OUR TOWN AND OOUNTY FMTBT THE WORLD ÂPTERWÂi.%,g M. A JAXXh Eoxi-oa AS, BOWMÂNVILLEx ONTÂ-RlO, WEDNEt-SDÂY, FEBRUA.RY 7 194 VOLUME XL. ~UM~L. ~3 took taking sale at MniIm'u ÈS T ONI cC RYDEÈR MAN'S. nuu uuI1 3take stock about the t of March and will give %at bargains before that time in ail kînds of linler__ood.. kinds of Furs at COST PRIGE. )t of Dress Goods at about HALF IPRICE. Ladies' Uleters and Jackets about HALE PRICE. rstock must be reducedý i goods will be sold ex- yv .as ad.vertîsed. OOUGH, JOHNSTON & ORYDERMANe BOWMANVILLE, ice to Creditors. matrof the BE fÈte ofMaýry' IARPMOXýýY. ILe r.M.1.Druew aud CO.Clifford are hauling ic .. .. Mr. Johin Winter via- il-ed friendal at Orono Pnud irby,. Mr. Thomras May i2viiting bis son lun Chicago .Miss Ruby Mlacwood nud cousin oh-, Demnili college were visiting at AMr. John 1Winter's la&t veek siso MiessWhito atj M1 :!»Geo. lHutchison 's.1 'ho ogh'eo Yenoucas neyer teli what a j sl, ht ci re»td te ay iead te; it is etterefore., te give Farmer. sud you rielf the benefit of the douLbt, sud cuve sPstmste. t as sa as poýssible with Ayer'q Chierry wnd testamenit pectoraýl. Ady'eAv. sometimes an Moda 8,t Leur,'s elymay vesultinlu Brcus con- trases , bquecea ïice zud th Bid eutors wli net for said asst. or any part thereof to ou or persons of whoâeo daim or tice shall net hava boss veceived by I ,e tme ofesch distribution, ýt Bowmasville, this thirtieth day er AD., >91. J K. GALBRAITH, a ýi g-St.. Bowmsunvîlo, Ont., Sx lciter for Laid flxoatore., flI FULL SWING. iR'S OLD STAND. Photos nt lowest possible ,est. Cal at the Gallery, un BENNETT'S HOTEL. Ait wvork guaranteed. 1 ceeui the Isat tstyle in cabinet if neot cul[lasud sec thexu. Heýis turnlng ont flue work.v F' J. CARLESS.4 Sofala fiA YDON. Mrs. E. T. Slem-'on o! Oshawa li visit. iug Mr. W. Bvoadl, P. ML.,,- Someoef the rlieumnatics O! this eto are Iond in theýir praises o! t11e Kickapoo Indian meudicines.. .s. Thos. Ashton L vis. iting Mv.. J. O. LaBelie sud other Bow- mariile f ï-ieudis. ý. . Remember the Sab- bath Scîtool is at 10 e'cleck-come youug sud old. Asic YouuFulNUswloho ave taken1 1100d'$ aasailaWh&t they think Of it, aud the replies will b- posýitive lu its favor. Simpiy wlat HudsSarsparll% dees, that tells the story etf its menit. One Las beau curedi of indligest ion or dyspps,n another findâ itsj indispeusablo fo-r sick headache or biliiess whils othari ra- port remsrkzable cures o' sarof ula, catarrh, rheumatisuc, saIt rheun, etc. Hood 'sý Pillas are purely vegetable. kIOLIN'A. Quavtevly xueetiL1 ag we wl sttended at Zvion on Suuiday Iasat.. . .Ou Divisionu visited Benktoc o 2t'h nît. sud re- port a good tue, ...Messrs. T. Baker sud A. Abrahams are the delegate2 e! tho Sons o! Tempevanete the Prohibi. tien Con-vention lu Tovoutio.Solina Division wiviit Oshawa on mondIay iiht next. Rn.'tof Soiua &1,001 for, Jsnuary: Pol ish. Son4, Jae A. WerryV, NoraGWvy JAlgern-ion Vice, Chauide Law; Ses 3,John - Bke,EdgvWervy, Laurs Cox; Aune Cx, ilaMonitgomery, WilIie, Wiibu r- Seu12,Frank Ashton, Garflold TnAthur Bke'ýr; Jus 2, AImta Truili, FI!ranký Branton, ManI Revnolds; Son )ok's Sefala Shoo o', erpt 1, Irvan Law, George Northcott, Effith -e's fIne 6Boots sud Shoes Bl.,ev;Jus Ptl, Frarilk Vice, Arthur rva tho leat r ne, d -'3 stikeHarvy Brauton. Average a- wveaspouaih like satin, Fo edne4.C .BUowtahr heie dealors.- Teel n u ril l h iao For tevm et year"Glan xediciuea tatgivea 80 la raveturu fo-r1 ores, 2 Milles fi arn ihitb7- .the mon1ECy as ago oosstreungthiug saili. Admrabliefor stuak Q.1-1-r-I - e-. *ý I/xt Time You Buy Shoes Insibt upon haung a pair o Ê the famous ~ OLE a j~ ,Shoe made fo th',e fCna dinyt mar- ket. Fse' hosmrc t A. 4T.rtrc.,ocladu.o- Miss Gertrade M. Browu is vis:tel iný noewmanvîlIe luis weol,the guest of M si fGilfi latu. . ..Mr. Philip Tyler Lsd a herse die recntly.... Homo Circ'e No. 9 will 2ive aui "At Horne soo , .. . Inspecter Tiiley visited env achool 1,uat week.... Mr. Wm'i. Everson, Courtice, proachel LoeSuuday iinoruing... .Mr. Joseph, Ward has bo ght cthe proparty on Miii st. recontly purchased by Mv. Thes. Peters. CAUTION. i-BeWalv,3of auy man WILo offvr3 yen uim iitation tarticle, noeitater what it is, sud s'Y it is good -juait as good as the gon)uinet;" thify soit ail kInda of ;"sham r4emedies" lu t his wsy iupgn the re- putitien of the Pain Kilir-be sure sud get the genuine made by PERRY Av I)vs'. Large Bottiesq, popular price LA-L1OKSTOCK.i TefOllowi1ng are the officers of the Mohodiat Snda School for184 Supt, W C. Ferguson; Asst. Supt,, W'. JT. _Beacocak; Bible aises teachert, (maie) R. Il. Pruoît, 1femalo> Mm ,Mo)rton; for graded clase.s, (girls) Miss E. Wright, Miss Sarah Moore, Miss E. Park,-, Miss Lily Pruit Mrs. J. G. Marlow; (boys) J.H. Tesylor,J. E. Boa ieck or substitut-, W.Shortridge: Se . . I.F. Baek Liba, W. Sar J. Hl. Maýrlow HIaHY P.aîxr'-Geitlemeun,-- ihae use yor Hgys o .1Ye'liow 011 sud have fouud i-,t uneqiutiled for burus, F3p ri scald, nemtý , croup sud cold3. 1 have re-commiesded it Io mauy frianeua sd they sîso speak hi-gl!y of It. -MOUNT VERNON. ls home sud Mni Whitby visited L. of C. ment Oc MwiIIpon Abrahai Mv. J.( Iait wet INEWEIA 1YN Receut visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Danie: Yea Pollard, Os3hawa, at Mr. Power's; Mr. Wl Wesley Braciburu sund sister, Csrtwrigh1t, lin at Mr, Thoei. VanCamp's; Mr. aud Mre, rot Millicent at Mt. W. F, Curtis'. . . Rcv. R. D. Fraser, Bowmviiliedeiivered an sddress here at Fridmy elig. r is A. Tayl,.r, town, gave a limeio ightc show r Wednesday evenliug to a sminl audieuee jîcjr ....Mumips are prevalent ax'gihe sohool cid1-.. r.IaPer ej j storing as qu4utiy of ioe ...MNr. Samnueltr C. Prior mafls for the OIld Country on Sat- fr urday by tho -v ancouver of th ý Domiýiiorn iq Lin.... Mr. LBd. Withcrsge hliLqreturn hoi od to his homo at Lfbsault.., 1r- (.if1 M, Janios of Toronto hag ceudered-for tho mason work< of Mr. S Evers11 ,ý1IIl'y o house. . .,.Mr. Jo0n1Cia-klhas coruece wourk ou LASis uw resideic. . AMv. W. L HJ. Kýnight has goneý to Euglanrd .... Mrs. Jan A. Mý,1 Jama-i of Torontio who lias bs-)en CI I visitiug h. h2asmgone ou a visit tb)Lid- bur say .......ur es vteemüd teaeher, Mr. pro H. G. Mivtyn visited frieuds et Welc 'mei Wil Miss S. Brooks adMiss Ethel Hall r visjted ot NMr. O. YR.Hall. ..,Miess'NM.- Hnu:1Ck -viited Mrs T. Powe sý. . . Miss bon 13-rn8, Mrs. W-- Wood and iis Maud foré Icsvisited at Mr. F. Burni. Lou The woil kunown stengtheing po3xls2nd of Iron, combiued wïtth otha-r tonicsansd UH3 « nmost perfect nervine, are fund in C tr. Pt. tor'Es Iron Pîli, which stzrethen the -Ne]1 serves and body, sud itnprove the h1I ,od ard sudcomplexion. Les' Boys, if you want a nias unew suit audWl a presonit free caîl at Mason's Clot.hing ~ Store. Sesdvt. Minr'linnnissdby PhYsic-ý*ss. cat tbe cfficacy o! CUTICURA a Since a cake cýf CUTICURA SOAP Costing -25 cents is suffi- 1 6 dent te test ýt'he virtuï-es of thlese O10 cic great curativ.s there is now ro MAI reasen why tosns h d fui go througha liýfe te Je' Tcrtu red H by skin, sc-alp andod diseases which are Speeily anid permna- niently cured by th-, CUTîCURA REEISat a t±iflîig COst. Cuticu ra Workýs Wonders andi is cure)s are the ost r- marabl peforedby any blood and skin remez-dy ocf mcd. ern timies. AN L<ki3Ex. Coziip., iSoie 1roprletora, Bostor. I "Alabu he Skdln, Scalp and fLair," free. Comlezlen, haml nd su bar psevd purilied and beautifled by cuticura op Pain is the cry of a sufferino' nerve, V'o gmasl. ' ed2v. ! .. - -- -,' A tes ider t] Id El Jondai ie proa 30 by )n Meri lck tii R ani SHo 3rd. soul, Flestlie is imipvoVing but 8 rne botter. .Miss E, Arg'Ue) Pizkieriug Coleo..5.1t, n Aninis spent Sundaiy iu su ad Mrs Luke, Oîhawa, .J. J. Sxith's., >.Mie E. h-d thev sualnuai entoertain- 9. Officr,.-,Prest.--Geo. -A. Abrahaiiis; Tre,3_.-S uii particulars later .. 1 Lad a rousaing wood mee CoMîN.-Beo:e he ad- ig fliG iyf!te'ni shouid ho inclansd puvifiel lby the Bio)od Bittera, which puvi. sud cures dyspepics, cou.- lachie, liver compisint, etc. NBTVILLE uine.yeavt old sou of Wma, ,ponk Corners died Sun- nd was buried the folio)w. ..Mrs. Pool, mother cf Couiter, who was interre'd ry here on Jan. 29ý, was 86 . MessasCherrie sud urned from visitiug frieý'nda . Miss Loua MtoiUli as3 vlsiting Mýariposýa friend ]Ruse cf Ham,,pton viited .S.N.5, Darlington, fox ilmeB in order ,f mont. issiel Smale, SteIli Black. tIi--Normas Mls, ýEdith ùo Souch, Clarence Smale, t; Jr. 4th-Percy Eiford, uru, Charli Wight; Sv. 3rd t, Ernest Blackburn, ll 1Miton Wigh1' -Waiiscs El ttle; Jr. 3rd-Allie Wîght, el Liturs Bvagg; Sr. 2nd- kson, Lily Ye'Lileesj; Jr. Prout, Frank Wonnscott, tt, Jamles McD),uald; Sr. 2I Bragg", Luelis Ciwiil, Wrighltson Wight, PieiL- Jr. t. li-Emina Prout, in, Minuiele oar, Maud hal Ruiter; Pt. I -Ge-'orgie rBatîle, Normnas Yollow. Elford. .Aversge attend- D. MCDON-ýALD), teacher. i confoundled wiLh ceniitknon urgatlve Pfl. Cairrer'ti Li-tte t ontlrely uniflike thora lu One triai ll)1prove th,-r SA-LEM. be g.lven lu Salem chirch pices ef the Sunday Sechool League os Suday sud 18 suad 19, Sermons will n Sunday at 2. 30p.11 b [or, Bowmsuvihio, sud at D. S. Hlouck-, Ennisekillen sa will ho served from 4 e'. ave satisfled, Tho Misses okiliui and local talent wihi 1prograin. Admiission te alum.ent, 2,5c, ,S. No. 9), Dalington, for th-W Symionq, C Wi7ght, 4th-E Rutledge: Sr. 3rd E Wilkins, 1I Hutchin2son, i!cFeete3rm, N Symnous; Jr. tt A Rutlodge, IWî1 js Ji Hlutchi1snacu; S. 2nd- Vi'lkins, I Traveile, P JPar- u, O Parsong, L lender acott, L Buirgesaz, IH Bir- .-WN Wevry, C Colacuitt, Pt. II--F Floey, LI Gaud; hM Willzips, C Hutch lu- ctt, C paros WHu iarity-E Rut'edge, Ml [ucioS H Z3kîn. Rutledge, 1 Travoîhe, dance, 40. E. M. FIEL- Receut visitors: Mvr. Tudhope, Graves- hu-rst; -Mr aud Mis. F. W. Lee, 1Kedron; Mr. arýd Mrs. Brighit. Columbus. . .ThM' ty hanve joiued the Division during 'the Issu four weûhks asud lots more to fellow. It mieets Weduiesday this week.. . .Quite an nee is being taken to start a cheetle facîory ' er-e.. . . Or Division lun. tends viding Raglant Diçicion Saturday aight. .The children relaving a ceu test lu giving programa oevry Fviday. To groýw ol 1 gvacefuily, ore nuqt live temuperately, csimIy, methodically; ho in. tevoeted iu althatiý4 s goiug ou lu the iwold; bb cheeýrfUl, happy, sud coutonted, sud ahove aIl, kei p tha blooI1 purs sund vigor. e-us by the use oL4 Ayer's Sarsa3par Ils. Be sure sud gPt Ayer's.. NviC WTONYVIL LIE. The auuiverssry of the Preshbyterian) church will ho heid as foliowys: On Son- day Feb. 18, Rev. S. H-. Eastmran, B. A., preaches st Il s. m. snd 6 30 p.,im. O n Tuesday the 2Oh, tes wii o erv from ;5,to 7.30 p. mn. af er whiech addresia. os wili ho deliverucd by Revs. R. D. Frader, W., S. Pïitchiard, R.. T. Co-c.rtice sudif others. Gond mus3iclby local sud outside talentc. Tickets '25 cns ShlhsCura- is sel-i on a guavrantee. It cures Incipient Cousump i îiln Lt la1 the best Coiugh Cure. Onîly eue cent s doe; 25 ets , 1-0 cts. and$10 per botte. Sold' by Stott & Jury. Visitors: Mv. J. L. AlIFu sud wife,z Lilndsiky; Mis-s Squelch, Toronto,gouest of1 M3ss Minniie Morrow'. Mr. A. J. Cour. tîce vis tiug ,his brothcer a% Newtoubrook; Mv.r L, T. Courlice sud sister Floveuce at Moorefiold aud Mitchiell. .,.-0a Satur. day eveuiiug a lamrge number et friendaB of Mv. sud -Mrs. Tooley gathered at te homo for the puirposcl of ceiebrating, their Ch! na we ddiuig. A nicely worded £md- dresa with s auadacrue 6dinuer :Stt sxLd siver omuet stand w ere given the bride sud groom after whicL cernp'imn'ary lpeealis, reitaLitius sud înalo made up s very plo-aant eveuiug. . .The pcial serviceat sEbnerercbeiniz coutiuus ý ed this week , . ep. NVn1ki of the S. à. a s b e n a i 4 to K i stneo nIl Fou RL~eAT vn ..h Miss Minnie Jo'meil, Pickegrinig, Visited frieudm ee durfiug the week ... An in- toresting sund pre.fitabb'e tiue j ljaticjpat- ed at the S.S. GConvention ihold iu Tyvono, on Tnuesday aud Wdnioï day next. . , The meneteny of living was veieved (for v yonng peop'e) by a very iively miovexuent of the feet on a receut date, . *.Mlr, sud Mrm A E. Clemieus celoburated lthoir wedd-ýlIn niv vary ou Weduesday oven- ing Isat in the preec3oef aody u 1b or of invited guests. ,.- fir.Harvis vo- turned ont Thursday Isat f romi a v-lit te Mv, m.d Mms J. Hl. Hiaks, Toronto JTunction. .... ,Rov. R Me1-Cullocasd Mv. Jas, Biugh-am are delegaîvs te the Prohi. hition Convention lu Tovounto. . .The S. A. captais flot ha in srived t'jo service je tithe ba-rvac'ha ou Saibbatýh üoe ingp 'was abiy coudluctedl by three cf the A very fair atten-dauce st the quarterly Sac'rameuýtùl service lu ti'e Melthodist -churcli ou SabIbsth last Au excellent sernins by tle pastr... . The special ser- vices avre being continued sud are iees isg ateadily in lutvrest . . .At the regu- lar busineiss mr.eeting ou Monday the fo. lowinog resoîntien wss uuanimnously ad- opted: MaTýved by De. Mitchell secouded by Mr. F. Ro,,gers: Whev2ess env esteeni. ed brother, Wm.a Gilbert, -r., has been a lýcaI preýacher for over sixtîy ears; s me"mber of ticoficslBoard of this civ cuit siuce union sud et the B. C. Board proviens to that &.'ince cerniiug tewh,3 cuunatry sud whereas Le Las now remove-cd te Bownma ville. therefore, be it raeoiv- ed, that this Quaterly Board at t-Le first meeting since his reinoia desimes te ex- press lat.-Its symapathy with hlm lu the Ioas of Lis companion sud theceuosequont louelinesof lifistogether witL Lis lun- firmitier, al nf whicL give hlmi abundant oppertuuity te roalize the deptL of meas- in- centained ilu Psui's wovds "We gloryý lu tribulations aIs." 2ad.-Our un- bonnid e cnfidencre in hie christian char. acter sud te heavtîly veaexnucaend Lim te the bymnpathy ad mi fidexce of the Bow- manvi!la chuvch, prayitug that tho great1 Hfead o! the clinveh wili give hi that lielp which cometh frona above until ho shall bear IHie voice sayug "Thon hast iteen faithfui ever a few 1hxg will xuake thee ruler ever maay tbingp, ester thon into the9 joy of thy Lord." AIs3 <bd py i tht x-laiuion b-s sonIt te tiuCrstian Guardian sud tLe B-xmn ville paperei. .. .Viio:At the Payses).n agMvi. W. R. KnIlLt, Mia-Kuiht Bewmanville; Mra. îT. IW'îim su dangliter, Welland. -Report of echeool foýr Janaary. Cslasg j LEA RD. Repo t of Leaka,-rd Puiblio School for Januury: Natues iu order of nt. ' uýSr -4, F'. T;uli, Rs)a Bal]; Jr 4, Mda Lawaen, Phillis RaF CeGoty Davey, Pol;y Rals; 'Sr 3, lys t igThomas jackitiu; jr3, Hjanahý Bell, Jlu Rails, fM. Bel].,Sr2, - "aI'ace Spronle; Jr 2, Mary Jackson, ., 1Cornish, 1'. Robtins; Pt 2, Lavira Corani, Elias Ppio)r; 1't 1, Lorr e Prown,, Ma2gio BeJL AverAge attendance 40. W. -iH. TON KiN,, Te-icher, Mossars.A, W. Csrveth, J. P. and A. J, Staip'es are appointed dolegates, by thoe Epwotth beague tCo attend thle "Tempar. suce Conventi -n iu Tcranto. MAPLy ORO t'B. Mv. Thos. asud iNss Eliza Shevoidani, Os9hawa, speut Suuday hr...M. Robt. Hicks la, visitiuig friends neir Orono. .... Miss Alice So)uch. Bowmauvilie, snd Mis3 Idla S,,uoh, ClsrJke Union, are visit- iug friends here. . . .RF v. Mr, Manley, agent of the UC. 1_1s. preacheps 1eve nixt Sunduy. ., .MeIsrSt vensý, F. Foley, T. Power smd JacI Sevn are attend- ing the PIrohibition Couni-i iiab Toron- .... Ouir P; ftpous of 11d(Jxtry int-ord having an O t-r Supper Feb) 19. ..The social o' týi,,E 'wr h Leaýgue Thu'day evenitna w ta a sple;ndid suc-essi, Tha choi ran so eKecelerotselections; roa"dinga 1,.,(t recà-tstiuas were given by mb,ývs ofthe lbague. Rifreshinenta were survcd ad ail enjoyed a sociablù The best medic i authorities soay theý proper wsy to tretÀt aatarrh is tske a cou- st*!tuitoiei iromeitjy lîkeo od'î -arsap3a« r 1h. TA UN TO.N, Scboel Rpýo-rt for ,ýANo. f1--Sr.4, Herbent StfAtote, Ella FlIntoff. J -. 4, Amolis Noblo, Stella Mutton, Msud Aruott. Sr. 3, Alfred FerÉaey, Albert Brnhet, Lutier C rulal. - Jr, 3. Clharlie Sr. 2,N oïman-nLuachi,Norvai % Washingteon. Jr. '2, Ntmu 3eiŽet, Arthlir Stsinton, Bertie issel. S r. Pt 2, Arthur Loanmmaid, .He bic oOko, Fann;a Oke. J,. Pt, 2, Ela Noble, Gertie L&sgmaid, Voies Leacli, S.PC , 1,i hSt'inton. Jr. Pt. 1, PRoY AlLmx- LITS ïe - ~r 'ked, taitand ashab if aa dried apples, eggst, butter, w ~.cressedho. P. S.-Fowle to fust. atlea2t tweuty. fou Lui heor bin" killecd, Kil by b1ei~Wei! niu'th3e ueck; do sot wriug JAMES MANNý-, Pirst dojor i:ast eof netou, Peoplo sous ind -nt wLere they can, Le .~ value for their moncy, thi s ex- pla1ins why 'Mayuard tho jeweller did such a big trade last %week. Big 20 wae the buae-t 9h-P lu town-tremesdotE5 rush. MyadIs vwinni.ig a great Dameý for qelling watchep, jewelIry, silverwiare, ringi, etc., Vary cheap. Ho0 bought i.o atoai'?-,for 5e.os tho dollar, hoýace ho cau a'fford toe souchoanapnsd i2 dO;IsLà too. CaILi Ladieswntiug ,,auything, in Fur Gooîs cas maakaiuouevy by bnying at Couch, Jeutn& Cyomn Jringc comfrt sud apovm nud tenids te eo oa 97yiet hen righ1tly ued'TIu who live b.- ter than ot hers aud enijoy life mpore, with les expeud(iture, by mo;re promnptly adapting the i od~s beat producto t the LemCEdeo!phyowca1beug, WiJI atteat the Maus te haithod de puy Hiqud laaieprinc'iples eMbrsooacd ln the redSyrup of Figq. lIts excell-ince' idue to its resýent.ing lu the. form mell aceutabancArias-. Cutlcura Anti-Pin i aster ;s the PUE gUK. 6; e Plaster. eut l~ t-be Hoi~se. A JAMM EDITOU 1 ý ý "It voi-cir XL. 6 ENN18KILLEN.