Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Sep 1893, p. 6

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Wod For Renderiîîg Pastry short or Friable.' Is Better tl-an, Lard Because It bas noce of its disngree= .c able anti indigestible feateenes. Endorseti by lending, food SandI cooking experts. Ask your Grocer for it. Made only by 29, K. FAIRBANK & CO.â Wellington and Ann Strecia, MONTREAL. Aen t the bu ldrais;iato nthif ay u icone bankrupt, unless you taie 0f Pure îNorweg, ian Cod LiveCU1 and Ilypophosphites tu build'yo11U p. It wili STO0P A COlT if CURE À-'l COLD, adaekCONSUMPJION cad au lferma of SIIG IESSA- rns sDalatabý',Ie as hI('ilk. Prepared 1,y cot & z o 7u, ]1!U;vie., For sale hy rumedy that (eu alw: ys be depended o1 GI te cure hiea hoeainfantum, colle, crabmpes, daei, dysentery, and al loosnec ofthebowiels. It le a pure vontaining ali tevirture' '-f Wii Straw- berry, one of the safest aund surest cures for al cummer comapainite, combiued with other harniess yetprompt curative agents, Weil kuown te medicai science. T~he leaves Atraýwherry were L -vn by the Indians te h a anxeelleut'romedy for diarrhoet, dy1ý-,3Utery aud lo ïnes fthe howels; bot uIledicail sciercelia] plcedbefore fli puliesu r ?ower' Ex.of Wiid a comp1ote andi effec (i ure for ail tiise iitrcoig aj feen daugerous It ac tooi to t t or 40 ycars, and Içutirde f lvrehat h~u aveti by its rontuz. Nqother1,eetedy always rummer complatinte so pron:ptiy, quiets the pain so cffectuaiiy and -silsys irrita- tion o FL ,'- - f17iiy ïs this rrvie pre_c 72;ýt ç îfDr. Fotvîer. If you are "eoirig t 10 lti be sure and tek- a hottie with you. It overcoum s safely auj qnickiy the dis- tressing summer complaint ce often caus'-d by change of air andi water, and le aN2o 9a pecifie against cea sicklnese, Prnce 35c. Beware cf imitations and substitutes Kod by unscrupulone dealer% for the sale cf greater profits. Weakness Nerv- ousuess, Debiity, and ai hie tra,,in cî evilsfrom eary errons or ]atcr excesses, th- _"rssjs cf overwcrP A ~ cilqlc:e wor ,e nd tonj givc i of the body. Sipi, ine iate iirpîo-oeicdt - ~ ~ b. 2060rcercnces, Iroe-s os-, BÉ anct V.m HBA.LTIL Perspiration. If yen penspir e exceeeîveiy, avoiti warnm bathe, anti if unable te tale shoiuteiy coiti ues, epuneu the bo~dy witit siighly hepiti watsr, ho whichb las bec ad dat diluteti euh- phnnic acit inl proportion ot two drains ho s pint et watsr. The affeeteti parts shoulti then ha powtierad gsnerousiy witi powdarati starcb, which coulti ho scenheti with orris root. Tise foot-soe wanderen thnongh the Worlti's Fair builings will ti solace iu s, foot bath of bot alonter every niglit ha- fore goiug ho beti. With the hast cf cars the test are apt ho lbe tender anti trouble- soesinl the wanm meonthe, anti this will ha tounti muet efficacieus. 'Me De%'diy Fur Ucat- Sometliug eheniti qnicly hadons te checke the ravages, et he fur-lineti cost. A tur-linati coat te eir-prout, anti aventhie nicet rebuet sort etftean canuet sae ey wcar sncb a gernient except lu fraazing waather. wban thie sercuny rises as bi.Gl as os ou 33 tiagreas, the fur-lineti ceat bacemes uncent- fer7tabie, anti its Ieediese weirer invariably sînhuttone 1h anti thue subjache bis oer- beateti body to sucli a 8becle as woulti sure- iy klhl a high-brati herse. On the bouses b;il of eusetftise fashiopabli New Yorke theatres this wiutsr thons le a piehuere et a supposedly sans tan standing lu ths open air wit tite froni t fis fur overroat hhrî,wn open anti hie extensive shirt hosent expeectil ho thie wiud. Tic atist whe matie that picýure is a leese abeanver, The man is a type, anti lie le also a warning. The came- harles ara fual et just sncb tan. 1fealthy Culture- The higliset suman culture le the great. est possib7le ieith ot the whois man. Ail our powars muet ha breceti by oxencsea if tliey ara te bchal~tly anti vigoroos ; whil theaceeivity of sncb powere is ah once a stimulus anti checkeho ttereet. Frontthal very constitution et hum-in nature, oaci powver muet ha curbadt o mtesron ton othe action eft thae thars; anti saîf-tieniai lustesti et being a seciai dty to ha axer- cîseti towartie s spacial portion et our nature entier a religious sanction, me a urtevereai necessihy ci cur lite, if ses ara te approacb towartis the ideai of baalth. Heaitb le mainhaineti ouiy througit the controi et our poware hy the joint action et ail the rest.* A curb must ha laid ipon certain appetihes. Restreint muet ha laid upon bis animai nature. We imuet deny ourselvs tise exclus[ve pnnrsuit et mare physical per- fection. We inuet chiecke the outtow et our feelings hy onn reason ; or moral perfection muet go baud in baud wthh he culture et our imagination. West at sow ce part toeancroach upen the rig'lts et anetliar, Many e tan te tolerably wsll tiieciplinati ase e religions heing wbo is igualiy dafactiva ase a thînlear, as a stutisct et nature, anti et huuîaîity, on as as ieanof seciehy. The ideal et an aducateti lita irývolvas tue pos-, session oethe s mpleet keowledga that le possihle in alliance wltb the largeet feel- ýings, the sideet range cf eymipatby lu al- liance with the est vigerous, anengertc action. Breai and Dyspepoia. Theecon cluelon that sviet breati le ft fon dy-ýspephies o, seistetintas jumpi ah lis ceose iii a ifcts ariuehced te olowits use, is ~ ~ (i ernoe Ontha conhrary nte b is peitîeti uh byBouc arti ant1e'-e1, thet taîaeuefoot)islepcoliarly vaaptet o tiypapic atints 1hle he icrbes luhe tri whîcb are cpblof prodlc- iog ir1iîing acide, tisat can uS !e trouble. Ta avoîti h(llsý, Bouchard recoâimmande that only the crush or toasteti crnth cf the breati ha useti by dyspaptice, parhiculariy tiose svhose stoînacie are dilaheti. The reason et thîs id axplaineti by the tact that baliug, temporemily, thougi. net permanent- ly, arrache the tertenhetion of dongm. XN heu it. le again isateti bythie wartth of thte etemaclithe ferumentation le reîîewati. Iu cases wliere tisa breet isl toastcd bnovu threugh the fermentation is stoppeti par- i-aneutiy. Try an Aoîd Diat. A cidi i teathbho the clelere gernt. With that moucher iocling towand this continenut, 1h le ativisab)le te vary thie diet with sour dishes patie of lonion aud viregar. Tt is alimeet ip sba arefrain front tiniliug raw w'-er. E'vry otiar kleu'ws tîsat the precnt sopplyis nwliolegomei, hct aveu lu wealthy fr i is eotten i10 'on..vellient te have eeo'se danti prope'-l y , Ireti 5rks. If the naw watan is droil tueuae r wilho lassaceti hy stiLng a littîloîssnon jui'se, net moesthaîr a ablespoonful Lo a glasue waher. For conveni2ncn, 1paniicuiarly lu tisemorning whsîî evarylbody in thsa terni- iy wants a drink, the lamo nsnilt3 i qîarteroti anti sent te taei l usoverati gla2ss hwl or dicît. Peeple who profen moto -tonjoiecs honiti hales the bitter dnaft throughi&a stîaw for the protection of tIse teetit. Tea, bot or celti, i3 hettî-r jîmt uow with lemon isteadol muile. Laimons are cbsap, anti unhil the watan sup- piy lunproe an sd theo cool wsathan arrives they eboulti form part cf the decoratien et n-su-y diniîg itabltand liehearti. Harricot, lettuce, bEets, cie:cesy orý toînatoas wtb pletety et sbarp ressinig, shotîlifolios a7,arY' dincer. -Tee mus-b lemon juice anti vicegar le net atisable ton bilidren, bot chey shoulti hava a littîs. Lemoný ice wiil do tîmat ne barn. JIluewives whe are insthie habit et servin g Co0ýli moas i lîl show their wiedom -b,,- a cLanige et prcgretme. " Scsemiug bot fopti sud drîclek" lu tue ,stdioeagivan by the Hlealth Commissionere o! New Yýv ork un til ail danger oet thae -cerge iaRs paseit. A (Jiever RUSe. An Irisu genten, eojournitig et an hotai, faIt muci annoyeti et the emaluaese et tbe bothie consideri-sg the higi priceset the wuas. Oua evening, as ha was taking bis gises w;hls s frianditathie coffas-roont,, the pcntp. eus host came ta. The gentlemen tolt i bithoancd bis friand liad laid a wagsr, wbicis lie muet dacide, hy informing it what profession he was breti te. Mine beet, afttar ouse seitation ah the question. nseerd that he was bredtat the lav, IlTien," seli the gentleman, I save lesý, for J seidt tat you wes brengit up ase a phecker.", 'A paclee.sir," caidthie hast, swsling lika a lurleey-cock. " ,What would indues yoîe, sr, te thinle I was brati a pacleer ?" Il iuy, sir,"siti the ethen, Il I jutiget se tronc voun cysue measuras ; for I thougit ne eue but a ekîlful pacleer coulti Put e qurof siîe inte a plat hottie." Bý"st bc the ie we boy, Tbot'gi it cesh but hlai a dollar, If it lias net the ambition To clîcîi svcy aboya or coller. Wbst vara hey? Yawrohvneh I tient thinki b nohiceti a gidinon or a seruhhiug-hruis, but cur'-Iy evsmyhliipýmg aie wanhed hy a y ouug couplewbae juet coosuitteti matrimeny lt e h afîuinlu thosie we galaeries. The uceeul,frtd- ver plates to ombrelles (sn exteisis e m5e mn et ofthasa), thue.ornemrental freioda mond e hodnawiege. Oua drawing, h)y the way, eicîirathar ho cleeseti antongthie usefui prcsents; 1h wae a hanl echaqu, ia for a sîmemsanti pounots. Carniagesý, Louis Qunz urniture, albums, sîlvar plateo, cote. iery, china, bocks (net mny), anti bijouýt- erie.,anti bric-à-brac galons. I1titistese mcci cf the, jewallary ; the ladie.s lti j hie wbole linaetfthe jawai-casas luinr tn force. Iha attendante vainly nei et mandîngiy anti implorntgiy, "esscg leaepntovitg;" te olnteathey tt net pase ; thhy seamati gluedti thiýe el cases, anti gleaatid. What wondroiie st ore et distende, nobles, amenaîtis, spim u ail tanner cf preciens 50l5,e etiares,' ivieres, neklnes, bruochaes,pin, rigsj,. anti nesa jewels those cases conha;ine, I m'jay neot eay tfon I tii net ses., Naeit i Ja 1sa CASSAD1tIAIS SLEtOH PpRES:xS,ý I preente I titi net sec 1h fortmece reasen that matie the Spanisb etivs ible ; becanse 1h was net in ciht Pt'na ly 1h baI net anivati. I poadereti so)nt a wbh as te tbse utility cf sncb a car I isge e- a landi of weapiug sintes ; but acýyhowin wiil ha as neeful as thnee-fourthe et t-"ilt wedding presents bers, anti, judgnýg frore the engnaving and description la tho XXh cees," as heantîtul as any. 1 udet nti utruggisti on down tiec li bhaier Lnthe !N WON-ýDELEFUL LONDON. Au Olnnlba;4s Jinaa >' t, y ite I làpo ti- A correspondent lui Londion wniËes c foIlews : --J hava been, aies ! rain lg with tha multitude, thbugh net specýaIl'y lyo d evii. But heing la towu witis s feNw boors te spars, took tlthatmarvallous tns~cy worth wliich may hc arai hy meanhiang a reti 'lainSu S. Paui's Churcbyart ati ettiiug oe's face eastward towands tha Jltepenial Instituts. 0f the manvele cf sncbajenoecy 1 neeti net say uch. Everyhody sa ys that titis is the beet way ho ses London, itse1in-lu depentiently et wbat yen may wae o isas ia London. Howceies cayou -easFlash stret; a streat funil et i t own specialbeu hy? Narnow 1h le, anti tingy ilu spite et a tew new briglit buildings.' Vry flat anti -mean isthie architettrecof mtn e ftthe bouses, anti thons le perbap, fne par1ute t the streat that ln itsesîf leenîtiste the iclaîie ot heaîîty ; but ho sec it 1« anti on," fora- shertanetiinto s panai pichurs,the nariowÏing perspective cioset inle y what sesuie thoeef4t anti aeria hower et St. Driastan'e Chli h 1is te sas the Beau tiful. Anti this is sart frein eny chant et association ; oasdosent ceedt o remember the peet giorieseý t 1th3 Fleet streat et, "Nigil" or aven eto.f on sou, non te spar tue street l in iaginahien wihh tisa frovvning myetery cf ýTmple Ban. It le enough simpiy ho 1Iqeli ah schah le ho bc sean as yens!ý' 'hn lumiaers siowiy tiowu LuItae fli, taking the cornens et the Csrcus for the hwe aides ot yostr pirtur. Nuotiouh',t te crrwd le a lpant of the pichure: thae lwmvu hanseof etvales, tise varîsti mevemelnts et tha pedestnisos, whetber sauntening caun- try cousins or swift-nueshiu aebyor gatîtarat kuote round aie indos et "Punch ;" ail tusse are wanted cet mak-e hies pichura. So ie the aimeet grotes-q lu yanay of age sud torm anti colon cf tir, buildUings on sither aidea; thougli the biýrglheet tinte cf reti brick anti ysiiow sterýn are qicleiy assimilahet inluthe celeirateti. solil tni s- phare of Losndon City whicli igaisars a1 iuesý loto itsa ewn specislIi hlt" ofn'ntlrai!grey. Indeati this atrrtosptare lias mu tolede withhdia making o c r foceine itr 1h s tiiet whicle givetire soit acia! uam ven1 ghost-like offet te yen churc]itet-rnet half-a-mie away. The painter whýilo carnet paint enr atmesphare cannot pit-,Londýon ah ail. Anti, halking et pictunes;, -vhait a wouderful centre et art we arepaig hhrough. Alilsrht oraiti ir "Biacke anti White," the "rpe"tIie trateti London News," the "Q is," anti sa heet ot eporting anti miner jeurnals araý ail threadsti aieng the lineofo Fleet streeýt anti the Stranti. Andt tey have mnct do ,vith makiug Londonen isisoiercity ot the, welti; the; icake its faice faîstillan la sj-r country. Bot b amn forgatting, I1eu1 nie n xvay te South Keneingtcu. Frt1 t"y the 'hus las net staposti tor ieshonorlie but liaspatiently brouglitMt'ilr g1 aI the nacusesece Ave n EwmILDeERM E¶TS of the wocdenfrli mile that stretchue ha.lý hween St. Paui's anti Cbaeg Cosa artiu'ýic mile, a lîteary mile, alwe' mile, a tbreahrîcal mile, a " 1i's" mule. Thet le, if yen go et the rigbtl (on ren-rlg1 tinte of tise dy hn0r 'boagoascra ing up Waterloo Plce, atili crawlsý aiong P;,i('il, anti itanclar the _-V inftlu- ence of thue freehene air cf itapales, ai de 'dnavmet"pet.r> ivaiy Ïrac io leset Isaîf our human fneileshot off et !lie ôruer tsf Exhlibi ;tin oa.Thele be -ginl te (as at>tolwteul1u~ u Iau, tak:ing th! mutitdewlth ise,Itti toilowing ime. Ati praeotly, i t~ uml thue carcanof the bmpeniai Intiute, fiît thme mvultitude airaady ln possession cf ti grounut. Yes, hers aeasnrelvicie"eol et Engleoti," e2eciaily the fatiale hiait(if is. Eastern sutrance anti asarpou trance, it isalik e' an sgr uiutteg What dtihuepeople xant :sch;ah doc,1tbsiy mnaso? Tley mean hote s the, No doubh about 1h ; tbey really mesm ho, or thay wocldinet crnsb antid se anti sweiter'in tusse cr-awdes Eronîîd the u-. tran-e-, waitîng for thes occasiocalepng of the gates ho admit a fresh hiedeior se, are tlsay chut egain lu the faces net the ux tenus ad weery crowti. Preantl t'te gate aïai openis ; a meor, a rsIeq', a ehuga soeasereames, anti1I-amn bore ha,;It way te- wards tie gaa, wlsan it aeusig e P til lance--m hait au honn it %wiiiepcga Anti lereia l ock or Fstone cupini uer, ant Ib have not tuebet i uy espiug paper, se I lmprnovae i-,sii, aehu anti my knowlediga of thieSan quti aimost betoreIb ln)i 1 Iarc !rriod hhroîglîthie gahae ai pisa oise fý inyseif, anti et once fieroont te pread, mysaîf lu ths Great Foii-as .Fer I an lu tbs %ieniteiza Gallery oet tue Intiut.1 will thall erother tinte of wliatl t i sean there; but juet ncw we are ali egeg for th weddisg preseotu. 1h is aloîîg y te ireacîltecm. As ueariyase bnammben ou!r wayeloni Nianitoba throuth , ya, cetk anti New Brunswick tlovn t1,els Indies. I knoe 1 Inoticel aîaia nt te Windward Islands baGnre waeutýes Qoeau&'and. 0ur conns +he:: lay throtîgh Malta. CypnUu sud Msonsati de- presatly we etreith, -ag1itate ,,Ïei,, THSE ItOYAL PRESECIS. comînitheti a fanît le cemicg into the worid, Thus, "Ona Tee Many Harry," or 'Net Wantad James" may hoclhappy youog men; but if they ana, it is lu spite et thein ciames. "lThat's It Chiania," or "Wbo'd bave Thought Ih Tomý," are namas wlîich certain. ly.gîva utterancas te a milti 'urpriýe, flonig gallery, past the carniage3, chairs andi tbethe cautielabra aud the ceai ohl lampe, past a long range ef ecreens, large anti smail, in glass anti in brass, lu goiti anti in satin, and lan nmber anong> te bide ail the doings c)f a large househeld, and te shut out eveni the. tierce light that beats upo s a tbronie. Andi se past the bîckadeti jewel cases ani the books and the vertu; auti-giadily-once moesicto the cool gartien-court under the cool gray sky, te, retresh myself with a fsw square yards of nature atter a good furlong cf art and arti- fice. Anti wbo shah deuy me a quiet cup of tesa ater ailFI ha 've gons throegh for the readere ef your paper ?" I muet coe again ho, see, anti talle about, the more permanent contents cf the Imperial Insti- tuts.V. V. A Cari ons Delusion. Ia ail the history of delusious nothing le stranger titan the cases, by ne means un.- common, where people, oftea otberwieen- tirely sans, get an itisa intlo theirbheade that tbsy are somebetiy or somnething else anti live and eocduet rhemselves as if they wsre, iadeet iis other pereon or thing. A case notietin the medil presnet long age ebowed hew a geutlemuan, his mind unhin geti hyaudd en trouble, fan ciet ieawas a steam relier, and witb hie attendant oseti regularly te pied aronnd the square where nie resided in ths idea that hie wae levsiling the surface et the greunti as hie passed over it. Endeavening te reet eut hie mania, hie docter laid de-tvasoe large flinte la hie patient's back gardon anti asked hlm t, ob- serve that hie ceuld net he a steem relier hecause after hie had passeti over them the stones dit net sinkeinte the ground. "lThat's becanse I am net heavy enougb," replieti the madman, anti proceeded te f111 hie peekets with heavy wsights andi carry otb- ens la hie arme. Says a famous surgeon "Once diti 1 succeeti in euring a mnan infi:cted witb thie sertoetmania. Hehatian idea that hienoce hati growu eutideaiy te a aneormeus lengtb -se long, ln tact, that heetieciared lie was unabla toeueter a room except otthe largeet size. Other medicai men whons he consoît- sti iaughed athihm and eudeavored te cea- vine him that lie vvas mistaken, bot -with- eut effeet. Haealy get wore andi waree, anti at last tieclareti lis wae unable te meve, hie nose hati grown se heavy. When hae appiied te ms I at one teclaret tat ail ha saiti wçs true, bat that i lie îollowed my directions I thenght 1 ceuiti cure hlm. IlOu a day appointeti lie came te me anti I tiedia hantikerchief arountihisesys. bat previensly provideti a large hasia, filleti viitit builock's blooti, anti, caking hlm stand over it, bit hlm, a violent hlow upon the noce. Thon, eayinig, 1'take it away' toeîuy assistant, as if hae'vas hsaring a-way the servereti nasai organ, I dahbed semanetofthe blooti over my bande anti the p'atient's nese and remoeatithe bandage trem hbie syse. The plan worked successfuliy, andtinte pa- tient was cureti et hie deinsion. Strangeiy eneugb, witb persons efflicteti vwîth sncb a mania many et the cures are ,accidentai. An olti lady living in the nerth of Eigland getan idea into ber beati that she was matieofcf hina, were thickly mufflati shoes sud lived la a patideti reen for fear cf lireakage anti would caver drink anytbing warmi for tsar she wouid crack. Onenmorn- în g coming tiewn stairs ehe feil anti rolleti dewn a lengthy fliglît, anti finding tha' she hati suffereti ne damage but a few broises, sha saw jlaarly that the ideaseadt formeti cf lier ewni comptosition was a otistakeu oe. Siînilariy an olti paîsper lu a provini- cial work-lieuse dot the idea, into bis hat that 1b - was, aboyealal thinge, a codfish. Onae day the ilumahes et the wvork-beue wei re idged in a visit te the seaside. The 1)rmia, cli lunatie wae taken with the rte. Waiking along a pier the olti man soýmev sîumbied eover a repe anti faîl into the watar, where h l icdereti for soe time, but was evantuaiiy reecued liaîf drowned, but alfa -hually riti cf the idea that ns wva nacy way amphbiione. A Pubic Benefactor. Mn. Symm's bacle yard bai hean fer yaars infesteti with eas, wbtse veices ware,to the iast tiegrea, exaspa'-ating te hie narves,until eue uight, about a mon th ago, when a pecul. larlymalodione sounti floateti p opteiesliack windows. 1It was a geutie, ooetbing sonti of dei- clous timbre, anti wlile tetally differeot frem the yeillet an ordinary cat,it suggested what the voie eta calastiai anti glerifieti cat, ln another anti hettar worlîl, migbt ha. Mr. Symme listaneti withi admiration and tielight, ant i l a short tima vas luiedti t sionîber hy the icelodlieus voie. In the nieruiug an investigationnthte back yard racuiteti in the discevery et what was appareotly a uew species cf,,cimal,half et andI hait tin cao-a sort et connF cting linle hetwean liva cet sud cannti sausage. Iz appears tii', a dan, contaiuing a littie preserva'ti saimen, hati beau carelesely thrown into the hack yard. A prcdatory est liati equsezati ber hieati luto the eau, in order te get at the saimen, anti ati foundti iat the fragments et tin ereunti the mouth et the eau prev,.:,lier e fromwithdrawL-ng lier hîead. Ia the-e circumnetancas she wsdrt about the yard, 'blinti, anti unable te eseape, The voie aas se inodidati by tIse can,that it iost its lîarsh aid distinctive taline char- acter, anti hecaîne the tialicicue mue whtch hati charmeti Mr. SýYmm's miduight sar. Mr. Symme et once saw that tae meane of reodering ai the eas in the neighborhood liarmlece wae et hie commandi. Worth While. Itis eauyenough te ha plemaat Wheu lite flews sanog like a song, But the mac, worth while is the eue who wili ..ile -Wheu evarything gees deed wreug; Fer tha tast c« tha heant is trouble, And it alway.- comas witil the Yeams And ti e emîle that le worth the praises ef eaeth Ie the cintile that shines through tsars. 1h le easy eneugh te ha prudent Whec uothiug teoipte yen te stray; Wlîeu withont on withlu co voicesof sin Is luning yeur seul away. But>t î~eul anegative virtue Uctl i tetnifiby fine. And the lite that te worth the houer ot eartb' Is the eue that resîsts desire. 13y the cyclei, th asti the tallion Who had ne 'hreng'th for the s5tife/ The,-vrîdu highÏwayie cunthemredito-day; Thay imake up the item of life. But the virtue that ceuquers passion, And thesrrow that bides lu a simila, 1h le these thar are worth the hornage ef earth, Fer ws itsd thans but once ina wi le, -[Elle Wheeler X<'-ilcox. Left Till (Jalirr -or- An eitianly tioctor, w, 1 wseias peppery as a Cayenne poti, was 1 'em time ho time sprng upon by the prachicai joker. On ane occasion a well-dreset yonug feilow caliati anti seketithe doctor ho pre. scribe for a breakin1e eut andi a rash ou hie lot t arm. The docton examineti the iimb, anti prenouncest it te ha a bati case cf psoriasis anti ezama. "J suppose, doctor, yo4ceau cura it t saiti the patiaent. Wby, certainiy," rapiieti the tiocton. "Biow long wiii 1h hales te get wsll?" "Oh, 1 slioîîId ay about twe months," says the dochor. "Quite sors ? Je 1h a bati casf,," "Positivaiy the worst I'va ceeu." "Tien I will isave 1h witb yen anti eau for it again wheu etîrei, " solemniy saîithe patient, slewly tnntaetening bis arm, wbicli was an artificial oe, anti paintati for the cea sien. Sir Joshua Reynoldis, ieaviog bis house, thboght tise lampe wPre trans aud the meu anti woen bushas agaihateti hy the breeze. Tl ESA 11 H S o OT-Iý , STOOE--U0 loths, Tweeds, WTrsteds and ngs of ail kinds, forcmen, youths boys, were neyer exicled aud, prices neyer more moderate. Two reasons why you are certain to be beuefitted ini trading at the old reliable Gents'- furnishiug store are tha,,t we keep on]y reliable goods and th.ey are sold at Iowest[ living plrofit. Our customer-s eau depend on getting, weli-made, good fitting and stylishly cut clothing, at prices to suit ail pockets Fulllines of'Ties, Collars, Cuffi, Braces, 1clkerý- chies, etc If you wauat a suit this Spring you. will please s-oii and benefit yourself by looking through oui' magnificýent l'iock at the "Star> two doors east of the iPost O(YcBo'u(u Microbe Killer Eri rches the blooti and gii-es tone and strength te the whoie systom Microbe Killer G;ves buoyancy of spirits, straugth andi health to ail u3arà o, iL Microbe Killer Dosais, bs3caus3 its main constituent je Oxygen, Naeu1re's emd Microbe Killer Used in siakese l no exparimat, crude draps andi muerah a _ra. Microbe Killer lIe the greate3t fouie- for tireti men ancl woms3n e ver Prue. Microbe Killer Correcte ail boduily disorderae eaily, if tekea-ils titne, u2ee-f raeiy. .Microbe, Killer, Purifies the blocti and tissues by driving eut th3 living ere Microbe Killer ilas ne equsi as a rheuma-tic specifc; cures guaranteti For Sale by Higginbotham & TSonri AGENTS FORUOMNVLE Prices $1 and $3, according te size. WM ADAM MIDRO0B8E KI LLER C,00 lTD VWliiîbc plea8ed once in Ituanti(y, twice h l u*fi1hiy, and Iircee lime§ -in Friûe who insPeCCtIhe uinequalled a«,s1sýOrtmcnt Pf Slippers, RubberjLýs, Trunlks, Valises, &, At Our Store, as-BEAVER BLOCK,-EDIBownâan il 1.e BIQGEST STORE, BJG&EST VARIETY, BIQGEST VALUE. Everybudy invited to Cati andlsee Our' new l utev TEESHCR I1. LTý (CUT PLUG.) (P L U G.) No o'dher brand of Tobacec, has ever en-- joyed such an immene isale and popularity i'S« the same period as this braud et Cut iPlug and Plug Tobacco. C ut Plug, loc. l hg, ',Oc. Slb Pu,2e

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