Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Dec 1893, p. 4

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FRUIT- CAKE' PLUVI PUDDING YOUNG tu 0., Grocers, have al the requisites. CURRANTS, RAISINS, PEELS, ESSENCES, FIGS. DATLES, ORIANGES, LE MONS, NUTS. GlIAPES, CONFECTIONE1RY EOý0WMA NVILLE, DEC. 13, 1893. Mn. Daltea McCarthy wili hold public meetinge lun Port Hope sud MilIbrook iiext Tuesday. The fat stock show at Guelph asat week was oeeoe the meat successf ni > et held, but we do net see the naines et any exhi- bitons frein Eastern Outario.. The Agriculture sud Arts Asseci'ition lias decided te abandon prize tarin coin- petitions sud te estabiish stock scies for the estansd west te ho held ecdifali. MnIr C. A. Maitory, grand presideut Patrons et Induatry, Warkworth, has been nomînated ton the Dominion House sud ýt1r. J. B. E iug, Dartford, ton the 1o use fer East Northumnberland. The mý, vultiplicity sud excellence of ethen magazines, fan frein lessening the usef ul- nes eto the Bctriei of BReiews, ruakes this unique peiodicai more aud more a noces- sity. Its indexes, condensations (f lead- in, artLicles, ciassified lista et new books, sud generai sunvey et things written, thinga said, sud things dou-, auonth preceding its issue,1, te kzeep the busy reader--.ý ïrn the cornent et lite ac- o, ven if ho were aide to nec ý1xm11g else. Thie De- is gs t< riety and tresitiess -e negulai-ly been; S- Re- iugly superov e eAmerican aln d lish pîctonisîs la3 ne exalggeratiou. Th , ý Art Supplemente ef the Christmtas St ,r are perfectiy beichiug asud well w,)rth framing, whui-t- the Czinaâiiau wid forera tenu sa supî'rb pirtfolie. As a Cinhiautais pi z -.1, t tefrnioii 's9or t) decnr.te the homle st IoCl t,'. e-~, ),-Ti Christmnas Star ia grand, sind te fiud that euclia hîgh c'asa art publication is sold at se srmal a figure as fitty cents, is a ev- alation that la eally smazing. Tiie pqh. halions are Grahain & C., àMeutreal, whe 'will end it direct whlere it canet ha precumed tlirough -% newadeaier. Tho Chliu~tas number et Se ihuer'e Magazinie centaine five short stonies t(f unusuial bestuty in eutiuîent,: epecially chosen for thein apprepmiaterîesa. Thero b inl addition a hîtherto uupublithsd wonk et fiction - by Sir Walter Scott, which la lier o piiuied hy arrangemnent wlth Mme. Maxwell Scott, sud introduce i sud edited by Audrew Lang. The peetry ot the number nepreaeuts au equaily sot- able liat ef authers. The liutosr-aticus represetît the boit vrerk et eminent art. lais'. A nevelty iu migazine illustration~ is sixtei pqees et exqniaite hait tcne e- productions et the Dellai Rabbis e culp- zures, prnted in tint te snggest the dcli- cate mimerial et the ]Robbia work.* Alto- gethar the niunber represînts a strihing liat ot coutribim erý, and ogreat ricliu,s ot illunstratiou, there b-m1ng teenuy fu pages roin et the Meth diat olinrel, Bowman- ville, on Mouday Dec. 18,unuder tie aus- pices etoftho L'ecal Union et Christian Eu- deiavon, ou "Clairus of theCirîstiau En- deaver on the PsallC. " Mn. Fanston was eue et the epeakers at the great union convent ion in New York audlas ad te ho a doen lecture. Silver c'i~n ILL-TIMED STAB AT PRO±if- BlTION WORKERS. Editor ~ttsn , DEAr. Sr.-On Mouday' niglit Dec. 11, in the Presbjyterian churcli of this towu, the 11ev. D. J. Macdounell delivered an address on "Conservatism aud Progres in the church" characteristic of the man. Mauy of the points et that address were excellent. There was one point, how- ever, to which 1, as a christian temper- suce masu, takze eceptiou,and lthat is,that the christian curch hlas no riglit to deal with Prohibition except in an indirect manuer. Unfortunately for the lapsed classes'of maukind, too inucli ot the work et the churcli being doue to day is ot this character. Mr. Mscdonuell said a goed deal about loyaity ito Jesus Christ. 1 wish to ssy rmy loyalty to the Saviour of men, aud te the temperance cause does flot permit tue te sallow his straigyht cut at Prohibition te pass without entering my carnest protest. ln iny judgmnt, temý perauce is a part ef our cbristiauity, sud 1l also claimi that intempersuce as connect- ,dayth the liquer tralfic of the wenid to- dais subversive et the best interests ef humýauity. And I believe, tao, that the christian church hý!s a perfect riglit te deal with s. great au evil as the preseut liquor traffic, by usiug its direct influence te totaily prohibit it, if in its judgmeut it thinka proper te do se Yours in Chrstiau eourtesy, The Parsouage, - CALEB PARKERn. Bowmsuville Dec. 12 '93. A GREAT OFEER. The Globe et Toronto la c laie ing great inducerrneuts in conuection with ther weekly for 1894. Toail sobscniberi, who forward thein eue dollor by tho end of December next,they will senit The Week- iy Globe for 1894, sud, iu addition, pro sent thein with a copy ot "Hfinta tfor the, Millou," publiahed by MKesrs. Rend, McN'aily & Co.,theo celebrated pnbliee Iof Chicago au d New York. Thio wozk la an invaluable b-tek et te. fereuce sand handy for the hluthojld, boiug a compendium eftlihîu,3 nds oet new sud vainable receiptesud tsuz2etiuu-t on hygiene, medicine,bu.iue3s affars,trasrd- Jing, the workshop, laboratory, lieuse, kitchen, garder, stable, etc. The revalar aoling pri ;e la 35c.; it la wo)rth $ýe1. PRIESS NOTICES. Ut3etul ta an inquisitive sud econoinical housekeeper.-New York Sun. A to k which will ho feund uaeful 1, everybdy.-BWston Travel'er. A very na3eful thinz for altandy pe-scu. -New Orleans P ciyuue. The "Hints" are comiprdheosive enougli and the wouder la they sren't cdiled a "HlouselieI Euny c-i ped-a. "-CincinnatiI Commercial Gazeý t i. More us fol %uformatlon eeuld not well hg cr.,wded lu the smie space -Stàn Francisae tBuetm No waii regiisted houehoid sh'uîld be ,topy oi"Hints tor tue Mi lion.' -n,ýpirit of the Timea. The book will be torwarded free ot portage. The offer is a meat liberal oe sud ahouid secure s larue increa'e in the circulation cf that old established sud excellent znewspaper. YOUNG PEOPLE NEED IT. In the Panay for .1894 a special depart- muent, Our Christian Endeaver BUlýetîn, wil be devoted te theworkut the Christ- ian Eudeavcr Snciety: The editor, M ne. G« R. Alden (Pausy), lise long been eue of the prime meve -a lu Chrithau Ead8a- ver wc,rk. R3v. Teuniej S. Hlanilia,D.D., contributes in November an article on The Immediste Future of Christian Eu- denvor, te, be tflowed by he1pful snd prog es§ive. papere from ChristiaauEt.- speciaàl ts. 0.1her departinonts oet ,the magazine are te be breadeued sud eularg- ed. One ia the deparîmnent et Athieties, sud Indoor Gàmes iu the Fainily Circle. Mr. A. Alouz) Stagg, the f..meus Yale pitcher, will cent' ibure an early pap-r, te be foilowed byother experts. Trhe Pansy Reading Circle ia te take up Greek Die tory this yesr. Elizabeth Abbe t will prepare iutereating pepers. An imi ert- sut new teature wîll bc D.ily Thooglits, compri2iugdaily readingas for Christian Eindeavor S îcieti'e aud Suuday-schoola. The Miesionlary and Foreign field of labor will hare special departinenta. Baby'a Corner, will be continued. Se wiIl the atoniea about animale, pet@, etc. The Paney ie $1 a year. A free Subecription will be predented te anyoue sending direct te the publiîhere twe uew subecrîptiona, w 'th8$2 for the saine D. Lothrop Ci., publishers, Boston, Maso. The Msthodîst Magazine. Ameng the notable articles 14 the Djc- etuber number are. "IRcuud Abcut J eru- salein," with cigliteen cwa, a capital Chrtisasoe~y by 11ev. Hugh edley, a vigorous pies for, Pr, hibitioa, by 11ev. J. S. IRosa, a clever iutriteî paper on Twenty cents a number. -Two dojllarsa year. WilUaîn Bniggm, Wesley Buildinge, HOLIDAY S]gOPPERS. Motlney S&Ved bly reading Maon's ew -advte- Good henses te rent. Appljy te M.A. James. Fer Coats and Fur-lineci 0,).te- i lot at Mlason'e. Yen can get ail widthe in stair aile q0or oiclotha at Juîo. J. Mkascu's. Foi the bost stove iu the matrket buy the Happy Thought at Edaali'a Boys' Suite at whelesaie ceat îrice. Seo T. Geo. Masen's new advf. Cawker & Tait have the beet 25c. Tes in the country. Cal sud get s sampie. 1 eau mnake it te yonr sdvantage te buy ef me if yen will cali. Mayuard the J eweiler. A lot et uew dreis gooda atlling off at about hait price at Ceuci, Jehnston & Crydeumau'a. A big stock et tiret ciase f urs kt moder- ste pricea now aliom ing at Ceuci, John- sten sud Crydernan'o. A large choice et ne(-w Tweeds very cheap at Maeen's Ciething Store. Al cloth beuglit here eut free ot charge. Hlow je your steve? Il yen need aiîy repaire, pipes or ftirniure you may flnd wbat yen want at Edsahi's, Bewmaniviile. Read the West End, Hou-te adverti e meut if yen are coteinplaing biiyîng s Jacket. They have rEduccd prieea al anound. Couci, Johnston & Cryderman are showiug s big ftotck oft men's aud boys' overcoara ie a)l sizesansd qulitiee-i;ew g' ode eud extra good value. R ickard'a hg the place te buy Wcdiiîîg Rings or auy other Ring suitable for lady or chiid, beoît direct t"ouî the marnu facturera. A $9 ring for $3. The Radiant Hoine le the favorite steve for ieatiug purposts. Yetishu.u!d eee t'iose haudsome stores at Edaali'o. They a ýe as gondi se îhey are lbande Uie. The attention et 0cr readora is dirpct. ed te the new advt. etfJnv. J Masrun. Tliey are showing speci til aut lun Ladies' sud Misse-t' Coas. Ca!l te î'ce thei.M 1 Those lovely stores ! îithtei remark very frcqubntly m-tde hy ladiue passinL, Edsali's hardware store. The Happy Thengbt range has ne sBupericr lu the world. Or Teaà continule te give the hast ut satistaction. Tfy'our 40,3. Young Hiyson somcching tiIw aud exceptieusliy eood valne. Cawker & Tait, the greocers, Bew- nianville. If yen htave s Wateli, s Frenchi Clock, vr aoy other valuabe ie piece which hy sny niease las gao ut et order or broleo.take it te Rickard's; ho eau make it as good as new. Ceuch, Johuston sud Crydermian report the biggest sale ot ladies' -oa1 th-y ha ve erer had and still they have s finest.ock of besutifnlfly desigved sud lot'eiy ftting Germaiimade mnties at ail price. WVe want evPrybody who lias not seen our 7 sud 8a Factory te corne in and lonk ab thein. Tht-y are3 superior value. WVe are aio elling s big lot et Shaker Flan- noie lu very pretty patterns. Jf.J.Mason. The West End 1Houîse lise d6cided on clearng ugot their stock of Germaàn made Jbckets before Xmas aud te tuake thein go fast have put the knite loto prices sud cntt, beuti-do w n -Ata y down,. So e advt. Ihave yen a hanging lamip If net, ç6hy net ?i Don't yen, know they tarc very mmcli cheaper than they uaed te be. Cali at Edssll's Bowmiauville, sud seel how lowtliey areselliug. Tiereisea fine collection. We are sliowiu'g special values lu Fure, Ladies' aud Misses,' tur sets lu opossum, Nutris, Peraian Lamb, etc. Ai-e speciai value lu Men'e Fur Ceatesud Persian Lamb Cape. Full linem et Lamb Boss. J. J. Mason. Wstches for Xmds ! They are se cheap snd good at Rickard'e that snrely yen eau afford te make your daugliter happy by presentng lier witlî eue. A lady's solid gold 14k case with Elgiuworks for $18.00 Worth $50,00. LADiEs-Ask for Hook's Sofais Fellah for fine boots sud ahoost. Use tie other aud yen wil ho satisfied with the resuit. For sale hy 3M. Treleven, D. Davis, Jue. McMuîtry, sud T. G. Mason. Matin. factuned by A. J. Hock, Bowmauviiie. A pair et Goid Spectacles makes oeeoe the hsndsouîest Xmas presente yen c i give Father or Metheor sud Rickard'a la the place where Voen got the heat vaine, fer yonr mtnny, sud the co perfectly itted as hli la sgraduate optician. W'hfu v u uy s sealett e n may as weIl buy th(, best-we believe Listera are the teet. Ve import thein direct frein the manufacturers sud are showing thet lu six qteawities. No botter value auy where. Conchi, Jolinston sud Cryder- insi. FusFits ! FuFT.s ! Ilaving bonglit Iargely and the weahen se mild, the ou ail &ldez t. hs'could ho kept i h I liuse rcguisrly te aveiâ delay whe, needed. It ià sold at ail the drngy stores. Minaîd's Liniment Cuires Diplitherie. I7"S A ,SECRET - that many women owîe their beauty to Dr. Pierc's Favorite Prescription. The reason -beauty of form and face, as well as grace, radiate frora the common center- health. The b'est bodily condition resuits froîn good food, fresh air, and exercise, coupledl with the ju- dicious use of the "Prescription." In inaidcnhood, womanhoo ,and motherhood, it's a supporting tonie that's pectiliarly adapted ta lier needs, rcgulating, strengthening, and c 1uring, the derangements of the sex, If there bc headache, pain in the back, bearing -down sensations, or general debility, or if there bc e nrv- ous prostration, and sleeplessness, the "lPrescription " reaches the origia of the troublc and corrects it. It dispels aches and pains, corrects dispiacements and cures catarrhal in- flammation of the lining membranes. It's guaranteed ta benefit or cure, or the xnoney paid for it is refunded. CASE FOR POIJLTRY Tue udro~dis prt-y 'i ,,pay th'e highest cash priod for eauà q'1k-tti1) Poultry dressed in the following : Bodies dry picked, wings, ta.i1 and head unpicked, and undrawny.' MsAlo Cash paid for beans, dried apphts, eggt, butter, and dressed hogs. P. S.-Fowls to fast et least- twenty. four hours before being kull'd. Kili by bleeding well in the nt ck; do not wring ý te ilek.JAMES MANN, First de')or eust of Bennett flouge, 47~~3m*Bowmauviile, A Polite Invitation. Reacter, if you )ive within ten miles of Bowmanville this concerne you, especial- IV if you are a householl&r snd want the beat teas, sugara, raisiiis, currants, and other thinga in the, grocery line at the lowest liviug cash prices or in exchange for~ farni and dairy produce. The people of Bowmanville aud West Durhamu,i. dividually and collectively, are cordially iwited to call to tee W. H. 0àib'ý,riiu at his large new shop in the east end of Nead'a brick block. 11e extends, à apecial invitation te the ladies whoenejoy U d1elicions cuti Ottes-no bettor teas in thA market than lie teleansd noue sold cheaper. "O0sborne'e tea" ie a household 'word i mauy familiéesand ho wants many more te give it a trial. A freeh aq. sertient of f-4ncy and staple groceries just arrived for the hol.day season. lligheat prices for Alaike and red clover seed end other kinds of farin produce. ma s Is, Most appreciated when it is cf the nature that gives pleasure as welI as being use- fui and instructive. Were will you«flnd them? At Kenner's Book Store. A fuil assortrnent of Painit Boxes, Drawing Slates,Gamnes, Tin Toys and N,,ovelties. Everything at cost at VARIETY HALL, B13IýAN VILLE. THE DOM~IIN 11111lfual Fire 1um8uraiice Aiýsocin tion Issese a genuine "Planket" P,)liey te farinera- RATES Ist lAes 55 ceàtg per $1. 2ad "75 1L -Term. 1 yease Most of West Durhain's promineut farinera are insured in it.. R. J. DOYLE, E q., JESSE TRULL, Ecq., Manager, President, Owen Scund. llowmanvi]ic. Will call on recelpt cf pott card. Agent for West Durham,. A, W. FOLEY, Box 148, 51-GBEownmanville. Ont. JJ OISE TO RE-NT -A Fremi-detached brick bous on Churciz street Iately eccupied by Coot. Crawford. Terme moderato. Apl eA. -ý,uNiE. or T. BINeriAm. Bow. ALL OU'$U SHEET MUSIC Reduced tu 5 otinf a; by mail 6 cent,. Cata. 10511e free. AMiARIN*;SMUSIC BOUSE, DETROIT. M17 1 f-tf, West En4 Hou&e. Xmas is nearly on us---what Wvi11 I buy for this one or that one is the important question of the da.y. We would suggest that you wend your waty to the West End Ilousq. See their stock of Silk Handker- chiefs. They have a very large assortment, fancy and plain, from 1:2-.c. to $1.25 each. They have the best $1.25 Lace Kid Gloves in the market. They are selling ail the But- ton Gloves 110W in stock for 50c., worth $1 and 75c. You. should corne early and see these Glovés as the sizes so9n run ont. In G ent's Ties and Kîi Gloves wê have a splendid range. Also Silk and Cashmere Mufflers. Nicest thing out for a present to the best young man. Don't forget that our Manties and Dress Goods are reduced ini price. Don't forget our Boot and Shoe de- partment. We try to have everything wanted in this line. We have fine as well as couase goods. We have Rubbers and Overshoes of ail krnds. Don't forget our Grocery depart-. ment. Teas' Suzars, Pure Spice, Candied Peels, flaîsins, Currants, NutQ, Extracts, etc, etc. Don't forget that we have the f'nest lot of fancy Chinaware in town, Cnps, Saucers, Fancy Plate, Fancy Goods of ail kîids and so cheap and very suitable for Xmas Gifts. Don't forget that we pay the high- est price for ail kin<ls of Dressed and undressed iPoultry, Butter. Egygs, etc ,etc. Don't forget to eall when you are in town. Wisbing ail iny friends and customers a Merry Xmas, 1 remain, your,3 Lru]y, JOHN McMLTRTR--.1M'-Y. /8 HERE And( M-Nayna-,rd the Jeweiier is sStillilcading and dloing the trade in bis Eue. If you want a good and nice WAICH, CLQCK, JEWELRY, SIIVERWARE OR FANCY ARTICLE for a nico present for your Father, iMother, Sister, Brother, or Best Girl give me a eall. You can buy goods cheaper and get a better quality for ]ess money than you would pay others for cheap trash. 1 always made it my aim in life to keep nothiDg but what I could guarantee. This stock wvas bought at 50c. on the, $ and must be sold in a very short time, and wvil1 ho sold at Our stock is mucli larger than çome others, s0 you have a much better chance. Corne in and get my prices and see rny stock and you will tse surprised. ,All kindls of wýork, donc on the premises anI. warra nted to give satisfaction c,,, no0 charge. MAYNARD THE JEWELLEÎI,1 "BIG 202, Pharmaceutical Chemists. Just received a olomplete lineof a large stock of th e latest and best odors Harmless, Delicious, Curative,, -Aský for -a free Sample Packýage. 0. P. IR. Ticket & Telegraph Office. XMAS

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