Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Nov 1893, p. 7

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On La Grippe, tieungle ocessionally epfi-. demie, is lways more on es provalent. Tics best remedy for Vhicie cempaint la Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. "Lasi Sprng, I waî taken dovin viih la GuIppe. At 58ime vies completely pros- trated, sud se diffieull vies my breticlug ticat ssy breest seemtn4 as if couflusedin aus ren cage. I procurc-d e.hottîsetofAycr'a Cherry pectera, aisd e sn er 1usd I hegan taklng it Vsn relief iollowed. I eoIldînet e- cure gOo CD-D',titsets-ly awoun ,lmled. teie.---'lV l We.r'--S, CreeleCity, S. D Pron~tO e-5surtOCu lre ONT ARiO 0LADIES' COLLECE, WIIITBY, ONT, Sîrictliy fIrs-cees 8in aiu l'e ap Poinîmenîs tud educational adycni aQtos. Provision made )onr aiVic theaohere er rifl an sd for Un- iensiit classas hneiidh thics 3oisman, eopho.- C ors aud part of juir yoeoe out Toronto ivensiy. Ticslitersry staff comprisestics ergsel noîber of Univers:Gy specieliets ef %ny Ledis' College lu C cuada Fisc MUie iC, âus at,eoullon sud eomisarci1 depart-meets gre equsIiy wsil sustainsd by theco ct glfted rofessons. Physical culure ls taugh' by a specisliietmoi DBostons. A 150W ymnasiu sud il iodof ut.dor musunete.PUpils hv- e, opoortuuity ofhaisa-ftise gmsat artils te t lit Toronto. 32-lyr Apuly for information o Mrs. 11on - ei has just eedout lier Fall Stock of ',ILLINERY and iS 110W Sihowing an attractivo dis- play of R1ats., Bonnets and ail styles. of head-gear for the coming season.1 Cail and see for yourseif. ilats dyed and re-shaped in ail the latest styles. Orders taken for the LOIN DON CORSETS. MRS. DONCASTER, King St.,_Bow manville PERRYDAVIS' YU' ' ee t tongh Li3r Terrible Grief. "So î ooe s dsad i' i2îýfa' !y must bc piuoged loto grief." "WlIshould say so. Why, do you nohefunerai was a very exclusive nffair, andt, right in the midst cf the cers- nony in came a whole cavalcade of hie poor relations ln the dowdiest kind of duds." PILES ! PILES! ITCHING PILES. SYes1rý ToaýS,-Moi8ture; intense, itching sud stingi; moat et -ight, worss by ere-tching. 'f -11 , , - l t Iinetum- ors fordi, nhicla ofîs7ule and ulcerate, h)e'C<îr-jPg vCry sors. SWAYNE'S OINT- MENîT stops the itching and bieedinv, heals ulcoration, and in most cases romnoves the Sturnorg. At druggi8ts, or by mail, for J50 cents. Dr. Swayne &SGn, Philadol- phïa. Lymian Sons&Co., Montreal, Whoiesa]s Agents. Writes a wel-known chemist, psr'nits me t~ saï that Putnam's Painiesa Corn Ex- Pcotot1ueVýer fails, It makes ro sore spots l'o Vths eh, sud ensequently le painies. 'Don't you forget to geV Putnaru's Corn Ex- tracto-, now for saie by medicine dealers 'verywhere.-. 'SlOW TO CIUBE ALE 8KIN ISE&SES" SiMply apply "SWAYN's OINTiMENT.' INe internai mediclus required. Cures tetter., cerma, itcb, ail eruptlons on the laca, hatids, nose, etc., leaving the skin cloar, w,itsaud heeithy. Its great héaI- iujg anid curative powers are poEssssed b7 no ther ro'iedy. Ask your d-mggist fo SWAVY7P*S 'OîNT.NIEYT. Ly man Sons & Co, L -~îu1Wholesale Adents. e,4 F- 1h----an- .--- -.- .raeViiainien -ctr- --I ation oex nos, andtheusquecîiiver evepon. Benny kept bis sans open. H1eieard hat hymu. Fwstwos ts'o7oesbdsotVw onec oe brown-sysd lutIle ginl say Vo a coin - IIniicc fud"ny te[efw ek' penion: My teacher did notV waux e fruit Ainis hall wsss receotiy reiovsd from wonk. 111es valusd et about $20 a n ces. sioer IVissuc fn-gvig efrit hse icsad of Audrew Corlen, of WiHl Silver le elso fcuud in hs mountaine, sud sicser-to -a-teacher-y-oselovebuta p-tata county, Texas, m, boesit hiad laid -for Vice cealisl very cheap, costing ou deiveny only shower is botter." pasV2fyan7 $2.25 a ton.b YOUN FOL S. My teacher didn't want a fruit shower HERE .AND THIIRE YOUN FO KS-ws kept stuCas mice-nevsr old about -- hs potatose. 1 do believe svsrybody is Two expressien in Spokans a few days s "QI Bni Le he Kindom." giving potatoe," said a second littîs ir "ofe boys aretgiing a meai show rl o.ago hadl a dispute over a cdue, which re- riclirenboyds e wse fnd eof ss Mr. Sulted in a fiit.'Ilwo hours laVer sachpsld D: Oh, al hesutIle cide Thorpe odu ews odo at pudding lu hs police court a fine and costs amouint- Lou At Vesicigrn eprtésece!rOi Nhon lhe wae a boy; basty pudding ts mush ing Vo $17; sud the question of who owusd man Thsy are so user tu God : Hungry folks like rnush with syrup or goodtediewn'seld thrne We arc so far f rom icaven, mile, said a wide-awake boy, sasing down h iewu' etidete.nc Ticcy are so user Vo God. from uhs shoulders a sack of meal. A Sacramento policeman was hsid up sud usai Tics guileles littie chiîdren, Thers was noe lack of places Vo send con- Tobbsd of $1.50 whill on bis beat a few dan Se innocent aud wise. tributions. In many poor homes lit île wau days ago, and the audacious footpds who bis Another worid th au ours faces told a piùîful story-a litIle chlld lack- accoîplished ths feat got safely away. al Around about ticci lias. rosi, The icappy little ciclidren îug bread. Candied fiowers of several sorts are he Tliet frolic 0cor tice sod. Wicen tics short day snled and Beny among hs most expansive delicacies of tics. Ticcy are soeoer Vo eaveIl, witb bis maîma sat in one chair, hs littîs modemn confectioner, but hs oid fashion of lie, We are so f ar f romi God. b oy learned bow one littie bit of leavenl will usiug tbe candied petals of the orange blos- athe Oh,. trust of uittle cildrsu!1 increase sud spread. soiis tes sesîs te bc almost forgotten. C Oic. faitic Vo thoni made knowsal Miss Evelyn aught fortunate childrn- If a6 few of tics candted petais bs put loto o Thisertic witiout their presnetetabfrifi tee hygvïWolbcutd e sra oce .sdiei, peybosaud gir Vite eo Tics happy litile chicldren! light of happy homss. Miss EvelYn'sgister flavur noticeably peocliar, but once estesi- ana Ticsy comelike flowers iu Mayt 5aw dsily tice histl people who must learu ed very fins, le tI Tics winsomne littie chicldren Vo suffer pain sud woe early iu 1f s. Miss Wico gambol ail tics day, Evlnspp vr ergv e r Il"NoV for Love, nor Fame, nom Favor, ths Thon, wicsu hs iighicctefadingEey' uiseey ergv a ri Ticeir weoy lisads chsyunod: lswsr costing et least Isu dollars. Sho but for Cash," ie Vhs refreshingly rank and fori They are seoer olHeaven, icaed hs fruit wiVh frisude,, butilu '92 she direct statement of ths reason for hs ex« anal Ws are se fear JErom God. lsarnied of a real uesd for potatoes existing isteuce of hs Gurdon, Ark., Cannon Bell, Ger BnV. oh, for sorrow'e chil 1dos lu intics Martin stresV communoty. Tics greet. which uts 1"Editor sud Prop. " Mrs. Auna the Wico chron'g tiec cowilcd stet, or number of hs resipients of fruit showers E. Nash, kees standing lu large type et ery From aitic aud froon celar, readily asisted Miss Evelyn in substitut- the hsad of the page su he place occupied and Ticey couse with uaked fot, u o h ri hoe eoosptt as a rois by ticsIl"Pro Boue Publico order pol Oh, haggaod mon sud woes, igfrthlriutoe gnrrs oao( And s evico ceassiessepied, sbowsr. of euphemistîc nmotte. lc Tek ieo fr ises oso ildrn," Your îased potatos are nies, main- "ilt I icad a ton of mica," sil a dsaler ini They caeseVyou f rom God.mabu1 olnerctcld oid Tiey may ho fer froni He-aven ia u oudnvrstPodbis O' lu odds sud suds," I 1ceuid sii IiVright out i Ticsy casses te you f rons God. tatoos," sald Benny, posiively. at a good pries." Mica wheticer new or Frc Tic fr~io ltts ccielmn," Mors than forty ysars age--" second baud, lu hs block or eplit, bas e gos Thyfaley sogle shen, " ls t a eiery, m-amusa ?" constant sa's. Siail shootsare cicoap, but Tissy caeswsith icoedictien,"NoBnuy"rpidM. ur."Tc large onos fet.-h a prices ligh in propor. tic For brief estsesasen lent. Irishc people suffered a gresi faminec, known tien te Vi-eir weigict. If le cheapeo tissu't bu, Ticev canuot linger witic ne, uow as hs potato famine. Tics poLato crop osed Vo be bofore mica was found lu payîug Vie Ws canoI iold ticoîn long. faiicd lu Ireiand--mauy people dssd or suf- quenîtios, but it stilI somotimnes retails et e 1icAnd hiecoueosleaveOf foed froî hongsr." five dollars a Pound lu hs block. Most rit Tics igit of Gode eowu glery" Didn'î Amerîe ssnd food te Irslaud ?' persoos boy il thus and do thoir own Split- sii The lu tir -.ioiugsyceq" oshadee-" ing, though hs mica spittsrs do it with w Thicn'trs f ith îiseahlo"Theo tics Irish peope wsre haukfui. 1 lessimss. Artists boya geod deal of odes ni luebsetVice homne forevor Ses mamie," eaid Beuny. " was one of largesiceets sud palot t , .Tuisale s- e- Whsse Viee shail enter in, God's ways of provlding, Ireland was given poctialiy a fad of amateurs.1k Ticat home ie eacoed. hoiy. a big potato shower." lk Where sncb as tisses have bseun h rai isuiRvri hetn a Oh. woundsd heertesud broakziug, OsiThauksgiving moruing a basket of The rnatwie MisonieRiver le threaten. re Thot ache bsueai ithecsrod, fruit-pale -green grapes, rich yellow-coatsd the, cd w111 mdestruiony oonte acc ofshre Weucearer grow iVo HIeaven. oranges, pl odbaîanas-came to Benny Et cmlesndeo., ntopoictowbnkof fo Whenthee ý-ýegoneo Gdt ithcousin Jack's compliments. Beet ot froî Atchison, Kan. Tic Sstream bas been sw, ail, Miss Evelyn ate dinner with Benny and eatlng a uew channel for several mondes, nm, ehared bis 'oveiy treai-coussu Jack's fnesh- sud dorinz Vhs peet su nier bas weehcd 1 THE POTlAFO Bl0WER- est aud cloicest fruit. away ovon 300 acres of land. It le 00w sa- ~irgh' Fiancs- wlthin an ighth of e mils cf East Atchison, car Mamie Muir wasstroublaid. She wa lDukep sug' inne.ad Vice destructions of hs littie tewn, with sec eorry o leavo Bsn'siy et home, sud Thauks- The life of'Vice lats Mjaharajah Diculeep mnany ticensaude of dollars wortb Of valuablo op( givlng only oe week distant. Hie Siugh was insored for £70.000. Tisefoilow- propsrty, ss regardsd as luevîtabie, aud Vhs flb coogb wss a bit trooblesois. Tics good ing isean outlile of bile fluancial affaire :- people are i oving away as repidiyase pos- tic family docior edvised staying aet homne moi An arangsesent was M.-do lu 18829-wîti hes i sud. art sehool a fsw daye. Indien Gos roient, sanctioned by AA of Sixteen minore returued Vo Seattle froî art Beriny sud Mos. Muir were planning Vo Iarliaiont, under wviciitVie estates of he he Yukon gold diggings lasi week, bring7 ah make-well, thsy expectbd Voeusake several Maharajah ware Vo ho sld et his e dsti for iug with thons, as tics resuit cf hs seson's tc somebodlies glad on hs day thai svsoybody, hie widow sud children's beuefit. Thewoaot$4,0 uglade n o.h old aud youg, who le a child cf hs dear Maharajah wase doen yers of age lu 1849, gete. Tise sixare cf Vwo or ibree cf Vice pariy bi Lord, slould'give thîniks, for 1111e le good," when tics Puujab was aunus-ed, su'dwheu by was shoot $6,000 apiece. Thsy report thet te. la Hie own way ILe wili provide. Jr ms-sthe advics of bis Drcir et Lahore lie sigu- ticeme wseeshout 300 mîen engesd lu placer s net be lu cor way-iu my way-hut Hes will el tics ternue of settîsment prooed by tics miuiug on he Yukon River lest sommer, haï sursly provide fomr111e childrsu. Britishc Govcrmxent. Ticese tarins wsrs Soie nsw diggiuge wene discoverod onuJlil just whai Benuy sud hie mamie intsnd- Vi et ail pmoerty of tics Staeeof wicatever Bircis Crsek, 2Ô5 miles below Fort Milsen ed doin-« usjt romain a secret. description lunVice Punjab wass onfisceted Creck, from wblch two haifbreeds tec.k ou t'htic Mm. Muiir wont awsy, calling back V t -ics East Iodla sCmpany ; Vice Koh-l- $2 000 worth cf gold lu six days. Tic s,~ "!My littie boy muet hoe brave su d pleaseut Nor diaxond evas snrreudered te Vice Indiens did net molest tics miners tis lr though. If Aunty Mamarci ehold be se Quesen ; sud a pension cf runt ises than four year. c xii~~~~~~~ IantrminwV e utletosd net evcesdlng five lakhs of upese, £40,- News was brought Vo Seattle a fsw daysenfo Theoksgix icg. My- boy uderetande we 000 Vo £50,0~00, wsss ecieursd.tVothseVialera- age of tise birbh cf hs firet white chilinl mey not siweys have thixîge ail or way." jaic. Tics Maharajah claîxned o bo posse- tise wildsmnese of hs Yukon River. IV wae Tsars dimis-dlber pretty bine syes. She ed of privats seiates lu tics Punjsb, -ith boru lest epriug te Mos. P. Beaumeont, wife did not ho-to tics lttle cmy or Bsnny'e - £130,000 per ennuil. But tVisci aim W55 of ice keeper of a trading post i eic otrlet 1 l'Oh, de-c, der; with mamie gous Vhicige net recogused for some years sft'r tViceoltishe Porcexpine River, -wilhin hs Arctic U are so lonesome." aun exation. Hie aliowancs wee £ 12,.500 psr Circi" asnd almeet on Vice sastero border of of Soîebody et hie elbow eaid cierily : aunuso ; lu 1859 tVici allowance becaîs £25, tics Territony. Mrs. Besuniont lics e oiy ( "Benny, Mies Evelyn doe't waut a fruit 000 ps-r ennui. Lu 1882 hile aliowaneý, had witie wOîee thticever cnoeeed hs Ciilcat fi shower this yeao." beasu rednced by charges, adycuýlces, anld %101'Dtallsesdde-eddtcYlo.Tc "NoV weot e fruit siower," schosd exirava'gance Vo £13,000 ver anilini. Th icst retoiarried white womnan te p netrate g Benny. IlWhy, Mme. Myso. This fruit purcisase of he prcporty at Cleveclor, in any considerahie distance op the Yuoncu shower was Vote is ie lovelleet one yet. Suffolk, c-st £138,000. Tics Maeiara ah wa$ Mi"eMslien, e oi sîlai-y, who teck L 1IO M a mie said I m ight boy îy fruit in speut £22,00 in repains thons, aud £S00 1) c arge of a Lndxeu sehool 'at For y M i lle beet sud cisecest greet yellow, sweet or.- Maiarjate life stipeucd of £2500par A inuof ruiy royal hlood, sou of oeeof arE anges, sud lovsly pippios. I sicould hink annuxu uad Voeicean aise hs foliewxug de- he Kins of Af ice, dxed in new Orlsasepr Mies Evelyn wouid 1ke i." -ductious :-£56"4 interest. payable Vo Vis lest week. Ho was Alexander Beckwellne "Miss Evelyn apprecisîse Vhe love bier Iudian Govsrrmi-t fer loins ; £3000 as centenarlaîs, wice wes lurecd ewey from bis littis pepils give bier sud sice iope evsrv premions ou poleicies of ineorance on bis litsa, Araaos ii'-fv er g u t eue wili essiet in giviug a potato shewe-' oxocoted in order to add Voticsh provision sold loto e!avcmv in Vioginia. Hie wes 17 tic "A pelelo shower ! Vice eante Pots- neade fer hie descendante by tics Britishc ysars cf age when kidn-spped, ses- wae of c tee-" e~îiî ~ u G vmuoexi, sd s ccuotyforlees;splendid physical proportions.Tics fact tic "Nunehers of his'-gry pol i;gi £13000 a year fer pensionse Vobie former licat lie wae cf roy al hiood, told icy hie cap. th( our cîty.wico have no work te do or îooey household officers' widows. Thons le muchtnsed tttdbyVscdutohe teV pay for poctees. Our hlsleaec-cîiet ec iepesieus fthsMals- ;ellieSv es a, msnked hlm alwas efrosnoftisec lecting warî grisots. Yoor usaxnse rajahis ill. Ho leavea a wvidow au Eugy- mass ef si-ves, sud the facte cf hie iistory ehs said that ail centribstios migih i t su lleh lady, su.d wo sours Ih li,firîlb wife. vers i ever lest sigici of. Hiqe in-st er your stone-r-eeue and paeked lu thsuks- ae.u Aeadrbcoec s p givi'egbass" Excîtingiceene and a "kzel ' iîi a Bwm- tiaacesdlstr. ohc is iiNs I dentL like te woar od coats," said im, Bath-. ricans eluce Vice wen.li Benuy. A sccus of intese exelteuseet cc uroc(i Tics cigarette ie te ho bsniehed froue IlNo ; yen are a fortussete boy; your ai a sviminig gala ied tics oitier nigis i lu Georgia if tics lise of Represeuisived msaronai otices yen warmiy. Misse e ouc'losw ths Lverprsoi Ssat-u's bias tics power te suforce its wi]1. A bill't« lyue estr eaceslu ic Chco~ciil AO'-ph-,uageeTihs chairman, iviogs-equcsted lorbiddisîg tics sale cf cigarettes in th e tI dean litie girl c ins tu sclsooi ysted y.I -" Sue~~~~~~~~~ wa odadhî trs.B--epotes-ma asoneeeeof Vice spe ttr eSteVe was paseed by Viat hod.y iasV Fn'iday ticoiegic yorz ngist ans-aar ise door-"' put ils pipseout, as smsokinsg was againsi enn.A ifons ic lici edeuV " Oi, s I ili su tes Vs tcine lthic rogoloueof Vice dus, tic semeker it unawfui for any psrsu toe icrettes, P h, stce-1 oi. Yoand aeteslways hno hecaîs rsfradVe--y, endIdelined te do as but tics Conemittes ou Hygieone ansd Sanita- ti bhers Mer M." d'antalas càsired. TIse policeman selzasîlhold ef i ien, te wbtic iV wes referred, sîpcasizedla " ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~n 0fcuea act;Id sdyu u siruggle enuod, duing wiicitise hs igid neoral sense cf tics Rosse hy th( Ofelpo"rep I c!;Ied o.Myo nsiîisg. o1icem sud tiere soker, iholding frise grip of aîendiug it sease Voinclude nscler tise ban V Qoie erl intic aceroouth frnteacb etîser, flil loto tih ath. t wae cigarette teicecco sud cigarette pepen. in door-bel an-ing-hea-liugng-he-front" evideut hat ir.e youg nan xvis e fanrusore Thon ice Houe passed Vise bill hy 101 to 45. A tie ir, rxic ed capyluekugexpert swincnier tian tics constaei. HeIt liseteestin .7Vo note 'hec Vhiciesaisebdyi haned onu e onde, ryig: Ile~ goteV I hobby " round thse ueck and forced bas be-au usiîsg evsoy effort Voe ecourage WIJ gon(ed en obnt c V, yin:Il Id sud hi seaf noderhs wscer. Thon ticsexcite, îles cultivatioof obacco liVice Siabe, gwnî bvoss Iutsofedtse ne boodnsdaimeut cf tics crow'ied audience bocains iu- Grec-ens svemywicors easeet ticat chocs l tigict my ewuIsieu e sootîybaptons. altoes, sd tlisewoeeloud eleance, "Il e's littîs or ne profit lu rotaii ugairs, esnd Did t yen eliynthe' inquipneBe y, rowninug ths ehbby !" Several mnsuwesei houskeeiors confiai chie by saying ticat Ilik eng, " viha boantîu ed Be -' Vite p rpose of oeec-ing tics olicen. ter s miii ecoxoîy lu buying sugar by by At icensrt in.a-in, lu~ BenyHowever, ttice constable î-enagsd tVu ossu Visa keg. Tise tradition ouciing hes sîsl P Aptedticen for ga til wds-awenyhsmsslf f reî hie aeeailaut's gripl, came Ve profit luniandllng sugame et retail le cer- ut oeid he drfetciacd a coa sde- cf tics top, cre6wisd eut of Vice watso, sud teiuiy ionsecien 100 yeaos old, for a wricsrfa wh adh a ece otadpair o seeol 8Seiree'icless and exhausted ticat l ueisiôe ftieist-cîcr lis Ilrors. oy ehae otics audience thougit ho evas ou ticsp-inul that London erecers of tiet day sa-smocftsn u Dous yoîqir einbys h ho 5 f expiinxg. Ticere wene loud exe-neiions out £630 on £70 e yearfor papen and pack- et coas 1 inuied enn.of tic semeker sud his brtality, sud cries ciresd used lu wrapping up sugersud tVc "Evor se many have shehby, ragged woro raisecitVo Veke bin eVotise station-iconce. sosgoeewndnV sIsgrV a-t] eaIe that don't kep oiit hs coid._ HaveI> meu roer ned e showevt il- t bs-s, ending in pslîouary conumaptien sun Many uttempte havoeon nmade Vo curs Vii ltressing diseese hy tie use eofiicaicute, on nuet, medicatsd vapuresud oVicer Iisgenlotis levies, but nons cf ch 'se treatusents eau do a )articeletfgondntl tise parasites are sic' o lstroy od or reîoed froun Vie sucus tissue. Soie inese-'ideas eeihknewusphysicien et *ocy yn'sad af Ver muech exooimeit- cgsuccsoded in discerin thtie oecescary sumbiustsen cof iug'-Lcints yvhicic uever feu joÏ uselutely sud persnsuently eradicating Vii ondibe disaso, vvictier standing fer crse ycar )forty yeers. Tisse viuo sy lie sufférng com Catarmis, gay Fever or Catarrhcal Deafuese kouid, vitisoul delay, coînicate with Vice siess manager, Mo. A. H. Dixen. Nos. 41iand 3Eact Bleer St,, To'-onto, Canada, and lucloce tamp for circula- expleioiug tisis ncvi treat- neut. N.B.-Sufferere fren Catarrhsal troubles îonld cerefnuly read Vis above. Atiînie" Yeu, siculd bse excused when su beave Vice tabcle." Li trîs Nepicev- 1Sionifi 1 ? I thenagit, froî Vhseviay you tted shoot thaltishird pince of pis, Ihat rou'd bs glad Vo ses me go." Wicen Baby vies sick, we gave icer Castoons. Wheu île ws sChiisi, 'se enieÉi for tes Cria. Wlss-s l becais- ss i, icuiclasse tu CaseorJa Wheic sice isad Childosis, ise igave ticeus Cas .cria, MIKE 1HE 1 EIT IN H ES LE1. Interesting Operaioie eu s t. LO UL4 Piiileit frcFosserai t"xsisse. Dr. Marks,, Soperiotendeut of Vhe St. lie City Respital, dut a e ist out cf e s'es ieg Vie ocier day. Iuetesd cf being oseary Voticsh patient's existence, as oVes usualiy are, Vicie ongan wae e very gereus possession sud vis iikely te end 3 lf ai any monoct, The hesot was noet as large as Vhs one usoeliy foond de auea's nids, and deat lu very imsch saise mariner. Lt vies situated upon Vhe ide of tics riglet log, fcur or fixea luches ,vs Vice kose, and ieas moon tender Vican ehall oethVie ewnon's oye. Chirles Gentry, a lahorer, wes Vhseoviner bhis veny remankaicîs ongan. To Vhesusor- ons Vhs phenoienon ie clied a traumnatie ieoriexnofotVhs femoral artery. This antery the big blon' d feeding pipe tîsat roue froî e iceart dewn ticrougi Vhs body and ieg, nDiehiug life Vo Vie diffeent parle of Vhe îtcîy as iV gees. About Ivie menthe ago ontry vies struck oison tics leg jusi over Le atery iy a ehaf t ef s pisse of machin- y The imuer waii of Vhs srtery vis hunet, id Vihig pip ebegan Vo hulge ont ai Vicie uit. Tics outer vieIl, ur cea of thsentery, le ily stretcbed and heid Vice bleed, or ntry weuld have bled Vo deathc in ne me. The aotsry kept on swelling ch eveny pulsatien of Vhs patient'e heant. rom tic ssze cf a hazelout tics bulge sw sud .grew util yýestenday il as langer tVi a eman's fiet. Hovi ie artsny îanaged te stand it witiout nstiug was, a matVer for vionder even te s surgeons. The lIst Vooci given Vo Vhs in ever Vice swelling eaueed Gentoy ber- bis pain, and leevies obliged le keep veny ,il lest any suddeu îoveueît or contact onld breake ir sud by ths hemorohage ing on doati. Tics eneurisi eould be ýen te hoat Vo al lutenle and purposes ke any other heart. If one brougcb bis tr close Vo itlihe could bear e conetantly eeated biowiug orbreethxng seun i eoming si eneeti Vhesksin. This noise vies la ad y Vice vacant air space aîoound tics oileu artery wicere il -hef crowdsd Vhs eseles aside. Dr. Marks decided te operate in oder Vo lO Gentry's lifs. The aneomiens vis per- -ptidiy gmoisng, sud ceas bouud Vo haret )on. Tics patient vies laid upon the ering table and plaeed usuder Vhs is- ucs otchoroforne. A champ koife laid o issues asidesud expossiVice femnoral rteey viithic te 5pple shaped hulb. Tics rtry sas thon tied, on 'lsigatel," 2inches ovesol '2 inciseobelovi ticsswelirg, sud ei big buc eut opens. Neemly a plot of Icd gsshed lortc as I riccutiers wes rno sort 1sf , Tise slit antery vies thon seved )gether witih fine silk cicroads pnevecusly sked lu ectiseptie solu'iens, sud leit te ai. Tics ligatures above ansd belevi were Vf Vo romain, bowever,until, ticsartery us ily healed. Thon theyviii he 'snticd sud .e hlood allowod te go dovin Genltry'e leg usuel. -listhVie ssutlu's tics peiirît'e ib-ll recels-e blood froî Vhesisusller rtries, sud wyul in ail prebehility keop ,Ùi dying. _______ Our Bleee8ed Nortiwgeet- An article of eonsnming interesi Ve nadiass eshat eucitled 'l Poîsehili is fVie GreatlcNortIswsst," by S. A. Ticomp- mn, of Dîelutic, i e c Noveasicor R-mvisw fRevIews. Mn. Thoipson pois o ut Vise vasi grain- eviing pos3sihiiies of Vice Ca.tadiau srthwoelsud is noV bysuy sue-tu' et e )s te àocoiust. for Vhe beoieaoi. 1.-- t'fdehlas soiscLhiug Vodo withecimats, esays, but net everyîbing. Alitude le tleustas important. TicsWesitern StaVes s at afao gosator altitude tican are Vie rvuneset Vie Canedisu Ncnîicweet. Tics Inicu Pacifie erossestise Rocky MonoVtains e aicsight of 8,000 feet aud wiih. au aver- ge elevation of 5,C 00 foot eastviamd frone oc Roekies. It le higîser for 1,300 miles fits course Vhies ny peint betwssn Atlan- i and Pacifie on a urs-eyed route tireogs oi Peace Riven cotin toy.. Tic Canadien Pscufie ounVice oticor land rsses on tic seouth icrancis of Vhs eesket- sewan aI an altitude cf 3,000 foot sud lu e Athabasca Di5tricV tics tend le dut ,000 feel abcve t'e ses. It gete lossern d yweo ae districts furciser noertiarc rsaciced mdil tics Mackenzie River je but 300 feet eove Vice Aretie Oc-sas, Tie differonce in tics altitude cf tics cou- esutai plain lu W yoiing andinlutise val- ýy of lice Mackenzie Ris or je equevalunt its cliînoic effect te 13 degreos et lati- de. Tics concieion l etoV ard Vo dravi fosi is. The Canadien Nonthst ile partVcu- ny hlessed. lie leugci cf Vie daye lu se moes ,setiernr districts is enotiser fao- cr, there beiug a differèuese otsve ihours fax or eftVhs Pesc River District as coin- arcd with Lowa sud Neldraska. Te Vii piszciy duice viudemf ni rapidicy viuil ciicc vogetaVien edvances. WHAT IS CATARRH? Fron tise Mail (Cari.), Dec. 15. Catannis is a muco-puruilcut, dLcuarge c-n'ed -y Vice preseuce suddenvelopiiiut of a eesl aoasito un tics internel lening membressèof esi use. Thsis parasite is cniy deveopefi bules avourable circumstasces, sud Vicose ure : tcteriid etet- nofVice hlood. as ticsbubciecor nse of tubercis tics gerne poison cf syphili1s, oercury, Vexeoea, fbei tics retoîtiou cf tise ýfite matteo f tics s-k, snpprescrl perspir.- on, bedly veutilated sleeping repartiseuts, aud icher poisons Vicat are germisiated lu tics ilooci. tisce poisons kesp Vice internai iinisg sue- -ans of Vice isose 'n a conistant csst oirita- inu, ever vnoady for tics do-it onf VCe -da ' Yeung, eld onrnmiddle agsd, whio fiud tissi, selvssseservoos, vieak sud exhasted, erbu are brokon dovin froî exceesser overwerc resuiting in îsuy cf tie foile-wiiîg eyuu- pto ms :M/ental. dapreesien, pren'aVooo eld age, Ions cf vitality, lese cf ueeiery, badl dosais, dinsuese of sigici, palpitation of Vhs iceant, emssions, lack et euergy, pain in the kdneys, h-sdac-hss, pimpios ose c face b- ody, itching or pe-culiao suDse. tei's about tics scrotum, wac' iug cf ths engaue, dizzinsoseeks efelstics sys, twiteciug cf tics musc-les, eyolidesuadoese- vibere, hahfunes ,opsils lu Vihe uri. lorýs of wîll pvsetes, - - of t cs-se wa spo ,CLea sud ûý,bboy uuecls, sire Votlsp fisiu stVobe-eeedby SIC constipatîcor,dllcsq le-,l ,voie, desir-e forsltue xltit Vemper, sunken eyes, sroue LEADES CRCiri. , eiiy ieokinig eitet, are ail symptoîs of nervonedoiictîset iead Vo isnity nuIsess enrec. Tics spring or vital force havirpg les' ibe ttension evo, fonction wves sin OlsSteV Tl. ho viho tbroogh abuse cemnes sitin bigno erancc, îay de perîanently ceonsd. Senti your addmess sud 10 ceiibe lu stas for bock on. diseases poctîlsar te eau, seul eeaied. Addmsess M. V. LUBON, M4 Mac- donneîl Ave.,Tronte, Ont., Canada. 36 Lys. No Sorn3w for Hîm- "Lt ie sad VeseeVice chili of Aestut'n et- Vliug o'sr Vie svorid," sice ssii. IlWhy-er-y os, I beliovo it je," rcplied., thce youssg mani. "Autusn aiwasefille une viscisadusese," ehe ent ce. l" Even witi you, I knovi I shall bc sermowfui veiitics front Cille tics leaves sud lbaves thse veorld s0 dosolate." "llse, ycnveon't," hoe'sswered, posiciveiy. Iii1 fi-,cthat."1 lieue-?' "I'in goul ng ltce s-coal bsu aces." Send 25 ý'Sooiigbt" Sc-al virapperi (virappon bearing Vice vi-d8 "Why Does a Womau Look 0Od Socuso Tàan a Mans') Vu LEvEu. tsos , Ltd , 4,3 Scott St Toronto, snd you se- l reeeve hy po3l ex proîxy pic-tors-, free froue sdvonlîng snd webllwortic framiug. Tius sn su easy way lu deoresyenr buis,.lice soep ine bheat j ic e marleet, and il evilI ouly cet le. postage te Pend us Vie virappers, if youle-se tIse onde epen. Write youn addrsss canoft lly. "Yoo said tisat i ai ' fiighty,'" She cried, wicic fiaeiing scerni, S I isold Viat Word au isult Net îeekly t c herieous1" "My dean," is uid, "I 1ovit, Andi thougle yonr anger scinge I boy sud sCprav eicould fot Au angel use lier venge ?" Por Over 1b'iftv Years Mas. INSeOsi s suorurso SvsUu bas bteus used by millions etfissethes 'fer- eheir ciildrsn uiile ieethimsg. If çiBturh- ed et nigit sud broken of yonr reisl hy s esc-k child snffemsug and cry ing Viutb pain f CutVing TecVle îend et once ansd pel a bottisetof-"M s Wiusiow'a Soothiug Setrnp" for Otilîdren lciis. iI yull relieve Vhs peor bltte suifons immeiatî ly. Depend open xl-, qobc Ver eno aisisteke about iV. Il eue, sDincue -egulalsa Vhs Stcneaeb ssnd Bowels,cre Ws'rd Colic, sollons Vthse(Joiesud re ,- duc-a Infleessiaulon, sud givce Voie and orncrgy te Vhs viols systene "ra 'Winslow'e Soothing Syrup" fer ehildelos testhing le piosentle Vise teste i i tle h o'cscriptien cf eue of tics oldeet sud Sea s-ale physiciens and nurses ls ic e Uit- ed SlaVeEq. Prie twenty-fiescents a btVile. So!d by P,1 druggiste ticrougicoul -tie viotid. Be aune te ask for "IM. Wýietsaows Soouiiç Syctut-." 112 17 Wben env caiaînicy bas been suffered tic firet ticing Vo o ertimcseres sà, 'coi" P àsebxeu sïce1sd s- î'Among the imallytestimonials whiliî 1 se ni regard to certain mdeu3perfOrm- Ing cure, "leansing the bljod, e t-,«" w tL IIENRY HUDSON, Of the JaMO e -lilitil Woolen Machinery Co., Phladeiphia, Pa., Ilnone impress me more than my Own case. Twentyyeaeg ago, at the cge of 18 > cars, I1liad swelliiog3 cUM3 on mny legs, which ir.ýj aidc became running oores. Ourfamilyphysiciau coul do me no geod, and it ivas 'eared tiiet thes boues woul be ffeced.At last ny gond old neother urged me to tzy Ayer's >Sarsaparilla. I teck three bottles, thce sores iealed, and 1 bave not beena troubled since. Only the scars remnain, and the meinory of ths past, ta 1remind me of the good Ayer's Sarsaparilla has doue me. 1 ifflW weigic two hundred and twenty pounds, and aisin ie best 0fbealtic. Ihiave ieen on the road for thecset.twelvs years, have noticed Ayer's Sarsaparilla advertised in ail parts of tics United States, and always tae pleas- ure in telling wicat geod it did for me-" For thic ure of ail diseases origicsating li Impure blood, the icest remedy le AY~' ~ara~ailla Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., towell, Mass. Cures cthers. M 1cieure you Jim Webster's Luck. "ISam, cao yer lend me a dollar ticat yer has no use fur ?" saitd Jiul Webster to Saim J uhnsing. ."ICertainiy, Jim; l'se pleasedl to acconi- inodate yer," said Sain, handing Jini a dol- lar. Jini was sa surprised at his luA~ in getting the money that he bit, the coin to see if ho was awake or mereiy dreamiun and. in do- ing so discovered that the dollar was made of iead. "lDis heash is a cotinterfeit, 5cmn.; 1 didn't think you'd do me that way." IlI know it's a countereit, Jim; ysr ss me for one 1 had no use fur, an' 1 gi -ce itV Ver ; l'se aiwayz kinci to myfred.

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