Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Dec 1893, p. 1

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VRM:-O1.5t) PulaiÂau OUR TOWN AN£ NrEW SIRIES, B OWMÂN VILLE, pn1hIpu J4S To & QRY D ER MAN, -uuu l I MOUS T VERNON. Mr. H. Martin was the gucýt of Mr. D. Heddon.. . Mr. aud Mis. J. J. Smith recently spent a pleasant evening with Whitby frionds .... .The trustees cf the church have decidednet tb rebuild this fail but have drained it well and engaged for auabla eavestrouglýn-a stop In the right direction. The question isfrequently aeked,<'Why la A-yer's Cherry Pectoral se mnch morea are 110W showing effective than othier congh reniedies 1" 's iUA-.o The answer is, imply because it is the fl01uEe r n e of u meut akilful combination cf auodynes sud Sexpectorants known te medical science. Ca p -s, Collars, Oollaretts an. ATRHftw ot Oa~s l Op oss ins erownedby'breakug through the ice on Lae cugoy. . . Mr. David Rowan a re-1 jable, Fersian Lamb,Alaska IkSbsbohr r oa u ident of Catwright about 17 years ago eLicenso Commiesioners rausferredth hotel licence 'ri)tn M. Holu b)Mr. Clark, alsoa Un ran q ofLattimore .... To-morrow evening, Dec, I7, (Thursday) Rov. Dr, McKay wil d iz)e ieTis insix ual-dmcs5 a public meeting iu the Methodist Listerssx u church on the Plebiscite. Ahi sboula hear him as lho is ene of the bout prohibi- ities. Iinported direct from. tion speakers iu Canada... r.Toa Scbolee, wvi ainsane, wss taken te Cj)- the anufctur rs.bourg jail hy Mr. T. Robinson asat week., t ±±~un.a~u.fctu.er.... . the evening ef the 27tbi a largo number of the cblîdren and relatives of And 'u t open d ou"ta fineMr. sud Mrn. lasso Beacock aemeibled And j st op neci ut a1in a- their reeidoice te proet each witha SI beautiful and expensive easy chair on, the assortmn t of .IM en. s & Bo0T 45th aiînlversary et thoir weddîug day. Ti y Miss Maggie Beacock read the address E »omS sud Misses L. sud M. Beacock presented 11---w Athe chairs.' O V E RO AT Honz Â-,ND ABRoÂD).-Physicians, travellersg, pioneers, setî,ers, invaiids,aud in al clssesand ualiies'tify te the medicinal and tonic virtues ef 111 i ~' "4Burdock Clood Bitttes. the meut popular adcecstive medicine extant. It cures Not withstauding the un preco d- alldisoases cf the stomsch, liver, bwl j i -~ ~ 1ff~.iNTra 1" r hip*vT-h -ihA.Vh landhblood. ,nteci.saie 01. JY.Uaittj;5wLil ia-ve had for the ]pa,,t two monthsi L-'.s1 -4 - ri±rs n.w Q vTcrv filfÇ ,tney are stock of MADE 9~ No b( Ail Gr KEEP YOLIR EYE OPEN Y OU3 WILL find the place for it when you sae our FALL and W 1 N VE R display of quality and elegence. Our seasonabl% stock lak noithingbt buyers. They will corne. They will be satisfied. Thywi:1 buy at thie fairest prices ever made for such qualities. Vis- itors arc netasd to believe but are shown goods to convince themn tba we are ' eadi.g tue trade in BOOTS and SHOES, RUBBERS, OVERSHOES, SLIPPERS, etc., ifyou wviah to;>see the latest tnovelties and newest ideaq for the season comne and tee s. If you ishte, ace the very best in Standard Styles and reliable makes corne and see us.If !,yen want'value for your m 'oney corne and se us. Trntb brainds our goda "Honoat Quality." Fashion pronouncos themn "Correct Styles." ~E~i~eiyrecmmadaour"Le Pice."If yo waut to ejoy the f clipurchasing poerof vour da5r speud it wth eOUNSALL'8MARBIE AND GRANITE WRS BOWIMA~NVJLE, OT. îEstablkabed 1837.) Finished Granite M1onumnents in etook from $8125 to $300. IIANDSOME DESIGNS AND DEST MÂTERIALS. RED PETERHEA.D AND GRAY RI'JLA.W SCOTCHl' ROSE, RE') AND PURPLE SWEDE ............. BLU3E PEARL AND EUERALD PEARL.......... J FINISIIED IA&.BLE MONUMENTS in stock frorn $45 to $200. IN ALL THE DEST KINDS 0F MARBLE AND LÂTEST DESIGNS. 4WBefore placing y..ur order, CALIL AND EXAMI[NE MY STOCK, and SEEWIIAT YOU ARE BUYING. 711y E. R. BOUNSALL, Proprietor. FVOR SALE ORP, EN. Iueand T RENT.-For tarin of years, "Gleu, J lj acres for sala r ta rant. stuatcoan TDhui "-300 acres, 2 miles from h!by scugog,2sît orbT roie s cnssiaigood buildings and soit Admirable o tc a god boseib erycnatOedrivieZ or dary, -chance -for gotug- extensirely into ~ho, sabl, eo.Tie giarden cotains alot oe f To-ato ilk business or stock raising for the choiettfruit ni ifral! es Immneditre ieritiaiimarke,.. Mon with capital on'v £dseaonCSf ie jgvrn. IFor rluaS PPlyAY a pIl'. J. H. Dow, Whitbv, 3.tf- te W., FsIrGBowniaSflIo ont Str fncquireo f M. A. James for mirriage Lovera of a gond cuip of coite willi get the samxe at fjawker &ý Tait's, the general grooers, Bowmativille3 D OOUNTY JTRST: TEE WORLD ÂFTERWÂRDS. ONTARIO, WEDN ESDÂY, PECEMBER 6, 1893. LOCKHA RTZ3'. 1 McCBEA'S CORNERS. MTr. W.1 T Taylor in orecting a stable ..Mr. David Gilbank hag returued To TI ce with a blushi> g young bride.... .Mr. Sir Strong bas moved to the Rainey farm teiii ely occuipied by Mr. W. Porter,... YOar, *ý Geo. Tay!or in bauiug off stumpa ... tO mi r. A. Stbples, of Laxton township, is t'a a ting frienda here this week.... .Mr. J. Îiht t ight. of Enterpri se, in soon going I eiovo tn Burnt River .... Mr. R. Ma.mine elvey, cf Kendall, vis'ted bisncle Mr. [iàst ý s. Kirk h Dr. Chas. Gibson, of New Yýork cify is hmre.... Mr. Jou~ai Samnia fell through the loft alighting on a cross-cnt Baw the eseth of which peuetrated deep 1iuto bts hand. - . . Miss Douglas, teacher. retires nt NXniag.. . Messrs. Osborue, W., Boweu and îjua3 Samas have purchased consid- irable stock this fall for fatteniug.... Lr'ckhart'& fleur mili is boing tomn down and baubed te Newcastle. -NEW PAR K. Miss Alice Hamm bas been re-ongaged ,t tefmiciher of f ur school. She is pepular. *. ... Mr. and Mrs. Neit Stewart are home froma Montana for the winter.... .Measss. Thos. Bradloy and Wm. Bb'we t wero at Lotus lately rabbct bunti' g.... .Miss B3. Cunicannon, Leskard, visi cd ber sister, Mrs. Robait Miller .. .. Mr. Thos. Bris- bin bas comnpleted a succesafiml thresbing eson,, _ The trusie)s sbould ombellish tho sohool witb a bel.... Mr. Wm. Little is erecting a stable .... As a candidate lu the fild at the Manvers municipal elc- tic-fl, Mr, Wm. L>ttle lb meutioed. TTE CHLDRENS ENEmy.-ScrofnlS ofteu shows itaelf lu early life sud is characteriz3d hy swelliugs, abacesses, hip disieae, etc. Censumaption ,ls sorof nia cf the lungs. In this claqs cf distas3e Scott's Emuvlsion la unquoationably temuet re- hable Medicine. Mr, A. F.Runle and M>r, wal'. Os- borne are attexîdinz the Grand Division at Port Perry. ... Mt. Carswell Divis'on now numiiber8 over 230 members being the largest in the Province, .. The> balance of cheeefor this seaou las beeu sold sud ehippocd te Mr. Warmington, Belle- ville. Mr, Pelton basg decided flot te me main another year. We sre sormy to lose an agreeshbe aud pleïsaut a citizen as the general manager of the D. U. 0.F.... M-. Weq, Perkin aud bride, Moorefleld, are spen~diag their houeyoioon with relat- ives here... . The Sens intend giving a beneti ps!cgrim lin the hall bers ou Wed- Pe:sday evaning Der. 1l&h RantNo ý r- 8S4vE Ai Lrr.-A ýeorgia ncwsuapem g-ave au account of the oismn of1 John Potter, a ter, ymat aid boy who rode a horse twelve miles ,- MAcon for the pusà pose of calling a physiciau rt-,at- tend hi>i another, whoi w8a a lieved to ha dying s'ith oolic, The detor could net hafond but a L-id druggiat gave the lad a botb et medicins aud ordered hlm te nrr bone.The brave lsd rode home eierdthe medicine, and then.fainted fromn nervous exhaustion. The medicine cured the aick womsu, sud the bay ais well. It la only neceasary te seay thal the precious mediclue was Pemry Davis' Pain I<iller, which neyer faîls te cnre dîsorders et the stomach. 25e. o!d popol- ar price, for Nu1Tw Big Bottle. Mr. ThoF,. Wotton bas rnoved into Mr. Wm., rilhn'o bouse.... -Mr. Johuston Niddery sjhet five foxo Ist mouth....- Mr. Wmr. Ommiston delivered a wagoxn load of pork lu Tomonto last week roaliz- ing about $230. . .. Duriug the hast weok, the traie on wbich tbe mail la intendod te bo s"nt frcm Burketo n, did not stop until Firiday there boiug four days'inail delayed. Trî-weekly mail is botter than an urau deily ma~il. Snrely arrange- monta can ha made so that the train wil stop at Burketon daily.. Mr. J. S. ÂAb ton sud Wm. Ormibton had a combine> nood b" lat week; being the firat of thi season it was a very large eue, f FOR EvECoL)s. -Gentlemen.-* jhad a severe cold, for wbich I teck Dr' Wcod'e Norway Pino Syrup. I flud il an exc eet remiedy, giviug prompt relie suad pleasant te take., J. PAYNTER IlnallOnt. NEW HAL4YENY. Repoit for SAS. No. 3, Darlingtou, f. Novemrber. Sr 4, Vida VanCamp. Jr'd Eva Fuley, Wîunnie Power, Mabel Fraul Sr. 3, Elma Jennings, Edua VanCamjq SidneyF'rauik. Jr. 3, Bertha VmgnCamr Flo7rea enuinga, Lorne Frank. Sr. Beatie Rundle, Elmer VanCamp, Emn Jacobq, Jr. 2, Edîth Jennings, Fre Frank, Rb Clarke, Cephas RundlE Leslie Gny, Hlarry Tapp., Sr. Pt. Sidney Rundle. Jr. Pt. 2,Wîllie Clarki David Clarke, Roy Truhi. Sr. Pt.1 1 Howard Foley, Roy VanCamp, R,)e McKnilghL. Jr. Pt. 1, John Clarki WilliesTspp. HARoLD MÂRTYN, teache BALTIMVRFJ. We h~eard, the othor day, a story, r sagacity aud frvieudliucas on the part ef 1 hers, tihat appears almoat iucredible,bt .WJei-nnga ofû2Centrete>n,tbs own, « of the herse sud an oye witueasBcf tl occurrence, voucbies for its vùracity.M Jenninge ow4nâ two herses, Jack ar Dep. Sheriff VMmeIer DOOs Not Care to Lve If HeaEaunot If ave- i would hc d;icu-it te finda man htter known ln the vicinity cf Burling- ton, Vt., tiian Mr. R. D. Whe.-ier cf Winocski Fails, the efficient Deputy Sherfcf Burliigton county. Ho says: "C.L Ilood & Ce.. Low-all, M1ata.: 'ýDear Sirs: If Hood's Sarsaparilla cost $90.00 a Bottie 1 shoild still kceep using it, as I have fcr the past t:nacoaus. Witlî nme the q-etoîas to wh aer hEila orth l &,n dpends upon whether I cati e,. lodsSarsaparill..Idoat thin!k I «hilive withîout it nov'. certainly I nhudmot w-Nb te, anc1 sufer as 1 used ta. For over tan years 1 sufered 'thî horrors of the damned with ES atîc Riheumtis M' for if ever a ma sufera v-Lthan-hg lu this world i, e iz idaùit .îxful dis- ecase. It seanis to nme as if aIl other physical aiaigwere compressed bte tiat or -. iteck, about everythiig man t ' Jr ît but caver got a dollar's i- f heil until 1 beg.tn t1l ~od' 'arsaparilla 1i nave taken it ne % pretty reguiarly for ton years and bave ne more pain and cenn get arouad ail right. I bave advlsod a good m any te try Hood's Sar- apria"R. D. WHEELER, Deputy Sherifi, Winonski Falls, Vt. rýioc>d'aPi1Is Care Liver 1119 Q~ ~Yegetable Pilla are pi, pared te meet a legit mate demand for a milg efflicin n r' ai famlly physte. Thcy ai puirely vgeale ouiaining ne pé calomel, ier' iIr minerals-tb-rm u stance cofa-w 4k. 1 oo 1b lPilla act tip' tomach, liver, and alintai canal, r -- cLiver Coieplaint, Contipati0e zausa,ý eti-liuness, Iloadaclie, Iîîdlgostio r MStoacli, Distressafcter Eatissg,Jani j__ Iiay lie brokeniup and a fever pruventL rompi y taking Hoee'a Pilla. Hood's PUIS 1.e7(rcared byC. I. Rod ý'& C. ptcr 'M'vf-1.i'~ Pice25,-e'1pi- b-01-u,1l M. A JAMES Ernnoa ae~îî Piiot aisti os., VOLUMIL XXXIX. NUMJBE i. > 1 LiFE is MisEnY te many people viho of L bave the taint cf scrofule. u tlioir blood. a gc Trio agonies cauïel by thé- dreadful mnu- but ing Bores sud othor anuife&tatiionis cf this righ disoase are beyoud description. Theme aud is ne ether remedv equal te Hood'a Sar- 05<i saparilla for scrofule, sait rhenin sud 1 every formi cf blond disease. It is eason- W. ably sure te bouc fit all who give it a faim bon trial. givi ta a aud CLARKE UYvION. leai Rep)ortof Sobool forNovember. Nam8â hli iu order of 'nerit., Sm. 4, Mary Revie. ai Jr. 4, Bella Lusk, Norman Hicks. Sr. 3, aci Libbie Co-lbourne aud Evs Browin equai, 1 Milton Samis, Bolla Bail. Jr. 3, Bertha eon Samis, Minnie Hicks, and Norman Allun bt'r equai, Edna-Barrahaîli. Luther Barrabaîl. b Sm. 2, Bella Smith, Katie Colo, Emima h Morris sud Newton Colbourne equal, th John Morris, Minnie Rowe. Jr. 2, GNeo). cm Hicks, Tva Kelley, Manly (JAe, Edwinu ùr Bal. Pt. 2, Barry Rowe, Jennise Smith, Frank Br,)wD. Pt. 1, Ethel Rowe, l Lilbie Brown, Fr-ank Cole, A 'tbur Hicks, vol Lanireuco Barrahai. TimlaSPRUT, th teacher. aSt Nooreeknows botter th-an thoda viot bave nsed Caaterms Little Liver Pilla vibat a relief they bave given wfheu takeia for, dyspepsia, dizziues', pain in the ide, so constipation, sud disordered stomach. ah Mr. (JARS'WRLLý o Report cf Sobool fer November.- hi Naines ef firet tbree in eacb cla2sslu order wc of usent. Sr 4, Bonule Richardq, Walter îc Arment, Eva Courtîco. Jr,. 4, Wesley as Salir, Emma Cornish, Francis Cawçem. si Sr. 3, Ida Hancoci, Ella Weborer, Maud fui Beom. JO, 3, Alice Coleman, Elsie Bal- r 8oi, Edgar Aldsx otb. Sr. 2, lMaud 'ad Hmncock, V emnaGiyeHemb),)t flan- th, moiJr, 2, Waiter stacey, El"s White b-, Frank U1ancok. Pe. 2, R~ussel CGay, th, Nettie Buteur, Ralph l!oley. Pt. ', 1of CoGrdon Travail, Percvy W&iter., W sale cis iShort. 'H-igbast p>retage ef marks eh.1 th talned by Russal4 Gay. 196. Averafge at- tendance for mni,45, T. FiNax. WRIGHTa, teacher. ,p Their gentie action aud good effect on 0the bystem eally makre thema a perfect in -littIe -pili. They pleaee thoe e vu use &J them. Carte' Lttle Liver Pilla may ti well ho termed "Perfemction,"'C KIRB Y. el Misa Sbaw's ooncert et OAkland on Friday nigt was a grând Puccess.Messar. JE C . G. Armstroug of Orono sud Jas.XWil. F, ss oo Manvens are higbly pmised for E their tinging... Ou Friday lest Mr. J.J dL. Powdma recoived s televrmam apprisiug hlm eof the death et bila brothior-in-law, pMe. Geo. Laidley, at L'udsay.... M. nWalter Wintom is home freim Manitoba. -Ho advisea ai having cmfortable homes t Sharo not te move te Manitoba.,I d ~ ENNI1SKILLE1V. 0 Le Mies Koyl, Mr. F. Ruti-erford, Oreno,t have heen guesta cf Mm. 11. J. Wery.. fi -J Mrs. N. Byemsbas been viiiîglhem siater t r.Mrs. J. Harris, Ashbunu .... Miss Mau it Hayes la visiting at Mr. R. Saudemson'p, ,f Wilcon ...... The Methodist choir fnomn blira sing et Blackatock ou Christmas..'.. The commuuity home waa greatly sboced at thea nova cf the suddeu demîse ef the bte Mr. E. Elmeto, Burketon, an Thurs- day la-t. A large number attended the )r tuerai servica at Bomketcu ou Friday. 4 J Great aylepathy la foit by ail for Mra. k. Elmes sud family lu their severe sud sud- ' don'afflicticu. Mm. Elmes was very bigb: P, ly respectod by eveni' oua and vise a 2, good busin-ss mn as weh11lias oua cf the' na val-y usef ni esideuts cf our Township. d He teck a deep intemeat in ail matterr [e, pertiniug te ibhevielfare cf bis fellovi 2, mon, especiahly ln edacational and reèig- Oions affaira lit s s viii hagreathy f oit 1, hy the roident.s of hoth Catwright sud 1t Darington e,. The Christmas number cf St. Nicholae for yeuug folks wo believe te ha the mosiý of heautiful nuinter cf a juvenilo magazine Eaever isaued. It lbas a new cever, la ,ut priuttd ou heavy 1 aper, bas b- on geatly or euiarged sudcoints-ns a meat emarkable h0 pregratu cf aîtactçus Ru'lyard Kip- [r.bsg's atory la cime i(f bis great6st efforts, mdWith the inergi ng cf "Wide Awake", in ýar St . Nieciholas the bt'er h-'comea practical- 'lo ]y the onby îunoutbly nin ai ne for, beys 0 su ad ci-le ln Ameyica. Thie Cmntury Co., 10 We should very mucb like for overy tai fammer lu this district te tako theoCen- ew try Gentleman, an up tat weekly ag- ud ticultural journal that .,s always interea- i ho iug. Vo have nover Psen a numben roes ef it that did flot contain Pome reai prac- ýut- ti-cal information wvrth far mors te aîîy lck entemrisiug fermer liban Its cost. A fie e te sampbo copy vili hu sont te sny sddreqp. -e T-Luthe Tuonker &.So,i AlibayN . Y.,V bÂtLi b u lW LUg a> V _______4___""__u__ I ovely fitting (3ERMAN roods at ail prices, etter 'value anywhere. ocers Due Bis taken as Cash. COUUOH.JOHNSTQN & OYDERMANS BOWMAN VILLE, .-- ty About Hogs. lE EDITOR. ýi. Tu armers are ,aîsing sud fat. gl an increaqed number of hoga each ,aî d g."neally spoaking are sending irket a i« ,od olsas% of hogg; stili a lit- ivice from a patcker may ba of boue- them. will quote an cxtract from a leter of 9that ippeared in our local papera Ja u.try: "If aur rfarmera wiwulIcross Bt rkt5hire awî, Suff'olk with obe crois àe Yýjrkshire White' thev wauld have od hog suit biNe for the Englisb trade, they mnu,c bofattened un 1 aold et the tatvïz: six tn, eight months oid weighin,; fromn 170 to 220 pounds ia'ive." met.tiowtd one cross of the Yorkshire it becaus,ý t4e Y Irkmhire îs a heavy ed animal, more thau one cross would too muc'h boue, mf other respects he di-sirwele hog if soldi at th43 right age weight. rtavitig a litr< qantof i eat in his sides; but if kept uintil itaîiiihià fulli t~r~ih he i too haavy coarse for any trade wi-ih whlihIamn uainted. put ioti .is exera-t beuc eafarmn. seem ta hove mis3underktoidl that let- and thev say thi t I wânted tho ou h dYi'-k hires. Sc fare frorn wanting in trid tu make it pýain t4 them the class of hrig we wvant woculd ha a go bot w.mn lour piresent hgand the )roved Yorkshiie. ôma of our farmers hakva scc'eded ywell a resdy aud a- givirg us jost îight styleof ihog ehat ii uabetn [hatI wiah tbem to tlinrougly uuder- nd jo, thaýt the ' vrequire to be very eful lu thexir crosses, their aim "hould to get a flia derd hc.g with a light il1der aud hat c,,rrien a good propor- > f beakimeat in bis brdy. E m very £iiu-2h pleaced t,> Be@ -- ne of ý-ur einerprising Lire rcs have tx&ht into this cunrry, -JînseTenm- Sha v, ry go d h.gu-- 'ne of the bouat cross with, but thi - wîll rquire i-o ho cautioas a% i jm .> bot h Yurk- ose, as a e ý a V- Y hayhgwhen tis -visa ~to faIdth%',uran iau bacon isgotxg osr ipris to aDAihtn.i t wasiý a >,rearago. Ibûý vo tha-t is' wing ta the iii rovtemeint in, hro fhogs, bu" thoes i5 ideai~ 1 00M for tifpraVOXiOft 12d taL. &ý will att,,ud to that pr tw1 a GLo.MAHWi LdS>, ec.1893. T'he New York Ledger for ThankitgIv gproeut6d a fese.t for the oye a& veil fur the vid. TLe illustrations for s inmber, are specially attractive. A- innusing woiadszýi, tpresountirg a loup of càï1droîi c.rryin-g autumna flow- ,a nd tri-,PlriAR, illununates the cover te. A naval Thanksgivitg i3 the sub- et of a rattling atory, entitled "A W*3ll rned Din'ý-. "Bark ta the Old )mostearii l a fine poem iu dWeict, by Thi W D. B yIceCo., of chicaga, 'ont a go 'c hu4liîng boy or gtrlr in evéry )wn in the Uiiited Statos sud anada to Il the'r fýitnzue weekly ilut-ratad pipera ,- ]e SAÂxURe BLÂDE 'aDfý the O  luGER. They are to aod on the beets, in sheps, storrea, etc. Tih,,u3andsi fboys aie cnew me-k'ng lmooey dolng his, as it ïa an easy Iutor for oce irly started, No epneto egn ,ad nanea to at'ove addIresý, ,and rfceive Iî rstrttctiotis and a if~ Both the iethOd. and resuitswhn yrpfFgs k taken; it i3 pleasant- und refres xng to the taste, and a-,ta gntly yt pro maptyon theI d ey liver and Boweis, Cleanses the sYý. tem efièctually, dispels colds, head -' aches and fvcsant ures habituaI, constipation. Syru.ýP of Figs is t13 only rcined~y oÏt. is kini ee ru duccd, Pleasing t,) the taste Ënd ac- ceptable to the stoma-ch, promiptîMý its acétion endi truly beneficial iD i'3 effcts, prep-aicd oui yfrom the mos;. healthyand agreeabIc substances, ito3 znanyexcllntqualitiescommliendît to alland have nado i4 L he mof popular remedy know2n, ,SyrUp Of Figis le for slein 5 boutles by al eadingdugit Any elaldugtwho nay noý have iL onhni bIWill prcur8 îft -romt',ly for arty one whuý, wisheu +,0try t aucuely b7 th CAUIFORNIA FÛGIGSYRUýp CI, UN EPRANLMISO, CET, Lni7s"V3TLELKy. NEW TQRL N.E , 1

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