Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Nov 1893, p. 5

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THE TEYE. The eye is thie most delicate or- gan of the human bodly and yet we find many persons who exercise fir more care in selecting a coud of wood or a yard of cloth than in 'buying a pair of Spectaclies and the resuit 1-3 that very often we find those who have had their sight permauently injured by taking the advice of pedars or others who knew littie îegarding the quality ,of the goods they sold or stili Iess ,abi- 'ý construction and require- ineý, 4ffthe eye. We have spent yearsoûI studly on this subject and Lave graduated in the three most noted colleges in UJ. S. and flot oniy give each cus tomer the benefit of a careful examination free of charge but we seli our goods at the lo-,yest possible prices as we buy ini large quantities direct from the factory. Special vaine in gold. STOTT 8& JURY, DRUGGLST & OPTICIAN. ',OMÂVILLE, NOV. 1, 1893. Local and Ot herwise. P%.t-rboro i-3 liaýving a great many fires of late. Rey. D. C. McDaweli spent part of last week at bMr. T. E. 1Hrgginibothrm'rs. Canadians aspend five mîllions annually more on btrong -drink tItan fur meat. What a shame I Mr. J. Do)uglae, Pontypool, was drowned, wsth three others, neir Pdrry Sound on Tuesday. The storm on Oct l3th denuded our lovely maplea sa thit the tinted autumn foliage was of short durration. SubsErib-e ýxow for Josiali Alliu's wifr's latest book, Samantha et the World'e Fair. "B,&t 20" agents for Bowmauville. miss Noma leieùL ý ni-roubted the g reate8t Catiadinu inýtrumentaI artist i ving.-Torscnto Mail. lu the te)wn hal! We observe klhat Dr. E. C. McDowell, Iormerly of this towu, i. hrnorary presi (1'eut of Port Perry ffigli School Literary sfri aci av resetp.hbso The P re' b;rom Examinepr says; Misi Blertha Sheià cas fine i lier pianoforte b solo sud irad t) resporîd te au encore, et the social eveuilig in st George's chancir Send Veun D)ame sud aýddreàs on a pot ai card te Tuz VIEEKLY Nxws, Kingston, Ont,, sud yon wilt receive Tire Kingson Weely News until J1auuary next fres cf Neo respdr)'isible meýrcirant sella fleur, or cilie, for tess t4an uts value. No go 2necapapeýr pmeddhs adcvenîising spics fun ls thîarr it is worth te iteeîf, sud te ths local advertiser, The edvertser ires ne more riglir to lieat docri tire advertislng ratas cf a flepaper tbant ires tira rewapaper mari e rîgir te dem d suicidai discoutnt i the purchese3 cf hie cloties, provisions, or farnitune. At thre close of tire burainess ineeting cf Excelsion Coun cil No. 48, R. T. of T., on Oct. 5.4îr,. tire doora4 cane tirrowu open ttr itiemberg atiýd fnieuda for a sBociable sud enjoyable o:-!eeing. A very choice pro. gram witrr reudered hy Mmr. D. -Morrleeon's ohetaIse songsansd recitations hy rue'mbers of the Order, auld elpsing e vemy pleasaur evening with refresihrrunts which were servd hy tire commKitteeaeppointed fou tiret purpose. Tire Fetrmera' Advocate foi Octoher re. ferriug ie ir eceïnt eppeintuieuts et tire Ontario Agrieilu'al College asys: We Undermtendth t>it u tuileuts et tira Col- lège are muiel plara'sdwcul tira heginuiug hoe (Ms'. J1. B Reynolds, B. A.,) iras mad~se, aud ce fee s, afe in predictiug tiret ho wili ba s. very effi ent sud siuccesfal amistant rient mser. Every room in tirs C'llege occupied sud tire outlook ii3 flisi ntieir. We taes due hbis tirec sae ai cash, Ejjiso'u sud Ce. We %re ecdefi citi naw stock fmom qlan te gsmet. Ellison sud Ce. lori aornd Booka 20c.-G fer $1 et th -Big 20". Peper covered novela trm 0 cents up. If ya'u catt youm sioves put up igit ai! on James MleBrna t Edsail'a store ad your order will neceive prompt adieu- ton. In Glovea, Boeiemy, Undercear sud :oda uf that nature, ce have exception Liv gGo eailue and s very large ciroie. %ll and Esas. John J. Mason. Tir SOFALA1 Liquid ice dressing for ridica' sud ciildrer' iasa. Aise liquid laekiig for p liiiug hlbrasir in the' rdinary wr.-y Murrofatored by A. J. bout, omvrr~v nt, i Hlave i-eu auiglsmp ? If not, hy ~ ~ " ne DU' ynkow tirey are ýery muci r cha 'r thn hey uied ta he. aIl et Edsah's Bewanv1le, sud see? kow law tiray su sellin iare neasfine 01lection.,1 We.fare proud cf4on s ýtýtk tri,3eCesso -especihDY mcrn dri-es gonds sudlad'ies' aant'era. \Veko w ce iave î1,1eCcorrect hilg.i in thase lces sd ;,i--cecan ave yoa so1me 11Yusy in nyiu htem. rhii J. Masoni- For the hast stove in thre market buy the Flappy Thought et Edsall's Weekly Globe te end of 1893 te euh. scarbers for 1894 at STATESMAN offiCe. The Radient Borne in the favorite Stee for heeting prtrpues. Yen sho!d osee those handmonre stoves et Edsali'rs. They are ns good an they are lierds ruts. Mpses. Maxwell, J. E. Niaeoning a-id Jas, Ma'%in returned from a hutit eut Norrth on Friday with 17 fine rabbîts and a partridge. Do net feul to ose the new antienne- ment cf Stott & Jury. They are off--ring special value in Gold Spectacies, having hrught Jno. Mayrrard's entire stock. Although Rickard lias chauged his ad. ho han net charrged hie prices et ail. Consult your cen irterast aud cen in- tercet and do yorrr dealing witb hîm sud thus Pave imeuey. The Toronto papers âid not report the proceedingi of thre Provincial Suud'ry Soheel Convention lest week haif ai fully as they usually describe a herse race et Woodbine. We wender why thia dis- criminatict in favor of the sports ? Amocg our citizans who wae in Toron- te fer the receptien te their Execelecie3 Eari sud Lady Aberdeen lest Wcdnesdey were Mrs. W, F. Allen, Miss Cerrne Al- len, Mrs. D. B. Simpsen, ÉMiss Siupson, Mies M. M. Arinour sud Miss Broughall. Lest week there were 36 competiters et the North Ontario plbwing, match. What'a them atter with West Durhaem pic wmen, tht they car't hold an annuel plowiug match ?I South Ontrio lias e auccessful plowing match every yeer, tee. Pet Sheeren cf Cedardele was ehot deed while attenrpting te rob the canal tolis office et Port Dalhousie 03t. 15. Bis father in one cf the cldrtst and moat rr'spected eniployees in thre Cedardale Works. Pet had eerved several terme ini peniteutiery, anid was ealiard soed. The delogatace te the Provincial Sab bath Scireol Oravention in Elsu Street Methodist churcli, Teronto, at week were Mesarfi..P. C. Trelnilcock, Jio. Job- lin, M. A. James and Mes. Jas. MoLean, Mrs. W. Cryderman, Misses Shernu, F Hellyar, A.' Veel frem thre Methoist3; Kvra. R. Freeland aud J FI Alexeuder fom Trmuity Ceugregtiorel. The Narvenben A&RINTExcHANcaxin tbtter than ever. La s eitransd illurs- trations furnish hoth vari-ty and inter- est. The supplemeta-five cf theru in, all-ave unnunlly attractive, anid the pages full of information. Arr ne wo, tire lirrny, instruction depertinauv, and, var iu desiRus rlirough the paaeaý mike up a valuab!e numbec, weil worth the 25 cents asked for it. The Epworth Leazue Mcundsy eveniug wes led by Miss L. Brimecombe and Miss Audrere, Mien Gale gave a vrrry'belpful pape.r n"Our respm'nibilities for others," which was f#ollowed by a duet hy Misses Tiley and Saunders. Mér. kS. W. Maseu gae eeiititled "F iîm the Cradle te) the G ra ve." Mr. Wo. Cewker render. Pd a fine piano selocti, N Mr £J. Joblira c[ôe wti% hý shrt tak on the topic. Many youngrs' ~ d learri that Ms. G.R, Alden, tee aùLii ý' -f ta Penrsy bocks, lias started intri Pansy nrsgazine a special departuteut don Christia-n Eodeavor work. There wili bha the Istest newvs of the Christian Eudieev- oir movijeet al over tire world, suid tire meest 1h0pful asud Most progressive papoes by Christ'an Erîdeavon specialiars*tiret cari be procured 1-,i3 expeeted ~irrt tins new depantm.-nr will saeisfy thre needs cf thre Pausiee ivio are eiclier active or ase-. ciste mr'niberi of thre Christian Erideavor Society. Sand 10 cents te D. Lothrop Co., Publiehturs, Bobton, Mess&, fer e slample copy. TRE (ÂNADiAN FLAGo.-Whet ie the National Flag cf Canada î Whxo cari de bcrihe iL accurately I Hec meuy cf our renders knew wirat flig oct' ships cari fiy upon the s3as and wiry if thety ioited a blue or e whie fleg cith the Union Jack in the cerner tirey c'uuld be everhauled hy a man-of-war and the flag ptrlled dowri? Tiroseansd maoy corlhar intarest- ing questions are answered in amt article wbirh cili appear in the CÂ-NADIÂN AL- mANÂG for 1894, te ha publislir'd nextý month. Thre Canadien Alwnuc inas standard puhlic.ti9rin and gous cvery- chers. More then crie millioni copies have been scld since it was firat, publimi- ed. Scrrrf nie, whther heneditery or sequin- Pd, in tirorouglily exprlai from thre bleod Liood'ci Sarseparîlla, tire great bloed purifier. Profita or ne profits we are h uud te soli, Ellisori and Co. Th -3uew tr'tck ciii be sîsugliterel with the rest. Elîrson sud Ce. Ceeker & Tait have the hast 25e. Tee inthie country. Caland goaasampîs. Dosa youar fuirnae %need Arng nîi Orr nd cuatomers shriuld tell their friands teoeil u d examine on stock sand .p-eseni pnîces. Ellison and Ce. Eavestcougi,*ng surd j bb'ug of ci kinda in tin and imon doue ii a lirai csss mman r y Jars. MeBrien, Edsell'a store, Bocuaiso'le. Ses tirs extra vaIne in Fsetory Cott rai nowi bei.ig shown ai .1. J. Mason'aà Dry Gxooda sund Jewelmy Bouee-flully le. a yard lestran usual prices. Just in et tire West End Bouse, Bec- manvîie, a fine liue cfoew Overcoa>tings. (Jeu sud r-ee thrrm. Pricea right and, good its gusrranieed. Cal]. 200 on 300 customera wantsed et Sirerin & S5 G2e , Reid's Block, King Street Etst, Bewmanviile, te taes way wall papar et ceat pnice fer the next 30 das. Tirose lovely atevesI ii tha e eîmark very fcequently mede by ladies psssIng Edsail'a hardware store. Tire Happy PTirngirt range ires rnesupeir irin îhe worli. Lu Watches, <Cleeka, Jeceicy sud Sil. ver ware ceo seil as-loe as anyorue notmsith- standincg ail tirebloc sud tl.Be came- foil nt te îhuy paon articles for tire sake of ýetbiug tirem cai.Qaity couisid- ercd our pîUces are île lo)cat. Johnr J Meo',Dry (Jo d udJecEdry Bue Chllcren Cry for Thle World's Fair cas closel etuMot,- VISIT TO PICKERING. Bread is 18 cens jýer ix pnur d les! et'We visitecl the pr(spéoui vilIae o f Meutreel.1 Pickerîi)g lest Turrsdey on thes inviatreri A marriaie license in thre province cf of thre Ladies Aid Society cf the M thc- Quehec cot 8 diat chuých te assiet tieut iu their Ban- v"e t YL 'me Fýstival ententaiumeut. This Mis . euis oufierd er r m yvas cun lira'. visit 10 thia village and we Il ryn ciedt bret.wreý veny mucli pieased with what we saw. ci. Fed J. Orhomne is lyiug in Tm The pcople are evideutly as e c ara ru- onte General Beepïtal very ill. dus riona sud fair'y weli to-do, as theiri Misa Fannie Gonld cf Oshawa is guest homies present a comfortable and neat Sp. of aMrs. J. B. Taylor, Churcir St. pearairce, sud tire excellent educati mal Tire Missiîg L'nk hetwerrn Poterboro su'd eiurch edifices prove clrtarly tirai sud Omemies is open for traffic Fegalv. tiey are an intelligent and sensible pao- Mr. Geo. Gray, Newtorirla, wss a tpi.e. WVe kuow cf no other village in tire judgeat Onario ountyplo province 1" tiret-poosseses such a fâne eilega judg et ntaio cnntyploiug atc , as Pickering sud ce were pleasscd te leeri A large bcar was shot uer the hound- I tit it is proving unider tire present mari- ary hune cf Aiuwick sud Percy on Fridav. agemient a finaucial success. The Pres- IR. J. Graham's apple. evaperater ia te fbstenians have e very handseme chard he moved front Belleville te Bewmen- sud the Metirodist cdurchinlu hich the ville.1 festival was held ia s very usat sud cein- Re3v. sud Mrs. J. R. Real and Rev. C. f,,rtable building. The ladies assumed Adams wsme guasta cf Misa Bunuer les-tF3the exý6pense cOf painting sud uphtlstering Friday. it and tire imprevemeuts have heen ws Dunng he astfewdsy îw steye exeeute-d sud add vemy mteraliy ce are Durig th pat fe day tw etvvdsuýre te tire comfert snd sttractiveness cf animais have beau found through advan- tire edifice. Thre Banveat -Home wrrs s tisig ir Tra STTESMN. pieridid srrccepssini every esp.ýct. The Mn. A. Lr. Vemistore, Brantford, sud ladies served a erastairt wes fit for a Mn. Lucius Vanstone, Toronto, have Iing. Tire tables wene haeutifully set hogeu te the World'a Fair. eut witir plants, floweré, silver, chine sud [t looke very uettral te ses Mr. C. M. glarsswrare, leid on suowy whitue ar), sud (Jawken among tire meai agein. Welcot-e tirs edibles wee tire perfection cf tire hauk to tire realut of buay mari. colinery art. Thene were merister chiz-ken Apple dealers in Prince Edward ceuin- pies, roassifewl, roat baf, hem sund ty, it ia reported, are payiug as higir as cakes sund pies ad infinit tîn. $2.50 per irmel for irsi clasa fruit. Tire Newss ays of *ire festival that "a Ibis estitniethae triel of John R. larger niumber cf people neyer visited tirs Hlooper, tire alleged crfe.poisoner, will eurq t eue tume. The tables. cars doittheproinc cf ui-ac 20,00. spesd in tire besement sud tht hast of eoattheproinc ofQueec 20,00. waiiers were kept on the hustle until MnL. Job iDichenson o! Zion, Ont,, ten about 9ý o'elock, wireu an adje)urnment miles nentir west cf Port 11,pe, W55 as made te tire body cf the ehureir, sud awemded feurtir prizo et the World'E Faitr, M .Jms c e'uile sldt on bs trenugihrrd salin Mnith. tire chair He mekes a capital chairm'rr, Educaed meunsirould be aboya marni- sudo on tins occasion excelled ail previcus festirg sncb nîdiculoos <hildîshnes as efforts. " -Bec tua makes nis h'ush! eiraracer;nsed an articl'o inserted in a con.M1iss F. Uoovsr, Wast Toronto, gave temp. mary laidt ce k. We gzave yen credýit lively pýine Slos, Mr@. IHrpper, Clae- for mreagecd se se, geutlemen.mot resdl a capital es5sy on manniage, At tire Disciple church r.ext Lord's, Day E. R. Eddy, Cleremour, delighied tire miuisten cili have as tire subjeesof il hlemr rcits's, thire rs -s aud Messrs. diecourse, worniug, "Tire State cf tire Lave a splendid quartette, Messrs. Risihteou3 Deed ;" evetsiug. "Thoe Kuejl' ur ad Adamaà, of 0Os eca, sang duts cf Nineve. " A cordial invit-ition teo Rl. w cigea accep)tence, air tri past n sund Tht' esitul o! MimsaMa lory, of Biir- e, na!q gave sirît Espeeche. Miess ton, a- ,icst the Township cf Creaie fio r sud NMiss Elenre Evensor, (Osha. injurias sustaiuedi ivJ1n. last by beiriugV 4 ffcie'ut'y pe-r-fomr Id Il, drres cf tirrowu from - alleir wbicb upsétet ste bsd pcopny ata. Tireprogram di v ry spot oru the Cclb<rmne sud Bri!iton road, e ud well nerdcred sod tire <'r er iras beau se tIed by the payaient of $150 te the cleimant. T h hrch was su ttly d.'ccra-ed fer Messrq. W. Armatmeni, P. Mirrdoch, tp sud gaýnwih rden. Rev.oJ.t.e C 'Id J. M. Jouessud John A. Galbaitir, 1wlMA.BDi hips n ue Bowmativiile, rirud John Bairrie,Rb. . ABDitr'peersdos Borit. and Jas. WVsddelý, Clarke, wsrr aet I an lis a s fallin Psap a cehs Cebouirg lest aeek on tire trartd jury et We metareairratl fîomf rhie tire assizes. Mayor Lascomba Wol e s 8hs Vet W'eo Dunia, formrri- cf aire attending counsels. ëit o et 'eurha. VA weneivgusat Tire ATLANTiC MONTHLY -fer Novem u, - ,,r 3 ycf Mn. sud Mrs.L. A beýr cerres on twe srres rr. Cavazza*osF Mme IIr. F. i8 th-e econd datigh.tr "'TheaMan frorn AiUnur." .vrA fCharles _',,,IA r..;, ,Jt NY, b .t TTh- ; i in uiVinala Lrt, a stroug pleafrs the equ i enijoymenrt of tri sorts of good wus- je3. Amateurs of music wilI careesej, ly for these twvo paper', well tirned for ' the opening2 of the musical eeasju. At tha end, aU usual, coîp»e revlews arid that favorise, Club. t he Contrihutorg'. ilull r ton, Mifflin & Co., Boston. CnILDREN ENjoy the pleasent flavor, gentîs action and soothing effeots of Syrup r of Fige, when in need of a laxative aud if the father or mother be costive or hijoui, the mutst gratifyîng resuits fe'Uew itsuse, , so that It ta the beat family rrrmeéiy h-noqwn and tvery family should have a bottlew. Anotheir large lot of Pipes just receiýv- c d. Corne ini end see thr, choise we can t pieyou front 10c. to 60a. 1 Thre larReat stock in town.e GRAND CENTRAL. During the sale pnice3 cull be maeate suitth tiraes, Ellison & Ce, 20 per cent extra disceunt should hning a ruai of custourers. El isen & Ce. lu the overstrreked d parirneuta ce ciii net stop et 20 per cent discount.- EIison sud Co. Bec in vour steve ' lyox need -any repeins, pipes or furyiiinra yen may fîiud chat yen cent et EaLr',Bw msnville. Gentlemen dasiros o f ieming a really flti cîsass fittîug ýnit or Over Ccci shliud leave uheir onden ai (Jeudi, Joirneton & Crydrrrman'a. Coucir, Joinsien & Cryderman are shrciug a flue st(nck cf New Tweeds, Worsreds sud Oa'er cratitrgr wch they are prepsred te rîrake up lu lirai c1aqsa style. Our Tees contineste give tieheaet of satisaction. Try or 40c. Young Byson seurerhing croc sud exeep'ionally nîod vaIns Cesaker & Tait, tire grecens, Becw manville. LÂDizs-Aak fer Book's Sofale Polish for iire'boots anid shees. Use ne othen sud you cil! ho atisfied wiai tire result. For sale hy M. Treleven, D. Devis, Jiu,. McMurtry, sud T. G. Maaon. Menu factured by A. J. H-ok, Bocutauvilie. Soe of tire protticet Sîlverwsre ever offorf ree hpublre.*juat opened oui nt Ricksrd's. Just hî thing for weddliug pr. seuts, etc. BotrerCojolenset1.5 Oake oBcke's $3.00, &o. Thase gooda3 aT e all uew, iroargir direct fron tire mari. ufacturer fcor the lowest ca'h pricme sud wccii double tire mouey. C. M. Cac ke liais bougit tire ll as- tablieired meat business wch ihlas beau lu tire Ceeker f amily foîr nearly 42 yesrs, fromn Messrs. J ,'Il sud Roce. fIs takes posessiorx ou Moudaiy (October 23, 1893, clan al l lreceive ae hearty calco f nom lîim, suad lie trusts bhysritaen tien, tebsnes-u kPeeP-n-g tire beat meata attainable t, e aceiveo ,uc lih-aa patronage; tlanuiing yen ufoc pasi lefvons sud aaking s CenuInîrsues lo01the a s:me.ý Meat stanid in ils Tocu Bll blockun Ontarnie Bank. Wateir for advt., Pîtcherl's Castoria. wil le a grrnd imusical an-d dra erti;-siiment iitire Townu Bell on eveniug iu conuecetien citirtire Convention. Ovar, 250 st [y taken. Plan of h,11 et Big tale-nt is aIl superier. Don't Cilucert, 250. sud 35C. tI's prayer meeting Wednesday Sweek. rly made aud'crdened CIo'ing Leed et tcrnpting prices. Ellisen sBlaukeas, Cotten«, Twesed', rdsi' sud MNfaties, cull be forced' Iles of cet. Ellîsori sud Co. 19r' wstches are fili uew sud yen tan thisin mind sud lie selle out eue third e! the, pries yen in t ire habit cf paying f an hem rINe-1 amnprepared tb '1er suites, chïirsi, sota3, etc. iff meaîtresses sud lay cat'pets. ederate. FE.ANY, PEATE, Cor. Ontario Ste,, Bowmrtuville. WH-EN YOU GO TO' MANITOBAÂ, EUROPE, UNITED STA TES, or ny lr«inr Carada cal t STOTT & 14-1'sDrg store for Tickets ar.d Infor- maio egaiiuig lowest rate% and hast r')u te BOWTAANVILLE MARKETB» <'oredhr .J. WelrtSrrry, sverr Trsesrlay jFLOUR, P 100 Iba ....... 81 60 tO 82 30 WrinÂr, Faîl, VI bush. O ..000 fiO62 " Russian, '.......O00,, 0 60 r sO0 00 le O 55 Colorrado........O0 00 la O57 Whita Fif,, Il....O0 0 re 062 Red r, .......0 00 r, 0 65 BàiyPbus3h, No. 1.... O 00 et 0 40 rr'2X.. 0 00,, 0 35 r i2.... 0 00fi 0 30 r, T Wo.rOwed O 0 rteO33 O 0,wit..... ..O0 00 11-0 28 t,0 me.......00il 0 27 RYE, .......... 00 lta 0 40 B, Phea4 bush ...... . 000 ? 0 4 1 PF-Âs5 Backeye, VI bush... O 0,9 t, O 62 Il Mummly la ... 0OJ ' fIS5 tStall, la ... O 0 ù 0' a055 aBlue, il... O 0 O 065 BuyTfm, beat table, P.l... O 0 0 ilO20 ." b......0 08la 0 09 E e doz ...........0 00,, 0 16 POTATO)ES, e bush ....... 025 ri 0 30 HÂ4y.teVton.,............6 00,,i 7'00 A4. ..LLEV, M. ., C. le, -' [EMBER 0F COLLEGE C0F PUYSICIANS Aand surgeons, Ontario. Office',,tRing St1. First fluor wesZ of Ontiroaie , liiamn- fletey t. ne 1orko, a gray goatmg WIt ,Iarklctning. 1,itider p1erse leeve et arr 031c , t et rewa,-rà:~~f SHIF YOUI, Apples,, Potatoes, Butter, CIieese, Egg's, Poultry, Beanis, Hides, etc., etc. T-. isH-&ScSIMPSON RECEIVERS AND EXPORTERS 0F 100 and 102 Fouriding Street, MONT'RFlAL, CANADA, And receive IIIGHEST CASH PICES. They hi y outrght, or landIe oý co.nmiEson fi r 24 t er cent. CAR LOAD LOTS A SPECIALTY.- SEND FOR TflEIR PRICE LîSt Connectezi with London, Eng.,- and New York, U. S. A. SAFE.WST and BEST.£ iThe most brilliaut and lastiug. Keep your pipes free from rust by usi-ng our Stove Pipe Varnish. Chemists and Druggists C.P.R. Tce fie 'Sttre, sr>! lrths.155 cents; Siareteges. 150, t'enti ,a; Des. 5, 6eiîe net, baserS BeR -busf FRIPE OF CHEARGE. wht t, he FRAsEa-A< St. Panil's Mensa. Bow.menv!1lla Oct. 27, the wlfe off Rev. P. D. Fraien, of e deugirter Fuat-nClankie, uerLek , Oct, 24, tire irieecf Sande s Mlnley, or as so:t. JoLLWubridge of ewaîlr DIED. M(ISES- BOwnianvrll1e, Oct. 25, Mahal Moses, fourth denghter of Mn, Geo. Moses, SALTON- On Oct. 25 et Belle Vue, West Hartlepool, Co. Durham. England, Mary, be- loved wife uoFf letoher lSaltori and mother of Rev. S. Saltorruf Ruthven .nd R,3v. G. F. Sal. ton, of Stratford, Ont., aged 69 iehe was for 30 ysars a bucceastul clasa leader ti the Wesleyan Chu, ch. Untlthe day dawn and the shad-iws fi, e away. ALL OUR SHEET MUSIC Reduced te -5 centçi, by mail 6 cents. Cita. lo ne free. NiARVINZS MUSIC HOUSE, DETROIT. MIOR 43-tf, rEACHER WANTED for Junior De T- psrtmen 8S.11,N. 1, Derlingron, for 1891. Applications will berecetved on or b.1ý"ore Nov. 4. Statersalary. W. R. CLEmEtr5, Secy., Tyeone. 43-2w nEACHIER WAN,'TED fcr S. S. No. e l, lare.Must bold Fcond class.cer- befo,-e NOV. 4th. 1893. Apply, stating selary, to DAVID BELI. Sec.'Treas., Lealcard P. O. 42--W QTRAY CATTLE.-Strayed from lot "-. 19 con. 7, Clarke. June lae, 't Steero, 1 ced tirs othen brindîs cith aewhite face, aud a red eiffer, aIl i yesn oe'd, eacir heviv ira lu iight ec. Information leedinz te. tieir ne cnvery nl lecsuitsably ceNvarded. IROB ERT B ... sa, Rimby. 42-3 .e F r-tRU TO RENT.-Tieî firat-clasa -VaMmm Off 10 acrcs.lot 27, cou. 6, tlarlington, ccntaininq large brieas nd trrea bbarna ini çzcod epair, sud tee celîs. Appiy te JAmEs IHEATLIE, Solina P. O. 42-tf -VICE BRICK BOUSE for sale or te mLq eut. Mbs. HÂ.NsONociera irer comfort- able ue brick dwalling ou Ergin 8t. for sae or tomrent on proderate terma. Appîs ou thre Premises, 41-tf. 1RIOK COTTAGE, nearly ue, for B al contauing parler. dining o 3 hedroome. hall aud kitcherr. cir Irardanf "Ott water, 1 acre garden with fr.in , tri cash psyment. Apply to M. A, JASIEs. Bow. mauville- 33-tf icoming. AND POING A FIRST GLASS TRADE WRY? B-le sells the Besi Watchies at about one third of the E-priees you have formerly p:iid for them and fully g3>ru' C--anteed. Also selis iRings, Chains, Silverware anl à ll A-ewelrY at hait and less than lhalf thoir U-prîces. former s- rE-Keeps no Rubbish ar, thus sûlis none. In Spectacles you cau bù suiteî- at Ricksord's a you cau be saited «hiiy where. No one like3 to 100s3 inonE y but y ou wil lo100e if YOU buy elsewhere as Rickard's Notice to Creditors. isone:whoran and will give- .1 stifatin In the mrtter cf tihe Estate of Char les U Knapp, late of tire toi-ns.hip cf Darlinbg- Cal s Rickrds mT mifta- ton, ira tihe County of Dur-itm, Frrrnr. Optlierl or sud TI IC KLII- Deceased. have your Eyo ,1att 1ILitJ JSight tesled, free Watch.maer. JeWeer Notice tae hereby giveri pursuani to Chapten off charge. sud Opticien, 110 R. S. O. 1887. tiret ail persoashavlar tt aims odalok againaIthtirsastate off CFIRLES RNApp, NedBovloc. Ou lete Off thte townsirip off Darlingtoerin fatireBW'iî.O Couuty oet Duriram, gemmer, deeased, Wte diad on or about tire let day ef Manr,183 are mequestafitoe llaer or send by peat pe- BOARS FOR SERVICE.-Thùrmôi- paifi on or before tire fourth day of November1 bred Yorksire nasd Berksirre Bar naxt, te tire undemalguefi Adrinistretor of t âe kepi for service by tire underatenefi et !o:t;, satd asiate, e statemen t i cmiting containiug cou. 4. Damîjugton. They are first dlata xulIR fucll pariculascf tirr aims andi of tire nature' iu every respect, J. L. PAnsSNSPropri0b)ý. of tira securities (if eny> irelfib ythent against 43-tf, tire esatse off tire ssid decessefi .Andnoetice s la reeby funtier givan tiret after tire said fournir ay off November riaxi. TREWIN'S Pare Bmed lmproved Y9rký tira Adminstrator wdît proceed to diatribuite '-' siri'eWbte B A weardcd Irs~ tire assets of tire said estate tirof amaug ai Blacketock Piair, cwiUbie kept for EsanviEeeanU tire parties eutitled tirerete ireviug regard ouly jn cn ,Cartcrighti.. erma $1. pay'irls te sucir daims sas iresitlhave notice O! as5 t tîima offserviçe. J. P, TusnL , Pmprtn aboya neqnired. sud tire saifi admin istratorweuh 43 -3 Wx noe ha eblefor tire assets or n y prtirenhoeof_____________________ e0 dlanibncd t y persori(or pensons off EN notcaet ir rme f uci datSbuuo, F Tirat iable ferm, b2elg tire Senir, uts D, BURKE SIMpýýS, acreS off lot Number 16nlutire ihrd Cou, ot eir Duh J dminlstraiýor. E.0. Bock o ff Campbeiliomd. F5u ofpart cars hau hed by s.upiylug sto D. I

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