x1~Nk This wrldenoirnid Soap stands at hisaa fs.11LaundXY and 1Housetsold Soap,k toi quallty ana extent af sales. tsed aecordlng ta direction$, 1V dues 8 with al the oldl-fashl0fled drudgery ofy day Try il; you WO't be dleappointîd. suizLI[Gfl'JSOAP lias bien inUso Windsor Castie for the pet 3 years, an, Ianufcturers bave bien speclly appui SloAMAMR5 110 'I2E THE CANADIAN STATES ESTAI3LI,,SHED il~ Subscriptiaus alwtys uaY'bl'i 111't'IlIs publication. Advertie n,, rates unuiseS mect, 10 cent-q per lcnoaP1a'ie1fir3 tu, sud 5 cents par- licee a-cu suIb'esiE seetian, Locale, 10 cents Per lins. M. A. JAMES,_Publi OF CANADA. -. 'n 'na ~ *i Y'hlq RnIeLe n; ta do f1D (1TT~flAL In recent correeipondelýnce wïth Ms.P 1tr about and see if you eau flot take up "Orne A R C LT R L Brown, it was learned that sueh h iad ýe specialty as an adjunet to your regular -- te prctic foryear.Sh1rte:' ewrk. There are many crops which înay Ploine p a lueoiole- churn every iay except Sunday, aild e Y be grown upon a emali scale with more ~Xnring w~ghoi an-d hsetoa4lyroflt.- The method of fighting insect pasts i piece of paper. I add every month -31 Onie of the importasit points in malrine k, each year becoming an important factor lu the end of the yeas- I add the whole !d ,r,.paration for winter le to sese that the * the art of good farmlng. To fight these pot it lu the aceount book." 1~ ceLiar lesu proper condition. t le the peste is, easy enough, but to do so lu'a That is business, and as faruieind cu,.stojn of somes to geal the ceslar up tightly practical, efficient mauner, is not s0 smIll dairymen are not.anly producers bot esta prevent freezing, anti in doing go to shut a mttr. o inau insecticide that ie at aud business menl and women as weli, ey Otcmitl veyopruifor 1ilit the samnetlime a fertili7pr the cost-of wbich ehould adopt business methade, wic t5 nd air ta enter. Thise soon produces a and thab ai applicatiou will be covered by Brown ha2 doue. damp and mouldy condition, which le not 0 the increase lu yield, or to somanage orclin--- only against the keepiug Of the fruits and r ary faim work that it may aFfect noxious vegetalsles stored there, but is as well pre- arsecmawttaino ethbe int ereoftaMake Gocd Butter- judicial ta the bealtb ai the boueehold. aricultrsofthrugon erbeoitry. lue Il is quite ai teu that we read an i in Malte the cellar frost proof, by ail meaus, sectn s hr c o utrCthe rtiize r e In saie agrcultural paper like the :o1W n but have it go that the light can enter all spctiond lareyi tercombintiiareoIl "f yon expci ta succeed lu botter iming the time,ý and arranige so that yon k3an air ah frtliergl anifnse cticide a be ofaccm.yanmust keep a sharp lookout an tbe niar- il thoroughly en every bright day when t te frtiize wih a inectcid ca bcaccm-ket and lsnd ontthe kind ai butter it le- the weather le warma enaugb ta permit. Il cîrenplaredosidie omannacvtuîs ad wthoadut . nd As requirements of the iw,,kct le ie aa good plan ta whitewash it before aiuag oth mucb taters n wto varies, .e arfaicourse ta vary you-r j1roi- losing up> for the wiuter, as the lime halpe cos, i wll U mnynet accordingly." Then, again, a&pvae t keep tha air swest, and pravents the wash cases salve the pr,3biem aifietraying insecte dlairyu'eu les advised ta look ýaround amoi,,ng farmationat mauld and-damp. iu advance ai their ravages. There l, haw- etv'csoe, n s ever, go large a portion ai the country that bis actual prospetv catmradas The silo is ai benefit not only ln increas Isein iasnonee ofsuc frtiizesfr ettr oescertain the parîleular' landes ai eaeb as ing the feeding value of the corn crop but 1'gbis a nd incbhe rtwiizerofar beer adeinregarde 4nality and cater ta tlîemn. i mki less the l abi ohanrlling il It lunted haruyard. manura, that even if successful, Now while a dai'-yran should pot bhlm- je geuerally agreed now that tht ensilage the id wanld nlt reach the larger partion self as ta the requireniente ai the maiirket crop shoulti ha so grown as ta produce the ai the country. be see, an snch matters as kind af,ipak- beet possible snpply ai bath grain and eto- lisecte have their habits sa thcronghly age used, a mounit at sait requi"d, and ver, and ta cnt ih ail at one operation in- estahlished hy long adherence thereto, that whether it will pay better ta priat bis but- stead ai baving ta bandle the grain and prove fatal ta a greater or legs number. ityto instrtiet hlm ta attempt ta malte, ats it A mixture 0f grasses will almnost always Nature le very slao-going, and most lu- were, au "lassortment" ai butter or butter give better reenîts and prafiltishan any sectseacu flt florish under frequent, radi- Of Ilassorteti" qualties. Nathiug ai the single anc sowu alane.- About tise anly ex - cal changes. This le why a rotation ai kinIisle rquiredl, aîsd uothing of' the kind, cîptian ta this le where a fine crop ai pure crops is ai So mnch valise lu holding de - or even approxiusating it, sbould be ad- tirnothy cao be srawu for market, unmixed e tructive insecte ln chek, andi explasus vised. wth ather grasses or weeds. Sncb a bay why it le that erope follawîng ai tir pasture The plain, commun, horse-sense tbiisg ta crop cao hardly be excîlled lu value, but for or meadow are mare apIta to uier injury. do 18 ta make gaod butter. Sncb bmtter pasture therp ebould always be sncb a A grass or claver crop wonid be no more ai wll always seli, and il a fermEr le unfar- variety as will mate the crap continuons a nursery for destructive insecte than any tuitate euaugh ta have a cutomer whose through a long seasan ane sort epringiag other, il it waq growsn but for a single sea- taste bas >nat bien educated ta thait of a up ai tir another bas bien exhausted. See sonon he ain grund Ths i, hwevr'butter, he better let hlm or bier go, unilees ta this wheu selectirng yaur mixture for net tbe case, and bow ta overeome the ci- haie au educate bis taste aohalie l ap- seeding. Notlless Iben a hall dozen good feet ai a continnus grass crup le anc at the preciate good butter. sorts shauld enter inta it. prableme that les juet naw pnzzliug aur Thîre le a standard by wbichbobtter le f iermers, as many ai aur mast destruct ive judgEid at faire and e alauta se tbe ed- Keep the Birds. insecte are îlmast sure ta gît lu their work ventaga ai sncb judging and the awar-ding How eeldam do we sec the coral bauey- lîumedlately following the breeting up ai ai premioissou the basis ai such a stanid- uke n o enrlytetup sod lands. erd unlese the termer will be sale in matkà- suetpiase, pa eeaiyex trumpies- Oui featuri ai thesie ste le that the ma- ing sncb butter as, aceording ta sncb ifar mare trikiug bloom, but,as wlll appear, ~MNjarity ai them wintîr aver lu the grouud,îu standard, will ha called good butter, ai legs utillty !If the oldt ime vines that I ""' ither anc or the ather ai thrîe stages aiof corei acbsa otbnsoe ave mîutioued bore lesssbowy flowers,tbey devîlopmîut. That le, tbey are ithîr iu that wi il tata all of is butter and P5ýýy a bad atleastibe miritofiattractilgbtimming. the grub, ptipal or aduit statî,and lu ither gcod price for ht; i wiIl pay ta cater ta hie bidetàat go grandly raunded ont aur eomn W , - , ce ,,~ Or lese sue -utibe ta the requiremneuts. But iti leahurd tath,- int az f i rlim Ofaisummer brs îîe fahr )' ý ý)Échanges ai the weather, espceliv duriag îiYiug 1teinaise enio ifautes are net niieni. îM ic,Mi by cii tlie winter montise. luncituisun, ill laseets for eaeb ai several difiereut csttnr haugh sae maîl, and, if go inclined, wae au iflSSil that remain inactive tbrougis the winter N-taki good butter-good as judiged by aueîasndbmtgaevatg. hy 32 in mouthe, m&ke tome provision againstla init-ligent standard and edacatedVate eco-si quite tae, aud la the old-fashloned cleut weether and usualiy tiiis jei doue and lit it go at that. gardens weri always a promnînt leaturi hy thrjuet prior ta their beamrin. stupîfied or - rassan ai their numbîrs. Tliy are rot for- 1K dormant, lu wbieb tati tliiy are nat ai- 'airy Ilatta. ever on the wing, and wheu preenlng their L K fected by cold, ino matter how- severe if Bitter grow iuto dairying tban go lit. feathers lit the enushine faîl upon them, continuns. It le the sudden changes, the Rigulcrity le a irst nequisite lui dairy and we have emierelde and rubies that cait freezing and tbewîng, the wettîng sud dry- management. n - -rothing, but are nana the legs vainable âijL le hatle sunealUwr . bcase ioi bis, lu cheging te o- T _-k i - cii twomr7111houh h e8 h5har'-" ensl heneo-'nu lmm..m ~ ~ di. l,-î,ehre re hieh reta epenîb ilebab.. -- t onue thought, gorgeons fla=wers hat je' Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Cildren. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Lt Is a harmiess substitute for Paregorie, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor 011, It Is Pleasant. Its guarantee is t.hirty years' use by Huillions ofjNlothers. Castoria destroys Worms and ailays feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting -Sour Curd,r cures Diarrhea. and Wind- Colle. CaCtoria relieves tecthing troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. ~Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowcves, giving healthy and natural. sleep. Case toria is the Children's Panaceae-the Mother's Friende Il t .a eaI xcent mdcufor chil- &en. litothers haercpiatidly told MEnaOai tt goad affect upon their chlldrea." Loirel, Mass. "castoria le the becstremedY fur cblîdrnnoff which 1 uni acquaiuted. 1 houp3 the day is not fer dstant irben mothers Nvleunslîle the nual intiresi tft'neir cblîdren, and useoCastor!,%lu-. Stiud of theariouequack nostrnms which are destruyiug thelr Ioved ones, by forcig opium-, muorphiuc, Soothing syrnp and othir hurtîni agents tua n their thrats, thereby seudinZ tbem taprimaturi graves.,, D. J. . XNscaao5, Conway, Arý' "Castarla iJ sa well uutdactder5 1 ricumuiend j. as isuperior toanyprescrlpitiaf knawn ta lue." 111 0o. Oxford St., lrookiyn, N. Y. "Our pbysiciamg a in t e hildreu's deparf- nient hzu e puken highly of their eXDeri- inca iu their outaide practico witîixCustorla, andt although we OnlY hava asp2uuýg u'u idical supplieS wh-at is kno-Wa as rcgul.r pruduets, yit wo ara frc ta coufess that th8 nierits aifCîîstoria bas IranUS ta 100k Witi favai uDon it." UTEDcanHoaxi. "AlgaDsISESsAcLyt Boston, Mama A=LN C. SIiTE, PreS., FOrl SALE LY J. hlIGINBOTHAM & Sq, B)-ffV11VILLFE Toronto Business and Shorthand College - -- - -w-,-,-- ,n- CNnlS1 A Agen o the ONTARIO BANK Vh e'anrn esta d a Gnara Benmg Bsiue p ca ,,eo ou tc thers. Vever air eau do ta diturb or break up) lface ai the grauand laVe lu these l s affect, and riscrefore, lau lovi feuai o being more or lees effect-Ive inig nsy or &Il ai tise peste ab-ovel ah caw tisat calves lu the fe e epring conditions as nearly s sti liberally -ai succulent amilk ýd aud ss'pply green feed8 as I uld rbel, but for it.« lois. But h isl not toa --- - ------ eilvb hi-late. Carry ae utile ai the borne ,foneet te failte.eahr aeemnstpcait. 0j'g aur yards, and birds wlll follow iw. 19e Xud what ai the old-time arbore, with tise straggling grape-vine andi perbape a M T TI There is an'y ane Toronto Business Pani SatadC1ce slirude wren-box percbrd et the entrauce ? NOTwIC s located un corner ai )longeau 'îd Sbtilt'r o-trut. -Ueta Isthere better ebeie than thae grape- ta'ali2ed businessclaepeia uTrne a.ssîsdg&rts4vrh EMEMM siiili -Emmuli ilsilloil -. il 1