Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Dec 1893, p. 8

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4aBLEà&* Tvm - A,'HA LL. ALS I have decided to quit the Stationery business, I offer the whole o fmystock at prices that wll astonish you. If you want cheap bargains give us a cail. E. P. KEN.NER.1 PEOPLE 0F WEST DURH'AM ci -- llaving re-fitted and inoxed into the premises Iately oceupied by i!fuuedoch Bros'., 1 have opened out a large and varied assortment of 1itï.-clIass Groceeies, TEkS A SPECIÂLTY. 114 FRUITS you wilI find the choicest b!ands of Cluster Layerg, -~oeMuscat els, Sultanas, and other Raisins ; Choice Cases Yost-yza c41 ,rants Figs, ShelledAlmonids; Citron, Orange and Lemon Peels; Uiag~,Lernons. Walnuts, S. S. Almonds and Filberts, and a great -arety of other g' ods suitaUt, for the Christmnas Trade. FISI. - Finnan H:addiem, Bl,,aters,Kipper-ed llerring.ý, Cal. Salmon, Lardrli irrings, White Fish, Trout and OYSTERS. heC IIN and LAMP Departinent you wiIl flnd replete with l4tç degns of Dininer and Tea Sets in China and Stoneware; llang- ïan. .Library and Table Lamps, and a general assortinent of goods us- aualy kept ina first-class China and Crockery Store. This establishmnent for a great many years had the reputation for kLýPîng the best and the greatêýst assortinent of the above lines of goods and wt your assistancao we hope te maintain that high character. I eord «i ally invite you te cal ll aving bottght in theright market, guods will' be sold at bottom prices. Victoria Building, Bowmanville. Mr. Jar menthe ar the scales The con who was home in C .Rev. J. ing lecturi Methodist .For pitb ble becasi: tien. Nol ing and fr happen te Saraaparil er man or Mr. an daughter, sas, are vi friends nE ILblooks ibis unde for anotli acclamati( fresh aspi the agen( round rhrougli t Cern Ext pop cern new widi podseneus bhey are simply b( Ui rgor pr< \isitoe Dusenbur te; M/r.,1 4d Mr T. Battie, Br At the: un 28îli u ("f the ni S4vioUrs' the oigti dress and Tiu Mg Sir. -1 h aipatien of B. B. B, I cennot toce higlhI romedy 1 The Coi Methodisi Thankagii orge, as w Those tal Rev NMr. Adyms a b. h______________________ hapman, 19.GREAT OFar.-That splendid f iy iiRoge lîarper's Magazine. ing te send ius f amena twelve-page wec-k- TIIAT ly four menthe un trial for twenmy cents, ILLTSTt{ATED. -clubs of eight Oe dollar- Ne pàper in~ An irupe MAGAZINE 1894 America enjeys a greater reputtition for poi MAcAz[NE for 184Wil genuine humer and literary excellence. rmn ma~<anthe character thit lias&made it Our readers cannet inveat twenty cents wideïl ~iefauorite illustrated periocýical for the 0 o btter advantage. Address Frap w iill Pý_. mong the reBnîts cf enterprises PRE-s, Etroit, Midi. ~t&rselby tV'- îhe there will __________ «a ar duringthê ie âr supeirbly ilîna.trat ed a e,,rs on India y Ed wn Lord Week,,i oroN **i the Japauesle Seaboes by Alfred Par- Ifront Dr.1 5OE5aonGermxüy by Poultney Bigelow, I was cured cf rheumatic gent by appeared1 - or Paris by Richard H. Dayii, end on MINARD'S LINIMENT. papere, is 'ýt«ico by Fredt-r'c Remningtn. H ialifax. AwDR.EiW KîNG. The docto Ancig other notable foature% cf the I wass cured cf acute Branclitis hy heolias a la -je&- will "ýe nevelaby Go ng' ~~ tMNRDSLNIETletter that z Charles D. Warner, tha personal "rd-,d ba o ýïg¶jnscbee1of W. D. Hoivel1e, and siglti Sussex. LT. -CoL C0. CREWE READ. Puisa, A sir tcpriee cf ,eterni frentier life by I wae cured cf acute rheuimatism Uy the pioviti O#enV Witer. Shiort tonies will abo libe MINARD'S LINIMENT, ment ster, eA-tr:buted by Brapnder Mattliewe, Ricti. Markiam; Oct. -C. S.BILLN. mai hable 11.a:s Mr E. WIlkin3 ' Ruth Mie more prev Erpry Stuart. Miss ýL oirenrce AImia Tad î and Dr. I ""M-, Theeoo, N. Peg, adt herx. Artic-,f use te mar le nqteies ý4c crenlt in1ttrVogt eill be; -- rder, bv eotnbuudli dstngisedsi3ilits ~rs BA31PTV.NV. remedy. Mr.Edward lia8Ltinge and Mrs. Thos. UAB~E-RbPERIOPICALS. lElitt are sick,.. . .[trs. Metnill etun ed A Yard PerYer.Saturdky fromn a pleasanit visit iu Pow- îum Book ijt~n' MAAZbE............~manvile ... . Collecter iý1lis lies lid treob ig value. ...tpi' WE ... ...... ..... 4001 warrante executd Ibise week .. .. That Do no-, uE'BAA ......... _... .... . 100 fanious old Clydesdate Lstalliion "pr;.de ofheadacheý H-ï?0SYUNG PEOPLE........ 2 Setland" lied te a lie ghterkcd tecent y Carter's1 Pý,ta"11r t il ubcriber-si the United cwing te d se"e.MNr. Jolie Rickab- effect ap t~cseaCan d eMxico. . and wife, Kirby, vied at Mr. I L. Their actic T'iho Vlmeof the Magazne begin Bre wn's and Mn. C. N. Rute'd rec 3,;ly. i u ne th. mbrraferJun ai Dcenhe -..-Mr. W. , C Qe (hawa, was Feaoles't witSuit Y4 cif each Yea!r.Wheu no tifie is meutîcu- ek ', - - býrp ius will Wb"sii X'ùý deraet Coi 'îiuùê u ï~cUrn, t ethe time of recaipt cf New Butcher Shop. ocrder. LBond volumes cf llarper's Mag' asefur tliree yer. back, in neat elobli [Mr. Sider Foster lits epened a butchier !diî,will lie sent by mail, pctpail, iop iu a part cf Nea le' block occupied osa ra-ccipt of $3.00 par volume. ClObli by Mr. W. H. Osborne and invites a cass.fe bidig,50 cents eab-by mail share cf public patronage. Give hlm a nttiehoabuïd hoe made by Peet- ,,lcce Manvï Order or Traf , ta avold chancg New Tin Shop. Naïppaeare not te covy this adrertisa me,.nt wttsoe4 the express culer otf HARPER ViTe encouragement given tea Mr. Jas Sfeun. McBrien since lie stented in business fo 'rs:TIAP.ER & BROTHERS New York llmseolf lias made h it essary for him te 1 p nt oi+tnwl.rroethe ib lcu- You ara -eiuvited te inspect cur ve lresocf Ladies' sud Men"s ner i'e.yeu will find at Our store the-de'~ 'stsokand hast value lu town. We ,ý,jea i al eiluchildren's goeda. Joo. J GýET Y01JR PIOTURE TAKEN. ahaeadded te our stock cf lustre-t u!,s a vr>'y fine llawkeye liaud camera- ëre prepared te take snap shets cf le parties, residences, or animale et tnotice We will go into bhe ceun- 2;i ed WV cIao take photos of cornet ery plots îtvery Ic,-eprices. Dzep lu sud have cuc-eý good cabinets taken cf yonrself et i5 ee known galler>'. TAIT & C0., icrk ~oare ]3wmanville. 12 3. ha aceberART INTERÊCHINGýE cou- a ýfese3t of good things for bth tlie unr1 suad the lsyman, and like al .'1en1t numbens, surprises eue by its îi4ýn.ess and excellence. The threa colon ara Of tha finest qualit>' aud will bè) dmze b>' evenycue. Tha Rcses, b>' r' S. J. Smillie are beau tiful ln clr, a 7> vrynaturellu in rangemeut. The Oi~dsFestival will ha a je>' lu aven>' Loù,ilaeheld.Atogether the aitit ansd art wr,nkor 'who diS net find somthing te 3s ýkn la his issue wold ha bard te p1ee ;[,i~ wo:th mena than 35 cents ur'aa'. for it. The Art Intereliange, i~P'eotosSteNew York. f ha acceminodated (asily aud promptiy. Rie bas juêt moved into tise f0 Express building ju8t vacated by Mr. Osborne where haolias a fine stock cf tinwae, lanterne, etc., which ha is goiog te sell su very cliesp that hi j sure te de a large business. Mn". MIeBrien is a master mt- chanic sud ail classes cf repairing ln hie lino wiil receive prompt attention. Eaves tnoughing and aven>' kiud cf tin work will receive careal and prompt attention. Caîl on hlm, ]Leading Meat Store. The place te bu>' your meats îe at C. M. Cawker's whene yen will flud the choicest quality and variety linbthe town- Yen will find lu stock Boaf, Lamb, Perk, Veal, bome-rendered Lard, pure pork 8,ausages, aIl kinds cf -ured mesti. Peul- try, etc, fie lias -two Peddll*ng weggenu going5 throgh the town sud wiil eàlI ou any wlie wilI favor hlm with bler patronage b>' leaving word et the bhep; orders are alo tmken sud delivered te an>' par'. cf the tewmn. Your patroenage will ha tliankfully re. ceived and lie wll de hies best te give satisfaction. A cal Isoficitedý. Cash paid for Poultry, Ilides, Tallow, Sheep akinsa aud aIl fat stoak. Parties having good fat cattle for sale wiIl find lb to their advautage te cali on 0C. M CÂw- KEL-.. Stand. Town Hiall Buildings, eBowmanville. mes Wood killed a porker, four 62d two weeks old, which tipped aat 177 pounde. odition of Mr. W. T, Andrus, istricee with paralysis at bis Chicago, remains uuchanged. rR. Real delivered an interest- e on the World's Fair, in the nt Church, Tuesday Nov. 28. ty's sake, dcn't growl and grum- te yen are troubled with indijges- gool w as ever effected by snarl fret ting. Be a man (unless yeu :be a woman), and take Ayer's illa, which will relieve you wheth - )rwomafl. nd Mrs. Richard Hughson and .Mrs. Bradley cf Enmperil Kan- isiting at Mr. Smith's and other lear Baltimore. sa as if the present Ceunicil, who trstood will offer their Fervices er terni, will ail be electel by ion. So far we have heard cf ne tante. SowIFNG is a process conducoted by cey cf tight boots ail the year Corn reaping is beýt oeinductedl the agency cf Putnam's Painless ractor, lhe-otly eafe snd sure- cure. i9utnam's Ex>ractor in fely imîtated. Beware cf al t and scre produring sub8titutes; dangèeus te use and are sold ecause they afferd the dealer >ofit. sa: Mr. Jno. Odel], Mr. and Mra. ty, Mr. Alex. Stalker of Toron- Mis, and Misn Drew cf Oshawa Sniith's; Fred Allun and Arthur owmanville, at W. Boddy's. i-residerce cf Mr. John McComb ul., there assembled a number nenbers and adherents cf St. Churcli, when Miss Emma Hl nist wa3 presented witli an ad. 1 urse cf meney. IOST EXCELLENT REMED)Y.-DeRr have sufferod greatly from.Cen- and indigestion, but by the ue I arn now reetored te health. praise Burdock Blecd Bitters ly ; it is the mort excellent 1 fever ued. Miss AGNES J. flttgeravi!le, Ont. onecrt given by the cloir cf the st church on the evening cf ving day was a most erijoyable %ell as a mont successlul oee àing part were: The Chairman, .. nos, Misï C. Hughson, Misses id Kirk, Mie, Binscombe, . LMiss Rickaby, Mre. Werry, ere, Mrs. Real. .T DOCIIOR'S LETTER. ortant communication frein a ir.nt .*-h5sician, that exci!es àpread interest. Its ccrtets i be gocd news tesufferers from kidney disease. ro, Dec. 4th, 1893. -The letter 1E. A. Rose, a foc simile cf which lately in the keading Canadian awell worthy cf crinsideration. >r liven in Portland, Ont., where large practiC,- fle stated iu bis t lio lid been cured of diabetes )d.pcoîoniner by Dcdd'a Kidney As no i,3 well knowu threnghout ice as a rellab!e man, bis state- Lmý5 thoj rernedy as one cf re- Svalue. Kidney diseaýe3 ar6 valet te day than ay ether,1 Rese'a experienco wilI prove cf ny other victimà cf kidney disý ,directing them te a reliable c f Peinsies and or New Prem- kfor 25c. combines beanty and Su-nd for them-gtampe tsken dteplir cf curing yenr elck wht n yeu eaiuse easilyoeltain Little LiNer Piffi, They will prompt 'nd permran' nt cure. Àcn in mild t nd natural. want a suit cIr ai, evtrccat that you in cvery way ]cave your or- oucli, J hceeon & Cryderman'e3. Pirnply Girls Pimply Boys And Every Per.son Afflicted withi Torturing Disfiguring Humiliating Humors Find, Instant Relief And .Speedy Cure By Using Cuticura Remedies gSÇU el thro knOtt a olad I. oTT imae. ~..plspIa5iniaC headsolIY skin and f aling 1,cc 1 've54sdcue a'Cçria Suap. I 4 i. Recoived on Thursday Nov. 9, 1893, The best lot wo ever had.. They wiil be sold at regu- lar whoiesale'price. You car't beat these--see themn. Our Stock of OVERCO ATS is very complete. A new lot of BOOTS and sb TI T. GTEO. MASOIS LADIES) ISSESI Z G LO AKSa Our lino the 1pesent season is more extensive and et greater var- ietv than e--er befere. A Ladies' Mantle is Lhc chic-f article of dtes for autumu. and winter. If it is appropriate anîd stylinh ber appear-- ance ii everythi no, at 2an be de- sired. We can show such a line as we have neyer before offered. suit- able for ail occasions, for al s>izes to suit ail tastes ti) meet Clic car)-' abilities of ai pocket books. Our1 stock consists of a fullli ne cf Lad- ies Fur tsimming, Mauties in ail the newest styles amid shades of Navy. Seal. Fawn, and Ifflack. Thase goods are ail Gernuan made which la sufficient guarantee cf thair style and fit, and being cf our own importation we can give you the inside pnices. We invite iuspection. We ask yeur apecial attention te cur stock cf Mantde matenials for crdered wenk. We are showing extnaerdiuary value lu Sealedtes. A large clicice te se- lect from. Remeniber or custoers are supplied with the M etrepelitan Fashicu Sheeta free cf charge. AIse fu stock cf But- teick Patterns. JNO. J. MASDRS' DRY GOODS & JEWELRY H04US. Best value in Black, Green and . apau Teas, Coffees, etc. Quality uneqialled. PETER MURP)OCU, a0ict. iaise Miscs in a iuomber of ati les et Couch Jelinaton aieil Cr3 derrnan'a. 'H OES --- very choice lines. IE ETuRAL CLTOTHIJNG STOnUeý r, -- --Managere HAPPITRUUTllAN[,Ku OVER 45,000 NOW IN USE IN CANA.DA. AND LIVERY ONE GIVING SOLID COMOIT Â'; COOM The -"1TAPZbY TioUCGHT" range is differently conStruet-ed t0 any Ahr [t has been manuf'actured for the past twelve years, aMdi tho sttM now in construction as at fit-st. It is the only range that has sStCadl mrowýn in populanity for such a length of' time, Ilundred3 Cf otIZP,? 'lnew ideas" of ranges bave corne and passed, only to ho eiaemtcýred 9ý failures. The -Happy Thought" range will poaîtively barn night and 4ay, saine as a seif-feeder. The flues' are so construeted that à Wî* noil on the whole six hole3 et the samne time with the fire box ouI>" haîf fall of coal.< it is tlie only range made witli the transparent oven door, througli which yen i ýaï view the food cookinLi witliont opening the oven door. rH~~ '~RAD1ENT HOaE d rarler Btoves. with and withnut ven,BigG1I 'cars and have always beau in the tead. Sold enly at IEXl D S .3A.jLL'., BowmaurVÎIl0*" Nothing like the Furs at M. M Fur Store, where you eau flnd -the lare~ est and best selected stock ini the counir ty, composed of ROBES,, COATS, JIACKETS, CAPES9 C 1OLLARSand CAPS of ail description and size and lie is de- termined to seil as cheap as the cheap- est for cash. Also a large and eI selected stock in Gents' Furnishings, Shirts, Underwear, Ties, Zraces. No trouble to show goods, so corne and bîgyu red with jou. Ail kindsof furs altered and repaired, PRACTICAL FTTRRIEPe, BW<~L r f r n vi T y£ 1

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