Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Nov 1893, p. 6

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GP IEFULCOTG . "Býy a tbaroagh knowledge ot ths natural deï-swwi..h govern the operationus of digestie l anrd nutrition. and by a careft c application nt Phe fine propertie3 oE wcl-soeted Coea, Mr- Enpp bas proviedfiour breakfasttalswta d1elicately flavoret be verase ýwbieh may sava eeesianï beavy dec tov' bUil. It le by the5 judielau11s use' af sncb. a,,tic-les of diet that a consituionmaybe gradually built, up until otrong enaugh ta esist every tendency ta disease. Hundreds of subtie maladies are flaatiag arouud us reat&y Io attack wherever there isasweak point.. We may cscapmaluy a fatal shaft by keepinq ourselves weU t<rtifie't vitbipure bloofi an-j a pronerly norrie-d frame." - oïvftissecGazette." Made simply ,t1th oiling water or milk sold only lu paciteta by Grocers. labqllelt tU, JAIIISEPFt & CeD., Homoeetatile Che=n fts. Lonidons.England, WEDNESDAY NOV. 22, IS93Y- BR. J. C. MITCHELL. wEMIBER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANi aVind Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. Offi 'e and Residence, Enniskillen. 74. D BYRRKE SIMUPSON, B ISTER, SOLICITOR, &o. MOPIUS BLOCK, uptairs, King Street, Bowuan- 9il. Solctor fer the Ontari Banklc È ilivate Moneys loaneit at the lOwe3t rates S. C. IHJNKING Y TflENS1ED AUTIONTTW F OR YOUNG FL3 A--À tm ~o~ The eladows were creeping in the corners, the fire was blazing on the hcarth, the ket- tle sigilg aud bubbling for Honora te make tea. Papa's train was comning across the ý mneadows ; Jack was wiping the frost from 1 bis skates and imamma was saying te babyN what a cold night it would be when Little Brown Bes%,puit on hier rad ciaak and mit-t tons and eiipped out of the door. She hadc a tiuy basket on bier armi in whîcb werec some kernels of corn and a piece of bread. Where was Little Brown Beegning justi at nightiall, atone? The stars peeped at ber and Nwinked their bright eyes and whispered amiong thern- selves. Peter Peterson, the giant, with hie cart, eropped and emileci at hier. "Ah ha,i it is the leefleBessie ! \Ybither dost thbu go ?" saiti Peter, takiog a rad apple from bis pooket and putting it is lier basket. But ibtte- Brom n Be,ýs enly iaugbied and took a good bite out of the red apple withi ber sharp littie teeth. "Schacit Vroost 'il get ye," said Peter, drawing bis woolen cap over bis cars. By and by came Herr Lorenz, the milk man, with bis white peny and bis rattling cane., «Gute nacht main leetie madohen,» cried he. -"'Dost go to seek the moon this fine evening? Jack Frost7will get tbee. Haw;c a sup a' milk ?" H1e held the bniuiminýg cip ta ber lips an~d she took a gond drink oi the warm, eweet milk. By and by she carne to the drng store, witb its sbiuing windows and red and green and yellow jars. Iu Went Little Brown Bae and looked at the drug-store man. '«Ah. there poines mv littie sweetheart," bratil 5Ophir Mîie. ce- 1thê eCunty o, Drham. Sales -attended said the drugstor'e-m au ,and_he iifted ber, On arecet uveniug ai lest weck, at a Thene are ov -r 2,500 public schoels in te on ehosiest notice and Iowest rates. AdIdrees basket and ail, and gave ber a kis an ber small social gaishcing in tise beautiful toîvn New Sou tii Watts, wiîlî accommodation for Ccruars P. 0. 33: red, red cheek. "IlVill my sweetheati Sanit Ste Marie, Ont., there wae laid onu'222,411 pupils, and an average ettendance ROuIT. YOUNG, V. S have some peppermints this evening?" 'the table a bnù3k af elid gold, valucd at a cf 132,580. O FFICE IN THE WEST DURHIAMN Then Oc filed a bag with pink and white about $4,000, the first specimen exacted It is estimatedl by the Canadian enthori- O Nwsllek.aserehinesf r ssitat eppermints and pet it into ber basket. frcm thc ore of be Ophir mine. Wliithin tics tbat at iest 100,000 ponds cf opium, ws Bock Nhregmt eor astss a id 1W Ore are you giug, Brown Bess," tOc presunt ycar a compauy ves formýxd te eieouBiihClmiaeauel ut residenceedretlynppstefDrilShed. Calte Ocdli. test tOc getd.bcarniigcap5a3ty ai tOc smuggled into tOcelUnited States. by telegrapli or teiepbonc will receive prompt inm dem' to find my Doney Daddles. "tpbi»r," anu udcveiôpcd smine situate attention 171yr Him ranned away," seid Bss-and sOn about 16 miles tram tOc village ni Bruce Thcre are outy 58 prisons su Englend, L. A W. OLEpulled off lber mitten ced put a beautiful, Mine, Algoma. TOci titte to the location Les thein 20years ago tberewere 113. Ah-1 1,A W PIE solute uiiermiypevi itemliaîe A UCTIONBEP., APPRAISER, Real big round peppermeut hetwcen bier litile ras acquired et a cost nf $109,000, and ypealinti laik A Estate Agent. Bowmanviilc. dntario* white, teeth. IlDoed-by, Mr. Pepperuit- düring thc pest sumîner tOc mechineny in régard te diet, discipline, ced ciotties. 'ales atteded iu any part of Province. man." uecessary for the develepment ai tOc mine bis father clied lic went te London. It was A A.F S ,"Goad-by, little sweethcart. Arcn't you was planted, and ie now in fuit e-penationin15 htlefa]ys pansabs- A. POST9afraid '" said tOc drug.stere man, opeuiug extnecting tOc precinue metal f nom the nre, ment in Paris. A C IE T ln n d pe'fCa- tOn deor fer ber, As tOce perations weru carried on, tOc à, colporteutr was recently arrcst ed bu tOc l o s pc e d or v ry c ls of uild ing. " F aid l W hat for? " said B ro w n B e s, indications b cam e so pr m ising th at the G a latit district, T urk ey, for se li g t Oc Ufitte GrieBl-d hs 43-ly du-store mac oniy laughed and sai aud severai monttss cga tOc value itc r tîat ws a cediticedcmn. Ts the a e. Jac . W b _ IlDon't let Jac-k Frost catch yen," and in sight wasesetimatedl by practical' miners Turkish autticnîties 1ccited for a cprtificate 'R -P A TIE Taîl r litle rownBss- rrotted eut under tOc as bcing worth avez $300,01)0. et tOc autbon's death te aesure themives RL. P A TE_ T iL.>. stars, ced they whispered and laughed and Mn. W. H. Piemmer. tOchetcîýrprieing that the doctument was ni of receut oengin. Gentlemen's Olothes Made to Order. winkcd at one another. me-rchaut ni Sauit Ste. Marie, was maiely A curions discnvery tics bee ma - at TOc great engne was 5jut acrsse tOc initiuen ctal lu frrmiDg thc emp l,i5 Lyone, wherc a concierge, whiie cieauscig îck ced it lookcd at ber sith its big bight wh ich Oce took a large ameunt coc stock, ont a celtar in tOc Creix Rousse Quarter, J .M. BIRIM ACON[ BE.eye. It sent soins emoke up te tOc stars It ivas gatifying ta him, cau gee icrears hmiclhl meddi in a soit gray wncth, and tOce make tibute te bis untrning zeal inpreot27-ing tte tOe ground. Further examination ai tOc DIENTIST. whispered " IThat is coir ewu Little intereets ai Algonsa, te have beau pr9senited celler i'd te tOc finding eofeur more, cf Brown Bese. Do't let Jack Frest getlie," witli the valuable "brick " abos e mention. wbich one is of tOc calibre cf nine inches. aed thon went snertseg nff iie tiste dark- cd aq tOc firet frnuits of tOc plucky venture. Two et tOc projectiles wcre csîpty, and OFFICE :-Rear of Ml\essrs. neis. The mine ie under tOc supervision" of Col. three fully loaded. TOc military authoni- Ail tOn people came crowdjeg atroîs tise Wallace, a gentleman et Io g iing ex- tics, jedgiiig by tOc appearance et tOc llgîbohm & o' treet, and eearly rais over bier. They were pQience, whose opinion iunriu" c ,ircles te cOculs, coîside thai they were iddec away lignoh m& SnsDrug bunery aed iu a burt-y, sud hey rabbed rgreisc eusîudnla iyThc in the cetiar duning tOc Revolutioii ai 1848. their bauds tegether, ceddcric gentleman colonel unhcsitarsngly pronounýes tOn Store, (down stairs), said : "Why, ibis is Bessie 13rigit-Eycs !I "Ophir " tOc nîchest gold mine iu t ise wo.Id TOc paupers ef Lcwishacî workhnuse. Are you tookîug for your papa? Hec is net and to anyo-îe who cheese e-, c ati a, tOe Englaud, anc creditcd witli eousuming a BOVWMAN VILLE on tue train. Come home with nie, ltte worke Oue eau show tangible prof ni is geodty portion ni food and strong drink, cnee." assertion. H1e is net bonis-ing tOc mine-; it 462 bottIns et brandy were cocuedl Z-M D-M- XTBese 1shook lber lsead. "Oh, n," said basgotbeyondthatst-age tise busiîness ow1189-93,asagainst306ofintheprevious.- she. But 1 wîtl div 'ou some peppernits." is to ture ont the couid gold "rcs"sncb 1TOc nnmber oieggs was 97,663, as agU.,rsi EPRESENITS -the .Fuderai Lîfe As- 50e pullcd off ber iitten sud tenir tIl sOc as ttenonue refenrefi te, su orde r ereeup 7,81.'te eat fmitk 24,890 gallons, sbie, Commercia 5Lonionn andebir Fieecould froin thc uttle bag ced hld th cmuou't.thecocmpany, in tOc first place'frt î area gmt179 galons ; nof o, 931. 1Insuraex os_, and the StemBýoiler anDd ta hîm. onrlay. and aftcrward3 te k frtei as againet 1,6941b.; ced of mIl 92591. Pl1ýate 1gts Cae_. o f Canada. " dixtwat ce a-Adnlng'I',cd Ocsecrîndes c-dem tvîc......l 1')9l~- me aezn R saeiaian; ce the bndon an Lance 9-;lit That's juzet what thydlk , aswer- e the mac Who kept boats. "utyen ~ ~yfro,,.-lhu -flua-,t- D Lcind that suite them.", Helw '? inquired Millie. l'Il show youi," said the fln-n. Sa lie went and got a bg' crab'blet. Oh, you muet kne)w what a crab net ist! lmm it 'e thrcw a few-bits of mneat and loWered the wbole cautiouisiy into the water. Millie bad to wait a long while, for the tiny fish were sby. Bat, pre3ently, they came wriggiing in, one by one, until twenty or more were in the net. Then with a quick turn of bis hanfi the Mau lifted the net out of the Water. Ah, what a lovely dinuer for kittens ! No w 0nier they liked it. The littie fish disappeared down the littie red thiroats of the kittens. M-\illie Stood by laugbiug te sec how eageriy they snapped ai rhem. IAnd they're reaily getting fat !" she cried in deiight, "Sesc!Theywýerc uothing but skie and bones before, and now t hey're as pretty andi plumip as eau be. " But a flsh diet can't be very durable, so te speak. The kittens rau aftcr Millie every day whcnever ehe appeared and seem- ed te be able te swaliow as many fieli as ever. 'lThey dion*t etay plump, do they ?" ex- eiaimed Millie, in despair. Il But neyer mind! It's fun ta catch the fîsh for 'cm, i, The kittens seemed te enjey it, tee. As for the fish, nobodly asked their opin- iou. ALGO4A'S GOLD. Neavrly 200,090iSToni of Eeeik Loosened lsy * ~ e-are-e-w-re,-r oves-z BRIE? AND INTERESTING.j The Tartare take a man by the car ta uvite him toecat or drink witb them. Artîficial limbe arc usuially made of wil- low weed ou account of, its ligbtncss. Chinese gardecers are reputed te be the Most expert fruit growers in the world. Iuni3ermany there is a law ferbiddiuig restaurateurs te serve beer te people whe have caten fruit. A ma 'ribas been knowu ta stay for fi ee minutes iii an aven bin which the temperature wvas 380 degrees. The firsi mention of the pipe organ in history is in connection with Solomon's Temple, wherc there wae au organ with tee pipes. Seven of every thousaud of the pepula- tionu cf iuglaud are fined for druekennes in thc course of*a year. It is calr-latcd that tOc principal Engqlisb railway cempaue have lest nearly two million pounide throngh the ceai tnikes. The Quesu has neyer yet allowcd a lady te emeke a cigarette lu ber' presence. She bas the gleatest honier of a womnan emoker. Brazil produces on the average 3G0,000 tons cf coffen per annum-that is, about four-fifths cf tbe wbole atueunt éonsemned in tihe wqld. From Boston cornes tOc newe that an agcd spinster uamned Mary Wales bas depanted ibis life, ileaving $9,000 te ber tom catr Otto. Cremation is becoming incrcasingiy pop. ular su Paris, and-sthe crematorium erectc at the cemetery ni IPere Lachaise bas already been found ta bu ton ema. 0~550~ ut -tLv~--i-rn~-ee c -'-t-'- ---t.- -i'---- - -- -~- ---'-t--- -j- 1~ ----t t '-----.- ..,,;-'-----.- i - r 4-w ~,'-w'i~ ' -'-r-'- ~-t ,t.-,- .----- r----- -- t,'-n--'--.-,~--'-.--, ~-..-.,----.--,- - ----~ ,r"'--"--'r----n----------- ---- - - - --- 'Il -- - - t- - - i t- - - - - - - - - r' - - ~ar'--~'- -- -' t" --e- - 0~- -- s- i TEN I MILES ABOVE THE BARTA. Isirsi rxperisseent.g at vise Higtecet feii a Baleoon Ever lteaelsed. One et tOc most intrestieg experimeuts with balloonne hat has cver been undertaken was that & M,\essrs. Hermrite ,aud Besancon et Pmris- Vaugirard. Thcy succeeded inl senlfing a balloon te the uuprecceuted elevation ni 16,00) metres or about 10 miles. There werc ne peepýc in the billane but it carried a varicty of sef- regis terin-g instru- menate designed te record the température, I e atinosphcric pressure, &ýc. TOc littie blenwas startedi on its lofty trip about nwoon, wheu tOcair was remarkably ,sti1l sud cllear. It rose repidly,'and lu threc. quarters of an heur had attaiued an eleva- tien cf 10 milesset which height it remain- cd fer several heurs. It wae there euh jected to an atmospberiü pressreoniy about on-egbth as great as that ai the surface cf thc cartb, and AM. Hermite explains ït fioating for ea long a turne at a constant beight by euppnsingthat tOe temperatune dees oct vary seîîbiy w:t', thce éevation of the floating body after thc latter has attained au altitude vibene'seven-eighths of the atmoephcric pressure is tackimg and whene there remains né trace nf water vapon. But towand 6 'clock, when, with thc de- chune ef day, the température began rapidly te fait, the baleeon started bacit toward tOc ese-tO. arriving with a 'gentlc motion whiu-h did cet distiurbtOe instruments it canried, at 7:11 at Chanvres, ncir Paris-Vauginard, frein which it had star ed The bailoon was viiie 1-with a télescope dnring tOceLtire time. It sheue tlike thc planét Venus secu by day. Byn-means cf a micrometer attached teanu astronomicai téescope the appirent diameten ni tOc bai. bcon c.ould easiy have been measured, and thie would have nnished- a means cf calculating uts altitude indepeudeot of the record -ut the bari ometer wOîch it cannicd. 1TOc barometer and thermontter were furnlshcd witb automttic peus drivcu by cleckwork, by means ni which diagrims cf tOc charges of pressnrceud temperatue that the balloonu experienced were obtaiucd. At the height of about 7 ' miles thc tiser- nomnlrcrmarked a temperatureoet60 degnees, Fiahrenheit below zeno. Then tOc ink iný thcnegistrning pene of both the thermometer andi thc b'nonîeten became frozen and the recorde were internuptefi. But, as the balonu contDUed te rie e, thc ink thawed agase, and at thc ten-mile level thc automatie records were renewed. TOc température registered thens was, nnly about 6 degrees belaw sero. The increase et temperature is ascnibed te thc effeet of the unclouded sun heating thb air in the basket that contained tOc instruments. Theelow est record et the baromcmer was 103 millimetrcs, or a trille more than four inch- e. M. Hermite cails attention te the fact that the deusîty nf the air at the height ai ton miles, wlîere rOc bailoon remrained dur- ing meet cf the afternu, le lesq then that exîstmng upon the plains of the menu, ou tOc assumption that the atmosplhenic dens- ity on tOe meen le pneprtjonal te the fercé of gravity at the surface of that orb. If this is correct +hen tise instruments would bave behaved about thc saine if M. Hermite had been able f0 place tbem on thc moon as they fid when he sent tbema only tee miles above the carth. w QUIGKLYYIELO ?Ô evidence oý hiqh in conllnued_ and increabed demand. T bai had a more rapîed growth of ~ai ~ thanwa:5 ev', accorded a new brand of .mohiný tobacco i a,.imilar J. B. PACE TOBAOciO ., 1T1M),V, and MONTUFAL CAN "The aîs'lm OF TOIO T(). A1arge8S-pageI1u-rýe F4 ion Mniiy iIb eit any addre,3's G nly ene dn}iar it tn i S. ucents for tishoeppea~11 Calcnd sec a sample copy af. "The Ladies'Jora' It le a Publication th at er;Il inte reet every woman ini theîcland. The regular subseiption p iesu The Lndie',Journl I" and ibis paper i $2 pur yean. Yen -et the t-e o fer Seufi yeur money cnd address te tOuls office.

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