for all purposes Laundry and r Householti and i nad ta great comfrorît and saver G0f Labo r Mas3 -C equaV for Puârity, nor for q;leanîng andi swe1etening, nor preervngthe -à thes andi from in- urnor for ail-round REFUSE OEA[MâTATiONS T1UE CANADIANSTATESIMAN ESTAI3LISIIED 1814 31 par RInIIIIm in advance, oiherwlaa $ 1.5 9. Suibsoriptions awaapayable ai ibm ,ouRse a l'aet, 10 cents per lienonparie .i set' insarb ri, and S cents p-r inýo och aubequaat 1a- Iete.Loca, 10 c) fents per line.:,- 1 M. A. JAMES, ýPubIisheP 0F CANADA. ('apgîal paid mup, eSLOOO,OOl. Reit,$1 ,a This lank, is preparod to do Legciti- mate Bankng in.ail its branches. Farme-'.s notes diseonnted; Deposits received andtnt I erest paid on accou nts cf 85 and upwards. in Savings Banik Departînent. 18%ue'lrd and olectieus made li Earoe UTnited Jtates, anid -Canada. Agent cOtinties ta do a Geeal3anking Busýiness BomnilleÀ-Agency. !tePýfyed lu Sa rings Ban]r, Deprtment and on ea;la.Édinteresi allewed ai enrent rates, Na nilceotwithdrawal necessary. AUl depositg vayable on demtand, EXCHANGE SuhtîAnd seloldand Drafts lssued upon Enropo Unlte5. tptesand Canada,aloGold, Silver and Unlte4t~iesGreenacksb ned sold. COLLECTIONS Premrty ruade ai current LtGie spôn ah part ni Gret ritan the T;nlted States anc the Do0,ilpion elCanada eilcgraph Transtderi Madle fer large or small sunle on ail pi,-t ar and.This ie especially advaiîtigeoui te ïtr-i iving lun Manitoba or the Nortiw est, iniakts the funds available t once ah the place of paymient. Other arielar a t the baik. E. L..4i8RTrP GII. MoGIhL, Aceoutant.Manager. Ofie&PaVOfice Bloek. Cela b tnngrpkiOr zieiphone roeleve !M j., Id It(£" NLý 4<G LElTYFRIEND TU r 0 eçs RE LE IN CAND IEALTIL. The Best flisinfectants- The olfiesyissg tisai firt la brealriltsl,no longer hlitsu graund inl the lightai modern research. Nor all irt la actuaily disease- pradueung, ut is truc; but all places wbere fis accumulates, or wierc tisera la decay- ing matter of auy kinfi, are very likeiy toe afford ebode ui sustenanco teanay disease l germa wiici may bho oaîrug about l ie h air. Hemristey muliiply andi wax strong aund lie ina walîtacertack the, frai auimal or humari being that camnes along, wse yital forces, are net aicong enorigista banr Vie entrauce oftheica microscopie e.somres. No soilficlaiing ebouifi lie, about sleepingI apartmorstÉ, ticrabbisi shaulfi accLmulate lu the attie, no raimun raga, unden fie aink, ne, decayîugvegetables luin ecellar, n siing Matter dr f urnywhere. Diaeaae microbes fia net crawl about aetively bike flins ; they are invisible, living, argenie duet, and eau aiton ho garuers rifi aias sncb. Tise greatoat eeuitary eafety lins il, abeol ut e cleanîruesa. J9oweriul (îiisrniectants are meinly usotul in tie haufis ai a reliable persan, wion disease ecrnally existe ina tic bouse; îbot tiqy lace much ai ibeir effe-eh, unies.4ail tîsat caai ho doue in Vie way ai cleanlineet bias already been accaruplsief. Tiey are substances which, lu Vie liquifi or gaseaus forru, are rureudefi oteot andi desinoy al living disease microbes whicisnay he float- iug in Vie air, lofige inlutise belonginge ai tIse sick caom, or whiebs ding Vo tic persan or exigu lu tic discisarges of tho patient. For aIl ondinary houaebold sanitati on, Vie mistreas waubd botter confine ber efforts ta brning ber bouse, its furnisiuge, andfitis sucnoundings iat a condition as near ta perfect cleauuines as possible. luIntise prasocution af ibis eanitary c'ork. sunshine audfi 1ma air arc also vaînsle aida. Direct unshiri l generablybelsevefi by investîgatana Va bc hostile ta msnY diseaso microbes, If thia bc truc, tlserO 15 arie mare reasan wiysunsiie sisouifi be fnenly admittefi teallabI anc rus. Valouses ai froash air are extremîsly usef ai in Sweeping ont the microbe-ladrin air ni dweiliugs, andi especialby roome whiiei have heen usned as sick cbembeca. hn tact, Vie bouse wife bas always tiree powerf a assistants ai baud, by wboae aid aie may largcly proveat tise outrance andi apreafi ai discase lu her home, -saap andfi watc (especielly aitishe boirng paint), pleuty ai fresi air, and, floofis ai sunehine. Tieso are, acdinanily thn besi I thluk lu je evideuttiat preper fievelap- Meut andi expansion ai the lungs by means of well regularefi broathig muet ho regard1- edas ai Vin greatesi value-lu tise prevori rien aind in Vie treiatruent af Vie inactive stages ai pnImonary consiuption, sass1)r. Thomas J. Maya. 'Tic'mare simple tis metiioi, thn more effective andi practical will ,be tVe resuîts a'iiclîflaw tram ut. Amang Vthe masiy oxecroises wiicis are ne- comnienfief for uhit purpase, Vie foliowiug movomeuts are vry valuable .Tic arme, being usefi as levers, are swuug bacirward as fer as possible an a 1er-el witls the shoul- dons ducing oeaci inspiration, andl iîougist Vogether Îabe eeheafi w iiinpiriug, and graduei!y 1braugit dowMn a thei ei body while 2,pin Adeep breatýi muet be taken wiUli naiuspîcatien, and hlîcf uitil tube ensa are gradaally ma-edforfa- wýafd, or dawnv.,'a, or langer, lu ander ta make bath metiods fuily aperative. Anather ver-y sacvreoablecina"t exerpise le t'a Vake a dep- inspiratLion, n<ip,],during expirauion, lu a loudie cocunt or aiug as ltug as ,pa;ssible. A maie penaon, with a goafi ehest cen count up ta sixty or eigbty ; wblle lu a lemab ,e, or-en wiib >gond lange, Vis power la sornewhatreducofi. Preetice ai tuis sont willalwly fievcbop tise lungs, andi tic incnoaser ability Va conu longer is a measirre ai tic improemeni gaing on- w itbin tise cee. Or eaîan? tic akýis ai six or elght lu1I andi fiep ireatis ina~ir C b sin every hear durirîg tise day,eitier arile DSitting au work, or wile walking aut lu theoapen air, willhaece rery baneficiel effect. TIse bceatbrng of conîpressefi andicaccfied air le autraetirrg wide attention aitich pres- ont Viro in couneetion with tic prnvontiors andi tic treatuient ai punmanary eongurnpy ian, andi is another modo wiorewità 'usý cist capacity eau hobfler iily inîpror-cI. Wben air is breetied lVin hma nner, thýr-e is flir uing oaci inapication a &geurle dis. tension oi the arhaie eiarAt, arhile during ex- piration a feeling ai e;npt:ness is e xperiene- ed. Cousumapuron is net a fir"ses'wbiei ami ginatos in a day, but it le " atgmr-wtisoa morbifi habits andi agencies whiciehînay oves autedate tise iirtîr ai tise mdlvidtri. Dc. inctive hreailîing la erie aifVisese halai tsa-cid its porniciaUS prevaience les more svideeprteî tîsan ia generally supposefi. Mach bas bmon avrittezu upon uhis subjec'tÏ anfi many experimoute have beenmdefar tic purposýe of determinigtise best an- Most efficient metIia.i ai diaiulectiug tIi walla ai a moom wiiehhas contained a epr- m sou suffering irri eOicniinfectious rnaialy. MM. Cluarbernfianfi Fernhi, cor- -necuefi wiih tiseisygiense firpabÊrent ai the Paseurm hutitate, Paris, bar-o r-ceeutl unlertaken e new auudy or tis e mportru question, aund have fiemined two impor- Choiera C'ommunicated Byli se.- TLese litlt i unehldi visitants are afie temëans --covaigtIe csige try City cf provisions on Vie Morga~n. Thse rudcrcok ef Chicago. Governor Risl Se- parîy plannefi Viir escape for weo ks. They wil!behoa sked for roquisition papers aud tVI iewed eut on cars andi stole packpsafull of feliow wfl be brouglit hack here andi madi rice until thsy gar a kettie fulli, anid secret- o prove bis rigit te thse body and ti efi some water. Thon tbey stale ra canoe n onny, or Veke the counquencei. TIse de andi esceped. One ai une part y intimaiefi teeùtivos aiofVIse Grand Tcunk have siadow oun tisai Vwo or tirne guarseithie isienfimigit cd Vi man tac some ime andi found tIs of- daamlng. lie traývelIs unfier several eliases. Caikcn rj p tche's astria te- serions malaïies. According ta the EPIi-0B 0GE THE 'WEEK. report oftheticlamhurg Medical Society, they are now accused of being an active[A BrtsMacCouma'Lgn a medium ai aammunicatiog cbalera& Nine BenortibM athCosmra egn a ai the insecte,' wbich hadl bei-n in contactbenfomd wiih infected. choIera materisa, were cap. Walking-sticka for ladies are becoming iured, and placed lu llasks entaining nu- fashiona ble. trient gelatine. In six of Vhe nine flasks, The aiary ai ibe Vie roy cf Influa ila20,- nme roue colonies ai comma bacilli were 8.13 rupeea a moîîtb. sàoecessfolly cuitivatefi. Th(, posibiity, Tiore are avec 80,000 atuttoring chilfiren therefore, of one's iallin g a vietiru ta choiera jil the acýhoola ai Germany. tirougi ibis meana, rs by lno means insig- niia .Polmocnary cansumption cleimed 144 victime lu London <Eng.) lasi week. Rats in a silver mile. The British War Office authorities aSay The first rats -were braughitae tn Comn- thai aur soldiera are becoming siarter. stack tram Califarnia lu freiglit wagygons Tho largesi holly tron iu Great Britain ii pcinipalymos iieivin he ig prariesaid ta e at Clochfaen, Llanidloes. Schooners," stowed away among boxas and Mr'. W.,P. Prith,. RA., received 6d. for craies ai gooda. Their rapid luce ase after hie firetdrawing, a sketch et a dog.. , iheir irai appearance ou the Comstock, wrss Patti gets £800 for inging lu London,, astonieliing. Prom ton te fourteen Young and £50) for siugîng in the provinces. are praducef ita a birtb, andi thece are sev- Mr. Michael Sentiey,thn son of the greai oral litters nacis year ; basides, a rat is a baritcne, is now siudyiag for the Bar. great granfifather betare hlai a year old. Tien, the rats thet colonizefi tbe Comstoek WMc. Max O'Rell tbinks tIse Australien townq ericouniterefi na enemies. Tieru 'were women are the mosi frîvolous hoe bas evor no catslu ibe country. met. SThe rats soon diecavecefi the mines, andi Mr. Tom Mann thinks thai the textile tannd theroin e congenial homne and a haierreWagea lu Yorkahire are a diegrace to Eng- froc rrom thé,îerritying presence aif:mn- iand. bers ai tIre melie tri he. Nover wa a cat lunUitfSeeaijeeawhtal aenu in env of the lawer leveis of tIse mines, phonographa in public use shall ha iini oct- thaugi tioy sometimnes prowl about tie efi. surface af the tuuneie. lI n eficetoapening Aaprbnac fia utebadi ai the mines there was no plaoe for tlc rats A uerbnacof'inintelods but as soonl as the tirobers began'Va ho set tue tbeocy put for ward ta accouant for ced ana eribs'ai waste rock huili îboy were ablebir ta Sund sale hiding places;, aisea there waa Mc1. Ceecil-Rhodes, Premier oi Cape C-lcuy, rooni for tim everywhere bhinditie leg- tîsinka the Matabele trouble will soan be gîng ai the drifta. As hey increased in Ovs. numbers there was an al ides an inerease Iu the neighbnurbcod of Isterburg, in ai sace tbrougb the rapid extraction ai are Gecmauy, wolves have inl largo by tbe minore. numbers. They dosbtiesa soon. disco v erefi that I id s aîff that a performanceofa Utopie though man wasibheir enemy rntlîe surface, is ta egvnbfoeteQen ntecug ho was their triend down in the under- aiof egvbfr the Queu u hecors graunfidrifts andi ciambers. Ho abarefi bis ABotnsaiicn ndth erl mneai witb tbem, and îîîey scamperefi and ABotnteitcs fidtaterl eapered about hlm with perfect inîpunity. îwîce as manyr women. as mon livo ta ho The wàrmîh af the lower levels appearefi avec 80 Yeats of ege. ta bc very e .cg.nial ta the rats bath aId A movement is ou foot in Russaetaes- andi youaoe. Celfi le a ihing nnknown ta tablish ,by law e compuiaory insurance theo. itis as tbohh îhohadb'-ngivedn egeinat the filuire ai tihe craps. ' imnc husesiti which ta ireefi. Any Th'uviaaotiefemous Balaclava température tbey dirire frein 60 de2rees to' charge are dwinding eway, but ihere are 130 dogmees, iset their commaufi. Rats are still t ffo lu Newcastle. usef aI as scaveugers in mines. They deour Aseinofca asta 0mncm ail be ccae omca au aior cof îhownta aak for articles loti in railway carniages uapon tic grounfi by the minora while ai for eve wm hodsgo lunch, cating even the bardeet bouies, tons o~wmnwodn o proventing bafi ader. As tIse deeay ai ths The Banýk of Englanal note is noV tit the amallet 'îhiug is uneudluraLleienlu emie, samneiifkuesa ail Virough. Caunterteit thse minera nover intenîianally kill a rat.i. atea are inveriably ai ana, thiekuess, The minera bave a higi opinion ai their pes&Pnitndtsara eagacity. The rats generally, givo tihe Msr_ Sirs&Pn neniV tr minera ,he -firet notice<oi danger. 1\Vben earetauranrtil. Paris, farthîesuapply ai grillefi bis' cave is abolît ta occur they are Seeaustea,,chopa, eand Eogliah diabea. ta swairiti oui ai tic driifts and scamper Mme Paîti's favorite pot la a amal about thse Saurs ai a level et unwouted Mexicaut î dg nmefi Riehi. Ho is providofi trnes. The setrling ai the wasio rock prab- with a, complote wacdcobe, includiug nigit- ail pics theanimaIs in their delle, gawn. cuig thm et once tVa bave lu searcci ai Tice ,mpres aiAneicia sponda neârly logs dangercua quartera, haifthen day in baviug lier hair cered for. At urnes, wien a mine bias bean ahut During thia ime she la reed ta, aird emokes down foc a e 1w weeks, thie rats beconie rev- inceseýa1!ty. enously hîunocy. Tbgy do hot accuple tae- devour the yong, aid and weak of tîi5r atn says onwio vîsîtediit recent- kinfi. DurinL tise suspension ai work in a ly, is chicfly notable for is féal emelis, rine thatis le t coonectedi witi othrer mines cooked1 doge, andi rei'a flesh nvenywiern ex- tisi are runoms', evrytiing natable in tic poaed for sale. une ron egions le der-ourei, oaven thn Al persana in tie service ai thse laVe Lord can drippu gs on tic fluors. When wark Derby is ad diiatcibuted between theno on se reauimed tic almoss famisisef creatures Wed1nesdeay a aum of £1 6,000, bequeatbied are estontisiingîy balfi and feerless. Tien lu biis îl îhey will corne ont ai their hoIes andi get Prince Aýrtur,, Vielitti e ien'year-old sou upon Vie nndecgraund nugines (even when ai tiw Dulke ai Connaugit. heas been tekiuig hey are in rapid nmotinsa nd' drink Vin oul aoui ai tic ail cups, quire regerfileas ai tho sawimu. aaal nee n tSuh presece aftue eginieA. sa. îay correspondent ,aye Vie colours su A f li ýl mne salter hVe rats b; the wiioles4le. Pc.w escape, as the . gaes WiiÀch} lie Duchess of Yack looks heat are a penetrate every noak a-ad eranny of Vie ceerarbiipnkaffogtm-i undergroundregýianS, and i ai nSe suddenlybIe as toaesshyxiate îhern in ti&ýr hanses. ila Sete Americati observer wriies tint if is di(ifinl England ta camle accossaa The Lou'Ie3t Noiss lvar mairi on Earth- G:iadtokann eoug tV i pper and upper No r'n ta ieskies was eorc c- -id~cass Sopaa'o.'l wîîlî a ro'a o scsh vshemnae e BadSehoole ot Landau eppeel fac as tisat whiih issue lifra 1tlre t1iraat e cf Rie aY uela3wn tennis balla Viat playera may great volesue in ra Kcaeta, an isiet iying in have ta sparo. Tic balle are very usef ai in the Straits ai Surfis, iatvveen Sumratra anfi thee1pîsyground8. Java, et 10"cr ors Mou by vnorning, RosaBonheur, Vie wnll-known ertist,has 1 Aug. 27, 1883. As tirai dr'eadtliSuudey several pretty pet doga, bot lherchcief fa- night wore on tic uoree -icireased l in rters- vaurite le bÏer mankey, whiie la aliawed ta *ity and iîefiuecy. Tlic explosions eu ru~ n abeufat will. * ed ea.h ot-r go replly tiat a . ciiotie 'Plie Duk2 of Ddvaus!hire bas givon a site - car eenifi a ienefon oc 'iuui.Thevalueda;t £6,000 for a new ciurch ai aV crtieai maoment was uow apuraac'olin, aud heurïlne, and lias aise subscrihef £.5,000 ta. ticentbre* kwas propariog for a mijsic-vards ie ,samne abject. C enrirnatiai. ep a T iý rirrcess ai Wales nmbars a-n Th paope o ai Btlt ie didnot sept ti ,nvitethcwngoe o eng -nigit. Their wndows q'oveme 1 ivir r thecmnviteVecowhgueibig tiuders lrom Kn rewhii hi euondefiwhài l, knawn in unarisiocratia dcrains as -like tice îshicgcetartilarv in thicr1e, gnn ad" with babis sreetzr. Finali-ly aut 10 e' iock oau Moday [Amavoment he3 been inauguratel et maornsng e atoondenseconvulsion taertplace 1 -1.11 an, Fa., ta sond a choir ai 169) Wli- -whiielîfar tcanccnded any ai the ria'ks tein eaa aWNales nexi yer, ta represeat d wiich hefi prece"dod it. l'Tils s'opyrei e uort Vie Unitef States aitich Natilanl Eistedd- itl wat wiici r he i migitiest noise ever lad ulare. hourd con the globc. Batavia je rincry-flr-e 11:-, nrun,anrad Lthet in Anlerieshave heeu lieos distanit froinoKraksa AtCs'inon, fuf scret pofssesa owi' Java, 355 milps away, reports xvere beard Joirup,01 cmnîarning Vin passage-s vhich on tiat Sun iay mflOciing wiiei ici ta t1i Baa l suppre3sefi an tic reprcseutatioeos helief that tisere m55 b'e vp3esinhitfie' aofifrienfi. distance whilea arasd :seirgr'ug its .5Ls as 13f orin"tcadetbrsl i inals aidi3tres.Tise au'iarities Sentad, ba aur boaiste a okes a sox ; tiser- peseroriy srieaelritdtt1reBiae a le returrnd, as nothiig ceuifibe tianrîdin walt 1naw ioc.ansîoedoilattec 14 yers' wark, - niesear. ercanune -durin'., hici tilno h lias atedefi s-amil The reports w ir oriswic'o came ail thiuesý-nd fices. thVie way tram Krakatoa. At Miassar, lu Tise 1atest idlespronlgaited iy General le Celebes, luud explosionsA attracred, tie notIeBots le thisdtribution ai "'Grace-beinore. -' af everybady. Lire steamers were hastily me' t h o etcprnceeds ai ail tic boxer 9elit eut taeleed ont h as &3tlmiter. ioicd eteiioeýfte" dark- d.- EMzI-Aoe - -Bo-u ~XA~EL AIL kinds of Luniber, Wood and. DRY OLEAN SCREENEI) COAL a' ways in stock. We invite inspection anti guarantea satisfaction. MoCLELLAN &G Manuiecturei n0r et TeOMiAS 1HOacWAY'5 5AiUHS Cured býy4The D.&L'.5enthol Plastec. My si sa:afhîcrdfo 5 oYeatss ih a seVre pain eedeî te ! OftsO!er and î i gh tste hen;ate si~gmeyesseies w;oitho tr1e,e t e 'd a " D.â L. ' ,' e ,1pa t, i dd sar M5d owing so Ihis ruy hundgeds of these piatershav e bren rsod hy mrieere, govingecasirtfah J. 13. 5h~A r~~ irJ.',i'6 A. SAD) SH.tFwM101. M of ethe pxs' 4 )în and -- steerage, died in tie i. g ,f. oincoid and Thse Marine Dilsasters out te Seaone ln fright. The sea wîshed 'r'vî,y thc5 wn en tbeLffls or theseteaÊnslip Atlanatic. 1 hrldrein,aui ýlthe sôLsoof t.he îslsnd was soon thickly strewn with thet dead. '[he Perhaps the most frightf ni wreck on tlie rativeas plnadered the bh lie3 a-id niotiated Amierican coast was that of the White Star the hand3 of the wenen ini order ta -get steamship Atlantic at 'VLsrr's island, near theïr rings. tlalifak,at I2 'clock in the rnorning 0f Que woman %vas S'oe,-n i he wsves holding Marc5 31, 187,3. Five hundred and sixty two clijdren, whiie a third had its litine perished out et a total of 978 persans. arm8 arouni ber neck. She weLt dowu 1The disaster was so tremendous that the aio'st instantly, and the lou il ry of the newspapers at first regarded the news asà an poor mn ther as she sank with h ýr littie one$ attempl ta perpPtrate a cruel April fool conld bc heard ail over the wre k. boax., :V 1 1 Witet the slgbtestWvarning the steamer steuck on the rock. The sea earried a' ay w althe port onats. Before the weather -ane yh~ii~Z ri iboats Qonld b2 ceared the ship rolied overn Thisi13 tie case in _Prîca ino the city et The sounds that araseý fromt below decksl1 Paris, 'rmd in Alsace, ina Gcrtmsuy. Iu thé were snul stirring. Most of the woenuand latter 0anutry cy aiîts apm tu have a, children were dawn there in the darkness. remarkabe bol time, far every wheehlitnin waiingpitfuly.Alsace 43 net ouliy oblige 1hy, the pýlica ta The captain ordered tlie passengers ta take ont a license cositing abîent 62 cents climb inte therigging and to crowd forward per aninuru, b oh le fui her camnpeiicd ta have where the wreck ivas highest, and ont aofIthe numb-,r et sach licea 1ae iuocribed in reach of the Waves. The officers of. the 1 figures an inch ilong con bis nmsciin-. A& sbip gai a li ne ta a rock about forty y[Lrds rider ina Alsace i able ta a hie-vy <lue If distant and tîjen managefi ta get four other ho aboidho disceverod ridin a.machine liosacross, About 20J peoplo managed ta bearing a wimber thau-dos nt arîe witl reach the rock. Betwe thoe rock and the thai on his liceuse. No cyclist cur;ue in oshore was a golf of about 390 feet, and a, any part of the city cf Paris w;îbt' fi -.ret 1rope was stretced *er ibtis. Fif ty Par.- obtainicg a license cosling Lbru --2 peu 1sons roachedi theo island and aroused the annuni, andiibai do cument 'te" ii t 'inhabitants, whe fUrnished boate and tank the permission thereby given is abete thsahaif-frogen sar'vvrs from tbe rock. ,witbdrawal in case of rcckieso rig h Thase whostill clnng te tho e cf the Spedc n yl l aîbcto u St ship and the rigging wore aise rescnod. nt exceed the ordimary paoe of a Net a wonan was savod. The first eficer G;ermany and Balgium,as Nvell as in 'rne 3hold one woman in the rigging until si cyclists are taxed. lu France ihere arc. freze ta deatb, and there sihe was left haîf about a quarter of&a million cé'clistse, and hair nude, with pretuding eyes and foamy lips, Great Britain f uily double th5.t num'uer. 'the ghastly spectacle being rnndered more - terrible by thse splendid jewels which Mutiern naii stelta ai sparkled en lber bauds. A boy who hung Mlu wtzaerond. deleas s teatpoessewé, on te tbe icy rigging near the dy.ingwmnIfn trux, i'A.prearin in ii a ise tei .was washed away, but lbe man <sg ta eac Mscnthre s deeepa i bý,aiway o! boat. The lait nman lu the riggiag as]Gis ax anfi he Rocecoue, . T_ e ir-a ot ethse first eficor,, whe was saved t.rougk thée' ees netauxancipt a bokepTe lk, se _lioreiqqforts cf the Rev. Dr.- Anclentq osntatc5t r, z ,ý k I ney won't smoke any othier wtule tfley cati get ULD CHUM even if theY have to beg or borrow it, for there is no other tobacco which assures that rool, mild. sweet smoke 1). Ritchie & c. Mnfc rr, air L -I S UNACCOUNTABýlY LOSING FLESH REFUSINI; TO TAKýE TS FOOD -) MS ALODB UTA.TEO WHYDONT4 ~IO IT ~L, -ILPWONDERFULLV aSt En Gai Dpo The undersigned desire to thank the fîtr ers of WestDrhu for the liberal patronage extended to us durincg the past cewn also to reminci themn that we are, stili in the mnarket an A prepared to pay the HIGHEST MFKET PR1C ALL KINP.OS 0 F COA E4 i S U deiivered at our storehouse coi. King, and George streetss. or at port iDarlington. We hav e aiso on hanci a large stock, NEW AND FRESH, of Canadian and Liverpool Coarse Sa" b in Bags. Pbo-,k Sali For ci1ý and horses, and Freshi Ground Grey Plaster in Barrels which we aie prepared to sel i-