reet by à ,sick child sufferiug sud cnyiug with pain, o! Cuffing Teeth Epnd at once aud gef a bof fie o! "'Mrs Winslow'a Soothing Syrup" for Otîlîdren Teetbiug. If il reliemo the poor littfle sulfoner immediate- ly. Depeud upon it, mofhersthene iii ne miefake about if, It curas Diarnhoez, ragulates the Stomach sud Bowels, cure. Wiud Colic, soffeus the Gumesuad re- duces Infliemmation, sud gives toue sud enengy te the whele system. 1"Mrs, Wiuslow's Soothing Syrup" for chiidnren feething is pleasaut te the faste sud le thl proscription of eue of the oldeet sud beeli famale physiciane and nurses lu the Uniit- ed Stateo, Price twenty-five cents a botie, Soid by il dringgiists throi1gheut tho ,,orld, Be sure te ask fo.r "Miis. WT-NsLow1SOO80THINO Ru? "2217 Germany ile tnaining ihawks teiattack srmiy carrier pigeons sud bringhckbotis pigeon sund psibewsr rddsahs!tire enenmy te the Garmïan iUnos.- Caaatakes, lu proportion te bler înhb- iataineet tbree times as much BritiésR -oo 41-asThe United States r 1 1 al (